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John Rommel Banzuela

Marikina Healthy City Center, 300 Shoe Avenue, Sto. Niño Marikina, 1800
Metro Manila

Contact no. 09074420570

Facebook Page:

October 01, 2019

Prepared by:

Abawag, Danica


Logronio, Arianne

Sareño, Lyka Mae

Somido, Shine Karylle

Tablizo, Jhanelle

Telebrico, Alexis

Due to our convenient product, we nurture the

Idea at giving enjoyment and affordable price

To our beloved customer which are our school community, family and

To the school community, who will help the student and teacher to build the
social and healthy surrounding through the taste of our innovate product

To the family who will experience an extraordinary relationship beyond the

product of our business

To all friends that will keep the unforgettable moment and strong
relationship that bonds the real meaning of friendship.


To be a well-known business that producing an innovative product in terms

of cheese industry and to distribute the product locally and internationally.


Aims to satisfy the customer especially those cheese hater and cheese lover
and also to satisfy our customer in there cravings through our delicious and
affordable product.

We are also wants to give a unique and new product in the market that will
bring closeness to society.

We are going to give a full service in the school community, family and
friends and give their expectation through our product.

Chizborito is a business focusing on the food industry it is located in

Marikina Health City Center, 300 Shoe Avenue, Sto. Niño, Marikina, 1800
Metro Manila and will be established based on the plan of the business. It is
established with the benefit for the customers as well as for the investors and
provides a unique and innovative cheese product around the world.

The business falls under the manufacturing path. The owner will
provide all the materials to get the expected and successful production of the
business. It will accomplish, guided by the business plan. It is a new
established business where in customers think that this new start-up business
will give a unique product.

The ownership status of the Chizborito business is general

partnership. It is owned by John Rommel Banzuela, Lyka Mae Sareño,
Jhanelle Tablizo, Danica Abawag, Shine Karylle Somido, Alexis Telebrico,
Arianne Logronio and Vanessa Cantoneros. Each owner invested 35,000
pesos that serves as their shares. All in all, 280,000 pesos is their starting

The Chizborito will help the society to bond and to create a strong
relationship. The school community is one of the target markets of the
Chizborito business that will help to build the communication between the
students and teachers. For the family who love to bond with food, the
Chizborito is a big help. It will give them an extraordinary relationship
beyond the product of the Chizborito. For the friendship that will keep the
unforgettable memories through the cheesy product of the Chizborito. The
main target market of the Chizborito is that inclined in cheese lover. We are
going to reach them through the unique and innovative product of
Chizborito. We are also aiming for that cheese hater to be a cheese lover, to
at least try the product offered by Chizborito.

The chosen market is reachable for the customers. We are concern for
their budget that’s why this business will give a friendly budget. They can
also contact the business through the Facebook page if they are going to buy
Chizboritoproduct for a convenient order.

The business has a main product which is the Chizborito Hotdog. The
customer will taste a new feeling that will satisfy them that leads them to
look for it all over again.Chizborito Hotdog has a secret ability on how to
make it with a unique taste. Free taste will be part of the plan and will be
done to promote the product and also to try if it is suited to the taste of the
customer. The product will reach the customer through the Facebook page of
the business. The business will also do the direct selling where owners have
a face-to-face conversation to the customer. The product is done through
innovating the original product and adding more twist to give a unique
product to the target market.

