Environmental Pollution: Geoffrey E. Millward, Sandeep Kadam, Awadhesh N. Jha

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Environmental Pollution 162 (2012) 406e412

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Environmental Pollution
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Tissue-specific assimilation, depuration and toxicity of nickel in Mytilus edulis

Geoffrey E. Millward a, *, Sandeep Kadam a, Awadhesh N. Jha b
Marine Institute, Portland Square, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, United Kingdom
School of Biomedical and Biological Sciences, Portland Square, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The tissue-specific accumulation and time-dependent depuration of radioactive 63Ni by the byssus, gut,
Received 14 July 2011 foot, gills, kidney, adductor muscle and faeces of Mytilus edulis has been investigated using a pulse-chase
Received in revised form technique. The rate and extent of depuration of 63Ni varied between tissues and, after 168 h, the
18 November 2011
concentration factors and assimilation efficiencies ranged from 1 to 35 L kg1 and 5%e13%, respectively.
Accepted 24 November 2011
Mussels were also exposed to a range of environmentally-realistic concentrations of dissolved Ni, prior to
the analysis of biological endpoints. The clearance rate was concentration-dependent and at the highest
concentration decreased by 30%. Neutral red retention (NRR) assays indicated a cytotoxic response and
Marine mussels
DNA strand breaks were observed in the haemocytes. The association of DNA damage with that of
Assimilation physiological and cytotoxic effects suggests that Ni exerts a significant impact on Mytilus edulis at cellular
Cytotoxicity and genetic levels.
Genotoxicity Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 5  103 L kg1 due to its tendency to complex with dissolved

organic matter (Martino et al., 2003).
Nickel (Ni) has increasing world-wide importance in applica- Species of Mytilus have been used as biomonitors of industrial
tions of new technology, for example in Ni-metal hydride batteries metal contamination, including Ni, since the US Mussel Watch
for electric and hybrid vehicles, in super-alloys for commercial and Programme began in 1976 (Goldberg et al., 1983). The recom-
military aircraft and in austenitic stainless steel for a new genera- mended biological concentration factor for molluscs, CF [defined as
tion of nuclear power stations. Accordingly, there has been a surge the ratio of the concentration of the metal in the tissue of the
in the development of Ni mines and processing and refining plants organism in mg kg1(dry weight) to that in seawater in mg L1], for
in the coastal regions of, for example, Brazil, Madagascar, New Ni is 2  103 L kg1 (IAEA, 2004). Although there has been extensive
Caledonia, Russia and western Australia (Salazar and McNutt, 2011). research on the overall bioaccumulation of Ni in Mytilus spp., its
Consequently, Ni enters coastal waters as mine tailings and during toxic impact on these organisms is not well understood. Laboratory
ship-to-shore transfer operations of Ni ores, mainly laterite, leading studies have elucidated, albeit to a limited extent, the impact of Ni
to elevated dissolved concentrations due to leaching by seawater within Mytilus spp., using concentrations generally outside the
(Florence et al., 1994; Hédouin et al., 2007). High dissolved Ni range found in estuaries and coastal waters mentioned above
concentrations, in the range 0.6e30 mg L1, have been detected in (Table 1). Nickel compounds are classified as being carcinogenic to
industrialised estuaries (e.g. Martino et al., 2002; Prego et al., 2003; humans (Beyersmann and Hartwig, 2008), although whether
Braungardt et al., 2007) and in sediment porewaters (e.g. Langston aquatic organisms are also affected at the cellular and genetic level
et al., 1999; Prego and Cobelo-Garcia, 2003; Santos-Echeandia et al., is not clear. However, improved assessment of DNA damage can
2009). Accordingly Ni is included in the European Union (EU) now be achieved using highly sensitive single-cell gel electropho-
priority list of contaminants with an Environmental Quality Stan- resis (i.e. the Comet assay) in both laboratory studies (Jha, 2008)
dard (EQS) for marine surface waters of 20 mg L1 (Crane and Babut, and as a biomarker in environmental monitoring for coastal
2007). Geochemically, Ni has a relatively low particle affinity and pollution (Rank et al., 2005; Klobu car et al., 2008).
distribution coefficients, KDs, in seawater are typically less than Thus, there is scant evidence in the literature on the accumu-
lation and time-dependent depuration of Ni from specific tissues of
mussels. Furthermore, the impact of Ni on the genetic integrity of
* Corresponding author.
mussels also lacks clear definition, requiring laboratory experi-
E-mail addresses: gmillward@plymouth.ac.uk (G.E. Millward), ajha@plymouth. ments to be conducted at environmentally-realistic concentrations.
ac.uk (A.N. Jha). Here we adopt an integrated approach, in which the tissue-specific

