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110 臺北市雙語課程教案設計

課程名稱 二部合唱〈普世歡騰〉 音樂

教材來源 康軒版藝術與人文第五冊 教案設計者 陳芃伶

本單元共 7 節
實施年級 五年級 授課時間
本次觀課為第 6 節
教學 唱歌可以舒展身心,藉由二部合唱〈普世歡騰〉,來體驗唱歌的呼吸方式,透過暖「聲」練
設計理念 習來練習音準,合唱練習非一蹴可幾,音準級為重要,唱準聲部才能感受二部合聲之美!

總綱 ▓ A1 身心素質與自我精進 ▓ B1 符號運用與溝通表達 ▓ C2 人際關係與團隊合作

學科核心素 藝-E-A1 參與藝術活動,探索生活美感。

養對應內容 領綱 藝-E-B1 理解藝術符號,以表達情意觀點。
藝-E-C2 透過藝術實踐,學習理解他人感受與團隊合作的能力。

1-Ⅱ-1 能透過聽唱、聽奏及讀譜,建立與展現歌唱及演奏的基本技巧。
2-Ⅱ-1 能使用音樂語彙、肢體等多元方式,回應聆聽的感受。
3-Ⅱ-5 能透過藝術表現形式,認識與探索群己關係及互動。

學科 音 A-Ⅱ-1 器樂曲與聲樂曲,如:獨奏曲、臺灣歌謠、藝術歌曲,以及樂曲之創作背
學習重點 景或歌詞內涵。
音 E-Ⅱ-1 多元形式歌曲,如:獨唱、齊唱等。基礎歌唱技巧,如:聲音探索、姿勢
音 E-Ⅱ-3 讀譜方式,如:五線譜、唱名法、拍號等。

學生 *學科先備知識: 能夠唱出大調音階,歌曲演唱已熟知獨唱和齊唱的形式,也
先備知識 熟悉多首聖誕歌曲,能夠跟唱歌曲旋律,能夠說出歌曲的調性/拍子/速度,
1. Good morning. How are you today?
2. Is everybody here? /Who’s not here?
3. Do you have the student book/music book? Show me.
4. Let's start our class.
5. Take out your book. Turn to page __.
6. What is the name of the song?
7. Sing the notes/lyrics with me.
8. Listen to the music. Swing your body.
9. Clap the beats and sing the song with me.
10. Clap your hands. /Pat your legs.
11. It’s two-four time.
12. There are 2 beats in each bar.
13. I do the first four beats, and then it’s your turn.
14. After I sing the first two bars, then you sing from the beginning.
15. How many beats?
16. How do you feel about the song?
17. Do you know any other Christmas songs?
18. Any questions? That’s all for today. Goodbye

1. 學科: two parts chorus, first part, second part, major scale, notes, pitch,
breathe in, breathe out, warm up exercise, bar, note, quarter note, dotted
quarter note, eighth note, two-four time,
2. 英語: Can you hear two parts? Can you see two parts? Can you hear the higher
parts? Can you hear the lower parts? Let’s do a warm up exercise/lip trills for our
voice. We are going to do a body percussion in two-four time. Let’s sing two parts
Language of learning
1. Sing the notes/lyrics with me.
2. Clap the beats and sing the song with me.
3. It’s two-four time (2 beats in each bar).
4. I do the first four bars, and then it’s your turn.
5. After I sing the first four bars, then you sing from the beginning.

Language for learning


1. Can you hear two parts? /Can you see two parts? /Can you hear the
目標 higher part? /Can you hear the lower part? /Can you sing the first
part? /Can you sing the second part?

2. Let’s do a warm up exercise/lip trills for our voice. Let’s sing two
parts together.

3. We are going to do a body percussion in two-four time

Language through learning

1. Great job. /You were great. /You’re doing good.
2. Keep it working. / Keep it going. / Make it perfect. / Keep it right. /
3. Stay positive. / Believe in yourself.
4. Don’t push. / No tension. /Relax.
5. Let it float. /Feel the breath.

教師 學生
使用時機 回答老師問題或者根據課程內容提問的時

學科的連結 無
議題融入 □性別平等教育 □人權教育 □環境教育 □海洋教育 ▓品德教育
(無則免填,若 □生命教育 □法治教育 □科技教育 □資訊教育 □能源教育
有填寫請盡量 □安全教育 □防災教育 □家庭教育 □生涯規劃教育 □多元文化
選擇一至兩項 教育
相關議題即可) ▓閱讀素養 □戶外教育 ▓國際教育 □原住民族教育

動機引發 一般說來很難”聽到”,但是可以感受到兩個聲部的合聲和單一聲部是截然不同的。

教學策略 提問,聽音,拍念節奏,發聲練習,分組練習,分享與欣賞

特色教學 ▓閱讀 □實驗 □美工(含繪畫等) □田野調查 □資訊融入

▓肢體(舞蹈、戲劇、體育...等) □電影 □其他,請說明___________
1. 康軒版藝術與人文五上電子書(二聲部譜例+音樂)
教學資源及 2. YouTube 影片(大調上行音階唱名)
器材 3. PPT (課程內容大綱以及名詞解釋)
4. 電腦/投影機螢幕/電子琴鍵盤

教師 學生 時間 評量方式
準備活動(8 分鐘) 準備活動
1. Greeting 1. Greeting 2 mins. 學生能用英語回應
Tr: Good morning. Is everybody Ss: Good morning. Yes. / 或回答缺席者。 課室英語。
here? / Who’s not here?

