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D E C E M B E R 1996 NUMBER 344



1945 HANFORD UFO SIGHTING Powell, Varner & Andrus 13

THE ARGENTINA ENCOUNTER Molon, Elkin & Blondet 15

THE UFO PRESS Dennis Stacy 18






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Evidence for Military Kidnappings of Alleged UFO Abductees

by Helmut Lammer, Ph. D.

I. INTRODUCTION that abduction cases in which the abductee Dr. Lammer is a

reports that he/she was also abducted by scientist with the
abductions are generally a the military are very important for two Austrian Space
very strange and complex reasons: Research In-
phenomenon. For skeptics, journalists and 1.) If the UFO community has evidence stitute. He is the
the public it is hard to believe that abduc- that a covert military/intelligence task Austrian repre-
tions by alien beings have their basis in force is involved in the UFO abduction sentative for the
physical reality. Reports of alien beings en- phenomenon, we would then know that Mutual UFO
tering bedrooms through walls, levitating this phenomenon represents a matter of na- Network, a MU-
abductees through closed windows and tional security. FON consultant
into a waiting craft are hard for the open- 2.) The alleged military involvement in in geophysics,
minded researcher to believe, too. the abduction phenomenon could be evi- and a member of
However, well respected researchers have dence that they use abductees for mind the Society for
shown that the core of the UFO-abduction control experiments, as test-targets for mi- Scientific Ex-
phenomena cannot be explained psycho- crowave weapons, or that they monitor and ploration (SSE).
logically, as hallucinations or mass delu- kidnap abductees for information-gather- [1] Prichard,
sions [1]. The passing decades of abduc- ing purposes during a UFO abduction ex- David, and Mack,
tion research brought other changes. perience. John: Alien
Recently, some UFO abductees have al- If one of these points is correct, one can Proceedings of
leged that they were also being kidnapped expect to run into early resistance when the Abduction
by military/intelligence personnel (MI- proposing congressional hearings about Study Con-
ference held at
LAB) and taken to hospitals and/or mili- UFOs. For these reasons I started Project MIT. Cambridge,
tary ground/underground facilities. MILAB and present in this article my pre- Massachusetts,
Few of the popular books on the subject liminary findings. MILAB is the acronym 1994.
of UFO abductions mentioned these expe- for Military Abductions of alleged UFO [2] Cannon,
riences. Especially disconcerting is the abductees. I reviewed the relevant litera- Martin: The
fact that abductees recalled seeing mili- ture, contacted UFO and mind control re- Controllers: A
New Hypothesis
tary/intelligence personnel working side searchers, MILAB abductees and mind of Alien
by side with alien beings in these secret control victims all over the world and com- Abductions.
facilities. The presence of human military pared my findings with the comprehensive
[3] Private com-
and/or civilian personnel inhabiting the UFO Abduction Study of Dr. Thomas munication with
same physical reality as the alien beings Bullard [4, 5], the MUFON Transcription Prof. David
exceeds both the mindsets of the skeptic Project [6, 7] and the MIT Abduction Jacobs, 1996
and open-minded researcher alike by sev- Proceedings [1]. [4] Bullard, E.,
eral orders of magnitude. The skeptics Thomas: UFO
would rather believe that stories of aliens II. Helicopter activity in connection Abductions: The
Measure of a
and military personnel in government un- with MILABs Mystery. Volume
derground facilities are fabrications de- 1: Comparative
signed to elicit attention from conspiracy My study indicates that, generally, Study of Ab-
duction Re-
believers or hallucinations in general. MILABs are harassed by dark, unmarked ports.
Researchers in the field of mind control helicopters around their houses. The mys- Bloomington,
suggest that these cases are evidence that terious helicopter activity goes back to the Indiana, 1987.
the whole UFO abduction phenomenon is late sixties, early seventies, when they
staged by the intelligence community as a showed an interest in animal mutilations
cover for their illegal experiments [2]. The but not for alleged UFO abductees [8, 9,
open-minded researchers who fight for a 10]. However, well known researcher
Raymond E. Fowler reports mysterious December
reputation in abduction research ignore 1996
these stories, since they represent only a helicopter activity in connection with UFO Number 344
minor fraction in their files [3]. I think witnesses during the seventies [11]. Dr. Pages

