Crime Detection and Investigation

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questions. Mark only 1 answer for each item by clicking/ticking the circle corresponding the letter
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Which of the following factors can not deter motorist and pedestrians from
committing traffic violations? *

A. The fear of accident

B. Strict enforcement of traffic laws/ordinances
C. Wrong traffic law enforcement
D. The fear of arrest and being fined

The declaration made under a consciousness of an impending death is called *

A. Res gestae
B. Declaration against interest
C. Dying declaration
D. all of these

Under NAPOLCOM memorandum Cir No. 94-017, the following are criteria for
determining whether a crime is considered solved, except: *

A. the offender is charge in court

B. the offender has been identified
C. the crime weapon has been recovered
D. there is sufficient evidence to charge the suspect in court
E. the offender is taken into custody
After a fire in which arson is suspected, you may be able to trace the fire to its origin
because __. *

A. the alligator pattern of charring is not as light absorbent of the surrounding areas
B. the checks of the charring process will be larger then the surrounding areas
C. the pattern of charring at the point of origin is smaller and deeper than the rest of the areas
D. the point of origin will be darker than the rest of the areas
“A” was caught after killing “C”. At the police station he freely and voluntarily
confessed and admitted the killing before the start of interrogation and no warning of
his rights was made by the police investigator. Is the confession admissible as
evidence? *

A. Yes, it was freely given before the start of the investigation

B. No, because he was not inform of his rights
C. Yes, inadmissible because it was made without a warning of his right
D. All of these

It is the process which involves the search, collection, handling, preservation and
documentation of physical evidence to include the identification and interview of
witnesses and the arrest of suspect/s at the crime scene. *

A. Interview
B. Instrumentation
C. Evaluation of Report
D. Crime Scene Investigation
E. None of these
The “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. *

A. RA 6165
B. RA 9165
C. RA 6425
D. RA 9561

From the top, what is the chronological arrangement of color of the traffic light?  *

A. green, yellow, red

B. red, yellow, green
C. red, green, yellow
D. yellow, red, green

This type of operation involves the collection of information to support investigative
law enforcement actions, counter-intelligence operations and other management
usage. *

A. Order of battle
B. Espionage
C. Undercover operation
D. Anti-insurgency operation
Which of the following is the purpose of conducting autopsy? *

A. To determine defective body parts and tissues

B. To determine organs for donation
C. to determine cause of death
D. to determine the manner of death

One of the golden rules is “Do not touch or move any object”. The primary job of the
investigator before applying the rule upon arrival at the scene of the crime is to
consider the following, except: *

A. The victim is still alive, he should try to acquire information from the victim himself
B. Measure, sketch and photograph the crime scene immediately after the victim is removed and
brought to the hospital for medical assistance
C. If the victim is dead, the body should be removed only after the crime scene is measured,
sketch and photograph
D. None of these

Which of the following plate numbers was registered first? *

A. LAG 293
B. LCA 123
C. LAC 321
D. LAC 223
These are deposits from tires and loose or soft materials picked up by tread grooves
and left somewhere else in the same groove pattern: *

A. Skid marks
B. Imprints of tires
C. Land mark
D. Underbody debris

A doctrine which an investigator must adhere to during the conduct of custodial
investigation. *

A. Aquino Doctrine
B. B. Escobedo Doctrine
C. Doctrine of Command Responsibility
D. Miranda Doctrine
E. Investigative doctrine

In investigating a rape victim, which of the following shall be the first thing to be
considered by the investigator? *

A. Bring victim to hospital for medical examination.

B. Interrogate victim to get facts of the incident.
C. Conduct investigation in such a way that there is privacy
D. Prepare victim by having a person of her trust and confidence usually her mother, a sister, to
talk to victim to tell her side and decide if victim is really willing to be investigated.
In the investigation of a homicide case, photographs taken on the victim in its original
condition and position. The best reason for this practice is that: *

A. photographs show the motive for the homicide and thus indicate likely suspects
B. photographs indicate if the corpse has been moved in any way
C. photographs form a permanent record of the body and the scene of the crime
D. photographs reveal the specific method used in committing the homicide

The process involved wherein all persons who have handled, from collection to
examination, the physical evidences can be traced or established. *

A. Chain of command
B. Chain of evidence
C. Chain of custody
D. Chain of responsibility

The following factors deter motorist and pedestrians from committing traffic
violations, EXCEPT: *

A. the fear of accidents

B. the fear of arrest and being fined
C. wrong traffic law enforcement
D. strict enforcement of traffic laws/ordinances

The vehicle with plate number LKH 345 was involved in a vehicular accident. From
what region the vehicle was registered? *

A. Region 4
B. Region 6
C. Region 7
D. Region 11

“A” was caught after killing “C”. At the police station he freely and voluntarily
confessed and admitted the killing before the start of interrogation and no warning of
his rights was made by the police investigator. Is the confession admissible as
evidence? *

A. Yes, it was freely given before the start of the investigation

B. No, because he was not inform of his rights
C. Yes, inadmissible because it was made without a warning of his right
D. All of these

It is the psychoactive agent of Marijuana. *

A. Cannabis sativa
B. Methamphetamine
C. Tetrahyrocannabinol
D. Papaver somniferum

Under RA 9165, which of the following unlawful acts is not punishable by reclusion
perpetua? *

A. Selling/pushing of 10 kilos of shabu

B.Forcing a minor to smoke marijuana
C. Manufacturing of 100 kilos of shabu
D. Planting of evidence (marijuana)
E. Importation of 10.0 kilo of shabu

It is an inquiry or proceeding for the purpose of determining whether there is sufficient
ground to engender a well founded belief that an offense has been committed and the
offender is probably guilty thereof and should be held for trial. *

A. Inquest proceedings
B. Clarificatory hearing
C. preliminary investigation
D. existence of a probable cause

The Operation Plan of PDEA conducted to neutralize military or police personnel
suspected of illegally engage in dangerous drugs. *

A. OPLAN Iceberg
B. OPLAN Athena
C. OPLAN Hunter
D. OPLAN Tornado

What shall a Police Investigator do before removing a dead body from the crime
scene? *

A. Call a funeral home

B. Inform the relatives of the dead person
C. Check whether an imminent danger still exists
D. Submit the incident for inquest before the duty inquest prosecutor
E. None of these
What legal doctrine was established in the case Mapp vs.Ohio? *

Archipelagic Doctrine
B. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine
C. Miranda Doctrine
D. Eclectics Doctrine
E. None of these

In investigating a rape victim, which of the following shall be the first thing to be
considered by the investigator? *

A. Bring victim to hospital for medical examination.

B. Interrogate victim to get facts of the incident.
C. Conduct investigation in such a way that there is privacy
D. Prepare victim by having a person of her trust and confidence usually her mother, a sister, to
talk to victim to tell her side and decide if victim is really willing to be investigated.
Solvents, paints and gasoline are examples of substances that are sniffed to obtain
intoxication fall, are classified as: *

A. Inhalants
B. Depressants
C. energizers
D. tranquilizers

The stage of criminal interview purposely done to clarify information already gathered
or to gather additional facts about the case is the: *

A. initial interview
B. follow-up interview
C. concluding interview
D. preliminary interview

One of the following situations is a good indication of an accidental fire. *

A. Smell of ammonia
B. Fire of several origin
C. Intense heat
D. Fire of only one origin

The success of an investigation depends to a large extent on the actions taken by the
first officer to arrive at the crime scene. In order that this will be realized, which of the
following should the first officer do? *

A. Immediately collect evidences to prevent it from being lost or contaminated

B. Coordinate immediately to prosecutors to determine the course of the case
C. Follow the correct procedures upon arrival at the crime scene
D. Testify in court regarding the result of his investigation

Which of the following facts makes it most difficult to identify stolen cars? *

A. Thieves frequently damage stolen cars

B. Many cars are similar in appearance
C. Car thieves frequently disguise stolen cars
D. Owners frequently don’t report stolen cars which are covered by insurance
E. Owners frequently delay reporting the carnapping or theft

