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Exclusively for the use of CatSU-NSTP

NSTP 1 – [1st Sem/2021-2022]

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-NSTP



This learning material compilation is used in compliance with the flexible

teaching-learning approach espoused by Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) in response to the pandemic that has globally affected educational
institutions. Authors and publishers of the contents are well acknowledged. As
such, the National Service Training Program (NSTP) and its faculty do not claim
ownership of all sourced information. This LMC is solely for instructional purposes
and not for commercialization. Moreover, copying and/or sharing part/s of this
learning material in all forms (such as, but not limited to social media like
Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, etc.) is highly discouraged from students and

Catanduanes State University

National Service Training Program

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This learning material was compiled and written only for you. It is meant to facilitate
your learning of various theories and concepts on the course, National Service
Training Program 1. Amidst this pandemic, we know that you do not want your
education be stopped, nor its quality be compromised. Through the help of this LMC,
we want to be with you in this pursuit. Most importantly, you, willing to take an active
part on this journey marks the success of this endeavor.

You will be given one learning material for every unit. Every learning material follows
the 4As approach to adult teaching.

You will note that some of the contents of this learning material are not originally
written by your teachers. Please understand that this learning material was made for
student-trainees of NSTP only. This LMC is only for your guide, hence, it should not
be given or extended to anyone else. Please observe strict compliance to this rule.
We do not intend to plagiarize anything, nor go against the rules in copyright. Limited
with time and resources, we end up having this. No worries! Rest assured that the
quality of higher education that we are all aiming was considered in the preparation of
this learning material.

Are YOUth Geared-Up Already? Then, buckle down for learning. Be extra serious to
take this journey, but do not forget to enjoy and have fun!
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by Carmelo John E, Vidal, DA.

Make me an agent of change, Oh Lord,

and cultivate good seeds of hope.
Let me be a channel of Your love
and an instrument of peace and development.
Inspire me to train the young into good citizens of the land
through the National Service Training Program.

And as | fulfill my mission of transforming the youth,

Cleanse my heart pure and chaste,
Instill in me understanding and wisdom,
Clothe me with the radiance of Your light,
and Help me inculcate to my trainees’ Filipino values of
Maka-Diyos, Maka-Bansa, Maka-Tao and Maka-Kalikasan.

Almighty Father, grant me with the courage

to withstand the obstacles and challenges
that come along my way
so | can continually share a part of me
and the fruits of Your blessings to the NSTP trainees,
my fellow, my community, my country the Philippines,
and the world for your greater glory.
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by Carmelo John E, Vidal, DA.

Make me an agent of change

‘and sow good seeds of hope.
Let me be a channel of Your love
and an instrument of peace and development.
Inspire me to serve and protect the patrimony of my land
through the National Service Training Program.

Cleanse my heart pure and chaste,

Instill in me understanding and wisdom,
Clothe me with the radiance of Your light,
and Mold me into a responsible Filipino
Maka-Diyos, Maka-Bansa, Maka-Tao and Maka-Kalikasan.

Almighty Father,
grant me the courage to realize my worth
and fulfill my purpose in life
so I can continually share a part of me
and the fruits of Your blessings to my peers,
my fellow citizens, my community,
my country -the Philippines
and the world for your greater glory.

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DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................................. II
PREFACE ................................................................................................................................. III
NSTP FACULTY-TRAINER PRAYER ..................................................................................... IV
NSTP STUDENT-TRAINEE PRAYER ...................................................................................... V
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... VI
COURSE OUTLINE ................................................................................................................. VII
COURSE TITLE ........................................................................................................................ VII
COURSE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................ VII
COURSE CREDIT ..................................................................................................................... VII
PREREQUISITE ........................................................................................................................ VII
CONTACT HOURS .................................................................................................................... VII
COURSE OUTCOMES ............................................................................................................... VII
COURSE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... VIII
COURSE POLICIES .................................................................................................................. VIII
GRADING SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. VIII
ORGANIZATION OF THE LMC .................................................................................................. VIII
COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION PLATFORMS ................................................................ IX
GENERAL GUIDELINES ON THE SUBMISSION OF ACTIVITIES ....................................................... IX
CONSULTATION TIME ................................................................................................................ IX
LMC 8: DIMENSIONS OF DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................... 1

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Course Title
National Service Training Program

Course Description
The Literacy Training Service (LTS) component consists of lectures on values
education, transformational leadership and social mobilization; awareness of human
development trends, teaching- learning principles and concept dynamics on non-
formal education.
The Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) as a component of the National Service
Training Program (NSTP) is a course to first year students both male and female,
designed to help them understand, appreciate and eventually live by the basic
concepts of the Student’s Transformation and Enrichment for Truth (STET) with the
end in view of empowering them in becoming a potent resource for community
The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) is designed to provide military training
to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for
national defense preparedness.

