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Limited Power Of Attorney 授权书

The customer who was a signatory to this agreement in terms and conditions
hereby authorizes BOT to perform trading (include buy and sell) of customer
account and any other relevant actions that are deemed necessary to manage the
allocated fund in customer accounts with Intelligence Prime Capital Limited. The
customer agreed to grant the authority for BOT to perform trading in Foreign
Exchange, Commodities, CFDs, Cryptocurrency and other financial products
available on Intelligence Prime Capital Limited platform and the trading is permitted to
be carried out on margin.

The customer agrees to accept all risk that are associated with trading on margin
and Intelligence Prime Capital Limited is not to be held liable or responsible to any
losses from such trading. Trading is inherently risky and customers undertake to
assume the risk associated with the trading of any financial products on the

Intelligence Prime Capital Limited will not take any responsibility for any
representation or warranties made by the BOT to customers including but not
limited to the trading methods, risks, strategies, experience, and. The customer
hereby acknowledges that the BOT had provided full and fair disclosure and the
customer had perused all the disclosure documents and written statement and
thereby expressly or impliedly consented to assume any risk associated with
entering into the arrangement with the agent.

在条款和条件上签署本协议的客户特此授权指定 BOT 作为客户帐户的交易(包括买和卖)以及

管理分配 Intelligence Prime Capital Limited 账户里的资金。客户同意授予 BOT 在 Intelligence
Prime Capital Limited 平台上可用于外汇,商品,虚拟货币和其他金融产品交易的权限,并允

客户同意承担与保证金交易相关的风险,并且 Intelligence Prime Capital Limited 不承担任何此


Intelligence Prime Capital Limited 对 BOT 与客户的任何陈述或保证不承担任何责任,包括但

不限于 BOT 的交易方法,风险,策略,经验和资格。客户特此确认,BOT 已提供了坦率而公正
的披露,并且客户已仔细阅读了所有披露文件和书面声明,从而明示或暗示地同意承担与 BOT

Terms and Conditions

Agree to the term and conditions stated as below:

1. Profit distribution - 20% of profit from closed trade shall be distributed and
transferred to the agent’s designated account as performance fees and profit

2. Minimum Equity required - 100USD


1.利润分配—将公开交易累计利润的 20%作为业绩费和利润分配,分配到代理人指定账户

2.最低账户金额—100 美元

Customer Name/客户姓名: Yves Lamothe

MT4 ID/MT4 账户: 2893193

Invest Amount/投资金额: 100
Authorized Electronic Signature/授权电子签名 : Yves Lamothe

✓ I acknowledge that I have read the above POA and fully understand the
information provided herein. 我承认并已阅读上述 POA 文件,与完全理解此文件提供的信

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