Which of the following statements does not apply to Special Crimes? *

A. Special crimes are defined by special laws

B. Special crimes are major or common crimes
C. Special crimes are against persons and properties
D. Special crimes are committed by special people
The tagging of evidence aside from marking should be made: *

A. at the crime scene upon collection

B. . before receipt by the evidence custodian
C. immediately after receipt by the evidence custodian
D. before presentation of evidence in court

Human sources of information who voluntarily provide facts to the detectives are
generally known as *

B. Suspects
C. Informants
D. Respondents

The collection of facts to establish the identity and location of the guilty party and
providing evidence of his guilt is called: *

A. Intelligence effort
B. Instrumentation
C. Documentation
D. information
E. Investigation
Upon arrival at the crime scene, all the following must be observe by the investigator,
except: *

A. Determine the cause of death

B. Arrest suspect if present
C. Identify self and hold everyone at the scene for questioning
D. Note time and arrival and weather condition

Remuneration gain is the main motive of *

A. Informants
B. Criminals
C. Informers
D. Witnesses

In homicide investigation, the body should not be moved unless: *

A. It will be seen the relatives

B. It will be fingerprinted
C. It will be photograph
D. It will be interviewed

In questioning a witness, an ideal type of written statement is the: *

A. narrative because it is easier and will be short

B. Question and answer because it provides detail on facts
C. Combination of A and B
D. Apply our own type of written statement

Tagging of physical evidence aside from the marking should be made by the
investigator or the evidence collector – *

A. at the crime scene upon collection

B. prior to its submission to the evidence custodian
C. immediately after receipt by the evidence custodian
D. after examination of laboratory technician

Which of the following is a safe place for overtaking? *

A. the oncoming traffic is free from any obstruction

B. traversing on a two-way two-lane highway
C. the opposite traffic is free from oncoming
D. cruising along a four-lane two-way traffic way
Which of the following best characterizes a crime scene? *

A. It is where the physical evidences are collected

B. It is where the physical evidences, witnesses, victim and suspect can be found
C. It is where the crime is committed
D. . It is where the crime was committed and where physical evidences can be collected
The defense of the suspect that he was present in a place other than the crime scene
during the estimated time when the crime was committed is called? *

A. Defense
B. Allegation
C. Alibi
D. Statement

These are commercially produced drugs that can be legally dispensed only by a
physician’s prescription. *

A. Illegal drugs
B. Prohibited drugs
C. Dangerous drugs
D. Regulated drugs
E. Prescription drugs
Which of the following is the original components of heroin and morphine? *

A. Opium
B. Codeine
C. Caffeine
D. Methamphetamine

An adaptive condition which results from repeated drug use. *

A. Poly drug abuse

B. Withdrawal period
C. Drug dependence
D. Physical dependence

The science of measuring traffic and travel and is also a study of the basic laws
relative to the traffic laws and regulation. *

A. Traffic Education
B. Traffic Management
C. Traffic Enforcement
D. Traffic Environment

Refers to any facility used for the illegal manufacture of any dangerous drugs and/or
controlled precursor *

A. Chemical Laboratory
B. Clandestine Laboratory
C. Pharmaceutical Laboratory
D. Forensic Laboratory
E. Chemistry Laboratory

The primary responsibility of the officer in charge of protecting the crime scene is: *

A. preserving the scene in the same physical condition when discovered

B. Arrest of the suspect
C. Interrogation of witnesses
D. engaging in the search for trace evidence
E. collection of evidence which may prove significant to the crime

Planned and coordinated legal search conducted to locate physical evidences at the
locus criminis refers to *

A. Crime scene search

B. Intelligence
C. Instrumentation
D. Covert operation

The investigator should identify and hold the person who first notified the police for
the purpose of questioning in order to: *

A. get some leads for the identity of the perpetrator

B. identify the victim and associates
C. include him in the list of suspects
D. none of these

In a crime scene physical investigation, what is the most concern of the police
investigator in relation to criminal or suspect? *

A. Scene reconstruction
B. Pattern of actions or modus operandi
C. Traces from the scene imparted on the criminal/suspect
D. Extent of influence of the victim as reflected by the physical evidence
Which of the following must not be done in the collection or handling a documentary
evidence? *

A. It must be folded
B. it must be collected with the use of tweezers
C. It must be handled with the use of gloves
D. it must be placed in a sealed envelope or container
This is the method used in the examination of a defaced or tampered factory-inscribed
serial numbers of the engine or chassis of any motor vehicle. *

A. Macro photography
B. Micro etching
C. Micro scope
D. Macro Examination

What part of the Investigation Report (IR) contains a brief statement of when, where
and by whom the investigation was made? *

A. Discussion
B. Authority
C. Facts of the case
D. Matters investigated

In the investigation of a homicide case, photographs taken on the victim in its original
condition and position. The best reason for this practice is that: *

A. photographs show the motive for the homicide and thus indicate likely suspects
B. photographs indicate if the corpse has been moved in any way
C. photographs form a permanent record of the body and the scene of the crime
D. photographs reveal the specific method used in committing the homicide

Which of the following is NOT among the rules to be observed in questioning a
suspect? *

A. simplicity of the question

B. one question at a time
C. accepted applied answer
D. saving faces
The following statements are basis in the detection of a carnapped or stolen vehicle,
except: *

A. If the driver is not the registered owner of the vehicle

B. If plate number does not correspond with the year/model of the vehicle
C. If the vehicle lacks plate number
D. . If the vehicle does not have sticker for the current year
The police patrol car while traveling along the barangay road to respond call for police
assistance, accidentally bump a horse that suddenly crossed their way, and cause
damage to the car and injuries to the police officers on board. The incident is
classified as: *

A. Motor vehicle traffic accident

B. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident
C. motor vehicle non-traffic accident
D. Freak accident

In a shooting incident, who among the following has the most important and specific
role? *

A. Fingerprint examiner
B. Firearm examiner
C. Forensic Chemist
D. Medico Legal Officer

Which of the following should not be done to ensure a deterrent effect of traffic
patrol? *

A. Be sure you are seen by other motorists.

B. . Delay enforcement actions against habitual violators.
C. Be in full view while patrolling/inspecting moving vehicles.
D. Spend more time in areas where motorist fail to be aware of their common bad driving habits.
Which of the following traffic enforcement units is responsible in the investigation of
carnapping, highway robbery and other offenses involving motor vehicles? *

A. Traffic Management Center

B. . Eagle’s Squad-TMC
C. Highway Patrol-LTO
D. Highway Patrol Group-PNP

The purpose of opening the doors and windows of adjacent rooms in a burning
building is to __. *

A. extinguish the fire

B. supply the oxygen in the area
C. prevent back draft
D. serve as entrance of firemen

The primary responsibility of the officer in charge of protecting the crime scene is: *

A. Arrest of the suspect

B. Interrogation of witnesses
C. engaging in the search for trace evidence
D. collection of evidence which may prove significant to the crime
E. preserving the scene in the same physical condition when discovered
It is a type of reconstruction of crime wherein collected information is analyzed
carefully thereby developing a theory of the crime. *

A. deductive reasoning
B. physical reconstruction
C. inductive reasoning
D. mental reconstruction

Mere invitation of a suspect is already considered: *

A. Beginning of arrests
B. Beginning of detection
C. Beginning of custody
D. Beginning of informing his rights

The Chinese Emperor that attempted to stop the importation of opium from China to
India and triggered the opium war. *

A. Admiral Yamamoto
B. Emperor Sun Tzu
C. Emperor Yung Chen
D. Emperor Wong Chu

This type of operation involves the collection of information to support investigative
law enforcement actions, counter-intelligence operations and other management
usage. *

A. Order of battle
B. Espionage
C. After mission report
D. Undercover operation
E. Anti-insurgency operation

The basic law regulating land transportation in the Philippines: *

A. RA 3641 as amended
B. RA 4136 as amended
C. RA 1346 as amended
D. RA 8551 as amended

In cases where a structure is completely burned to the ground, the position of doors
and windows during the fire whether opened or closed may be ascertained by __. *

A. consulting the original structure blueprint on file

B. interviewing spectators
C. collecting broken pieces of window glasses
D. locating the hardware used in the construction of such doors

