AVMJ - Volume 49 - Issue 96 - Pages 180-194

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Vet Medd J Vol $9 No, 96 Janes 2003 ‘Dee of ase Waerinary Mec! Sciences Fac Veterinary Medicine, ordan Univer of Selene and Technstogy SANITARY STATUS OF RAW COW MILK MARKETED IN NORTHERN JORDAN (With 9 Tables) By ¥. AL-TARAZI, A. AL-ZAMIL, F. SHALTOUT* and H. ABDEL-SAMEF + Dep of Food iene, Taos Med, Moshe, Univ of ZageiyBan Branch Ey ATH dad Gk Tp Aga lS cule Laval Aa all ee gan Sigil gd «al 3 eal « LA ply (ak a ia te cn il (17+) yg Sly Sea La al ade sl See oe Belge hy Si Cae ge eal el Le Me ON dies ase cad Sy Baad Ula poe ah Ga Oy VA a Nad eh Saye baag 8% gp gall PIT inact ER Staal GL hg eG La ly SY cal Hye Mey Slaad OL a Syed angel AN ype a Cael 89 Syl Ady) Dans sh ls HO oe 5 Jl jeal VAN® cy 3 NeXT SM Sl AA gl Sy Se A Saag Ey YT ee BA Neca gd ge at 0 oF call A cing vege Fe ap So HAN GA le Sinn Se as By ss MI a a ys Sony ay agen "VX NSS lg pl de Se HOMEY Chey wpe “VARY ba ah Sa gl Sele Sy (Congas) 9 Sa ind aaa 6d obs on fons Sally Mad Al ond 3 loo oe chi ge Sa GP HD Ea Joa Spek Ghent. ih dl gmc ela ge Sy asa il Ae ABA ENT a GAS ee td OT Gat aL Bad ppp hg Any ad 180 Assi Ver Mei. J Val $90, 96, anus 200 SUMMARY A total of 160 rat eow mille samples were collected randomly from Gifleren dairy shops in northern Jordan at early morning during sprig ‘monils (March to May) 10 determine their sanitary staus. tn addition, questionnaire contemed conditions of milk production, handling, transportation and maiketing were answered by one hundred dutty farmers and one hondred milk retailers. The mean value of milk pH was 6.56 while ts Tteramble acidity (T.A.) was 0.199%, which did mot acct the Jonianian standards (JS). The pereeniages of compatibility of 1A. Clot On Boiling (COB), Methylene Blue Reduetion Time (MBRT) and Atcotol Precipitation Test (APL) with the (JS) were 46%, 78.75%, 7796 and 73.2%, respectively ‘The mean value of Acrobie Plate Count (APC) was {1.2 x 10° fin} Which, wats above the highest ascupuuble limit of tke 1S. (4% 10° fui), Only five sumples (3%) bad acceptable quality ia respect to the ‘APC. Coliforms had been isolated from 88% of the samples with a mean count af 2.95 X 10 * cfwhl, The moaa Staphylococci count was 1.56 x 10° cfu! and 58.47% of Staphylococci isolates were positive (0 coagulase es. The incidence of Emerocace in raw milk was 86% fom whieh 32.9% were Enterococcus feacalis, These results indicated that ‘milk was highly contaminated with microorganisms and produced as well as marketed under unsatistietory hygienic measures. Key words: Sanitary, cow raw milt; marketing, Jordan INTRODUCTION Mifk is derived fiom the blood stam, therefore itis supposed 10 be sterile as the scerctory cells in the udder produce it. Ast moves Ghrough ‘the mammary gland, it hocomes contaminated with bacteria thet reside Within the teat cansl and cistem, Most often, these bacteria are nor. pathogenic like Microcosei, Streptococci and Bacili. These pes of bacteria wre known as commensals, which has no relation with food- ome diseases. Howeves, theie presence in high minibers may cause spoilage of milk by means of feemettation, Hpolysis and proteolysis (Pushnell, 1985 and Rea eral, 1992), Dusing mill @ansporiation until being consumed ar processed, silk muy be exposed to contamination by many types of nneroorganisms, due to bad handling practices (Anon, 1972, Desai and 181 Natarajan, 1982 end Anon, 1998). One of the main changes that oceur in cis lactose fermentation, Uhis will alfet the TA which, i a Valuable tide in manufactering operations od for measuring the quality of dary product (Moustals, 1988). Microorganisms in milk are clasifed into two main categories, spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. Spoilage microorganisms jmasetoffflavor, increased acidity and subsequent low keeping quali Some of these are psychrotwophie misroorgenisms, suchas Psoudomonas fluorescence, Pseudomonas frag Bacilius, Clostridium, Conynehacterium, Arthvobacter, Micrococcut and Sireprococeut species. (Farbor ef ai, 1988 and Alice, 1997). One of the most impertaat pathogens ia milk is Staphylocaccus aureus that may cause food poisoning (Donaelly, 199%), Good initist'raw nik quality increased the period of keeping