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Tip of the

A Fifth Edition adventure for
four to five 7th–8th level PCs


irsli Aptal embodies the

H finest qualities of Bellek, the

city of scholars—disciplined, studi-

ous, and dedicated to the pursuit

of knowledge. Lately however, her

perfect memory (itself a product

of the alchemy she practices) is

proving to be elusive at times and

unreliable at others.

After months of researching the phenom-

enon, debating with her fellow noble scientists,
and several failed attempts to get to the bottom
of the enigma, she’s posted a sizable reward for writing Mike Myler
anyone able to determine what is happening to Christopher Kugler
both her and the other nobility in Bellek. Will editing Christopher Kugler
the adventurers be able to get to the bottom of color art Gennifer Bone
this mystery and, if so, survive the dangerous 5e conversion Mike Myler
knowledge they’re destined to awaken? layout Eric Life-Putnam

EN World EN5ider
Additional Enemies
To win over Lord Percival Budalist, the party have to defeat a pair of titonydrausauruses, and the favor of
Baroness Tenvi Sahasika requires revealing and bringing an end to the wickedness of Corwin the Balewind.

Corwin the Balewind Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Corwin deals an extra 7

Medium humanoid (any), chaotic evil (2d6) damage when he hits a target with a weapon
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when
Hit Points 130 (20d8+40) the target is within 5 feet of an ally of his that isn’t
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. incapacitated and Corwin doesn’t have disadvantage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA on the attack roll.
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) ACTIONS
Saving Throws str +9, con +6; Proficiency +4 Multiattack. Corwin attacks three times.
Skills Athletics +13, Intimidation +4, Stealth +11, Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5
Survival +5; disguise kit +4 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d8+7) slashing damage, or 10
Senses passive Perception 11 (1d10+5) slashing damage if wielded in two hands.
Languages Common, Halfling, Thieves’ Cant Handaxe (6). Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+5) slashing
Action Surge (1/Short Rest). Once on Corwin’s turn, damage.
he can take an additional action on top of his regular Draconic Form. Corwin magically polymorphs into a
action and a possible bonus action. draconic form that resembles a green dragon or back
Cunning Action (1/Turn). Corwin can take a bonus into his true form. He reverts to his true form if he
action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. dies. Any equipment Corwin is wearing or carrying is
Favored Enemy. Corwin has advantage on Wisdom absorbed or borne by the new form (his choice).
(Survival) checks to track halflings and humans and on ~In Corwin’s draconic form, he retains his alignment,
Intelligence checks to recall information about them. hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, and
Indomitable (1/Long Rest). Corwin can reroll a saving ability scores, as well as this action. His size increases
throw that he fails but must use the new roll. to Huge and he gains the following benefits:
Rage (2/Long Rest). On his turn, Corwin can enter a * fly speed of 50 feet.
rage as a bonus action. His rage lasts for 1 minute, * darkvision 60 feet.
ending early if he is knocked unconscious or if his turn * a bite natural weapon attack (+9 to hit, 1d8+5
ends and he hasn’t either attacked a hostile creature piercing damage).
since his last turn or taken damage since then. Corwin * a claw natural weapon attack (+9 to hit, 1d8+5
can also end his rage on his turn as a bonus action. slashing damage).
While raging, he gains the following benefits: * an acid breath weapon (as an action, Corwin exhales
* advantage on STR checks and STR saving throws. acid in a 40-foot cone; each creature in that area
* when he makes a melee weapon attack using must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking
Strength, he deals 2 extra damage. 8d10 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much
* resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage on a successful one; the breath weapon
damage. recharges after Corwin finishes a long rest).