0269-7491/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.E. Millward et al. / Environmental Pollution 162 (2012) 406e412 407

Table 1
Biological or biomarker responses in Mytilus spp. exposed to dissolved and particulate Ni under laboratory and field conditions.

Organism Expoure Time, d [Ni]D, mg L1 Biomarker Responses Reference

Laboratory Exposures
Mytilus edulis 28 13e102 N/A Friedrich and Filice, 1976
Mytilus edulis 84 5 & 10 N/A Zaroogian and Johnson, 1984
Mytilus edulis 2.3 0.4a N/A Punt et al., 1998
Mytilus galloprovincialis 28 20 & 200b SFG & GPX response related to Tsangaris et al., 2007
metal concentrations but not for AChE
Mytilus sp. 7 0.01e0.10c No MT induction at any concentration Amiard et al., 2008
Mytilus galloprovincialis 4 770 Changes in energy metabolism and Jones et al., 2008
amino acid profiles; no reduction of AChE
Mytilus galloprovincialis 28 3e3000 SFG & GPX response related to Ni Tsangaris et al., 2008
concentrations but not for AChE
Mytilus trossolus (larvae) 2 50e1000 Abnormalities occurred in embryo Nadella et al., 2009
larvae at EC50 ¼ 150 mg L-1
Mytilus galloprovincialis 8 135 & 770 MT; GST; MDA increased with time; Attig et al., 2010
AChE decreased

Field Exposuresd [Ni]P, mg g1

Mytilus galloprovincialis 90 ND MT induction in whole soft tissues Mourgaud et al., 2002
containing Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn
Mytilus edulis N/A 0.2e2.1 Higher DNA damage (Comet assay) Rank et al., 2005
in gill vs haemolymph cells
Mytilus sp. 30 45 MT induction by Ni and V from Amiard et al., 2004
an oil spill
Mytilus galloprovincialis 30 48e240 Increase in MN frequency and %tail Klobu
car et al., 2008
DNA (Comet assay) at polluted sites

[Ni]D and [Ni]P are dissolved and particulate Ni, respectively. AChE ¼ acetylcholine esterase activity; EC50 ¼ half maximal effective concentration; GPX ¼ glutathione
peroxidase activity an indicator of ROS; GST ¼ glutathione S-transferase activity; MDA ¼ malondialdehyde accumulation; MN ¼ micronucleus; MT ¼ metallothionien;
SFG ¼ scope for growth; N/A ¼ not applicable.
Dissolved Ni added as 63Ni.
Experiments carried out with a mixture of Ni, Cr, Fe.
Dissolved Ni injected into the posterior adductor muscle.
Concentration of Ni in contaminated sediments which also contain other metals.

