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Les Piegl Wayne Tiller The NURBS Book i Second Eation with 34 Figures in 58 Pats serkin date New or adapt’ Hone ong a | Springer | | Pro De. Lat igh Univer ofSouts Flora Department of Compute Science snd Eagaerng ower Avent ENG ‘Tampa FLansto9y.USA Dr. Wayne Tiber soy6Ridgetop Road Tye THs 908, USA san 54.6548 ade Spiga Bela Hes Ne ok tats ospoa sted Senger Vo Ben Hedle Mee York SE eet ns cr-cihohn Fog thewuan ce eth were So Sa cohen Sting oi here nro hears terete ere ee emanates SEEE as cemcgemincnaarentorea Saat pea eaten ea ne Sel irate day Rytl gent dor un, gels ene toe cus Ses fa pee a at ch Eine uepctone tan poncvmudsgansnr eft ‘ryan othe memory of my mater Ann, and tomy father Sion bP. ‘Tomy grendmotber, Ferm Marae Dos, an oth meri of ‘ny aronpaens, James Raney Bos, Post Webs Tiler, and Alert Carl Tiler wer FOREWORD all eety pn care aden (NURS) wr pic finer othe epee ga oman we ty ave beth tana cr Ss dctin Tsay we me song ped as of URS nln ce {re vol ayant Sel rn india eee [NURS ar wow ho eg ler ong somo itl aly npn, ‘That apts ie epee to ee Cama gue spit "The ARTRRS Bot tobe par ote Mone Vl Comsat Se pln ars and ue ave Sue a nung cat teh yo ‘esol ie Tos to ln af Mathoatind Bonet for Comper. Ops, [ablated in 12, wa the Got cmp ied daft Soyer ph {Seta ect marl on Dupin Tha meal wa eed ath te {od pms il Gordon Lo Knapp he hey mew a Src Unies ‘inperfmie, pesos! rng th Sumi a 9?» Sanyal Ate ‘nt Ye goss ong on compte et ip uta dg wa pay {he esto examine the we of bape avi i, lea atcation that sated Lae Pg nd Way Tiers ok ‘apy hey hve cgi a alae ed wth The ARES Bok doping the material fo he bon, they dow oh sone wee al exeree with NURS to athe aber comes set 8 ‘Screamer The pnts sess dat. Toe wry ‘thomas emt ith cera atc oad eth done ase‘ sigs (ty fi an te pene) we wl oh at 1 mail pega Inthe ters ferry, wc dee) the boa mw cpa puaed “a meatal ak Ty a cet td Instn be ‘Bn srs and sce eon thorn work of Pare Bk othe satya Peogs cme ea nr Dap en sateen st Te ees usando rata! Was se NORE, the pnd he Te in sont hy ate tal ome og Pal tol ppepnte to aSowig ny pear oig wth oth Les Pig ed Wagar tinge poet ten PREFACE. ‘Non Unies til Spay commealy reed to at NURBS, hte bce {hee fa nt stand fe repre, Sa ae encang o ‘mtn ration prc comptes May tl ud interna sta {ie 168, STEP, od PRIS, nie NURS ne power oor rete ‘Spa "Fis cormoc ncn Und NUR lg dof tha “MURS poi © uid mthnate ba fr rere Both sae ‘apes ohm on stale yl ae es, {MURS alate et nd url tbe tn sn ne ant, mato, pre sed pps rojo + NURS ws urine Bep sail dee ‘Teena mht ad alrite opr cnbned with scl an pean, ve conf te emt pala NUNES NUNES Hey SeST a CAD wr ini Beh gs “in prpnc sort bse tt esas pp he tue that tos ced the ty seit pv» ne one ‘paps del minty with the mathematics of splines, which stay camplex and requis ead whaling sith. Ts bok» sted a te wenge nges eb pl bean day ols math ot tinge Site iecuasucuskecees ale + raed the ale aatar andpd impertan en ‘Sout tah ba cma taal dcp noe ew ye + dlp cone NURS Hey, ced MU ¥80. ‘Th ‘vl, and ie cmbins ne and wold stare practices app feu son th we dae, + ed ind im a tno eed nei eit {ip handrown gure co gar resect compel se ee ar pm opt al ofthe compen th ee 1) the Bok a (Totjttonve ree, 2) Mb we is re las oe ag 638 of ‘Sito and) orator wo ape te bck ath sous Ui irre tna th nh oat fete ha et hdd we te oly (act soutng tb nde at Popa) 115901800 tye rags, whch roughly eet Some yeas ago fw rears oted about NURS sayag that the acronym really sui Nosy Untostands Rata B Spee sit itu elas ei