quality of pasteveized milk more than 22 days. In some cases, pasteurized milk had soceplable stondard APC after 42 days of storone (Quinn ea, 1994 and Desmoasure e a, 1997), “Health azards may originate from ingestion of maw onilk contaminated with pathogenic bacteria (Collis wad Lyne, 1987, CAMPBELT. er al, 1993). The presence of S. ewes in mil idieates, beside its ole in food poisoning, bad hygiene practice during milking, teansporiaion, handling and etail sale (Richardson, 1989). The pathogenic microorganisms in milk include | Mocobacterium tuberculosis, Brucella abortus, Brucella melitensis, Closridtum botulinum, Salmonella spp., Fniero-pathogenic F col O1S7: HT, Bacillus anthracis and pathogenic Strepioeoces (Felice etal, 1999), “The objectives ofthis study are the evaluation of the conctons under which milk is produced, handled, transported and mecketed in Jordan, In addition, the determinstion of fines of milk for humen ‘onsumption, depending on the Joranisn standards (354, 1987, Table 7) MATERIALS and METHODS Questionnaires concerning cow raw milk production and marketing: ‘Two fons of questionnaires have boon designed, one (Form A) for farmers and the other (form 3) for metiler, One hundred dairy farmers wer chosen according te the capacity of their farms and the other one hundred dairy retailers were chasen randoraly 10 evaluate the condition of milk at precuetion and retail Jove! 182 soon Vee ec J. Vel, 49 No, 98, mary 2003 Sampling ‘A toull of 160 raw cow milk samples were collected ftom sopermetkets and retailers in all governorates of northern Jordan (Icbi 40, Ramtha 20, Matak 20, Jerash 25, Ajloun 20 and northern Jordan valley 35 samples). The samples were collesed ducing, March 19 May 1999, inthe exely moming un-cooled fram containers of the dairy shops Collection, tensporation and preparation of samples wore based on the auideline described by the American Public Health Associstion (APHA, 1992}: Sanitary and keeping quality methods: Peroaidase test (APHA, 1992) ‘Only unheated till semples viere used for the sanhary and microbiological rests. Five milliliter of milk sample wece transferred into atest the, then I drop of 0.2% H202 and 2 drops of 29% paraphenyline diamine solution were added. The test tube was shaked well before reading the result. Appearance of dark le color means eaw milk while ted of no color means heated milk (80° C), Methylene Blue Reduction Time "MBRI” : “Asepieally, 10 zl of thoroughly mixed milk sample were placed ina stele est tube, Then, | ml of stundard sterile methylene bloe thioeynate solution was added to each tube. Tubes were closed tie and inverted thre times gently to completely spread the Blue color, then incubated in water bath at 37° C, The time of reduction of the ealar (decolorization) ftom blue to white was recorded ater 20 minutes, then very our for five hours, Tubes inverted gently to spread cream layer since microorganisms accumulate there. Any sample showed four-filh Df its column as white was recorded es decolorizad (Hogan oie, 1989), Conivol tubes were incubated with each patch of experimontl tubes, PHvalue ‘Measuring the natural acidity of milk was determined by using clectrometical pH meter. Before use soak the glass clectrode in & ‘potassium chloride solution for at Jest 2 ins. Clean the electiod with distil water and calibrate it daly by using buffer (pH:7 & 4) and blot by tissue paper. Place 30m of milk ina lean beaker (waem milk 0 25°C) then immerse the electrode direcly into the sample for a least 43 sevends until the reading stabilize then read the pH dieeetly 183 Assn Vet. Mad.L Vol $9 No, 96, Janwary 2003 3.4 Titeratable Acidity (.A.)(APILA, 1992) Tn a porcelain dish, 9 ml of well mixed milk sample was swansferced and died with 18 ml of carbon dioxide free water. Theo, 1 ‘ml of phenolphthalein (1% alcoholic solution) was added, After mixing, by using a burette containing sodium hycroxide solution NV/10, drop by top Was tlded until the appearance of ist persistent fait. pink color. “The ainount of alkali used was recorded in tation procedu: (Clot On Rolling "COB" (APHLA, 1992): Clean test ube containing 5 ml of milk sample was placed ia boiling water bath far $ minutes. The me as removed and rotated by hhands oithovt shuking, Clot formation or fine clot on the wall nt restried to the cream line inicated a postive result, Alcohol Precipitation Test "APT" (APIA, 1992): Tn 2 cloan dry tat tube, equal amounts (5 ml) of neutral ethyl alcoho! 