bioaccumulation and depuration of Ni is complemented with an Ni concentration of 36 ng L1, which is significantly lower than concentrations in
examination of its physiological, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects. coastal waters (Tappin et al., 1995). The carboy containing the 63Ni spike was allowed
to equilibrate with dissolved ligands and the P-SPM for 24 h by stirring in the dark in
the constant temperature room. After equilibration, analysis of the dissolved 63Ni
2. Materials and methods
concentration had a KD ¼ 890  95 L kg1 (n ¼ 3), indicating that 99% of the 63Ni was in
the dissolved phase.
2.1. Collection and acclimatisation of mussels
2.2.2. Preparation and implementation of exposure
Adult mussels, in the size range 45e55 mm, were collected from a reference site
Fifty mussels were attached to the side of a 20 L feed tank using a fast setting
at Whitsand Bay, S.W. England, in early spring to avoid seasonal spawning effects.
epoxy resin (Araldite Rapid). Mussels were mounted to expose the byssus threads and
Specimens were carefully detached from rocks to avoid damage to the byssus gland
with the posteriors angled downward, to allow faeces capture in a beaker. The tank
(Rajagopal et al., 2005) and were cleaned of epibionts. In the laboratory, the mussels
was filled with the unspiked P-SPM suspension and the mussels were acclimatised for
were placed into filtered (<5 mm pore size) seawater (salinity ¼ 34) in a constant
48 h under constant aeration. Subsequently, the unspiked suspension in the tank was
temperature room (15  1  C). Mussels were fed daily with micro algae (Isochrysis
replaced with the 18 L of P-SPM spiked with 63Ni and the mussels fed for 2 h.
galbana, AlgaeÒ Reed Mariculture, Inc. USA) and the water was changed daily after
When the feeding period ended the spiked suspension was discarded and the
the feed. The mussels were acclimatised for 2 weeks prior to exposure.
periostracums of each mussel carefully washed with seawater to remove residual
radioactivity. The mussels were then depurated for 168 h during which they were
2.2. Exposures to radio-labelled Ni fed clean, unspiked P-SPM suspension, refreshed from a reservoir using a continuous
flow system (Punt et al., 1998). At pre-determined time intervals at least 3 mussels
A pulse-chase experiment was designed to assess the tissue-specific were removed from the tank and their associated faeces in the beakers were
bioaccumulation and depuration of radio-labelled 63Ni by Mytilus edulis under removed with a Pasteur pipette. The mussels were stored at 20  C and the faeces
environmentally-realistic, controlled conditions of temperature, salinity and sus- were filtered using pre-weighed cellulose nitrate filters of pore size 0.45 mm.
pended matter concentration used previously (Punt et al., 1998; Jaeschke et al., 2011).
The addition of a radiolabel has the advantage that, because liquid scintillation 2.2.3. Post-exposure analyses
counting is very sensitive, relatively low concentrations of Ni can be used. The pulse Mussels were dissected to obtain separate tissues of byssus, gut, foot, gills, kidney
of radioactive feed was for 2 h which approximates to the gut passage time allowing and adductor muscle. Each tissue was washed with 5 mL of distilled water to remove
better estimation of the assimilation efficiency, AE (Wang and Fisher, 1999). superficial 63Ni and the tissues, and the filter samples of faeces, were freeze-dried to
constant weight. Soluene-350 (PerkineElmer, Buckinghamshire, UK) was added
2.2.1. Preparation of suspended solids and radio-labelling (1 mL) to each sample and placed in an oven held at 55  C for 48 h until the tissues
Muddy, oxic surface sediment (0e1 cm) was obtained from the Tamar Estuary and filter membranes had solubilised. Glacial acetic acid (35 mL) was added to the
(S.W. England). A three-stage separation procedure was used to isolate permanently samples to neutralise any remaining Soluene-350. Scintillation cocktail (Ultima Gold,
suspended particulate material (P-SPM): (1) the sediment was wet sieved to obtain PerkineElmer, Bucks, UK) was added (5 mL) to the solubilised tissues and the filters.
a sufficient quantity of the <63 mm grain size fraction, (2) the sieved sediment was The samples were kept in the dark for 2 h to allow decay of chemiluminescence prior
resuspended into 20 L tanks containing seawater and allowed to settle for 5 min to liquid scintillation counting (Beckman Coulter, UK) at a precision of 5%.
before the slow settling fraction was siphoned off and (3) the slow settling fraction
was then resuspended and allowed to stand for 2 h, prior to the P-SPM being siphoned
off. Similar aliquots of P-SPM were added to two plastic carboys, each containing 18 L 2.3. Exposure of mussels to stable Ni
of seawater (salinity ¼ 34.5), to create suspensions of 5 mg L1 which was determined
gravimetrically. The carboys were stirred and aerated in a constant temperature room Glass beakers (1 L) each containing a mussel and filtered (<5 mm pore size),
in the dark. One carboy was used as feed during 48 h of acclimatisation and the other aerated seawater, were located in a constant temperature room (15  C). The mussels
was spiked with 7.3 mL of 63NiCl2 solution (206 kBq mL1) for use as feed during the were acclimatised for 48 h, after which the beakers were amended with Ni(II)
2 h pulse period. This gave an activity concentration of 8.35  104 Bq L1 and a stable nitrate, made up in seawater at pH ¼ 8. There were five replicates for each of three
408 G.E. Millward et al. / Environmental Pollution 162 (2012) 406e412