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Tip of the Tongue, Part Four  |  EN World EN5ider

Mass Combat
Although the GM and players might be interested
in a prolonged conflict with each NPC taking an
individual turn in a battle between hundreds of
warriors against the vergeten hordes of Mitk’, to
keep the table focused on the story it’s recom-
mended to make mass combat abstract using the
rules designed by Benjamin Eastman in EN5ider
Titanohydrosaurus #339 - Tertiary System: Mass Combat.
Gargantuan beast, unaligned
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Armies
Hit Points 174 (12d20+48) No matter how the party fared with Baroness Ten-
Speed 20 ft., swim 70 ft. vi Sahasika (who may also grant wardens), Duke
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Girman Kai (who may also grant thieves), or Lord
20 (+5) 6 (–2) 19 (+4) 3 (–4) 13 (+1) 5 (–3) Percival Budalist (who may also grant privateers),
Proficiency +3 they should have at least four types of armies at
Skills Athletics +8, Perception +4, Stealth +9 their disposal. The following list of units assumes
Senses passive Perception 14 that the party has at least one battalion army to
Languages — control per player, but if not there are also smaller
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) units provided for the lesser armies (companies)
Amphibious. The titanohydrosaurus can breathe both among the Material Plane’s forces in this battle
air and water. (and a smaller battalion unit of vergeten to match).
Aquamirage. While underwater, the titanohydrosaurus Note that each of the defending armies have sta-
can use a bonus action to cast mislead without the tistics for fighting from the walls of Bellek. When a
use of components (spell save DC 12). Only creatures defending unit ventures into the greater battlefield
above the water are affected by this trait, and it ends (see Terrain), reduce its armor category by one
whenever the titanohydrosaurus ceases concentrating step, to a minimum of light armor. Units marked
on it or emerges from the water. with a * do not reduce their armor.
Pain Threshold. Any attacks or spells that deal 6 points
of damage or less do not deal any damage to the Bellek Armies
titanohydrosaurus. All of Bellek is eager to defend the city, yet once the
Slippery. While in the water, the titanohydrosaurus full nature of the threat is known to the Aptals a
is considered to be under the constant effects of a royal decree forbids many of the most knowledge-
freedom of movement spell. able and capable from taking up the proverbial
ACTIONS sword. Even so there are some men and women in
Multiattack. The titanohydrosaurus attacks once with the guard dispensed for protecting the city walls,
its bite and once with its tail slap. and if the party is on good terms with the royal
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 20 ft., one family they have the services of a company squad
target. Hit: 21 (3d10+5) piercing damage. of Bellek scholars as well.
Tail Slap. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 25 ft., Morale. The people of Bellek do not break.
one target. Hit: 14 (2d8+5) bludgeoning damage. Tactics. The Bellek guard are unwilling to with-
REACTIONS draw into the city until the attackers have breached
Jet (Recharge 5–6). On its turn before it takes its the walls, but the Bellek scholars are eager to get
action, the titanohydrosaurus can use its reaction to onto the battlefield to find out more about what ex-
move 70 feet in a straight line through the water. actly is going on.

