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I Ain t Afraid

Subclasses for Hunting Evil

family of commoners cowers in
 their cellar as their youngest daughter
 thrashes against the wooden door, writing Kiel Chenier
possessed by a vengeful spirit. A whole village color art Ellis Goodson
of terrified people retreats into a church, hoping editing James Haeck
the walls of their gods will protect them from the layout Eric Life-Putnam
shambling evil that lurks outside. A trio of women
scream as flames lick their feet as the cowardly
town elders put them to the torch, accusing them

EN World
We Ain’t
Afraid| of NoHamlet of Varseldorf
Ghosts  |  I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost
of witchcraft. These are the unique threats and Banish Undead
challenges of a horror-driven fantasy game, and At 2nd level, your Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
they require a unique kind of hero. power is improved. The range of Turn Undead is
  This article introduces three new player options extended to 60 feet, and the time undead creatures
for the cleric, paladin, and rogue to combat and are turned is improved to 1d4 minutes.
drive back the things that go bump in the night.
They’re perfect for a horror-themed campaign or Undead Knowledge
one-shot filled with ghosts, vampires, witches, and At 6th level, you gain the ability to see the undead
other Evil-aligned, Halloween-themed monsters, as they truly are. If you spend at least 1 minute
but are versatile enough to use in any fifth edition observing or interacting with an undead creature
game. outside of combat, you intuitively know what kind
of undead creature it is and how powerful it is
compared to you. The Game Master must tell you
Clerical Divine Domain: three of the following of the undead creature’s
Spirit characteristics: its armor class, its hit point total,
The Spirit domain is one of righteous protection its highest ability score, its damage vulnerabilities,
against the most unholy of forces: undeath. resistances, or immunities.
It channels the power of Good- and Neutral-
aligned deities to guide wayward souls and ghosts Shatter Undead
into the next plane of existence, helping them Starting at 8th level, you can command an undead
leave the material plane. When those spirits are creature to release its hold on the world in the
uncooperative, or worse, are evil and malign, name of your god. As an action, you can remove
adherents of this domain are given the power to all resistances and immunities from any one
punish them and banish them to the depths of the undead creature that you can see or hear. The
hells or abyss. The Spirit Domain is available to undead creature only retains the immunities and
followers of deities that oversee the process of life resistances it had when it was alive. This effect
and death, but see undeath as abhorrent. lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom
modifier. You cannot use this feature again until
Spirit Domain Spells you complete a short or long rest.
Cleric Level Spells At 14th level, Shatter Undead lasts for a number
1st detect evil and good, searing smite of rounds equal to 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier.
3rd phantasmal force, see invisibility
5th remove curse, speak with dead Past the Veil
7th banishment, death ward By 17th level, you have learned much about the
9th contact other plane, hold monster powers of undeath, and are assured in your faith in
your deity. Each day, you are immune to a number
Divine Sense of points of necrotic damage equal to your cleric
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain level x 5. You regain this amount of necrotic damage
the paladin’s Divine Sense feature. immunity after taking a long rest.

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Paladin’s Sacred Oath: Oath Spells
Courage Paladin Level Spells
The Oath of Courage is an oath seldom taken, for 3rd bless, protection from evil and good
it elevates a devoted woman or man above just the 5th branding smite, calm emotions
station of being a paladin. They become an ideal; 9th beacon of hope, create food and water
a clarion call in the darkness capable of bolstering 13th banishment, death ward
those who are frightened. To swear this oath is 17th banishing smite, dispel evil and good
to make yourself an enemy of all who would use
terror to manipulate and harm the frightened. Just Channel Divinity
as you can sense evil and undeath, undeath and evil When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
can sense you. The armor and appearance of these following two Channel Divinity options:
paladins is often simple and utilitarian; whatever   Courageous Words. As an action, you can call out
gets the job done. What’s different about them is to your allies and give them the courage to succeed,
their voice: strong, compassionate, and inspiring. or you can call out to one ally in particular and
It is the voice of a leader in the darkest of times. almost guarantee their success with your courage,
using your Channel Divinity. You grant an ally that
Tenets of Courage can see or hear you a Courage die, a d6. Once within
The Oath of Courage has few tenets, but they the next 10 minutes, that ally can roll the d6 and
serve as constant reminders about a paladin’s add the number rolled to one ability check, attack
purpose. Often, paladins will repeat these tenets to roll, or saving throw that they make. The ally can
themselves in a crisis to strengthen their resolve. wait until after they roll the d20 before deciding to
▶ Fight the Fear. Fear exists for only one use the Courage die. Once the Courage die is rolled,
purpose: to be conquered. You must fight the it is lost. An ally can have only one Courage die at
fear in your own heart before you can fight a time.
the fear in others.   Rousing Speech. As an action, you can use your
▶ Bolster the Timid. Agents of fear—undead commanding voice and presence to dissuade
and otherworldly horrors—will try to break enemy creatures from advancing against you or
your compatriots will with terror. Do not let your allies, using your Channel Divinity. Each
them. Your courageous example will make hostile creature that can see or hear you must
your allies courageous as well. make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell
▶ Inspire the Meek. You have taken this oath, save DC. On a failure, the creature is no longer
but the common person hasn’t. They will be hostile, stopping any attempt to attack you or your
afraid when monsters come to their door. companions for a number of rounds equal to half
It is your duty to give them the hope, the your level (rounded down). This effect ends if
confidence, and the tools to fight alongside affected creatures are attacked during this time.
▶ Fortify Your Surroundings. To survive the Aura of Courage
long and terrifying night, you must be At 7th level, you emanate an Aura of Courage
prepared. Always be on the lookout for ways earlier than other paladins. At 10th level its range
to make your surroundings more secure, is improved to 30 feet, and further improves to 50
safe, and defensible. You may be able to feet at 18th level.
survive a night raid, but those you look after
may not. Protecting Touch
At 15th level, your Lay on Hands feature is improved
dramatically in order to not only heal, but also

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We Ain’t
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Ghosts  |  I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost
protect your allies on the battlefield. When you use immune to being frightened or charmed.
Lay on Hands on a creature, that creature gains a ▶ All allies within 15 feet of you have

+2 bonus to AC for 1 hour, provided they continue advantage on attack rolls against undead and
to fight courageously. Any attempt to move away fiends and advantage on saving throws to
from, flee from, or hide from an enemy in combat resist effects and spells undead and fiends.
negates this +2 bonus to AC. A creature healed   Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
using Lay on Hands cannot receive this bonus to until you finish a long rest.
AC more than once within the hour.

Fearless Champion Roguish Archetype:

At 20th level, you may assume the form of a holy Witch Hunter
avatar of courage. You have the ability to wrest You are versed in the secret ways of ousting and
the fear from those around you and inspire them destroying witches and other evil creatures that
towards greatness. Using your action you undergo hide amongst civilization. You know how to spot
a transformation. For 10 minutes, you gain the them, how to make them give up their secrets, and
following benefits: how to hunt them when they run. In addition to
▶ Your features become like that of a lion. You features that improve your ability to sense these
gain a Roar attack that, as an action, deals creatures and fight them with ranged weapons, you
3d6 thunder damage to all Evil creatures also learn useful new interrogation rituals designed
within 30 feet of you that can hear you. to unmask the minions of evil.
▶ All allies that can see or hear you are

Bonus Proficiencies
When you take this archetype at 3rd level, you
gain proficiency with shortbows, longbows, and
all forms of crossbow. If your game supports it,
you become proficient with weapons with the
Entangling property such as the bolas.1

Immobilizing Shot
Starting at 3rd level, you are able to stop creatures
from fleeing from you. When you hit a creature
with a ranged weapon attack, you can use a bonus
action to have shot the creature in the legs or feet.
The creature suffers from the restrained condition
and the attack deal half damage. If attacking with
an Entangling weapon, the DC of the Strength
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) saving throw
is increased to 14.2

1 Connors, “As Good As His Blade,” EN World EN5ider.

2 Ibid.

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Interrogation Rituals set up, and 50 gp of consumable materials. This
At 9th level, you gain access to three interrogation ritual is risky, as it ousts the evil from a cursed
rituals. These are supernatural techniques or similarly afflicted creature, who then must be
used to gather information from evil creatures saved from the flames before they are consumed.
masquerading as ordinary people, such as hags, This ritual creates the effects of a remove curse spell,
witches, doppelgangers, and other shapeshifters. with the captive creature making a Wisdom saving
These rituals must be performed within 1 hour of throw at disadvantage to resist the effects. The
being set up, or their power is wasted. captive creature takes 1d6 fire damage each round
  Boiling Tincture. While the creature is bound, until the flames are extinguished.
you funnel a boiling solution of sacred herbs and
spices down their throat to burn away the evil Silvering Ammunition
within. A Boiling Tincture requires 1 hour to set At 13th level, you have dealt with enough
up, and 75 gp worth of consumable materials. supernatural forces that you understand the impact
This ritual forces the creature to make Wisdom that silvered weapons can have, and have developed
checks at disadvantage in order to maintain their a method of silvering arrowheads and crossbow
disguise. These are contested by your Charisma bolts that is fast and relatively inexpensive.
(Intimidation) checks.   During a short rest or preceding a long rest, you
  Salt and Iron Dousing. While the creature is can apply this process to a number of projectiles
captive, you splash their faces and bodies with equal to your level. Each silvered piece of
brew of salt water and cold iron shavings. A Salt ammunition requires 4 gp worth of silver.
and Iron Dousing requires 20 minutes to set up, and
25 gp worth of consumable materials. Successful Supreme Detection
completion of this ritual creates the effects of a At 17th level, you are an expert at noticing evil in
zone of truth spell, with the captive creature making all of its many forms. As an action, you can focus
their Charisma saving throw at disadvantage. your senses towards detecting evil. You sense evil
  Cleansing Fire. While the creature is bound, creatures as if you had cast detect evil and good.
you pile rosewood at their feet and set it ablaze, Once you have used this feature, you can’t use it
burning them. Cleansing Fire requires 1 hour to again until you have finished a short rest. e

EN World
We Ain’t
Afraid| of NoHamlet of Varseldorf
Ghosts  |  I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost
I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts
New Archetypes
for Barbarians,
and Warlocks
Barbarian Path: Wolfsblood
All barbarians must learn to master their rage; the
Wolfsblood are those whose wrath stems from an
inborn or inflicted lycanthropic curse. Through
this path of training, noble Wolfsbloods turn this
evil power to their advantage, while the worst
follow in their ancestors’ bloody footsteps. Only
those who have taken on the curse of lycanthropy
may adopt this path; it is most commonly passed
on from another Wolfsblood in a blood-soaked rite
of passage.

writing Brandes Stoddard

color art Dan Nokes
editing James Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam

EN World
We EN5IDER  |  The
Ain’t Afraid ofHamlet of Varseldorf
No Ghosts  |  Heroes of the Night
  Other types of lycanthropic barbarians are found to track targets based solely on scent traces, with
in legend, such as the Bear-kin, the Boar-blood, and the check’s DC determined by the GM.
the Black Stripes. If any of them still remain, they   Further, you gain immunity to all forms of
follow their own traditions. lycanthropic curses, since you already have one.
  The saving throw DC for your Moonstruck
and Cursed Bite abilities is 8 + your Constitution No Fear Save Silver
modifier + your proficiency bonus. The restriction Starting at 6th level, you take on lycanthropic
against concentrating on spells while raging does resilience when raging. You gain resistance to
not apply to your Moonstruck or Cursed Bite bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage dealt
features. by a non-silver weapon while you are raging.