Course Credit
3 units


Contact Hours
54 hours

Course Outcomes
To complete this course, you shall be able to accomplish the following course
1. Demonstrate content knowledge on the rationale of National Service Training
2. Demonstrate understanding on the objectives and thrusts of the components of
3. Demonstrate capability to live in the spirit of patriotism, nationalism and good
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citizen values as potent force in nation building

4. Develop a culture of communication and collaboration among the group of student-
trainees and the community they serve

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5. Manifest deeper appreciation on the significance of NSTP in the role of students
in terms of community participation development, display of nationalism/patriotism
and exercise of good citizenship values through genuine civic/national service.

Course Requirements
To complete this course, you shall be able to do the following tasks:
1. Portfolio (accomplished activities in the LMC) with Reflective Learning Log
2. Project Proposal
3. Attendance to NSTP Activities

Course Policies
1. Students should submit the course requirements (activities, SAQs, written
reports and other) for Midterm period before they can be allowed to take the
Midterm Examination
2. Course requirements (activities, SAQs, written reports and other) for Final
period must be submitted before the students can be allowed to take the Final
3. Cheating and plagiarism are strictly prohibited. Students caught doing these
acts shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions in the handbook.

Grading System
Distribution of Weight for
Criteria Weight
the Overall/Final Grade
Midterm / Final Exam 30% Midterm Grade 50%
Performance (Authentic Assessment such as 40% Final Grade 50%
Performance-based activities, Participation In
Trainings/ Seminars/School & Community
Written Exercises (Objective Assessment such 30%
as pen and paper tests)
TOTAL 100%

Organization of the LMC

Each LMC in this course is made up of several lessons, which are organized as follows:

 Desired Learning Outcomes: This is the statement of learning

objectives in a specific unit or chapter.

 Introduction: It begins with an explanation of what you will be learning

in a particular lesson.
 Time Allotment: This part of the module states the suggested number
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of hours to be spent in learning the module.

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 Activate: This part stirs up your prior knowledge.

 Analyze: This part contains the various exemplars/texts/materials that

you need to learn.

 Abstract: In every lesson contain one or more assignments. It will also

be submitted to your Instructor together with the completed learning

 Apply: In every lesson, it may include one or more learning activities

that will help you learn about the lesson and prepare you for the
assignment, self-reflection and assessment (Midterm and Final Exam).
This section requires you to perform a task or skill. The completed
learning activities will be submitted to your Instructor prior taking the
 Reflection Journal: This part is a self-reflection of what you have
learned from the module.

 Question to Ponder: This part is found in every after lesson. Instead

of requiring you to perform another activity, you are instead asked to
pause and ponder on the essential points found in every lesson.

 References: The resources referred to in the course are listed in this


Communication and Collaboration Platforms

Facebook Messenger, Facebook Closed Group, Google Classroom (optional),
Phone calls

General Guidelines on the Submission of Activities

Dates of submission shall be agreed upon by the instructor and students. Outputs may
be submitted in two modes; in soft copies via agreed online platform; or in hard copies
to be submitted during the university-wide retrieval of accomplished activities or
through the Drop Box at CatSU Gate. Drop Box will be available before the
Midterm/Final Examination date.

Consultation Time
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Saturday 8:00-11:00/1:00-4:00 Wednesday 8:00-11:00/1:00-4:00

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This unit contains the following lessons:

1. Dimensions of Development
2. DRR Information Dissemination Training

Desired Learning Outcomes

In this module, challenge yourself to attain the following desired learning outcomes:
 explore the concept and profile of dimensions of development of the
 collect and analyze issues in the community along dimensions of

 reflect on the significance of acquiring knowledge and awareness on the

issues along dimensions of development through a reflective log.