EN World EN5ider |  Tip of the Tongue, Part Four

Bellek Guard Company start of the unit’s turn it makes death saving throws,
This company of guards are not disciplined warriors, but and when it would die it instead flees. If the army
they will fight to the death to protect their city. is on a ship, it starts making similar death saving
HP 25, Unit Die 1d6, Damage 1d6+1, Weapon spear, throws when the ship is reduced to half hit points,
Armor heavy abandoning the fight when it accrues 3 failures.
Specialty “Bellek guards fight best from the city walls.” Tactics. The sailors do their best fighting when
on or near water, but in lieu of that prefer to rally
Bellek Guard Battalion around the most powerful allies they can find on
This battalion of guards are not disciplined warriors, but the battlefield. While they might not like the or-
they will fight to the death to protect their city. der they are given, none will risk mutiny and the
HP 50, Unit Die 1d8, Damage 1d8+2, Weapon spear, wrath of Lord Percival Budal.
Armor heavy
Specialty “Bellek guards fight best from the city walls.” Budal Privateer Squad
This rugged squad of sailors are all seasoned by the sea,
Bellek Scholar Squad their hair salty and their hands as rough as their reckless
This squad of scholarly mages make up for what they approach to life.
lack in combat experience with impressive control of the HP 15, Unit Die 1d4, Damage 1d4, Weapon scimitar,
arcane. Armor medium, Special when making a Clash roll to
HP 20, Unit Die 1d4, Damage 1d4, Weapon fire bolt, attack the privateers attack a second time without
Armor none, Traits misty step 3/day, fireball 3/day taking damage, when making a Clash roll to defend the
(1d10+3 fire damage to 2 adjacent units), greater privateers add +2
invisibility 2/day (2 mass combat rounds) Specialty “Privateers fight best when on a coast or on
Specialty “Bellek scholars fight best while within the ships.”
Budal Shiphand Company
Budal Armies This company of sailors are eager to prove their courage.
The forces offered by Lord Percival and the Port HP 25, Unit Die 1d6, Damage 1d6+1, Weapon scimitar,
of Profiteers are a hardy bunch of sailors, their Armor medium
courage tested by the open sea and their mettle Specialty “Shiphands fight best when on a coast or on
measured at the end of bloody cutlasses. Even ships.”
though the threat they face is a mysterious one
these warriors are not phased; there are plenty of Budal Shiphand Battalion
magical and unnatural things on the waves, and This battalion of sailors are eager to prove their courage.
the unique nature of the invaders will not make HP 50, Unit Die 1d8, Damage 1d8+2, Weapon scimitar,
Budal’s best falter in the fight. When they arrive Armor medium
in Bellek their ships anchor off-shore briefly to dis- Specialty “Shiphands fight best when on a coast or on
pense of most of their crews, then retreat to a safe ships.”
distance nearby until needed. They bring a bit of
unruliness to the city with them, and at the GM’s Sahasi Armies
discretion there may be a matter or two (or more) Of all the allies that heed Bellek’s call for aid none
that the adventurers have to deal with that has are as disciplined as the warriors from Sahasi.
their nautical allies at the center of things. The wardens and guardians of the Thorned Town
Morale. Once the fighting starts these armies are wont to turn their allegiance with nature to-
stick with the battle until reduced to 10 hit points wards violence, but the threat posed by another
or less—each mass combat round after that, at the alien world brings out the fierceness within them.