in i fry eed yh ea 1 Ee cng th ssyes NURS we EUS that Beeb Undestns ‘steel Spee cms hee opin aro and gps oo ‘tle prorancin Te kh hl tl te mt apa ‘hr tn presale Weoley Rag A At ul pind Dr ln er ia “emir hs bok int ev Te ss hn any mst apr calegus nny haere er cote meng ‘isumne able gi, speed gal snip The) aon who thy ue lg rel me nepord iapart te Ratonal Scenre oanaton tira GCI DTT ana othe Unrest Sth Pe ly ane ‘gato he Fa igh Teg a! ns Cone a 8s rn) Springing elt plat cone the Boo Apart being hcg na ole ‘rin tin 4 a 3 eel detain son 8.3, Woy Tier CONTENTS Cuapren Oxe Curve and Surface Basics Li Inpbt and Parameti rms 1 12 Power Base orm 2 Carve 5 13 Baler Carer 5 14 Rational Ber Carer % 15 Tensor Product Sra u Eres a CHapren Two B-Spline Basis Functions 21 Introduction « 22 Danio and Proper of apie Biss Fustnae o 23. Dermtins of Bie Bass Futetone = 24 Prther Propecia ofthe Base Panetine a 25 Campattionl Algseina or rere 8 (Cuapren Tanse Besplive Curves and Surfaces 21 Introduction 32 TheDetaton aad Propet of Bpiie Cares 21. The Derivatives a Bape Cure 4 Datniion and Proper of BsplieSuraes 34 Derivative of «Bee Sue Broce ‘Cuapren Four Rational Bpline Curves and Surfces 42 Delton and Propertie of NURBS Carns au 45. Deities of « NURBS Curve ms 44 Dinton and Properties of URS Surtaces 1 45 Dera of NURS Surface 136 rome ry Cuapren FIVE Pundamental Geometric Algorithms SL teraction 82 Kot mere S| 52) Kove Reine SA oot Remora 55. Degee Heaton 58 Degree Reaction Bares Cuarren Six Advanced Geometric Algothms ‘61. Poin Tvenon and Projction for Cures and Sues {62 —Srlce Tanger Vosor Iverson 163, hanson and Projections of Curve and Surfiows 4 Reprunetrination of NURS Cares ad Suroes 15 Carve and Suro Revera 186 Cameron Beton Bapline ad Precrie Power Bass Forms Beni Cuaprer Seven Conics and Circles TA Ineodetion 12 Vato Forms fr Reprseating Conic: 13. The Quadra Ratna Bir Are TA ale Coat Pons TE Craton of Cole: Th Contra of Conk TE Conic Type Chsifoton usd irs Comerson TA Migier Order Ccoe Soe Cuarren Bicitr Construction of Common Surfaces AL Ietrodction 82 Bila Src 43° The Genel Clie MA The Ral Stace EE The Suror of rvotton 6 Noemie Saigo Src BY A'Thrn sided Spal Srtace Cuapren Nive Curve and Surface Fitting 81 Introduction 52 Ghia lntepaaion 521 Global Curve lerplation to Point Data 822 Gioia Care lterplation with Bad Drvatives Spc 823 Cable Spline Cure interpolation 162 m2 i - an ae 281 1 ae BEEGSHe 8 SRSER S322 a 924 Global Curve Interpolation with Fst Deities Specie 525° Ghtal Sars leerplataa 23. Local latesplation 931, Loca Carve lerpintion retinas 932 Lal Paraole Cure nterpaation 933 Lea Ratsnal Quadratic Cre Inerpation S34 Loo Cubic Curve Interpolation 835 Local Bei Surface Interpolation 94 Global Appeimation B41 Laat Squares Curve Approioation 042 Waghed and Contaeed Laat Squates Curve Fiting 543 Laat Square StticeApproination B44 Approcimtien to Within a Speaed Accracy 35 Local Spproination D1 Lael Rational Quadratic Curve Approximation 582 Lica Nonraioa Cite Carve Approximation = eres CHaprer THN Advanced Surface Construction Techniques 102 Seung Sure : 103 Shined Surface : 104 Swope Surfexe 105 tera of «Biotin Carve Netw 108 Goon Srace (CuaPren Eueven Shape Modification Tools 1 letodetion 112 Conta Pit Roping 113 Weight Modan 3.1 Modesto a One Carve Weigh 1132 Modan of Two Nehboring Carve Weights 113.3 Modis f One Sice Was 114 Stage Operators ida Weping : 42 Flawonng HA3 Bending 115 Constr tiod Curve a Suis Shaping 1131 "Contrib Curve Modiesion 1182 Gomlrin- teed Susace Modiestion Cuapren Twetve Standards and Data Exchange 122 