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Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425

The in#uence of mechanical stimulus on the pattern of tissue

di!erentiation in a long bone fracture * an FEM study
T.N. Gardner!,*, T. Stoll!, L. Marks", S. Mishra!, M. Knothe Tate#
!Oxford Orthopaedic Engineering Centre, Nuzeld Orthopaedic Centre, University of Oxford, Windmill Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LD, UK
"New Technology Engineering Ltd, 14 Meadow View, Long Crendon, Bucks HP 18 9EQ, UK
#Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics University and Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
Accepted 13 October 1999


2D, coronal plane, "nite elements models (FEMs) were developed from orthogonal radiographs of a diaphyseal tibial fracture and
its reparative tissue at four di!erent time points during healing. Each callus was separated into regions of common tissue histology by
computerised radiographic analysis. Starting point values of tissue material properties from the literature were re"ned by the model to
simulate exactly the mechanical behaviour of the subject's callus and bone during loading. This was achieved by matching measured
inter-fragmentary displacements with calculated inter-fragmentary forces. Stress and strain distributions in the callus and bone were
calculated from peak inter-fragmentary displacements measured during natural walking activity, and were correlated with the
subsequently observed pattern of tissue di!erentiation and maturation of the callus. The growth and sti!ening of the external callus
progressively reduced the inter-fragmentary gap strain. Partial maturation of the gap tissue was apparent only one week before "xator
removal. Principal stresses in the callus were compared with &yield stresses' in corresponding tissue from the literature. This indicated
the presence of stress concentrations medial and lateral to the fracture gap, which probably caused tissue damage during normal
activity levels. Tissue damage may also have precipitated partial structural failure of the callus, both of which were believed to have
delayed healing during the middle third of the "xation period. Had the "xation device provided greater inter-fragmentary support
during early healing, this may have prevented callus failure and the consequent delay in healing. A further bene"t of this would have
been the reduction of the initially high intra-gap tissue strains to a magnitude more conducive to earlier maturation of the bridging
tissue that united the bone. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fracture; Finite Element; Displacement; Callus; Healing

1. Introduction (Hall, 1968; Yamagishi and Yoshimura, 1955), whereas

combined cyclical tensile and shear stresses may produce
The in#uence of mechanical stimulus upon the healing "brous collagenous tissue (Cheal et al., 1991).
of bone fractures has been demonstrated in many diverse Clinical evidence of the in#uence of mechanical stimu-
studies. Experimental tests on model fractures in animals lus upon healing (Kenwright and Goodship, 1989; White
(Yamagishi and Yoshimura, 1955; Cheal et al., 1991), et al., 1977) suggests that periodical cyclical strain enhan-
have examined morphological responses to applied ces healing when it is externally applied through cyclical
strain. These have suggested a strong correlation be- inter-fragmentary displacement soon after injury. Fur-
tween the nature and magnitude of ambient stress or ther evidence suggests a temporal correlation between
strain in reparative tissue (callus), and its subsequent naturally occurring inter-fragmentary displacement and
histological development (McKibbin, 1978; Brighton, the growth and increasing stability of the external callus
1984). It is believed that an environment of mechanical (Gardner et al., 1997). In vitro studies on osteoblast-like
compression initiates the growth of cartilaginous tissue bone cells support the theory that mechanical strains are
transduced into cellular and molecular responses (Jones
et al., 1991; Jones and Bingmann, 1991; Pan and Einhorn,
* Corresponding author. Tel: #1-44-1865-227451; fax: #1-44-
1865-742348. Models for examining the correlation between mech-
E-mail address: (T.N. Gardner) anical stimulus and the pattern of tissue di!erentiation