Slavering Jaws Moonstruck

At 3rd level when you adopt this Path, you can Starting at 10th level, you gain a limited ability
temporarily transform your jaws into a dangerous to pass on the madness that a werewolf suffers
weapon. Whenever you wish, you may transform during the full moon. After you deal damage to
your nose and jaw into a snout as part of rolling an enemy with a bite attack or any other unarmed
initiative, or as a bonus action at any time during strike, you may force the enemy to make a Wisdom
combat. Transforming them back requires an saving throw or suffer the effects of the confusion
action, and the transformation lasts until you spell, with a duration of 1 minute or until you
deliberately end it. While transformed, you: lose concentration. You automatically succeed
▶ May not speak save for grunts and howls, on the first Constitution saving throw to maintain
preventing you from completing verbal concentration on this effect. Once you use this
components in spells. feature, you may not do so again until you complete
▶ May bite as an unarmed strike for 1d6 a long rest.
piercing damage, using either your Strength   Starting at 14th level, you regain the use of this
or Dexterity modifier for the attack. At 10th feature upon completing a short rest or a long rest.
level, this damage increases to 1d8.
▶ May make a bite attack as a bonus action, Cursed Bite
only while raging. Starting at 14th level, your curse of lycanthropy is
as potent as the darkest of legends, and you can
Keen Senses immediately turn a bitten enemy into a werewolf
At 3rd level, when you adopt this path, your under your control. After you deal damage to an
sense of hearing and your sense of smell become enemy with a bite attack or any other unarmed
preternaturally keen. You gain advantage on strike, you may force the enemy to make a
Wisdom (Perception) checks involving sound or Constitution saving throw. Creatures of types other
scent, and you may make Wisdom (Survival) checks than fey, giants, and humanoids automatically
succeed this saving throw. On a success, the target
suffers an additional 3d10 piercing damage. On a
failure, the target is polymorphed into a werewolf
under your control for one minute, or until you lose
concentration upon this effect. At the end of each
of its turns, the target receives a new Constitution
saving throw to revert to its natural form and break
your control over it. Once you use this feature, you
may not do so again until you complete a long rest.

Heroes of the Night  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

Fighter Archetype: equal amount of damage. At 7th level, your spectral
The Haunted companion grants a guarded ally resistance to
Many warriors are haunted by the suffering they all damage, other than radiant or force damage,
have seen, but only a rare few can call the soul of instead of reducing damage by 3.
the dead back to their sides to aid them in battle.   If your spectral companion falls to 0 hit points,
The haunted fighter—and spectral companion— it is dispersed. A dispersed companion disappears
excel at defending allies in battle. The spectral from existence and is effectively dead. As part
companion absorbs punishment for the fighter’s of a short or long rest, your spectral companion
allies, while the fighter tethers the companion to returns to full hit points, even if dispersed. You
the Material Plane. may also spend an action to spend a Hit Die and
restore hit points equal to twice the result plus
Spectral Companion your Constitution modifier to your injured spectral
Starting at 3rd level when you choose this archetype, companion.
you gain a spectral companion that is bound to
your soul. Your companion accompanies you on Companion’s Strike
adventures and guards you and your allies. Any Starting at 7th level, your spectral companion
creature that can become undead can be a spectral can lash out at opponents, allowing you to join in
companion, but its spirit manifests as a Medium- opportunity attacks outside your own reach. When
sized creature if it is normally larger. This spirit is an enemy provokes an opportunity attack from
incorporeal and visible to the naked eye. It speaks the creature that your spectral companion guards,
the languages it knew in life and may or may you may spend your reaction for the companion
not retain knowledge it had while living. It has a to attack as well. Its attack bonus is equal to your
number of hit points equal to 5 × your fighter level Strength or Dexterity bonus + your proficiency
and uses your Armor Class and saving throw values. bonus. On a hit, it deals 1d10 necrotic damage and
  Your spectral companion takes full damage regains hit points equal to half the damage dealt. At
from single-target weapon and spell attacks and 15th level, this damage increases to 2d10.
from effects that deal radiant or force damage.
It takes no damage from spells and effects that Manifestation
target multiple creatures, unless it is guarding a Starting at 10th level, you may allow your spectral
creature damaged by such an effect (see below). It companion to manifest completely for a short time.
automatically succeeds on all saving throws. The As an action, you conjure a ghost in a space within
companion can occupy your space, or the space 30 feet of you with hit points equal to your five times
of any of your allies. It cannot make attacks until your fighter level. It disappears when it falls to 0
you gain the Companion’s Strike feature at 7th level. hit points, moves more than 30 feet away from you,
Your spectral companion must remain within 30 you lose Concentration, or the one-minute duration
feet of you, and has a Speed of 30 feet. of the conjuration expires. The ghost is friendly
  As a bonus action, you may command your to you and your allies. Roll initiative for the ghost
spectral companion to guard one creature other separately. As an action, you may give it a simple
than yourself within 30 feet of you. It returns to verbal command (such as “possess a specific enemy”
you automatically if you are more than 30 feet away or “always attack the nearest enemy”). If you give it
from it for any reason, and automatically goes with no commands, or has completed the last command
you if you shift away from the Material Plane. A you gave, it uses the Help action to grant advantage
guarded creature reduces all damage taken by 3, to one of your attack rolls. If it uses its Possession
other than radiant or force damage. Regardless of action, that effect immediately ends if the duration
the damage type, the spectral companion takes an of the conjuration expires. Damage that the ghost

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Ain’t Afraid ofHamlet of Varseldorf
No Ghosts  |  Heroes of the Night
Eternal Bond Warlock Pact: The Evil Eye
The only thing all spectral companions have in Traditionally, the Evil Eye is an expression of envy
common is that they were once alive. Their rela- and malicious intent. Any sort of patron might
tionships with the fighters to whom they bond vary grant the Pact of the Evil Eye, as the Archfey and
widely—some are hostile but compelled to obey by Archfiend both appreciate the power of envy, and
their bond; others regard the fighter with friend- a wild-eyed stare certainly befits any warlock of the
ship, loyalty, or love; and still others obey merely Great Old Ones. Such warlocks are specialized in
to protect their existence. While the rules above the hex spell and gain more options in its usage.
generally assume that the spectral companion is   You learn the hex spell. The spell doesn’t count
(was) a humanoid, there’s no reason that has to be against your spells known.
true—a faithful hound can work just as well.   When the target of your current casting of hex
  If you’re the GM, consider creating a few inter- deals damage to you, you may spend a reaction
esting secrets known to the spectral companion, either to deal the hex effect’s damage value to the
and having one of the other players in the party target, or to add 1d6 to your Constitution saving
roleplay the companion in any interactions (in ad- throw to maintain concentration.
dition to their primary character). Not all players
or all groups enjoy this mode of play, but for those Related Invocations
that do, this is a great way to get players engaged in
thinking about other characters in the group. Alter- Curse of the Mystic Nettle
natively, the GM or the haunted fighter’s player can Prerequisite: Pact of the Evil Eye feature
roleplay the companion.   Once per casting of hex, while the spell’s effect
continues, you may impose disadvantage on a
single saving throw the target makes as a free
takes does not transfer to your spectral companion, action. Transferring the hex to a new target does
but as long as the ghost is present, your spectral not constitute a new casting.
companion cannot guard an ally, use Companion’s
Strike, or be affected in any way. Curse of the Marionette
  Starting at 18th level, the ghost that you conjure Prerequisite: Pact of the Evil Eye feature, 15th level
has hit points equal to five times your fighter level.   Once per casting of hex, you may spend an action
  Shared Nature. Starting at 15th level, you can to cast dominate beast or dominate person on that
briefly become spectral as well. As an action or target without spending a spell slot. Transferring
bonus action, you become invisible, gain a fly speed the hex to a new target does not constitute a new
of 30 feet, and gain resistance to all damage except casting.
radiant and force damage until the end of your next
turn. Once you use this feature, you may not do so
again until you complete a short or long rest. Wards Against the Evil Eye
  Spectral Legion. Starting at 18th level, your In many lands, wards against the evil eye are com-
spectral companion calls forth a legion of others mon symbols, worked into building decorations
like it to guard you and all of your allies. As an as well as personal jewelry. At the GM’s discretion,
action, you and all allies within 30 feet that are someone under the protection of a ward against
not guarded by your spectral companion reduce the evil eye gains advantage on saving throws
damage by 6 from all sources except radiant or against spells like hex and invocations related to
force damage. This lasts for one minute. Once you the Evil Eye.
use this feature, you may not do so again until you
complete a long rest.

Heroes of the Night  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts


Faces of Hallow's Eve
hen the seasons

change and the air

carries a chill, when

the leaves turn red and the harvest is over,

spirits of the dead and damned press against

the membrane of our world. On Hallow’s

Eve, they walk among mortals once more,

haunting and wreaking havoc as they

go. Our wise ancestors learned to disguise

themselves as spirits and monsters to blend

in with them, to avoid their attention.

  Every Hallow’s Eve, we donned masks. We

wore the faces of the dead and the monstrous.

In doing so we were safe...but the longer writing Kiel Chenier

color art Kim Van Deun
we wore these masks, the more we risked editing James J. Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam
becoming monstrous ourselves.