Kr Vectors 124 Nite Within te Stands re ie 0 sn ut ca 132 133 res STEP PICs: Data Esch oan fo NUS Sytem Caaeren Tureen B-spline Programming Concepts 13 i ny Ba Intact Data Type and erably Data Stnctures Mamaey Aleestin ror Conteh Drihetc Hoang Example Prams ‘Addin Stree 13.40 System Sucre References Index S888 CHAPTER ONE Curve and Surface Basics 1.1 Implicit and Parametric Forms “The oo mat common mth of epeeting curve and sues In grmetrc ‘noicng ae ipl ston sed pret functions. “The ipl eqaton oa are png the ype haste frm fs) "Theqation dibs on np reonap betwen the an 9 eordnaes tthe pln ying onthe curr: For a given curve the equine Up T'poranetsc frm acho te corinate «pint om the ear epee ental prs ae ncn ofa independ preter ‘Tis, C(y sa yctn salad faction othe Inkpen wriabe w. Although ‘eter fasta smal seman to 1} The Bis ant tf the cle shown sn Fig Ll dette bythe prametie facios a) = oat) rr Siting ~ ta) one can derive the aerate epresttaion aon 1s woazts ostst on Pe 11. Ace fra cane th ni. 1a sitive to tink of C(a) = (s)he path acd ot by 2 te afc fie te ie tae, a the eater {al The Bint and second derivatives of Ce) ae the vot and aseration Fike pil pctv Dieting Ee (01) and (12) one ys he cw le co Dao) = (~ sis cm) =" m-2) 0st) (bp tame) Note tat the magnitde of the vec eco, C's), constant (Creo = Ya) re0e) = 1 ‘a, the diction fhe pate nang wih Line, bt ts see constant. "Thiet fred to se enform poumetonction Sebetiting#=O apd = 1 Into C(t) ysl C0) = (0,2) and CH) = (-10) bey he far starting pedis tice seg speed (Figure 12) "Rsrtace ded by an inp eqtion ofthe form flzny2) = 0. An ex samples the pre ow uu cere theo showin Pgare 13 and ‘ocd by the equation yf st =O. A prnmetic repreventtion (mt ue) of he same sphere ea by 8,0) = (a(eehe us sue) where (40) = sno) 0) = sn ato) Ha) eau) 0 as mpl and Parametsie Forms 3 ew ie 12. Wok tans Ca) ad (0) at t= 0a Notice that two parameters ar req to die aera. Holling fed ‘nd ying © peer the adil of tho ep; halding ed and ‘eying gees he opal nes. Fie 15. A pee fi emt a he in ‘Denote the partial drains of $0) by S00) = (Bale) Bee salece)) nd Se(ee) ~ fears) sere, a(ee)y eee ects along ‘ital aed lng! nes At any poe onthe fice whee the vector ‘om proc 88 does noth, the uni oral weer, Nols gen iFiewe 1) ye S28 BS) “The extnse of s normal vector a spin, andthe cresponding ange puns om ome oper of he surface independ ofthe paaieron Ditectprsutaeatons give dierent paral derivatives, but Ea, (1) aways ‘lo N provided the denonator doce ao vars From Ba. (13) can Be SE no all 0 < 9 2x, Syl) = Syl.) = 0, tha, 8s alae ‘Sith eoth and Sth pole of the pte Cll, normal vectors do exist 1 et ploy but ode hs pseertion By, (18) cant be ed £0 fonpate them, “OF the pli and pramtric fos it to maa that one i vgs more apropinte than the eter Blk ve thr vantage oe ‘hentaper Gucci geomet modeling done wig both tchgues A ‘Sompatn ft two etd flows ws ewe 14 Pati ie and eit sea wears of Power Base Frm of Carve 5 + By alings coin he arnt mtd ity tended tree RIAU Cave inte Sneesoal pce, Ot) = aha) {ert dr lyse cares esp 2 or) pe “Te eanburons osepeamt bond cre sept 0 mice pace) ‘help ane fomdainc a Sb pam ‘nought buon Sk pram On the ober hed, tnounied mot (ee, ssp sige Se pen ty fle) = ar seat) Bed alent win ameter, «Parone cares pases mtu dicton of ral (om Cl) to Ci) ro cae 8); plc cares dont, Hence, ery wo eerste sat tnss tats sng spect sue Ail stone Sn erences plo race «The prune mor aor or desing ad woreseting hein ‘Testy Th outers fy prune nce, ae a opi panes cenreie gome ncace, Tis altro tatu dee mst snd uate