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Loral Data Systems Feirchitd Aviation Recorders P.O. Box 3041 Sarasota, Fl. 34230 Data Systems Phone: (618) 371-0811 Fax: (813) 378-6996 ‘TLX: 4947150 Sita: SROLFCR INSTALLATION & OPERATION INSTRUCTION MANUAL FAIRCHILD MODEL F1000 SOLID-STATE FLIGHT DATA RECORDER (SSFDR) P/N S603-1000—00 (ARINC 542A) P/N $703—1000—00 (ARINC 5424) P/N $303-2000-00 (ARINC 542A, 573/717/747) FAR 04420009 October 10, 1994 4 Loral Data Systems LBRAL.. Fairchild Aviation Recorders 20. Box 3041 FAR 04420009 October 10, 1894 Data Systems INSTALLATION & OPERATION INSTRUCTION MANUAL FAIRCHILD MODEL F1000 SOLID-STATE FLIGHT DATA RECORDE! (SSFDR) P/N S603—1000—C0 (ARINC 542A) P/N S703—1000—00 (ARINC 542A) P/N $303-2000-00 (ARINC 5424, 573/717/747) S Phone: ota, Fl, 34230 (813) 371-0811 Fax: (818) 378-6596 TLX: 4947160 SITA: SROLFCR R Revision 01 FAR 04420009 Rov. Of Oct. 10, 1996 ©Copyright 1994 by Loral Data Systems Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, Including photocopying, recording, or by Information storage and retrieval system, without permission In writing. Inquiries should be addressed to: Loral—Fairchild Corp. Data System Division Fairchild Aviation Recorders Publications P.O. Box 3041 Sarasota, Florida 34230 (813) 371-0811+ Telex: 4947160 FAX: (813) 378-6996 FAR 04410007 Page i October 70, 1984 Rewo7 SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 GENERAL ..... 1.1 ARINC Parameters ....... 1.2 Input Signal Capabilities .. 1.3 Input Signal Descriptions ..... 2.0 1000 SSFDR SPECIFICATIONS 1 2 2 3 4 2.1 Applicable Documents . 4 22 Leading Particulars .... : 5 23 Environmental Characteristics RATCADO-160C .......... 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 g 2.4 Crash Survival Requirements 3.0 UNIT INSTALLATION 3.1. Location . 2 3.2 Mounting Configurations 3.3 Power Requirements 3.4 Unit Interface Wiring 3.5 Cessation of Recording BQ TESTING: 25.6 seems tes x sae 4.1 BITE (Built In Test Equipment) ...........ecceeee 14 4.2 Funetional Verification . 5.0 OPERATION 5.1 Operating Instructions. 5.2 Maintenance Requirements . 6.0 ACCELEROMETERS 6.1 General Characteristics 62 Accelerometer Types 63 Mounting . 64 Electrical Connections 7.0 UNDERWATER LOCATOR BEACON 8.0 AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT (ATE) CONNECTOR ... Far 04420008 October 10, 1998 Page il SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS No. Description PAGE Figute1 Model F1000 Sote—State Fight Data Recorder coerced Figure 2 ARINC 5:24 Fleet: PIN 8608~1000~00 ‘tine &Oimension Drawing + s Figure? SSFOR SH2A Eleti(Preumatic PN: S768~1000-00 & S€08~2000-09 Outine & Dimension Drawing : a? Figues Outline & Dimension Drewing PIN 178184 Mounting Rack 0 Figures Ouine & Dimension Drawing, PN 1TATS¢ Vibration Mount on Figure Main Connestor Pin~OutforFichit PIN T7A194 875104 Meutlag Wapeeecseccr esse A Figure? 1000 Faut Logie Gut & Truth Table for ARING 52/5324 & BING B12, 717, 767 Intlaions oocscessvesvoas sees ute Figuee FonableAnalsis Unt (PAU) PIN 17TESCO‘O 1s Figure® —Verical OC Accelerometer, PIN: 1747! ~00 7 Figure-10 Longhucinal DG Aeceletomaia, PIN: A7L—DS 18 Figure’ Longitudinal & Verical DC Accelerometer, IN: 17A471 C2 von 18 Figure 12 Tiaxal OC Accelerometer, PI: 17A471=08 20 gue'S DC Acoalromtes Block agit. a Figure 14 Underwater Locator Beacon, Loral PIN 258£0905—00 2 Figure 18 Ground Statow/2 Read-Out Center (@S/2-ROCIA) .. 2 Figure 16 ARINC 542A Data Frame Structure. Figue17 ARINC 582A Arerah Wiring Diagram .. Figure 18 Synchro Inputs Figure 9 ARINC 573 Arerat Wing Diagram Figure 20. Synch Input Wing Bagram Figure 21 Resoher net Wing Diagram Figure 22 0C2-Whe Transducer Input Wing Diagram . : Figure 23 12VDC3-Wre Transducer Input Wiing Diagram 3 Figue24 5VDC2—Wre Tansducer input Wiring Ciagram we Figure 25. SSFDR Sinadard 0 ~ 825 VDC inputs Wiring Diagram s Figure 28. SSFOR Frequency Inputs Wing Diagram .. a6 Figure 27 AC Ratio Transducer Input Wiring Diagram Figure 28 Total ir Temp Probe Input Wing Ciagram Figure 23. Aterat-t0~FOR Shutdown Circuit .. an oesz0ces October 10, 1994 Page iv SSFOR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual No. FAR 04420009 October 10, 1994 APPENDIX Description Inertia Switch Model 3LO—483/3 .. ‘Aeradyne Controls Corp. Environmentally Sealed Impact Switch Assembly . . Environment Qualifcation Form (EGF) FAR 0385, Rev. 3 Pagew SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FAR 04420009 October 10, 1994 Page vi ‘SSEDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual 1.0 GENERAL ‘The Loral Fairchild Model £1000, P/N S60a— 1000 (XX), P/N S703-1000~-00%), and P/N $903-2000-(X%), are Solid-State Flight Data Recorders (SSFDR's) that meet (or exceed) all requirements of FAA TSO-C124 and EUROCAE ED-55 (refer to Figure 1). Part Number $603 100000 is designed for complete ARINC 542/542A compatibility in aircratt with electrical input signals to the FDR ‘for the altitude and airspeed parameters, Part Number $703-1000-(XX) is designed for complete ARINC 542/542A electric and Pneumatic compatibility. Part Number $803—2000-(xX) is cesigned for complete ARINC 542/542A electric and and can also Pneumatic compatibility, function in an ARINC 573/717/747 (ARINC 747 64wps only) mode. All three recorders comply with ARINC Specification 542 and 542A, will accept 6t0 20 analog parameters, replace old metal foil recorders currently in use, end provide for recording of additional input signals over ARINC 542 requirments to meet the future requirements of ARINC 5424, This document includes information necessary for the installation anc operation of all three recorder configurations. ‘The recorder is housed in a standard 1/2 ATA long case conforming to the description of specific recorders according to ARINC specification No. 404, Mode! F1000 Solid-State Flight Data Recorder Figure 1 FAR 04420008 October 10, 199¢ PegeT SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual 4.4 ARINC PARAMETERS Pitch Atitude The basic ARINC $42 parameters are ag © Roll Attude follows: 8. Longitudinal Acceleration 4. altitude 10. Control Column or Pitch Centrol Surface Position 2. Airspeed . 11, Each Engine Thrust 3. Heading " i ies cccnmnion Adetional parameter capabilities ofthis model include: 5." Time a 12, Total Air Temperature 6. Time of Radio Transmission to or from dinabians ATC (Mic Bit) 48. Lateral Acceleration NOTE: Time, as recorded in the Fairchild 14, Fault Light Flight Data Recorder, is elapsed time _ from the last power turn on. 15. Trip & Date Encoder The added ARING 424 parameters are as "Binary? follows: 17. Binary A 1,2 INPUT SIGNAL CAPABILITIES SIGNAL SAMPLES/ TYPICAL USE TYPE SECOND PALT 1 Pnumatic Atitude 1 PAS 1 Pneumatic Airspeed 1 sv 1 Heacing 1 s,0c2,0c3 1 Alttude Fine; Altitude Coarse; Airspeed: Pitch Trim 4 $,0c2,003 2 Flap Position, Roll Attuce 2 $,002,003 4 Pitch Attude 1 $,FDC2DC3. 1 Engine EPA, N1, N2 i pe 1 Lateral Acc, Pitch Contral, 4 Fudcer Position, TAT "2 Lue 4 Longitudinal Acceleration 1 LDC, AC Vert 8 Vertical Acceleration *3 1 BIN"a 1 Mic Key, Trip & Date 3 MARKB “4 1 Marker Beacon 1 ‘NOTES: 1. Synchro Excitation must appeer on this input. If not present, the Fault light will luminate. *2. The F1000 provides the precision 5 mA source. *3. The Model F1000 will power an AC accelerometer only ifthe recorder itself is AC powered. *4 The state of the MARKB and one of the BIN inputs is logically ANDed and stored as one bit. FAR 04420008 4 October 10, 1994 Pege2 a. SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual 1.3 INPUT SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS SIGNAL SENSOR, SOURCE TYPICAL RANGE 60 t0 450 knots Pas Pitot & Static Air F Proximity Senscr 810 8,000 Hz pez Potentiometer 0 to 12 Volts DC Des Potentiometer 0 to 18 Volts DC wpe DCAccelerometer, Potentiometer «Oto Volts OC ACVer AG Vertical Accelerometer -310 +89 BIN Microphone Key, Trip & Date (Open, ground MARKB Marker Beacon Audio >1VAMS = On 010 360 degrees Synchro, Resolver * NOTES: * Alternate signals can be applied at the synchro inputs. DC 3. re of Oto 18 volts can be applied, where its excitation input —12 Vdc has to be connected to PROGRAM DCS, pin J1A 48, Excitation low of this ingut is grounded, DC-2-wire (absolute value) of 0 to 12 volts can be applied, where its excitation +12 Vdeis connected to PROGRAM DC2, pin JIA 48. Excitation DC2 low of this input is grounded. ‘These two options are not available for the HEADING synchro input. See Figures 22 through 27 for further details about transducer wiring, FAR 04420009 ‘October 10, 1994 Pages ‘SSFDR Installation & Operation instruction Manual 2.0 Fi000 SSFDR SPECIFICATIONS Specifications for the F1000 Solid-State such, the F1000 Recorder meets or exceeds Flight Data Recorderhave been designed and the requirements of EUROCAE ED-S5 and manufactured in close coordination with TSO-C124 Aerospace Industry regulatory agencies. AS 2.4 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ‘The following documents form a part of, or