[5] Bullard, E., Thomas Bullard compared 270 UFO ab- 2.) During these times the agenda be-
Thomas: UFO
Abductions: The duction cases worldwide between 1868 hind the helicopters showed a minor inter-
Measure of a and 1984, the majority of which occured est in UFO abductees.
Mystery. Volume during the seventies and early eighties [4, 3.) The helicopters began to increase
2: Catalogue of
Cases. 5]. There are only four abduction cases in their interest in UFO abductees during the
Bloomington, Dr. Bullard's study in which the abductees eighties up to the present, but were also re-
Indiana, 1987. saw helicopters over or near their houses ported near animal mutilation sites and
[6] Wright, Dan: Among these cases is the well invesii^MUd other areas in northern America.
"Commonalities Betty Andreasson/Luca abduction [r ii 4.) At present, many North American
& Disparities: important to note that these helicopter abduction researchers have some cases in
Findings of the
MUFON Ab- cases occured in North America, three of their files.
duction Trans- them in the USA and one in Canada. 5.) There were reports of phantom heli-
cription Project." There were sightings of mysterious heli- copter activity in England during the sev-
MUFON Inter-
national UFO copters in England during the seventies, enties, but it seems that their interest in an-
Symposium Pro- but not in connection with animal mutila- imal mutilations and abductees is limited
ceedings, 1995. tions or UFO abductions [12]. to North America.
[7] Private com-
III. Alleged kidnappings by
munication with
Dan Wright, head
of the MUFON
I found that helicopter activity reported in
connection with UFO abductions has
tended to increase from the eighties up to
military/intelligence personnel
Transcription the present. Dan Wright has presently ten Most abductees report the involvement
Project, 1996. cases in the MUFON Transcription Project of military/intelligence personnel after the
[8] Adams, Tom: files in which helicopters were seen flying helicopters began to appear. Debby Jordan
Mystery Heli- in the area of the abductee's home within reports, for instance, in a side note of her
copters, Paris, hours of an alleged abduction [7]. On aver- book Abducted! [13] that she was stunned
Texas, 1993.
age, many abduction researchers in North by an alleged friend and brought to a kind
[9] Howe, Linda America have about three helicopter cases of hospital where she was examined by a
Moulton: Glimpses in connection with UFO abductions in their medical doctor, who removed an implant
of Other Reali-
ties, Volume 1: files. It appears to me that this is a North from her ear! The abduction experiences
Facts and American phenomenon, since none of the of Leah Haley and Katharina Wilson are
Eyewitnesses. contacted researchers in Australia, Africa, full of MILAB encounters [15, 16]. Some
Linda Moulton of Katharina Wilson's experiences are
Howe Produc- Europe and South America have well in-
tions, P.O. Box vestigated abduction cases in connection comparable with mind control experi-
538, Huntingdon with alleged helicopter activity. ments. She experienced a flashback from
Valley, her childhood in which she remembered
Pennsylvania Well known abductees like the before
19006, 1993. mentioned Betty Andreasson/Luca, or being in a hospital where she was forced
Debby Jordan, Kathy Mitchell, Whitley into a Skinner Box-like container which
[10] Keith, Jim:
Black Helicop- Strieber, Leah Haley, Katharina Wilson, was possibly used for behaviour modifica-
ters over Beth Collins, Anna Jamerson and many tion experiments. She subsequently pub-
America— more were harassed by these phantom heli- lished an excellent article on her Web-
Strikeforce for copters [e.g., 1 3 N 15 16, 17, 20]. It is page with the title: "Are Some Alien
the New World
Order, III u mi Net not justified to Miguosi ihat these heli- Abductions Government Mind Control
Press, Linburn, copters represeni ilu black Cadillacs of the Experiments?" [19] Beth Collins and
Georgia, 1994.
Men in Black (MlBj during the nineties Anna Jamerson include hypnosis tran-
[11] Private com- [4], since some abductees have photos of scripts of an abduction by human military
munication with them and they were also seen by witnesses people in their book Connections [17], and
Raymond Fowler
and several pub- . who have nothing to do with the UFO phe- the late Dr. Karla Turner investigated
lications like: nomenon, [e.g., 10, 13, 18]. It seems as if MILABs in her books, Into the Fringe and
Casebook of a these unmarked helicopters operate for Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction
UFO Investigator.
Englewood some sort of secret military/intelligence Agenda [20].
Cliffs, New task force, whereas the MIB phenomenon A worldwide survey revealed that most
Jersey, Prentice- seems to be of paranormal origin and re- North American abduction researchers
Hall Inc., 1981.
lated to the UFO phenomenon. Let us sum- have on average 2-5 MILAB cases in their
marize the helicopter topic in five points: files. At present, it seems to me that there
1.) The helicopter mystery starts during are no UFO-related MILABs in Australia,
December the late sixties, early seventies, in connec- South America, Africa, Europe, England,
Number 344 tion with animal mutilations. or Ireland. By comparing typical UFO ab-
Page 4 duction scenarios as described in Dan