0021-9290/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 1 - 9 2 9 0 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 8 9 - X
416 T.N. Gardner et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425

have so far proved to be of limited use, because of the signed for the material properties of the fracture and the
di$culty of simulating accurately the mechanical envi- applied loading. Therefore, the correlation between the
ronment under which fractures normally heal. The prob- support provided by the "xator and the physical re-
lem for modelling is exacerbated since the environment of sponse of the callus could not be unequivocally estab-
one fracture may be substantially di!erent from another. lished.
This is because of variability in the structure and ge- Di!erent approaches have been made by Carter et al.
ometry of fracture surfaces in bone, and in the fracture (1988) and Blenman et al. (1989) who examined the cor-
callus that may surround the bone. Additionally, fracture relation between the spatial distribution of &osteogenic
callus is heterogeneous and its material properties will index' in the callus, and the pattern of bone formation
vary temporally; as will the shape and volume of the during endochodral ossi"cation. The osteogenic index
callus. Further variability that adds to the complexity de"ned a combined stress condition, comprising relative
of modelling is brought about by the type of "xation proportions of shear (deviatoric) and &hydrostatic'
device selected to stabilise the fracture. Di!erent types (dilatational) stress. Again, fracture geometry was simpli-
and con"gurations of devices provide variable inter-frag- "ed and the material properties were arbitrarily selected,
mentary support (Gardner and Evans, 1992; Gardner et as were the forces. Therefore, as the load and displace-
al., 1996a) and inter-fragmentary loading not only varies ment environment of the model was not necessarily in
with support but varies according to an individuals' accordance with the geometry and properties selected for
weight, mobility, sensitivity to discomfort and functional the callus, such correlations between stress distributions
requirements. In summary, little commonality between and patterns of bone formation may not necessarily be
fractures exists, and therefore generalised models may be found in real fractures. Further di!erent approaches have
uncharacteristic of individual fractures and will not simu- been made such as retrieval studies, which have exam-
late genuinely representative conditions. ined the interface at unicondylar knee components his-
Modelling studies reported in the literature adopt tologically and by FEM (Giori et al., 1995). These have
a simpli"ed fracture geometry or apply arbitrary forces been useful in showing that cartilaginous extracellular
or displacements, often with arbitrary material proper- matrix may be produced by cyclical dilatational stresses
ties. Cheal et al. (1991) applied tensile displacement longi- of 0.7 MPa, and frequent distortional strains of 10% may
tudinally across 1 mm transverse sheep osteotomies and stimulate "brous extracellular matrix production. Mi-
used "nite element models (FEM) to calculate tissue cromotion devices implanted into the condyles of dogs
stresses and strains arising from bone-gap extensions demonstrated by FE analysis the potential of mechanical
distributed linearly across the bone width from 10 to stimuli to regulate tissue di!erentiation (Prendergast et
100%. They were able to demonstrate that the morpho- al., 1997). Interdisciplinary research, involving experi-
logy of fracture healing is dependent on local strain mental fractures in animals, cell culture studies and FEM
magnitude, which in their case was a consequence of the studies have indicated that intramembranous bone
particular modelling conditions imposed. They observed formation occurs when dilatational stresses and strains
that callus tissue proliferated in regions of high strain, the are below 0.15 MPa and 5%, and endochondral ossi"ca-
di!erentiation of soft tissue into bone occurred sooner in tion occurs when stress exceeds this but strain remains
regions of low strain, and bone resorption was found to below 15% (Claes et al., 1998).
occur in the fragment ends where stresses were highest. The new approach adopted by the present study was
DiGioia et al. (1986) also modelled intra-gap stresses and to model accurately the natural conditions of loading
strains arising from displacements applied to sheep os- under which a real fracture healed, and to observe the
teotomies. Severe strain gradients occurred over the corresponding growth and maturation of the fracture
thickness of the gap, and radially between the endosteal callus. A combination of direct measurement and math-
and periosteal surfaces at the gap. Predictably, strains ematical modelling was used to develop computerised
were heavily dependent on the extent of displacement (FEM) of the fracture at four temporal points during its
relative to gap size and were therefore a consequence of healing. Material properties of the callus tissue were
the particular modelling conditions imposed. Neither calculated by iterative analysis at each time point. Longi-
study sought to simulate natural conditions of loading to tudinal stresses within the tissue, arising from peak dis-
observe corresponding histological e!ects on tissue. Beig- placements measured during walking activity, were
ler and Hart (1992) modelled idealised fractures of ribs calculated and correlated with the pattern of tissue di!er-
and radii and assigned values of material properties entiation and the geometry of the callus assessed from
taken from the literature. They illustrated the in#uence of radiographs and from the derived tissue properties. Max-
callus geometry and material composition on the frac- imum (principal) stresses were calculated and compared
ture's response to loading, and to stress and strain distri- with failure stresses reported in the literature for corre-
bution in the callus. Although Meroi and Natal (1989) sponding bone tissue to examine the in#uence upon the
used MRI data to model a femoral fracture supported by callus of stress concentrations likely to cause tissue dam-
a bi-lateral external "xator, arbitrary values were as- age (Perren and Cordey, 1977).
T.N. Gardner et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425 417