thls vhs ai i «The complenty of may omic peaions ad asp depends ‘aly nib tid opens wo cane camps mp pit on car orc = the mp em ens pit deter Hon the ure res Bein Sart rm, + tthe pret frm, ots omen deal wi parts TES Wi oe uve to ae gemuiy A xanpe hr te it ‘hee (ne Balt) The pone person eed pans ih ae ecg ia boca te pls seo errs as 5a pa on top We ar concen sls exchaely wit paramctri foms inthe remainder of hs book Dare dead o plc aed paruteie frms ean be fan a ‘Nanda es (Pl, Mort Ha Boe) 1.2 Power Basis Form of a Curve Chay by alhing the connate functions (ead (a) te ab tery, we Obtain spot arty af cares, Hower, there ae adele when sep gem deng sem. Tea sani rai + ce cpable of precy repeating alte cures tbe uss of to ay oot «are cy, iceland accurately proces ia conpate, in paste we s par ~ the computation of pols and drat onthe curves is ices ~ mame procening oth functions ie ela inesv to Bat ng poi rum eer the feos rogue ile memory for storage, + ac snp and mathematically ell understood Arey sod clas of faetins ithe pljoolals. Although ty sti the Ltt ere ht, the ae umber f porta curve (and Sura) types mich cannot be precy repeated sia polyoma thee ‘ares st be approsimate in stems using plysnil a this ecto ec {he nex, we stay tro comma ethos of exping polyamines, ower ts and Bear, Although atheratealy equal, we wil se hal {he Beir method i fr eter ted to vprsating and manipulating shape Ante por bas curve gen by C0) = (ona). = San asus G8) "Them (2) ate veto, ence Yaw ve)= Sou 6) = Paw! eat frm Ba, (15) 8 mons of (We write ow vector asthe transpuo of enn vector) ‘idee Ba (1.8) ye lal (wl a) 4) were O(n i the th deiatine of Cla) at w= 0. The n+ 1 ations, [ells ac cal the bis (o nig) factions a he (a) the cows of thn per bass epeseaton Gena, he pt Cl) os omer base curve moat fel cnputed + fr degee = 1: Cus) = ave #25 + dre = 2: Clas) (ata +04) o0 0 Fee = 0: Clan) = (Canta 9-2)ua aa) tw Fo my The gene loth onour (420.0 Te empate point poowr basis curve. +/ © for (it; 00; 6) } Ds impos" ava i carpus © = vata: "Sona ail Examples Bet.t na. Cl) v taps 0 Aerie le) sly) = m( Beige ale)— Brana) with Bsg st) = Baas) Pique La shows the dito of Bi, aod Figure 1.18 states al (he ate dete fncionn igue 133 (Conn) ey 118 (Come) rm Bg. (18) we bave Bf quadratic Boren patois ae sig property P26, the Linear and aslo) =(1— 9) Bool) +08 Byala) = (1a) Biala) + Boa) = Bola) = (1) Baa) Hu ag(e) = (WP? Bua) ~(1~ wu) + wBaa(y) = (1 veut 8) = 2 0) Baal) = (1= w)Baao) + whale) = Pig 1.14 Te rcs din th Brat atom Baier Curves 18 Bs Ba | - g o t My Ra ® gue 118, Drain (6) The dative Ble) in terms of Baa) ad Bel (Ft its tes ea Be ym Bialul oe So iat Propet P16 yikes algrithns to compte vals othe Rene polyoons ato ai of, Alga A tmp the wale Bee) fr ood w: Tho computation of Bi dept inate 1 sco 2 2 a valu ofa tarnteinpegeaiah. +/ a , h soe 0) Je cngte on os +/ ba a cai reroenen sce Aaah cepa tear of 2 fs as ry Ne 1s fs Sn ‘Aesth 1,3 compte he nt degwe Barn promi wich . sot Mm ac ns stay compro 0 rms The Stites Se ae rect ce 2 anernetsite.8) ie 11 Te comption a ss bo S fy Smut mde aaa pga. +f bec ial J+ Output: Can array, B{0),...,B0R1) +/ a aio) tar oan fe Foe ations 369 os = as wed = 0.0; ms as For ace He a Be tte oe ae, a ns ; : ) ae . Alert 1.4 combines 41.9 and Eq (1.7) to compute the pot om an =P Soe dee Baer curve a aed ae er Tepe +f 1) 7a 42/8 deca array #/ ke) G+ e+ BIkloPORs } property P17 ey to dv the genoa expe fr the div tov of Baer cave cw = Pin Ho a9) ‘mn Ba, (19) we ely obi formu fr te at drvatvs of» Beer CH= MMR) CO) =MKo——2F.