Energy Resources (Case Study On Ethiopia)

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and its energy resources and management

Andiga Wira Nagata 12-W

Background Information
Lying on the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia
is a developing nation set to become
Africa's leading nations in terms of
energy production and management.
Its geographical position within the
source basins of the Nile River Delta,
particularly of the Blue Nile, makes it
develop the strategic capability of
developing its energy production
from hydroelectric means. In 2019, multiple local cement plants opt
Ethiopia plans to be climate-neutral to replace imported coal with locally
by 2025, a goal that could potentially prduced biomass as its energy source.
be a push factor for the continued Despite this, biomass commercialy only
development of renewable energy contributes 0.58% of total renewable
sources. energy production in the country.
Nile River Basin
One of Ethiopia greatest
source of potential
renwable energy, lies in its
river basins. A small part
of the great Nile River
Basin, Ethiopia posseses
an estimated 11.5% of the
basin's entire collective
volume. With its position
also being near the
headwaters, built up
potential energy possesed
by the water in higher
Sources: HydroSHEDS; FAO, AQUASTAT; PNUD, Water Stress in the Nile Basin, 2013; Nile Basin Initiative, 2012
Hydroelectric Energy Production
Ethiopia has great potential for a
variety of renewable energy sources
yet none of which compares to
Ethiopia's development in capturing
and harnessing hydroelectricity.
Hydroelectricity covers over 90% of
the entire nation's energy needs.
Current installed capacity is at about
6,330MW but as construction of
dams increase, that number will
increase to over 14,000MW within
the next 5 years.
Grand Ethiopian June 26, 2020 July 9, 2020

Renaissance Dam
First constructed back in 2011 at the
cost of 5 billion dollars, the GERD
plans to be the backbone of
Ethiopia's energy production and
supplier. Once finished, it would have
the capacity of 6,000MW and
account for 98% of Ethiopia's
electricity demand as well as some
surplus to export to neighboring
countries such as Sudan, Kenya, and

Natural Gas
Ethiopia is predicated to have 880,000 MMcf of
gas reserves mostly located within an area called
the Ogaden Basin.

Natural Gas only accounts to an active 10-12% of

commercial energy consumption yet ever since
large scale surveys done by foreign researchers
including Chinese company Poly GCL, foreign
interest has been on the rise for Ethiopia

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