2. Method spatial variation in image intensity correlates with spatial

variation in X-ray absorption arising from di!erences in
The male subject of 20 yr of age had sustained a closed, the tissue properties of density and atomic number (De-
non-comminuted, oblique, diaphyseal fracture of the left nby and Heaton, 1987), it was concluded that regions of
tibia, which was stabilised by an Ortho"x unilateral common image intensity possessed common tissue prop-
external "xator with three 6 mm bone screws inserted in erties. Since regional patterns (Fig. 1(i) * peripheral,
the antero-medial cortex either side of the fracture. This central and adjacent callus) conformed with those identi-
was the subject's "rst long bone fracture, he received no "ed by Sarmiento and Latta (1995), it was concluded that
additional therapy (such as hormonal) during treatment, regional tissue histology in these four models also con-
and he was not a habitual smoker or drinker. The follow- formed to their descriptions. Peripheral callus is de-
ing measurements were taken at 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks scribed as the dense well-orientated "brous layer that
post-fracture to provide data for developing 2D, plane progresses to new bone relatively quickly and is bounded
stress, FEM at these four temporal points during healing. externally by the new periosteum. Central callus which
bridges the proximal and distal fragments is initially
2.1. Displacements and forces at the fracture formed from soft, "brous and cartilaginous tissue that is
"nally replaced by hard calci"ed tissue during endochon-
3D inter-fragmentary displacement was measured dur- dral ossi"cation. Adjacent callus is attached to the intact
ing two-legged stance and during walking at the subject's cortical bone at the periosteum and endosteum in a loose
routine gait frequency of 0.5 Hz. This was done by an trabecular structure of relatively mature tissue that forms
instrumented spatial linkage (Gardner et al., 1996b) at- rapidly and converts from soft to hard tissue. Maturation
tached to the inner pair of bone screws across the frac- of the tissue in each region was evident from progressive
ture. The instrument used six magnetic "eld Hall e!ect increases in the regional properties of the callus that were
devices to measure displacement in six degrees of free- derived by the model, and was interpreted histologically
dom. Displacements at the linkage were translated trig- in the light of the regional histology and maturation of
onometrically to monitor 3D motion of the distal bone tissue de"ned by Sarmiento and Latta (1995).
fragment in relation to the proximal at the centre of the
fracture. A test simulation using a vernier measurement 2.3. FE modelling
jig established that displacements measured by the in-
strument are accurate to within$0.025 mm and$0.025 Computerised 2D geometric models of the coronal
(Gardner et al., 1996b). Tibial forces and moments at the plane were provided for FE analysis by mapping the
fracture during two-legged stance were calculated from internal and external boundaries of the bone and the
measured ground reaction forces, using a correlation three regions of callus at each of the four temporal points.
between the two which was developed from a lower limb Cosmos/M (Structural Research and Analysis Corpora-
biomechanics model (Lu et al., 1997b,c). This is a 3D tion, Los Angeles, CA, USA) performed the FE analysis,
mathematical model of the lower limb, with the knee as and between 4517 and 5026 elements were used with
a parallel spatial mechanism, the hip as a ball and socket non-uniform mesh density which was speci"ed for each
joint, and the ankle as a two-revolute joint. 36 muscles in region depending on complexity of shape. Triangular
the lower limb are included, and the knee extensor mech- elements were used since square or quadrilateral ele-
anism is characterised as a patellofemoral joint model ments were not able to "t the awkward shapes. As the
with a point patella. A solution procedure is used to average element in the callus was small, discontinuity at
calculate forces transmitted by the muscles, ligaments element borders could generally be neglected and the
and bones (Collins, 1995). Validation tests of the bi- system considered compatible. Element thickness was
omechanics model have been carried out on two tumour found by calculating the thickness of an equivalent rec-
patients with instrumented proximal femoral prostheses tangular transverse section through the model fracture.
(Lu et al., 1995,1996,1997a,b), and calculation of the axial The equivalent section had the same second moment of
forces in the femora agreed well with the measured forces area as the transverse section at mid-height through the
during standing. real fracture that was reconstructed from orthogonal
radiographs. Measured inter-fragmentary displacements
2.2. Fracture geometry and callus histology were applied to the centre of the model fracture at the end
of a rigid beam element that was connected to the upper
Antero-posterior radiographs of the fractured bone bone pin insertion point (Fig. 1(ii)). Reaction forces and
and callus were scanned and digitised to provide 2D moments at the "xed lower insertion point, arising from
geometry of the computerised fracture models that repre- these displacements, were calculated by plane stress, FE
sented the four time points. Intervals of colour scale analysis consistent with a material of linear elastic, iso-
range were displayed sequentially to establish the bound- tropic, monophasic behaviour. This was considered to be
aries between regions of common image intensity. As valid since DiGioia et al. (1986) showed that accurate
418 T.N. Gardner et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425