Chizborito Hotdog


 1 cup yellow cornmeal

 1 cup all-purpose flour
 1/4 teaspoon salt
 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
 1/4 cup white sugar
 4 teaspoons baking powder
 1 egg
 1 cup milk
 1 quart vegetable oil for frying
 Hotdog/sausage
 Cheese
 Prep 20 m
 Cook 20 m
 Ready In 40 m
1. In a medium bowl, combine cornmeal, flour, salt, pepper, sugar and
baking powder. Stir in eggs and milk.
2. Wrapped the mixture in a hotdog and include the cheese.
3. Preheat oil in a deep saucepan over medium heat. Insert wooden skewers
into frankfurters. Roll frankfurters in batter until well coated.
4. Fry 2 or 3 corn dogs at a time until lightly browned, about 3 minutes.
Drain on paper towels.
Cheese is a great source of calcium, fat, and protein. It also contains high
amounts of vitamins A and B-12, along with zinc, phosphorus, and
• Calcium: Builds healthy bones and teeth; maintains bone mass
• Protein: Serves as a source of energy; builds/repairs muscle tissue
• Potassium: Helps maintain a healthy blood pressure
• Phosphorus: Helps strengthen bones and generate energy
• Vitamin D: Helps maintain bones
• Vitamin B12: Maintains healthy red blood cells and nerve tissue
• Vitamin A: Maintains the immune system; helps maintain normal vision
and skin
• Riboflavin (B2): Converts food into energy
• Niacin: Metabolizes sugars and fatty acids In other words, milk packs
quite a punch when it comes to nutrition—and you don't have to drink a
gallon to reap the benefits, the National Dairy Council says. In fact, the
council says that just one 8-ounce glass of milk provides the same amount of
vitamin D you'd get from 3.5 ounces of cooked salmon, as much calcium as
2 1/4 cups of broccoli, as much potassium as a small banana, as much
vitamin A as two baby carrots and as much phosphorus as a cup of kidney
Chizborito Stick

 7 ounces cheddar cheese sliced
Into individual strips
(I used pinoy cheese for this recipe)
 30 pieces spring roll lumpia wrapper
 1 cup cooking oil
 Chili green
 Ham
 Cheese powder
1. Wrap the cheeses in spring roll wrapper
2. Heat the pan and pour-in the cooking oil. Let the oil heat-up for a few
minutes. (Use a smaller pan to save oil)
3. Deep-fry the cheese in spring roll wrapper (uncooked cheese sticks) for 4
minutes or until the color of the spring roll wrapper turns golden brown.
4. Remove from the pan and place in a plate with paper towel. Let stand for
a few minutes for the oil to drain.
5. Serve with mayonnaise and ketchup dip.
Chizborito Cheese Roll
• 2 potatoes boiled, peeled and mashed
• 1/2 cup cheese grated (I used cheddar)
• 1 small onion finely chopped
• 1 small carrot grated
• Handful coriander leaves finely chopped
• 2 - 3 green beans finely chopped
• 1/2 cup bread crumbs + some for coating
• To taste salt (keep in mind the cheese
would have)
• 1/2 tsp black pepper
• Oil for deep frying
1. Mix all the ingredients together apart from the oil plus bread crumbs
for coating the rolls
2. Wetting your hands a bit shapes them into mini rolls or any other
shape you like.
3. Roll them in some more bread crumbs and fry till golden brown
 Bone health
 Anti-Blood pressure
 Heart health
 Inflammation
 Anti-Cancer
IV. Market Strategies

The location of our business is located outside of the Marikina Health

City Center, 300 Shoe Avenue, Sto. Niño, Marikina, 1300 Metro Manila.
The size of our business unit is 40 sq. meters outside the Riverbanks mall.

We put up our business in Riverbank because there’s an adequate

percentage of population and the place is crowded which we can get more
customers. The shopper’s inside of the mall can be the possible customers of
our product, but we are aiming for those cheese lover who will attract to our
innovative product. The tourists or visitors of the place can also be our
customers who are now in the surrounding that they visit, and it is possible
that they would try our offered product. The family who will have a bonding
time friend who visit the place to keep memories and our main target market
are those cheese lovers.

4.1 Demographic Information

Age group Population (2015) Age group percentage

Under 1 530 1.72%

1 to 4 2,020 6.57%

5 to 9 2,674 8.69%

10 to 14 2,887 9.39%

15 to 19 3,038 9.88%

20 to 24 3,037 9.87%

25 to 29 2,795 9.09%

30 to 34 2,453 7.97%

35 to 39 2,160 7.02%

40 to 44 2,030 6.60%

45 to 49 1,800 5.85%

50 to 54 1,543 5.02%

55 to 59 1,276 4.15%

60 to 64 894 2.91%

65 to 69 633 2.06%

70 to 74 381 1.24%

75 to 79 308 1.00%

80 and others 300 0.98%

Total 30,759 100.00%

Base on NSO record, Barangay Sto. Niño population as of 2015 is

30,759, 6.82% of the total population of Marikina. The latest census figures
in 2015 denote a positive growth rate of 3.16% or an increase of 4,639
people from the previous population of 26,120 in 2010. It shows that there’s
a possible to get a customer ages from 15-19, hence they are in demand in
the society.