Who among the following can be subjected to interrogation? *

A. The person who witnessed the commission of a crime

B. The person who reported the crime to the police
C. The person accused of committing the crime
D. The victim of the crime

The legal consequence if an arrested person is deprived of his rights under custodial
investigation. *

A. Will set free the arrested person

B. The testimony acquired in inadmissible as evidence
C. Probable cause cannot be established
D. The case can’t be filed in court
Under RA 7787, sexual harassment may take place in the following places, except:  *

A. At work or education or training-related social functions

B. At official conferences, symposia or training sessions
C. By telephone, cell phone, fax machine or e-mail
D. During work or school or training-related travel
E. None of the above
Which of the following is license plate for public utility vehicles? *

A. Red characters on a white background

B. Green characters on a white background
C. Blue characters on a white background
D. Yellow plates (black characters on yellow background

A method of treatment for alcoholics which aims at eliminating emotional tensions of
the patient which led to their alcoholism. *

A. Aversion method
B. Therapeutic method
C. Psychotherapy method
D. Program for alcoholic anonymous

The rates of speed prescribed apply to the following, except: *

a. Fire truck responding to a fire call

B. A physician responding to the call of his wife to fetch his child in school
C. The driver of the 911 ambulance coming from the accident scene
D. The driver of the vehicle, when he or his passengers are in pursuit of a criminal

The portion of investigative report that gives a narrative account of the investigation
is: *

A. Detail
B. Synopsis
C. Body of Report
D. Recommendations
A police officer testifying to the fact that he observed the defendant assault the victim
is presenting to the court ____ evidence. *

A. circumstantial evidence
B. direct evidence
C. artificial evidence
D. real evidence

The systematic classification of the fundamentals or basic factors of a criminal
method is called *

A. corpus delicti
B. modus operandi
C. methodology
D. all of the above

If the fire is set by rationale motive, the important point to establish is ___.  *

A. intensity of fire
B. size of fire
C. rapidity of spread
D. origin of fire

An arsonist may rearrange materials or furniture in a room prior to setting it on fire in
order to __. *

A. mislead the investigators

B. camouflage the odor of accelerants
C. provide a quick burning situation
D. all of the above
Ways and means are employed for the purpose of trapping and capturing the law
breaker in the execution of his criminal plan. *

A. Misfeasance
B. Instigation
C. inducement
D. entrapment
In making initial contact with the person to be arrested with or without warrant the
investigator must always state the Miranda Doctrine EXCEPT when_? *

A. the suspect is wanted for other crimes

B. giving of such information will imperil the arrest
C. the person to be arrested is a fugitive from justice or an escapee
D. the arrest is made by a bondsman for the purpose of surrendering the accused
. the person to be arrested has committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to commit a

The purpose of closing the doors and windows during fire is to __. *

A. stop the fire

B. confine the fire
C. slow the spread of fire
D. spread the accelerants

Which of the following terms best characterize organizations or syndicates involved in
carnapping in the Philippines at present? *

A. Members of syndicates are former and active police and military personnel
B. . Organizations or syndicates are highly organized
C. Syndicate members are mostly first time offenders
D. Syndicate members belong to the lower strata of the society

During a quarrel on a crowded city street in a university belt in Davao City, one man
stabs another and flees. A policeman arriving at the scene a short time later finds the
victim unconscious, calls for an ambulance and orders the crowd to leave. The action
of the police officer is: *

A. bad; there may have been witnesses to the assault among the crowd
B. good; it is proper first aid procedure to give an injured person room and air
C. bad; the assailant is probably among the crowd
D. good; a crowed may destroy needed evidence

The “eyes and ears” of the investigators in fire investigation are the *

A. By standers
B. Arsonists
C. Victims
D. Firemen

An interrogation technique where to police officers are employed, a relentless
investigator and a king-hearted man is called? *

A. shifting the blame

B. mutt and jeff
C. tom and jerry
D. none of the above

Republic Act No. 7438 requires that during custodial investigation, police investigators
must observe the following rights of the arrested person, except: *

A. Right to remain silent

B. Right bail and speedy trial
C. Right to be informed of such right
D. Right to counsel of his own choice; and if he cannot afford one, he shall be provided with an
independent and competent counsel

Which of the following is correct in collecting dried blood in absorbent surfaces like
paper or cloth? *

A. Scrape the blood and place in a container

B. Cut the stained part of the paper or cloth
C. Use chemical to loosen the blood and place in a container
D. Bring in the entire paper or cloth where the blood is located

The simple questioning of a person who is willing to provide information? *

A. Interrogation
B. Investigation
C. Interview
D. Field inquiry

The mental attitude of a person making a dying declaration is of great importance
because it can determine whether: *

A. the victim should be interrogated in the presence of witnesses

B. the victim will be willing to make a statement of any kind
C. the victim has been forced to make a statement
D. the statement will indicate who committed the crime
E. the statement can be used as evidence
What is the general rule for the movement of vehicular traffic in the Philippines? *

A. Keep to the left

B. Keep to the right
C. keep to the center
D. none of these

When is the Miranda rights/warning applied? *

A. When the perpetrator is under custody and is being questioned or interrogated

B. During the filing of charges against the perpetrator
C. During the conduct of preliminary investigation
D. When the case against the accused is filed

The legal maxim which means “both drivers displayed negligence” *

A. Res Ipsa Loquitor

B. Pare Delicto
C. Inflagrante Delicto
D. Locus criminis

The crime of rape is committed by a man who shall carnal knowledge to a woman
under any of the following circumstances, except: *

A. When offended party is under 12 years of age

B. When the offended party is unconscious and did not enjoy the sexual act
C. Through force, threat and intimidation
D. With grave abuse of authority

The law, which regulates the use of sirens, bells or horns, is called *

A. Presidential Decree 612

B. Presidential Decree 96
C. Presidential Decree 101
D. Presidential Decree 126
In the course of conducting homicide investigation, the following are the major
problems face by the investigator, except: *

A. When the dead body was lost

B. When the dead body was moved
C. When the dead body was embalmed
D. When the dead body was cremated

This is a term used to describe the relationship a hostage can build with their
kidnapper. *

A. Stock room syndrome

B. Attraction syndrome
C. Stockholm syndrome
D. Proximity syndrome
This form was created inside of Holy Cross of Davao College.


This exam is good for 1:00 hour only. Select the correct answer for each of the following
questions. Mark only 1 answer for each item by clicking/ticking the circle corresponding the letter
of your choice. (not shared) Switch account
Draft saved
* Required

Last Name: *
First Name: *

1. This is the study of crimes and criminals, and a particular field that attempt to build
theories that explain why crimes occur and test those theories by observing behavior.
A. Criminal Psychology
B. Criminal Sociology
C. Criminal Biology
D. Criminology

2. Guilty by act means:

A. Actus Reus
B. Giltus reus
C. Actus Numbus
D. Rea mensa

3. The Differential Association Theory provides a good illustration of a social learning

approach perspective in criminology. Criminal behavior according to this theory is
A. A result of an emotional disturbance
B. An inmate quality of goodness of badness
C. Learned and not inherited
D. An excess of wisdom

4. It is a branch of psychiatry based on the theories of Sigmund Freud that employs a

particular personality theory and a particular method of treatment, usually individual
case study.
A. Psychoanalysis
B. Psychiatry
C. All of these
D. Psychology

5. Which of the following is described as the threatening behaviors, either verbal or

physical, directed at others:
A. Abnormality
B. Aggression
C. Dependency
D. Violence

6. What perspective in Criminology probes the situational or environmental action and

examines the underlying conditions within the environment that may encourage
criminal behavior?
A. Psychiatric criminology
B. Psychological criminology
C. Sociological criminology
D. Criminal anthropology

7. He postulates the theory of “born criminal,” which states that criminals are a lower
of life, nearer to the apelike ancestors than non-criminals in traits and disposition.
A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Cesare Lombroso
C. Rafael Garofalo
D. Emile Durkheim

8. What aggressive behavior includes the emotional and cognitive components of

aggression such as anger and hostility?
A. Covert
B. Interactive
C. Dynamic
D. Directive

9. To explain human behavior, social learning theorists place great emphasis on

cognitive variables. Social learning reflects the theory’s strong assumption that we
learn primarily by observing and listening to people around us-
A. The social environment
B. The stimulus that elicit response
C. The mental state and brain-mediation processes.
D. The reinforcements for behavior.