are referenced within, this manual: 31-30-02 Component Maintenance Manual, F1000 Solid State Fight Data Recorder (SSFOR}. ANSI/EIA~4224/485 Electrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Digital Interface Circuits. Electrical Characteristics of Generators and Receivers for use in Balance Digital Multipoint Systems. ARINC Characteristic 404 Ar Transport Equipment Cases and Racking ARINC Characteristic <28 Digital Information Transter System (DTS) ARINC Characteristic 542 Airborne Oscillographic Flight Data Recorder ARINC Characteristic 542A Airborne Oscillographic Flight Data Recorder Expanded ARINC Characteristic 573 MARK 2, Aircraft Intergrated Data System (AIDS MARK 2) EUROCAE ED-s5 Flight Data Recorder Minimum Operating and Performance Requirements LORAL 871 -E0066-00 Software Quality Assurance Plan for the Solid—State Flight Data Recorder MIL-sTO-1853 Aircraft internal Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus. MIL-STO-2175 Castings, Class and Inspection RTCADO-160C Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne, Equipment RTCAIDO-178A ‘Schware Considerations in Airsorne Systems and Equipment Certification (Level i} Ts0-Cr2¢ FAA Technical Standard order based on ED FAR 04420008 Page 4 Octaber 10, 1994 ‘SSFOR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual 2.2 LEADING PARTICULARS: 32 following text defines The F100 Recorder is housed in an ARINC 404 1/2 ATR long bi the physical attributes of the SSFDR. Refer to Figure 2 and Figure 3 for drawings depicting the physical dimensions of the S603 and $703, S08 model Recorders, respectively. Overall Dimensions: Height: 7.62inches With: 4.88inches Depth: 19.56 inches (behind tront pane!) 21.50 inches (including handle) Weight: Part Number Weight (bs) '$803~1000-00 24.9 with ULB and Mount $703-1000—09 28.4 with ULB and Mount '$303-2000-00 28.4 with ULB and Mount Case: ‘Stzinless Steel, Interetional Orange, Reflective Stiping, EnglishvFrench Markings, Raised Lettering Rear Connector: Mates with DPK2-57S87S~33 Series Pitot Connect 1/8" Quick Disconnect, mates to Loral P/N: 13977 Static Connector: 9/8” Quick Disconnect, mates to Loral P/N: 13976 Power Requirements: 115 Volt, 400 Hz, or 28 Vde Power Leve! Wetts maximum, AC or DC Recording Time: Minimum 25 Hours, Input Signal Format: Electric (AC/DO) or Pneumatic (ARINC 542 or 5424), ARINC 573, 717, 747 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS RTCA DO-160C ‘Operating Temperature: 88° to +70°C Non—Gperating Temperature: —85" to +70°C. Operating Altitude: 1000 to +55,000 feet Operating Vibration: DO-1600, Test Curve C or C Humility 100% Radio Frequency Susceptitility Category Z 2.4 CRASH SURVIVAL REQUIREMENTS Penetration: ED-S5 — S008/101V1/4" probe. Static Crush: ED-S5 ~ 5000 Ibs. Fire Protection: ED-S5 ~ 60000 BTU's/, 30 minutes. Impact Shock: ED~S55 ~ 3400 o's for 6.5 ms. Humiity 0-80% relative at 25°C, Salt Water Immersion Tested to 20,000 f/20 days. ‘Shock (Crash Safety) 186 FAR 04420009 peek Ociaber 10, 1894 "ee SSEDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual PART NO. _-ARNC | STE | SR EET ARINC 542A Electric P/N: S603- 1000-00 Outline & Dimension Drawing Figure 2 Page 6 aR 04420008 October 10, 1994 SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual i : FLGHT => ECORDER a =8D0 NOT | a | OPEN a + sot (parte. [aan (SFE, (eee tae oe emt SE SSFDR 542A Electric/Pneumatic P/N’s S703-1000-00 & $903-2000-00 Outline & Dimension Drawing Figure 3 FAR 08420009 October 10, 1984 Page7 SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual 3.0 UNIT INSTALLATION 3.1 LOCATION The Model F1000 fight recorder system should be installed in the aircraft fuselage location, provided by the _ airframe manufacturer, as far ait as practicable. The recommended orientation is that it be mounted in an upright position (vertical es viewed trom the front). The Feirchild Mode F 1000 is cerified for hard mount installations of aircratt environments within the limits of the Ji or C! curves of DO-160C (except for helicopter enviroments). A mounting tray, Fairchild PIN 17—S194, is available for this configuration (refer to Figure 4). F 1000 Recorders PART NUMBER: a7s19¢ 178194-01 17sig4—02, 17A194 s7AtS4—01 1 7A194-02 3.3 POWER REQUIREMENTS Unies impractical, the fight data recorder should be powered from 2 bus other than that providing power to the Cockpit Voice Recorder. Each bus will need to meet the supply reliability requirements appropriate to the recorders. ‘The recorder operates on 400 Hz, 115 