+ PD C0) =n Pra) CFA) =n HEP 2Pas + Pees) (10) Notice om Ba (2.9) an (1.10) that "the deine ofan ne dere Br curve an (1) Bier «the eprenions forthe nd rvs at = Oa = 1 are ymmtrle (Gas a eu, to the symmetry of the bs Fant) «the hh eave a an not depends (a a poetry very ntve ‘une wey onthe ke control points tat end ad Ca) = Fk Bato) Pe Ton iu) = (WR 42d a) = w(( wR +4P)) Fal P tH) ‘Tis, Cl) io cbtaion ae the lear nerolation of two st dgres Beir ‘ue inpstsar ay oust oa Cu bla y the nen interplons. ang and = ating Pi = (1) a a6Ph, Pig = SP aod Pap) Pie Sou ioe C0) Froth tow ne ‘Dentin eels dng sir ure ty Oxy Pa have af Pa Pl aay * 8 Fre LITA placa ce sr cary repaid ier inertia t= 2 24 Curve sd Sarice Basie "This lr the ecu eit of the functions oP. 6), ng ro a denoting P. ty Poy Ba (lt) yes arcu alg for Sampling the pon Cle) = Py) a deg exer curve 8 dmyrult reread tft Peal) ine (132) uation (1.12) ie elle the deCaselion Atori (e [Bosh dCs, sa) sn cur cuting proce (re Faas 1.16 and 1.17) which yl the {eg table of pointe sown i Tble 13 stare jt P2,0,0) (C7 Geapate‘poat on a Bezier curve */ fo Netag aetartenjou fo Tapes Pyar arpa: €'Ca potas) tor (dy Leong hoe) fe Un 20ead anray 20 00 do ot #/ ‘0 = Plas 1 decoy conteol posses */ tor (eri kom E08) for (10; Semedy $60) OL) = GowdeoEi) + wealien; c= ala: ) Wo conch this section with »comparion of te Bier and power basis mito Clay, te Base orn the more geometric of the two. sion {10 tostor wih convex nla vara timing properties “Tht 1.9 Pere yt det y Pus B Pan Pao = Clu) Rational Bane Cares 25 ‘Blaercare nce xtble fr interactive curve sgn Th sont point give {he dsgnr ae nitive hale on car shape than do the power bass ‘caticents. Furie, te dCasalja slain ls pre to round-o teva than Horner's alg, This tataely car when econo ‘he easel algrithm snp repeated ner intarpoltion between pot, tlle which ea the vst oft curve ‘The oly diundvantge af the Baer form ttt pot wraluatne i le acento Agog Ay AIA, and 215, ond Exercise 118 ltr in the capt 1.4 Rational Bésier Curves Next wo nto the nae of rational curves and homogeneous cordate ‘Toilstcate tha sonsepa weve sbi itedotion to rftnal Diss curves ‘Ths ere ae spc ese of vatoal pine carves ands auch are eta ‘nor compete sgroly in ubmoqene capers ‘hough payoomlals oder mnayedvanages, Chere exit number of em porte cure and sufce type nich ennme i repented pel ig, Paloma e, cls, lier, hyperbole, idem conser ee As {Sh example’ we fie poo tnt the wnt cet te 2p Fl, ceed {he rig, camot be represented ising polyol coordinate fein To the oni us ease it HW) Sag Fann hos tage wo) = by hho a ‘Thea #49? 1 =O pis hat Om (abet aca + et ton (+881) + 2a, +B (f+ anes +B Ad? FPO rag 206 HH Bayt Montane + Babes) (0h +H ‘his eqution mut bold or ll wich apes ha ll oeiceas ax 2 Starting wth Ue highest dere and woking doen, we ow mate at ll a=daad = O6et Si en Step 1 +08 =O pion 2 0 48 4B be = Dan ity a A 26 Cue Sure Base ant ha = Dad Step = ply ao Dar “is (0) = ay eds) = yw a ion contin. Tsilaben om ca atnatcr tn lth ie eave ndatlog theca be eject song rata, oi ae old he ‘if ve penn eye epee clei Xu) ¥(u) 2028 eo FB wre Xa), ¥(0) and W() ae pyaar ici fe te te rami a ay) Example ai.8 Ciel fais 1 centred tthe rg ww ES wa xt.9- alge, centered at he vgn th pai the major a the 8 {emir sian the major ad iar ad are an 1, eet 20) ‘x. 10 Hyper, centr at P= (0, “The lower anc (with verter at aw) ‘1.14 Parabol ete atthe rigs the ri a of emery a=" te Notice that he pars ds nt regu rina factions, The reader should said thew Rance, For the ele opaton say to cha lees m (asta) om the wee contend tthe