Leading by Example

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The big idea from this chapter came from a quote from John Banghoff

when he was speaking of why he stayed with the marching band:“I realized
that the marching band was something that I still wanted to be a part of
because it gave me the opportunity to play the trumpet and that I should work
on my own feelings of gratitude for the experience rather than focusing on
parts that weren't what I wanted.” John was hazed and saw men he looked up
to drinking and forcing others to drink as well, he completely questions his
decisions to be in the marching band. He realized however that is was
something he loved to do and in order to stay in it he would have to step up
and be a leader and make some things change. This is similar to my own
experience with Household. I joined with two of my buddies and two people I
was not very close with. My two friends dropped and I was left with a bunch
of people I barely knew. After reflecting, I realized that I had no reason for
joining this household. At this point I did not even like what it stood for.
However, I changed my mindset, I realized that I could make a change rather
than complain. From that day on I started thinking of ways to better this
household and eventually I was elected coordinator and could really
implement some change. I am now trying center the Household back in
relationship with Christ. I am not doing a perfect job of it but I am working on
it. I implemented a few more commitments. We added a night prayer on
Tuesday nights, and Red Light; which is where we go in front of the strip club
in Weirton and pray a rosary. I also added a few changes to the intent process
that should help the intents center their lives in Christ and help them value
what is important in life.
1. How many times do we follow a “tradition” or a “stereotype”
because we are too afraid to stand up for what we believe in?
2. Does forcing people to show up to things take away the value of the

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