10. What kind of assault committed when it includes kicking, punching, deliberately
throwing an object and drawing a lethal weapon against someone?
A. Mental
B. Sexual
C. Physical
D. Verbal

11. It is the part of the personality that contains the powerful urges and drives for
gratification and satisfaction.
A. Id
B. Ego
C. Superego
D. conscience
12. What do you call measures other than judicial proceedings used to deal with a
young person alleged to have committed an offense?
A. Rehabilitation
B. Alternative measures
C. Individual response against bad behavior
D. Extra judicial proceedings

13. When a person is seen to show indiscriminate giggling or crying, emotional

flatness, the voice is monotonous, the face immobile and expressionless and manifest
highly bizarre and add behavior then appropriately he is?
A. Suffering from neurotic behavior
B. Suffering from psychopathic behavior
C. Suffering from schizophrenia or psychotic behavior
D. Suffering from sexual dysfunction

14. What is the theory that tumors and seizures have been associated with aggression
and violent behavior?
A. Brain lesion theory
B. Neurotic Mind theory
C. Conspiracy theory
D. Dementia praecox

15. This holds that a crime is not complete unless the actor’s conduct necessarily
caused the harm without interference by somebody else, and that is the proximate
cause of the act.
A. legal requirement
B. reason requirement
C. causation requirement
D. defense excuses

16. A Scottish woodcutter was accused of killing a man he believed to be Prime

Minister for thought that he was persecuted by the Tories and their leader, Robert
Peel, however turned out to be another person. The court believed he was so mentally
deranged that it would be inhuman to convict him since it was clear he was not in
control of his faculties. This case became known as?
A. The M’ naghten Rule
B. The Durham Rule
C. The Brawner Rule
D. The Irrational Mind Rule
17. It is the branch of psychology which investigates the crime with particular
reference to the personality factors of the criminal.
A. criminal psychiatry
B. criminal psychology
C. criminal psychoanalysis
D. criminal anthropology

18. The negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a parent or caretaker under

circumstances indicating harm or threatened harm to the child's health or welfare is
known as:
A. Child Abuse
B. Child Dilemma
C. Child Neglect
D. Child in conflict with the law

19. What is the independent study of the relationship and interactions between the
offender and the victim before, during and after the crime?
A. Criminal justice
B. Victimology
C. Victim science
D. Victimography

20. It is almost always going to be in trouble with the law, and this adult disorder is
likely to have begun with a childhood pattern of disregard for the rights of others.
A. paranoid-schizoprenic personality
B. anti-social personality
C. inadequate personality
D. manic-depressive personality

21. The type of victim that is incapable of physical defense and the common object of
confidence or scheme is the-?
A. The old
B. The young
C. The minority
D. The immigrant

22. Which of the following is an act committed by a juvenile for which an adult could
be prosecuted in a criminal court?
A. Adult offense
B. Status offense
C. Delinquency offense
D. Children in conflict with the law

23. What is the so called “forgotten person” in the criminal justice system?
A. Police
B. Criminals
C. Crime victims
D. Community

24. The police occupy one of the most important positions in the society, due this
__________ is entrusted to them.
A. maintenance of peace and order
B. enforcement of laws
C. apprehension of suspects
D. right to protect the citizenry

25. Paul likes to buy stolen cellular phones. His act is an act of?
A. None of these
B. Forgery
C. Accessory to theft
D. Larceny
E. Fencing

26. Who defined White-collar crime as a criminal act committed by a person of

respectability and high social status in the course of his or her occupation?
A. E. Sutherland
B. R. Quinney
C. E. Durkheim
D. C. Darwin

27. Among the following, who is the most vulnerable group to abuse and suffer
A. police
B. parents
C. children
D. old age

28. When an individual experience tension and anxiety increases making him/her
helpless, thus he experience negative feelings called?
A. Crisis
B. Frustration
C. Conflict
D. Hallucination
29. This type of physique has relatively predominant muscles, bones and motor
organs of the body.
A. Viscerotonic
B. Mesomorphic
C. Endomorphic
D. Ectomorphic

30. One which consists of several parts that interacts with each other to produce
some results, serve some functions or meet some objectives.
A. Justice
B. System
C. Feedback
D. Environment

31. The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain political, religious or
ideological goals by instilling fear or using intimidation or coercion.
A. Crisis
B. Strike
C. Crime
D. Terrorism

32. A judicial tribunal designed to administer justice?

A. Office of the Ombudsman
B. Jury
C. Court
D. Department of Justice

33. This refers to the sum total of dealings of the police with the people it serves.
A. Human Relations
B. Police Relations
C. Police Community Relations
D. Police Public Relations

34. The courage to endure without yielding.

A. Perseverance
B. Endurance
C. Fortitude
D. Prudence

35. Police officers shall treat official business as such, and shall not impart the same
to anyone except those for whom it is intended, or as directed by his superior officer,
or as required by law.
A. criminal investigation
B. admission
C. confession
D. confidential information

36. The crimes by professionals in their capacity as professionals such as those

committed by physicians, attorneys, psychologist, and the likes in the course of
occupation are called?
A. Professional occupational crimes
B. Individual occupational crimes
C. Corporate crimes
D. None of these

37. As a general rule, police officers are not permitted or allowed to engage in any
other business or calling, known as ?
A. Bribery
B. Moonlighting
C. Neglect of duty
D. Misconduct

38. The omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, which
is the officer’s legal obligation to perform.
A. Incompetence
B. Misconduct
C. Neglect of duty
D. Bribery

39. A mental or moral training that makes a man willing to be subject to controls and
regulations for the good of the entire group of which he is a member.
A. Courtesy
B. Discipline
C. Loyalty
D. Morale

40. The branch of moral science which treats of the duties which a police officer owes
to the public and community.
A. police philosophy
B. police professionalism
C. police conduct
D. police ethics

41. Which of the following is not a police custom on courtesy?

A. Salute
B. address/title
C. giving gifts
D. courtesy call

42. According to Frederick Hacker, these are terrorists who are using terrorism to
change society.
A. Crusaders
B. Crazies
C. Criminals
D. Mercenaries

43. Phenomena in a hostage situation where the hostages become sympathetic to the
hostage takers.
A. Oslo Syndrome
B. Stockholm Syndrome
C. Hostage Syndrome
D. Helsinki Syndrome

44. A component or pillar of the Criminal Justice System which is involved in the
administration of appropriate sanctions in keeping with the sentence handed down.
A. Corrections
B. Prosecutions
C. law enforcement
D. court

45. According to psychoanalysis, this refers to the conscience of man.

A. Ego
B. Id
C. super ego
D. spirit

46. It is everyone’s duty and obligation regardless of his intelligence, degree of

education, social standing, religion, sect, or color etc.
A. Code of ethics
B. Public office is a public thrust
C. Faithful allegiance to the government and constitution
D. Loyalty and love of country

47. Deficiencies in the CJS can be manifested by the following circumstances,

A. Poor linkage or relationship among the 5 pillars
b. Poor image or credibility of and controversies in law enforcement
c. Widespread indifference and apathy of the community
d. Proper disposition of cases by the prosecution and court

48. What disciplinary measure, do you think, will most likely produce discontentment
and grievance?
A. Unusual strictness
B. Inconsistent administration
C. Severity of punishment
D. Impersonal attitude

49. Before the development of scientist theorist, this theory involved believing that
criminal behavior is caused by the possession of evil spirits.
A. Demonological
B. Classical
C. Italian
D. Neo-classical

50. He advocated a system of classifying criminals according to bodily

measurements. Because human skeleton is unchangeable after the twentieth year and
because no two individuals are alike in all dimensions; this method of identification
received prominence in 1880’s.
A. Alphonse Bertillon
B. Charles Darwin
C. Cesar Lombroso
D. Charles Goring