Tip of the Tongue, Part Four  |  EN World EN5ider

Their presence in Bellek is initially met with some Zakai Armies
unrest—the ways and practices of scholars are One thing about the not always reliable soldiers
not always undertaken with great respect—and hailing from Zakai that can be relied upon is that
at the GM’s discretion, the adventurers may need their loyalty is a true blood compact: nothing will
to intervene to smooth things over with the first stop them from rendering the promised services
arrivals. Afterwards the guardians and wardens lest their reputation (and future profits) suffer.
of Sahasi bring confidence to the populace and a Coin is all that will keep these rowdy warriors
sense of calm before the big battle commences. in line once they arrive in Bellek—whether that’s
Morale. The forces of Sahasi do not break and provided by the party, persuaded from the Aptal’s
fight until the bitter end. royal treasury, or a properly threatening remind-
Tactics. These armies prefer to fight in the for- er instead of the payment Duke Girman Kai has
est, drawing enemies into the woods if necessary. promised—and without it the damage they wreak
If they have wardens on the water, that unit tries to causes each of the city’s armies to enter the big
draw already wounded foes into the forests where fight reduced by 1 hit point.
guardians are in wait. Morale. The forces from Zakai do not break,
but whenever they take 6 or more damage from a
Sahasi Guardian Company Clash roll they retreat next turn.
This company of experienced mercenaries are woe to Tactics. The brutes are eager to meet the enemy
make war but become a force of nature when unleashed head on, but the thieves wait until an ally has en-
upon a foe. gaged a foe before joining in the fight.
HP 25, Unit Die 1d6, Damage 1d6+1, Weapon longsword
or crossbow, Armor heavy Zakai Brute Company
Specialty “Guardians fight best when within sight of This company of amateur soldiers all have a decidedly
wardens or while within a forest.” suspicious look about them, and many sport strange
bruises or missing fingers.
Sahasi Guardian Battalion HP 25, Unit Die 1d6, Damage 1d6+1, Weapon greataxe,
This battalion of experienced mercenaries are woe to Armor medium, Damage Resistances bludgeoning,
make war but become a force of nature when unleashed piercing, slashing
upon a foe. Specialty “Brutes fight best when lunging into battle
HP 50, Unit Die 1d8, Damage 1d8+2, Weapon longsword with reckless abandon, or when in foothills or plains
or crossbow, Armor heavy and in sight of an ally unit fighting on the same
Specialty “Guardians fight best when within sight of terrain.”
wardens or while within a forest.”
Zakai Brute Battalion
Sahasi Warden Squad This battalion of amateur soldiers all have a decidedly
This squad of druids are dedicated to defending their suspicious look about them, and many sport strange
world and willing to die doing just that. bruises or missing fingers.
HP 15, Unit Die 1d4, Damage 1d4, Weapon quarterstaff HP 50, Unit Die 1d8, Damage 1d8+2, Weapon greataxe,
or produce flame, Armor heavy, Traits thunderwave 4/ Armor medium, Damage Resistances bludgeoning,
day piercing, slashing
Specialty “Wardens fight best on natural terrains Specialty “Brutes fight best when lunging into battle
(including water).” with reckless abandon, or when in foothills or plains
and in sight of an ally unit fighting on the same

EN World EN5ider |  Tip of the Tongue, Part Four

Zakai Thief Squad Vergeten Commander Battalion
This squad of warriors move with great speed and agility, The creatures in this soaring alien battalion are vaguely
though not one of them is in step with another. humanoid in shape but made of eyes, brains, and sinew
HP 15, Unit Die 1d4, Damage 1d4, Weapon shortsword grafted into nerve tissue.
or light crossbow, Armor medium, Special thieves HP 50, Unit Die 1d8, Damage 1d8+2, Weapon corporeal
deal double damage when making a Clash roll if an ally cannon, Armor light, Damage Resistances psychic,
unit is adjacent to the unit it is fighting, when making Traits invisible 3/day, regeneration 1
a Clash roll to attack the thieves attack a second time Specialty “Vergeten commanders fight best when they
without taking damage begin their attack while invisible.
Specialty “Thieves fight best when their allies have just
attacked the same target, or when in forests or plains.” Vergeten Scion Squad
Although the creatures in this squad of floating aliens are
Vergeten Armies the most recognizably humanoid, the outer features of
Every one of these hideous alien invaders is en- each have been stripped away to leave bones, muscles,
slaved to the will of Mitk’, fighting fearlessly and and organs exposed.
with uncanny efficiency. What’s most chilling HP 20, Unit Die 1d4, Damage 1d4, Weapon cerebral
about the vergeten is their utter lack of mercy, atrophy, Armor light, Damage Resistances psychic,
their penchant for slaying wounded foes making it Traits misty step 5/day, regeneration 2, Special a unit
clear immediately that if they make it into Bellek it is destroyed after its 4th Clash roll against vergeten
will rapidly become a bloodbath. scions
Morale. The vergeten do not break—there will Specialty “Vergeten scions fight best when they can
always be more of their kind to continue with the swoop down onto their foes.”
invasion until Mitk’ is destroyed.
Tactics. When an enemy unit is reduced to 0 hit Mitk’ (Unit)
points, any vergeten units that are able to move to Made from immaterial thought forced into existence on
and attack it in the same turn or target it with a the Material Plane, this raging entity of crimson energies
ranged attack do so on their next turn. grows like a storm in the skies above the battle.
HP 310, Unit Die 1d4, Damage 1d4+2, Weapon slam,
Vergeten Soldier Regiment Armor none, Damage Immunities poison, psychic,
Composed of freakish amalgamations of flesh and bone, Special after every 5 rounds of intimate combat Mitk’
this regiment is typical of the alien infantry. increases in size by one step (from 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to
HP 100, Unit Die 1d10, Damage 1d10+2, Weapon bone- 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, and 1d10 to 1d12) and its damage
bladed arms, Armor medium, Damage Resistances increases by +2, units Mitk’ makes a Clash roll against
psychic gain no benefits from fortifications like city walls
Specialty “Vergeten soldiers fight best when within Specialty “Mitk’ fights best when adjacent to a unit it is
sight of vergeten commanders.” fighting.”
Note Armies that try to engage Mitk’ in mass combat
Vergeten Soldier Battalion are doomed—only the heroes of this adventure have
Composed of freakish amalgamations of flesh and bone, any chance of stopping the nigh-godly entity, and even
this battalion is typical of the alien infantry. then only in intimate combat using Kurtaric weapons.
HP 50, Unit Die 1d8, Damage 1d82+2, Weapon bone- Even so, at the end of every 5 rounds of intimate
bladed arms, Armor medium, Damage Resistances combat in this adventure’s climax, units may make
psychic Clash rolls against Mitk’ to damage it. In this case, the
Specialty “Vergeten soldiers fight best when within Mitk’ army unit and Mitk’ fighting the adventurers use
sight of vergeten commanders.” the same hit points.