Fig. 1. Assimilation of 63Ni (Bq g1) after the 2 h pulse and its tissue-specific time-dependent depuration (a) byssus; (b) digestive gland. (c) gills: (d) foot; (e) kidney; (f) adductor
muscle. The filled circles positioned at 10 h indicate the activity concentrations of 63Ni in the controls (n ¼ 5) where the error bars are subsumed into the symbol.

dissolved Ni concentrations and five replicates acted as controls. Water samples 2009). Approximately, 15  103 cells of algal suspension (Isochrysis galbana, AlgaeÒ
were taken from each beaker for analysis of temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved Reed Mariculture, Inc. USA) was added to the beakers. Immediately, 20 mL of
oxygen, and dissolved Ni. The average nominal concentrations (n ¼ 5) of dissolved seawater was removed from each beaker and additional samples were taken at 15
Ni, as determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, over the and 30 min intervals. Samples were analysed on a Coulter Particle Counter (Beckman
course of the experiment were 14  2, 31  4 and 120  11 mg L1 and for the control Coulter, Z2) fitted with a 100 mm aperture tube and set to count particles between
was 4.6  2.1 mg L1. During the 120 h exposure the mussels were not fed. 4.0 and 10.0 mm in diameter.

2.4. Biomarker or biological responses 2.4.2. Haemolymph extraction

After exposure, the haemolymph was extracted from posterior adductor muscle
2.4.1. Clearance rate using a sterile 1 mL syringe fitted with a 21 gauge needle. Approximately 0.2 mL of
The clearance rate (CR, L h1) was quantified after the exposure period by haemolymph was withdrawn and placed in an Eppendorf tube containing physio-
placing mussels in separate beakers, which contained filtered seawater (Canty et al., logical buffer saline (PBS; pH w 7.36) and stored at 5  C.
G.E. Millward et al. / Environmental Pollution 162 (2012) 406e412 409

