Thy 4 Course Inquiry Project Prelims Period1 1

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Academic Year: 2021-2022, 2nd Term



INSTITUTE OF RELIGION Grading Period: Prelims


Faculty of Engineering
College Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Arts and Letters
Course Title Living the Christian Vision in the Contemporary World (THY 4)
Date Assigned February 3, 2021
Period of Assignment 3 weeks
Title of AT Dialogue with the Other, Encounter with Another
Units of
Units 1 and 2
Concepts and Research, Concept Building, Critical Thinking,
Skills Creative Thinking, Collaboration, Digital Literacy
Nature of Assessment Task Involvement ❑ Individual ❑ Pair ❑ Team
Date of
February 19, 2021
❑ Servant Leadership
❑ Effective Communication and Collaboration
Alignment ❑ Critical and Creative Thinking
❑ Lifelong Learning

CILO 1.1; CILO1.2; CILO 2.3; CILO 3.2; CILO 3.3;

CILO Alignment
CILO 4.1
Design a project that embodies an authentic Christian

ILO Alignment Create an exhibit that will promote a culture of

So many differences divide the country and the world today. Differences in
culture, political beliefs, religion, race, social class are just some of these.
These differences become even more pronounced in social media where
fake news is rampant, hate speech is prevalent, biases are strong, and
opinions can be highly polarized. These realities make the need for
spirituality and dialogue urgent and real. As such, your goal is to mount a
catchy and informative online exhibit that will awaken people to the need to
reaffirm the values of truth, mercy and communion by engaging in dialogue
especially with those who are different.

Institute of Religion, THY 4 Course Inquiry Project
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The task given to you is composed of two parts:
a. Dialogue exercise (individual)
b. Online exhibit (group)
The first part will allow you to engage in a personal albeit online dialogue
with someone (an “other”) who is different from you in terms of culture,
political beliefs, religion, race, or social class. E.g. if you are strongly
against Duterte, try to dialogue with someone who is strongly for Duterte.
Apply the spirituality of truth, mercy and communion as you strive to
engage in a peaceful and productive conversation with the person, without
Task Summary sacrificing your personal beliefs and convictions, but being able to set
aside your biases and learning how to listen to them and converse with
them with sincerity and openness. Reflect about your experience using the
following guide questions (see below)
The second part will be a group task. After sharing your experiences in the
first part of the activity, you will mount a simple online campaign e.g. set of
memes, vlog, short AVP or other medium putting together the lessons you
have learned based on your reflection.
To guide you in doing the task, see the guidelines below.

Audience Fellow young people, your contacts in social media

A. Dialogue and Reflection

● Each individual is to find someone with whom to engage in a personal
albeit online dialogue, applying the lessons and principles learned in the
class. One need not go out of the UST community as even in our
immediate context, so many differences can already be found, and we
can begin to understand others by understanding those around us.
● Afterwards, one will reflect on the experience following but not limited to
these guide questions:
a. What were our strongest differences? What were our significant
b. What were our struggles/difficulties as we engage in dialogue with
an “other”? Were there any good or pleasant aspects as well?
c. What things learned in class was I able to validate/apply?
d. What did I learn from our dialogue that I can practice in dealing with
Guidelines “others” in the future?
● Recommended Length: 1-2 pages

Other details for Reflection Paper:
● Short bond paper size (maximum of two pages)
● 1-1.15 spacing
● Orientation: Portrait
● 1-inch margin on all sides
● Font: Time New Roman 12 or Arial 11
● Submit the file in PDF format

B. Online Campaign
● Students divide into groups of four or five. They will share about their
dialogue experiences and translate these into a simple online campaign
promoting dialogue especially in the world of social media.