results could be obtained for strains of less than 10%. In

the present study, models for weeks 8, 12 and 16 exhib-
ited strains of approximately 10% or below, while at
4 weeks only localised regions of the central callus ex-
ceeded this. The FEMs of the present study have been
presented brie#y by Gardner et al. (1998), in a discussion
of the modelling technique.

2.4. Analysis

Initial starting point values for regional material prop-

erties (Table 1) were designated from the literature for
each of the four FEMs (Perren and Cordey, 1980; Duck,
1990; DiGioia 1986; Davy and Connolly, 1982; Huber-
Betzer et al., 1990). Reaction forces and moments
calculated by each FEM, arising from displacements
measured during two-legged stance, were compared with
the corresponding forces and moments calculated using
the lower limb biomechanics model. Disparities between
the two were gradually diminished by iteratively re"ning
the elastic moduli of each region by the same factor until
good agreement was achieved by the FEMs. The re"ned
material properties were assigned to each region at each
time point, and the corresponding peak displacements
measured during walking were then applied to the four
displacement-driven FEMs to calculate stress (longitudi-
nal and principal) on the callus and bone. Comparisons
were made between the greatest principal stresses occur-
ring in each region and the yield and ultimate stresses
extrapolated from Reilly and Burstein (1975) and Davy
and Connolly (1982) for tissue of corresponding material
properties and histology (Table 2). Values for the central
callus are omitted since radiographs indicated the pres-
ence of soft immature tissue up to week 16, which re-
duced its susceptibility to yield.

3. Results

3.1. The pattern of callus growth and tissue diwerentiation

during healing

Fig. 1(i) shows the external and inter-regional bound-

aries of the oblique fracture and callus at the four
Fig. 1. (i) External and inter-regional boundaries of the tibial fracture
callus in the coronal plane at the four temporal points in healing. The time points in healing. These are coronal plane models,
three callus regions of common tissue histology are central (c), adjacent with the lateral surface on the right. Almost the full
(a) and peripheral (p). The peripheral callus, medial (left) to the fracture, extent of the central and adjacent callus (endosteally
is discontinuous at week 12, probably as a result of the additional and periosteally) was evident at week 4. Whereas the
angulation and translation in fragment alignment that took place
soft "brous layer of peripheral callus, which appeared
between weeks 8 and 12. Reprinted with permission from Gardner et al.
(1998). (ii) The external "xator was "xed to the antero-medial cortical initially at the periosteal surface of the fragments, was
surface of the fractured tibia (a). Boundary conditions of the model (b). not fully formed at the periphery until week 8. At week 12
The distal fragment was &"xed' distally at the lower pin group insertion it was no longer intact medial to the fracture, probably
point. Displacement was applied to the proximal fragment at the distal due to partial "xation failure between weeks 8 and 12.
end of a rigid bar, which was "xed at the upper pin group insertion
Failure was indicated by sequential radiographs that
showed a further 23 of angulation between bone
fragments, and a further 1 mm of relative transverse
T.N. Gardner et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425 419

Table 1
Tissue histology and Young's moduli of the three regions of fracture callus, at 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks post-fracture