2.4.3. Neutral red retention (NRR) assay mL of Milli-Q water, prior to Soluene digestion, thereby reducing
The cytotoxicity in the haemolymph was determined by NRR, which is based on the amount of particle-associated 63Ni. Mytilus spp. from the
the ability of cells to retain supravital neutral red dye. The method is adapted for
mussel haemocytes and is used routinely in our laboratory (Canty et al., 2009). A
southern Baltic Sea were analysed for their trace metal content and
stock solution of neutral red dye was made by dissolving the dye in dimethyl were found to have 6- to 8-fold higher concentrations of Ni in the
sulphoxide (DMSO) from which a dilute working solution was prepared in PBS. byssus as compared to the body. It has been argued that elevated
Samples of haemolymph (50 mL) were incubated, in flat bottomed microtitre plates, concentrations of metals in the byssus arise because, rather than
to allow a monolayer of cells to adhere to the wells. Non-adhered cells were dis-
the metals being adsorbed to the surface, the byssus is the main
carded and the wells were washed with PBS. A solution of neutral red dye was added
to each well and incubated for 3 h at room temperature. The cells were washed with conduit whereby metals are eliminated from the body of mussels
a mixture of acetic acid and ethanol and the plate shaken for 10 min to solubilise the (Szefer et al., 2002).
dye. The solution was read at 560 nm, using a microplate reader (Optimax) and The gut accounts for about 13% of the total 63Ni assimilated by
protein concentrations were determined using a commercially-available bovine the mussels which confirms its importance as a pathway for Ni
serum albumin standard (Thermo Scientific, USA).
uptake (Punt et al., 1998; Hédouin et al., 2007). The relative amount
2.4.4. Comet assay of 63Ni assimilated from the food and/or the water cannot be easily
The genotoxicity in the haemolymph was determined, as the reliable parameter assessed from these experiments, except that the magnitude of the
tail %DNA, by Comet assays (Jha, 2008; Canty et al., 2009). Aliquots of the haemo- KD indicated most of the radiolabel was in the dissolved phase. The
lymphs were pelleted in a microfuge tube, the supernatant removed and resus-
kidney only contained 4e7% of the total 63Ni taken up. However,
pended in low melting-point agarose. This cell suspension was added to the frosted
ends of glass slides coated with dilute, normal melting-point agarose and placed in the kidneys are an important site for metal accumulation because
refrigerator to allow the agarose to solidify. The coverslips were removed and placed metals are immobilised by cellular compartmentalisation into
in a lysis solution to dissolve the cells. Alkaline unwinding by electrophoresis was granules which, ultimately, may be excreted in the urine (George,
carried out at 4  C in a gel electrophoresis solution, after which the slides were 1983).
placed in a neutralising buffer. The slides were then stained with ethidium bromide
and viewed under an epifluorescence microscope (Leica, DMR). The slides were
analysed using the Komet 5.0 image analysis system (Kinetic Imaging, Liverpool, 3.1.2. Depuration
UK). The depuration of 63Ni from the tissues, with the exception of
the kidney, followed a general exponential decrease with time
3. Results and discussion (Fig. 1). After 168 h the order of the activity concentrations followed
the sequence byssus > gut > kidney > gill z foot > adductor
3.1. Tissue-specific accumulation and depuration of Ni muscle, with the byssus and gut having retained about 68 and 13%,
respectively, of the total 63Ni. The net amount of 63Ni excreted by
3.1.1. Accumulation the tissues after 168 h of depuration was relatively constant, in the
The tissue-specific concentrations of 63Ni, immediately after the range, 64e81%, with the exception of the kidney (Table 2). This is in
