Orc Life: Allies & Adversaries

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Allies & Adversaries

T he Allies and Adver­
saries series provides GMs
with NPCs that can be quickly
and easily inserted into any ad-
venture or ongoing campaign.
Each NPC receives a detailed
treatment of character traits, ide-
als, bonds, and flaws, as well as
game statistics, physical descrip-
tion, backstory, and tips on how
this NPC may be used in play.
  Orcs need not be evil, but
they sure are great at it. Below
are orcish NPCs of diverse life-
styles, classes, and alignments.
Only some of them conform to
the “evil, brutish, warmonger-
ing beast” archetype of orcs,
and those that do can easily be
altered to suit different disposi-
tions. Instead, each of them is
driven by a need and a passion,
like any other character.

writing Kiel Chenier

color art Phil Stone
editing James J. Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam

WorldEN5IDER: |  The Hamlet
EN5IDER  Allies of Varseldorf
and Adversaries
Gurk, Orc Painter in the Big City
The studio is spacious, filled with canvas, timber, and Physical Description
paint. You hear humming coming from the corner. A Gurk is a handsome orc by human standards, maybe
seven-foot-tall orc stands with his back to you. Behind even elven standards. He has a narrow face and a
him are three unconscious human thugs, blood spat- strong chin, green skin, and shoulder-length black
tered on the ground. The turns around to you, wearing hair. His face is always covered in thick stubble.
a leather smock, his nose is broken and bleeding. He
stands before a fresh painting of a perfectly rendered Background
glade, a palette and brush in his hands. “Men tried Gurk was an orphan raised in an orphanage in the
interruptin’ me painting. Very rude,” he comments city run by goodly priestesses of a benevolent deity.
with a chuckle. He was deposited on their doorstep as a baby, and
the priestesses could not bring themselves to kill the
NPC STATISTICS orc. He was raised to be good along with all the other
Gurk, Orc Painter orphans.
Chaotic good Medium humanoid (orc)   At fourteen years old, Gurk left the orphanage to
Traits. I have an eye for beauty, no matter its shape or work as a blacksmith’s apprentice. While he had no
size, and am quick to comment on it. skill with a hammer or forge, he was adept at sketch-
Ideal. Equality. I will be recognized as a great artist, ing and making blueprints. The blacksmith, being
regardless of what people say of my race. an eccentric, introduced Gurk to her artist friends.
Bond. Lydia, a gallery curator, often hosts my art. I’m While many of these artists scoffed at the idea of an
forever grateful to her. orc artist, some were impressed with his talent, and
Flaw. I have a temper, and will not let an insult slide. took to teaching him more advanced techniques. Gurk
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA rose to prominence quickly, selling his first painting
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (–1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) to an aristocrat when he was sixteen, and owning his
Notes: Gurk is an orc commoner who lives in a big city. own studio by nineteen.
He has darkvision out to 60 feet and the Aggressive
feature, as an orc. Roleplaying Gurk
Possessions: Gurk dresses in plain cotton clothes, a Gurk is well-spoken and intelligent, surprising those
leather smock, and carries a purse with 22 gp and a who see him as just a dumb orc. He knows a great
mouse skull in it. He owns the deed to a large studio deal about art history and the prominent artists and
space in the artist/tradesperson district of the city. painters in the region. He enjoys fine food and drink,
The studio is filled with 300 gp worth of art supplies, but often is forced to live meal-to-meal.
canvas, and paints.   Gurk has become a sought-after painter, and many
established human and elven artists hate that. Fre-
Open Game Content | The game rule information in quently Gurk is the target of racism and attacks by
this book is designated Open Game Content. All other material thugs hired by these rival artists. Gurk seeks out
in this book, including maps and illustrations (including any adventurers from time to time to help him deal with
illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of- such problems, drawing them into a world of artistic
character narrative and descriptive text, character and place rivalry and intrigue.
names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,”
EN Publishing product and article titles, and
EN EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated
Publishing ™

Product Identity.

Orc Life  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

Rathbone, Banished Orc War-Priestess
An orc woman limps over the next ridge. Her head is Background
shaved, coarse hair fashioned into a mohawk. Clad Rathbone was brought up in a unique tribe of no-
in bloodstained armor, dozens of arrow shafts stick madic orcs who worship a lawful orc goddess, rather
out of her back. She meets your eyes and quickens her than the chaotic patron deity of orcs. She was raised
awkward gait. She raises a battle-axe, goblin skulls to be a war priestess, carrying the commandments of
affixed to the haft, and cries out to you: “I see you! her goddess with her into battle.
Fight me!” she wheezes. It is clear she is in a bad way.   Unfortunately, her tribe was slaughtered in a night
raid, with her and several other orc women taken as
NPC STATISTICS prisoners. This did not deter Rathbone, as she spent
Rathbone, Orc War-Priestess the next year converting her captors to her chosen
Lawful neutral Medium humanoid (orc) deity. Under her religious influence, Rathbone’s new
Traits. Always have orcish proverb or prayer for situa- tribe flourished for a year before falling to the blade
tion, like “Don’t eat thing you haven’t killed or is too of another orc tribe. She was captured again.
big to lift.”   This would become a trend, as Rathbone success-
Ideal. Strength. Goddess only value strong orc, so I be fully converted seven tribes to her deity, and all seven
strong. of them have fallen to ruin under her influence. Still,
Bond. Balla, a previous orc lover. She am better than Rathbone keeps the faith. After being banished from
Rathbone deserve. Miss her very! her eighth tribe, she wanders the wilderness looking
Flaw. Me am like to drink, but get sad when drunk. Cry for a new tribe to call home.
too much.   In her fifth tribe, Rathbone became the lover of an
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA orc chieftain named Balla. When the tribe was later
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 6 (–2) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) slaughtered by elves, Balla was taken prisoner while
Notes: Rathbone is an orc priest. She has darkvision Rathbone was left for dead. The two have not seen
out to 60 feet and the Aggressive feature, as an orc. each other in years.
She is a 5th-level spellcaster with spells prepared as a
priest, and speaks Common (badly) and Orcish. Roleplaying Rathbone
Possessions: Rathbone carries a ceremonial battle axe Rathbone is a severe woman. She seldom laughs or
(+7 to hit, 1d8 + 5 slashing damage), a suit of ceremo- smiles. She respects only grand shows of strength,
nial splint mail armor (AC 17), a backpack, 3 goblin-fat and will gladly travel and fight alongside those she
candles, 2 days’ meat rations, 50 feet of hemp rope, an views as strong, regardless of their race. However,
empty waterskin, and a holy symbol of an orc goddess. she also has a secret weakness for cute things or
people (halflings, squirrels, gnomes).
Physical Description   Rathbone seeks to see the enemies of her goddess
Rathbone is a brawny battle-scarred orc, the survi- punished, and wants to find the elven militia that
vor of numerous raids, attacks, and duels. Her hair stole Balla away killed. More than that, she des-
is shaved and spiked in a mohawk, her “tusk” teeth perately wishes to see Balla again, though she has
jut out as far as a male orc’s would, and she is almost trouble admitting it.
always clad in armor. She smells strongly of blood,   Rathbone speaks a pidgin style of Common, and
sweat, and fresh-cut grass. She seems to be perpetu- typically utters bizarre-sounding “Rathbone smash”
ally scowling. and “me Rathbone” style speech in that language. She
is not particularly eloquent in Orcish, either, for that

