Module4 Video Conference Final

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Module 4: Videoconference

Thomas Tessin, Navroz Takhar, and Summer Schnell

Screenshot of meeting:


Module 4: Videoconference

During the Zoom meeting, I presented the team with my own ideas, which included being

an organization that would help foster care children. Particularly, our focus would be to target

foster group homes and bring joy to the children’s life. For example, our organization could

survey a foster care home and see what kind of activities the children enjoy. If there were a lot

of eight to 10 year old boys who enjoyed sports, the organization could rent out a local football

field and have a mini-season of sorts. If it were girls and they enjoyed gymnastics, the

organization could reach out to local gymnastic centers to see if they were willing to donate

some time so that these children could come in and participate. The entire goal was to bring joy

to their life as oftentimes, they are stuck inside these foster care homes with limited activity.

The organization would hope that many of these businesses would donate their time and

resources, maybe in hopes of our organization promoting their name as a sponsorship of sorts.

To gain awareness for the project, our organization could place donation bins or even place

banners at locations that have a lot of children’s activity. For example, a zoo or a gymnastics

gym. As the patrons are leaving, they could see a banner with a child looking sad, and our

slogan could be something along the lines of “Your child had fun today, but unfortunately, this

child didn’t. Your donation could change that.” While I feel the target could be more toward

parents with children as I feel they could empathize more with a child living in a broken home,

but I would want to expand everyone as there could be many people attending that maybe grew

up in foster care or knew of someone who did.

In the meeting, there was a total of three, including myself. The other two members

included Summer and Navroz. Summer presented us with the idea of creating a pilot program

that could help people recycle plastic more as well as reduce plastic consumption in stores. This

could include using incentives, such as kiosks at local stores, where you could bring in your

plastics and then receive points, in which you can eventually cash out for a gift card. The

organization could also work on cleanup days that focused on areas where a lot of plastic may be

present. She would want the organization to target millennials via social media as well as

through in-store advertising. Her slogan was “fill your cup, unfill the environment.” I thought it

was a great slogan that aligned with the focus of the organization’s vision. Nav presented us with

the idea of closing the income gap, and the organization would want to work toward meeting

with community leaders, such as government officials, to see what can be done to bring

awareness to this problem as well as come to a resolution. Nav admitted that he didn’t come as

prepared as he wanted to be, so I wasn’t able to write down as many points as Summer stated.

Overall, our team brainstormed the three ideas presented and we liked everything we

heard as they were all great social justice issues. In the end, we agreed upon working on the

plastics idea as we feel society can resonate more with that idea than that of the other two. The

income gap idea may have been too complicated, whereas the foster children’s idea was fine, we

felt Summer had a better jump start than I had in my facts. She showed her work and gathered a

few facts to back up why this is important. Our organization is going to focus on the many ways

to reduce plastics in local stores as well as incentivize people to bring their plastics into a store

for a gift card, etc if they are unable to recycle at home. Our organization will target millennials

as Summer had facts to back up that this generation seems to be the most interested in terms of

environmental justice issues than any other generations. Our advertising will be done on both

social media, such as Instagram and Facebook, as well as in-store signage.

Two key discussion points in the meeting involved around two things. For one, we had a

lot of questions for one another as we wanted to understand what this organization entailed as

well as how it could help society. All three of us refreshed our thoughts twice so that we knew

which idea made the most sense. As mentioned, we ended up going the plastics route, but we

had to think of the pros and cons of each option to figure out why we shouldn’t pick it or why it

would make sense. We asked questions, confirmed our suspicions, and wrote down notes as

each speaker presented their thoughts. Overall, the group liked all three of the ideas, and it was

very tough to decide upon an idea. As our group was very pleasant, there were no disagreements

nor did we fight on any issues. It was truly a pleasure to work with everyone as we

communicated professionally and really figured out what would work best for all of us and our

mock organization. In the end, we took a vote and agreed to the plastics issue, but did agree that

most of these ideas did make sense to go with.

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