4.2 Determination of the Market Share

15% 20%
Siomai House
Belgian Waffles
Potato Corner
Street Foods
25% Chizborito

The total population is 30,759 as of 2015 census Barangay Sto. Niño.

The estimated target market is 9,000. We are pointing to get the ideal 25%
(2,250) of the total market share within 3 months.

As shown on the graph, the total market share, the Chizborito estimate
a 5% market share from the total population. Street foods is the second to the
lowest of the market share, because they are actually selling anywhere and
customers around the river banks mall can afford an expensive product.
Siomai house got a 20% of the total market share, since they are not new
established, they are common in the market. Belgian waffles got 25%, since
¼ of the customers afford their product. And the biggest market share is the
Potato corner. They got 35% on the market share, because they provide a
product that is suited on the taste of the customers, and because they are
already emerging in the market.

Determining the Firm’s Market Share

Number of the prospect in the target market 10,000 customers

Frequency of purchase per month 16 times
Total number of purchase per month 160,000
Average payment for purchase 10,000
Projected total industry sale per month 1,600,000

Percentage the firm can attain 5%


4.3 Positioning Strategy

Positioning Message

For individuals who love cheese, Chizborito is the best and unique
taste of cheese that delivers happiness and contentment feeling unlike other
cheese options, so they can enjoy eating a Chizborito product and feel
pleasantly new to society because the brand is intensely focused on the
needs and wants of customers providing the high quality of service unique
product innovation.

Positioning Statement

The main ingredients of Chizborito is cheese. They are aiming for

those cheese lovers with a healthy benefits and to give a satisfaction to
customers. To give a benefits to customers is a way to make the customer
loyal to your particular offered product or service and to make them stay to
you or what we called “suki”.

Conducting a tagline is also a way to make the customer aware to

your established business. Chizborito create a tagline which says, “Favorite
cheese of everyJuan. Choose, Chizborito”. They believe that those Filipino’s
favorite cheese was Chizborito.


“Favorite Cheese of EveryJuan? Choose, Chizborito.”

Forecasti ng Of Future Sales Per -



600,000 564,084


400,000 376,056


200,000 167,136


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

The forecasted future sales of Chizborito is shown within 5

consecutive years. The forecasted sales will be the guideto have a hint on
what are the possible sales you might get within a year. On 2019, shows that
167,136 sales growing up to 250,704 sales for the next year until it grows
846,126 for 5 years. We computed it by forecasting an additional half of the
first sales every year.

This would be our reference for the future of the business that we
build. It is also to know if the said forecasted sales every year is exactly the
same as with the actual sales that Chizborito have.

We can conclude that it might be possible to reach this forecasted sale

by having a determination to reach the goal or objectives that the Chizborito
set. It is also to help the community to raise the economic status.

4.4 Pricing Strategy


Description Quantity Cost Total

Cheese 1 box P130.00

Wrapper 4 batch P32.00
Cooking Oil 1 Liter P50.00
Chili Green ¼ Kilo P30.00
Cheese Powder 1 Pack P25.00
Transportation 2 rides P19.00
Rent consumed used per day P10.00
Utilities consumed used per day P10.00
Total: P306.00


Total Expenses/Piece of Product x Profit Margin

306 ÷ 50 = 6.12

6.12 × 35% = 2.14

6.12 + 2.14 = 8.26


Description Quantity Cost Total

Potato 1 kg P86
Cheese 1 box P130
Cheese powder 1 pack P25
Bread crumbs 1 pack P25
Cooking oil 1 liter 50
Paper cups 2 pack P40
Sticks 1 pack P12
Egg 4 pcs. P32
Transportation 2 rides P20
Rent consumed used per day P10
Utilities consumed used per day P10
Total P440