pulse, were significantly above the respective concentrations in the broad agreement with Zaroogian and Johnson (1984) who found
controls (Fig. 1). The accumulation of 63Ni followed the sequence that mussels depurated between 73 and 89% of the Ni assimilated.
byssus > gut > gills > foot > kidney > adductor muscle and activity The depuration of 63Ni from the byssus was irregular with an
concentrations in the tissues varied over two orders of magnitude. initial increase followed by a decrease to 12 h, a sharp increase at
Mussels may accumulate metals in various tissues via three 24 h and a subsequent decline (Fig. 1a). There was a delay of about
processes: (a) absorption across the gastro-intestinal tract via the 48 h before the start of depuration of 63Ni from the gut (Fig. 1b)
intake of particulate matter comprising the diet, (b) absorption after which there was a slow loss of the radiolabel until 168 h, when
across the surfaces of the body that may be exposed to the water, in 36% of the original 63Ni remained in the gut. The gills showed
particular the gills, foot, byssus and adductor muscle and (c) a biphasic depuration profile with a rapid first stage (Fig. 1c), rep-
re-distribution of metals within the organism by metabolic resenting the excretion of particles containing 63Ni that were
processes (Widdows and Donkin, 1992). unavailable to the organism. This was followed by a slower second
The tissue-specific accumulation of 63Ni within the Mytilus stage represented by loss through phagocytosis of fine particles
edulis occurred, predominantly, in the byssus (69%), which is channelled from the stomach, as proposed in a model for marine
significantly more than the w20% observed by Punt et al. (1998). bivalves (Wang and Fisher, 1999). Approximately 22% of the original
The threads, produced by the byssal gland within the foot, have activity remained in the gut after 168 h. A general exponential
similar dimensions to human hair and are a sticky mixture of release was observed for the foot and adductor muscle (Fig. 1d and
keratin and polyphenolic proteins which enable mussels to adhere e). The kidney had an initial uptake which, although less than the
to substrates. The attachment of the byssal threads to a substrate is other tissues, remained relatively constant over 168 h (Fig. 1f). The
important because the sensitivity of Mytilus spp. to toxicants is faeces had an elevated activity concentration of 63Ni after 1 h,
dependent on whether they are attached or not. If the byssus
is unattached the valve opens to allow extension of the foot to
re-attach the byssal threads, thereby exposing the internal soft
body parts to dissolved contaminants (Rajagopal et al., 2005). Table 2
Although attention was paid to maintaining the integrity of the Biological constants for uptake and depuration of Ni by Mytilus edulis.
byssus while sampling, the mussels had to be carefully cut away Tissue Extent of Depuration Concentration Assimilation
from their rocky holdfasts. During the 48 h acclimatisation, the Depuration, % Half Life,a h Factor,b L kg1 Efficiency,b %
byssi were partially attached to the surface of the tank and thread Byssus 71 N/S 35 37
development may have taken place while the experiment was Gut 64 N/S 7 10
underway. Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility that Gill 76 N/S 3 4.3
Foot 84 14 2 2.8
byssogenic activity was important in determining the byssus Ni
Kidney 27 N/S 4 6.3
content during uptake and depuration. Increases in the 63Ni Adductor 81 13 1 1.6
content of the byssus could be due to complexation of dissolved Muscle
Ni with the organic molecules comprising existing, or nascent, Faeces 86 5 N/A N/A
threads or to P-SPM, spiked with 63Ni, becoming trapped within a
N/S ¼ fit to the exponential depuration model, Eq. (1), not significant at p < 0.05.
them. However, the byssus samples were carefully washed in a few From Eq. (2), after 168 h. N/A ¼ not applicable.
410 G.E. Millward et al. / Environmental Pollution 162 (2012) 406e412