68% (w/v) and anilk sample were mixed. Protein precipitate ‘adheres tothe wall ofthe tube was indicates a positive result. Microbiological methods: Preparation of samples and testing for; aerobic plates count, ‘Stuphylacocsi count, $ aureus, cliform count, Enterococci count and E faccalts were performed according tothe instructions of the Standard Methods for the Examination af Dairy Products (SMEDP) compiled by the APILA, Comuitee for the Microbiological Examination of Foods (Foster ef a, 1983 and Uo, ef af, 1990, APHA, 1992, Carteret a, 1995), RESULTS Questionn: "The results in Table 1 showed that 97¥6 of the farmers di not ‘have cooling system in thie farms and al of them did not cool the milk during teansportation, Also, the questionnaice indicated that 82% of the faxmers did not clean their cows udder before milking and 98% did not practice teat dipping. The bygienie sts and the procedures concerning aw cow milk production in northern Jordan are shown in ‘Table I. ‘Answers of 100 retailers are presented in Table 2 184 Asst Met Med J. Yok. $9.No 96 January 2008 ‘Table 1: Answers of 100 farmers about application of hygienic procedures ead 10 milk produetion in northeen Jona i. Naser a fame Porte: Yes Ko emer [a | | Dipole of esti ke ——— 0 Peto deat ft wa 0 Selig. fl onan us ar ( Examination of wer ete ing Ts [ier cleing bf king “ea ping practice - oo _Desef lane — ° Toe iyo sear ag pads Te 3H ‘ins work eet ary OTD 10] onic of bets nadia ca oe “Table 2: Answers of 100 retailers about enilk selling process in nonhert Tonlan Tero Paani Ye ke Shap a ing nd pT Too ‘Werks belts conn “Cooling ik ding seling OURS ———— Pretest ine Breuer Freene of einen a a= Mik geseuriaion ic sion ——— Uae of dines a ea ‘Table 3: Results of pH toss of 160 examined cow saw milk samples collected ftom northern Jordan. Pitrange 6.26.3 S| 185 fl Vet Med J. Vol. 49 No, 98, Jamars 2003 Sanitary parameters Milk acai PH test: ‘Table 3 dhustate the pH values of 160 milk samples examine. ‘The pll range besween 6.2-6.6 with a mona value of 6.56 + O11. ‘Titerntable acidity: Results of F-A. are demonstrated in Table 4, Only 74-001 of 160 ll samples examined bad LA 0.18% or less. The mean alue of TA. was 0.1999 + 0.083, The correlation coo ficient (0) of pH and T-A, for the examined milk samples was found to be 0.785 atthe 0.01 level of 2ualled analysis ‘Table 4: Results othe titratable act tests of 160 examined cow raw 5 + 0.199 3.0.033 a 4 2 5 030, 4 031 3 032 2 Reduction thne of methylene blue: ‘Remus are shown in Table 6. One hundred-twenty three (77%) cof the examined milk samples reduced the methylene blue beyond 10 hours, while 37(230) samples induced redueton within less than to hours, 186 Asst Het Mec Vab 49 No, 96 Jars 2008 Clot on boiling und aleohol presipication: ‘Results are demonstraid in Table 5 Fable 5: Clot on boiling test (COB) and alcohol precipitation test (APT) results of 160 raw cow milk samples colleced from nomtbern dordan. anne Unio ¥ Ne. feo 34 Bias 136 R75 r rH 258 [17 72 | 5: Resiles of reduston time of methylene Blue for 160 examined ____raw-cow milk samples collesied from northern Jordan Raducion time of merfiviene bive 1 | Te aisams | % a ‘Table 7: Percentage of ugreement of the sanitary and micrsbiologicsl parameters of 160 cow raw milk samples withthe Jordanian Sandards(J$8:1987 - Paransier [1881987 —~[Peroiage ofamresment_] [a oa [63 sal “Terabe Acidiy—_[0.18% [46 Reduction Time of” | 2houre 77 Methylene lus Clot On Boling Neonat Net precipitied <4X108 fv ‘Pathogenic bactoaa [Free aurora pres 584% of samples Microbiological parameters: Al facteral parameters ate presented in ‘Table 8. Acrabie plates count: ‘Tho total aerobic count ranged between 9.1X10" elm! and 9.3X10" cf! with a moan of 11,2X10" = 2X10" efeal, 187 sind Vet Med J. Val. 49 No, 96 January 2003 ‘Table 8: Frequency of the hacieril parameters of 160 cow raw mail samples colloted fo aorlhora Joedaa. aR wAT | TRIE ea] - et TAR aval | Beste | | aR SAT Coliforms count: nly 142 (88.75%) milk samples were contaminated by coliforms. The total coliforms count ranged between 2.5X10" efit and 14X10" clair, while the mean was 2 98X10" = £10" ofan Total Staphyfovocet: nly 128 (80%) milk samples were contaminated by Staphylocose!. The Staphylosnee! count ragged between I.OXT? efutm! tnd {.3X10* ofviml, The mean value yas 1.66X10" + 98X10" efi. Results of coagulase test are ilustrated in ‘Table 9 and sevealed that 75 (58.4%) of the Staphylococcus isolates were positive and 53 (41.6%) was negative. Enterocoseus and Enterococcus faecalis counts: Only 137 (86.6%) milk samples. were contaminaed by Enterococci, The Enterococcus count ranged beiween. 