EN World
We Ain’t
EN5IDER  |  The
Afraid of Hamlet of Varseldorf
No Ghosts  |  Faces of Hallow’s Eve
This article features five new magic items: five Hallow’s Eve
masks inspired by Hallowe’en. These masks are for A Hallowe’en-inspired festival and holy day
characters of any level, race, or class. Each mask Hallow’s Eve is exactly what it sounds like: it is a
lets its wearer wield a different horrific but useful Hallowe’en and fall harvest festival centered around
power, perfect for a horror-themed Fifth Edition the dead rising from the grave to walk amongst the
adventure, but varied enough to be useable in any living as ghosts, specters, ghouls, and other undead
kind of campaign. creatures. It is also a totemic day for other horror-
  Each mask features the following rules and themed monsters like hags, liches, flesh golems,
worldbuilding details, useful for both players and witches, devils, and cultists of all kinds to carry out
Game Masters: evil deeds and rituals out of sight of the deities who
▶ The history of the mask. might normally keep them in check. Common peo-
▶ The benefits granted to the wearer. ple wear horrific masks and costumes to disguise
▶ Places where the mask might be and protect themselves from such monsters.
encountered, and NPCs who might be   In addition, Hallow’s Eve could feature any of the
wearing them. following traditions or effects in your game:
▶ Optional curses or drawbacks for Game ▶ Children wear costumes and roam from house

Masters to use. to house, asking for candied treats and baked

All of these magic masks are considered very rare goods.
wondrous items. Each requires attunement to use. ▶ Elves and dwarves might scoff at the idea of

A character cannot be attuned to more than one of Hallow’s Eve, whereas humans, halflings, and
these masks at a time. They each take an action to other races might embrace it fully.
don or wear, adjusting the eyeholes or fit. They can ▶ The evil primal power of the holy day saps

be removed as a swift action. divine magic of its power, so all divine spells
suffer penalties or are cast with disadvantage.
On the flip side, necromantic magic is buffed
New Magic Items and cast with advantage.
▶ The barriers between the living, the dead, and

The Ghost Hood the monstrous are broken down during the
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) twilight hours of Hallow’s Eve. Spells like speak
  While wearing this hood you can perceive with dead and tongues can be cast as rituals.
invisible or intangible undead creatures (ghosts, ▶ Offerings of food and money are left on door-

specters, wraiths, banshees, etc.) as if they were steps and in graveyards for the dead; which
solid and material. Undead creatures perceive thieves and goblins are quick to exploit.
you as being a similar undead as well, and are
nonhostile unless you attack them or are clearly
associated with a creature that is hostile to them.   Appearance: The ghost hood is a pure white linen
  Additionally, whenever you calculate the damage sack with two prominent eye holes. Despite its
you would deal to an incorporeal undead creature, rough appearance, it feels smooth like velvet and
you ignore its damage resistances. cold to the touch.

Open Game Content

The game rule information in this article is designated Open Game Content. All of the other material in this article, in-
cluding maps and illustrations (including illustrations in the public domain), narrative and descriptive text,
character and place names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,” EN Publishing product EN
and article titles, and EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated Product Identity. Publishing ™

Faces of Hallow’s Eve  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

  Background: A Hallow’s Eve tradition is to cut own face. Taking it as a trophy, the other hags
eye holes in white sheets to disguise yourself as stitched it into a grotesque mask and imbuing it
a ghost. Years ago, a talented medium made such with magic.
a disguise, but found that she could see spirits as This mask fell out of possession of the hags when
plain as day while wearing it. Even after her death, their coven was destroyed by adventurers. Morbid
the disguise retained this eerie magic. Over time collectors and wannabe witches have owned it in
the sheet became frayed and tattered, until only the past. The mask is currently on display in an
enough remained to cover the wearer’s face as a oddity shop, its owner eager to sell it while being
mask. completely unaware of its magical properties.
  This mask has been passed on by supernatural   Optional Drawback: Auntie Bittersweet the hag is
experts, shamans, and clerics who work to lay still alive and still faceless. When a character wears
unquiet spirits to rest. It is often found in either the hag mask, Auntie Bittersweet can see and hear
consecrated places like churches, temples, or what the wearer does. Whenever the wearer uses
shrines, or in haunted locations. its fear spell power, Auntie Bittersweet can speak
  Optional Drawback: Undead creatures of all through the wearer’s mouth. She bides her time,
kinds are drawn to the character attuned to the collecting information on the wearer and taking
mask when it is not being worn. These creatures every opportunity to poison their friendships.
single out that character and attack them exclusively, Auntie Bittersweet wants her face back, and she
driven to destroy the mask. The opposite is true will eventually claim it once more.
when the mask is being worn.
Mask of the Shamed Royal
Hag Mask Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)   While wearing this comical mask you bring a
  While wearing this mask you feel the bewitching sense of mirth to those around you, putting them at
powers of a green hag coursing through you. You ease. You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion)
can cast the following cantrips at will, requiring no checks made to interact with people who dislike
material components: dancing lights, minor illusion, the noble your mask depicts. Once per day, you can
vicious mockery. The mask’s spellcasting ability is speak using the actual voice of the noble the mask
Charisma (spell save DC 12). is made to depict, allowing you to cast the charm
  This mask has 3 charges. While wearing it, you person spell (save DC 12).
can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to   Appearance: This highly detailed mask is
cast the fear spell (save DC 12). The mask regains 1 modeled after a notorious and generally disliked
expended charge daily at midnight. If you expend royal NPC (choose whichever NPC from your game
the mask’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the mask that you think fits best). It covers the face and head
shrivels away into nothingness and is destroyed. entirely, with small eye holes and a larger hole for
  Appearance: The hag mask looks like the leathery the mouth, complete with an attached wig styled
face and head of a green hag with warts and strands and colored like the royal NPC’s hair. The mask is
of hair. It has eyeholes and a mouth slit. In dim not flattering, and when paired with a good vocal
light or darkness, the mask is just realistic enough impression, it delights common people and nobles
to fool some people into believing the wearer is an alike who share a distaste for that particular royal
actual hag. NPC.
  Background: The mask is the sliced off face skin   Background: The mask was made by a court
and scalp of a green hag named Auntie Bittersweet. magician who served under the royal NPC but was
She lost a bet with her coven sisters, and the only unfairly dismissed. This court magician loathed
way to remain part of the coven was to cut off her the royal, and crafted this mask to mock them

EN World
We Ain’t
EN5IDER  |  The
Afraid of Hamlet of Varseldorf
No Ghosts  |  Faces of Hallow’s Eve
Visage of the Vampire
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
  While wearing this vampire mask you are
imbued with some of the traditional gothic powers
of a vampire. This mask has 3 charges. While
wearing it, you can use an action to expend one
of its charges to use the vampire’s shapechanger
ability, and are able to transform into a bat or into
a cloud of mist. The mask regains one expended
charge daily at sunrise. If you expend the mask’s
last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the mask shrivels
away and is destroyed.
  While wearing the mask, you have disadvantage
on ability checks and attack rolls if in direct
  Appearance: This finely crafted porcelain mask
is made to resemble a vampire lord’s stony visage.
It covers the face but leaves the mouth and chin
exposed. While its porcelain is quite thin and
fragile looking, it is heavy and cold upon the face
and is seemingly unbreakable. It glows a faint
green in darkness.
  Background: The mask is a relic from a faraway
gothic human country shrouded in mist. It was
made to be worn during Hallow’s Eve masquerade
balls in its country of origin. How it came to rest so
during private parties. Being a magician, they far away from its homeland is unknown.
figured a couple extra enchantments upon the   This mask is currently in the possession of a
mask couldn’t hurt. travelling merchant woman who sells trinkets out
This mask is currently in the possession of a of the back of her wagon. She will trade the mask
group of thieves working out of a dungeon. It can for expensive wine or liquor or a pretty piece of
be made available to characters in a treasure chest jewelry. She seems eager to part with the mask, and
in any dungeon thieves and bandits might occupy. as she leaves she calls out that “great and terrible
  Optional Drawback: The mask has been things await any who wear it at night!”
saturated in negative energy from all of the   Optional Drawback: The mask is modeled after
mockery it has endured at the expense of the royal a real vampire lord from another country. This
NPC it is modeled after. Every time the mask’s vampire lord does not take kindly to others wearing
charm person spell is used, there is a 10 percent his visage or using his powers without being a
chance the mask will permanently bond with the vampire themselves. Whenever you use the mask’s
wearer’s face, transforming their appearance into shapechanger ability, make a Constitution saving
that of the royal NPC. Now the wearer physically throw (DC 12). Failure causes you to thirst for blood.
appears to be the hated person they mocked. Until you consume a pint of fresh blood, you have
disadvantage on all ability checks, even once the
mask is removed.

Faces of Hallow’s Eve  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

The Slashed Faces
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
  While wearing this vampire mask you are
overcome by rampant bloodlust and the urge to kill.
Once per day, you may enter a Rage, as if you were
a 1st level barbarian. The rage ends after 1 minute
or if the mask is removed.
  Appearance: This frightening mask is made
from the human flesh and hair of three faces
stitched together. It fits over the head completely,
and has holes for the mouth, eyes, and nostrils. The
mask’s skin is leathery and shriveled, stained with
dark splotches of blood. On the inside of the mask
it smells strongly of blood and smoke.
  Background: This mask is the twisted remains
of three long dead murderers: a female human
butcher known as Lysa the Slicer, a male dwarf
called Urgeth Two-Teeth, and a male halfling
only known as The Green Poisoner. A malevolent
force exhumed their graves, removed their faces,
and stitched them together into this vile murder
mask. It retains the vile impulses of the killers it’s
fashioned from.
This mask lays upon an altar devoted to a death
god in random dungeon, waiting to be claimed.
  Optional Drawback: The mask’s murderous
personalities can assert themselves over the sleep. The wearer sleepwalks, putting on the mask,
attuned wearer, even when the mask isn’t being and venturing out into the night to kill. The wearer
worn. Whenever the wearer uses its rage ability, doesn’t perceive this happening, and wakes up
there is a 20 percent chance that during the wearer’s with no memory of the random killing of a single
next long rest they are compelled to kill in their stranger that they committed in the night. e

EN World
We Ain’t
EN5IDER  |  The
Afraid of Hamlet of Varseldorf
No Ghosts  |  Faces of Hallow’s Eve
Faces of Hallow’s Eve  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts
party of adventurers comes
  across a graveyard and you hear a collective
  groan—not from the zombies, but from
your players! Yet another series of trite encounters
involving the same undead they’ve seen time and
again. But what if instead of human zombies and
skeletons, they encountered skeletal rust monsters?
Or an ettin banshee? Presented below are four new
templates and four example creatures to bolster the
ranks of the undead legions that plague your world.