51. What is meant by victimless crime?

A. There is no victim
B. There is no complaining Victim
C. The victim is dead
D. The victim knows the suspect

52. Who constitutes the Holy Three in Criminology? 1. Cesare Lomborso 2. Emile
Durkheim 3. Enrico Ferri 4. Rafael Garofalo
A. 2, 3, and 4
B. 1, 2, and 3
C. 2, 3, and 4
D. 1, 3 and 4

53. They are atavists according to Lombroso because they have inherited their
criminal tendencies.
A. Born criminals
B. Criminal by Passion
C. Insane criminals
D. Criminaloids

54. The Neo-classical theory believes that children and lunatics should not be
regarded as criminal and punished because – ?
A. They are special people
B. They cannot calculate pleasure and pain
C. They cannot complain
D. They are under age

55. Also known as the “Family Courts Act”.

A. Republic Act No. 9165
B. Republic Act No. 6713
C. Republic Act No. 7160
D. Republic Act No. 8369

56. The "Multi-Casual Theory on Crime" which is the most acceptable reason on why
people commit crime simply meant that
A. There are multiple factors causing the commission of crime
B. There are multiple ideas in the minds of the criminal
C. There are many unknown causes why may men commit crime as that moment
D. There are extra-ordinary factors to include ESP why a person commits crime.
E. All of these

57. Criminologist states that crime is directly proportional to subject's criminal

tendencies plus his total environmental situation and inversely to subject's
A. responses
B. resistance
C. health
D. mentality
E. A and C

58. What is the combination of personal and social factors which creates an utterly
unique physical structure human being?
A. crime situation
B. Social Pathology
C. juvenile delinquency
D. A causation of mal-judgment

59. What are the three existing factors to develop criminal and anti-social behavior?
A. Biological, psychological and environment
B. Biological, cultural and environment
C. Sociological, psychological and education
D. Socio-economic, political and cultural

60. Who studied the case history of 2,000 convicts and found that heredity is more
influential as a determiner of criminal behaviour than environment?
A. Charles Darwin
B. Charles Goring
C. Dr. Cesare Lombroso
D. Alphonse Bertillon

61. Which of these may refer to the transmission of physical characteristics, mental
traits, and tendency manifest by an organism to develop in the likeness of a progenitor
due to the transmission of genes in the reproductive process?
A. Heredity
B. Heredity and environment
C. Environment
D. Hallucination

62. Which of the following is the result of Juvenile Delinquency if it will be left
A. Increase in salaries of police personnel who will go after juvenile delinquents
B. Increase of basic commodities
C. Increase of rehabilitation centers for youthful offenders
D. Increase in the number of juvenile delinquents

63. All the following are general prevention measures in every government level for
juvenile delinquency, except:
A. policies, programs and strategies based on analytical studies
B. well-defined responsibilities for the qualified agencies and institutions
C. ambiguous objectives and policies for the reduction of juvenile incidents
D. n depth analysis of the problem and inventories of programs and services

64. What should be the best way to control delinquency?

A. arrest all juvenile delinquents
B. imprison parents who abuse and neglect their children
C. remove conditions inducing delinquency
D. increase juvenile crimes

65. The more a youth is involved in alcohol and drug abuse, the more;
A. he will feel secured and safe
B. he will come to his senses
C. he feels that he’s not important to his parents
D. the likelihood that he will be involved in criminal behaviour

66. Missionary oriented type of serial killer display no psychosis, they believe that they
need to get rid of the world with what they consider as immoral and unworthy and
often times their victims are?
A. Any person of which they have interest
B. Any one after long stalking and studying of victims activity
C. Any prostitutes, young women and gay
D. Any person who are against the

67. Kleptomania is the impulse to steal while pyromania is?

A. The impulse to set fire
B. the impulse to take one’s life
C. The impulse for fame or power
D. the impulse to count anything

68. Jake was not able to go to his girlfriend’s birthday party due to engine problems.
He is experiencing what kind of Frustration?
A. Personal Shortcomings
B. Conflicts between motives
C. Social Circumstance
D. Physical Obstacles

69. Christine is in a dilemma because someone offered her a stolen copy of the
answers to her final exam in Psychology. She knows it is a form of cheating and she
feels guilty, but at the same time she thinks it can give her good grades
A. Approach-Avoidance Conflict
B. Approach-Approach Conflict
C. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict
D. None of the above

70. Multiple Personality is a dissociative disorder in which the individual shifts

abruptly and repeatedly from one personality to another as if more than one person
were inhabiting the same body. This is commonly known as?
A. split personality disorder
B. Multiple Identity
C. Split image
D. Extra persona
71. Among the following, what is the form of abuse where the use of the victim is for
selfish purposes and or financial gain?
A. Verbal Abuse
B. Racketeering
C. Exploitation
D. Khotongism

72. The independence of a minor from his or her parents before reaching age of
majority is known as:
A. Enlightenment
B. Emancipation
C. Recognizance
D. Freedom from parental obligation

73. What is declared of a temporary or permanent termination of parental rights in the

best interest of the child usually for reasons of abandonment, abuse, or neglect, but
also including mental illness, addiction, or criminal record?
A. Unfit Parent
B. Mental Disturbance
C. Psychological Incapacitation
D. Child at risk

74. The term schizophrenia was given by?

A. Emil Kreaplin
B. Emil Durkheim
C. Eugene Bleuler
D. Eugene Domingo

75. Children who are vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses
because of personal, family and social circumstances are considered.
A. Abused Children
B. Children in conflict with the law
C. Neglected Children
D. Children at risk

76. What is the doctrine that requires a process of resolving conflicts with the
maximum involvement of the victim, the offender and the community?
A. Proactive justice
B. Reactive justice
C. Restorative justice
D. All of the above
77. George went to a rave party with his sister a day before his College entrance exam.
When he received the result of his entrance exam he failed it, so he blamed his sister
for failing the exam
A. Scapegoating
B. Defense Mechanism
C. Aggression
D. Protective Device

78. If a person has paranoid schizophrenia he or she has the following EXCEPT;
A. Very suspicious
B. Great schemes of persecution at the root of the behaviour
C. Incoherent verbally to his/her feelings
D. Has hallucination and delusions

79. The ability to withstand frustration without developing inadequate modes of

response such as being emotionally depressed or irritated, becoming neurotic, or
becoming aggressive.
A. Defense mechanism
B. Coping Mechanism
C. Frustration tolerance
D. Regression Aggression

80. The term schizophrenia literally means?

A. Dementia
B. splitting of the mind
C. Anxiety
D. disorder

81. The principle that events including criminal behaviour have sufficient causes.
A. Positivism
B. Atavism
C. Determinism
D. Nazism

82. An irrational fear which is fixed, intense, uncontrollable and often has no
reasonable foundation.
A. Phobia
B. Regression
C. Delusions
D. D. Anxiety
82. People with this disorder show excessive emotional instability, which means they
are unpredictable and often theatrical.
A. Dissociative identity disorder
B. Borderline personality disorder
C. Histrionic personality disorder
D. Antisocial personality disorder

83. When there is an apparent, intentional, and physically aggressive act irrespective
of severity against another, there is;
A. Crisis
B. Chaos
C. Battering
D. Assault

84. He was the first criminologist to expound the theory “crime is the result of
manifold causes, which although found linked into an intricate network, can be
detected by means of careful study” As sociologist, he wrote the “New Horizon in
Criminal Law and Penal Procedure”.
A. Enrico Ferri
B. Garofalo
C. Lombroso
D. Stanfeld Sargent

85. He was the first criminologist to expound the theory “crime is the result of
manifold causes, which although found linked into an intricate network, can be
detected by means of careful study” As sociologist, he wrote the “New Horizon in
Criminal Law and Penal Procedure”.
A. Enrico Ferri
B. Garofalo
C. Lombroso
D. Stanfeld Sargen

86. In general, both Jail and Prison are places for confinement of arrested criminal. In
practice, there is no actual distinction between a jail and prison, except that the latter
belongs to a greater extent of the counrty; (State prison or penitentiary and acountry
jail). in the philippinesd, chich of the following distinguish jail from prison?
A. Severity of punishment and
classification of prison
B. Rehabilitation and treatment
C. Supervisor and control
D. Nature of the facility

87. They introduced the application of mitigating circumstances in imposing penalties.

A. Modern schoo
B. neo classical school
C. Positive school
D. classical school

88. The purpose of penalty in the Positivism School of Criminology.

A. Retribution
B. Rejection
C. Reformation
D. Restitution

89. Referred to as dementia praecox which is a form of psychosis characterized by

thinking disturbance and regression?
A. Schizophrenia
B. Paranoia
C. Manic depression
D. Psychopathy

90. The major function of the Prosecution component of the Criminal Justice System.
A. Enforce the laws of the land
B. Rehabilitate prisoners
C. Represent the government in criminal cases
D. Sentencing of the accused.

