A) Write A Dialogue About: The Population

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a) Write a dialogue about: The population.

The mayor of the city organizes a press conference in the Town hall, for that few reporters
have come. Mayor discusses the situation in the city and he says the next pla ns for the
issues. He updates them the new plans and afterwards the Reporters question him about
the actual plans.
Mayor - Mr. Sravan Sinha, Mayor of Amaravathi, Andhra Pradesh. Reporter 1 - Kiran Joshi,
Reporter, working in “People’s Vision” News Channel. Reporter 2 - Sandeep Kumar,
working as Senior Reporter in “Democratic Rise” News Channel. Reporter 3 - Jagruthi
Mehra, Reporter working at the “Right News”

Reporter 1: Good Morning. I am Kiran. I work for People’s Vision News Channel.
Reporter 2: Good Morning, Kiran. I am Sandeep, Senior Reporter working for Democratic
Rise News Channel.
Reporter 3: Good Morning, Mr. Sandeep and Mr. Kiran. How are you?
Mayor: Good Morning Mr. Kiran. How are you both?
Reporter 2: Good Day! Ms. Jagruthi. I am fine. You both already know each other?
Reporter 1: Yes, I am fine too. How are you, Ms. Jagruthi?
Reporter 3: I am fine. Today the mayor is some key points of the city. Do you have
Information about the highlights?
Reporter 2: Information is that, he will update us on the future plans of the city.
Reporter 1: It means that we have many headlines.
Reporter 2: You are right.
Reporter 3: Does the city get new Industries?
Reporter 2: I answer it. Yes.
(Mayor comes to the Podium with his Secretary)
Mayor: Good Morning one and all! Today, I must tell you some important reports in
the city. The population of the city was 5 lakhs in last January and it has
increased to 8 lakhs this year. The number of medium and large Industries is
also increasing around the city therefore we are also increasing the facilities
like electricity, water, transportation.
Reporter 1: How would be the increase in the population in the next few years?
Mayor: As there is a sudden increase of employment in the city, the population has
raised above 50 %. But in the few years, it would not be very high.
Reporter 2: The increase in the population may not be high, but it would increase, so what
kind of Plans do you have?
Mayor: Yes, certainly. This year we have given permission for new Industries in the
south, and two Universities, Medical and Biotechnology Universities in the
east. We have proposal a of Multi-speciality Hospital at the centre of the city
and the people can visit easily.
Reporter 3: What do you say about the transportation facilities? The roads we have at
present are not in good.
Mayor: Yes, you are correct. For that we are repairing of these roads and also have
plans for new roads.
Reporter 2: Are you planning for any increase in the buses?
Mayor: Yes, we are also planning for a train.
Reporter 1: Are we also having any increase in the infrastructure?
Mayor: Yes, the town planners are working on that. We need few more days for that
Reporter 2: If the population of the city increases, would the underwater sufficient?
Mayor: For the next 100 years, we have no water problems. We are thinking about the
rain water harvesting.
Reporter 1: Is the water from river Krishna used for the city?
Mayor: No. Water of the River cannot be used for the city. Any more questions….
(A minute of pause….)
Mayor: Thanks everyone.
All Reporters say “Thank you Sir”.

b) Write a dialogue about: Freedom of expression.

As children, Sahiti and Kapil were nice friends. But for few years they haven’t met. Now
Sahiti works as a teacher and Kapil is social-worker. He raises his voice for the children and
their rights. Sahiti has a problem and wants to meet him. She waits for Kapil in a Café. Next
to her, there are few football players, who are celebrating and are very happy. Then, Kapil
Sahiti: Hello, Kapil! How are you?
Kapil: Fine, thanks, Sahiti. How are you?
Sahiti: Thanks. I am fine too. Don’t you reside in Uppal?
Kapil: Of course, I reside in Uppal but I must mostly stay outside. You know that I am a
Social-worker. So, I rarely stay at home.
Sahiti: Therefore I could not meet you.
Kapil: Have you come to my house? Why?
Sahiti: Yes, I was there. I could not meet you and then I spoke to Mr. Ramarao.
Kapil: Yes, Mr. Ramarao has told me. What is the problem?
Sahiti: You know that I am working as a teacher in St. Ann’s and I observe that the girls do
not often speak their problems, but it is very important.
Kapil: You are right. If people don’t raise voice to their problems, they cannot succeed. I
must say a point that some children have hesitation.
Sahiti: Correct. I observe that.
Kapil: Later one gets many Problems. See the football players. They look so happy. That is
also an expression. As a child, we had not right of expression that is not good and
healthy too.
Sahiti: Um, as a child I was afraid of talking with my father. Our teachers had helped us
from it. They had played an important role.
Kapil: Right, but today the parents of the children also have the role.
Sahiti: For that would you take few classes for the children? Can you help me?
Kapil: That is a good idea. I can. We must also converse with the parents.
Sahiti: When can we begin then?
Kapil: Next week I am free. Can we begin?
Sahiti: That is wonderful. Why not? Tomorrow I will send you the schedule.
Kapil: Oh!! We did not order coffee.
Sahiti: Yes, correct. We will order one.
Kapil: Why is it one?
Sahiti: I don’t drink coffee. I am ordering an Apple juice.
Kapil: Um! Tomorrow is good. You can send me.
Sahiti: Till then, Bye.
Kapil: Bye.

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