How Templates Work

The templates below can be applied to any creature,
as long as it makes sense to you—some might say
that an ochre jelly can’t be modified by the Skeleton
template, but who’s to say that your game world isn’t
home to the odd skeleton jelly?

writing Cedar Collins

color art Jacob Blackmon
editing James Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam

EN World
We Ain’t
EN5IDER  |  The
Afraid of Hamlet of Varseldorf
No Ghosts  |  Template of Horrors
To apply a template to an existing monster— Shambling Hordes
hereafter referred to as the “base creature,” simply Zombies are a staple among many campaigns
modify their statistics according to the template. and providing new and exciting types is very easy.
The resulting monster is referred to as the Their statistics are simple and allow nearly any
“modified creature.” fleshy creature to be transformed into an undead
  Some templates refer to “combat traits” and monstrosity. Most zombies are unarmored, unless
“non-combat traits.” While many monsters’ abilities the base creature was reanimated on the battlefield
are easily divided into combat or non-combat roles, or was outfitted by a warlike necromancer.
some traits are harder to classify. Distinguishing
between the two is up to the Game Master. Zombie Template
  The templates provided here also alter the DEFENSES
base creature’s ability scores—not their ability AC: As base creature, accounting for their modified
modifiers. Alterations with a + or – increase or Dexterity score.
decrease the score, while alterations with a static hp: As base creature, accounting for their modified
number change the base creature’s ability score to Constitution score.
that number. Some ability scores have a minimum Resistances: —
or maximum value; modified creatures with this Immunities: poison
template cannot have an ability score higher or Condition Immunities: poisoned
lower (depending) than the noted score. Saving Throws: Gains proficiency with Wisdom saving
  Creatures with multiple templates abide by the throws.
higher value (for maximums) and the lower value OFFENSE
(for minimums). Speed: –10 ft.
Undead Fortitude: As zombie.
Other Traits: The modified creature retains one com-
bat trait (the rest are lost) and all non-combat traits.
Cannot cast spells and loses all spell slots. At the GM’s
discretion, traits that would be harmful to undead no
longer affect undead.
Ability Score Modifications: Str +0, Dex –6 (min. 6),
Con +2 (max. 18), Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 5
Languages: Understands all languages it knew in life,
but can no longer speak
Skills: None

Example: Basilisk Zombie

Dead basilisks are rare, and reanimated basilisks
are rarer. Their already ponderous speed is reduced
to a lumbering plod by their decaying muscles, and
their vicious fangs no longer drip venom. Though
their cursed eyes have rotted away, their sockets
now burn with the light of necromantic power.

Template of Horrors  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

Basilisk Zombie The Sullied Dead
XP 450 Challenge 2 Driven by greed, malice, and dark thoughts, wights
Medium undead, Neutral evil are an intelligent form of undead. Any creature with
Initiative: –3 sentience has the capacity to become one of these
DEFENSES relentless entities. Their drives and desires make a
AC: 13 (natural armor) much stronger foe than the common zombie, and
hp: 60 (8d8 + 24) their intelligence makes their hatred for the living
Resistances: – is all the greater.
Immunities: poison
Condition Immunities: poisoned Wight Template
Speed: 10 ft. AC: 10 + modified creature’s Dexterity modifier.
Melee Attack—Bite: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. hp: As base creature + 1 Hit Die per modified creature’s
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. Constitution modifier.
STATISTICS Resistances: necrotic, and bludgeoning, piercing,
Str 16 (+3) Dex 6 (–2) Con 17 (+3) and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t
Int 3 (–4) Wis 8 (–1) Cha 5 (–2) silvered.
Languages: — Immunities: poison
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Condition Immunities: exhaustion, poisoned
Petrifying Gaze: As basilisk, but does not affect Speed: As base creature.
undead. Melee Attack—Multiattack: The creature makes two
Undead Fortitude: As zombie. attacks, one of which can be Life Drain.
Melee Attack—Life Drain: +[Proficiency Bonus +
Charisma modifier] to hit, reach [base creature’s
reach] ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + [Charisma modifier])
necrotic damage. The target must make a DC 13
Constitution save or have their hit point maximum
reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
Ability Score Modifications: Str –2
(min. 14), Dex +4 (max. 14), Con 16, Int 10,
Wis –2 (min. 8), Cha 14
Languages: As base creature.
Skills: As base creature, account-
ing for modified ability scores,
plus proficiency in Dexterity
(Stealth) and Wisdom (Perception).
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
All Traits: As base creature, plus
Sunlight Sensitivity, as wight.
Cannot cast spells and loses all
spell slots.

EN World
We Ain’t
EN5IDER  |  The
Afraid of Hamlet of Varseldorf
No Ghosts  |  Template of Horrors
Example: Crypt Stalker Eternal Servants
A minotaur who suffers the curse of undeath is Shells of their former selves, skeletons were
bound to their place of rest, just as their living raised from their peaceful repose by foul magic.
brethren are bound to their labyrinths. The These simple creatures possess a rudimentary,
crypt stalker endlessly stalks the corridors of programmed intelligence, and remain obedient
mausoleums and rows of headstones, its hatred servants to their hateful masters. Most skeletons
for its cursed state surpassed only by its malice for are animated from the bones of humans, as their
the living. dead are plentiful and accessible, but the bones of
more powerful creatures create more dangerous
Crypt Stalker monsters.
XP 700 Challenge 3
Large undead, Neutral evil Skeleton Template
Initiative: +2 DEFENSES
DEFENSES AC: If wearing armor or possessing natural armor, –1;
AC: 14 (studded leather) if unarmored, as base creature.
hp: 59 (7d10 + 21) hp: As base creature, accounting for their modified
Resistance: necrotic, bludgeoning, piercing, and slash- Constitution score.
ing from nonmagical weapon that aren’t silvered. Vulnerabilities: bludgeoning
Immunity: poison Resistances: –
Immunity, Condition: exhaustion, poisoned Immunities: poison
OFFENSE Condition Immunities: exhaustion, poisoned
Speed: 30 ft. OFFENSE
Multiattack: The crypt stalker makes two greataxe or As base creature.
gore attacks. It can use its Life Drain in place of one STATISTICS
melee attack. Ability Score Modifications: Str +0, Dex +0, Con –1,
Melee Attack—Greataxe: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Int +0, Wis –8 (min. 8), Cha –5
target. Hit: 17 (2d12 + 4) slashing damage Languages: Understands all languages it knew in life,
Melee Attack—Gore: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. but can no longer speak.
Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage Skills: As base creature, accounting for modified abil-
Melee Attack—Life Drain: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one ity scores.
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) necrotic damage, and the target TRAITS
must make a DC 13 Constitution save or have their hit All Traits: As base creature, removing traits that rely
point maximum reduced by an amount equal to the on flesh, organs, or internal functions. Cannot cast
damage taken. spells and loses all spell slots.
Str 16 (+3) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3) Bringing back a creature as a skeleton generally
Int 10 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 14 (+2) reduces their challenge rating as they gain very
Languages: Abyssal little from the transformation and often lose
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 many signature abilities. Natural or worn armor is
Skills: Perception +5 reduced by 1 point to represent the wear and tear
TRAITS on the creature before it was reanimated.
Charge: As minotaur.
Reckless: As minotaur.
Sunlight Sensitivity: As wight.

Template of Horrors  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

Example: Rust Monster Skeleton Hoarders of Sorrow
The skeletal remains of rust monsters are most The original banshees were the spirits of beautiful
frequently found deep in the bowels of the earth. elves who squandered their beauty in the pursuit
Their hunger for metal disappeared with their of power and domination. Bound to the Material
organs, but some primal instinct from their former Plane as punishment, they haunt the places they
life still drives them to seek out and devour ore of knew in life for eternity. However, other banshees
all kinds. are known to have been born from the souls of
those who squandered other natural gifts, be it
Rust Monster Skeleton their strength, beauty, intellect, or other talents. It
XP 50 Challenge ¼ matters not if the curse is the work of a cruel god
Medium undead, Neutral evil or a vengeful sorcerer, these beings are bound to
Initiative: +0 relive their missteps until the end of time. They
DEFENSES hoard objects and people related to their unused
AC: 13 (natural armor) talent. A fiendishly clever wizard may surround his
hp: 27 (5d8 + 5) demesne with books, puzzles and other intellectual
Vulnerabilities: bludgeoning trinkets to soothe the pain of the curse’s torment.
Resistances: –
Immunities: poison Banshee Template
Condition Immunities: exhaustion, poisoned Alignment: Chaotic evil
Speed: 10 ft. AC: 12
Melee Attack—Bite: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. hp: 13 Hit Dice of the base creature’s size.
Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage Resistances: acid, fire, lightning, thunder, and pierc-
Melee Attack—Antennae: As rust monster. ing, slashing, bludgeoning from nonmagical weapon
STATISTICS that aren’t silvered.
Str 13 (+1) Dex 12 (+1) Con 12 (+1) Immunities: cold, necrotic, poison
Int 2 (–4) Wis 8 (–1) Cha 5 (–2) Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, fright-
Languages: — ened, grapple, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained.
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Saving Throws: Gains proficiency with Wisdom and
TRAITS Charisma saving throws.
Iron Scent: As rust monster. OFFENSE
Speed: Remove land speed, add fly 40 ft. (hover).
Melee Attack—Corrupting Touch: +[Proficiency
Bonus + modified creature’s Dexterity or Charisma
modifier] to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3d6 +
[modified creature’s Dexterity or Charisma modifier]
necrotic damage.
Other Attacks: Remove all physical attacks.
Ability Score Modifications: Str +0, Dex +0, Con +0,
Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0
Cursed Pair: Banshees are created from creatures who
squander their natural talents; as such, they possess
one exceptional ability score compared to other
creatures of their kind (usually Charisma). This ability

