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My leadership philosophy starts with personal relationships.

I have to have the trust of

those I am leading, this comes through personal relationship. Being vulnerable with others and

getting the same in return helps build these trusting relationships. Leading by example is the only

way to help change someone’s actions. If I do not work hard, if I am not moral, and if I do not

care the people I am leading will do the same. Lastly, those who are empowered with confidence

will perform. Giving those around you confidence to be great will make whatever you are trying

to accomplish possible. All of these elements create a respected and well rounded leader that

people will follow.

Building a relationship requires trust from each person. To get someone else to trust you,

you must give some away to that person. Giving someone a task and moderating them while they

do it is a great way to build trust. Just having a friendly relationship with them before a

professional one also builds trust. If there is already common ground between the two parties it

will be much easier to accomplish the tasks at hand. Vulnerability builds trust as well. For
example, within our household The Prodigal Sons, we have intents, a big part of being an intent

is trust, as we are responsible for these men and their formation. I spent hours with each of these

intents individually, meeting with them for lunch, inviting them places, and opening up about my

experience with household. This is what gave them the ability to trust us as a household to be

able to help them walk the path to Christ. As a leader, we must open up to those around us and

put our selves out on the line for others to do the same. Telling people personal stories about

your life and how they impacted who you are to day is a great way to be vulnerable. Others will

be inclined to tell you who they are and why they do the things they do. This will help you better

understand them as a person and how they work. Personal relationships involve sacrifice. You

must truly give yourself to others and give them your time.

The biggest reason for success is confidence. If one is confident, they can accomplish so

much more than someone who questions their abilities: “When students are trusted, have choices

in how they do their work, feel in control, and have ample information, they’re much more likely

to use their energies to produce extraordinary results” (Enable Others to Act). In my personal

experience with sports, confidence will determine whether you play well or not. For example, in

basketball when someone I know has confidence in me to make a shot passes me the ball, I

usually make the shot. However, confidence is many times impact negatively or positively by

external factors. Those factors being people. If those around you are empowering you to take the

next shot or make the next play in sports, your confidence will grow tremendously. However, if

the opposite occurs, then one will not be able to perform to their potential. This concept also

goes along with life in general, we need self-confidence to be the person we aspire to be. As a

leader, we must empower people to have confidence in themselves to be successful. To help one

grow in confidence, you need to give them something to succeed in. Delegating is the perfect
way to help others grow their confidence and be better versions of themselves. Placing your

confidence in someone to complete a task speaks volumes to that person. They now know that

you believe in them and it will cause them to believe in themselves. Once the person has

completed the task at hand you have to acknowledge their success. This lets the person know

they have done a good job and that they are good enough to make the play or get the job done.

However, success is not defined by As in the grade book, wins, or money earned. Success is the

ability to learn and grown.

For people to listen to you and have trust in you they must see that you too are willing to

put in the work to be great: “Titles are granted, but it’s your behavior that earns you

respect”(Model the Way). Leading by example is the main way to inspire those around you to be

better. This starts with the leader himself, he must be a moral and virtuous man. One that people

look at, and say “I want to be like him” or “he acts like Christ”. As a leader you must walk the

talk and act in accordance with your speech. Your speech must be mature and up lifting.

Negative leaders, never accomplish anything, they degrade others and do not allow them to

fulfill their full potential. If you are positive you give others confidence and let them do great

things. Your speech must also be mature, cursing and making fun of others make people lose

respect for you and leads them to talk the same. To lead by example, you must have confidence

in yourself. You have to know that you are the man for the job and let others feel that with your


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