Tr: Let's' start our class. Do you 學生能正確說出曲

have the music book/student Ss: Yes. Students take out their 名。
book? Show me. Turn to page 28. books. /〈普世歡騰〉
What’s the name of the song?
〈普世歡騰〉is a Christmas song.

2. Listen to Two Parts Chorus 學生能嘗試 運用

6 mins.
Tr: Do you know any Christmas 英/中文說出耳熟
songs? Can you tell me the name Ss: Yes. / “Jingle Bells”, “Silent Night”, 能詳的聖誕歌曲
of those songs? “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” …. 歌曲。

Tr: Let’s listen to the song〈普世

歡騰〉. Please close your eyes,
and focus on “two parts”. You will
hear the higher part, and the
lower part at the same time. (Play
the music in seven bars) 同的聲部,並舉雙
Tr: Can you hear the “two parts”? Ss: Yes or no. 部。
Did you hear the first part/higher
part? If you did, please raise your
right hand. Did you hear the
second part/lower part? If you did,
raise your left hand. If you can
hear both parts, raise your both
發展活動(25 分鐘) 發展活動 發聲練習。

〈普世歡騰〉演唱教學 〈普世歡騰〉演唱教學

1. Vocal warm-up 1. Vocal warm-up

10 mins
Tr: Before we start singing, we Ss: Yes.
have to do the vocal warm-up. Are 學生能用嘴唇吹氣
you ready to sing? 感受腹式呼吸法。

Tr: Now everyone stands up.

Make sure you have a good
posture. Feet apart, and keep your
body in a stable position. Ss blow the air first. Then do the lip
trills. Put hands on the waist to feel
Tr: Let’s “blow the air”/ do the lip 學生能以清晰的咬
the diaphragm. Finally, try to do it
trills first. Say “BR-BR-BR”. Quickly 字唱出大調音階。
with the piano pitch.
do it with your lips, and activate
the diaphragm. Put your hands on 學生能夠跟著影片
your waist. Can you feel it? You 唱出音高。
are using your diaphragm, not
your throat.

Tr: Now try again. This time do it

with the piano pitch.

Tr: Great job! Now you can sing 學生能夠跟著老師

the major scale: do-re-mi-fa-sol-la- 唱出第一聲部的旋
ti-do. This time let’s focus on the 律。
articulation. Give me those
consonants. 學生能一邊唱出第
Tr: Sit down. Let’s sing with the
video. Listen to the music to know 強弱拍。
when to start. (Present the
following video,
2. Sing Two Parts
2. Sing Two Parts
10 mins
Ss: Going down.
Tr: Now sing the note with me,
“do ti la so fa mi re do” (Tr sings
the first four bars). Were you
going up or down? /Let’s sing Ss can sing the first and the second part
again. This time with rhythm. independently with body
percussion. Everyone can sing and
Tr: Now clap hands and say “one”. 唱出第二聲部的旋
remember these two different
Pat legs and say “two”. Keep doing melodies (four bars only). 律。
this when we sing. (Tr
demonstrates singing and body
percussion at the same time)

Tr: Now we will work on groups.

(Tr divides the class into 3 groups)

Group 1 sings with body A 組學生和 B 組學

percussion first. Then group 2
continues immediately. Group 3
will pick on right after group 2.

Tr: You were doing a great job.

Now for the second part.
Everyone sings when I stop
singing. (Tr sings “mi so fa mi re do
si do)

Tr: Now let’s work on groups

again. Group 3 first, group 2 學生能夠合唱二聲
continues, and the last is group 1. 部的旋律(四小
Can you remember the first part? 節)。
The second part? 3. Two Parts Chorus

3. Two Parts Chorus Ss can sing the first and the second part
independently at the same time. 5 mins.
Tr: Now we are going to challenge
two parts chorus. So let’s divide
the class into two groups.

Tr: Group A sing the first part, and

group B the second. Do you 學生能以小組合作
remember your part? Group A 方式表演和欣賞二
sing alone, and group B just listen 重唱。
with body percussion.

Tr: Then it’s group B’s turn to sing 學生能兩人面對面

alone, and group A just listen with 練習二重唱。
body percussion.

Tr: You were doing great. Now we

can sing two parts at the same
time. Are you ready? One, two, 學生能在大家面前
one and go. 表演二部合唱。

綜合活動(7 mins) 1. Work on pairs

分組表演(二重唱) Students can work on pairs and
sing duet.
1. Work on pairs.

Tr: You were doing great. Now it’s

time to take another challenge.
Let’s work on pairs. Two persons
together sing two different parts.

Tr: Everyone sings with your

neighbors. Right seat student
sings the first part, and the
left sings the second. Try to 2. Share with it
look at each other, and also
listen to each other.

2. Share with it Teacher encourages students to share

the duet or two parts chorus in front of
Tr: How was it? Was it nice? everyone.
Did you hear your neighbor’s
voice? Who want to share
with us? Any volunteers?
Please come to the front to
share with us.

Tr: Any questions? That’s all for

today. Goodbye. 本節結束


1. 康軒版藝術與人文五上電子書(二聲部譜例+音樂)
參考資料 2. YouTube 影片(大調上行音階唱名) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT8x2bdOtD8)

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