Wright's MUFON Transcription Project [12] Clarke,

David, and
with 10 well investigated MILAB victims IV. Terrestrial implants Watson, Nigel:
(Casey Turner, Katharina Wilson, Leah Phantom
Haley, Debby Jordan, and Polly, Pat, To date, more than three million animals Helicopters over
Britain. Fund for
Lisa, Beth, Angie, Amy 1 ), one finds some worldwide have been successfully fitted UFO Research
differences between abductions by alleged with an implantable transponder manufac- (FUFOR), P.O.
alien beings and military/intelligence per- tured by Destron-Fearing [21]. The im- Box 277, Mount
Rainer, Maryland
sonnel. plantable transponder is a passive radio- 20712, USA.
MILABs involve the following ele- frequency identification tag, designed to
ments: Activity of dark, unmarked heli- work in conjunction with a compatible ra- [13] Jordan,
dio-frequency ID reading system. The Debbie, and
copters, the appearance of strange vans or Mitchell, Kathy:
buses outside the houses of abductees, ex- transponder is activated by a low-fre- Abducted: The
posure to disorienting electromagnetic quency radio signal, then it transmits the Story of the
fields, drugging, transport with a heli- ID code to the reading system. The small- Continues.
copter, bus or truck to an unknown build- est transponder is about the size of an un- Carroll & Graf,
ing or an underground military facility. cooked grain of rice. The transponder's New York, 1994.
Usually there are physical aftereffects, like tiny electronic circuit is energized by the [14] Strieber,
grogginess and sometimes nausea after the low-power radio beam sent by a compati- Whitley:
kidnappings. There is also a difference ble reading device. Breakthrough—
The Next Step.
when the abductors appear. In most UFO A similar bio-chip for humans was de- HarperCollins,
abduction cases, the beings appear through veloped by Dr. Daniel Man in the USA. Dr. New York, 1995.
a closed window or wall, or the abductee Man has held a US patent for a homing de-
[15] Haley, Leah:
feels a strange presence in the room. Most vice that can be implanted in humans since Lost was the
abductees report that they are paralysed 1989 [22]. He developed the implant for Key. Greenleaf
from the mental power of the alien beings. solving the missing children problem. This Publications,
In MILABs, the abductee reports that the device is slightly larger than the Destron Alabama, 1993.
kidnappers give him or her a shot with a implant, which can be simply injected with
syringe. It is interesting, that MILAB expe- a special syringe. Dr. Man's implant re- [16] Wilson,
Katharina: The
riencers report that they are examined by quires a small surgical incision instead. It Alien Jigsaw.
human doctors in rectangular rooms and is important to note that Dr. Man claims Puzzle Pub-
not in round, sterile rooms—as in descrip- that the best location for his implant may lishing, Portland,
be behind the ear. MILAB reporters like Oregon, 1993.
tions of UFO abductees [4, 5, 6, 7]. The
described rooms, halls and furniture are Debby Jordan or Leah Haley claim that [17] Collins,
similar to terrestrial hospital rooms, labo- doctors removed implants from their ears! Beth, and
Jamerson, Anna:
ratories or research facilities and have Dr. Man says that the device is powered by Connections—
nothing to do with UFO furniture. a small battery, which can be routinely Solving Our Alien
The examination is somewhat similar to charged with a device that is held outside Abduction
Mystery. Wild
UFO abductions: the MILAB victim is not the body near the location of the implant. Flower Press,
paralysed, but tied to an examination table Authorities would use three satellites or Newberg,
or a gynecological chair. Sometimes, the specially equipped helicopters if they want Oregon, 1996.
abduciec gel 1 - n strong drink before an ex- to find or monitor a person. By using trian- [18] Fowler,
amination This is perhaps a contrast-en- gulation to follow the signal of the im- Raymond: The
hancing fluid. MILAB doctors are mostly plant, satellites or helicopters could pin- Andreasson
dressed in white labcoats and show an in- point the implant's exact location. Before Affair Phase
Two. Englewood
terest in implants and/or gynecological ex- Dr. Man's device becomes available for Cliffs, New York,
aminations. In some MILAB cases a mili- use in humans in the USA, it will have to Prentice-Hall,
tary doctor allegedly searches for implants 1982.
be approved by the US Food and Drug
and sometimes implants the abductee with Administration.
a military device. Therefore, surgeons An agency interested in monitoring
seeking alleged alien implants should also physiologic information about an abductee
be prepared to possibly find military de- during an UFO abduction experience
vices, too. would use biomedical telemetry.
Biomedical telemetry is defined as a spe-
cial area of biomedical instrumentation
1 Names in italics are pseudonyms and taken from that permits transmission of physiologic
Dr. Karla Turner's books [20]. information from an often inaccessible lo- December
cation to a remote monitoring site [23]. Number 344
The transmitting unit can be implanted Page5