91. The informal component of the Criminal Justice System.

A. Community
B. Prosecution
C. Law Enforcement
D. Corrections

92. A twenty four hour child caring institution that provide short term resident care for
youthful offenders.
A. Shelter care institution
B. Foster home
C. Nursery
D. Detention home

93. A type of terrorism which meant to incite the government to repression.

A. Organizational terrorism
B. Symbolic terrorism
C. Provocative terrorism
D. Allegiance terrorism

94. The concealment or distortion of truth in a matter of fact relevant to one’s office or
connected with the performance of his duties.
A. Gross misconduct
B. Dishonesty
C. Incompetence
D. Disloyalty

95. The basic unit of society.

A. Community
B. Government
C. Family
D. Church

96. . What is the code after a person’s name which adopted the principle “an eye for an
eye and tooth for a tooth” in the imposition of punishment, in about 1875 B.C?
A. Code of Kalantiao
B. Code of Maragtas
C. Hammurabi’s Code
D. Dewey code

97. What is the disease associated with prenatal thyroid deficiency and subsequently
thyroid inactivity, marked by physical deformities arrested development, goiter, and
various forms of mental retardation, including imbecility?
A. Cretinism
B. Criminogenic process
C. Cultural conflict
D. Crime statistics

98. What statement below distinguishes masochism from sadism

A. The said term can be used interchangeably
B. The combination of the two means the person enjoys to inflicts injury and at the same time
enjoys having injury inflicted upon to satisfy sexual desire.
C. Sadism is a sexual satisfaction through acts of cruelty while masochism refers to a sexual
satisfaction through being humiliated, hurt or beaten
D. All of the given statement are significant

99. He is considered as the “father of modern criminology.”

A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Jeremy Benthan
C. Rafael Garogalo
D. Emile Durkheim

100. To estimate the nature of crime, the criminologists in the local setting primarily
rely on this, which measures crimes through reports made by the police and other law
enforcement agencies.
A. National Uniform Crime Reporting System
B. Nationwide Criminological Researches
C. Quantitative Crime Statistics
D. Reports of the Police & Law Enforcement Agencies


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21. Retaliation is the earliest remedy for a wrong act to any one (in the primitive
society). The concept follows that the victim’s family or tribe against the family or
tribe of the offender, hence “blood feuds” was accepted in the early primitive
societies. Retaliation means:
A. Personal Vengeance
B. Tooth for a tooth
C. Eye for an Eye
D. All of these

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83. What prison established on Nov. 16, 1904?

A. The Correctional Institution for Woman
B. The Davao Prison and Penal Farm
C. The Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
D. The Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm

59. At the BJMP, inmates are classified into several categories, the classification is
done by?
A. Classification Board
B. Chief Security Officer
C. Warden
D. Inmates Council
25. Ramon, a basketball player, arrested Berto for some legal ground but he failed to
file a complaint against the latter with in the prescribed period of filing. What crime did
Ramon committed?
A. arbitrary detention
B. illegal Detention
C. illegal arrest
D. no crime committed

94. Which of the following is a ground for disqualifying a convicted offender in

applying for probation;?
A. Prisoners who are 65 years and above and who have served at least 3 years of their prison
sentence but in no case shall they exceed 70 years old.
B. Prisoners who are invalids or afflicted with incurable or dangerous or serious diseases.
C. Prisoners who are medically diagnosed as having at least 2 years of mental abnormality
(having been confined in the psychiatric ward of the prison hospital for at least 2 years.)
D. Prisoners who have served at least one third of their prison sentence.

90. If you were convicted of a crime for a penalty of not greater than six years, where
are you going to apply your petition for the grant of Probation?
A. The Probation and Parole Board
B. The Court that decided your case where conviction is the judgment
C. In the Court of Appeal
D. To the Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines

100. Juliana was convicted of the crime homicide where she was sentenced to a
penalty of Reclusion Temporal. She appealed the case to the higher court, while the
appeal is pending; she filed a petition for parole. Which of the following statement is
A. Her petition must be acted upon because the penalty does not exceed 20 years
B. Her petition must be denied on the ground of pending appeal
C. Her petition must be acted upon because the sentence is not yet final
D. It depends upon the Board whether to grant or deny the petition

81. Provincial Jails were first established in 1910 under the American Regime. At
present, who supervises and controls the said jails?
C. Provincial Government
2. The mechanical device or contrivance, tools or implement used to hold back, keep
in check or under control is the?
A. Instrument of Restraint
B. Handcuffs
C. Iron leg Lock
D. Metallic chains

26. The Camp Sampaguita of the national Bilibid Prison houses

A. Super Maximum Security Prisoners
B. Maximum Security Prisoners
C. Medium Security Prisoners
D. Minimum Security Prisoners

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91. Juan Dela Cruz after promulgation of his case by the Regional trial Court was
meted with a penalty of 5 years and one day to six years of imprisonment who within
15 days from the date of promulgation filed his appeal with the court of appeal for not
satisfied with the judgment of the lower court. Can he be granted probation once he
A. No because the decision of the RTC is not final and executory.
B. No because he filed for an appeal
C. No because he doesn’t waived his right for an appeal
D. Yes because he met the qualification to apply for probation.

51. One who investigates for the court a referral for probation or supervises a
probationer or both
A. police officer
B. intelligence officer
C. probationer officer
D. law enforcer

32. A prison found in Simsbury Connecticut, which was an abandoned copper mine
was considered as the black hole of horror.
A. Auburn Prison
B. New Gate Prison
C. Irish Prison
D. Pennsylvania System
64. It is a special unit in prison where by newly arrived prisoners will be admitted for
diagnostic examination, observation
A. Reception and Diagnostic Center
B. Medium Security Compound
C. Maximum Security Compound
D. Minimum Security Compound

93. Can a person convicted of a crime charged against him for less than six years of
imprisonment be denied for the grant of probation?
A. No because Presidential Decree 968 provides this right to the convict whose sentence is below
six years
B. No because probation is a matter of right
C. Yes because probation is only a matter of right
D. Yes because probation is only a matter of privilege

65. Under the jail rules, the following are authorized disciplinary measures imposable
to inmate offender except
A. Reprimand
B. Cancellation of visiting privilege
C. Cancellation of food allowance
D. Extra fatigue duty

40. That system of counselling which consist of working with one individual at a time
with the end in view of case description, solving immediate problem exploring long
range problems, etc... to an individual.
A. Case work
B. Vocational counselling
C. Background investigation
D. Board classification

31. An English exponent of the Classical School of Criminology who designed the
building plan of the Panoptican, the design was adopted by the prison of Ghent in
A. Jacques Villain
B. John Howard
C. Jeremy Bentham
D. William Crofton

98. Parole maybe granted if the inmate-?

A. Finishes considerable portion of sentence
B. Finishes minimum sentence
C. Deserves to be released by reason of good behavior
D. Has considerable good conduct time allowance credit

41. At the reception at the BJMP, one its produces is to accomplish ___ reports in four
copies attaching the photograph of the inmates and to be distributed to the different
BJMP offices.
A. Jail booking
B. Jail filing
C. Jail reports
D. Inmates record

47. Which of the following does not belong to the common law practices to which the
emergence of probation is attributed?
A. Recognizance
B. Reprieve
C. Benefit of the Clergy
D. Penance