73X10" efuml and 85X10? and the mean value was 63X10%2.3X10" efulml. Fors five (2.96) of the Enterococci isolates were identified as Enteracoccus feacals. ‘Table 9: Resils of coagulase tests for Staphyloccect isolates obtained fiom 160 cow aw mi snmpls collected from northem Jordan Ne.oriotes CPS “ons? 128 No Na. % 75 Sad 3 a6 ‘CPS Congas postive SappToe ENS: Conia neve Staph locust 188 Aste De Med Vol 49 No. 96 Jonas 2008 DISCUSSION During ders retailers’ vss, milk was found 19 be kept in open buckets, which lid 1 contention, Reuilers usualy use plate eps to Bl the Polypropylane bags with milk. These cups were atten lel ob the table char they wexe exposed re dirt aad les. Most of dairy shops ‘were oad is confined paces lacking venlaion und cleaning and there were no uses of disinizlans, Iho mentioned conditions of milk production and handling may be responsible for the increase in the bacterial coum, which ates all values of sanitary ets ‘Teat dipping “which i not usually practiced by Jordanian fame" is highly effective in reducing the occurence of masts and then roduciag. contamination of raw ask (Farag, 1987). One of the ‘aly practices was the posipencmtent of delivery of the evening ilk to the nest dey duc to ack of tansporation. The mean of T.A, demonstrated in this study was higher (0.190% than that of 18-# (1987) us demonstated in Table 7 However it complies with Walkira ef al, (1984), who reported that TA. af most ilk examined ranged irom 6.18 0.21% tn this study, compat ate (CR) ofthe pleadings with the 38-4 wos 85.356 and dhe mean value was 635, wbich is acceptable by JS4 (Table 7). Whoveas, the CR of TA. was merely 46%. The differences in CR between pH and T.A, oqoats 40%, This cliference is due to many factors such as sofid-nofat content, specd of stmtion, atmospheric. tempersture and quay of the dilvent. The 184 specifications aowspl wide range of pe cadings, ening from 6.4 (06.8 This wide range included 86% ofthe examined milk simples, The dal af this sidy showed that when the value of pH increased towards 68, the valu of T-A.decteased toward les than (0.18% ‘Also, the bigh TA. values were compare with grow of high numbers of bacteria, whieh has beer found biher taa tat of the 18.3 ‘The coreltion of TA. and pH was found tbe 0.785 end for aerobic plate oun and pH was 0.735, which means hat there were almost near onelaton between T.A. and pi and between APC und pl forthe este mill, Jostanian specifications, indicted thatthe redvtion ine must be not before eve hours, stich means the presence of ot more than 4X10 efuiml raw cow milk a presumptive court, Reduesion time i agonorlly inversely propordonal to the baceal content of the lk Semple atthe saz of incubation (APHA, 1992). nthe sas, 25% of the examined milk samples have redaced methylene blue within Tess than 2 189 Assit Vor Med. J Vol 49.No_ 06 Jaa 2008 tas, which indent that 77% of the teste milk samples have tactal contents within the accepea level by US. The MBRT testis 0x8 parameter of sanitary stats of ilk, uccoring to which raw milk can be faded a grade | (RT>Shn), grade 2 (Rsk) and grade 3 (T> hss. Cloning of milk by boiling oceur when T.A. is 0.25% oF more (APH, 1992). The JS. reported thatthe (COB) postive test dicnes fines of milk fx heat weatet. This investigation demonsteated that, toiling cloned 34 samples (212). The COB results were comparable with the sus of alcohol precipitation test where 43 (26%) out of 160, Samples were precipitated (Table 7) ‘Further, the mean value of APC was higher tha that of LS. (2% 10° ctu, Table 7) and higher than that of Das and Nag, 1986, Ren et a, 1982 and Desmaaires ef a 1997, However its close fo the dines oF Aosiyun (1994) where the counts of 07 raw cow mak samples, ‘ged from 3.8310" #9 37X10" cf ad close to that of Farag (1987) whore the meas value of 100 ssmples of mw cow milk examined wos 14X10" efi “The achieved results proved that 3% of the semples had low ‘actevil count and considered as grade A ik. By wasing ther source, those samples were found produced from healthy cows, under high hygienic conditions and store in efcient cooling system. Grade A milk foun jo this study was Tow when compared with that ip USA, RS% ‘orowie, 1982). However, findings ofthis study indicated the presence 035% ofthe tested samples were of erie C, Mocoover, 8.75% of the tested saropies were conuminated wilh coliform, This indicates thatthe tested milk was contaminated with E folt, Klebsiela pp. and Briorobocter spp tat may xiginat fom so Utensils feed and Tees. ‘The mean value of clifrm counts was higher than the aeepied limit of the JS, Test washing and deving of cows, reded the ttl aerbichacterial cours by 40% and Swepiococal and coliform counts by 50% (Lampert, 1975}. The results of this investigation were in agreement with those ‘ound in Trine by Rone af (1992), tn contrat, fers fom tht of ‘Cebu etal (0) in Kenya, whore 422% and 10396 ofthe mile samples coletad irom farmer eas ad cooperative eas, spectively Taw milk may beoowe contaminated by Staphylocose rom: snclean udder, miller hands aad aastiie milk (Lancete and Tati, 1992). Many studics ascenalned that S. aureus in raw milk might criginae from sub-cinial or clinical masts end its presence he a7 190 sit Ve Fo 89 No. 95. ary 2093 rile hae been reported in eliFerent surveys (AbO-EL-Naga ef al 1985 and Ombui er af, 1994b). The pathogenie Staphylococci; , aureus, 8 intermedius and most of S hyiews ace coagulase positive is presence in ‘mw milk points 10 contamination, poor handling and “production conditions (Carter et ai, 1995). whereas the coagulase negative Staphylococei such as S. epidermials and 8. sqpropipticus occur as commensals and in the surounding enviroament (Ombui etal, 1992). ‘This ascerteined thatthe tested milk was contaminated and eacies tsk of Jnfection and food poisoning tothe consumers, Enlerncocei such as £. faccalls, F faechun, and E. dioans, may cease infection to human aad animals and their presence in. milk indicates faecal cortamination (Farag, 1987; Andrade ef a, (998 and Batish and Rungnathen, 1998). Also, 2 faccals is conimion inhabitant ‘of the intestinal sract of animals, humans and insects (Carter ef a 1995). Most strains of Z. faccalis can survive waditional milk pasteurization procedures up fo 72° C and resist vadiGionsl Heezing procedures. It-can grow in medium containing 6.5% NaCl aud at pL 96 (Ravanis and Lewis, 1995). Those propenis aseersan the necessity of het treatment to higher than 72°C. ‘Mousiata (1988) studied Ensereoveed in raw mill: produced fn Egypt and found the mean was 1.22 x 10° efieal, which is nwo times higher than tbat found in this study. Also, Moustala ascertained the presence of Emterococci in 92% of se examined samples, which is close to the findings of this study. Farag (1987) in Epypt examined 100 mile samples and reported Entevocacci in 97% of the samples. Further, he found thatthe mean of Enterococe! is 3.3 x 10" cfu] whieh, is close to the esults of this study The curent rasults allow to conclude that the raw cow milk produced in northern Jordan was highly comtaminated with various bacterial species, including; $. awreus, other Stapiplococcus spp. coliforms and £. feecalis. The presence of such high bacterial counts indicated that lk was produced, handled, transported and stored under tunhygienic conditions. A high agreement of comelstio between TA, pH and APC of the tested mill was found. The agreement of the results of sanitary tests with that of TS varies from 465 to 78%. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘The authors wishes to thanks the Faculty of Scientific Research at Jordan University of Science and Technology (UST) for funding this research (project no. 15/2000). 191 Asta Vor Med. 1 Vol 9 No. 96, January 2003 REFERENCES Abo-BLNaga, LG: Hessain. A. anid Sarkan, HR (1985)- Bacteria and ood organisons in milk, Nahrung, 29: 375-340. Adesiun, A. 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