Total Expenses/Piece of Product x Profit Margin

440 ÷ 60 = 7.33

7.33 × 35% = 2.57

7.33 + 2.57 = 9.90

Description Quantity Cost Total

Flour 1kg P44

Evaporada 2 can P54
Stick 2 pack P24
Hotdog 1 pack P150
Cheese 1 box P130
Egg 2 pcs. P16
Baking 1 pack P15
Cooking oil 1 liter P50
Transportation 2 rides P16
Rent consumed used per day P10
Utilities consumed used per day P10
Total P519

Total Expenses/Piece of Product x Profit Margin

519 ÷ 48 = 10.81

10.81 × 35% = 3.78

10.81 + 3. 78 = 14.59


Cost plus pricing involves adding a markup to the cost of goods and
services to arrive at a selling price. Under this approach, you add together
the direct material cost, direct labor cost, and overhead costs for a product,
and add to it a markup percentage in order to derive the price of the product.
Cost plus pricing can also be used within a customer contract, where the
customer reimburses the seller for all costs incurred and also pays a
negotiated profit in addition to the costs incurred.

4.5 Distribution Strategy



The figure shows the arrangements of distribution of our product,

where Chizborito Stick, ChizboritoCheeseroll and Chizborito Hotdog will
get the ingredients needed to the supplier to lessen the expenses. The raw
materials will be used by the Chizborito and the finished product will be
distributed to customer. The wholesaler will act as contingency plan in case
the supplier cannot provide the ingredients.

4.6 Promotional Strategies

Chizborito has its different promotional strategies to promote more

the existing business they have.
1. Social Media

Technology is emerging in the society

today. We can use it to reach your
chosen customers and to give them an
idea and information about your start-
up business, since everyone is using
different kinds of websites or apps,
most especially Facebook and others.

2. Tarpaulin

Coming up with a tarpaulin will

help the business to grow. You can
reach your target customer using this
kind of promotional strategy since it is
very durable for everyone to see.

3. Leaflets

It is very useful to reach the customer by

creating and distributing a leaflets to
give them an information about the
product and service that you will offer. It
can attract more customer with the use
of your skills in editing.

Sales Promotion

 Buying our product will allow the customers to take part in a chance
to win price.
 Our customer receive coupons that enables them to buy the product
next time at a reduced price.
 The first 50 customers who will purchase our product will receive
50% discount.

Public Relation

We will host a V.I.P Dinner before the ‘Grand Opening’. This will serve
the dual purpose of training our staff and introducing ourselves to the
community. We will invite some individuals in our V.I.P dinner like the
employees in the BPO, tenants of the mall.

Gantt chart
Promotional Social Media
Strategies Tarpaulin Leaflets











The Gantt chart shows our yearly promotional strategies. The color
yellow represent the usage of promotion each particular month. Social media
given a chance to use every year since it is always done. Nowadays, people
got attracted on what we saw and experience through to social media until
the world knows about our product. The tarpaulin and leaflets usage are
intervals used since it is not always needed in a particular month, and it is
for October, for start-up, January for the New Year coming and May for
summer and June for school starting day, which represents each season to
promote and to have a chance a bigger customer.


To be a competitive existing business, SWOT Analysis a

helpful tools to know the advantages and disadvantages to competitors.
 Affordable price that
anyone can buy.
 It is easy to appreciate.
 Our product is innovative
and good quality

 Lack of experience.
 Newly established
 We doesn’t recognized
yet because our business
is our first branch.

 The place where the
business is located near in
the mall.
 And also we are located
in park.

 We are surrounded by
many competitors.
 Natural Calamities.

VI. Operation and Management

Floor plan
Floor Plan (Manufacturing and Store area)

Floor plan layout shows the equipment that will be used in production
and each of them are use full in the operation of the business. In the right
side of the shop will be the cooking area, washing area and the place for the
preparation of the food and exterior serving counter for the takeout. In the
left side of shop will be the dining area and the interior cafe. At the rear side
is the door (entrance and exit).