EN World
We Ain’t
EN5IDER  |  The
Afraid of Hamlet of Varseldorf
No Ghosts  |  Template of Horrors
score is increased by 8. As a curse for wasting this Wailing Hermit
talent, the modified creature suffers a –8 penalty to XP 1,100 Challenge 4
another ability score. Large undead, Chaotic evil
Skills: As base creature, accounting for modified abil- Initiative: –1
ity scores. DEFENSES
Languages: As base creature. AC: 12
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. hp: 58 (13d10–13)
TRAITS Resistances: acid, fire, lightning, thunder, and pierc-
General: The modified creature retains the base ing, slashing, bludgeoning from nonmagical weapon
creature’s traits, except for ones that involve of living that aren’t silvered
functions such as eating or sleeping. Immunities: cold, necrotic, poison
Detect Life: As banshee. Immunities, Condition: charmed, exhaustion, fright-
Incorporeal Movement: As banshee. ened, grapple, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained.
Horrifying Visage: As banshee, but DC of the Wisdom OFFENSE
saving throw is equal to 8 + Proficiency Bonus + modi- Speed: 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
fied creature’s Charisma modifier. Melee Attack—Corrupting Touch: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Wail (1/Day): As banshee, but DC of the Constitution one target. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 3) necrotic damage.
saving throw is equal to 8 + Proficiency Bonus + modi- STATISTICS
fied creature’s Charisma modifier. Str 1 (–5) Dex 8 (–1) Con 9 (–1)
Int 6 (–2) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)
Example: Wailing Hermit Languages: Giant, Orc
There are tales of an ettin blessed with superior Skills: Perception +2
charisma who wasted it in solitude and narcissism, Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
talking to no one but himself, until one head grew TRAITS
jealous of the other and strangled it—and himself— Detect Life: As banshee.
to death. Incorporeal Movement: As banshee.
Horrifying Visage: As banshee.
Two Heads: As ettin.
Wail (1/Day): As banshee.

Template of Horrors  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

The Haunting of
Calrow Ruins
“You can hear them at night when the mist creeps in
off the lakeshore, jibber-jabbering like madmen trying
to form words. For years they’ve haunted me, but still
I can’t fathom what it means, as if some half-formed
mind yearns for the power to speak for itself…”
—Ser Paviss, Knight Overwatch of Calrow Ruins

Gibberlings infest Calrow Ruins. When the mists
blow in off the shores of Lach Gwyren, snaking
through crumbling arches and shattered barbicans,
the gibberlings’ terrible wailing can be heard for
miles. These leering, furry abominations are
spawned from captives by an ancient brood mother
lurking beneath the ruins. Once imprisoned in a
magic tapestry deep within the keep, the brood
mother is close to finally escaping thanks to the
meddling of a vengeful lady-in-waiting. Amidst a
noble feud to reclaim the ruins, the characters are
faced with solving the mystery of the gibberlings.
  Lady Bridgette Nydaridien wishes to clear her
family’s ancestral holdings of the monstrosities,
and offers the characters land as her vassals should
they help her retake the ruins. Her rival, Lord
Comsfor Polding, argues that Nydaridien’s family
didn’t have the strength to hold the keep and so a
new claimant should be allowed to stake his claim;
he offers the characters great wealth should they
help him retake the ruins. Whoever they side with,
their actions bring them into contact with Ser Paviss, writing Aaron Infante-Levy
a knight who keeps lonely vigil over the keep in the color art Sade
name of his former lord, Lady Nydaridien’s father. maps Mike McCarthy
editing James J. Haeck
a fantasy adventure for layout Eric Life-Putnam
4–5 pcs of 2nd–4th level

Ain’tEN5IDER  TheGhosts 
Afraid of|  No Hamlet of
|  The
Haunting of Calrow Ruins
Yet it is clear Paviss is not right in the head, and it is   Gradually, Calrow Keep was reduced to a minimal
clear more horrifying secrets lurk in Calrow Ruins retinue of servants and a handful of guards led
than anyone could realize. by the inimitable Ser Paviss who had long been
in the service to the Baron. Arista de Freh was
Background spared her father’s fate and made a lady-in-waiting
Calrow Keep was once a bastion of security and of House Nydaridien, though she never forgave
justice in a dangerous wilderness. However, three the Nydaridiens for what befell her father. When
calamities reduced the keep to ruins and paved the repairs on the keep were delayed by battles and
way for the rise of the gibberlings. matters of governance, the Baron moved his court
  The first befell the keep nearly a century ago elsewhere and the tapestry was all but forgotten.
when rampaging horned trolls of the Murkhorn That is, until Arista returned to the keep in search
tribe destroyed Calrow’s walls in pursuit of of her ring.
adventurers who stole their treasures Descendants   The guileful brood mother promised Arista her
of these horned trolls live to the north in forest revenge, returning the onyx wedding ring which
caves, plotting the day they can recover the had slipped between the cracks in the keep’s blasted
preserved head of the shaman who once lead the masonry. There is was imbued by foul energies with
pack which is displayed in the stateroom (Area 19) the power to turn the blood and body of anyone its
of Calrow Ruins as a trophy. Among the trolls’ wearer touched to onyx. In exchange, all Arista had
treasures was the grim tapestry (Area 12) with the to do was lead the knight Ser Paviss to the tapestry,
likeness of a hunchbacked, grinning creature and so she did one stormy night. Amidst terrible
in black robes embroidered on its surface. This flickering lights, a nightmarish, slug-like creature
creature magically trapped within the tapestry is crawled from the tapestry’s embroidery and into
the gibberling brood mother, a twisted, deranged Paviss’ ear. Arista fled, the knight’s dying screams
horror of the outer planes. The brood mother feeds ringing behind her, to seek her revenge on the
on psychic and magical energy—the minds of dead Nydaridiens.
mages and psionicists, and the brash emotions of   Two years ago, the tapestry commanded Arista
noble men and women, give it power. to arrange for the Nydaridiens to return to Calrow.
  The second calamity befell the keep twelve During their visit, a terrible quake shook the
years ago when the ruler of the keep, the widower surrounding lands and all but collapsed the keep.
Baron Ulrich Nydaridien, offended Lord Mattier Arista was forewarned of the quake by the tapestry,
de Freh of a neighboring province by refusing and so she sought to use the disturbance as a
the hand of Lord de Freh’s daughter Arista. Baron convenient way to end the Nydaridien bloodline
Nydaridien, fearful of those who sought to usurp all at once. Amidst the calamity, vengeful Arista
him, had taken to consulting the brood mother in used her ring’s power to turn the Baron to onyx,
the tapestry; it telepathically warned him of foes but she was betrayed by its foul magic.
both real and imaginary while drinking deep of his   Her task complete, Arista had outlived her
fear. Distraught, Arista cast her would-be wedding usefulness and died alongside the Baron she so
ring, a band of gold clasping an onyx gem, off the despised, turned to onyx herself. Her dying sight
parapets. Gravely offended, Lord de Freh laid siege was the image of the hunchbacked figure stepping
to the keep. Though Lord de Freh was defeated and from the tapestry into the world. From the shadows
beheaded for his treachery, the destruction was came terrible gibbering, jabbering, and wailing as
so extensive that the Nydaridiens were forced to gibberlings broke up from the tunnels below in
vacate the ruined keep. numbers beyond counting.

The Haunting of Calrow Ruins  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

Character Hooks Darkscape Mushrooms
You can use any of the following hooks to get the Darkscape mushrooms are marbled grey mush-
characters involved with Calrow Ruins. rooms found in the Moat Fissure, Kitchen Court,
  Grim Treasure Hunters. Following legends and Yew Court. They are nature’s response to an
of either the grim tapestry or the onyx ring, the incursion from the outer planes, and a character
characters have traced one or both of these proficient in Arcana, Nature, or herbalism kit can
infamous treasures to Calrow Ruins. They may identify them and their nature (no check required).
be seeking these items for their own power, as Darkscape mushrooms can be consumed to cure a
elements in an ongoing campaign, or as part of a creature of gibberslug infestation, and they also act
mission to destroy corrupting magical artifacts. as deadly poison if ingested by gibberlings, inflict-
  Noble’s Behest. One of the two nobles approaches ing 26 (4d10 + 4) poison damage.
the party, asking them to reclaim the keep in
their name. Parties of Good-aligned characters
are approached by Lady Nydaridien, while more Number of Gibberlings for 2nd-Level PCs
mercenary parties are approached by Lord Polding. Difficulty 3 PCs 4 PCs 5 PCs 6 PCs
What each of these nobles can offer to entice the Easy 2 3 3 4
characters is outlined under their NPC descriptions. Medium 3 4 5 7
  Return to the Keep. One or more of the Hard 5 6 7 9
characters may have survived the quake and the Deadly 6 7 8 11
ensuing gibberling massacre that resulted from
Arista de Freh’s betrayal. Haunted by the horrors Number of Gibberlings for 3rd-Level PCs
they witnessed, the characters take it as a matter Difficulty 3 PCs 4 PCs 5 PCs 6 PCs
of personal honor to vanquish the gibberlings that Easy 3 3 4 6
caused so many they once called friends. Medium 5 6 7 9
Hard 7 8 9 11
Scaling Gibberling Encounters Deadly 10 11 14 16
Most of the enemies faced in Calrow Ruins are
gibberlings. In general, gibberling encounters Number of Gibberlings for 4th-Level PCs
should start at a Medium difficulty, but if the Difficulty 3 PCs 4 PCs 5 PCs 6 PCs
gibberlings are not dealt with swiftly (e.g. within Easy 4 5 7 8
2–3 rounds), a particularly loud racket is raised, or Medium 7 8 10 12
another story event occurs, then more gibberlings Hard 9 11 13 15
enter the fray from other areas of the ruins, Deadly 11 14 15 20
increasing the encounter to a Hard difficulty.
Likewise, if gibberlings in an area are alerted,
the difficulty of any gibberling encounter in that Encounter Table
area taking place within 1 hour increases by one The following encounter table can be used to
step. Use the following tables as a guideline for populate the region surrounding Calrow Ruins
how many gibberlings equate to an appropriate and enhance the adventure’s themes at the GM’s
challenge for your party. discretion.