24. Ms. Bantog was convicted for the crime of infanticide. After serving her sentence
she committed again the same crime. Ms Ines Bantog maybe considered as a
A. Recidivist
B. quasi-recidivist
C. habitual delinguent
D. mentally retarded person

53. Parole in the Philippine is governed by the?

A. determinate sentence law
B. Indeterminate sentence law
C. Board of pardon and parole
D. Parole and probation administration

66. Anything that is contrary to prison or jail rules and regulations are considered
A. Firearms
B. Contrabands
C. Greyhounds
D. Personal belongings

34. The prison director of Valencia Spain in 1835, who divided prison into companies
and appointed prisoners as petty officers in charge.
A. Manuel Montisinos
B. Walter Crofton
C. Zebolun R. Brockway
D. James V. Bennett

10. That organization which was organized in Cincinati, Ohio which brought about the
penological principles of dealing with criminal.
A. International Penal Congress of 1872
B. National Prison Association of 1870
C. Elmira Reformatory of 1876
D. Zebullon Brockway Reformatory 1878

14. In the history of correction, thinkers during the reformatory movement were the
major influences of today’s correctional system. Alexander Mochanochie was the one
who introduced the __ of correction
A. Solitary system
B. Irish System
C. Marked System
D. Congregate system

23. Mr. Cruz was convicted of the crime of murder. After 10 days from the
promulgation of the sentence, he escaped from his place of confinement. He maybe
A. liable for evasion of service of sentence
B. considered as an escaped prisoner
C. not liable for evasion of service of sentence
D. All of these

45. What is the name of the prison institution situated in Zamboanga, named after
Capt. Blanco of the Spanish Royal Army?
A. Old Bilibid Prison
B. Sablayan Prsions and Penal Farm
C. San Ramon Prison & Penal Farm
D. Iwahig Penal

62. One of the following is considered as the corner stone in reformation n which
includes all the life experiences which shape a persons attitudes and behaviors?
A. Recreational program
B. Religious program
C. Educational program
D. Work program

96. Petition for request for pardon is processed by-?

A. Board of pardons and Parole
B. Director of Prisons
C. Judge that sentenced prisoner
D. Pre-Parole and pardon Committee

30. Upon receipt of the probation officer investigation report, the court shall resolve
the application for probation not later than-
A. 60 days
B. 10
C. 5 days
D. 45 days

48. Who among the following was the builder hospice of San Michelle, a reformatory
for delinquent boys
A. Montesquieu
B. Pope Clement XI
C. Samuel Romily
D. John Howard

39. The purpose of classifying inmates inside the jails.

A. To avoid escape of prisoners
B. Prevent bata-bata system
C. To determine work assignment, type of supervision and degree of custody
D. All of these

99. Parole and Probation Administration is under the direction of the

A. Department of Finance
B. Department of Justice
C. Department of Interior and Local Government

11. Public humiliation or public exhibition also mean:

A. public execution
B. social degradation
C. banishment
D. public trial

80. Who among the following is a provincial prisoner?

A. A prisoner serving a term below six (6) years
B. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) years and up
C. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) months and one (1) day to three (3) years
D. A prisoner serving a term of three (3) years and one (1) day
38. One of the reception procedures at the BJMP is that all cash and valuables of
prisoners must turned over the property custodian for safekeeping to be covered by
official receipt; the purpose is to:
A. Avoid business inside the jail
B. Avoid theft from other inmates
C. To prelude possibilities of graft
D. Prevent untoward entry and contraband

9. Penology deals with various means of fighting crimes as regards to penalties and
other measures of security, while_____, is limited only to the study of penalties dealing
with deprivation of liberty.
A. Rehabilitation
B. Penitentiary Science
C. Corrections
D. Reintegration

61. A special group of prisoners composed of incorrigible, intractable and dangerous

persons who are so difficult to manage inside prisons.
A. Medium Security prisoners
B. Maximum security prisoners
C. Super maximum security prisoners
D. Minimum Security Prisoners

55. Which one is not a general procedure in feeding inmates?

A. A line of two columns should be observed
B. All mess should be placed in plastic
C. Buffet is the proper feeding of inmates
D. None of these

50. An offender who surrenders from escaping because of calamity immediately 48

hours after the pronouncement of the passing away of calamity shall be granted
A. 1/5 reduction of sentence
B. ½ reduction of sentence
C. 2/5 reduction of sentence
D. 2/6 reduction of sentence

74. In determining the fitness of a prisoner for release on conditional pardon, the
following points shall be considered as guides, except:
A. The political, organizational or religious affiliation of the prisoner should be disregarded.
B. Due regard should be given the attitude of the people in the community from which he was
C. The background of the prisoner before he was committed to prison – social, economic.
D. Financial capacity of the prisoner.

88. The adult Probation Law has its purposes. Which of the following is not one of
such purposes?
A. promote the correction and rehabilitation of an offender by providing him with individualized
B. provide an opportunity for the reformation of a penitent offender which might be less probable
if he were to serve a prison sentence.
C. Prevent the institutional treatment of the offender
D. prevent the commission of offenses

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29. One of the following is an admission procedure which involves the frisking of the
A. Identification
B. Searching
C. Briefing/Orientation
D. minimum security prisoners

13. One of the following represents the earliest codification of the Roman law, which
was incorporated into the Justinian Code.
A. Twelve Tables
B. Code
C. Code of Draco
D. Hammurabic code

92. The main difference between probationer and parolee is that

A. The former has not served any part of his sentence.
B. The latter has not served any part of his sentence.
C. The former has partly served sentence.
D. The latter has undergone post- sentence

27. The punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to
afford the society or individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable
punishment as might be enforced. Offenders should be punished because they
deserve it. This is one justification of punishment called:
A. Atonement
B. Incapacitation
C. Deterrence
D. Retribution

75. Prisoners who are nearly to leave the institution, awaiting transfer, those in
disciplinary status, and those who are chronically ill with mental disabilities are
A. unassignable prisoners to undergo prison programs
B. special group of offenders
C. minimum security prisoners
D. all of these

54. The new term applied to juvenile delinquent?

A. Street children
B. Untreated children
C. Abandoned children
D. Children in conflict with the law

85. A warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and signature of the judge directing
the jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted offender for service of sentence
or detention is known as –
A. Mittimus
B. Detention Mittimus
C. Sentence Mittimus
D. Detention Warrant

77. Which among the following is The Reorganization Act of 1907?

Law creating the Bureau of Corrections
B. Law creating the Department of Commerce and Police Act No. 1407 of 1905 placing Bureau of
Prisons under its control
C. Law creating the New Bilibid Prisons
D. Prison law of the Philippines creating the Bureau of Prisons

36. The ruling principle of the Irish Prison System which viewed penalty and
rehabilitation to be personal.
A. Guided Reform System
B. Individualization of Treatment
C. Group Therapy
D. Accumulation of marks

69. Hanging is for death penalty, maiming is for?

A. Social degradation
B. Physical torture
C. Exile
D. Slavery

49. Diversification means?

A. Proper integration of prisoners
B. Proper classification of prisoners
C. Proper segregation of prisoners
D. Welfare of prisoners

44. Which one is not a minor offense in jail?

A. Acting boisterously during religious, social and other functions
B. Rendering personal services to fellow inmates
C. Making frivolous or groundless complaints
D. Willful waste of food.