Dimensions of Development help the students to identify what dimensions of the

community need to focus on for the development and improvements. Thus, all of the indicated
in this module should be included for that certain community to say that it is ideal. It is a great
help for you, our student-trainee to give you idea of the certain activity, project or program to
learn the additional standard guidelines you needed in which you think are needed in your

Disaster Risk Reduction helps us consider our emergency response activities in light
of existing and new disaster risks. This enables us to design or adjust our activities so that
people and communities become safer and more disaster-resilient. Part of the DRR is to give
trainings to give us an idea what to do in case of emergencies.
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This LMC discusses the 7 Dimensions of Development. This also provide student the
activities about the community itself and the Basic information and training for DRR.

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Time Allotment

6.0 hours (2 meetings)

What is Community? How do you define a community? Have you ever been

involve/participate in a community program or activities?

1. What makes an ideal community?

2. What is the role of each institution/participants in the community development?

Lesson 31: Dimensions of Development

Dimension of Development

This acronym the word SERVICE:

Safety and Security- is the state of being safe and secure from any harm which involves
disaster preparedness before, during and after calamities provided by provincial government
and other needs that requires immediate response from trained civilians during emergency

Example: Basic life seminars, earthquake drill and the like

Education-is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits.
Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching and training. Education
frequently takes place under the guidance of educators. It involves enhancement of
institutional support materials and facilities for the community and school.

Recreation- recreational activities can be communal or solitary, active or passive, outdoors

or indoors, and useful for society or detrimental. These are activities done for pleasure on a
regular on a regular basis which involves sports fest, parlor games for street children and
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painting that enrich youth’s capabilities to relate with one another in the community.

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Values Formation and Moral Recovery-involves the development of youth to be good
leaders, responsible individuals imbued with good moral values and active agent of
development of the community.

Industry and Entrepreneurship-usually concerned with manufacturing activities which aims

to develop new products in the industrial, sector. Includes programs and activities that are vital
to economic growth. CWTS student demonstrate technical skills in communities like meat
processing, silkscreen making and how to establish small business.

Care for Health- being healthy is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This aims to give knowledge on medical-
related fields needed in the community. It includes medical services like first-aid operation,
vaccination, basic lifesaving seminars, and training of youth to be first and assistants.

Environment-the natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring
naturally. It involves management of waste, environmental protection, dissemination and
application of technologies supportive of the community needs and livelihood activities related
to environment and other related fields supportive of the national thrust.

Instruction/s: Based on the lesson you have learned, briefly
discuss your viewpoint regarding the question presented below.
“As an active member of your community, what are your
contributions to uplift your community’s dimensions of

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Lesson 32: Current Issues about the Dimensions of
Issue no. 1: The Emerging Parks and Recreation Industry Trends In 2021 (and beyond)

Parks are essential in establishing and maintaining the quality of life in any community,
ensuring the health of families and youth, and contributing to the economic and environmental
wellbeing of a community and a region.

The COVID-19 pandemic also brought in its share of social isolation and loneliness,
thereby upsetting people's emotional wellbeing. According to a report by Mental Health
America, from April to September 2020, among people screened with moderate to severe
symptoms of anxiety or depression, 70 percent reported that one of the top three things
contributing to their mental health concerns was loneliness or isolation. People are
increasingly using parks and green spaces to get rid of loneliness and spring back to emotional
and mental health.

As fitness and recreation trends are continuously evolving around the globe, this article
sketches the top trends in the park and rec segment for the year 2021. It is an attempt to
indicate new and standard practices that the community could adopt at large to use parks and
recreation spaces for holistic wellbeing effectively.

Issue No. 2: Philippines: Country faces health and human rights crisis one year into
the COVID-19 pandemic

The Philippine government must urgently address the country’s COVID-19 crisis with
reports of thousands having struggled to access adequate healthcare, said Amnesty
International today. Hospitals remain at risk of being overwhelmed, following a sharp surge in
hospitalizations and new cases since March. “Specific measures to protect those most
affected, including health workers and those most at-risk, must be taken without further delay.
Furthermore, the government must stop attacking human rights defenders and activists, a
practice that only makes a dire situation worse.”

The Philippines currently has the second highest number of new COVID-19 cases in
Southeast Asia, with over 116,000 reported cases at the time of writing. Since the beginning
of the pandemic, nearly 1 million people have been infected by the virus and 17,000 people
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have lost their lives to COVID-19.