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● The recommended length is 3-5 minutes only or a set of four powerful
and well-thought of memes (quality over quality, especially taking into
account that attention in social media is both precious and fleeting)

Other details for the Online Campaign:

● Include the name of your members in the file name
● Groupings: See /Groups/ tab for groupings and membership.
● Submit softcopy in designated online drive or folder

N.B. Only one member shall submit the task (BB LMS will
automatically include your other members upon submission)

Your reflection shall be evaluated using the following criteria:

● Narrative of dialogue experience
● Integration of lessons learned in class
● Articulation of key takeaways /insights
● Coherence and Clarity of Thoughts
Attachment Your online campaign shall be evaluated using the following criteria:
● Content
● Relevance
● Creativity and Overall Presentation
● Audience Impact

See Scoring Rubrics for Individual Task and Group Task


Course Facilitator
Signature over Printed Name

Institute of Religion, THY 4 Course Inquiry Project
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Anchor Levels of Performance Weight
10 9 8 7
Narrative of Narrative includes Narrative includes Narrative includes Narrative includes X2
Dialogue outstandingly more than enough enough (at least less than enough (20
experience significant and well- significant and well- three) significant significant and well- points)
developed highlights/ developed highlights/ and well-developed developed
key points of the key points of the highlights/ key points highlights/ key points
experience and experience and of the experience of the experience
shows an exemplary shows more than and shows enough and shows less than
effort done to truly enough effort done to effort done to truly enough effort done
reach out and truly reach out and reach out and to truly reach out
engage in dialogue engage in dialogue engage in dialogue and engage in
with the other. with the other. with the other (that dialogue with the
is, there is a other.
sincere effort to
get to know the
other and engage
in respectful
dialogue without
falling into
compromise or
Integration of relevant lessons are relevant lessons are relevant lessons are relevant lessons are X2
lessons integrated and are integrated and are integrated and are integrated and are (20
learned in excellently weaved satisfactorily weaved barely weaved into poorly weaved into points)
class into the dialogue into the dialogue the dialogue the dialogue
experience and experience and experience and experience and
reflection reflection reflection reflection
Articulation At least three At least two important At least one There are no X2
of key important takeaways takeaways are well- important takeaway important takeaways (20
takeaways / are well-articulated articulated or is well-articulated or or none of them are points)
insights) or developed developed through developed through articulated or
through reflection. reflection. reflection. developed well
Coherence presents well- very satisfactorily satisfactorily ideas are scattered, X2
and Clarity constructed and presents logical flow presents logical flow poorly constructed (20
logical flow of of ideas/thoughts of ideas/thoughts points)


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Anchor Levels of Performance Weight

10 9 8 7
The content reflects
The content reflects The content reflects a The content reflects
a minimum grasp of
an excellent grasp of solid grasp of what a poor grasp of what
what dialogue
what dialogue means dialogue means and dialogue means and
means and how it X3
Content and how it can be a how it can be a how it can be a
can be a concrete (30
concrete application concrete application concrete application
application of the points)
of the spirituality of of the spirituality of of the spirituality of
spirituality of truth,
truth, mercy and truth, mercy and truth, mercy and
mercy and
communion. communion. communion.
The proposal in the The proposal in the The proposal in the
The proposal in the
campaign is very campaign is barely campaign is not
campaign is relevant X2
Relevance relevant to the relevant to the relevant to the
to the people in social (20
people in social people in social people in social
media and doable by points)
media and very media and barely media and not
doable by them doable by them doable by them

The whole campaign The whole campaign The whole campaign The whole campaign
is highly attractive, is very attractive, and is sufficiently is barely attractive,
and most likely to very likely to attract attractive, and likely and unlikely to X2
And Over-all
attract and sustain and sustain the to attract and sustain attract and sustain (20
the attention and attention and interest the attention and the attention and points)
interest of the of the intended interest of the interest of the
intended audience. audience. intended audience. intended audience.
Campaign brilliantly Campaign effectively Campaign somehow Campaign poorly
communicates the communicates the communicates the communicates the
Audience X1
call to dialogue and call to dialogue and is call to dialogue and call to dialogue and
Impact (10
is most likely to elicit very likely to elicit is quite likely to elicit is very unlikely to
response from its response from its response from its elicit response from
viewers viewers viewers its viewers

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