1. Working area/Cashier
2. Kitchen Area
3. Storage Room
4. Dining area
5. Comfort room
6. Specialty Customer’s Table
7. Executive and Private Table

Organizational Structure

John Rommel Banzuela

(General Manager)
Lyka Mae Sareno JhanelleTablizo Danica Abawag
(Cashier) (Usherette) (Chef)

Alexis Telebrico Vanessa

(Waiter 1) Cantoneros
(Janitor 1)

Shine Arianne Logronio

KarylleSomido (Janitor 2)

The organizational structure will be used by the Chizborito for the

business to operate properly.Thestructure shows the given task and/or
position of each member/owner. The owner of the business will be the head
manager. Under manager will be the responsible head chef to assist all the
cookingand packing process, the Cashier was assigned for the inflow of the
money in front of the customer, the Usherette was assign to communicate
and welcome the customer entering in the store, the Waiters were assign to
serve the customers properly with good mannersand the Janitors were assign
to maintain the cleanliness and organization of the materials of the firm.

Duties and Responsibilities

Chizborito has an organizational which shows the hierarchy of the position
of an individual. The assigned position has its own duties and
responsibilities that is needed to accomplish.

General Manager Duties & Responsibilities

 Oversee daily operations of the business unit or organization.

 Ensure the creation and implementation of a strategy designed to grow
the business.
 Coordinate the development of key performance goals for functions
and direct reports.
 Provide direct management of key functional managers and
executives in the business unit.
 Ensure the development of tactical programs to pursue targeted goals
and objectives.
 Ensure the overall delivery and quality of the unit's offerings to
 Engage in key or targeted customer activities.

 Oversee key hiring and talent development programs.

 Evaluate and decide upon key investments in equipment,
infrastructure, and talent.
 Communicate strategy and results to the unit's employees.
 Report key results to corporate officers.
 Engage with corporate officers in broader organizational strategic

Cashier Duties & Responsibilities

 Handle cash, credit or check transactions with customers

 Scan goods and collect payments
 Ensure pricing is correct
 Issue change, receipts, refunds, or tickets
 Redeem stamps and coupons
 Count money in cash drawers at the beginning and end of shifts to ensure
that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change
 Make sales referrals, cross-sell products and introduce new ones
 Resolve customer complaints, guide them and provide relevant
 Bag items carefully
 Greet customers when entering or leaving establishment
 Maintain clean and tidy checkout areas
 Keep reports of transactions
 Process returns and check to see if items are damaged
 Answer customers' questions and get a manager if answer doesn't solve
the issue
 Bag, box or wrap packages
 Pleasantly deal with customers to ensure satisfaction.

Usherette Duties & Responsibilities

 Greet patrons attending entertainment events.

 Greet customers, patrons, or visitors.
 Operate refreshment stands during intermission or obtain refreshments
for press box patrons during performances.
 Sell products or services.
 Count and record number of tickets collected.
 Prepare operational reports or records.
 Lead tours and answer visitors' questions about the exhibits.
 Provide attraction or event information to patrons.
 Sell or collect admission tickets, passes, or facility memberships from
patrons at entertainment events.
 Sell products or services.
 Clean facilities.
 Clean work areas or facilities.
 Settle seating disputes or help solve other customer concerns.
 Mediate disputes.
 Resolve customer complaints or problems.
 Manage inventory or sale of artist merchandise.
 Sell products or services.
 Maintain supply or equipment inventories.
 Examine tickets or passes to verify authenticity, using criteria such as
color or date issued.
 Verify patron or staff credentials.
 Provide assistance with patrons' special needs, such as helping those
with wheelchairs.
 Assist individuals with special needs.
 Guide patrons to exits or provide other instructions or assistance in
case of emergency.
 Usher patrons to seats or exits.
 Verify credentials of patrons desiring entrance into press box and
permit only authorized persons to enter.
 Verify patron or staff credentials.
 Refuse admittance to undesirable persons or persons without tickets or
 Verify patron or staff credentials.
 Distribute programs to patrons.
 Provide attraction or event information to patrons.
 Assist patrons by giving directions to points in or outside of the
facility or providing information about local attractions.
 Provide patrons with directions to locales or attractions.
 Assist patrons in finding seats, lighting the way with flashlights, if
 Usher patrons to seats or exits.
 Maintain order and ensure adherence to safety rules.
 Monitor environment to ensure safety.
 Give door checks to patrons who are temporarily leaving
 Search for lost articles or for parents of lost children.
 Manage informational kiosks or displays of event signs or posters.
 Work with others to change advertising displays.
 Page individuals wanted at the box office.
 Schedule or manage staff, such as volunteer usher corps.
 Supervise service workers.
 Assign duties or work schedules to employees.
Chef Duties & Responsibilities