orn G60)" + (0) = Define an ater rational Bir cure by (Fo Pig; Fos, 9) Sain, y= Se ———— oes SoBalun i oa Bi) a ee me Ete ety sia cw, me Or al Te ‘soa tt Wie) > Sarallwe ol Woe ay) a where Rag(o) = Pee Dates ‘he fal) we he rl a te re rm Fe 138 Seti Sete ge Tas tl Somos “eee ih an aly ee oy (1:18) an ee eer fares a mrs Rafe) 2 Oe ina04 M9 pont ty Re) = hea 0) test) Pst Mea to msi ne era Psa ihoe bral th Ro) = Bol) ale he ge) ea ‘special ease of the R(u) a “hee he ig pot pt ain Bae Pome lpi eter oa cone ae he Semmens 14 tn tin a eg Sic tecac ieee a ce "finn pn ec 16 spat trie C0) = Wat) LAr Gh danas apn oh lt Qa) 8 Set aa das ncaa ce Soon Rewari Re wep se pent Be ce come ed Bs ar ° Pgs 136 Rainal ae 0) Das ons () Baer care Example ‘12 Le coder he anal Bie ele ae represents one quant of he uni ea shown in gue 1.198. We ow deve Ue qusdrae rata! Base veprsettion of hs celar Se Cheat om Pte and P2-47, Bye 10) B= (lly aed PL (0:1. Rare wags we hae Woo) = 1408 = YPaladuy = Ww +201 — wos + ie 118 Reretation th wit (9) 36a) = = 8849) a ya) = C48) fr ear () the Ber petting, igs tite (ay Leandra) Suhaiuting = O yields wy = 1 aod u = 1 yds we = 2, ily uetiting = Yel f= eww + Hany ad wing y= 1 Sd y= 2 lds I (we Figure L100), atin carves with cordate fein inte frm of a, (11) (on ut sen donot) hae an leat erm terpettion whi len Dosing and eompact data slrage "The tent in mayen eon tates o repent alton curve n-ne spe 2 ppl carve 18 (e+ 1lmensioal sce ae; Rie; Pat). ete sar wh ‘point in trerdinenional Pacis space, P~ (yr), ‘Toea Pk ten se PY a rsuysuzye) = (XYZ) omental pan, 2 DN is cbtaon fram Pty diving al cardia by the fourth coetinate, W, Te ky mapping P fot the xin tothe yperplae W’ = (oe Fgue 12 fi the two-diensosal cae, P [Gbs) we ection (Y.2) KW =O 9) Notice ta fo arbitrary 2.3, Wee ws M(PP) = H{lexsvexyee)) = (58.2) (wgss0nnv2ne))= AP) Now fra give st of conto pints, (Pad waits, (4), cota the (weeny). Ten dei the nnrtiona i“ ow Sarr i) me | ‘Then, applying the ppetve map, H, to C™(0) yields the comesponding rational Beer cure of (14) (oe Figute 1.21), that by wring ut the ‘ordinate inetons of Ba (117), we st X¢ Toatwwes Yo0)= So Aalvdaa 20) Salen Wed =PBelod ecto be crv in hee diene pcr TAalormn xu, mu) a0)= = Yaa YE Balornae SAalohw > Bn(s)ne Sto et tn Eaatomiane) {Ga = a), fu, 2) = Laat Eastome (as) ‘32 Carve and Surfs Basics Fig 121A ome contraction of tna Base ave or algritms inthis took we primarily us the form svn by Ba, (17), ‘and an anaigps form fi rtd! ple curves. Ths, nonrational orm ‘re proamed in Souinenional space the rents ae ae hee ‘Senna space sing the map 1 We ree ntcangealy to either (0) ‘2 Cu) asthe rational Be or B-spline) crv, although sly peng, {C-(e) oot eaten curve Examples e118 Lat w flue the cola of Figure L1GK. We awe Py = (1,0), <0, B= (Oi), and wy = hy wy = 1p wy = 2 Bos or i (1:17) the toe dimensional ate pit ar 0, Py (G21) and PY = (0.2.2) Thon C* (a) (La) BG (00) Pe Py ina paaboe ar (onto, what projects eno a cela ‘eon the W =I plane (ne Figure 122) a wy be fed. Since C¥(w) & pljuomlal Blk cure we us ‘he dasa alpithm to compate C=) suboquety, Cs) 1H(C" (oa): Tia we apply B02) othe PE Pro) (a) Pract PE ne tr { Pipe 122 A homoge peentton fel 1.14 Let us aply (119) to compute the point at w= 4 09 te rtioaa Bescr cular we of Example 113." The are glen by CC) (WRG MPEP note Pen (0) = Ja Tale LA. Then Cl) = ACCA) = HAC 0) = Ch 48 Now lt ws compute the pit using the ther epeetations we have Sevloped: Let c= Cray Tee, ‘Tle 1A. Genation of te oie C°() 08 the aon any ona moe (Mh o(2)-Yaaqoer- (-G)Joso ot e-( +(Joae