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Enchanted Trinkets

ut of the strange bronze

wagon springs a gray-haired,

gray-clothed gnome who looks like

he should run a funeral parlor. De-

spite his somber dress, he bounds

about his wagon in a furious rush,

pressing strange knobs and buttons

before pulling on a long handle. A

panel from the wagon opens into

an extensive table and the gnome—

who briefly introduces himself as

Fizzwing—becomes even more ani-

mated and excited as he describes writing Marc Kenobi

editing Mike Myler
his goods. color art Xanditz
layout Eric Life-Putnam

EN World EN5ider
New Magic Items You can use an action and spend a charge to
have the copper weasel animate and perform for 1
Big Bopper minute. During that time, you have advantage on
Weapon (greatclub), uncommon (cost 120 gp) Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) and Charisma (Perfor-
This extremely large but lightweight mallet is mance) checks made against creatures who can
covered in a dense layer of padding painted in see the copper weasel.
bright colors. Any Medium or smaller humanoid The copper weasel has 3 charges and regains
hit by the big bopper must make a DC 5 Constitution charges by being fed copper, usually in the form
saving throw. On a failure, the creature is stunned of coins. Once it has consumed 10 gp worth of cop-
until the start of its next turn. per (an activity that takes 10 minutes), the copper
On a critical hit, a Medium or smaller humanoid weasel regains 1d3 charges.
is instead stunned until the end of your next turn, When the copper weasel ends a performance, roll
but the big bopper snaps, losing its enchantment. 1d20. On a roll of 1 or 2, the copper weasel goes ber-
serk, attacking the nearest creature it can detect.
The copper weasel uses the statistics of a weasel that
has advantage on attack rolls. It continues to at-
tack for 1d3 additional rounds for each charge that
it has, draining each charge. When damaged its
remains become a mundane pile of copper parts,
but if it survives it can be recharged as normal.

Fizzwing’s Fiery Flashbangers

Wondrous item, common (cost varies)
These long multi-colored fireworks are taller
than the gnome selling them. Along their lengths
they are bound with all manner of cloth and paper
strips, vials of liquid, and packets of powders.
As an action when lighting the firework, you can
target a group of up to 6 creatures that you can see
within 100 feet. Fizzwing has perfected four differ-
ent designs, each with its own particular effect.
Copper Weasel Angels (100 gp). A formation of angels blowing
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; cost a chorus of trumpets dance across the sky. With a
150 gp) final peal of trumpets (that can be heard 300 feet
Made up of copper coins, tiny cogs, and threads away) the angels land behind their targets resting
of wire this mechanical facsimile of a weasel is a crackling sword on the shoulder of each before
a great tool for a street performer as its chirrups, bursting into stardust and disappearing. The tar-
whistles, and flashing red hue make it impossible gets each gain 2d4 temporary hit points that last
to ignore. for 1 hour.

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Enchanted Trinkets: Fizzwing’s Marvelous Marvels  |  EN World EN5ider

Dragon (95 gp). A mighty dragon whose wings On closer inspection you will discover the traces,
touch the horizon swoops back and forth breath- halter, and reins are melded into the donkey and
ing out long looping lines of flame that unerringly cart, and they cannot be removed or separated.
strike their targets before the dragon bursts into The cart can bear 200 pounds and maintain a
a riot of flame and a waft of warm air. Each target speed of 40 feet. Whenever the cart contains 200
takes 1d4 fire damage. pounds or more and additional weight is added,
Imps (75 gp). A flame- and smoke-filled cloud roll 1d100. If the result is less than the additional
of imps appears in a crack of thunder, breaking weight over 200 pounds, the cart collapses into
apart and surrounding each target before turning shards of broken wood and the donkey becomes
to smoke and fading away. For the next hour, the insubstantial as it fades into the Ethereal Plane.
targeted creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom Otherwise the cart’s speed is reduced by 5 feet for
(Perception) checks and are unable to gain advan- each additional 25 pounds or fraction thereof.
tage on saving throws against fear.
Pegasuses (60 gp). A herd of pegasuses charge in Forge Coat
random directions across the sky until in a sudden Armor (leather), uncommon (requires attunement;
burst of incredible speed they charge through the 150 gp)
targeted creatures with a clatter of hooves before This heavy, ankle-length jacket is made of stiff
flashing into streaks of light. Each of the targets leather plates bound together with strange sinews
increase their speed by 5 feet for the next hour. and an orange waxy substance. It also has a sealed
hood that completely covers the wearer’s face ex-
Fizzwing’s Spare Cart cept for a tiny slit that allows vision. While wearing
Wondrous item, uncommon (120 gp) the coat, you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Per-
This small, delicately carved wooden donkey ception) checks and on Dexterity saving throws,
and cart would be at home in any child’s toy col- but you gain resistance to acid, cold, fire, and poi-
lection. However, carved into the underside of the son damage.
cart are a series of mystic runes that suggest it is Whenever you take damage against which the
something more. coat has given you resistance, roll 1d20. If the
By spending an action and speaking the runes damage of the attack or effect exceeds the result,
out loud, you can cause the figures to transform the coat has lost too much of its protective proper-
into full-sized versions for the next 8 hours. Once ties and ceases to provide any resistance, losing all
you use this property, it cannot be used again until of its magic at the end of your turn.
you finish a long rest.

