Comptency Test Answers Abdullah. A.eisa 1

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ARAMCO Competency Test


 Transport cutting to the surface and this`s important for hole cleaning and to identify the geologic
information for sub-surface Formations
 Cooling and lubricating the Drill pipes and Bha
 Keep well bore stability by keep the Hydrostatic Pressure to be in an equilibrium with formation
pressure to avoid any losses or any flow
 Make sealing for unconsolidated and permeable formations

2- What`s the hydrostatic pressure definition and how can calculate?

Is the total pressure for fluids that `s result from the weight of mud column
 Calculation in case of Weight by PPG:- Mud weight *TVD * 0.00052
 Calculation in case of Weight by PCF :- Mud weight *TVD* 0.000672

3- What1s the two main reason to control down hole stability ?

 To stabilize and maintain the applied pressure to be in an equilibrium with formation pressure not to
exceed the formation pressure to avoid losses or to not to be less than formation pressure to avoid any
formation kick and to confirm the rock nature is stable with it`s inside gases and fluids .
4- What`s the definition of Equivalent Circulation Density ECD?
 It`s the pressure that`s result from hi friction forces and also related to the cutting effect that will
increase the mud density while circulation and it`s also have a bad effect for formation because it`s
increase the viscosity and the applied pressure so it` have to be under controlling by hole cleaning
from solid and also by monitoring the Pump pressure .
 ECD= Hydrostatic Head\+ Pressur differential

5- What`s a definition Of YP & PV& GEL STRENGTH ?

 YP :- Yeald Point is a electro chemical attraction forces between particles in a Dynamic Mode(carring
capacity of mud in a dynamic mode ) and it`s function of hole cleaning while circulation YP=
 PV:- Plastic Viscosity is a electro mechanical attraction forces between particles so PV it`s a fuction of
solids it`s incres with solids increasing PV= Read600-Read300
Centi Powaz
 Gel Strength|:-is the electro-chemical attraction forces in a static mode (carring Capacity for Mud in a
static mode 10minutes&10 sec lb/ft2
6- What`s Optimum Value of LSYP in below deviated well ??
 In Aramco Policy LSYP= 2READ3 – READ6
READ 6=1.2TO 1.5 Hole size
Read 3 = more than hole size & less than 1.5 holesize
7- What is The relation between Slip and Annular Velocity?
 Slip velocity is the falling down velocity of cutting into a mud and the annular velocity have to be
greater than slip velocity to let the mud to be capable to carry the cutting .
Note:- In a high Viscus Mud it`s not Important to let the annualr velocity to be more than slip velocity
because the mud in general can carry the cutting .
8- What`s the Optimum Value Rate Of Annular Velocity Ft/Min??
 Good anular velocity is to be from 75-120 ft/min and it`s effect on Hole Cleaning to can carry the solids
is a dynamic Mode.
9- What`s a Thixotropic Properties?

Made By ENG.Abdullah Abd El-Salam Eisa

ARAMCO Competency Test
 It`s a Mud capability to carry the solids in a static Mode(Gel ) , and to keep the same properties and
same Parameters ,because when we try to circulate after gel mode to be in a same conditions .
10- What will happen if the Drilling Fluids have`nt ability to form revirsable Gel Structure?
The gel structure is responsible for carring cuttings in a static Mode and If not gel structure the solids cutting
will build upper bit and beside BHA and will finally lead to Mecanical stucking in a vertical well
And also if in devieated well it`ll lead to Key Seat Stuck .
11- What`s the amount of filter Loss Depend on ??
 It` effect by bridging agents size to be suitable with formation pore sizes
 And also it`s related to the Hydrostatic Pressure that apply for Formation to not exceed it so much and
to be in a balance
 Also the Subsurface temperature that will effect on Mud and vaporization for WBM …etc .
12- What`s The Optimum Characteristics For Filter cake?
Filter cake is very important in well wall and it have to be shearble and sealed formation not to be Permeable
And to be thin not to be thick because if it`s sick that mean too much water loss and will lead to Differential
13- The Poor Filter cake and High Fluid Loss Can Lead to ?
 Poor filter cake lead to stuck Pipes and will lead to a lot of filtrate losses that will

Lead to well control problem because the losses will effect in the hole Pressure Stability .