EN World
EN World
EN5IDER  |  The
Allies andHamlet of Varseldorf
Adversaries  |  Orc Life
Vortch, Orc “Chef”
A fire roars beneath a massive iron cauldron. A thick, Physical Description
viscous stew bubbles inside. Steam rises from it into Vortch is a brutish orc. His face is holds numerous
a wide orc’s face, decorated with bone piercings and bone piercings and is covered in ornamental tat-
ornamental scars. His piggish snout snorts up the toos. His head is shaved bald and his chin has a black
steam. He lowers a bone ladle into the stew, raising pointed beard. He is average in height for an orc, but
its bubbling contents to his lips. He sips it delicately, has a paunch of a belly.
then puckers his lips. “Too pungent. It’s the ground
fennel seed that’s done it. It needs a sweetener...and Background
we’re all out of elf’s blood,” he sighs ruefully. Vortch was born into Clan Collarbreak, a tribe of orcs
known for smashing the collarbones of their captives.
NPC STATISTICS Votch came to prominence in his clan for having a
Vortch, Orc “Chef” sensitive tongue and nose, and was put in charge of
Chaotic evil Medium humanoid (orc) testing food and drink for poison and rot.
Traits. I’ve got the most refined palate in all the seven   Years later, during a raid of a human village, Vortch
tribes. managed to salvage a human cookbook and a number
Ideal. Pride. Somethin’s not worth doin’ if you can’t do of kitchen tools. Over the next year, Vortch taught
it right. himself how to cook and took his place as the clan’s
Bond. Clan Collarbreak, I owe those lumps my life, and I ration-master.
will serve ‘em as best I can.
Flaw. I cannot stand to be condescended to. I’ll break an Roleplaying Vortch
orc’s legs if he thinks he’s better than me. Vortch is an odd sort of orc. He’s better-spoken than
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA his orc brothers and sisters, speaking in a cockney ac-
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+2) 8 (–1) 10 (+1) cent, and he is better-versed in cuisine and culinary
Notes: Vortch is an orc thug and a member of the Col- techniques than most human chefs. He is eager to
larbreak Orc Clan. He has darkvision out to 60 feet and boast about his knowledge and his ingenuity in com-
the Aggressive feature, as an orc, and the Pack Tactics bining human cooking with the kinds of foods orcs
feature, as a wolf. He speaks, reads, and writes in Com- like to eat, all of which are foul to “civilized” palates.
mon and Orcish.   Vortch is always looking for new herbs and spices
Possessions: Vortch wears studded leather armor (AC to improve his cooking, and will pay or trade with
14) and carries a longsword (1d8 + 3 slashing), a spear outsiders for them. His clan isn’t opposed to eating
(1d6 +3 piercing), and a massive cast-iron pan (2d4 + other sapient races, so PCs might encounter him if
3 bludgeoning). He has a +5 to hit with melee weapon they are ever taken captive by orcs. He will gladly
attacks. He carries with him 50 gp worth of cooking converse with them, even bargain with them, as he’s
utensils and tools, and 100 gp worth of spices and as- preparing them to be eaten.
sorted rare ingredients. He carries all of these in a sack
made from a dire boar’s stomach.

Orc Life  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

Balla, Orc Dancer and Servant
In a dimly-lit hall, patrons sit on cushions before a Physical Description
stage. Opium-laced smoke trails from their lips, as Balla is a voluptuous beauty, even by human stan-
they sit mesmerized by the woman dancing upon the dards. Her orcish features, tusks, snout, and greenish
stage; a voluptuous orc woman who shakes her body, skin, are diminished compared to other orc women.
undulating and gyrating to the beat of an unseen She moves with uncommon grace, and is dabbed with
drum. As she dances, her sad eyes lock with yours. jasmine perfume.
She makes her way into the crowd, still dancing, and
makes her way to you. Her voice is raw as she whis- Background
pers, “Please, help me.” She gives you a pleading look, Balla was a member of an orc tribe that was killed
then turns away, a showy smile on her face, to enter- by an elven militia for encroaching too close to elven
tain the other guests. lands. She was taken prisoner by an elf archmage and
aristocrat, Hez’bendiah of the Unbent Willow. She
NPC STATISTICS immediately recognized Balla’s beauty, and trained
Balla, Orc Dancer and Servant her to be a dancer and consort for her burlesque
Chaotic neutral Medium humanoid (orc) house in the city.
Traits. I’ve got an indomitable will, and more patience   Now, Balla dances on stage for the leering eyes of
than an elf. elves and humans in the city. She stoically suffers
Ideal. Freedom. Orcs aren’t meant to be kept in chains. Hez’bendiah’s cruel and lecherous treatment, but
Bond. Rathbone, my lost love. I only hope she’s better resents being reduced to little more than a slave to
off than I am. her elven mistress.
Flaw. I cannot bear to be hungry. I am as much a slave to
my stomach as I am my mistress. Roleplaying Balla
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Balla is an alluring and seductive dancer, but her
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (–1) 16 (+3) piercing eyes reveal the pain she feels as a woman
Notes: Balla is an orc commoner. She has darkvision forced into her profession. She is otherwise quiet and
out to 60 feet and the Aggressive feature, as an orc. obedient, fearing punishment from her mistress if
She speaks Common, Orcish, and Elvish. she doesn’t do as she’s told.
Possessions: Balla wears a satin bedlah (belly dancer’s   If she gets someone who looks strong or trust-
outfit) with beads and tassels affixed to it. She has no worthy alone, she will do everything she can to get
other possessions to her name. them to free her. She holds no love for Hez’bendiah,
but fears her magic. If speaking with a half-orc, she
will ask them if they know of Rathbone, an orc war-
priestess. She is Balla’s only known connection to her
previous life, and someone she is sure would come to
her rescue. e

EN World
EN World
EN5IDER  |  The
Allies andHamlet of Varseldorf
Adversaries  |  Orc Life

N ot everything in a dun­

geon wants to kill the PCs.

In fact, some dungeon denizens are

quite nice. Use these seven strange

and surprising NPCs to fill random

encounter tables or insert them into

your favorite dungeon. These folk

see adventurers as an opportunity

to satisfy some need of their own,

and they are willing to help the

PCs in exchange for gold, favors, or

the occasional goblin skull. While

some have unsavory appetites and

writing Erik Evjen devious minds, these denizens are

color art Yihyoung Li
editing James J. Haeck more than willing to strike a deal—
layout Eric Life-Putnam
if it’s mutually beneficial.