Ain’tEN5IDER  TheGhosts 
Afraid of|  No Hamlet of
|  The
Haunting of Calrow Ruins
Encounters NPCs
1d10 Encounter
1 Horned troll of the Murkhorn Tribe, which Lady Bridgitte Nydaridien
always have loathsome limbs due to mutations Bridgitte Nydaridien is a proud noble in her mid-
caused to the tribe by the brood mother in the thirties and the daughter of Baron Ulrich Nydaridien,
tapestry long ago. the same Baron under whose rule Calrow Keep fell
2 2d4 animals like boar, deer, ducks, egrets, into ruins. In addition to reclaiming the keep for
geese, hawks, rabbits, or ravens. 5% chance her family’s honor and legacy—embodied in the
of strange behavior due to the influence of the ancestral crest of two argent swans addorsed on a
forming gate to the Outer Planes. field of sable—she also wishes to recover her father’s
3 Strange winds carrying sounds of gibbering corpse, or at least learn how he died. Bridgitte’s
and mad howling through the trees, across personal guard is meager (12 guards), just enough
the grasslands, and down the river. NPCs and to protect her encampment and her bodyguard, Ser
beasts are unnerved for the next hour, and Caomhan (knight), and must enlist adventurers to
attempts to command or calm them made with claim the ruins in her name. Unfortunately, her
disadvantage. coffers have been depleted by paying Ser Paviss
4 2d4 bandits—mercenaries employed by Lord and his knights’ stipend for keeping watch over
Polding—harassing traveling peasants, sharing the ruins. What she can offer the characters is a
a liquor flask beneath a hanging corpse, or dozen acres of arable land each as her vassals. If
ominously sharpening axes. desperate, she will offer a simple star rose quartz
5 1d4 guards loyal to Lady Nydaridien trading (50 gp) from about her own neck, claiming that it
spooky stories over the campfire of the keep’s belonged to her father and there may be more in
fall and the gibberlings. the keep and the characters may keep the gems if
6 2d4 commoners headed south carrying bundles they find them.
of wood, truffles, or rabbit pelts.   Alignment: Lawful Good
7 An easy encounter with gibberlings that have   Bond: Reclaim Calrow Ruins to honor her
escaped beyond the confined of Calrow Ruins. father’s memory and leave a legacy for her family.
8 Eerie hallucinations plague one or more   Flaw: She’ll go to great lengths to cover up her
characters until the next encounter check or family’s role in the downfall of Calrow Ruins.
sunrise, taking the form of shapes moving   Ideal: It is the duty of the nobility to look after
in their peripheral vision, the likeness of a the welfare of those from lesser birth.
screaming face underwater, or the hollow of a   Personality Trait: Does not suffer fools or liars.
tree suddenly seeming to blink at them.
9 1d2 perytons squabbling over the heart of a Lord Comsfor Polding
recent kill. A feudal noble, Comsfor Polding is the third son
10 The ghost of Arista de Freh hovers momentarily of a lord of little importance. Possessed of neither
as if trying to warn others of something, but brawn nor charisma, Polding has relied on his
black blood runs from her mouth forming cunning ability to figure out what people desire
into stones, choking her; she only attacks if and leverage that to his disadvantage. He is a portly
provoked or in the presence of someone of the man in his forties, roughly shaven, with a perpetual
Nydaridien bloodline. sneer on his jowls, and ready to offer a false smile
that hides a long and vengeful memory. While he
is a lord in title, Comsfor owns just a meager bit of
land to the north with no castle on it. The device on

The Haunting of Calrow Ruins  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

his banners—a peryton on a fess argent over gules— connected to the gibberlings. To this end, it serves
was invented by none other than himself after his the subtle telepathic commands of the gibberling
father and older brothers were slain by perytons. brood mother and seeks a way to liberate her
He deems the Nydaridiens incompetent fools, and from the confines of Calrow Ruins. Currently this
intends to “liberate” Calrow Ruins from their rule. means luring outsiders to the Keep, and let its
However, Comsfor Polding only has a small troupe horrors fill them with terror and rage, tumultuous
of mercenaries (16 bandits and a bandit captain) emotions that will feed the brood mother until she
camped at the southern edge of the Oakenfaust wood, is powerful enough to gain total freedom from the
and he must hire adventurers to claim the ruins grim tapestry.
in his name. He has 500 gp in his treasury, though   Alignment: Neutral Evil
he offers the minimum he thinks they’ll accept   Bond: Understand the gibberlings that occupy
(starting at 40 gold split between all adventurers). Calrow Ruins—what motivates them, why they
  Alignment: Neutral gibber at night, and where they came from.
  Bond: Claim a castle and surrounding lands for   Flaw: Can’t resist setting others on edge, playing
his own to create a legacy for his family. on fears, or pitting them against each other.
  Flaw: His ambitious eye exceeds his grasp.   Ideal: This mortal flesh is impure and deserves
  Ideal: No one will give us what we do not take to be remade in the image of something greater.
for ourselves.   Personality Trait: Ser Paviss remembers those
  Personality Trait: Jaded and sardonic with a who died in the gibberling massacre, and he
dark sense of humor. occasionally suffers a twitch while suppressing this
Ser Miel Paviss
Ser Miel Paviss is a lanky knight standing head and
shoulder above the soldiers under his command. Calrow Ruins
Sunken brooding eyes and a faint yellow scar at Calrow Ruins overlooks Lach Gwyren, a freshwater
the base of his skull are the only physical clues lake blanketed by fog and ringed by poplars, aspens,
that the knight is controlled by a gibberslug. He and cottonwoods. The keep’s disrepair is evident
served under Baron Ulrich Nydaridien, and both from even a mile away. A moat was dug around
were betrayed by Arista de Freh. One fateful night, the portion of the keep not buttressing the lake.
Arista led Paviss to the grim tapestry, where the The moat was filled by channels connected to the
aberrant forces within the tapestry reached out lake, but the earthquake two years ago caused the
and forced a gibberslug inside his skull. Unlike moat to drain. This left behind a ditch with only
other gibberslug victims, Paviss did not turn into a shallow water that becomes a muddy mire after
gibberling. Instead, the unusual gibberslug gained rains. A stone bridge spans the moat leading to
sentience, killed the knight, and took control of his the gatehouse, however it was broken in Lady
body. Nydaridien’s flight from the keep to prevent the
  The creature masquerading as Miel Paviss is gibberlings from following.
currently charged by Bridgitte Nydaridien with
ensuring the gibberlings stay confined to the ruins The Outer Bailey
and do not infest the lands beyond. He is aided by 4 Calrow Ruins’ outer bailey is the only way in or
guards who remain loyal to him. The guards under out of the keep without navigating Lach Gwyren.
his command are forgiving of their commander’s A pair of guards, Hamson and Glamock, stand
oddities but secretly suspect something is wrong. futile watch over the shattered barbican leading
The creature within Ser Paviss is driven by an into the outer bailey. These guards are loyal to Ser
urge to understand its current state and how it is Paviss, though their time in and around the ruins

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has warped their minds toward paranoia. Both
Hamson and Glamock believe they’re fulfilling
critical duties in guarding the barbican and cannot
be convinced otherwise. Hamson, in particular,
believes that the horned trolls are massing for a
raid on the keep, and he demands anyone wishing
to pass prove they’re not trollish collaborators (for
example, by demonstrating they don’t regenerate
wounds). Glamock, on the other hand, believes
the keep and surrounding lands are cursed and
encourages characters to turn back for their own   Ser Paviss knows the following:
good… unless Glamock realizes a cleric is among ▶ Some gibberlings have the vague likeness of

them, in which case he is keen to invite the cleric former servants or knights. They have raided
(and just the cleric) inside to negotiate with his the garrison, and are armed. (True)
commander, Ser Paviss. ▶ Gibberling activity is confined to within the

walls of the ruins thanks to the efforts of Ser

Exploring the Outer Bailey Paviss’ guards and the moat. (False)
The outer bailey is where the peasants serving the ▶ A general layout of the castle, including the

Nydaridien family once dwelled. Massive boulders, main areas the Garrison wing, the Great Hall,
now overgrown with moss and artistically engraved the Kitchen wing, and the Keep. He also
with runes by the keep’s former occupants, are knows about the postern entrance. (True)
scattered across the grounds. Ruins of workshops, ▶ There are no other hazards or monsters in

stables, livestock stalls, granaries, and servants’ the ruins besides gibberlings. (False)
quarters occupy much of the outer bailey.
Methods of Entry
Meeting with Ser Paviss
Ser Paviss is brooding and distant, apparently Bridge
occupied with his grim duty of standing watch over This stone bridge spans 20 feet, supported by three
a ruined keep, but will meet with the characters pillars rising from the muck with arches forming
to provide them with information (and deliberate beneath it. Razorvine crawls up the edges and
misinformation) about what they can expect within threatens to spill over the stone railings. The last
the keep. During this meeting, he attempts to ten feet of the bridge are broken, ostensibly to keep
ascertain as much as he can about the characters the gibberlings inside. Characters jumping across
while giving away as little about his true nature this gap or climbing up from the moat below, enter
as possible. Characters conversing with him may the gatehouse (Area 10).
make a DC 11 Wisdom (Insight) check to learn one
of the following about Ser Paviss: his Bond, Ideal, Moat Fissure
Flaw, or Personality Trait. Murky water about 2 feet deep is all that remains of
the moat. A PC proficient in Arcana, Nature, or the
herbalism kit who searches this area will discover
a cluster of 3 darkscape mushrooms.
  Exploring the moat area outside the cellars (Area
4) reveals a narrow fissure in the stone leading to
the cellars, mostly hidden by overgrown moss

