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1. What is your stand about communications nowadays?

People all across the world increasingly rely on technology and social media to
communicate and acquire information without having to make personal contact as a result
of the pandemic. This is the benefit of technology, but there's more to it than meets the eye.
It may also create chaos with a single click. Given these circumstances, my stand would be
that I support the idea that communication nowadays is made easier. But, I would advocate
for the appropriate use of these platforms. It is true that it can assist us in communicating.
However, it may also be the source of our uncertainties and problems. We should use this
method of communication responsibly and keep in mind that true communication must still
be felt and real, that it must be done physically and with the presence of understanding.

2. What can you say about social media in terms of disseminating information?

In a mass-production setting, the term "dissemination" simply refers to the flow of

information. Individuals in today's culture use two basic channels to communicate
information: traditional and social media. We do, however, rely significantly on social media
as a result of the pandemic. As we continue to live in a world consumed in the pandemic, I
can state that social media is a powerful tool for disseminating information, and we must be
aware of and analytical of how we acquire news, given the popularity of fake news. We
should be able to tell the difference between trusted and reliable information versus hoaxes.
We can prevent the spread of fake news and the chaos that follows by being informed
about it.

3. As a college student, what can you contribute to the la salle lipa for spreading the truth
and justice in using the social media platform?

Rather than being uninformed and distributing news and information without
evaluating it, I will share information from reputable and credible sources. As a result, the
truth will emerge and justice will be served because people will be able to obtain what they
deserve. I can also influence my students, friends, and family by teaching them how to
recognize misleading news on the internet. These actions may seem small, but they are
significant, and as a La Salle Lipa college student, I want to be an example to others that if
we all work together to eliminate inaccurate news online, we can make a difference. By
doing this w e can help others and teach the future generation how to be aware while we
achieve greatness.

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