Tip of the Tongue, Part Four  |  EN World EN5ider

Heroes Terrain
Each of the adventurers (as well as major NPCs if While some parties may choose to keep their forces
they’ve been successfully persuaded) can attach safely inside Bellek’s walls, there are advantages
themselves to a unit as its leader. While attached, to be had by taking a unit away from the safety of
they add 1d6 Hero dice to the unit’s damage (NPCs the city’s fortifications. The GM determines the
may add a lesser or greater Hero die). precise details of how the landscape outside the
Before a mass battle each unit leader designates settlement is arranged, but it should include at
two specialties to describe how they’ll assist in the least one of each of the following areas.
fight to come, phrased in the following method:
▶▶“I contribute to battle when (condition; as the Coast
Ready action).” Coasts must be adjacent to water. The sand on a
Players should come up with their own specialties, coast makes for difficult terrain unless a unit can
but some example specialties specific to this sce- fly or has a specialty with coasts.
nario might be:
▶▶“I contribute to battle when the wardens or Foothills
guardians are fighting in the forest.” Foothills must be adjacent to mountains. A unit
▶▶“I contribute to battle when the brutes or thieves can move twice as far as normal as long as it moves
charge into the foothills.” in a straight line away from the nearest mountains.
▶▶“I contribute to battle when the shiphands or

privateers are fighting on the water.” Forest

▶▶“I contribute to battle when the vergeten invaders A unit that retreats takes half as much damage as
first defeat an army along the city’s walls.” normal.
Remember that a unit leader may also roll their
Hero die with advantage when invoking their Mountains
specialty. When their specialty is exploited or is A unit on mountains has advantage on Clash rolls
otherwise ill-suited for their battlefield role, the against units below it. Moving up the mountain
Hero die is rolled with disadvantage. requires double the normal movement and mov-
ing down the mountain requires half the normal
Outcome movement.
Unlike normal, when a unit being led by an adven-
turer is overcome after a Clash roll, the adventurer Plain
is not captured (NPC unit leaders are still captured A unit can move twice as far as normal when
or knocked unconscious). Instead the adventurer retreating.
moves about the battlefield, reentering the ini-
tiative order when battle transitions from mass Water
combat to intimate combat. Only Wardens and units able to fly (including all
the vergeten) are able to fight on the water unless
they have ships (each unit of privateers and ship­
hands has a vessel of its own, which has hit points
equal to the unit). e

EN World EN5ider |  Tip of the Tongue, Part Four

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