14- What `ll Happen If we Use Low Quality of Bentonite with High Concentration in Hi
Temperature Wells??
 It will make a many Problems Such As the Hi Gel and hi Yp and hi Gellaation it Problem For
Swaabing Pressure That may lead to Formation Damage and also Hi fliterate Losses
 Also the rheology Parametrs of mud will not be good to make hole cleaning so that lead to Building up
the solids and Mechanical sticking
15- What Are The Main Factors in Clay Dispersion ?
 According to clay Chemisty studies to make a clay dispersion it happen by physiochemical reaction
between the cataions ( Monovalent-Di-valent) and also
 It need the water to happen also Formation Salainity because if the formation Salainity is greater than
the Mud salainity the formation fluids will transfer from formation to Mud and lead to caved shale if
the Opposite condition the mud water will transfer to Shale Fm and it will make shale
sweeling(Dispersion ) By Osmosis forces.
16- What are The Main Factor of clay Aggregation ?
 Happened form solids increasing and ponding with thick plates together.
17- If 1470*w2-w1/35.5-wt2 so calculate How many PPB we will need to raise up 1000 bbls from
90 pcf to 100 pcf in 12.5 Hole ??

 First change unite to be in a ppg because this equation is for PPG units
Wt1=90 pcf = 90/7.4 =12.16 ,wt2=100 pcf =100/7.4= 13.51
1470*(13.51-12.16)/35.5-13.51 =90 lb
1000 bbls*90 = 90,000lb
Big Bag =2500 lb
= 36 Big Bag
Other Solution Without Equation To Increae the Mud weigh 1 Pcf:-
 11 PPB Marble Fine = Increase the Mud wt with 1 pcf
 8.9 PPb Barilte = Increase the Mud wt with 1 pcf
By Using Barite we need to Increase it with 10 PCF so 10*8.9 =89 PPB
FOR ALL Volume =1000*89 = 89,000 lb
Big Bags= 89,000/2500= ~ 36 Big Bag .
18- The Final Volume after Increasing From Previous Quesstion ?

Made By ENG.Abdullah Abd El-Salam Eisa

ARAMCO Competency Test
 Barite Big Bag SPCGR= 4.2
 4.2 * 8.34(WATER) = 35 LB/GAL
 2500 lb/ 35 =71 GLS
 71/42 = 1.7 bbls * 36 big bag = 61.2 bbls + the Original Volume 1000 bbls =1061 bbl

19- Calculate The Kill Mud Weight Required to kill well if the SIDPP 2200 PSI which circulate
100 PCF MD WT ?at depth 10000 ft

2200/0.007/10000 +100 = 131 pcf

20- State The Standard Procedures for Solid Control Equipments?