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From the usual 2,000-3,000 reported cases since October 2020, the country’s daily
tally began to surge in mid-March reaching as many as over 15,000 new cases on 3 April
2021, the highest since the pandemic began in March 2020. Daily deaths recorded in April
2021 are also the highest on record.

Healthcare access in critical state

Amid a renewed surge of cases of COVID-19, the mishandling of the pandemic has
resulted in a critical lack of access to healthcare, which has grown especially acute in recent
weeks. Health workers have raised the alarm about hospitals being overwhelmed owing to
a lack of beds and insufficient health personnel. Workers are also experiencing unpaid benefits
and lack of medical-grade personal protective equipment (PPE).

Over the past several weeks, Metro Manila and the nearby provinces of Bulacan,
Cavite, Laguna and Rizal have been under stricter quarantine measures, after several
hospitals reported reaching ‘critical’ occupancy rates following a surge in COVID-19 cases.

Dr. Pauline Convocar, an emergency medical specialist for both public and private
hospitals, described to Amnesty International the lack of a prepared health care system –
which has been the case for the Philippines for decades but made worse by the pandemic.
The government’s pandemic response agencies have been widely criticised for being led by
military officials rather than public health experts. In addition, the 19 billion PHP (393 million
USD) budget of the scandal-hit National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict
(NTF-ELCAC) has also drawn outcry for misallocation of resources.

Health workers still at risk

The recent surge once again highlighted the severe difficulties that health
workers have faced, with very little improvement from their situation when the pandemic
started a year ago. As of April 2021, at least 80 health workers in the Philippines have lost
their lives due to COVID-19, according to the national Department of Health.

Alliance of Health Workers – a national organization representing workers from public

and private hospitals, health institutions and agencies – told Amnesty International many
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health workers have yet to receive their legally mandated allowances. These include special
risk allowance and a hazard pay, as well as allowances for food, transportation and
accommodation and benefits since September 2020, as well as their annual performance-

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based bonus since 2018. They also expressed concern about the lack of sufficient healthcare
workers, as nurses and nurse aides are placed under unmanageable pressures.

Added challenges for those most at-risk

Marginalized communities continue to suffer at the hands of police and face extra
challenges due to COVID-19, including additional obstacles in access to healthcare and a loss
of income as they were unable to work during pandemic restrictions.

On 13 April, the Philippine National Police announced that quarantine

violators would no longer be arrested, following the death of two men at the hands of police
and local officials. Both men were from poor communities. Low-income families are exposed
to greater health risks and face significant obstacles in accessing quality and affordable
healthcare during the pandemic. During the most recent enhanced community quarantine
(ECQ) that lasted for two weeks, local governments provided 1,000-4,000 PHP (20-80 USD)
to the families in the lowest income bracket, but many complained of the slow distribution of

Red-tagging’ continues amid the pandemic

World leaders including President Duterte have used COVID-19 to launch fresh
attacks on human rights. In the midst of the pandemic, the government launched a vicious
campaign of raids, arrests and killings of activists and human rights defenders who have been
‘red-tagged’ – or accused of links to ‘communist’ and ‘terrorist groups – while killings of
suspected drug offenders have continued.

In recent days, individuals and groups that set up “community pantries” in their local
neighbourhoods – to provide food and other essential supplies for free to those in need – have
also been accused by police and government officials of links to ‘communist’ groups, sparking
outcry from the public. The Alliance of Health Workers has also expressed alarm at being
‘red-tagged’ by the government-created National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed
Conflict, after calling for increased government support and better response to the pandemic.
The task force is also behind the ‘red-tagging’ of many other human rights defenders and
activists that often lead to increased harassment, attacks and even killings.
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Issue No. 3: Crisis in Philippine Education: How is It Really?

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The Current Education Issues in the Philippines — and How Childhope Rises to the

August 25, 2021

Even before COVID-19 struck and caused problems for millions of families, the
country’s financial status is one of the top factors that add to the growing education issues in
the Philippines. Furthermore, more children, youth, and adults can’t get a leg up and are thus
left behind due to unfair access to learning.

Moving forward, such issues can lead to worse long-term effects. Now, we’ll delve
deep into the current status and how we can take part in social efforts to help fight these key
concerns of our country.

Crisis in Philippine Education: How is It Really?