E N World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

Ruby Black Bones
A petite woman leans against a nearby wall, hanging At your feet, a bone-thin black cat purrs
from her belt a strange collection of monstrous scalps. quietly, its small paw resting upon
Her unnatural orange eyes glow faintly in the dark- the bones of a long dead mouse. Its
ness, and she acknowledges your presence with a wink green eyes look up at you with a
and a pout. Her slit-like pupils dart up and down, ex- pitiful hunger. Its fur is nearly
amining you—until she raises her long-nailed hand unblemished coal black, with
in greeting and you see her skin glint ruby-red in the only a single white diamond of
dim light. She smirks as you begin to realize she’s not fur resting on the center of its
entirely human. brow. It meows gently and its
green eyes look to your pack
Ruby is a cambion, a half-demon born on the Mate- as it sniffs the air.
rial Plane to an elven mother who had fallen in love
with a deposed demon prince. Although shunned by Black Bones, a scrawny
other elves of her age, her mother showered her with black cat, was formerly the
love and embraced her dual nature. When Ruby came familiar of a powerful witch
of age, her demonic father captured her mother and who was destroyed over a
demanded that Ruby return with him to the Abyss century ago while exploring the
and live out her days as a princess in his kingdom depths of the earth. Perhaps the strange energies of
of chaos. She refused and now evades her fathers’ the dungeon realms or the magical prowess of her
divinations with powerful spells of her own. Ruby master have allowed Black Bones to survive so unnat-
hopes to one day rescue her mother as well, but for urally long. Whatever the reason, she now travels the
now is only just able to evade the watchful gaze of her passages of the deep and hunts for scraps within the
Abyssal father. Ruby is witty and flirtatious and has a dungeons and tombs she inhabits. She has a special
particular fondness for dwarves. interest in adventurers, because they remind her of
  Profit from Parts. Ruby’s protective enchant- her master and they often have cheese, which Black
ments require rare components. She travels the Bones devours with a passion.
planes looking for the lairs of strange monsters and   Follow Me, I Live Here. Black Bones is an unerring
enlists adventurers to carve up the beasts for her. In guide and an incredibly stealthy scout. A party that
exchange, she trades information, rare spell compo- befriends the cat with playful behavior and plentiful
nents, and occasionally a one-way trip to the Abyss for offerings of food (especially cheese) will find her to be
those interested in such a passage. Ruby has collected a constant companion who can show them safe routes
a wealth of information over the years, including the to treasure and safety. Adventurers who befriend and
true names of several powerful demons that work in follow Black Bones ignore the first hostile random
her father’s service. Ruby can cast plane shift on up to 8 encounter they have in a day. Black Bones herself is
willing targets once a day, and although it transports constantly under the effects of a find the path spell.
them to an Abyssal layer of her choice, Ruby remains She usually uses this ability to help adventurers find
behind and unable to recall those she sends into the their way to a dungeon’s exit, but sometimes she can
Abyss. Additionally, given an hour and ingredients be persuaded or bribed to help them find its greatest
harvested from a Type 3 or greater demon—horns, treasures or secrets.
wings, claws, tongues—Ruby can create any one un-   Don’t Cross a Black Cat. Adventurers who treat the
common or rare potion of the PCs’ choice. cat unkindly, however, find themselves in dire straits.

EN WorldEN
World EN5IDER  The Hamlet of | 
Allies and|  Adversaries  Varseldorf
Dungeon Denizens
Black Bones is a master of subtle revenge. No member   I’m Your Thirstiest Fan! Ducroix is languid and
of a party that has offended the cat can successfully fragile, but cheers on battles with gusto. Despite his
complete a long rest; their sleep is troubled by a dis- useless demeanor, the vampire has a mesmerizing
tant caterwauling. Wounded groups will find that voice and an encyclopedic knowledge of ancient
Black Bones is as adept at leading monsters to them tombs. During battle, on his turn, Ducroix’s encour-
as it is at leading them to monsters, doubling the agement grants Bardic Inspiration (1d8) to a creature
chances of the PCs encountering wandering mon- of his choice. Additionally, his wealth of gossip on an-
sters as long as they remain in her territory without cient tombs grants him the ability to cast legend lore
making amends. once per day as a spell-like ability, though he refuses
to use this power on an empty stomach.

Prince Velm Ducroix

A corpulent human wearing a short cape and ill-fitting
leather armor appears suddenly from the mists. His A small, hirsute man walks on all fours down the
chubby fingers are decorated with gaudy rings and passageway, an immense pack strapped to his back
he presses a chalice to his lips as he approaches you. swarming with small black rats. Upon spotting you he
Wiping his mouth with a frilled bracer, he lets the straightens up and wriggles out of his pack as the rats
chalice drop to the ground at his feet. A smear of blood on his back scramble over the straps; a pillow-shaped
still showing on his teeth, he smiles and performs a mass of the creatures then carry the pack and set it
curt but practiced bow. down by his side. Within the pack you glimpse a wide
assortment of odds and ends. The small man twirls a
Prince Velm Ducroix is a vampire and makes no at- whisker as he beckons you over to sample his wares.
tempt to hide it. He once ruled a large city, but his
increasingly disturbed behavior enraged his fellow Satuiel is a wererat who travels the hidden passages
vampires, and they turned upon him. He barely sur- of the world with his family of diseased but very well
vived and now wanders tombs to slake his strange behaved rats. Satuiel’s lycanthropy is a family curse
thirst. If the adventurers attack him without allowing that has been in place for several generations; the
him to speak, he simply escapes as a cloud of mist and rats that travel with him are his extended family that
never approaches them again. Thereafter he will bad- have succumbed to the curse completely and can no
mouth them and describe their whereabouts to any longer return to any kind of humanoid form. They
intelligent undead in the dungeon he happens upon. serve him out of a remembered sense of kinship, but
  A Taste Today. Ducroix is unusual in that human- otherwise seem to be normal rats.
oid blood no longer interests him. He thirsts instead   Rat Pack. Satuiel’s large satchel contains more lucre
for the life essence of other supernatural creatures, than its size might suggest. Any mundane item that
even entirely bloodless monsters. His most recent can be found in a small city can be found amongst
quest to taste a mummy almost ended in his true Satuiel’s wares, at the GM’s discretion. The wererat is
death, a story he loves to relate. To this end he has a simple man; he asks only for gold and gems in ex-
gossiped with liches and ghouls across the world and change for his items. Satuiel also has a store of items
knows the strengths and weaknesses of countless he sells only to adventurers who treat his rats respect-
tombs and their guardians—not to mention where fully and trade with him honestly. For these special
they keep all the best treasure in such places. In ex- customers Satuiel unpacks a roll of silvered +1 weapons,
change for helping him sate his thirst, Prince Ducroix including a greataxe, a pair of longswords, 3 daggers,
will help the PCs as best he can, short of wading into and a three bundles of 20 arrows. For these items the
combat himself. wererat will accept only other magical gear in trade.

Dungeon Denizens  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

  Satuiel’s pack is actually a bag of holding of his own She seeks out artifacts and tablets of knowledge
design. The bag allows Small-size or smaller crea- dedicated to her mother’s worship. In the past, she
tures to enter and breathe normally inside it: when relied on a coven of sea hags to collect her mother’s
closed, it contains enough air for up to ten Small treasures, but they betrayed her to a sahuagin tribe
creatures to breathe for up to one week. Even if Satu- dedicated to Abyssal powers. Now Adrian turns
iel should somehow be parted from it, his rats have to mortal adventurers for help, as many items in
made their home in a hidden extradimensional “cor- her birthright are dangerous to mortals—some are
ner” of the bag, and it is impossible to remove them cursed objects that transform humans into deformed
without destroying the bag. aquatic hybrids, some are ancient writings capable
  Wherever He Smells Profit. Satuiel often appears of spreading a plague of madness, and others are
near dungeon features requiring specific tools to weirder and more dangerous still.
traverse, such as pitons or a rowboat. The wererat   The Favor of the Sea. Adrian Alexa has only one
is mischievously fond of keeping ahead of an adven- thing to offer those who encounter her: the favor of
turing group through secret tunnels and appearing the sea. With a touch she can grant anyone the ability
before them multiple times whenever they encounter to breathe underwater, survive the crushing depths
such a difficult dungeon feature. and cold of the sea, and ignore damage or harm from
wave or storm. Also, while the characters have the fa-
vor of the sea, any sea creatures or aquatic monsters
Adrian Alexa they encounter that wish to attack them or impede
their travels must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
A lightly armored woman with blue-green skin and throw. Creatures that fail this save do not attack or
sleek aquatic fins kneels by a pool of still water.The otherwise prevent the characters from traveling.
ancient breastplate she wears allows for her to move   Both these effects last seven days, and Adrian will
with grace despite the undersea features that adorn gladly grant them to PCs who present her with one
her physiology. A kraken with a gold crown is all that of her mother’s lost treasures or who convince her
remains of the faded crest on her chest. White  nic- they have need of such protection to acquire one of
titating membranes blink sideways across her pure her lost heirlooms. Characters who choose to betray
black eyes as she watches you approach. Her muscles Adrian and either steal the artifacts or refuse to turn
do not tense as she stands and she has a noticeably them over to her will find her strangely calm. Instead
regal bearing. of raging, the demigod will simply dismiss the char-
acters and find other adventurers willing to steal the
Adrian Alexa is the last living mortal daughter of an objects back for her collection. Beyond the favor of
ancient sea goddess. While she appears to be and the sea, some ambitious adventurers may see the
often claims to be a merfolk, in actuality she is a potential value of helping a demigod become a god in
demigod on a quest to awaken her own divine nature. her own right. e

