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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology in Livelihood Education

(Industrial Arts)

I – Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
a. Define Electrical Circuit
b. Identify the basic parts of electrical circuit
c. Demonstrate how to assemble/make an electrical circuit.
II – Learning Content
A. Area: Industrial Arts
B. Topic: Basic Components of Electrical Circuit
C. Reference:
Electrical Installation and Maintenance Quarter 2 – Module 5 page 4
D. Materials: pictures of Plug, Wire, Switch, and Load
Screw Driver

E. Values Integration: Patience, Carefulness

III – Learning Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Classroom Management
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Review of the past lesson

1. What are the tools and equipment used in electricity?

C. Motivation
1. Showing picture of flashlight
2. Ask the students how the device work.

D. Demonstration Proper

What is an Electrical Circuit?

It is an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current
to flow.

What are the basic parts of electrical circuit?

 The Energy Source
 The Conductor
 The Switch
 The Load

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E. Generalization
In making/assembling the components of an electrical circuit you
need to be careful and patient to avoid short circuit. You need to do
with all your heart and mind to avoid failure/mistake.
IV – Evaluation
 The students will assemble/make an
 Student’s output will be graded/rated using the criteria below.

Performance Rubrics:

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Handling of
Use of PPE

Legend: 1Poor 2 fair 3 Good 4 Excellent

Scale Description Points

4 Excellent 93-100
3 Good 86-92
2 Fair 79-85
1 Poor 78-below

V – Assignment
1. What is Series Circuit?
2. What is Parallel Circuit?

Prepared by:

William G. Garcia
Teacher Applicant

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