Stage CENTRAL Modulus (MPa) ADJACENT Modulus (MPa) PERIPHERAL Modulus (MPa)
(weeks) tissue type tissue type tissue type
Initial "nal initial "nal initial "nal

4 Haematoma, granulated 0.05 0.19 Soft connective tissue 1.0 3.8 Soft "brocartilage tissue 20 76
tissue with invading
8 Fibrous perichondrial 20 28 Woven bone, 25% 500 700 Dense "brous tissue, 2000 2860
tissue maturation 45% maturation
12 Fibrous perichondrial 30 30.6 Woven bone, 25% 900 765 Dense "brous tissue, 3600 3060
tissue maturation 45% maturation
16 Fibrous cartilage tissue, 30 75 Woven bone, 60% 2000 5000 Bone, 100% maturation 8000 20 000
10% maturation maturation

Table 2
Yield stresses and ultimate stresses extrapolated from the literature (C"compression, T"tension)

Week Adjacent (MPa) Peripheral (MPa)

Yield Ultimate Yield Ultimate


8 8.6 4.5 8.9 5.9 32.5 18.2 33.2 22.8

12 9.4 4.9 9.7 6.5 36.0 20.2 36.6 25.1
16 57.4 33 58.3 40.4 196 121 198 140.6

translation. Subsequently, there was an increase in the Between weeks 8 and 12, the material properties of tissue
size of the adjacent and central callus at this location, ceased to increase in all three regions. Although a small
and also in the adjacent callus lateral of the fracture at change in shape and volume of callus occurred medial of
week 16. the fracture, increases in volume and progress in sti!en-
ing were otherwise inhibited during the period fragment
3.2. Tissue histology and stiwness angulation and translation occurred. From week 12 to
16, progressive sti!ening enabled the adjacent and peri-
Table 1 gives "nal values for the elastic properties of pheral callus to contribute increasingly to compressive
tissue at each of the four time points (previously sum- load bearing.
marised in a review paper by Kenwright and Gardner,
1998); in each case these were derived from no more than 3.3. Longitudinal stresses and the pattern of changing load
four re"nement iterations. At week 4, re"ned values of transfer through the fracture
elastic moduli (0.19, 3.8, 76 MPa) were four times the
initial starting point estimates provided from the litera- Re"ned values of the material properties (Table 1) were
ture (0.05, 1.0, 20 MPa). Since they were several orders of assigned to each region at each time point, and the
magnitude less than the modulus of cortical bone (18.4 corresponding peak displacements measured during
GPa), tissues were not sti! enough to contribute appreci- walking (Table 3) were applied to each of the four dis-
ably to tibial load bearing. Values suggest that the central placement-driven FEMs to calculate tissue stresses.
callus had changed little, progressing from haematoma Fig. 2 shows contours of maximum stress longitudinal to
and granulation tissue at week 4 to slightly sti!ened the bone, in line with the predominant force. These "g-
tissue at week 16 indicating the commencement of matu- ures illustrate load transfer routes through the bone and
ration. Adjacent callus appeared to have rapidly produc- callus by unbroken paths of elevated compressive stress.
ed sti! tissue by week 8, for which the delineated regional At week 4, all three regions of the callus de"ned in
histology indicated partially calci"ed woven bone. Peri- Fig. 1(i) exhibited low stresses; this was because tissue
pheral callus properties at week 8 and regional histology moduli at this point were too low to enable the callus to
indicated partially calci"ed "brous tissue, able to support contribute signi"cantly to tibial load bearing. Load was
compressive load (as will be seen in the next section). supported by direct load transfer arising from fragment
420 T.N. Gardner et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425

Table 3 and 16 subsequent to yield stresses lateral to the fracture

Displacements measured during walking. (y (longitudinal), x (trans- (seen at week 12).
verse), Z (rotational in x}y plane)

Week x (mm) y (mm) Z (radians)

4. Discussion
4 0.283 !0.377 !0.00329
8 !0.015 !0.159 0.00201 4.1. Stages of callus maturation (Brighton, 1984) and
12 !0.092 !0.260 0.00169 mechanical function
16 !0.129 !0.111 !0.00215