EN WorldEN
World EN5IDER  The Hamlet of | 
Allies and|  Adversaries  Varseldorf
Dungeon Denizens
Allies & ADverSarIeS
Servants of the
Winter Court

T he Allies and Adversaries

series provides GMs with

NPCs that can be quickly and easily


James J. Haeck
color art Ellis Goodson
Egil Thompson
James J. Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam
inserted into any adventure or on-

going campaign. Each NPC receives well as game statistics, physical de-

a detailed treatment of character scription, backstory, and tips on how

traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws, as this NPC may be used in play.

E N World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

The dead of winter has passed, as have the twinkling
fairy lights of the holidays. Though the land is chill
and dun, the passing of the winter solstice has opened
a door for the fey folk to once more cross over into
our world. This time, it is not the cheer and merry
trickery of the Summer Court that has seeped across
the veil of worlds. Past Midwinter, the Queen of Air
and Darkness reigns. Her rule is devoid of love, and
her every action seeds the world with misfortune.
Most PCs, however, will never confront this Unseelie
monarch themselves. Instead, they see her malice
enacted by servants, some who are certainly enemies,
and others who may be interested in a mutually ben-
eficial arrangement.

Grimillo the Voice-Thief

You try to speak, but the words catch in your throat. Or
rather, the words flew right out of your mouth before
your breath could reach them. Wordless air wheezes Purloin Words. As a reaction after a creature within 30
pitifully out of your mouth, and all you are left with is feet says a word or phrase aloud, Grimillo can steal
silence and a vague sense of unease. the phrase, preventing the target from speaking
any sentence that includes those words until the
NPC STATISTICS target completes a long rest. If the purloined phrase
Grimillo the Voice-Thief is the verbal component to a spell, the spell cannot
Small humanoid (unseelie gnome), chaotic evil be cast again until the target completes a long rest,
Traits: I cannot be seen, I cannot be heard. I travel on and Grimillo cannot use this feature again until he
the wind and steal it from your lungs. What am I? I’m completes a long rest.
the cat that’s got your tongue, ya big mousey. Snap Silence. As a reaction when a creature within 30
Ideal: Chaos. Let’s! Cause! Some! Chaos! (But with a bit feet is about to speak or otherwise make vocal noise,
of style, of course.) Grimillo may force it to make a DC 14 Charisma
Bond: My voiceless mother. I would do anything for her, saving throw. On a failure, the creature cannot speak
and she’s a great excuse to steal! until the end of its next turn (or for 6 seconds, if the
Flaw: Deep down, I feel guilty about the sadness my target is not in combat). If this trait is used to prevent
theft causes. I try not to dwell on it. a spellcaster from performing a verbal component,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the spell fails, consuming a spell slot, and Grimillo
9 (–1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) cannot use this feature again until he completes a
Notes: Grimillo the Voice-Thief is an unseelie gnome* short or long rest.
mage (AC 16, 40 hit points). His art of voice-stealing Possessions: Grimillo wears elven chain and wields a
gives him the following additional traits; these traits simple dagger. He carries a magic key that can unlock
do not affect his challenge rating: any lock (this item disintegrates after one use), and he
carries 100 gold pieces on his person.
  * Brandes Stoddard, “The Fey Kindred,” EN World EN5ider,

EN World
EN5IDER  |  The Hamlet
and Adversaries  |  Servants
of Varseldorf
of the Winter Court
Physical Description unassuming gnome, despite his unusual appearance,
Grimillo is short, only about 3 feet tall, and his fea- and can easily blend into a crowd—at least until he
tures have are soft and androgynous. His skin is the strikes. After he purloins a few choice words, Grimil-
color and temperature of ice, his golden eyes are lo tries to flee, but he can hardly keep from cackling
constantly in motion, and his hair is long and silvery. as he sprints between the legs of nearby bystanders.
A keen smile usually plays around his lips—but his When cornered, Grimillo is a constant joker, crack-
scowl is terrifying to behold. ing as many lewd and nonsensical jokes as he can.
Meanwhile, he is coolly calculating his escape angle.
The Voice-Thief is a mercenary with few morals and a
love for spreading misfortune. If he cares about any- Missus Silverbeak
one in this world, it is his ailing mother, whose voice
was stolen by agents of the Summer Court. When First is the rushing of wind. You look—and see noth-
Grimillo first developed his unusual art, he did so for ing. The air is still. Then it lands with a thud, right
the noble purpose of stealing words to return to his behind you. A massive owl looms over you, nearly
mother, and for years he did so, giving words back twenty feet tall, with golden eyes that illuminate you
to her one-by-one. Grimillo’s work allowed her to like spotlights. It straightens, turns its head slightly,
speak again, even if her vocabulary was sparse, and and in a deep, resonant voice asks: “Would you care
the many voices with which she spoke unsettled most for a glass of sweet tea? I couldn’t possibly finish it all
who listened to her. by myself.”
  But for all his altruism, the thief loves the journey
as much as the destination. Grimillo’s voice-theft is NPC STATISTICS
a tool for chaos, for the misery of others, but most Missus Silverbeak
importantly, “just for a good frecklin’ larf.” Large beast (fey), lawful evil
Traits: I am a giant talking fairy owl. I imagine for most
Roleplaying Grimillo mortals, that alone would be enough!
Grimillo is likely to surprise PCs by stealing their Ideal: Boundless Joy. I don’t give a hoot if they’re safe,
words or spells where it counts the most. He is an healthy, or mentally stable; just point me towards
unhappy people, and I will take care of the rest!
Bond: You, my little owlet! I care about you most of all!
(But don’t let any of the others know!)
Flaw: Hoo hoo, I don’t have any flaws! Except maybe
the compulsive lying. Hoo! No! Not a single flaw!
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (–1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
Notes: Missus Silverbeak is a fey-touched giant owl (AC
12, 19 hit points), with the following additional traits;
these traits increase her challenge rating to 2 (450 XP):
Concealing Blizzard. As an action, Missus Silverbeak
may call a blizzard to surround her for 1 minute. This
blizzard counts as three-quarters cover and deals
2d6 cold damage to any creature within 10 feet of
her. This damage is dealt when a creature begins its
turn within the blizzard or enters it for the first time
on their turn.