one} Projecting yids (946 Bauaton (1.18) and (118) ye the sae ro inal we not that CA) = (9 isnt te mip oth ear sein the frst quadrant te, the parmeteintin ot frm (et ‘Seca 11) The pot ($e) wore thar bal the we age om {he stating pot This ete cnr, ince by deen, {Cla oe case tat the starting sped tice the end speed 1.5 ‘Tensor Product Surfaces ‘The carve Ca) veto vl function of de pruetar. Be a mapping (Getrmaton) of eaigt ine spect into Bulan thee diensoal mae ‘Asura vectr‘aladfeton of wo paratypes ‘napping of tein, Rf Uwe ple nt Eucsan thee dines ype, ‘Thos thas the ora So) ~ (ee), 0) aCe), (ye) € Re Tha ate ‘many scnmes for epeeting sue en Pog, 9] ad he many ‘elon ced in [Pig They ifr he corns fats td the pe of ein R. Probably th saat thot and the one mcs widely ‘ued in geome modeling spect ete ouor pat eb, Th {the metho we ue nth eer otis bck “he enor product method baci a eto! crv sche. 1s ‘ifn and genet cet, Te bss fncions are ait ane tonsa and which are canst an prac of wna ba funtons “Tensor Product Surfaces 3 ‘The gometric ofits are aranged (polly) i bidietional ne tet hans tomor product surace ba the oe 8(u0)= (urh alae) alae) = So hlelledy (20) a {tezeomes [Noe thatthe (1) domino hi mapping aque (a etangl,n geo). ote ao tha a) hn a mati frm (ue) = [AGF Ub Hla see fie? 8)» (01s vt] + 3) (0) cua ‘Wear [age (wf 1) matted! it “sto empl we solar be power bss ua sd = 5 Sante tof iasel (SEE ESM ay Wo have ff) =o ado) =o nd tho ase fntione ae the products, [We Wwe xu yen Cfo) = Su EldwulEoww am wee yf) = au es per as carving othe rae, (4). Smarty, Cu omer Seine gon Sea he ee Ga) a Go) rs ‘ocurnes) Cyu(e) i ell a.» curve, Cy(s) a u curve (ee Figure 1.23). ‘vation (UN) can be writen a 5ls.9) = {ane tae + aaae? ttt) ufgvo tana age toot anae™ ee tease tm tt aan) Mage tani haga bo ta abet baw a bt Boat i= ~ Fre 1.2 A tener pod sae shoving pram cis ‘The terms inthe braces ar imple polyoma that can be evalatd by the oroerAlgith (4-1), ying by by by. Using the be and eapplying ‘healer, ww obtain the pn onthe raze’ "Taar wave Algorithm 4-6. 10,00.8) ‘point on s pover backs surface. «/ er for (1s eon 400) Wo,b(s)0; /+ a(2)0 40 the $08 row +f Algorithm A.6 stp ofthe alorithns or tnsrprodutsracs. They qn cite eeing tc alrtin eny pe Ing th mor) row foc (curves) none eto, ten proces ne or mote ows in th the ition ietetating Ba, (21), we oan EE! su S00 Noho that for Bed (ut), Sul) = Con) ade) ‘The aormal tr, N, compote tang oasis Beir nares re obtained y taking ideo tof om ‘wo poms ad prods ofthe unlarite erst polynomial SH0)= FT Aaleibalhy OSmvst — (2H ‘he bas funsion Bya(u)B sf) shown in Figure 12s, and gure 1.205 shows «quadratic ete Beier ure Cale) = 84009) = SF Ble )Binl Ps 0) (Saacuns) Sanwa aay LF ialw)Ry FeO. vere Q(t ‘se Baier curvelying on the sutce. Analogy C(t) ~ 37 Bea6) Qt) iba Beier u our lg on the buice, ‘BasBiae) S Fewe 124, (4) The Ble tenor pode be faction, Bsa (0) atta te Base ce Asie the ae ocr, ctf thr xt proper ir ace au eto tel guise ming apts an pore bs ‘parca, + none: Ba) 2 Of a5 1 prt fu gE Bp) =r al a 1 St) contained in th comer lo contol pots $time, 1 were nepal the fa omen pols 1 ben mgt th ntl toma planar pated! ppacnation wee 1 inertia ont hat ce own vin dining rope fetter martes Ge rss. The oat) een canpat it on a tc soe Reo Bq (124) and Fig 125 Lt (9) be eo ied, Qn) = 3 an) Pun he pu si yp the Sci Sethe oral pont (Py), “hres apying he eta Alin (1) ies ds Ca and tpobing He eet On) ae = oy Fos Cx) = Sten. Tas so to), not) oS Pig 1.26 (Contrc) act itrplations (st Berke 1.21) By symmetry, we can compte C8) fen (nt Tapco of data) a tho compute Cy) = Sn). This ogee mime), nt) = a ! om ner interpations. Ths if > compute Cu) ist then Cy) ri, compute Ce) fit then Cx). 