It can be seen from longitudinal stress paths at week

4 that during the initial period of the &soft callus stage'
end-bearing contact; this was indicated by compressive load was largely transferred longitudinally between frac-
stress paths through the fracture fragments and stress ture fragments across the inter-fragmentary gap. Gar-
concentrations within their abutting ends. By week 8, dner et al. (1998), who previously reported peak strain in
load-bearing paths were predominantly diverted through the intra-gap tissue of these four models, showed that
the external callus as a result of its increasing sti!ness. strain was as great as 70% at week 4. During the
The external callus (outer adjacent callus and sections of early part of the &hard callus stage' (commencing before
the peripheral callus) exhibited compressive stresses of up week 8), compressive load was increasingly diverted
to 10 MPa, while the compressive stress concentrations through stress paths in the external callus at the periph-
at the fragment ends reduced to below 2 MPa. Tensile ery as a result of sti!ening of the tissue. By the middle of
stresses of up to 1 MPa predominated in the bulk of the the &hard callus stage' (at week 12), load was no longer
adjacent callus at the endosteum and close to the lateral transferred across the gap, but was diverted wholly
external cortical surface of the bone. No signi"cant through the external callus. By week 16, the external
change in the longitudinal stress patterns occurred be- callus had provided su$cient inter fragmentary stability
tween week 8 and 12, but by week 16 the whole of the to reduce strains substantially in the intra-gap connective
adjacent callus (endosteally and periosteally) was in com- tissue to below 2%, the level reported by Gardner et al.
pression and supported weight bearing. Stresses in the (1998). This reduction probably initiated the "nal intra-
central callus became tensile at week 8 and remained low gap bone repair process which ultimately united the
throughout healing until the stabilising device was re- fracture, since a low-strain environment is more conduc-
moved at week 17. ive to the di!erentiation and maturation of hard tissue
(Cheal et al., 1991). This process was evident for the "rst
3.4. Maximum stress levels * the inyuence of yield time at week 16 from the presence of sti!ening intra-gap
(tissue damage and callus failure) tissue towards the end of the &hard tissue stage', as one
would expect endochondral ossi"cation to commence
Fig. 3 shows maximum principal stresses at each tem- replacing the soft "brous and cartilage tissue with hard
poral point in healing. Data inspection showed that lo- calci"ed tissue (Sarmiento and Latta, 1995). Although
calised peak values increased from!0.06 to!0.33 MPa within one week of this the bone was considered to be
(compression) in the central callus, from !0.11 to 11.3 &clinically healed' (at week 17) and the "xator was re-
MPa (compression to tension) in the adjacent callus and moved, the "nal &remodelling stage' was probably de-
5.2 to 8.2 MPa (tension) in the peripheral callus. Local- layed by a post-"xation extension of the &hard tissue
ised compressive stress concentrations were con"ned to stage'. Observations on similar fractures with the same
cortical bone at the abutting fragment ends, to the central "xation (Gardner et al., 1997) have shown that further
callus between opposing bone fragments, and to the callus growth occurs peripherally in response to the addi-
central callus near the external cortex. Stresses in the tional mechanical stimulus that is provided by the in-
callus were below yield at weeks 4 and 16, but exceeded creased angular inter-fragmentary motion arising from
yield at weeks 8 and 12. At week 8, yield stress (4.5 MPa) "xator removal.
and ultimate stress (5.9 MPa) were exceeded in tension as
a result of relatively large tissue distortion within the 4.2. The inyuence of tissue damage upon healing
adjacent callus close to the medial end of the central
callus. At week 12, yield stress (4.9 MPa) and ultimate The FE models revealed the in#uence of tissue damage
stress (6.5 MPa) were exceeded medially, and also due to high stresses and callus failure upon the pattern of
laterally, in the adjacent callus at the cortical surface of tissue di!erentiation and maturation. Damage to the
the proximal fragment. Locations of yield medial to the external callus tissue probably occurred in locations of
fracture gap at weeks 8 and 12 corresponded with small stress concentrations that exceeded tissue failure stress.
additions to the callus volume observed here at weeks 12 These occurred medial and lateral to the fracture gap at
and 16. Similarly, callus growth was observed at weeks 12 weeks 8 and 12, where subsequently there was a change
T.N. Gardner et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425 421

