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Future tense
Future simple tense 未来简单式--表达发生于未来的动作/动态
(Eg. Tomorrow / Next week / Next month…)

 Will + V
-I will / won’t visit my grandpa this weekend.
-Will / Won’t you see the movie with me tomorrow.
-She will / won’t solve the math problem for me.

 Be going to + V
-I am going / am not going to clean my room.
-Are / Aren’t you going to do homework with me.
-They are / aren’t going to visit London next week.

 Question
- Will + Subject + V
- ( am / is / are ) + Subject + Going to + V

 表达个人意志时,助动词皆用 will
-No matter what you say, I will go with you.
-He will join our team.

Future progressive tense 未来进行式--表达未来某一段时间/时刻正在进行的动作

 Will + be + V-ing
-What will / won’t you be doing this time tomorrow?
-We will / won’t be building a new library next month.

 可表原因,结果和可能
-If you don’t work hard, you will not be passing the exam.

Future perfect tense 未来完成式—表达未来某时刻前已完成的动作/经验

(常用 by 引导表示未来时间)

 Will + have + p.p

-I will have graduated by 2000.
-I will have left army on April 24th
 叙述事情持续到未来某时,已经有若干时间
-He will have worked here for three years by next month.

 表示推测到现在
-Mary will have received my letter now.
(Mary 现在应该收到我的信了)

Future perfect progressive tense 未来完成进行式—表达在未来某时刻开始到未来


 Will + have + been + V-ing

-I will have been waiting 3 hours when the train arrives.

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