Vac or FAR 04420009 Ocraber 10, 1994 3.2 Mounting Configurations The following list describes the various Mounting configurations that may be used with the DESCRIPTION Mounting Trey with Selder Connection Mounting Tey with Crimp Connection Mounting Tey with No Connection Vibration Mount with Solder Connection Vibration Mount with Crimp Connection Vibration Mount with No Connection For those environments exceeding this envelope (helicopter installations, for example), the fight recorder system requires 2 vibration’ mount, Fairchild part number 17-A194 (refer to Figure 5) or equivalent. On aircraft with an existing FDA vibration mount, such as Fairchild F/N 17-A184 or equivalent, it is not necessary to retrofit this mount with @ hard—mounted tray. In fact, for better, long-term reliability, itis recommended that the recorder be mounted ona vibration mount in a pressurized area. 28 Vee input. The F1000 recorder draws @ maximum of 19 Watts, AC or DC. Electrical connector is DPX2MA~57P—57P-G4—2201 on the recorder which mates with a DPX2-57S-57S-33—0001 in the mounting tray which connects to the aircraft wiring harness. Page SSEDR Installation & Operation instruction Manual 3.4 UNIT INTERFACE WIRING ‘The Fairchild Model SSFDA $703-1000-00 is designed to accepta variety ofincut signals. There are 12 independent synchro signal inputs for conventional synchro signals 71.6 V with 26 Vac excitation. These 12 inputs can alternately receive signals as: 1. DC Swire of Oto 18 volts in which case its excitation input -12 Vdc has to be connected to program pin 49 (JtA). Labeled PROG.DC3. Excitation low of this input has to go to ground. 2. DC 2wire (absolute value) of Oto 12 volts, in this case ts excitation +12 Vdc is connected to pin 48 (1A). Labeled PROG.0C2 3.5 CESSATION OF RECORDING Federal Air Regulation 25.1459 a (6) specifies that there must be “an automatic means to simuttaneously stop a recorder that has data erasure feature and prevent each erasure from functioning within 10 minutes after crash impact.” The installer must demonstrate this function. Since the F1000 SSFDR can be powered by either 115 Vac, 400 Hz or 28 Vde, the following method is acceptable to ensure recording is automatically stopped. IMPACT SWITCH ~ Interrupts FDR power upon exposure to a predetermined level of g~force. In order to restart FDR operation, a FAR 02420009 October 10, 1984 reset switch is usually depressed on the impact switch. Such switches have limitations, but are effective in high g—force accidents. This item is not available through Loral. (See Appendx A and B for manufacturer's specifications for models available). AUTOMATIC FDR DELAYED SHUTDOWN FEATURE ~ Internal to the SSFDR is circuitry ‘which will disable the recording function aftera period of 8 to 10 minutes, upon the condition that powered flight is no longer possible. Exemples of typical Aircraft—to-SSFDR shutdown interface is shown in Figure 24, sheets 1 and 2, which may apply to the following: ‘A. Absence of cil pressure on all engines. B. Absenceof engine driven vacuum source. ‘There are two delayed shutdown option’s available with the SSFDR. Delayed Shutdown A (J1A~44) activates the shutdown circuitry within the SSFDR when 28 Vde is applied. Delayed Shutdown B (J1A—47) activates the shutdown circuitry within the SSFOR when ground is applied. Where wiring the Delayed Shutdown feature, wire elther Delayed Shutdown A or Delayed Shutdown B. Do not wire both options. NOTE: The Automatic SSFDR feature can be used with either +28 Vdc or 115 Vac, 400 Hz primary input power, Pages ‘SSFDA Installation & Cperation Instruction Manual CONNECTOR (Caran (Sslar Tye) s0rcra7s—s7S—35-0001 (See Figura 8 fo sino. cet) NAMEPLATE SERIAL NO. 00 DATE MEG: MOR MODELNO: WEIGHT 20 CENTEROF GRAVY LOCATION OF MGUNT. ASS MOUNTING HOLE PATTERN, Outline & Dimension Drawing, P/N 17S194 Mounting Rack Figure 4 FAA 04420009 October 10, 1994 Pege 10 ‘SSFDR Iastellation & Operation instruction Manual ontent -o"Kevs 4 33 SHOWN cannon connector ppxa-Sre-e75~ Seo riguesieesinno. ce) orton Site er) ASS DIA, 4 SETS OF 4 TG. HOLES THAU evELETS 21.219 (REE) Te ie Ag}om THA al (ner) HOLES PER PAD ~ 15 HOLES appadx fever ae HOLES ARE USED TO INSTALL MOUNT TO AIRCRAFT. [_RecommenceD HARDWARE TO MOUNT TO AIRCRAFT: ANS~78 BOLT (16) AND S2}044-NS SELF-LOCKING NUT (16). © weicrn 218s Notes) Outline & Dimension Drawing, Fairchild P/N 17A194 Vibration Mount Figure 5 FAR 04420009 dl October 10, 1994 Page 11 SSEDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual Rear View Mounting Trays PIN 17A194 oF 175194 cONNecToR cannon (Soler Tye) sDpKz—STS=S7S—G-0001 Deygma-S75~575 32-00) Grmp Te) Main Connector Pin—Out for Fairchild P/N 17A194 & 178194 Mounting Trays Figure 6 Far 04420008 Oeieber 10, 1994 Page 12 SSEDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual F1000 FAULT LOGIC morawoge 2 - - eas, a pa ass foe I 12 Op eompine w No Far a SRST pe - | aE Se reermrniccnivi, ere" | Pat SSD eS See BRING 5328 CONDITION cesenpnon [BA | et [aE ROFOWERINEUT [eno [ono] orEN SIGNAL PW) FAUT | PEA [BEE™ | oven [eo] ore | en NO FAULT aren] oven | oven | EET | ano Paaee = = i i ak oa PARES i ; Vi [| seetisr I | = ro tt yo Se fed 1 Sairon ene TEBE | sors 1 1 rf — t u L Bo | war ay] pt sate son | Ba usa I i Q toot a oo HH ace ~ ae iecccas ly 1} Se freee sarew inert Z 1 Lod F1000 Fault Logic Circuit & Truth Table for ARINC 542/542A, & ARINC 573/717/747 Installations Figure 7 FAR 04420009 Octoner 10, 1996 Page 13 ‘SSEDR Installation & Operation instruction Manual 4.0 TESTING 4.1 BITE (Built In Test Equipment) The Model F1000 contains en internal self—test circuitry known as BITE. Thisinternal seif—test functions as follows: Alter applying power to the fight recorder, the “FLIGHT RECORDER OFF” indicator, or the “FLIGHT RECORDER FAULT indicator light should go out within § seconds and remain out Observation for a time of atleast 60 seconds is. recommended for the -00 2nd —01 units. The self-test circuitry (BITE) checks the recorder thoroughly and in addition for ARINC 573 units, analyzes the data input coming from the Flight Data Acquisition Unit (FDAU}. Should the light remain on for over 5 seconds @ systems fault is indicated. In the 00 and ~01 units if the light comies on within 60 seconds, this means that the intemal self—test circuitry has tound a possible defect within the recorder or the absence of a data input signal(s) from the FDAU. The 02 unit provides a testcfthe presence of the FDAU within § seconds. The amount of time elapsed before the indicator lights indicates the source of the probler Refer to Table 1 for the BITE indications chart. ‘Tne SSFDR Component Maintenance Manual 31-30-02 contains additional information regarding the BITE internal self—test circuitry. October 10, 1864 SSFDR Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) indications Table 1 'SSFDR: | ) ‘DFR OFF | Fat ARINC Light conditions _|__ Mode (aortex. Time) Remarks NoPowerto SSFDR| $424.00 Nino Seconds Remains ON unti srrmiire7_| Power's apoled. ~ Card Library sao | ON ing Seconds 'SSDR wil cease Gonriguraton Check! S73/717/747 any creat card eerste in SSFOR al Read aiter Write ‘542A oF | ‘ON in 0 Secones ‘SSFDR continues SrarriTiT87 ent Store Memory to operate by wang apes is ess than te goed memory cevices 25 hours. | EEPROM Gheck | S#2A0r Onin 6 Seconds SSFOR continues Srarririrs7 | te epee, Erormay cst Ssibina mines 258. Towne vorage | S#2Acr Nin 0 Secands Tess of + 5Vce will cause al SrarriTi787 ‘rodsls of SSFDR to cease poration, Medel S200 wi ‘entinue to operate only Tn aves lost 3. Throughput Check | 542Acr ON in 0 Seconds. ‘SSFDA continues to Srarititer operat cauafomsbaa | svami7mar | ONwhnineo Seconds | SSEDR conus eee Gino daia is recieved with uneyrenrorized data } fer -00 of ~01 oF \wrtten to memory. ONwising seconds | tgroa conigurations Loss of FOAL erariaivar OWin 120 Seconds SGFDA continues 1 operate Synctronization nth time markers writen 0 \ memory every 4 Seconds. Fah 04420009 Page 14 ‘SSFDA Installation & Operation Instruction Manual 4.2 FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION Using the Portable Analysis Unit (PAU), Fairchild P/N 17TES0010 (refer to Figure 8), real-time data or previously recorded data can be extracted for complete verification of recorder functions in the installation. Plugged into the front ATE connector of the F1000, the PAU can display and print cata without removing the SSFDR from the eircraft. Data canbe printed out on an accessory printer, P/N 1TTES0O20. Selection of aircraft parameters canbe varied, and the PAU can display data in raw form (octal, decimal, hexadecimel), or engineering units. The PAU can retrieve and store all or a pertion of the flight data from the F1000 in less than 15 minutes. Portable Analysis Unit (PAU), P/N 17TES0010 Figure 8 5.0 OPERATION 5.1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS There ate no controls or switches associated with the Fairchild Model F1000 FOR, and its operation is completely automatic upon