galloprovincialis the CFs in whole body tissue were dependent on the

dissolved Ni dose and were in the range 73e3170 L kg1 (Tsangaris
et al., 2008), whereas studies of the digestive gland showed they
were from 11 to 43 L kg1 (Attig et al., 2010). For clams and oysters
(Hédouin et al., 2007), estimated 63Ni CFs for various tissues in the
range 16e660 L kg1, except for the combined visceral mass and
mantle of Mulleus regula where the CF was 1901 L kg1. Thus, almost
all of the recent values of CF, with the exception of those resulting
from the study by Zaroogian and Johnson (1984), are significantly
lower than the recommended CF for Ni in molluscs of 2  103 L kg1
(dry weight), which appears to be derived from relatively few envi-
ronmental measurements in Long Island Sound (IAEA, 2004). This
suggests that the recommended CF for Ni for a broad range of
molluscs needs to be re-examined and, possibly, revised downwards.
The assimilation efficiency, AE, is given by:

AE ¼   (2)
Atissue þ Afaeces

where Atissue and Afaeces are the mean activity concentrations of 63Ni
Fig. 2. Time-dependent activity concentrations of 63Ni in the faeces. The filled circle in a tissue and the faeces at 168 h, respectively (Table 2). Assimilation
positioned at 10 h indicates the activity concentrations of 63Ni in the controls (n ¼ 5) efficiencies for metals are reliant on several important factors related
where the error bars are subsumed into the symbol. to the biology of the organism, such as the rate of ingestion, gut
retention time and the relative importance of extra- and intra-
cellular digestion. Also, the bioavailability of the metals associated
followed by an exponential decrease (Fig. 2) and after 48 h they had
with the food has a significant effect which is controlled, to a large
declined to relatively low values.
extent, by the strength of metal binding with the particle surface, i.e.
the KD. Metals that are strongly bound to food particles may not
3.2. Biological constants
desorb when attacked by the low pH environment, normally pH 5 to
6, in the gut of bivalves (Widdows and Donkin, 1992). Thus, for
The time-dependent depuration trends in Figs. 1 and 2 were
Mytilus edulis AEs for Cr were persistently less than 10% because, in
fitted to a first-order exponential decay model:
seawater, the metal has a high KD, typically 104 to 105 L kg1, and is
less bioavailable. Silver has a KD of a similar magnitude, and hence
½63 Nit ¼ ½63 Ni0 *ekt (1)
a relatively low bioavailability, and typical AEs are of the order 5e20%
where [63Ni]0 and [63Ni]t are the mean activity concentrations of 63Ni (Luoma and Rainbow, 2005). On the contrary, Cd has a KD of the order
in the organism at time t ¼ 0 and t ¼ t, respectively, and k is the decay 103 L kg1 and AEs in Mytilus edulis ranged from 10% to 30% indicating
constant in h1. The fit of the data to Eq. (1) was significant, at that at ambient coastal SPM concentrations the organism may
p < 0.05, only for the foot, adductor muscle and faeces, where the acquire the metal from the dissolved and particulate phase. Our
depuration half lives (t1/2 ¼ 0.69/k) were 14 h, 13 h and 5 h, tissue-specific AEs for Ni were in the range 5e35% (Table 2). Since Ni
respectively (Table 2). The depuration from the foot and adductor also has a relatively low KD, it likely that a proportion of Atissue orig-
muscle fitted the single compartment model, in common with other inated from the assimilation of Ni (as 63Ni) from the dissolved phase.
invertebrates (Kumblad et al., 2005; Hédouin et al., 2007). The foot,
and to a lesser extent the adductor muscle, are involved in the
manipulation of the newly forming byssus threads and may, 3.3. Physiological, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects
therefore, have proteinaceous coatings. These external surfaces,
exposed to dissolved 63Ni during the exposure phase, may complex The values of CR decreased by about 30% from 2.2 L h1 for the
with the radiolabel. Since the t1/2 of faeces in the gut is 5 h, it is controls to 1.54 L h1 for a nominal dissolved Ni concentration of
anticipated that particles labelled with 63Ni would have been almost 150 mg L1 (Fig. 3a). A regression analysis of CR against the dissolved
completely evacuated by the mussels within about 30 h (i.e. 6  t1/2). Ni concentrations showed a significant relationship (R ¼ 0.998;
Metal retention in the gut is a common feature of bivalves, for p ¼ 0.027). There was a major difference between the control and
example retention of Co can last up to 72 h (Wang and Fisher, 1999) the lowest concentration (p < 0.05, KruskaleWallis test), however
and the relatively long dwell time for 63Ni in the gut epithelium, the differences between each of the concentrations were not
observed in our experiments, may give rise to increased uptake and statistically significant.
dispersal to other tissues, resulting in enhanced toxic effects. Neutral red retention assays are designed to assess the viability of
The CFs, on a dry weight basis, varied from 1 L kg1 for the the cells based on the penetration of a weakly cationic dye across
adductor muscle to 35 L kg1 for the byssus (Table 2). Values of CF lysosomal membranes. These organelles accumulate a significant
(dry weight) reported for Mytilus spp., and other molluscs, are fraction of environmental contaminants, including metals, which can
derived mainly from the laboratory experiments described in Table 1. destabilise the lysosomal membrane. Since lysosomes play key role in
Thus, exposure of Mytilus edulis to various concentrations of dis- biological processes of the organism, any deleterious changes in their
solved Ni gave CFs for whole body tissue in the range 250e400 L kg1 function can affect cell growth, the maintenance of homeostasis and
(Friedrich and Filice, 1976), whereas Zaroogian and Johnson (1984) the defence mechanism of the organism, which leads to an auto-
obtained values of 1640e2080 L kg1. However, estimates of CF ob- phagic loss of body tissue. The NRR values in this study ranged from
tained from experiments of 63Ni uptake by Mytilus edulis gave 0.70 to 0.32 OD mg (protein)1 for the control and the maximum
significantly lower CFs of 100 L kg1 for the byssus and 12 to 27 L kg-1 dissolved Ni concentration, respectively (Fig. 3b). The major decrease,
for the whole body tissue (Punt et al., 1998). For Mytilus about 44% of NRR, occurred between the control and the lowest
G.E. Millward et al. / Environmental Pollution 162 (2012) 406e412 411