Fig. 2. Contours of peak stresses longitudinal to the bone seen during walking at the four temporal points in healing. At week 4 (a), stress
concentrations are evident within the ends of the cortical bone fragments, due to end bearing as the fracture gap compresses during walking. At week
8 (b) and week 12 (c), tensile stresses predominated in the adjacent callus, and the outer areas of the external callus were under greater compressive
stress than were the abutting fragments. This indicated that tibial load was being diverted through the callus rather than across the fracture.

in callus shape and an increase in size between weeks the bulk of the adjacent and peripheral callus remained
8 and 16. The angular and transverse inter-fragmentary constant between week 8 and 12, the drive towards the
translation, which indicated callus failure between week bone-bridging stage would appear to have been inhibited
8 and 12, may have been precipitated by this damage and during a callus damage and repair phase. Damage,
by partial failure of the "xator frame. As the sti!ness of repair and stress redistribution that dissipated the stress
422 T.N. Gardner et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425

Fig. 3. Contours of maximum principal stresses are shown. At week 8 (b) and week 12 (c), stress concentrations in the adjacent callus close to the
medial end of the gap (and the lateral end at week 12 only) exceeded tensile yield stress measured in similar tissue. Unrecoverable displacement here
would have damaged the tissue, possibly weakening the fracture callus. This weakening resulted in further bone fragment angulation, apparently
stimulating the subsequent growth of callus external to these locations.

concentrations was "nally achieved between week 12 and external callus (evident at week 16) subsequent to the
16. The loss of callus stability arising from the suspected damage repair stage. Thus the drive towards the bridging
callus failure between week 8 and 12 probably provided stage at the inter-fragmentary gap appears to have been
the mechanical stimulus for the increase in volume of the restored by week 16. A parallel may be drawn between
T.N. Gardner et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425 423