power-up. When the recorder is installed and wired in accordance with Section 3 of this document, the recorder is ready for operation, To operate, first disengage the aircraft circuit breaker for the flight recorder while the rest of the aircraft electrical system is on; the Recorder Fault light should turn on. Next, engage the circuit breaker to apply proper FAR 04420009 October 10, 1994 aircraft power to the flight recorder. The recorder fault light should tum off in approximately five seconds. Should the recorder fault light come on after seven seconds, the recorder may not be functioning properly (See Section 4.0) or the input date to the recorder is incorrect. Should any parameter expected by the recorder (ARINC. 542 made) be missing, the recorder fault light willtum on, fro tested input parameter to the recorder is missing and the self test BITE circuitry does not find a defect within the FDR, the recorder will operate automatically until ower is temioved. The recorder will convert analog data into digital data per ARINC 542 Page 15 SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual and 542A, and record the information in tts memory. The recorder continuously records and retains fight data as presented to it thus meeting the requirements of FAR 121.348. 6.0 ACCELEROMETERS 6.1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS There are four DCtypes of aocelerometers that may be used with the F1000 Flight Data Recorder. Refer to Figures 9 through 12 for individual accelerometer details and Figure 13 for block diagrams of the dual—axial and wi-axial accelerometers. The remote accelerometers vary in weight and th centers of gravity are located, for all practical PART NUMBER, DESCRIPTION Vertical, DC Longitudinal, DC Vert. & Long., DC Triaxial, DC 17A471-00 17A471-01 17A471-02 17A471-03 6.3 MOUNTING The accelerometer is rigidly mounted by the airframe manufacturer in a position located longitudinally either within the approved center of gravity limits of the aitplane or at a distance fore or aft of this limit that does not exceed 25% of the airplane's mean aerodynamic chord (FAR 25.1459 (a) (2)). The airframe manufacturer will provide a suitable base for mounting. The orientation of the accelerometer is such that the mounting flange must be herizontial and at the bottom in FAR 04420009 October 70, 1804 6.2 ACCELEROMETER TYPES CONNECTOR LORAL P/N: 13975 ARINC 542 13975 ARINC 542 13975 ARING 542. 63-98-0052 ARINC 542 8.2 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS The Fairchild F1000 does not require scheduled maintenance. The battery within the Underwater Locator Beacon must be replaced every six years. At this interval, the F1000 should beinspected in accordance wit the Component Maintenance Manual 31-30-02. purposes, at the center of the transducer. The older ARINC 542 AC accelerometer is compatible with the Model F1000 when the FDRis powered by 115 Vee. In ARINC 542 and 542A installations, the remote accelerometer is wired directly to the FDR. The remote accelerometer is wired directly o the FDAU in ARINC 73/717/747 installations. MOUNTING FOOTPRINT all cases. Thisis the +1g position. Sufficient room must be provided at the top of the unit for proper connection and ease of removal for servicing. 6.4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ‘The electrical connection is made through 2 connector located at the top of the accelerometer. Electrical poweris provided by the recorder. Wiring is in accordance with ARINC 542 & ARINC 542A. Page 16 'SSEDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual 0219 ¢ PLAC: SVERICAL, = SIGNAL GND. SPARE + BICTATION = BemTarIOn SPARE SPARE, SPARE WEIGHT 15 te, goNnecton pen wre weer ERS pure i rt & LORAL net lire ore Vertical DC Accelerometer, P/N 17A471—00 Figure 9 FAR 04420008 October 10, 1894 Page 17 ‘SSEDA installation & Operation Instruction Manual Bax yenvon eNTIREATION PLATE ‘Vais SURFACE 219 «PLACES Mare wntsat (LORAL PIN: 19973) SPARE = SIGNAL GND. + LONGTUDE WeIGkT 15 tbe. Longitudinal DC Accelerometer, P/N 17A471-01 FAR 04420008 October 10, 1994 Figure 10 Page 18 ‘SSFDR Installation & Operatic Instruction Manual venoon IDENTIRIESTION PLATE, ‘THis SURFACE \ 0.2194 PLACES + VERTICAL = SIGNAL GND. + LoNerrupe a 2 c p+ excranon =} -secranion Ff spare @ }— srane Ht / srane WeIGhT 15 tb. CONNECTOR PEA gsorises tas PN TO. MATE Wnts3vISE~18—9 SN (ORAL PASTS? tonal NaMeSLaTE PAR SIDE Vertical & Longitudinal DC Accelerometer, P/N 17A471—02 FAR 2420008 October 10, 