 Set up the kitchen with cooking utensils and equipment.

 Study each recipe and gather all necessary ingredients.
 Cook food in timely manner.
 Delegate tasks to kitchen staff.
 Inform wait staff about daily specials.
 Ensure appealing plate presentation.
 Supervise cooks and assist as needed.
 Slightly modify recipes to meet customers’ needs and requests.
 Monitor food stock and place orders.
 Check freshness of food and discard out-of-date items.
 Experiment with recipes and suggest new ingredients.
 Ensure compliance with all health and safety regulations within the
kitchen area.

Waiter Duties & Responsibilities

 Provide the perfect service experience for every guest.

 Ensure the guest feels important and welcome in the restaurant.
 Ensure hot food is hot and cold food is cold.
 Adhere to timing standards for products and services.
 Look for ways to consolidate service and increase table turns.
 Present menu, answer questions and make suggestions regarding food
and beverages.
 Serve the guest in an accommodating manner.
 Must know all food liquor, beer, wine, and retail offered.
 Pre-bus tables; maintain table cleanliness, bus tables.
 Looks for ways to avoid waste and limit costs.
 Assist in keeping the restaurant clean and safe.
 Provide responsible service of alcoholic beverages.
 Deliver food and beverages to any table as needed.
 Must follow all cash handling policies and procedures.
 Report to property on time and in proper uniform.
Janitor Duties & Responsibilities

 General cleaning of the building and keeping it maintained and in

good condition.
 Vacuum, sweep and map floors.
 Cleaning and stock restrooms.
 Ensured doors are locked after hours.
 Clean up spills with appropriate equipment.
 Perform minor repairs.
 Notify supervisors or managers of major repairs.
 Collect and dispose a trash.
 Complete tasks in a timely manner with minimal supervision.
 Keep cleaning supplies in stock.
 Work with a contract cleaning service when necessary.
Production Process
1. Prepare all the ingredients needed in
making a cheese stick.

2. Prepare the
equipment and
tools needed by
the production.

3. Cut the cheese

into tiny pieces,
remove the seed
of the chili green, and cut the wrapper into 2 piece.

4. Let the pan be heated in the gas

stove and after that put an oil to be
heated also.

5. When the pan is already fixed,

fry the cheese stick.

1. Prepare all the ingredients needed
in making the Chizborito hotdog or
the corndog.

2. Mix all the dry ingredients and dip the hotdog.

3. Heat the pan until it was ready. Fry altogether the hotdog that
you dip in the mixture

1. Prepare all the ingredients and first thing
to do is to slice the potato into tiny pices.

2. Boil the sliced potato until it was cooked.

3. After the potato was boiled, smash to create a small ball to put
the cheese inside of it then dip it into the egg.

4. Before you fry the dipped cheese roll, roll it into the
breadcrumbs to be tastier when it is cooked.

Materials Handling Design



It is a flat bottomed pan used for

frying, searing and borrowing

Is an object with holes which
you pour a liquid through in
order to separate the liquid from
the solids in it.


Tongs are a type of tool used to

grip and lift objects instead of
holding them directly with

That is instead to be used in food

preparation. While much of this
work can be accomplished with a
few general.

Beat or stir with a light rapid


Is a deep bowl that is particularly

well suited for mixing ingredients
together in.

It bakes the hotdog instead of

It is a durable board on which to
place material for cutting.