Filipinos from rich households or living in cities and developed towns have more
access to private schools. In contrast, less favored groups are more bound to deal with lack
of classrooms, teachers, and means to sustain topnotch learning.

A 2018 study found that a sample number of 15-year-old Filipino students ranked last
in reading comprehension out of 79 countries. They also ranked 78th in science and math. One
key insight from this study is it implies those tested mostly came from public schools. Hence,
the crisis also lies in the fact that a lot of Filipinos can’t read or do simple math.
Indeed, it’s clear that there is a class divide between rich and poor students in the country.
Though this is the case, less developed states can focus on learning if it’s covered in their top
concerns. However, the Philippines don’t invest on topnotch learning as compared to its
neighbor countries. In fact, many public schools lack computers and other tools despite the
digital age. Further, a shortfall in the number of public school teachers is also one of the top
issues in the country due to their being among the lowest-paid state workers. Aside from that,
more than 3 million children, youth, and adults remain unenrolled since the school shutdown.
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It goes without saying that having this constant crisis has its long-term effects. These include
mis- and disinformation, poor decision-making, and other social concerns.

The Education System in the Philippines

Due to COVID-19, education issues in the Philippines have increased and received
new challenges that worsened the current state of the country. With the sudden events brought
about by the health crisis, distance learning modes via the internet or TV broadcasts were
ordered. Further, a blended learning program was launched in October 2020, which involves
online classes, printouts, and lessons broadcast on TV and social platforms. Thus, the new
learning pathways rely on students and teachers having access to the internet.

This yet brings another issue in the current system. Millions of Filipinos don’t have
access to computers and other digital tools at home to make their blended learning worthwhile.
Hence, the value of tech in learning affects many students. Parents’ and guardians’ top
concerns with this are:
 Money for mobile load
 Lack of gadget
 Poor internet signal
 Students’ struggle to focus and learn online
 Parents’ lack of knowledge of their kids’ lessons
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It’s key to note that equipped schools have more chances to use various ways to deal with the
new concerns for remote learning. This further shows the contrasts in resources and training
for both K-12 and tertiary level both for private and public schools.

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One more thing that can happen is that schools may not be able to impart the most basic skills
needed. To add, the current status can affect how tertiary education aims to impart the respect
for and duty to knowledge and critical outlook. Before, teachers handled 40 to 60 students.
With the current online setup, the quality of learning can be compromised if the class reaches
70 to 80 students.

Data on Students that Have Missed School due to COVID-19

Of the world’s student population, 89% or 1.52 billion are the children and youth out of
school due to COVID-19 closures. In the Philippines, close to 4 million students were not able
to enroll for this school year, as per the DepEd. With this, the number of out-of-school youth
(OSY) continues to grow, making it a serious issue needing to be checked to avoid worse
problems in the long run.

List of Issues When it comes to the Philippines’ Education System

For a brief rundown, let’s list the top education issues in the Philippines:

 Quality – The results of the 2014 National Achievement Test (NAT) and the
National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) show that there had been a
drop in the status of primary and secondary education.
 Budget – The country remains to have one of the lowest budget allotments to
learning among ASEAN countries.
 Cost – There still is a big contrast in learning efforts across various social
groups due to the issue of money—having education as a status symbol.
 OSY – The growing rate of OSY becomes daunting due to the adverse effects
of COVID-19.
 Mismatch – There is a large sum of people who are jobless or underpaid due
to a large mismatch between training and actual jobs.
 Social divide – There is no fair learning access in the country.
 Lack of resources – Large-scale shortfalls in classrooms, teachers, and other
tools to sustain sound learning also make up a big issue.
All these add to the big picture of the current system’s growing concerns. Being informed with
these is a great first step to know where we can come in and help in our own ways. Before we
talk about how you can take part in various efforts to help address these issues, let’s first talk
about what quality education is and how we can achieve it.
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What Quality Education Means
Now, how do we really define this? For VVOB, it is one that provides all learners with
what they need to become economically productive that help lead them to holistic development
and sustainable lifestyles. Further, it leads to peaceful and democratic societies and
strengthens one’s well-being.
VVOB also lists its 6 dimensions:

 Equity
 Contextualization and Relevance
 Child-friendly Teaching and Learning
 Sustainability
 Balanced Approach
 Learning Outcomes
Aside from these, it’s also key to set our vision to reach such standards.