67. The following are considered as discretionary conditions of probation except

A. Drinking intoxicated liquor to excess
B. Abstain from visiting house of ill repute
C. Meet his family responsibilities
D. Cooperate with the program of probation

7. It is an instrument of public justice.

A. Punishment
B. Imprisonment
C. Justice
D. Practice

97. The form of conditional release that is granted after a prisoner has served a
portion of his sentence in a correctional
A. Conditional pardon
B. Probation
C. Parole
D. Commutation

43. Which one is not an authorized penalty in jails.

A. Total isolation
B. 7 days close confinement
C. Extra fatigue duty
D. simultaneous punishment
4. The imprisonment a convicted offender may serve, at the rate of PhP8.00 a day
subject to certain rules, for failure to pay a fine and if ordered to do so by the judgment
is referred to as
A. Subsidiary imprisonment
B. Secondary Imprisonment
C. Preventive Imprisonment
D. None of the above

79. Refers to those who are confined in correctional facilities awaiting verdict in their
A. Prisoner
B. Detainees
C. Probationer
D. Offender

35. That reform institution established by Sir Evelyn Ruggies Brise which was then
considered the best reform institution for young offenders.
A. Borstal Reform Institution
B. English Reform Institution
C. American Reform Institution
D. The Mark System

70. Pardon granted by the Chief Executive

A. extinguishes criminal liability of offender
B. does not extinguish civil liability of offender
C. must be given before the prosecution of the offense
D. all of the above

19. It was unknown in the ancient world. Instead, there were dungeons, airless caves
and goals which serve as detention cells for criminals.
A. Parole
B. Probation
C. Prisons
D. Hulks

68. The first convict in the Philippines, sentenced to death by means of Lethal injection
A. Baby Ama
B. Leo Echagaray
C. Asiong Salonga
D. Gregorio S. Mendoza
60. Under the rules, the chairman of the classification board and disciplinary board for
jails should be?
A. Warden
B. Assistant warden
C. Custodial officer
D. Security office

84. Prisoners who are nearly to leave the institution, awaiting transfer, those in
disciplinary status, and those who are chronically ill with mental disabilities are
A. Unassignable prisoners to undergo prison programs
B. Special group of offenders
C. Minimum security prisoners
D. All of these

62. It involves supervision of prisoners to insure punctual and orderly movement from
the dormitories, place of work, hospital and churches in accordance with the daily
A. Control
B. Discipline
C. Custody
D. Inspection

17. Punishments have undergone some sort of modifications from the corporal forms
of inflicting pain to the offender up to the modern principle of rehabilitation; which
includes_____, as a way of reducing the number of days on the imposed penalty to the
criminal due to manifest behavioural changes while under prison custody.
A. Fine
C. Probation

20. The kind of prison used in England during pre-civilization era wherein old sailing
ships where no longer used for voyage and which were converted into places of
confinement for convicted offenders.
A. Goals
B. Dungeons
C. Hulk
D. Places for confinement
58. A correctional institution wherein it confines only those offenders convicted with 6
months or less.
A. Municipal jails
B. Provincial jails
C. District jails
D. Local jails

78. Which of the following statement DOES NOT AGREE to the basic principle of
A. Seek to promote discipline and to secure the reformation, and safe custody of inmates
B. Justice shall be applied partially to all concern regardless of disposition in life.
C. Without discrimination on grounds of race, colors, genders, language, religion or other opinion,
nationality or social origin, property, birth and or other status, justice shall be applied impartially,.
D. Justice shall be enforced with firmness but tempered with understanding.

37. One department of the government which takes care of the National Prisoners.
A. Department of Justice
B. National Jails and Penitentiary
C. Department of Interior and Local Government
D. Department of Social Welfare and Development

89. Which of the following are qualified to avail probation?

A. Those sentence more than 6 years
B. Those contempt by the judge
C. Those sentence by the court for not exceeding 6 years
D. None of these

18. Primitive approach to punishment is too savage and inhuman, but on the passage
of time man becomes more concerned to the welfare of man as God’s most important
creation, thus, a new system of addressing criminal behaviour was introduced.
A. Slave system
B. Labor system
C. Correctional System
D. Treatment system

33. A prison system which was the first to institute the parole system and graded
system for the reformation of prisoners.
A. Irish System
B. Elmira and the American Reformatory System
C. Mark System
D. Incentives System
42. Likewise in jail reception procedures, the act through search of inmate is...
A. Strip search
B. Partial search
D. Zigzag search

76. Parole is not claimed as a right but the Board of Parole grants it as a privilege to a
qualified prisoner. This statement is:
A. partially true
B. partially false
C. true
D. false

46. Which one here is a grave offense inside the jail?

A. Loitering or being in unauthorized place
B. Making, improvising or keeping any kind of deadly weapon
C. Failure to render assistance to an injured personnel or inmate
D. Helping, adding, or abetting others to escape.

87. When to file the application for probation?

A. 15 days before conviction and sentence at the time of imprisonment start.
B. 15 days before conviction and sentence at the time of imprisonment
C. 15 days after conviction and sentence at any time before imprisonment start
D. 15 days after the conviction and sentence at the time of imprisonment

95. Is an act of grace and a recipient is not entitled to it as a matter of right?

A. pardon
B. probation
C. parole
D. none of these

73. The power of the chief Executive to grant pardon is limited to the following, except:
A. Pardon can not be extended to cases of impeachment.
B. No pardon, parole or suspension of sentence for the violation of any election law may be
granted without favorable recommendation of the Commission of Elections.
C. Pardon is exercised only after conviction
D. Pardon is administered by the court

71. The group having the responsibility of providing a system of sound custody,
security and control of inmates and their movements and also responsible to enforce
prison or jail discipline is the:
A. Security group for jails
B. Escort Platoon
C. Control Center groups
D. Warden

52. Post sentence investigation report must be submitted by the probation officer to
the court within?
A. 20 days
B. 30 days
C. 60 days
D. 90 days

82. What correctional facilities of the Bucor comprising an estimated total land area of
18,000 hectares?
A. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
B. Iwahig Penal Colony
C. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
D. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm

8. Punishment by means of inflicting physical pain upon a convicted criminal.

A. Corporal punishment
B. Imprisonment
C. Pillory
D. Stockage

3. Who is tasked with the gathering and collecting of information and other data of
every prisoner into a case study to determine the work assignment, the type
supervision and degree of custody and restriction under which an offender must live in
A. Classification Board
B. Diagnostic Board
C. Board of Custody
D. Treatment Board

6. It is a branch of criminology which deals with the study of crime and punishments.
A. Penology
B. Criminal Justice system
C. Imprisonment
D. Punishment

1. Articles 1706 - 1727 of the revised Administrative Code as amended is known as

A. Correction Law
B. Prison Law
C. Jail Management Law
D. Parole and Probation Law

22. In 1936, the City of Manila exchanges its Muntinlupa property with the Bureau of
Prisons originally intended as a site for boys’ training school. Today, the old Bilibid
Prison is now being used as the Manila City Jail, famous as the :
A. “ May Halique Estate”
B. “Tandang Sora State”
C. New Bilibid Jail
D. Muntinlupa Jail

12. During the 16th up to the 18th century, a criminal may be sent away from a place
carried out by prohibition to coming against a specified territory. This is an ancient
form of punishment called:
A. Exile
B. Transportation
C. Banishment
D. Public trial

15. What law renamed the Bureau of Prison to Bureau of Correction during the Aquino
administration in the Philippines?
A. E.O 727
B. E.O 292
C. E.O 645
D. E.O 104

86. What should the court do where the accused violated the terms and conditions of
his probation?
A. Court releases the probationer to the community
B. Revoke and let the probationer served his sentence
C. Court order the probationer to apply for parole
D. Court should allow the probationer to continue his probation

16. Basically it is the purpose of the state in punishing crime.

A. Retribution
B. To secure justice
C. Reformation
D. Confirmation

57. One of the purposes of corrections wherein it employs several methods like
vocational trainings, counselling, education, etc., to let the criminal adjust to the
A. Rehabilitation
B. Deterrence
C. Isolation
D. Correction

72. A unit of the prison or a section of the RDC where the prisoner is given thorough
physical examination including blood test, x-rays, vaccinations and immunity is the:
A. Quarantine cell
C. Death row
D. Control Area

28. The purpose of commutation of sentence is to:

A. do away with the miscarriage of justice
B. break the rigidity of the law
C. restore the political and civil rights of the accused
D. all of the above

5. The process of determining the needs and requirements of prisoners for assigning
them to programs according to their existing resources is called:
A. Classification
B. Quarantine
C. diversification
D. quality control

56. The Philippine Penal System has been observed to exist prior to the promulgations
of penal laws by duly constituted government officials but they are considered as.
A. Localized and tribal by nature
B. Endorsed by foreign government
C. Mandated by nature
D. Created by quorum

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