[19] Wilson, within the subject's body. Animals have ties have reported how alien beings im-
Project Open
been monitored with biotelemetry for planted small objects up their nose through
Mind: Are Some about 30 years. By using telemetric sys- the nasal passage and sinus cavity. The
Alien Abductions tems as a method of monitoring abductees, transnasal approach of implants is in com-
Mind Control
the military could obtain physiological mon use in Neurosurgery [28, 29, 30, 31]!
Experiments ? data, such as respiration, muscle tension, Robert Naeslund is not the only victim. He
http://www.aMen monitor the presence of adrenaline in the is now a researcher of Gruppen, an organi-
jip bloodstream, and so on. zation against illegal mind control experi-
[20] Turner, Research in observation and control of ments. Gruppen and other organizations
Karla: Into the human behaviour and its possible use in re- like the Freedom of Thought Foundation
Fringe, Berkley
Books, New
habilitation and control has been con- have collected a lot of evidence that a se-
York, 1992; and ducted since the sixties. National Security cret implantation program is going on [26,
Taken: Inside the experts like Dr. Steven Metz and Dr. James 27]. These organizations are in contact
Kievit predicted in their report The with many victims all over the world who
Agenda, Kelt Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict have reported similar effects as Naeslund
Works, Roland, Short of War for the US Army War but have nothing to do with the UFO com-
Arkansas, 1994;
College, that in the near future every munity.
[21] Electronic American at risk could be equipped with
ID in Horses. an electronic individual position locator V. Virtual Reality Scenarios and
Electronic ID,
Inc., 131 East
device (IPLD) [24]. They suggested that microwave hearing
Exchange Ave., such a device could be permanently im-
Suite 116, Fort planted under the skin, with automatic re- It appears that some experiences of UFO
Worth, Texas
76106, USA.
mote activation, say, upon departure from abductees and mind control victims may be
the USA while passing through a security explained by an advanced virtual reality
[22] Laugesen, screening system at the airport. The pre- technology. The late Dr. Karla Turner
Wayne: "Satan's
Leash: The Spec-
dictions of these national security experts called these experiences Virtual Reality
ter of Bio- resemble the plans of Dr. Joseph A. Meyer, Scenarios (VRS) [19, 20]. There are al-
metric Identifica- a computer specialist of the National leged mind control victims who claim that
tion." Encounter
Chronicles, Issue
Security Agency (NSA). Dr. Meyer pro- someone implants pictures in their brain
17, September posed in the seventies attaching transpon- [32]. If someone has been implanted with
1996. ders to Americans arrested for a crime [2]. an intracerebral device, then the implant
[23] Jutter, C.,
During the late fifties, early sixties, neu- operators may be able to electronically im-
Dean, Wen, Ko, roscientist Dr. Jose Delgado invented the plant pictures and memories into the brain
H., Spear, M., stimoceiver, an electrode capable of re- of the abductee. The New World Vistas was
Thomas, Mackay,
Stuart: "Bio-
ceiving and transmitting electronic signals a major undertaking for the USAF
medical via FM radio waves. Such a device im- Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) [33].
Telemetry." planted in the brain via the sinus cavities, This military publication was published in
Engineering in
Medicine and
for example, will act as a powerful stimu- June 1996 and is a forecast of possible mil-
Biology Maga- lant when activated by FM radio waves. itary developments over the next 50 years.
zine, March, One can suggest that the stimoceiver has In it military scientists suggest the devel-
since been modified to receive stimulation opment of electromagnetic energy sources,
[24] Metz, Ste- from microwave pulses and is capable of the output of which can be pulsed, shaped,
ven, and Kievit, wielding a surprising degree of control focused, and coupled with the human body
James: The Re-
volution in
over the implanted victim's response in a fashion that will allow one to prevent
Military Affairs mechanisms [25]. voluntary muscular movements, control
and Conflict Implants were being used on unwitting emotions and actions, produce sleep, trans-
Short of War.
Strategic Studies
persons as early as fifty years ago. One mit suggestions, interfere with both short-
Institute, US well documented case of the implantation term and long-term memory, and produce
Army War of an electronic device into a victim is the an experience set or delete an experience
College, July,
case of Robert Naeslund. Mr. Naeslund set. The military scientists argue that the
claims that he was unwittingly implanted concept of imprinting a virtual reality ex-
during an operation in Stockholm, Sweden. perience act is highly speculative, but
He has X-rays which show clearly a mush- nonetheless highly exciting. If such a tech-
room-shaped device in his brain. He claims nology was developed in secret and exists
that the operation was performed by Dr. today, the remarkable vividness of some
December abduction accounts may be explained by
Curt Strand, who inserted the device in his
Number 344 head through the right nasal passage [26]. the implantation of an experience set into
Page6 Interestingly, UFO abductees since the six- the brain of an abductee.