Operation Expense
Electric Bill Php10,000-
Water Bill 7,000-
WiFi 3,000-
Equipment/Tools 40,000-
Total: 60,000-

General Manager Php 40,000-
Usherette 18,000-
Cashier 11,000-
Janitor 10,000-
Waiter 11,500-
Total: 102,500-



Capital Requirement

Advertising Expense 8,000

Operating Expense 60,000

Rent Expense 10,000

Salaries Expense 102,500

Total 180,500


Projected Income Statement
For the three months ended December 31, 2019

Gross Income Sales P 600,000-

Food Cost (16,020-)

Gross Profit P 583,980-

` Operating Expense
Rent P 30,000-
Salaries 307,500-
Utilities 60,000-
Advertising Expense 8,000- (421,500-)
Net Profit P 162,480-

Projected Balance Sheet
For the three months ended December 31, 2019


Current Assets

Cash P 367,480-

Supplies 25,000-

Inventory 15,000-

Total Current Assets P 402,480-

Non-current Asset

Equipment 40 000-

Total Assets P 442,480-


Capital, Ending P 280 000-

Net Income 162,480-

Total Owner’s Equity P 442,480-


Projected Cash Flow Statement

For the three months ended December 31, 2019

Operating Activities

Cash received from:

Sales P 322,570-

Cash Payment for:

Various Expenses (195,090-)

Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities P 127,480-

Investing Activities

Bought Equipment (40 000- )

Net Cash Outflow from Investing Activities (P 40,000-)

Financing Activities

Investment from Owner 280,000-

Net Cash Inflow from Financing Activities P 280,000-

Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalence P 367,480-

Add: Cash and Cash Equivalence, Beginning 0

Cash and Cash Equivalence, Ending P 367,480-

Name: Lyka Mae T. Sareño
Address:Prk. 6 Zone 8 Brgy.Cupang, Antipolo City

Mobile No.: 09075537421


Age: 18 years old

Date of Birth: September 20,2001

Place of Birth: Marikina City

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Height: 5’7

Weight: 40



Marikina High School 2019-2020

F.Torres, Concepcion Uno


Cupang Elementary School 2013-2014

Cupang, Antipolo City

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with my best

Applicant’s Signature
Name: John Rommel D. Banzuela
Address: #49 Mangga St., Riverside, San Mateo, Rizal

Mobile No.: 09074420570


Age: 18 years old

Date of Birth: November 27,2002

Place of Birth: San Mateo, Rizal

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Height: 5’6

Weight: 42



Marikina High School 2019-2020

F.Torres, Concepcion Uno


Sto.Niño Elementary School 2013-2014

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with my best

Applicant’s Signature
Address: Purok 5, Zone 8, Cupang, Antipolo City

Mobile no.: 0907682063


Age: 18 years old

Date of Birth: October 19,2000

Place of Birth: Marikina City

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Status

Sex: Female

Height: 5’1

Weight: 40



Marikina High School 2019-2020

F.Torres, Concepcion Uno


Cupang Elementary School 2013-2014

Cupang, Antipolo City

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with my best

Applicant’s Signature
Name: Danica Abawag
Address: Purok 5, Zone 8, Cupang, Antipolo City

Mobile No.: 09153445973


Age: 17 years old

Date of Birth: May 13,2002

Place of Birth: Marikina City

Religion: MCGI

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Height: 4’5

Weight: 45



Marikina High School 2019-2020

F.Torres, Concepcion Uno


Cupang Elementary School 2013-2014

Cupang, Marikina City

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with my best

Applicant’s Signature
Name: Jhanelle A. Tablizo
Address: Purok 4, Zone 8, Cupang, Antipolo City