Servants of the Winter Court  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

Hypnotic Gaze. Missus Silverbeak may cast hypnotic Roleplaying Missus Silverbeak
pattern 3/day. Missus Silverbeak has a voice like poisoned honey, but
Plane Shift. Missus Silverbeak may travel between she need not be the PCs’ enemy. In fact, she can be a
the Material Plane and the Feywild as an action. She valuable ally if the PCs are able to convince her that
must choose a location in her destination plane that their own enemies are a group of miserable wretches
she is “very familiar” with (as the teleport spell). who need a bit more wintry cheer in their lives.
Possessions: The owl matron carries a feather of invis-
ibility that, when snapped, turns the user invisible (as
the invisibility spell). She also carries a small coin purse Snowblind, Knight of
containing 50 gp and 20 sweet peppermints. the Winter Wastes
Physical Description You feel the temperature drop as a tall man appears
Missus Silverbeak is a massive horned owl with a before you. He is clad in frost-rimed armor and two
shining silver beak and lamp-like golden eyes. Her weathered antlers grow from his brow. His eyes are
feathers are a plain brown-and-white pattern. Silver- cloudy, and he does not meet your gaze. Instead he
beak often gesticulates with her wings and talons in looks with steely focus at a point far off in the distance.
a strange facsimile of human behavior. But when he speaks, you know he is speaking directly
to you.
Many legends surround the origin of the great Mis- NPC STATISTICS
sus Silverbeak. She is known far and wide throughout Snowblind, Knight of the Winter Wastes
the Feywild as a bringer of great joy and comfort to Medium humanoid (fey), lawful neutral
Unseelie fey, and a deathly charming corruptor of Traits: Though my old eyes cannot see, I can feel the
the Seelie. Some say she was once a normal owl that heat of all things around me.
found its way from the Material Plane to the Feywild. Ideal: Loyalty. I must return to my queen. I cannot see
Others believe that she is a malign spirit from the how I have been away from her side for so long!
Shadowfell that has assumed the form of a giant owl, Bond: I care for the safety of the winter realm over all
and is merely biding her time until she unleashes de- things. Any who threaten my queen, her homeland, or
struction upon the realm of fairies. Few denizens of the lands she has conquered will see my blade.
the Feywild know that she is actually an independent Flaw: I remember something … barely. The memories
agent of the Queen of Air and Darkness. The Queen of my old life torment me, and when I see things that
of Winter often calls upon Silverbeak’s talents to lure remind me of it, I cannot control my anger.
mortals into indolence, either for her own amuse- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ment or as the prelude to conquest. 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
  Silverbeak now spends most of her time in the Notes: Snowblind is a fey-blessed human knight (AC20,
Material Plane. She truly believes that she is helping 52 hit points). The double-edged blessing of the
mortals by making them happy, and she is heedless Unseelie fey increases his to-hit bonuses and saving
of the cost. She is keenly aware that she leads some throws by 1 and gives him the following additional
to their doom, but she doesn’t quite grasp how long traits; these traits and his possessions increase his
a normal human being’s lifespan is; any mortal life­ challenge rating to 5 (1,800 XP).
span is just an instant, a momentary flicker of time Blind. Snowblind cannot see. If he is ever deprived of
compared to her many millennia, anyway. his Wintersight feature, he gains the blinded condi-
tion until his Wintersight is restored.

EN World
EN5IDER  |  The Hamlet
and Adversaries  |  Servants
of Varseldorf
of the Winter Court
way to return to his queen’s side, and his weathered
face and ice-flecked beard show his age.
  Snowblind’s armor is scarred and pitted from
countless battles across the wastes, and his blade is
almost always coated in blood, be it dry or fresh.

He was human, once. A knight of some kingdom—
with a name even he can’t remember. He thinks he
had a family. A husband. Two daughters with fire
in their hearts. But they’re gone now. The winter
claimed them, and when he offered himself to the
winter’s terrible queen in exchange for their lives,
his service eventually claimed him, too. He traded
his sight for them. He traded his name for them. He
traded his humanity for them. Yet she would not re-
ward him with the lives he wished to save.
  He is called Snowblind now, the eternal watcher of
the winter wastes, and the few memories he still has
of his old life are distant and strange, like a melody
Wintersight. Though his eyes are frozen and sightless, heard in a dream. Snowblind’s devotion to the Queen
Snowblind can sense heat. This trait allows him to of Air and Darkness is all that drives him, and even
see through invisibility effects and to otherwise the Unseelie Queen herself is unsure what would hap-
“see” as if he were not blind. Casting remove curse pen if his memory were restored.
or greater restoration on Snowblind suppresses this
trait for 1d4 rounds. This trait is also suppressed Roleplaying Snowblind
while Snowblind is within areas of extreme heat Snowblind speaks plainly, though he never directly
(over 110 degrees Farenheit) or while he is within an looks at anyone he speaks to, appearing instead to
antimagic field. be gazing off into the distance. Every action he takes
Possessions: Snowblind wears a suit of +1 plate armor, is in the service of the Winter Queen or is intended
and he wields a frost brand longsword (+5 to hit, 1d8+3 to help him find a way back to her side, even if he
damage plus 1d6 cold damage) and a +1 shield, which cannot fully recall the reason he was stranded on
increases his AC to 22. He also carries a wand of enemy the Material Plane in the first place. He will readily
detection with 3 charges remaining. In addition, join forces with anyone whose goals he believes align
Snowblind carries a ridged stone that he rubs when with those of his queen, or if something about them
he is trying to remember home, his signet ring, and an stirs a distant memory.
amulet containing a lock of his queen’s hair.   Though he is quick to make alliances, Snowblind
is also quick to break them. His demeanor is as un-
Physical Description predictable as a winter storm’s, and any suggestion of
This imposing knight of the Winter Court returns to an ally’s duplicity or allegiance to the Summer Court
his humanoid form while in the Material Plane. The triggers his bloodlust. If Snowblind is provoked, re-
many-pronged antlers that sprout from his brow are minding him of the ridged stone he carries with him
a reminder of his fey curse, and a warning to all hu- or trying to stir memories of his old life is enough to
mans that Snowblind is not one of them. He has spent give him pause and allow him to be dissuaded from
decades trapped in the mortal world, searching for a further violence. e

Servants of the Winter Court  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

I n any war-torn land, the

Goldenscale Host sells their

services as a disciplined, fearsome

mercenary company. Their fighting

force is composed solely of dragon-

born, though their non-combatant

support staff includes other races.

In the course of a campaign, the

Goldenscale Host might be allies,

foes, or both at different times. To

their friends, they are bold and

capable; to enemies, they are im-

placable but honorable.

writing Erik Evjen

color art Yihyoung Li
editing James J. Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam

WorldEN5IDER: |  The Hamlet
EN5IDER  Allies of Varseldorf
and Adversaries
Command Structure Player Characters as Goldenscales
The Host’s command structure includes four sig- Dragonborn characters with a military background
nificant grades. From highest to lowest, these are the might be former members of the Goldenscale Host
Host-Captain, ten Lieutenants, forty Sergeants, and who mustered out after their contracts expired, or
typically around 800 recruits. At the start of major current members detached from the force but still
contracts, the Host may grow to as many as 1,200 re- answering to the host-captain. Present the PC with
cruits under arms. In recent memory, its numbers conflicting loyalties, or allow them to call upon the
following a shattering defeat fell as low as 188. Host for support, in keeping with their background’s
  Outside the fighting forces, the Host has one sup- feature. To strengthen these ties further, use one of
port staff member for each recruit, and two for each the personalities below as a Bond for the character.
higher-ranked member. Around a third of these are
detached from the Host to manage its supply chain,
contract negotiations, accountancy, and the like. Host-Captain Myrra Priskeshai
Dragonborn are about 40% of the support staff, while (Pronounced MEE-ruh PRIS-kuh-shy)
the rest of their number belong to whatever local race   As the first host-captain of red dragon ancestry,
is easy to recruit. Myrra Priskeshai is under pressure to prove to the
  Centuries ago, the Host’s traditions forbade dragon- metallic dragonborn of the Host that she is neither
born of any ancestry other than gold from becoming avaricious nor tyrannical, and can be as wise and en-
a lieutenant or host-captain. But at length, following lightened as any gold dragonborn. The Host ignored
following a costly defeat, the host-captain of the day generations of petty, corrupt host-captains of gold
elevated dragonborn of the other metallic ancestries and other metallic ancestries, but for some of them,
to the lieutenancy, and designated one of them as his elevating a red to the highest position of command
successor. Still later, a long war conducted in a re- may be a bridge too far.
gion where only chromatic dragonborn lived forced ▶ Traits. I hoard words like coins, never spend-