The Haunting of Calrow Ruins  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

that a Small creature could squeeze through. Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
The fissure can be widened to allow Medium one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
creatures to squeeze through by dealing 30 points
of bludgeoning damage, damage from a pick, force They employ slightly more advanced tactics than
damage, or thunder damage. However the noise other gibberlings, throwing their handaxes from
created by such activity will attract gibberlings, behind cover before charging into melee en masse.
raising the difficulty of encounters in the cellars by When the fighting starts, a “runner” gibberling
one step. begins scrambling up the spiral stairs (difficult
terrain); if it reaches the top of the tower (90 feet of
Postern spiral stairs above), it begins screeching, alerting
Exploring the perimeter of the keep on the lake any gibberlings in alerting any gibberlings in Areas
side reveals a concealed postern entrance on 1, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, and 16.
the northwestern side, disguised via an optical   The armory was located at the base of this
illusion created by masterful stone-laying so it is watchtower, and a few shields, handaxes, maces,
only visible when viewed from within 60 feet. This and shortswords may be recoverable. Severe
narrow passage only permits creatures through in damage to the upper parts of the tower have
single file, leading into what was once the garrison scattered chunks of stone large enough for Small
(Area 8). creatures to gain three-quarters cover behind.
Spiral stairs lead up to the top of the tower, though
Area Descriptions they are broken in two places creating 5 foot gaps;
while jumping these with a running start is easy for
1.  Arming Room most characters, the stone is unsteady and a DC 15
Once used to store equipment used to defend Dexterity (Acrobatics) check is required to safely
against a siege, this chamber is mostly empty, filled distribute one’s weight after landing otherwise
with broken ladders, leaking barrels of oil, heavy a large chunk of the stairs falls out, dealing 11
rocks, nets, etc. The oaken double doors leading (2d10) bludgeoning damage to any creatures
into the garrison court (Area 9) are intact. An old below, widening that gap to 10 feet, and leaving
but still functioning ballista (900 pounds) rests in the character dangling above a precipitous drop. If
the western end of the room with six ballista bolts the check is failed by 5 or more, the character falls.
stacked against the wall (40 pounds each). Aiming, From the top of the 40-foot high watchtower, clear
loading, and firing the ballista each require one lines of sight are possible across the garrison court
action. (Area 9), inner bailey (Area 14), kitchen court (Area
16), yew tree court (Area 20), and the surrounding
Ballista Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range lands.
120/ 480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.
3.  Breeding Grounds
The gibberlings in the base of the armory tower Low steps from the cellars (Area 4), as well as a
(Area 2) will attack this room if they hear loud fissure in the moat, lead to this low-ceilinged root
sounds or see bright lights coming from it. cellar. The floor is flooded with water and a thin
layer of slippery pond scum, causing all of the
2.  Armory Tower chamber to be difficult terrain. The only natural
A medium gibberlings encounter awaits here, light comes from the fissure and a solitary high
though these gibberlings are equipped with scraps window. However, it is a wholly alien place now,
of armor granting them an AC of 14, as well as with strange living sacs of semi-transparent flesh
handaxes and greatclubs. and undulating fur holding humanoids in a variety

Ain’tEN5IDER  TheGhosts 
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Haunting of Calrow Ruins
of states of transformation from human (or dwarf, 4. Cellars
elf, or halfling) into gibberling. Bloody fur seems Wine and ale, most soured, are stored here in large
to grow from the walls like moss, and a whispering oak casks. An easy gibberlings encounter awaits
jibber-jabber sets the hairs on the back of the neck here, though they lurk in the shadows attempting to
on end. Characters who spend at least 1 minute in ambush characters entering. A life-like black onyx
this room or who investigate any of the gibberling “statue” of an imperious young woman with a look
“breeding” sacs must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving of shock on her face staring at her hand missing
throw or be affected by the confusion spell for up to its ring finger stands before an open secret door
1 minute. Affected creatures jibber-jabber for the on the west wall. This statue is the body of Arista
duration, quietly at first, but grow gradually louder. de Freh whose abuse of the powers of the onyx ring
Crossing this room without bumping into any destroyed her. The fate of the onyx ring is left for
sacks requires a group DC 8 Dexterity (Acrobatics) the GM to decide. The secret alcove apparently
check; if any character fails, a medium gibberlings once held a tapestry judging by the hooks on the
encounter ensues as newly-spawned gibberlings wall (the grim tapestry). On the ground is a scabbard
tear free from the fleshy sacs in a frenzy of claw of exceptional quality (25 gp) bearing some minor
and fur. noble crests on its surface; a DC 12 Intelligence
(History) check recognizes the crests as belonging
to Ser Paviss’ line. The scabbard fell when Arista
betrayed him.

The Haunting of Calrow Ruins  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

5. Undercroft into the moat or lake, depending on location. They
This unfinished earthen-floor room was meant could be used as a means of escape or covert entry
to be an expansion of the crypt, however the by particularly bold characters, though Medium-
quake toppled the keep and the resulting rubble sized characters will need to squeeze. Ascending
completely cut it off from crypt (Area 6). In addition, or descending without ropes requires a DC 10
the quake opened up a fissure to the infinite Strength (Athletics) check.
darkness below. 4 swarms of insects (gibberslugs)
dwell in this room, ferociously attacking anything 8. Garrison
that enters but not pursuing creatures into Area 20 A barricade of spiked shields encircling the postern
if it is daylight. A character hit by their bite must is all that remains of the defender’s last stand
make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be during Lady Nydaridien’s flight from the keep. This
afflicted by gibberslugs (see the gibberling brood is where the soldiers’ barracks once were located. A
mother description). few skeletons impaled on spears are all that remain
of the defenders’ last stand. The oaken double door
6. Crypt leading to the garrison court (Area 9) has been
When the keep above collapsed, the eastern half of hewn through, along with the door to the arming
the Nydaridien family crypt was buried in rubble. room (Area 1) as if by a frenzied mob of attackers.
Several sarcophagi have been cracked, however,
revealing treasures buried with the skeletons (4 art 9.  Garrison Court
objects worth 25–50 gp each). Here, the ghost of A hard gibberlings encounter awaits here, though
Arista de Freh habitually berates the corpses of during the day the gibberlings are partially
Nydaridien nobility for thinking themselves better burrowed into the exposed earth where they sleep
than her and for giving birth to the “pompous clumped in one or more heaps of writhing fur.
Baron Ulrich and his simpering mule of a daughter.”   This courtyard, with its ivy-covered walls, is
  If not already hostile towards the characters, she littered with sparring dummies of wood and straw,
requests they bring her Lady Nydaridien’s head so as well as signs of battle like broken spears, chunks
she can finally give her father justice and go to her of stone debris, and torn banners. Stairs to the south
peace. Characters conversing with the ghost may of the courtyard lead up to the top of the armory
attempt a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence tower (Area 2), but were broken in the middle by
(Religion) check to realize that the ghost actually large stones falling from the damaged tower.
feels guilty for someone she betrayed and only
repairing the effects of her betrayal will put her to 10. Gatehouse
rest. The old gate is jammed shut by a tangle of rotting
  Outright rejection of her offer or hostility causes fur and flesh from dozens of gibberlings which
the ghost to attack the offending character with her were caught within the gear mechanism during
Possession trait as a medium difficulty skeletons the castle’s evacuation. During the day, the fur and
encounter emerges from the crypts (use the Scaling flesh seems to pulse and occasionally a blinking eye
Gibberling Encounters table); once expelled from or writhing arm can be seen within it grasping out
a possessed character she vanishes to let the slowly in the direction of living beings. However, at
skeletons fight for her. night the gate becomes more dangerous, taking the
form of a living wall of gibberling flesh and limbs
7.  Garderobes (toilets) covered with vaguely human faces. Treat it as an
These stone toilets have narrow slightly slick shafts easy gibberlings encounter with all the gibberlings’
leading down 30 feet to outside the castle walls hit points added together into the same pool, but a

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speed of 0. Attacking the wall causes it to scream animating per round. Alternately, if it is daytime
loudly as it fights back, alerting any gibberlings in and the brood mother is trapped in the tapestry,
Areas 2, 9, 10, 13, and 14. The wooden gate has AC black vapors stream from Area 12, animating two
19, hp 30, and resists the first 15 points of damage “statues” at a time.
from any source.
  There are a few ways to bypass this hazard 12.  Grim Tapestry
besides combat: This small chamber was once the foyer to the great
▶ The living wall can be charmed or tricked hall (Area 11), but the entrance from the inner bailey
into lifting the gate it’s fused with using (Area 14) was barricaded by the Baron in an act of
its many limbs either through magic or by desperation, then further barricaded by gibberling
characters disguised as gibberlings. and humans corpses, cutting it off completely from
▶ Darkscape mushrooms are poisonous to the the inner bailey. Any character peering into this
living wall. If killed by mushroom poisoning, room through one of the arrow slits in the inner
the living wall dies in a bloody convulsion, bailey witnesses an illusion of unremitting horror,
but not before several human arms extend requiring the character to make a DC 12 Wisdom
from it and turn the mechanism, opening saving throw or become frightened of the tapestry
the gate. for the next three rounds and scream for the
▶ The gate is shaded from direct sunlight duration, alerting the gibberlings in Area 14.
exposure by the overhang of the gatehouse,  The grim tapestry hangs against a wooden board
but the living wall detests sunlight. If erected in the center of this chamber, with withered
characters expose it to sunlight, the living corpses of spellcasters and psionicists the brood
wall attempts to climb up the gate into the mother has drained, hoping to gain the power it
gap in the walls where it will find shade; in needs to break free of the tapestry completely. The
so doing, it lifts the gate. tapestry depicts a grey-cloaked hunchback with
long curling claws, seething white eyes, a hideous
11.  Great Hall grin, and a face that seems to shimmer and blur
This massive feast hall is dominated by a long table as one views it from different angles. It radiates
and a masonry hearth on east wall above which abjuration and conjuration magic if viewed with
rests the head of a horned troll, a peryton, and a detect magic.
brown bear. The west passage leads into what was   At night, the gibberling brood mother is freed
once the foyer but is now where the grim tapestry from the tapestry, and is accompanied by a medium
(Area 12) is kept; hides of dripping flesh and fur gibberlings encounter. A protection from evil and
hang from the arch like a grotesque curtain. good spell cast on the tapestry compels the brood
  Six life-like onyx “statues” of knights stand beside mother to return to being trapped inside it until
the table, protecting a life-like “statue” of the Baron the next night, though she may now animate it as
who is staggering backward with a look of terror described below.
while reaching for his sword. Close examination of
the Baron’s eyes reveals the trapped image of Arista
de Freh in them as he saw her at the moment of his
death. The ghost of Arista de Freh makes a fleeting
appearance, circling the Baron with a vindictive
glare before vanishing through the north wall. If the
characters have been hostile with the ghost before
or are in the employ of Lady Nydaridien, then the
onyx “statues” animate as animated armor, two

The Haunting of Calrow Ruins  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