this stimulus and that which initiated the original callus more consistent with the ratio between the initial starting
proliferation in response to the loss in stability caused by point values of regional elastic moduli than with Mar-
the fracturing of the bone. kel's moduli. If it is assumed that X-ray absorption is
This interpretation of healing pattern is further sub- proportional to tissue density, and elastic modulus is
stantiated by the maximum strains in the central callus approximately proportional to density, then regional
reported by Gardner et al. (1998). Strain almost doubled moduli predicted by relative intensities are 6000, 2000
(from 6 to 11%) between week 8 and 12 because of the and 200 MPa, respectively, which are not too dissimilar
reducing stability of the callus, but subsequently as stab- to the re"ned values produced by the model of 3600, 900
ility was recovered strain reduced (to below 2%) by week and 36 MPa.
16. Whether stress concentrations caused tissue damage
and this inhibited healing between week 8 and 12, or 4.4. Fracture treatment
whether they precipitated the mechanical failure of the
callus which was responsible for inhibited healing, is The pattern of healing suggests that the primary mech-
unclear. However, it is extremely likely that high stress anical function of the callus was to reduce routine intra-
concentrations were either directly or indirectly respon- gap strains to a level at which mature bone could directly
sible for a delay in healing. bridge the inter-fragmentary gap to unite the bone. Two
questions arise from this observation. Firstly, if the ex-
4.3. Tissue properties ternal "xator had reduced maximum intra-gap strains
closer to the required level prior to the &soft callus stage',
Material properties of the callus tissues were compared would this have produced a smaller volume of support-
with corresponding values obtained from the literature. ing callus that would have taken less time to form?
These were estimated from Markel et al. (1990) by nor- Secondly, how would this have in#uenced the inhibitive
malising their canine callus indentation sti!nesses with in#uence on healing caused by stresses above yield, the
those of cortical bone, and by assuming that these ratios risk of callus fracture, and the corresponding delays to
apply also to the relative values of elastic moduli in healing? Since mechanical stimulus in#uences callus de-
human callus and bone. Elastic moduli of the present velopment that modulates the original mechanical stimu-
study compared well with those derived from Markel et lus, the in#uence upon healing of this approach can only
al. for &adjacent' and &peripheral' callus at corresponding be clari"ed by similarly modelling fractures that are
time points, allowing for some di!erence in callus re- managed in this way. However, parallels provided by
gionalisation, but the &central' callus was substantially other treatment methods may suggest a resulting pattern
di!erent in the latter stages (weeks 12 and 16). For of healing that is more characteristic of #exible, rather
example, at week 12 the elastic moduli of the central than rigid, plate "xation (Cheal et al., 1991).
callus region (30.6 MPa * Table 1) was substantially
lower than the modulus of &gap' tissues (2700 MPa) at the 4.5. Limitations of the study
corresponding point (8 weeks) derived from Markel et al.
To examine the in#uence of this di!erence upon the Although the study examines a single subject for whom
FEM solution, the model was re-analysed at 12 weeks conclusions are directly relevant, it should be possible to
using moduli produced from Markel et al. It was found extrapolate the mechanical stimuli and tissue responses
that the new solution, produced largely the same pattern detected to fracture healing mechanisms in general. Be-
and magnitudes of longitudinal stress in the &adjacent' fore doing so, technical di$culties in modelling proced-
and &peripheral' callus as the original solution. It also ure need to be appraised in the light of conclusions drawn
provided similar concentrations of principal stress that from the models.
exceeded yield stress in the &adjacent' callus medial and The solution of an FEM that simulates real geometry
lateral to the &central' region. It was therefore concluded and behaviour is often sensitive to errors in de"ning the
that observations based on the original solution remain model shape and its material properties. As the material
valid since the model is not sensitive to variations in the properties were derived in this study rather than esti-
sti!ness of central callus, probably because the large mated, and as Sarmiento and Latta (1995) showed that it
volume of relatively sti! external callus dominates tibial is reasonable to assume that tissue is largely homogene-
load bearing. This is advantageous, as it is not possible to ous within the regions of callus that they de"ned,
re"ne the ratio between the values of elastic moduli in errors in this study due to modelling were con"ned to
each region of tissue, since it arises from the relationship the process of locating these regional boundaries.
between the starting point values extrapolated from the These boundaries were at times partially obscured, be-
literature and maintained during the re"nement process. cause radiographic absorption was in#uenced by the
However, it is worth noting that the ratio between the variability in transmission path lengths through callus
radiographic image intensities (30 : 10 : 1) of each region tissue and bone in addition to the spatial variation
of callus (peripheral : adjacent : central) at week 12 was in material properties that was under examination.
424 T.N. Gardner et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 415}425

However, variations in radiographic image intensity due during the stance phase of walking, angular, transverse
to tissue material properties were generally more abrupt and torsional contributions to load bearing in the model
than were variations due to transmission path lengths; were considered to be negligible. Taking all the above
this kept accuracy of boundary location to within considerations into account, overall accuracy of the
$1 mm, despite the presence at these boundaries of model is di$cult to quantify but the procedures adopted
tissues of transitional histology. The image analysis tech- should ensure that results are valid and meaningful. Cer-
nique also compensated for di!erences in magni"cation tainly the patterns of stress and strain distribution are
and exposure between radiographs. accurate. Also, if absolute values are within 20%, the
A direct approach was taken to model the mechanical conclusions drawn from results remain valid in regard to
behaviour of the callus tissue, consistent with a linear the general identi"cation of tissue, the spatial distribu-
elastic, isotropic, monophasic material. Therefore, appro- tion of stresses and strains and the location of stress
priate starting point values for material properties were concentrations that exceed yield. Therefore, it has been
available from the literature, and these were re"ned by possible for the present study to determine the probable
the models to reproduce the actual load versus displace- mechanical function of each region of the callus at each of
ment behaviour of the subject's callus and bone at each of the four stages in healing by modelling the actual
the time points. This would not have been possible if load}displacement behaviour of the callus and bone. It
a porohyperelastic approach (Simon, 1990) or a bi- has also been possible to correlate the timing of callus
phasic, mixture, penalty approach (Spilker et al., 1990) growth and maturation with the stimulus provided by
had been adopted, because this would have necessitated the original loss of stability caused by the bone fracture,
the arbitrary selection of the values of at least "ve the concentrations of stress and strain and the resulting
variables to de"ne callus and bone behaviour. Addition- tissue damage and failure of the callus.
ally it is probable that the bulk, elastic, monophasic
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