the Host to open its officer ranks to them as well. At ing one when a gesture would suffice. I make
present, it is still impossible for non-dragonborn to plans that extend beyond my own expected
enlist or advance in the Host, but they can fight along- lifespan.
side the dragonborn for pay as auxiliary forces. It is ▶ Ideal. Independence. I will lead the Host to

entirely possible that future need could change the greatness even if the metallics are against me.
Host’s bylaws once again. (Chaotic)
▶ Bond. I will prove to everyone that I am as

good as any gold dragonborn, no matter the

Personalities cost.
The following characters showcase different perspec- ▶ Flaw. I hesitate and overthink decisions, espe-

tives within the Goldenscale Host. Each includes cially at times of crisis.
two story hooks, one for when the Host is friendly
toward the PCs’ cause and one for when they are Ally Story Hook
opposed. Host soldiers seldom hold grudges for Following a victory, the Goldenscale Host is accused
long: yesterday’s enemy might well be tomorrow’s of looting and pillaging the civilian populace without
comrade-in-arms. permission from their employer. Myrra’s reputation
  The characters generally share the statistics pre- is on the line, and she turns to the PCs to find out
sented below under “New Creatures.” who committed these crimes. Perhaps the trail leads
to a group of enemy partisans, or to a corrupt senior
lieutenant of the Goldenscale Host.

Goldenscale Host  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

Adversary Story Hook scour it for details of the Host’s history. She takes
Myrra is not above convincing a prospective employer steps to wrest it from them, or punish them if they
that war is in their best interests. As part of a broader have acted precipitously. If they simply give it to her,
conflict, the PCs must persuade a neutral noble to join the tome’s dark power takes control, forcing the PCs
the war on their side, or at least stay out of it. When to stop her.
they arrive, however, the noble is in the last day of
negotiations with Myrra to hire the Host and enter Recruit Jorathar “Jor” Annigova
the war on the other side. Can the PCs change the A blue dragonborn with a bold, devil-may-care at-
noble’s mind, or even convince the Host-Captain to titude, Jor is forever getting into and out of mortal
switch sides? peril. He could not care less about advancing through
the ranks—he wants plunder, good friends, and
Sergeant Inshey the Muse prodigious volumes of ale, in no particular order. Un-
As one of the more senior sergeants of the Host, In- derneath that exterior, he knows that he won’t live to
shey represents institutional memory and the morale old age as a career foot soldier, and wants his death
of the rank and file. She cultivates the traits expected to have some deeper meaning.
of her brass ancestry: she is inquisitive and affable. ▶ Traits. I’ve never abandoned a friend in need. I

Her career is nearing its end, however, and she grows don’t get too clever with plans—the direct way
desperate to fill in the gaps in her lore of the Host’s is usually best.
history. ▶ Ideal. Freedom. Mercenaries live fast and
▶ Traits. I form strong emotional bonds through die young, so let’s have a good time doing it.
any stimulating intellectual conversation. I (Chaotic)
speak fondly of long-dead dragons, as humans ▶ Bond. I seek a cause worth dying for, and fear I

would of beloved aunts and uncles. might not live long enough to find it.
▶ Ideal. Greed. I think of myself as a completion- ▶ Flaw. My gambling habits will get me in real

ist. (Evil) trouble one of these days.

▶ Bond. My life’s work is a series of volumes on

the history of the Goldenscale Host. Ally Story Hook

▶ Flaw. I recklessly endanger others to achieve Jor invites the PCs out for an evening of carousing,
my goals. but things take a turn for the worse when another
gambler accuses Jor of cheating, pulls a knife, and
Ally Story Hook gets killed as Jor defends himself. The gambler had
There’s no better member of the Host to hire PCs to ties to local organized crime, and the trouble falls on
explore a ruin, as long as there’s any reason to sus- Jor and the PCs alike. Will they throw him to the dogs,
pect that they might find a tidbit of the lost history of or stand by him?
the Goldenscale Host. She could also hire the PCs to
negotiate for information from a creature old enough Adversary Story Hook
to remember that history firsthand, such as a dragon, When Jor’s commanders play by the rules, he assumes
fey, or fiend. they wish they didn’t have to, and want someone to
take care of their problems boldly. If it costs him his
Adversary Story Hook life, at least it would be glorious. When a new truce
The PCs acquire a book of dreadful secrets and dire offers hope for a war’s end, Jor and his friends try to
prophecies as part of another adventure. When In- take out the opposing leadership, so that their em-
shey gets wind of it, she fears that they will do as ployer can bargain from a stronger position.
adventurers so often do, destroying it before she can

EN WorldEN
World EN5IDER  |  The
Allies and Hamlet of Varseldorf
Adversaries  |  Goldenscale Host
Support Staff Taizell “Stony” Ally Story Hook
Bridger When her superior officers decide against paying
Stony Bridger is one of the minority of humans in the protection money to the local syndicate just to keep
Host’s support staff. At need, she might be a medic, their supply lines open, Stony looks to the PCs to go
courier, smith, brewer, scrounger, or diplomatic en- outside the law. The Host has a lot of mouths to feed;
voy. No matter the task, she completes it with speed she doesn’t care if the PCs scare off the syndicate or
and skill. She joined the Host after running away “requisition” the food from elsewhere, as long as it
from a terrible family situation, signing on for any- reaches the recruits.
thing that would take her far away.
▶ Traits. Anything worth doing is worth doing Adversary Story Hook
right, even if it takes twice as long. Haggling is Stony maintains a network of contacts even through
my favorite kind of game. enemy lines. The merchants who sell to her under the
▶ Ideal. People. When I choose between real, table get caught. When they’re killed in their cells
live people and ephemeral ideals, people win awaiting trial, the local magistrate asks the PCs to
every time. (Neutral) investigate. Is Stony ruthlessly protecting a deeper
▶ Bond. I owe the Host a debt for giving me a conspiracy, or is there greater motive or connection
way out of the place I was born. between them?
▶ Flaw. I’m sufficiently overworked that I’m im-

patient and rude to others.