Dr. Joseph Sharp and Allen Frey experi- Andreasson passed through a long dark [25] Bowart, H.,
mented with microwaves trying to transmit tunnel like a mine shaft cut out of rock. Dr. Walter: Opera-
tion Mind
spoken words directly into the audio cortex Gilda Moura informed me that she investi- Control: Our
via pulsed microwaves. Dr. Prey's work in gated UFO abduction cases where ab- Secret Govern-
this field, dating back to the sixties, gave ductees report Otherworldly Journeys into ment's War
Against its Own
rise to the so-called Frey Effect, which is underground caves in Brazil. People. Dell
commonly known as microwave hearing However, these Otherworldly Journeys Publishing
[34, 35]. Again, alleged alien abductees are not comparable to well-investigated Company, New
York, 1978.
and mind control victims report that they MILAB underground cases. The
sometimes hear voices in their heads, al- Otherworldly Journey experiences have a [26] Private com-
though they are not schizophrene. mystical touch, while the MILAB under- munication with
Robert Naeslund
Certainly these scenarios cannot be the ground experiences seem to be a manifes- and: Naeslund,
case for all UFO abductions, like multiple tation in our reality. MILAB abductees de- Robert: Letter to
abductions, but it may explain a small por- scribe elevators, hallways, generators, con- Prime Minister
Carl Bildt,
tion, or may play a significant role in ference and medical rooms. Contrary to ex- Stockholm,
MILABs. periences during Otherworldly Journeys, if November 19,
a MILAB abductee is kidnapped to an un- 1992.
VI. Otherworldly Journeys and mili- derground facility the abductors examine [27] Lindquist,
tary underground facilities the victims there. Some abductees report Lennart, Taylor,
Otherworldly Journeys and MILAB experi- Evamarie,
It is interesting to note, that seven ab- ences separately [16, 20]. Beth, an ab- Robert:
ductees of my test sample claim that they ductee from Dr. Turner's book, Taken: Cybergods.
were allegedly transported to a military un- Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Gruppen,
derground facility. The research of Dr. Agenda, described flashbacks that started Sweden, 1996.
Richard Sauder showed that almost every with her seeing a small flying disc, then
federal agency or military institution has entering into a well lit underground city [28] Hardy, J.:
several secret underground facilities all [20]. The craft flew on through a tunnel dal hypophysec-
over the USA. Some of these facilities are passage into an enormous cavern that con- tomy." J.
so secret, that there are only rumors about tained several buildings. UFOs were Neurosurg, Vol.
34, page 582-
their existence [36]. We should be aware parked in various locations and alien be- 594, 1971.
that Otherworldly Journeys to strange un- ings were working side by side with human
derground places are common in UFO ab- military personnel. In her next flashback [29] Griffith, H.,
B., et al: "A di-
ductions. Dr. Thomas Bullard found a spe- Beth flew somehow through a body of wa- rect transnasal
cific pattern in Otherworldly Journeys [4, ter, into a tunnel and then emerged from a approach to the
lake. spenoid sinus."
5]. Technical note,
1.) Preparation: The alien beings put Such flashbacks should be investigated J. Neurosurg,
the abductee into a protective environment very carefully, since they could be a mix- Vol. 66, page
for the trip. ture of an Otherworldly Journey (entering 920-924, 1987.
2.) Travel: Actual transit to the Other- a well lit underground city) and a MILAB [30] Rabadan, A.,
world occurs. underground experience (seeing military et al.: "Trans-
3.) Underground: The abductee passes personnel). It is also important to note that Transnasal
underground. some abductees have flashbacks during Approach to the
4.) Landscape: The abductee sees the which they see aliens and military person- Anterior Clivus:
A Microsurgical
surface of the Otherworld. nel together, but during hypnosis the ab- Anatomical
5.) Museum: The tour of the Otherworld ductee remembers only the military per- Model."
includes a stop at a museum or zoo. sonnel [15, 37]. Perhaps the abductee Neurosurgery,
30(4), page 473-
Dr. Bullard's study includes ten UFO mixed a UFO abduction experience and a 482, 1992.
abduction cases in which the abductee ex- MILAB scenario, or the abductee under-
perienced an Otherworldly Journey with an went some kind of hypnoprogramming by [31] Rosenfeld,
underground setting during their UFO ab- J., V.: "Trans-
military psychiatrists during the kidnap- nasal stereotac-
ductions. A typical Otherworldly Journey ping. Perhaps the military uses something tic biopsy of a
is Betty Andreasson's experience in 1950. like Electronic Dissolution of Memory clivus tumor." J.
Neurosurg, Vol.
She reported that a UFO plunged into the (EDM), which is accomplished by elec- 76(5), page 878-
sea and came out again, then entered huge tronically jamming the brain, causing the 879, 1992.
crystalline caverns which broadened into a neurotransmitter acetylcholine to create
vast underworld. Less frequently, the ex- static which blocks out sight and sounds. 1996
amination occurs in the Otherworld. After this mind-control procedure a MI- Number 344
During a 1967 abduction experience, Betty LAB abductee would have no memory of Page?