200,89 (7s Gone a point os © Besser surtace +/ fo ty the deterteljen. fo apes Ma os Ostet: 8 “Gen { for G0; jeru; $09) “detantel out PUI, ecantah ent, } for (190: sem; 56) igre 1.5, The Cae leit fr «Ba vce 1 Core and Sure Bass decane jeu (P0 [5 000,004) 5 sucantl jai ,2, 00.) y d Wi dine aration! Baier nerf tae the perspective projection a fur mensional polyoma Bete surfac (te Pig; Furs) Soe) SE MaleiBiaPE (2 YE Aaerentewsrys sed Shas) = HIS(00)} =» YE PAwBimlons sloeP 29 iM iM Bale Binley, LLP alo Baonlehars whee Notice that the Ryle) see rational fants, Bat they are sot produce fate tai fanebae Hence, Sue) isnt toaoe prot sic, bat Se(ope) bn As with curvs, wo gurl’ wrk with Bq (127) and projet he aus: Figure 126 soma anal Bs net, se Figure Lb de pices qudratiex cable anal Beer sn. Compe tse fits ith Figures 124 and 1.20, ‘Aening uc > 0 fo al and, the proper etd peso for none ‘nal Bier faces (and the product fens Biq(s) By) extend ma tall salina Blaser racy Pathermre stay = ara and then [is tee) = Benya) ad the conrepoting trac tonto Bxample 1.15 Lot ws smstruct a elnielsuric patch. rom Section 1 we kum tae ) = Saar for (PP) = {0,1,0,1(0,1,1,1(00,2.2), 6 dear aren the ye ‘lve Using teantion F214, Seton 14) ‘Tease Product Surfaces 41 o Figs 1.26 (0) Th rail ts faction Ra.) (ith wy = 5 ad al ther ‘sdb palo os) (@) 2 gud ene acl Bi acs Goa Taste at cro Tasers whee (PF) = (10.0. 0,141,1,8.02,2) aed (PRI (ALO I-02.) se crcl in the # ~ 1 and ¢ = =1 pla, spectively (oe Figure 1.27). Alwar terpeation between Cj and CY ple pe. deal rent Lo PaloBsal DPE, Foe ed w= uo, C5) = $4 (0 Qo gh se teat om Cf) a) ta to the aad ey, = S(t) = Stage) QP) a cea wen te pane 22 (a wi) sw) tty Now ew compa te pant Sj), lg Ag 14.7. Note that 8 > ms Pit ba Coie) (11.03) (aan (02,0, = a5(0) 42 Carve aed Sura Basie 110) are) ( Q¥(e) Now C51) ~ Clap Bile (e) i the cela are in the y= pane wien en) nas (459) aaa ak ig Fie 127 ini tie patch ation Bir ute Exencsses 1.1. Conder the to parame repeat othe era gn by Bas (1.2) ‘a (12) tang Ea (ej compete eve pe Md ing (13), pin at Bea te en 1.2. Compute the aceation veto, Oo) for H(t es 1. Vane Semen tin, Ss ae esi he nd a ih cisco, ith ape origin and io pay along + hin pin ph dl hve a = yh ih Moy. (1.2) to get anther repeat fhe me ace Capt he Et ‘eta doin San etm Wht on 1.4, Conder the pba ae C{s) = (fa) = (<1 =u 2-2 O'S vST Skach tere care tated ane by apg the Utandosionsto theft aa) a a) Ap the tw tran (0) 90° retation abo ther, The rotating om the et) Ra] (2) eatin with te tar (-1,-B “H Cure an Sars Bases “Te imp oto fhe ung pron 2 — ep 4) — ey 8-0 ‘Sah the cre Apo the prevour tac td usa oth qa. Hit ie be the tur cordate ind eprman 2 = (66) sek = AEB) ‘a steatetaen theipsesanon obtain the inp enti the ‘antrmed puto 1.5. Denne fr fr he mambo on ad apne scy {Stampates puto an n-ne eden power ba ce 114. Comtnct sae poner bas cue with a op. it thin abot what ed Pott ded erate, C0) nd CU), ar emmy 4LZ. Conc s ae poe bar cave with csp Hint tink bout Co) and (Gap Sach wha) yeh) made) nad ok em ncn Detamoes tle Oa) sd thn neat tae Ce) ad Cl) 18, Ut Ow) = (eadfe) = (L420 Fak — 204 1 Su Sb 12a Be dose ey eng Sve Ol) at dager iecare Clot Compt Cle) fr =I. Compe Cl} ore =O What Sepa Cn ho ced + prc 1.10, Check the property P17 othe Bers pbaomie ee cee n= emis neceny tare acu, gen Cie © = w= (peda Caley 027

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