Vision for a Quality Education

Of course, any country would want to build and keep a standard vision for its learning
system: one that promotes cultural diversity; is free from bias; offers a safe space and respect
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for human rights; and forms traits, skills, and talent among others.

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With the country’s efforts to address the growing concerns, one key program that is set to
come out is the free required education from TESDA with efforts to focus on honing skills,
including technical and vocational ones. Also, OSY will be covered in the grants of the CHED.

Students must not take learning for granted. In times of crises and sudden changes, having
access to education should be valued. Aside from the fact that it is a main human right, it also
impacts the other human rights that we have. Besides, the UN says that when learning
systems break, having a sustained state will be far from happening.

How Childhope KalyEskwela Program Deals with Changes

The country rolled out its efforts to help respond to new and sudden changes in
learning due to the effects of COVID-19 measures. Here are some of the key ones we can

 Continuous learning – Since the future of a state lies on how good the learning
system is, the country’s vision for the youth is to adopt new learning paths
despite the ongoing threat of COVID-19.
 Action plans – These include boosting the use of special funds to help schools
make modules, worksheets, and study guides approved by the DepEd. Also,
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LGUs and schools can acquire digital tools to help learners as needed.
Now, even with the global health crisis, Childhope Philippines remains true to its cause to help
street children:

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 Mobile learning – The program provides topnotch access to street children to
new learning methods such as non-formal education.
 Access to tools – This is to give out sets of school supplies to help street kids
attend and be ready for their remote learning.
 Online learning sessions – These are about Skills for Life, Life Skill Life Goal
Planning, Gender Sensitivity, Teenage Pregnancy and Adolescent
Reproductive Health

Instruction/s: Based on the lesson you have learned, briefly
discuss your viewpoint regarding the question presented below.
“If you were to recommend ways on how to address our
challenges we face during this pandemic, what will be your

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A. If you were asked, how would you rank the 7 development dimensions according to their
importance to the community? In the line provide below, explain briefly why.

Show your answer using a graphic organizer. (1 as the most important and 7 as the least

B. Collage Making

Direction: Prepare a collage depicting the problems and concerns of a community.

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Name :________________________ Date Accomplished :_______________

Student ID Number :________________________ Page Number :_______________

For your authentic assessment task for this unit, do the following:

Title of the Authentic

Activity Objectives : At the end of the activity, the student-trainee shall be able to:
1. Explore the concept and profile of dimensions of
2. Collect and analyze issues in the community along
dimensions of development.
Procedure : You may follow these steps:
1. Read the texts/materials found in LMC 8.
2. Answer the activities found in the Activate and Abstract phases.
3. Think about your journey in reading the inputs and how you
answer or accomplish the required activities.
4. Fill-out the table with your answers.
5. After steps 1-4, you can submit your output to your Instructor.
Expected Output/s : Our Community Profile

Name of the Authorized Person in the Barangay

Dimensions of Development issues/problems in the barangay

Safety and Security Issues-

For educational purposes only

Issues on Educations-

LMC 8 in NSTP 1| 14
NSTP 1 – [1st Sem/2021-2022]

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-NSTP

Issues on Recreation-

Issues on Values Formation and Moral Recovery-

Issues on Industry and Entrepreneurship-

Environmental Issues-

Synthesis of Insights Gained from the Interview

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NSTP 1 – [1st Sem/2021-2022]

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-NSTP

Documentation (proof of interview conducted)

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NSTP 1 – [1st Sem/2021-2022]

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-NSTP

Reflective Journal 8

As promised, this course also tests your reflective thinking and metacognition. Kindly
pause and write your answer to the question below.

Student’s Name : Journal Entry :

Program/Yr/Block : ID No. :

“As a student-trainee of NSTP, what do you think is the biggest

issue that threatens our national safety and security? What are the ways
to address that particular issue?

“W e do not learn from experience… welearn from reflecting on experience.”

For educational purposes only

~John Dewey

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NSTP 1 – [1st Sem/2021-2022]

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-NSTP


Labuguen, F.C. (2019). Towards a responsive community action. (A modular

worktext in NSTP for trainers and students). Mutya Publishing

Villasoto, H.S. (2013). Human person gearing towards social development., C & E

in-2021 and-beyond

For educational purposes only

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