Goldenscale Host  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

New Creatures
Goldenscale Recruit Goldenscale Officer
Medium humanoid (dragonborn), any alignment Medium humanoid (dragonborn), any alignment
Armor Class 1 5 (scale mail) Armor Class 1 5 (scale mail)
Hit Points 5 8 (9d8 + 18) Hit Points 5 8 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 3 0 ft. Speed 3 0 ft.
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +2 Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3
Damage Resistancesacid, cold, fire, lightning, or Damage Resistances a  cid, cold, fire, lightning, or
poison (by ancestry) poison (by ancestry)
Senses p  assive Perception 12 Senses p  assive Perception 13
Languages C  ommon, Draconic Languages C  ommon, Draconic
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Draconic Ancestry. The recruit belongs to one of the Draconic Ancestry. The Goldenscale Officer belongs to
ten dragonborn ancestries, which determines the color one of the ten dragonborn ancestries, which deter-
of their scales and the shape, energy type, and saving mines the color of their scales and the shape, energy
throw of their breath weapon. type, and saving throw of their breath weapon.
Pike Hedge. When armed with a reach weapon and Pike Hedge. When armed with a reach weapon and ad-
adjacent to another Goldenscale recruit or officer jacent to another Goldenscale recruit or officer armed
armed with a reach weapon, the Goldenscale recruit with a reach weapon, the Goldenscale officer can make
can make an opportunity attack against any creature an opportunity attack against any creature that enters
that enters its reach. When the Goldenscale recruit hits its reach. When the Goldenscale officer hits with a pike
with a pike attack as part of a readied action, they deal attack as part of a readied action, it deals an additional
an additional 1d10 piercing damage. 1d10 piercing damage.
ACTIONS Forward! (Recharge 5–6). As a bonus action, the
Multiattack. The Goldenscale recruit makes two pike Goldenscale officer chooses one friendly creature that
attacks. can see or hear it. That creature can spend its reaction
Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one to move up to half its speed and make an attack.
target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage. ACTIONS
Handaxe. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 20/60, Multiattack. The Goldenscale officer makes two pike
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage. attacks.
Breath Weapon (Recharges after a Short or Long Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Rest). The Goldenscale recruit exhales its breath target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
weapon, determined by its Draconic Ancestry. The Handaxe. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/60,
saving throw DC of the breath weapon is 12, and it one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
deals 3d6 damage on a failed save, or half as much on Breath Weapon (Recharges after a Short or Long
a success. Rest). The Goldenscale officer exhales its breath
weapon, determined by its Draconic Ancestry. The
saving throw DC of the breath weapon is 12, and it
deals 3d6 damage on a failed save, or half as much on a

EN WorldEN
World EN5IDER  |  The
Allies and Hamlet of Varseldorf
Adversaries  |  Goldenscale Host
Goldenscale Host  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries
creeps in the
T he Allies and Adversaries

series details NPCs that can be

quickly and easily inserted into any

adventure or ongoing campaign.

Each NPC receives character traits,

ideals, bonds, and flaws, as well as

game statistics, physical descrip-

tion, backstory, and tips on how

this NPC may used in play. The only

story/setting requirement needed

to use any of them is a storm, some

kind of inclement weather that

forces characters to seek shelter. A

location close to the ocean is also writing Erik Evjen

color art Yihyoung Li
helpful, especially a fishing village. editing James J. Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam

WorldEN5IDER: |  The Hamlet
EN5IDER  Allies of Varseldorf
and Adversaries
A storm has come. Most retreat from its biting rain, NPC STATISTICS
but a twisted foursome revel in it, for they are them- Fisher Gretchen
selves are twisted. Some are a dark reflection of the Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral
maelstrom that pounds at the coast, the wind and the Traits: I can’t leave a mystery alone; the unknown
rain and the cold. Others are creatures borne of or gnaws at my mind like a fish nibbling bait.
shaped by the unfathomable deep itself: inhuman Ideal: Knowledge. Always look for answers, even if
abominations that know not the light of the gods  …  or they’re not pretty.
are indifferent to it. Bond: My village. Most there think I’m a little mad, but
I’ve got to prove ’em wrong!
Flaw: I get easily over excited, which leads to me acting
Fisher Gretchen without thinking.
A young woman heaves a soaked bundle over her 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
brawny shoulders. On her freckled face is a wide Notes: Gretchen is a human commoner with the above
toothy grin that’s manic with excitement. She upends ability score adjustments. She is also trained in Nature
the bundle onto a table with a wet smack: the sound (+2) and Athletics (+5).
of fish, but with the crunch of bone and … something Possessions: Gretchen wears a plain fisher’s outfit;
else. “Wellsir, I expect you’ll be believing me about the she carries a net, a large hook (treat as a dagger), and
shallows now, eh?” she giggles. one day’s worth of dried fish rations. She also carries
a large wet bundle that includes The Thing the Sea
Physical Description Vomited Up (see sidebar below).
Gretchen is a young woman of 17, and she stands al-
most 6 feet tall. She’s ginger, freckled, and ties her Roleplaying Gretchen
long dry hair up in a messy ponytail. Her frequent, Gretchen is looking for belief and validation of her
toothy grin unnerves some people. Her hands and curiosities and her findings. She desperately wants
feet are well worn and calloused. She has small scars someone to believe her that there’s something wrong
over her arms and legs from a hard life on boats. She with the sea itself, and that the misshapen oddities it
smells strongly of salt and fish. belches forth are indeed real and a pressing matter.
She will eagerly accompany anyone who believes her,
Background acting as a hireling.
Gretchen has lived her whole life in a small fishing   Gretchen speaks with a Newfoundland islander ac-
community on the coast. She was orphaned at age 12 cent, and has a salty wisdom about her. She’s strong
when her father was taken by the sea. The commu- and independent, but will follow orders (unless those
nity raised her from that point on. She makes a living orders go against her Ideal of pursuing knowledge).
on fishing boats and as a scavenger, cleaning up and
selling anything valuable that washes up on shore.
  Gretchen is fascinated by the sea and what lies
beneath its glassy surface. Her fishing community
thinks her eccentric, so when she tells stories of
seeing strange creatures under the water, they don’t
believe her. Even when she begins to fish up foul
things like the Thing the Sea Vomited Up, they dis-
miss her as crazy.

  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

Captain Mordecai Graves The Thing the Sea Vomited Up
Gretchen carries a wet bundle with her, proof of her
He sits at a table in the back of the taproom, smok- belief that something twisted swims in the deep.
ing a pipe in the dim light. His long pointed ears are The Thing recently washed up on shore by her village,
canted to window, listening to storm. Perhaps he and she’s proudly displays the monstrosity.
hears things mortals can’t. If your gaze meets his, he   The Thing has the body of a large sea bass, but has
beckons you closer. The maps in front of him, and the sprouted spindly, carapaced, multi-jointed legs like
sizeable coin purse, suggest he has work for you. those of a spider or crab. The Thing’s face is covered
in round glassy eyes, and its gills are spread open,
Physical Description bloated with slimy cancerous-looking growths. It
Captain Mordecai Graves is a severe looking elf, tall is clearly dead, and it smells like rotting fish. Spells
and swarthy with a long nose and wide-set eyes. His determine it is an aberration. If cut open, dozens of
hair is black and short, but well-coiffed. He carries inky black nematode-like creatures wriggle out, bit-
himself with an air of importance and superiority. ing and seeking blood.
  Gretchen is certain there are additional creatures
Background like the Thing in the nearby surf. She swears she’s
Mordecai Graves was born to a seaside elven king- seen bigger ones emerge from the water at night.
dom, a fey prince set to inherit the throne. However,
Graves had little interest in the duties of a monarch. Adventure Hook: Hunting the Kraken
He grew up fascinated by the ocean and its depths. Captain Mordecai Graves needs to expand his crew.
When a sea monster emerged one day and laid waste He desires a party of strong-willed adventurers will-
to his coastal city, he poured every last coin of his ing to come aboard his submersible, the Aleph-Tide,
family’s royal treasury into chasing after it to get re- and join him in hunting a kraken. He believes his ves-
venge. He has created a vast ship capable of exploring sel can force the abominable creature to the surface,
the depths of the ocean: the Aleph-Tide. but he needs able-bodied courageous people to
help kill it.
NPC STATISTICS   He offers 100 gp to each adventurer who joins him
Captain Mordecai Graves for the journey, and a 10% share of whatever riches
Medium humanoid, lawful evil may exist in the kraken’s belly once it’s dead. While
Traits: I’m condescending to the superstitious and the simply fighting a kraken is often adventure enough,
ignorant. How could they comprehend what truths lies an extended campaign might feature themes similar
below? to Moby-Dick and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Ideal: Revenge. The ancient ones of this universe mock
us with their mysteries, so I shall see them solved—and Possessions: Captain Mordecai wears a long, weather
destroyed. beaten naval coat, and carries with him a scroll case
Bond: I never lie if I can help it. A captain is only as good (various maps), a wooden pipe, a certificate of royal
as his word. pedigree, a spyglass, and a coin purse containing
Flaw: I’ll risk anything and everything for the knowl- 500 gp in precious stones. He is unarmed.
edge I seek, and to see my enemy killed.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Roleplaying Captain Graves
12 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) The captain is a stern and direct man who exhibits
Notes: Captain Mordecai is an elf noble with the above little patience for either ignorance or lack of imagina-
ability score adjustments. As an elf, he has darkvision tion, but especially both. He speaks in a calm, placid
to 60 feet, as well as the Fey Ancestry and Keen Senses tone at all times, which unnerves most people who
traits. have continued contact with him.