WE have first to use the the different pit for soild control equipment not to be in a suction Pit
 Also we nees to evaluate and select good shale shaker screen sizes to be compatible with cuttings to
avoid any over flow and to be in a check and cleaned by water contiusly
 Shale shaker has to take an angel not to be straight to slip cuttings
 Don’t by pass the shale shaker or solid control equipment’s
 Desander Pressure has to be 30 psi di silter 32-40 psi
 Cones OF Solid control Equipment’s to be in check all of the time.
21- Why You don’t rely on centirifuge as a primary Solids Removal?
 Because centirifuge is remove the cuttings that less than 4-6 micron
 Also every solid control Equipemt is defined to remove definite cutting sizes like (DE-Sander….etc.
 The Centirfuge used for Barite recovery and remove it and re add it again and it`s not allowed for Hi
GPM like Shale Shakers.
22- Calculate The ASG of the solids in a 14 PPG mud with the following Retort Analysis?
 6.5 water
 .5 oil
 3 ml Solids
 ASGs= (Vmud.Sgmud-Vwater.Sg wat –Voil.Sg oil )/Vsolid=
(10* 1.68 - 6.5*1 - 0,5*0.84)/3 = 3.3
23- Calculate The percent OF LGS and the PPB of LGS and SPGR = Asg,2.60 of LGS
for 30% undissolved solids in Mud?
1- LGS %= (SPGRwt mt –ASG s)(undissolved solids %) / (Sg wt mt - SG lgs)
4.2 * 3.3 * 30 / 4.2- 2.6 =16.0 %
2- PPB OF LGS= 16.9* 2.6 * 3.505 = 154 PPB
24- Calculate The HGS and PPb from the Previous Quesstion with same Percentage ?
3- HGS% = % ud solids -% Lgs = 30-16.9= 13.1 %
4- HGS PPB= %HGS *(SGHGS)*(3.505)= 13.1*4.2*3.505= 192.8 PPB
25- Calculate The Equvalant Bentonite Content With 5.5 CEC. ?
5.5*5 = 27.5 PPb
26- Calculate bentonoite % for Drilling fluid with MBT 7.5 PPB andLGS%= 3.4?
 Bentonite % by volume =(MBT-% LGS)/8 = (7.5-3.4)/8 = 0.512
 Bentonite PPb = Bent% * 9.1 = 0.512 *9.1= 4.66 PPb
27- If Drill Solids =Lgs PPb – Bent Equvilant PPb so Calculate PPb for Drilled solids that have
154 PPb LGS and Equiv Bent =27.5??
 154-27.5 = 12.65 PPb
28- Please Complete with The Reason Of Contamination ?
 Ph =12 ………………. Contaminate with OH
 Ph=10 …………………… Contaminate with OH, CO3
 PH=9.00-10………………. Contaminate with CO3 only

Made By ENG.Abdullah Abd El-Salam Eisa

ARAMCO Competency Test
 Ph = 8.3- 9.3 …………….. Contaminate with CO3,HCO3
 Ph= 6-8.3 ,……………….. Contaminate with HCO3
 PH = 4.3-6 ……………….. Contaminate with HCO3,CO2
 PH=4.3 OR LOWER …….. Contaminate with CO2 ONLY.
29- What Are The PF and Mf ?
 PH end Pt PF=8.3
 PH end Pt MF=4.3
30- Complete with Correct Answer :-
 CO2 &H2s ara Acidic Gases
 A hi ph that mean I ve afree OH Ions
 At High Ph we Minimize A Bacterial Degradation
 Accepted Carobnate In Mud (500-2000)mg/
 A solid Problem is Look Like CO3 Problem .
 In Case Of Co2 In Mud Treat With LIME .

 Solubility of Ca Increase By Low Ph, Causing Floculation of Mud.

 Clay Or shale become highly sensitive to Mud when the Ph Over 9.00 and causes Mud Flocculation

 Hi Ph more 11 may burn Polymers so best Ph betwwen (8.5-10)

 Low Ph less than 7 causes Deactivation of Polymers

 Ligno sulphonate may cause foaming at Ph below 8 so we `ve to add Caustic

 To precipitate Ca we use Soda Ash Or Sodium Bi Carbonate to Precipetate as CaCO3 And Mg Ions
Precipetate By Caustic Soda NaOH As MgOH .

 To Adjust PF &MF ratio we have to Add Lime Or Caustic Soda.

31- What is the function of Completion /Work over fluids ?