EN World EN5ider |  Enchanted Trinkets: Fizzwing’s Marvelous Marvels

Hellish Hot Hat Alternatively, you can use an action to add a
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement; miniature version of a nonmagical item worth
150 gp) less than 10 gp to Jax’s figure, rolling 1d6. If the
The leather top hat bears many bronze pipes, result is less than or equal to the number of items
pistons, and even a small chimney. Occasionally it Jax already possesses, the new item is added and
lets off a small billow of steam as the pistons work can be removed and enlarged as described above.
back and forth. While wearing the hat you have If the result is higher than the number of items Jax
advantage on saving throws made to resist the ef- possesses, all the items within become full-sized,
fects of extreme cold. smashing the box to mundane scraps.
As a bonus action, you can activate a hidden
mechanism under the brim of the hat. The hat Pallee
unfolds, wrapping around your face and shoul- Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement;
ders replacing your features with those of a vile 120 gp)
demon, glowing orange with heat and wreathed Pallee (Pneumatic All-Land Leveling and Exca-
in smoke. For the next minute you have advantage vation Engine, though it is also advertised as the
on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and can speak “Digger’s Friend”) is a knee-high brass cube with
and understand Infernal. At the end of the minute extending arms ending in scoops. Fizzwing hap-
roll 1d20; if the result is 1 or 2, one of the pistons pily explains to anyone willing to listen that he
breaks loose in a gout of flame and smoke that de- invented this little marvel to help with the setup
stroys the hat. In addition, the invisible imp that of his camps as he’s getting too old for digging, but
powered the hat’s abilities is released. he has put it up for sale since creating a more ver-
Once you use this property, it cannot be used satile helper (called Deeva; Dirigible Examination
again until you have finished a short or long rest. and Evaluation Vehicle Assembly).
You can use an action and spend a charge while
Jax in the Box whispering one of three instructions to Pallee,
Wondrous item, common (60 gp) pointing at an area you can see within 30 feet. At
A small box has been decorated to look like a the end of your turn, it scurries away to perform
chest with buckles, locks, and straps etched into the task over the next minute.
the surface. None of these are functional however Churn. Pallee transforms a 5-foot radius of loose
and the small crank handle on the side gives away earth into difficult terrain. Alternatively, it can
its true nature. You can use a bonus action to turn transform a 5-foot radius of difficult terrain into
the handle, making the box emit the simple plink- normal terrain.
ing music of a child’s rhyme until after 1d4 cranks Pit. Pallee excavates a 5-foot × 5-foot pit in an
the lid opens and a stylized Jax—a famously angry area of loose earth down to a depth of 10 feet.
and miserly dwarf—suddenly pops out of the top. Trench. Pallee creates several shallow trenches
Until you use an action to stow Jax back into the in loose earth in a line 10 feet long. The chaotic pat-
box and close it, turning the crank does nothing. tern of these trenches make it difficult for anyone
As an action you can remove Jax’s weapons (a to be certain of their footing. A creature attempt-
miniature axe, shield, and dagger) and close the ing to stealthily cross the trenches must make a
lid. As the box closes the items are transformed DC 10 Intelligence (Stealth) check to unravel the
into full-sized versions for 1 hour, after which they patterns and remain undetected.
return to their harmless original size. If all of the Pallee can also perform the above on firmer
miniature weapons are in the Jax in the box at dawn surfaces, but each time it does roll 1d10. On a re-
this property may be used once during that day. sult lower than the number listed for the type of

Enchanted Trinkets: Fizzwing’s Marvelous Marvels  |  EN World EN5ider

material (wood: 5, bone: 6, stone: 8, iron: 9, steel: While in the area if you rely on sleep to complete
10), as Pallee completes the work something inside a long rest you can do so in 2 fewer hours. This
snaps, pings, twists or otherwise breaks and it be- property cannot be used again until the watch has
comes a mundane pile of brass fittings. wound down.
Pallee has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges Alternatively, you can use an action to wind the
each day at noon. watch counter-clockwise and hurl it up to 30 feet
away. As it lands the watch shatters, releasing
Time-Peace all the suppressed sounds in a tremendous burst.
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement; 75 gp) Each creature in a 5-foot radius must make a DC
This tiny pocket watch is made of a corroded sil- 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d6 thunder
very metal that has small green pits in its surface. damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
You can use an action to wind the watch clockwise
and for the next 4 hours sound in a 20-foot radius Trioculars
of the watch is muffled. Creatures inside the area Wondrous item, common (65 gp)
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks The three brass tubes that make up this lensed
that rely on hearing and when rolling initiative. and tubed device are covered in tiny levers, switch-
es, dials, and toggles that are also inlaid with gem
fragments in a dozen colors.
You can use an action and spend a charge to place
two of the eyepieces over your eyes and press the
third firmly against your forehead. For the next
hour or until you lower the trioculars, the range
of your sight is doubled, including darkvision and
any other special sense that relies on vision. While
in use, the various mechanisms on the trioculars
continually move, giving off faint clicks and whirs
as various settings constantly adjust and the gem-
stones each give off a faint glow.
In addition, whenever you can see the effect of
a spell from the school of illusion the trioculars’
motion increases wildly and you roll 1d6. If the
result is lower than the spell’s level the trioculars
break and the enchantment fades, but otherwise
you gain advantage on any saving throw or check
relating to that illusion.
The trioculars have 3 charges and regain 1d4–1
charges each day at dawn.
Operating the trioculars requires the full use of
one hand. e

EN World EN5ider |  Enchanted Trinkets: Fizzwing’s Marvelous Marvels

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