1994 Figure 11 Fage 19 ‘SSEDR installation & Operation ion Manual + EXCITATION - BCTATION pate PLaces +P ~pows + RIGHT -uFT + FORWARD -ArT case GND SPARE WEIGHT 1.5 bs, CONNECTOR PER agnieeee—10 PN "70 MATE WITH sgrisesi2—i0 SN (LomAL PIN: 065=98~010852) Lona NAMEPLATE | ‘PAA SIDE, Triaxial DC Accelerometer, P/N 17A471-03 A ae wel epg eoon cogs S2Ehnue na ran ecz008 October 10, 1994 Figure 12 Page 20 SSFDR Installation & Operation instruction Manual uppown + ExermaTion [a peer, Socom jae | RIGHT AMPLIFIER ph, z hetwore [ Ep sp suc mews] tet fee! 4) J Bp = de aaa. ssn cane unr resnamanr tense Se +: Sittenschnmawetgeetoneceene ee eTimmeona D> meses creme {Bere amy neonates tatemouonere [> trans -nvotrmeneei ARINC 542A Aircraft Wiring Diagram Figure 17 EEK O FAR 04420009 $722¢ October 10, 1884 Page 25 SSFDA Installation & Operation Instruction Manual ARINC 542 EXPANDED PARAMETER F1000 SSFDR P/N SX03 INSTALLATION ‘This table hes been designed so that the user of the FAU may have a quich mine a problem with an input parameter wired to the SSFDA. ference to deter- Word # SSFDR INPUT PARAMETER NAME INPUT SOURCE 1 NA syNc WORDS Nia, 4 31827,28 NORM ACCELERATION #1 vo-e 5 313:25.25 LONG ACCELERATION #1 0-0 6 sigas~ 33 LATERAL ACCELERATION #1 Dc-7 3 sna23.25 ENG #1 FREQUENCY SINCHRO-8 s SAS 38 MAGNENC HEADING ‘SYNCHRO-3 0 TAR 5 INDICATED AIRSPEED SYNCHRO-2 " BAST. 88,45, 26 CISCAETES: T8D, BINA, COM 7 42 NA 2 6 27,28 NORM ACCELERATION #2 0-2 3 61-5 PITCH ATITUDE #1 syNCHRO—4 “ 4810-14 POUL ATHTTUDE #1 SYNCHRO-5 16 8 20-26 ENG #3, SYNCHRO SYNCHRO-3 8 853-57 PITCH TAIM ~ SPARE SYNCHRO SYNCHROW7 38 BANS ALT COURSE ~ ELECTRIC SYNCHRO-0 x 8.27.28 NORM ACCELERATION #3 ‘0C-2 a 58 25.28 LONG ACOELERATION #2 c-9 2 83628 LATERAL ACCELERATION #2 DC-7 2 eis 19 PITCH CONTROL, CONTROL COLLMN SYNCHRO-S OR FLAPS: #1 2 82.68 ENG #9 FREQUENCY SyNCHRO=10 2% NA PNEU, ALTITUDE COARSE. NA 2 s827.28 NORM ACCELERATION 22 pe-2 = ei-s PITCH ATTTUDE #2 siNcHRO—# Fy 846.67 ‘SPARE UDC DC=1 En 218 34,35 SPARE UDC De-s 2 e393 ENG #2 SYNCHRO SYNCHROW10 2 NA PNEU, ALTITUDE FINE NA ee 518.27. 28 NORM ACCELERATION #5 po-2 z 18.25.25 LONG ACCELERATION #3 Deno 3 18.36 — 38 LATERAL ACCELERATION #3 00-7 0 1832.59 ENG #2 FREQUENCY SYNCHRO=S 2 Na PEL. AIRSPEED NA “ 318 27,28 NORM ACCELERATION #6 vo-2 4 wei-s PITCH ATTTUDE #3 ‘SINCHROW¢ “s net0-36 ROLL ATITUDE #2 SYNCHROWS ae 829-33 ENG #2 SYNCHRO ‘SYNCHRO-S st 18 4,08 COATITATISPARE LD Dons 8 1827.28 NORM ACCELERATION #7 po-2 s 18 25.28 LONG ACCELERATION #4 c-0 4 1B 36-38 LATERALACCELERATION #4 oc-7 5s 815-19 PITCH CONTROL, CONTROL COLUMN ‘SICHRO=S (On FLAPS: #2 s sess ENG #4 FREQUENCY SYNCHROW a Na FRAME COUNTISLAPSED TME NA = sais 18 AUTITUCE FINE ~ ELECTAIC smicHno-1 = we z7.28 NORM ACCELERATION #8 ‘0C=2 a nets PITCH ATTTUDE w4 SYNCHROW2 a ws4e— 52 ENG #4 SYNCHRO SYNCHRO=11 NOTE #1: ANY NUMBER WHICH IS NOT USED UNDER THE WORD # COLUMN, IS NOT USED IN THE 5X03 RECORDER. FOR ACTUAL. SSFOR PARAMETER INPUTS TO THE SSFDR, REFER TO THE INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS NoTE #2: ‘Synchro Inputs Figure 18 FAR 04420008, October 10, 1994 Page 26 ‘SSEDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual vA 3 THBVAC) —o GP DH rH vAC TIS VAC (C) ———«. 4o0crs 28 VOC ———0q0—t- 28 VOC (OPTIONAL) COMMON @ROUNDO— DIGITAL INA DIGITAL IN B. PLAYBACK HI PLAYBACKLO FOR — CVR TONE SYNCH (H) FOR — CVA TONE SYNCH (L) MONITOR WIRE “8” “| sowen ranuae noccaton WeNnrOR WiRE-E" CIRCUMTAYIN AIRCRAPT 28 VOC INDICATOR POWER (ARINC 573) 44. — DELAYED SHUTDOWN A 47. }-— DELAYED SHUTDOWN B ARINC 573 Aircraft Wiring Diagram Figure 19 FAR 04420009 October 10, 1994 Pege 27 SSFDA Installation & Operation Instruction Manuel SYNCHRO WIRING TO SSFDR DFRINFUTS z ‘ZINPUT {A} ; Y INPUT 8 as co XINPUT es Lett EXCTTATION ro 2svac ) Ls AIRCRAFT POWER: EXCTATION c © E — GND ~ AIRCRAFT CHASSIS: SYNCHRO LOOKUP TABLE Rotation Rotation in Decimal in Decimal Degrees Count Degrees Count a a 720 2201 10 159 200 2321 20 273 210 2422 20 ar 220 2516 20 256 220 zoe 50 556 220 2506 0 646 250 2788 70 750 260 23:7 20 ees 270 0 $0 Tez 280 3226 700 1178 220 es PoenOHE eH ae 200 Baer 120 1388 310 3699 130 148 320 3629 140 1561 320 372i 150 1673 340 3822 160 77 250 3820 170 nese 0s 180 2047 Note: The gezimal cunts shown inthe lookp table wee derived rom ial canons, {Bguch, actual eacings may not be exact se shown. However, the general rend Gf te coeimal count shoul fellow that shawn Inthe table. Synchro Input Wiring Diagram Figure 20 aR 04420003 Cetober 10, 1994 Page 28 SSFDA Installation & Operation instruction Manual RESOLVER WIRING TO SSFDR DER INPUTS cos ZINeUT a si YINPUT 8 N room XINPUT t Er EXCITATION LH 2svac H) Lo a AIRCRAFT POWER EXCITATION o {e}-© +r GND ~ AIRCRAFT CHASSIS RESOLVER LOOKUP TABLE Rotation Rotation in Decimal in Decimal Degrees Count Degrees Count eee eee ee 2 2 120 2ise a tas 10 12 200 2902 20 Bae 210 2470 20 422 220 2616 ae 2 __ esis ry a8 230. 