 Control pressure of down hole
 Keep Hole Cleaning and minimizing the fluid loss into formation .
32- What is The Maximum Brine Weight from below Salts?
 K-Formate:-98
 Na-Formate:- 82
 KCl :- 73
 NaCl :- 75
 CaCl2 :- 86
 Ca-Bromide :-106 with CaCl2 up to 112 PCF
 Zinc Bromide :- 143 pcf
33- What we use to avoid stuck Pipe to minimize Pore Pressure ?
 Using Lcm
Steel seal
Soluflake Fine &med
Mica fine
Frac seal
Marble fine&Medium
Wall Nut- Nut Plug
Take care about the concentration and sizes in a deviated wells.
34- How Can We Calculate PPT Differential Pressure ??

Made By ENG.Abdullah Abd El-Salam Eisa

ARAMCO Competency Test
It`s a different between the hydrostatic Pressure and Bottom Hole Pressure
Bottom hole Pressure in static mode = Hydrostatic Press +Surface Pressure
Bottom hole Pressure in Dynamic Mode= Hydrostatic Press +Surface Press+ Frictional Prss
Formation Pressure = Hydrostatic Pressure+Shut in drill Pipe(SIDP)
35- What are the characteristicts of spurt fluid of PPT ?
 After applying the pressure for the mud the first filtrate that collected in a ceramic desk it`s indicator
of fluid loss to formation and the efficiency of the bridging agent while 30 minutes and how to minimize
the filtrate losses quantity under a hi pressures .

36- What `s the definition of Return Permeability ?

 It`s a relation of permeabilyi after test with bridging material to the Initial Permeability .
37- What`s a Skin effect ?
 Is a Pressure sudden drop according to formation Resistance
38- What`s the Primary Factors that Causing Formation Damage?
 Increasing of applied Pressure That may increased by Mud Weight
 Clay swelling from fluid filtrate into formation .
39- What are The Factors Caused enterance of Particles Inside the formation?
 Bad filter cake not sealed and it permeable
 Applied preesure into formation is greater that fm Press according to Mud weight also The formation
Pores is Interconnected (Permeable Fm)
40- What is The advantage Of OBM?
 Well bore stability
 Good lubricant
 Low in contamination
 Low corrosion and can we use it again many times
41- What`s the Dis-Advantage Of OBM ?
 It`s environmental hazardous
 If we have formation losses it`s so expensive
 Hard to clean it while displacement.
 Effect on LWD & wireline to detect a reservoir formation containing Oil.

42- Why it`s rare to have a Differential Sticking while Using OBM ?
 Because it`s very good Lubricant
 And good shale stabilizers Asphaltine Material So no Over Balance.
43- Why The Hole Clean Is Poor In OBM ?
 Because there are many factors in OBM affect on Rheology because the O/w ratio is high in Obm so
the Viscosifire is Organophilic Clay need water so it`s work ad it`s affect into rheology also Obm Affect
from Temperature that will effect defiantly on Mud Rheology .
44- How we Can Adjust O/w Ratio In OBM ?
 By adding Oil or water as a dilution to the Active system to maintain the O.W Ratio in whole mud .
and we do that by calculating the Current o/w ratio and desired O/w Ratio .

45- Types Of Contamination on OBM and the Treatment of it ?

 CO2 &H2S both of them treated with Lime
 Water Contaminations and treated by dilution with Oil and using emulsifier and Lime .
46- State The Spacer before displace hole from OBM to WBM ?
 Safra oil Pill
 Surfactant pill to clean the casing

Made By ENG.Abdullah Abd El-Salam Eisa

ARAMCO Competency Test
 Hi –Vis Pill of wbm and dump it on shaker
I`ve to attend the all displacement on shaker.

47- What1s a definition of Glycol Cloud Point ?

 It`s the temperature when the solution transfer from soluble to be in soluble it`s affected by salanity
become low in hi salanity.
48- Report the factors That controlled the cloud Point Of Fresh water Glycol ?
 It`s effecting by salanity and concentration of glycol

FORMATE Mud Can`t Answer their Questions

Answerd By
Eng.Abdullah Abd-Elsalam Eisa

Made By ENG.Abdullah Abd El-Salam Eisa

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