  During the day, the brood mother is unable to head is left as an open-ended tool for the GM to use
manifest in physical form, but she can animate the as they see fit; perhaps it belongs to an NPC with
tapestry as a rug of smothering that has the following whom the characters are familiar!
additional trait:   A medium gibberlings encounter lurks in the
▶ When reduced to fewer than half hit points, kitchen, scouring cupboards, gazing fixedly at
as a reaction the brood mother can turn the gibberslug jars, or fighting over scraps of food.
rug into a cloud of black vapor that streaks to Their preferred method of attack is improvised
the breeding grounds (Area 3) or stateroom throwing of various things in the room, including
(Area 19) at fly speed 40 ft. While in this gibberslug jars.
form, the rug cannot damage others or be
damaged. Gibberslug Jar. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeon-
13.  Guard Room ing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12
A one-legged gibberling wearing a sallet helm Constitution save or be infested by gibberslugs (see
and wielding a spear paces about in this room the gibberling brood mother)
jibber-jabbering, occasionally stopping to gnaw on
its fingers or the bloody stump of its missing leg. 16.  Kitchen Court
This gibberling, once a guardsman who colluded What was once a lovely courtyard replete with
with Arista, is oblivious of other creatures unless an herb and rose garden has been absolutely
they try to attack it. The northeastern wall bears demolished by the collapse of the servants’ quarters
an inscription as if carved hastily with a dagger: above. Much of the stone appears to have liquefied
Forgive me. She has betrayed us. My fate is—. and then re-hardened, with humanoid skeletons
trapped within the stone. There are two bizarre
14.  Inner Bailey life-like onyx “statues” of maid servants poised in
The inner bailey is filled with ruin and decay. horrific agony on the west side of the courtyard,
The grass is dead and riddled with earth mounds. servants who crossed Arista during her betrayal.
Debris from the collapse of the upstairs keep litters Stairs to the west lead up to the top of the gatehouse
the northern section of the bailey. A layer of mist (Area 10), while stairs to the east lead up to servants’
lightly obscures the bailey in the evening and early quarters which were mostly demolished by the
morning. quake.
  A hard gibberlings encounter awaits here.   A character proficient in Arcana, Nature, or the
During the day they burrow just below the earth herbalism kit who searches this area will discover
to sleep; in this state they’re not visible until a a cluster of 3 darkscape mushrooms.
character is within 5 feet. A sleeping gibberling that  A gibbering mouther lurks at the bottom of the
is damaged but not killed screams and wakes the 20 foot well and is responsible for the destruction
others. At night the creatures cavort here, wailing, above. When it senses creatures within 60 feet, it
wrestling, digging, smashing, and scavenging. comes to the surface just out of sight and begins
gibbering; listeners hear the sound of a soft voice
15. Kitchen speaking unintelligibly from the well. Once
What was once a cherished part of the keep has creatures are subjected to its Gibbering trait, the
become a cesspit of foul concoctions and jars full mouther emerges to use Blinding Spittle and
of writhing gibberslugs and preserved gibberslug attempts to grab a weak character and drag them
husks. The tables drip with oozing, pustulant grey down the well, the walls of the well liquefying
flesh. Among the jars is a bloated floating head into a horrific scene of blinking eyes that make
which awakens if charm magic is used on it; the climbing impossible.

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17. Oratory presents adventurers with a grisly scene: dozens
This quiet prayer room echoes with unintelligible of shattered skeletons, covered with dried gore, as
ghostly voices. Clerics and paladins intuitively well as three life-like onyx “statues” poised in the
understand that they can use Channel Divinity to middle of terrified combat. Where the person they
make the voices louder and intelligible, revealing were protecting should be is a pile of onyx dust
a cryptic warning: “Beware the betrayer who begets (50 gp) that was once the Baron’s cousin.
betrayer. The undying mother will truly end once her   The onyx statues include the Baron’s brother
child is redeemed by the darkscape.” This refers to and two knights who were betrayed by Arista. A
Arista betraying Ser Paviss, hinting that Ser Paviss detect magic spell cast on one of the two intact oil
can be freed from the sentient gibberslug (allowing paintings (200 gp each) or one of the three whole
him to truly die) by feeding him a darkscape statues (500 gp each) in this room reveals they are
mushroom, an event which also releases Arista’s each enchanted by abjuration and necromantic
spirit. magic—a glyph of warding that triggers Evard’s black
tentacles if a creature tries to remove or tamper with
18. Oubliette an oil painting or statue.
A tiny prison cell with a single 5-foot wide grate   The ghost of Arista de Freh appears fleetingly in
on the floor echoes with piteous moans. Light cast this room, necrotic energy crackling from her as
down the grate reveals an old man in tatters who she broodingly floats through the south wall to the
shields his face at the bottom of the oubliette. He center of the room and vanishes into the floor.
identifies himself as Dellard (commoner), former   Stairs from here lead up to the ramparts.
castellan of the keep. His mind is mostly gone;
he suffers memory gaps and violent fits of jibber- 20.  Yew Tree Court
jabbering like the gibberlings. Closer examination This once-beautiful courtyard was built around
of the man in bright light reveals his eyes are an old sacred yew tree. The tree is now sickly, and
black, his hands crooked, his forearms covered pestilent black sludge bubbles and gurgles around
in gruesome scars, his facial features slightly its base. Dozens of withered gibberslug husks lie
squished, and he has a wild black mane of hair and scattered about the courtyard, their decomposition
beard uncharacteristic for a man of his age. forming the odiferous black tar. A DC 20 Intelligence
  The Baron imprisoned Dellard when he criticized (Nature) check or a detect poison or disease spell
him for refusing Arista as his wife. Arista secretly cast on the yew tree reveals the gibberslugs are
offered to free him, but when he refused, she threw corrupting into some form of aberration, and if
a jar of gibberslugs down on him to “make use of him not saved or destroyed within 5 days, will become
one way or another.” Multiple gibberslugs infested a roper.
Dellard but he tore them out with his bare teeth,   Treat the black sludge as a black pudding with
and is now immune to the gibberslugs. Dellard can 42 hit points, without a climb speed, and without
prove a helpful guide if rescued; however, if Dellard the ability to Split as a reaction. It does not attack
succumbs to a gibberling’s Gibber trait, instead of unless a character attacks it first or steps in it.
becoming frightened he is affected by the confusion   The collapse of the keep littered rubble around
spell for 1 minute. the courtyard’s north end, where a staircase climbs
to nowhere (originally, the staircase led to the
19. Stateroom noble family’s quarters). The damage also caused
Lavishly decorated with oil paintings, statues, and a portion of the northeast wall to drop into an
smashed ivory figurines (five pieces each worth old unfinished section of the castle’s undercroft
30 gp are salvageable), this room was meant to (Area 5); a trail of black slime leads down into the
impress visiting aristocrats. As it is now, the room darkness here.

The Haunting of Calrow Ruins  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

  A character proficient in Arcana, Nature, or the mother, the threat is vanquished. Conflict might
herbalism kit who searches this Area will discover arise between Lord Polding and Lady Bridgitte
a cluster of 3 darkscape mushrooms. Nydaridien as to who will claim the keep, and each
side might try to enlist the characters, unless teh
characters have decided to establish the keep as
Conclusion their own stronghold.
If the characters perish, are transformed into   Further adventures await: the characters may be
gibberlings, or retreat for more than a month, then forced to seek out the Murkhorn trolls for the secret
the gibberling brood mother accumulates enough of how to destroy the grim tapestry, or to face the
power to break entirely free of the grim tapestry, troll clan if the brood mother managed to escape
leading a horde of her foul children to wreak havoc and consolidate its power among the trolls. They
in the countryside. may scour the caverns beneath the ruins for the
  If the characters liberate Calrow Ruins from lost onyx ring, or seal a planar breach that is even
the gibberlings and slay the gibberling brood now forming beneath Calrow Ruins….

Ain’tEN5IDER  TheGhosts 
Afraid of|  No Hamlet of
|  The
Haunting of Calrow Ruins
Monster Index Gibberling Brood Mother
XP 200 CR 1
Gibberling Chaotic Neutral Medium aberration
XP 50 CR 1/4 Initiative: +2
Chaotic Neutral Small aberration DEFENSE
Initiative: +2 AC: 12
DEFENSE hp: 52 (8d8 + 16)
hp: 9 (2d6 + 2) Speed: 30 ft., burrow 5 ft.
OFFENSE Melee Attack—Multiattack: The gibberling brood
Speed: 30 ft., burrow 5 ft. mother makes two bite attacks.
Melee Attack—Mace, Shortsword, or Handaxe: +4 to Melee Attack—Bite: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeon- Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage, and the target
ing, piercing, or slashing damage. must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be
STATISTICS afflicted by gibberslugs.
Str 13 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1) Ranged Attack—Gibberslug Spit: +4 to hit, range 30
Int 5 (–3) Wis 7 (–2) Cha 8 (–1) ft. one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) acid damage, and the
Languages: – target must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 or be afflicted by gibberslugs.
Gibber: When in a group of 10 or more, gibberlings col- Str 14 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 11 (+0), Wis 12
lectively cause creatures within 100 feet to become (+1), Cha 8 (–1)
frightened unless they succeed on a DC 9 Wisdom Languages: telepathy 60 ft.
saving throw. The fear lasts until the gibberlings can Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
no longer be seen or heard. Once a creature makes its TRAITS
save it cannot be affected by this feature for 24 hours. Gibberslugs: A creature afflicted with gibberslugs has
Overrun: A gibberling does not provoke opportunity one round in which fire can be applied to the place
attacks when it moves out of an enemies’ reach. where the slug burrowed, killing the slug. If the slug
Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the gibber- is not removed, the creature takes 2 (1d4) damage
ling has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on at the end of its turn each round until it is reduced 0
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. hit points at which point the slug reaches its brain.
ECOLOGY A lesser restoration spell kills a gibberslug, as does
Environment: temperate, subterranean eating a darkscape mushroom. A creature reduced to
Organization: Horde (10–500) 0 hit points by a gibberslug drops into a nightmarish
coma for 1d20 + 4 hours during which it undergoes a
horrific transformation into a gibberling. It can only
be awakened from its catatonic state with remove
curse or greater restoration, at which point the
creature is dying.
Sunlight Sensitivity: In sunlight, the gibberling brood
mother has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Environment: Temperate, subterranean
Organization: Solitary, leading gibberling horde e

The Haunting of Calrow Ruins  |  EN World EN5IDER: We Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

Ain’tEN5IDER  TheGhosts 
Afraid of|  No Hamlet of
|  The
Haunting of Calrow Ruins
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