2783 50 735 240 2267 60 $39 ee eter 70 Tres aaa a8 270 2487 aaa aE ere ear 20 7388 280 3521 —2 ess ee a 100) 1473 290 3563 10s 30068 7120 7591 310 3694 130) 1646 320 2749) 140 1701 330 3809 —0__ soa 750 1761 320) 3820 —__ sao > 160 e322 350 3970 170 1922 360 4095 —__ sags 180 2067 Note: The decimal counts shown nthe loki table were derived from lel ecndtien, 38 uch, acta readings may not be exacly Se shoes Howcier Ie were tthe decimal court shou Yow bat shown ine tle Resolver Input Wiring Diagram Figure 21 FAR 8 aR 0442000: bea Cetober 10, 1804 SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual DC 2 Wire Transducer To Synchro Input cf SSFDR DERINPUTS zineur /-——-—1 4] ° HoT YinpuT 2 ‘% 4 cou} XINPUT c e GND - AIRCRAFT i CHASSIS EXCITATION D a ——T._ fe] EXCITATION 7 © t {=| ei = —| awise 00 pnocaast S77 SRERAME navec| JAW 48 = eine sence (THAT ag 7 LEWAEDOPROGRAM ye yis-6 [SRO sc, yes? bes > Ne vise | s2vee __>— ne DC 2-Wire LOOKUP TABLE SSFDR Input Decimal Volts Count =< O 1.00 585 2.00 023 3.00 1365 ar 5.09 1861 Ts.00 2047 7.00 72205 2.00) 2340 2.00 257, ote: Tee decimal oun shown the kup ble were dere om Se oe The cosine cous ery te exact a= anown, However he general fond ae er Saat should alow tat snown te Be. DC~2 Wire Transducer Input Wiring Diagram Figure 22 ‘FAR 94420008 Page 20 Octoper 10, 1894 SSEDR Installation & Operation instruction Manual 12V DC 3 Wire Powered By Alrcraft to ‘Synchro Input of SSFDR (-EDRINPUTS_ REE si2voe — we XINPUT- |}———>— wc EXCITATION FREQUENCY 6) 6 = EXCITATION FREQUENCY (L @ |< Note: Engine Synchro's Only Frequency Inputs Eng 1 — Eng 4 SSFDR LOOK UP TABLE LOW RANGE HIGH RANGE Frequency Decimal Frequency Decimal Frequency Decimal Hes Count Hertz Count Herz” Count 208 3205 Tisas __a68e 7845.59 1696 fis 9072 145.33 S717 2325.29 1668 14.82 2860 yea. 9586 Treas 156 18172693, 230702972 3eg1.t8 1028 | | 22.89 2560 29086 3205 465059 1157 28.86 2068 26621 3072 5359.98 1024 36.33 2181 #6140 __2860 7382.35 12 5.782068 581.22 693 9301.18 645 57.67 1656 732.42 2560 3718.75 512 72.67 1669 $22, 34766,70 406 9155 1506 3762.65 2181 19602.36 322 746884 2068 | N “The decimal counts shown in the lookup table were derived from iceal conditions, 1B ich, aewal reacings may not be exactly 3 shown, However the general tend ‘Gf te decimal count should fallow hat shown Inthe table, e SSFDR Frequency Inputs Wiring Diagram Figure 26 FAR 04420009 Page 34 October 10, 1994 SSEDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual AC RATIO TYPE TRANSDUCER TO DFR (THE VALUES OF Ri AND R2 DEPEND ON AC RATIO METER) DFR INPUTS, +26VDC ZINPUT AIRCRAFT POWER YINPUT XINPUT GNO - AIRCRAFT CHASSIS EXCITATION # EXCITATION py Ane snouo se nsTALED ATTHE mo - = ERMERYAR¢ea rr alsol SveTeM Gonce- AIRFRAME ‘GROUND NOTE: FOR ALLAG & OC RATIO TRANSDUCERS, TE GFR CAN ShESGE 9 102 res REFERENCE. {Fa MES eREPERENGEIS USED, RESOUITION iSnenucen. AC Ratio Transducer Input Wiring Diagram Figure 27 ‘FAR 04420009 age October 10, 1994 SSFDR installation & Operation Instruction Manual TAT Note: Available from Rosemount Aerospace Division. 14300 Judicial Rd, Burnsville, Mn. 55237 Ph (612) 435-4000 * Other sources available. 18 exo é+-- i ee ARINC 706 Exiton | 100° 301.082 i orc = 500.002 | s + 150°C = 784.80 9 | s fs | F : BD Mh sone Tat | R : | ~300- e000 l ~v t | i} N- = t | ae t AIRFRAME | ‘GROUND TAT Temp ranges: Per ARINC 706-4, Attach Total Air Temp Probe Input Wiring Diagram Figure 28 Fan osaz0009 pees October 10, 1984 SSEDR Installation & Operation instruction Manual 2 OILPRES- ‘SURE pICATOR: WARNING! MUST BE CLOSED BEFORE NORMAL FLIGHT OPERATION, OR SHUTDOWN FEATURE WILL BE DISABLED. DELAYED SHUTDOWN NOTE: 1) SWITCHES SHOWN IN ENGINE-STOPPED MODE. 2) PIN 44 (DELAYED SHUTDOWN A) IS NOT USED IN THIS, EXAMPLE, AND IS LEFT OPEN (NO CONNECTION). 3) SO THAT THE SHUTDOWN FEATURE CAN BE DISABLED DURING DATA RETRIEVAL AND GROUND TESTING, AN IN- TERRUPT DEVICE (SWITCH ON PIN 47) MUST BE PRO- VIDED. Aircraft—to-FDR Shutdown Circuit (Example 1) Figure 29 (Sheet 1 of 2) FAR 04420009 Cetober 10, 1994 Page 37

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