WorldEN5IDER: |  The Hamlet
EN5IDER Allies of Varseldorf| 
and Adversaries 
  Graves captains the Aleph-Tide with a small crew Background
of elves loyal to him. He chases the kraken that de- Drenched Wendy was once a fishwife in a coastal vil-
stroyed his home and family, but he is also deeply lage like any other. Her community prospered off of
obsessed with the “ancient ones”: otherworldly what the sea gave them. But, as the years continued,
abominations he believes reside at the bottom of the the sea grew sour. Each day’s catch turned up fewer
sea; psychically influencing the surface world. He is and fewer fish, and instead the nets held more and
deeply paranoid and afraid of them and their power. more twisted abominations: half-formed creatures
  The captain often speaks in thoughtful-sounding not suited for land or water. At length, the villagers
questions and hypotheticals, beginning many sen- cursed the sea and moved inland, and the abandoned
tences with “I wonder if…” and “Imagine, if you will…” village decayed and fell into ruin.
in order to get his strange and affected thoughts   Wendy and her partner stayed. They knew only a
across. There is a deep, disturbed madness about fisher’s life, and did not want to refuse the “bounty”
him, one that is subtle and intricate. He only shows of the sea. Wendy cooked and ate of what the sea of-
true outrage and lack of composure when he is in the fered, and was thankful for it. Months later, Wendy
presence of the kraken that destroyed his home. gave birth to a parasitic creature, a baby born from
consuming twisted sea-flesh. The poor woman can-
not bear to rid herself of the creature, so she cares
Drenched Wendy and Her for it. Linked to her body, it draws vitality from her,
Parasitic Baby slowly killing her and driving her mad.

A drenched and dripping woman clutches a baby to NPC STATISTICS

her breast. She’s pale and sunken-eyed. The posture of Drenched Wendy and the Baby
her body like that of a wrecked ship, twisted and bent. Medium human and aberration, both chaotic evil
She calls out to you from the storm, “My baby! Ye gods Traits: I can’t trust anyone except the Baby; I can’t be
my baby! Why won’t she eat! Why does she not cry?” separated from the Baby.
Ideal: Servitude. The Baby’s needs are more important
Physical Description than my needs, my dignity, or the truth.
Drenched Wendy is a human woman of average Bond: The Baby must be concealed from prying eyes,
height and weight, with long wet hair and pruny wet protected, and provided for.
skin. She clutches a swaddled baby to her chest, never Flaw: I must obtain what the Baby requires, no matter
quite letting its face be shown unless she’s alone with how shocking or revolting.
  When fully revealed, her “baby” turns out to be a 12 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (–1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
mottled, grub-like thing with a dead infant’s face and Notes: Drenched Wendy is a human woman connected
features. A fleshy umbilical cord from its stomach to a bizarre, infant-like aberration. Together, they use
splits into a few thick tendrils, each one embedded in dretch statistics, ignoring its fiend type. Her Fetid
its mother’s flesh. Wendy keeps this hidden under her Cloud feature is a spray of acidic brine and stomach
clothing. The parasitic “baby” wails when attacked, acids emanating from the “baby.”
uttering an inhuman cry that causes madness in mor- Possessions: Drenched Wendy wears ragged clothing
tal creatures. that is perpetually wet, even indoors. She carries
nothing with her except her swaddled baby, which she
never lets go of.

  |  EN World EN5IDER: Allies and Adversaries

Roleplaying Drenched Wendy   Over the course of a few months, Joe was trans-
Drenched Wendy has all but succumbed to the alien formed into an abomination; a vicious creature with
evil of her child. When Wendy encounters new peo- only a fraction of his humanity remaining. Now he
ple, she often begs for help or for accompaniment wanders seaside roads, seeking the company of trav-
on the road. She sizes up her victims, then tries to elers, exploiting their good nature, and feasting on
get them alone so that she can prey upon them. Yet their brains.
Wendy is not above an appeal to her humanity or her
well-being. If a character makes a strong enough case NPC STATISTICS
that they can help her or heal her, she will reveal the Lamprey Joe
secret of her baby and plead to be made rid of it. The Medium aberration, chaotic evil
parasitic baby has a mind of its own, though. Traits: I know every sea shanty there is, and I sings ’em
all the time.
Ideal: Oblivion. Better to be drunk and numb than to
Lamprey Joe understand what’s eating the world alive.
Bond: I don’t trust nobody, but a bottle of drink is a
A transient on the road by the sea, stumbling drunk good place to start.
and rambling to himself, whistling a sea shanty Flaw: I’m opportunistic. If I think I can get away with it,
through broken teeth. “The sea, the sea, it calls to I’ll stove a man’s head in to get at them brains!
me,” he croaks. “Rum’s finer than water, drink and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
you’ll see. I looked into the blackness...and it looks 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) 12 (+1) 8 (–1)
back through me!” Notes: Lamprey Joe uses the statistics of a berserker
with the above ability score adjustments. While he
Physical Description appears to be human, he is currently a human puppet
Lamprey Joe is a middle-aged, scruffy transient with piloted by an aberration born in the lightless sea. He
as many teeth as he has fingers (not a lot). His liver- also has a swim speed of 40 feet.
spotted head is bald, save for a few wisps of white Possessions: Lamprey Joe wears the scraps of a fisher’s
hair. His face bristles with white stubble. He hides his outfit. He carries a bundle on the end of a fishing rod
left hand in his sleeve, claiming it was mangled by a without any line. Inside the bundle is three days’ worth
shark’s bite. In truth, his entire left arm is a lamprey of stale rations and a half empty bottle of rum. Joe
that feeds on blood and brains. keeps his left hand in his sleeve at all times.

Background Roleplaying Lamprey Joe

Lamprey Joe was once entirely human: a hermit Joe whistles when he speaks. He has the creaky voice
living by the sea not far from a fishing community, of a man who’s not all there, rambling and singing
making a living begging and grifting people who to himself. He rattles off incoherent stories about
came ashore. A meager existence. For whatever rea- fishing trips and diving for sunken treasures in his
son, this vagrant was chosen by the Ancient Ones of youth, punctuated by requests for liquor to soothe his
the sea. Their psychic influence began to twist and parched throat.
mutate him. His teeth fell out, his brain boiled off and   Joe only attacks when he thinks he has the upper
reduced in size, his belly bloated with salt-water, and hand. If he’s outnumbered or overpowered, he’ll run
his left arm atrophied and fell off while a sea-creature away rather than fight to the death. e
wriggled out of his arm socket to replace it.

WorldEN5IDER: |  The Hamlet
EN5IDER Allies of Varseldorf| 
and Adversaries 
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