Mobile No.: 09100558883


Age: 18 years old

Date of Birth: July 22,2001

Place of Birth: Marikina City

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Height: 5’4

Weight: 60



Marikina High School 2019-2020

F.Torres, Concepcion Uno


Cupang Elementary School 2013-2014

Cupang, Antipolo City

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with my best

Applicant’s Signature
Name: Vanessa Cantoneros
Address: Cupang, Antipolo City

Mobile No.: 09394396864


Age: 18 years old

Date of Birth: November 29,2001

Place of Birth: Cainta, Rizal

Religion: Jehovah’s Witness

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Height: 6

Weight: 60



Marikina High School 2019-2020

F.Torres, Concepcion Uno


Cupang Elementary School 2013-2014

Cupang, Antipolo City

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with my best

Applicant’s Signature
Name: Shine Karylle D. Somido
Address: #5 Javier compound Santan St. Fortune Marikina City

Mobile No.: 09508498629


Age: 17 years old

Date of Birth: April 14,2002

Place of Birth: Marikina City

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Height: 5’5

Weight: 50



Marikina High School 2019-2020

F.Torres, Concepcion Uno


ForuneElementary School 2013-2014

Marikina City

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with my best

Applicant’s Signature
Name: Alexis V. Telebrico
Address: Purok 2, Zone 8, Cupang, Antipolo City

Mobile No.: 09120151411


Age: 17 years old

Date of Birth: May 02,2002

Place of Birth: Malabon City

Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Height: 5’2

Weight: 50



Marikina High School 2019-2020

F.Torres, Concepcion Uno


Partida Elementary School 2013-2014

Muzon, Bulacan City

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with my best

Applicant’s Signature


I, John Rommel Banzuela, a General Manager of Chizborito Corp., agree and consent that the
Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”), and other regulatory agencies with
which the Commission may coordinate and cooperate, may collect, use, disclose, share and
process personal information of individuals provided in this form and/or other corporate
documents submitted and filed with the Commission, for the purpose of implementing the
provisions of the Guidelines set forth in SEC Memorandum Circular No. ____ (s. 2018).

Further, I declare under the penalty of perjury that all matters set forth herein have been
made in good faith, duly verified by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief, are true
and correct.

Done this October day of 01, 2019 in Sto. Nino, Marikina City.
Signature over Printed Name

Subscribed and sworn to before me in __________________________________ on ____________________,

affiant personally appeared before me and exhibited to me his/her competent evidence of
identity _____________________________________ issued at ____________________ on

NOTARY PUBLIC FOR _______________

Notarial Commission No. ____________
Valid until _____________________________
Roll of Attorney No. __________________
PTR No. ________________________________
IBP No. ________________________________
Office Address: _______________________

Doc. No. ________

Page No. ________
Book No. ________
Series of ________.
Chizborito is a manufacturing business where in, the business
itself produce or create its own product with new innovative ideas in an
affordable price to be distributed in the market and to satisfy the needs and
wants of our customers especially to those individuals who love so much
cheese products.

The Chizborito, General manager and its staff and members, is

the one who will produce money for the capital of the business, and the total
amount needed to build the business is Php280,000. The owners invested
Php35,000 each to meet the capital needed for the business.

The capital Php280,000 will be used for building the business

and for making the products of Chizboritobusiness, which are the Chizborito
Stick, ChizboritoCheeseroll, and Chizborito Hotdog.


Control No. : _________________

I.D. No. : _________________


This is to certify that John Rommel Banzuelalegal age, single, Filipino

Citizen is a bonafide resident of #49 Mangga St., Riverside, San Mateo,
Rizal he is known to me with a Good Moral character, law abiding citizen in
the community. He has NO CRIMINAL RECORD found in our Barangay

This certification is being issued upon the request of the aforementioned to

support his businessrequirement purpose only.

This certification is issued in accordance to the implementation of the

provision of the NEW LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE of 1991 and for
whatever legal purpose it may serve best.

Signed this 05 day of October, 2019, Barangay Sto. Niño, Marikina City

Prepared by:

Authorized Persons with office position and signatures.

Note: Erasures, alteration and without the signature of the Brgy. Councilor
makes this Barangay Certificate invalid.
12- ABM D
(Group 4)

Banzuela, John Rommel

Abawag, Danica

Cantoneros, Vanessa

Logronio, Arianne

Sareño, Lyka Mae

Somido, Shine Karylle

Tablizo, Jhanelle

Telebrico, Alexis

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