assays showed a 5-fold increase in percentage tail DNA between the

control and the lowest dissolved Ni concentration. When the dis-
solved Ni concentration was augmented by about an order of
magnitude only minor increases in percentage tail DNA, i.e.
approximately 22%, were observed. This indicates that accumula-
tion of Ni in Mytilus edulis has a significant genotoxic effect on the
integrity of the DNA in the cells. Dissolved Ni, particularly the free
ion Ni2þ, forms a variety of complexes with different ligands, such
as amino acids, peptides, proteins, and glutathione, some of which
are redox active and catalyse reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as
the hydroxyl radical. The ROS subsequently interact with DNA,
inducing damage to the bases of DNA leading to the generation of
strand breaks. Beyersmann and Hartwig (2008) report that Ni2þ
interacts with DNA repair systems, this mechanism may involve the
ability of Ni2þ to compete with magnesium and zinc ions in the
structure of DNA repair enzymes, in addition to causing
DNA-protein cross links. The relative contribution of these mech-
anisms for the generation of DNA strand breaks, under the exper-
imental conditions, is difficult to ascertain.
It is generally recognized that results obtained under laboratory
conditions cannot be compared directly with observations made in
the natural environment, where a wide range of contaminants are
present in a multiplicity of combinations and where biotic and
abiotic factors can modulate biological responses in natural biota
(Jha, 2008). Nevertheless, in laboratory experiments using Mytilus
galloprovincialis exposed a dissolved Ni concentration of 770 mg L1
increases in glutathione-S-transferase activity and malondialdehyde
accumulation (Attig et al., 2010) and changes in energy metabolism
within the organism (Jones et al., 2008) were detected. Tsangaris
et al. (2008) showed that the scope for growth (SFG; an indicator
of the physiological health of the organism of which CR, as deter-
mined in this study, serves as a component) of Mytilus gallopro-
vincialis was seriously impaired as the dissolved Ni concentration
was raised from 300 to 3000 mg L1 and that glutathione peroxidase
induction tended to occur predominantly at the highest dissolved Ni
concentration. Amiard et al. (2008) found little evidence for the
induction of metallothionein in Mytilus spp., although the dissolved
Ni was administered via the posterior adductor muscle, rather than
through feeding. For embryo larvae of Mytilus trossolus, the EC50 for
Ni was 150 mg L1 in a 48 h exposure, although metal complexation
with dissolved organic carbon appeared to offer a “protective effect”
Fig. 3. (a) Clearance rate of M. edulis following exposure to dissolved nickel; (b) (Nadella et al., 2009). Important nerve transmission processes are
Cellular viability in M. edulis haemocytes after exposure to dissolved nickel; (c) dependent on levels of acetylcholine (AChE) within the adductor
Induction of DNA strand breaks (represented as % tail DNA) in Mytilus edulis haemo- muscle and changes in AChE activity were generally not observed or
cytes following exposure to dissolved nickel. Asterisks (*) denote a statistically
only at elevated dissolved Ni concentrations (Jones et al., 2008;
significant difference (p < 0.05).
Tsangaris et al., 2007, 2008). The conclusion of these investigations is
that relatively high and environmentally-unrealistic concentrations
dissolved Ni. Only minor decreases in NRR occurred as the doses of dissolved Ni are required to induce response in the biomarkers
increased and there were no statistical differences between each mentioned above and it is somewhat surprising that there is no
concentration. This could be due to the behaviour of Ni at a cellular Comet assay or NRR data for any of the laboratory studies given in
level indicating that at relatively low concentrations may be more Table 1. Thus, our results appear to be the first in respect of the
toxic than previously thought or the lysosomal compartments of the application of these sensitive techniques to laboratory investigations
cells had reached their saturation level. The loss in lysosomal stability of the effect of Ni on Mytilus edulis. Typical dissolved Ni concentra-
may also be due to an increase in calcium in the haemolymph since Ni tions in estuaries and sediment porewaters cover the range
enters the cell via the calcium channel which causes the initial 0.6e30 mg L1 (Langston et al., 1999; Martino et al., 2002; Prego and
decrease in Ca2þ, followed by its release from intra-cellular stores via Cobelo-Garcia, 2003; Braungardt et al., 2007; Santos-Echeandia
cell surface receptors (Denkhaus and Salnikow, 2002). et al., 2009) and <0.5 mg L1 in coastal waters (Tappin et al., 1995).
DNA damage in the haemolymph of mussels varied from 9.1% for Thus, more sensitive biomarkers such as DNA strand breaks and NRR
the controls to 55% for the maximum dissolved Ni concentration need to be employed to assess damage to marine organisms at
(Fig. 3c). There was no statistically significant concentration concentrations that are environmentally-realistic.
dependant increase for the induction of DNA damage (p < 0.05,
KruskaleWallis test). Multiple variance tests showed a significant 4. Conclusions
difference between the control and all three concentrations.
However, there were only minor increases in the DNA damage in Mytilus edulis assimilated 63Ni preferentially in the byssus and it
the mussels as the dissolved Ni concentration increased. The Comet was internalised especially in the digestive gland. The tissue-
412 G.E. Millward et al. / Environmental Pollution 162 (2012) 406e412

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