[32] Private com- what he/she saw or heard. The mind of the abductees is:
munications with
mind control vic-
abductee would be blank [2, 19, 251.
tims and re-
searchers. VII. Discussion M ILABs may be evidence that a secret
military/intelligence task force has
been in operation in North America since
[33] New World
Vistas: Air and We must also consider the possibility the early eighties, and is involved in the
Space Power for that some of the information we are getting monitoring and kidnapping of alleged UFO
the 21st Century.
USAF Scientific
from MILAB abductees may be cover sto- abductees. In the beginning of the eighties
Advisory Board, ries, induced by the hypnoprogramming a lot of money became available under
June, 1996. processes of military psychiatrists. There is black budgets for top secret military pro-
[34] Guyatt,
also the possibility that the military per- jects like the Strategic Defense Initiative
David: "Some sonnel use rubber alien masks and special (SDI). This task force might be financed
Aspects of Anti- effects during a MILAB. Katharina Wilson by a portion of this money. It seems to me
Electromagnetic reports flashbacks in which she thinks she that they are interested in well investigated
Weapons." held a rubber mask of an alien in her hands UFO abduction cases. They are monitoring
Earthpulse [19]. This facts leads some mind control the houses of their victims, kidnapping and
Flashpoints, Nr.
2, 1996.
researchers to believe that all alien ab- possibly implanting them with military de-
ductees are used in secret mind control vices sometime shortly after a UFO abduc-
[35] Constantine, and/or genetic experiments, staged by a tion experience. It appears to me that they
Alex: Psychic
Dictatorship in powerful black arm of the US government are searching for possible alien implants,
the USA. Feral [2]. However, I found some arguments too. Their gynecological interest in female
House, Portland, against these claims: abductees could be explained if they are
Oregon, 1995.
1.) If all UFO abductions are indeed a searching for alleged alien/hybrid em-
[36] Sauder, cover for secret mind control or genetic ex- bryos, since many of the abducted females
Richard: Un- periments like the Lebensborn Project of report missing embryo/fetus experiences. It
derground Bases
and Tunnels— the Nazis [38], why do abductees report seems equally probable that the force, or
What is the military/intelligence involvement only the people who are behind these kidnap-
Government since the early eighties, but not before? We pings, employ advanced mind control tech-
Trying to Hide?,
Dracon Press, should see the opposite in this pattern, nology which is currently being tested ille-
1995. since the mind control technology should gally on people who have nothing to do
be much better in the nineties than during with UFO abductions.
[37] Hamilton,
William III: "Alien the sixties and seventies! Victims and researchers who are inter-
Magic: UFO 2.) Why are there mind control victims ested in this study or have important infor-
Crashes, Ab- who are implanted and used for secret mation can contact the author at the fol-
ductions, Un-
derground weapons tests, but have nothing to do with lowing address:
Bases," Global the UFO phenomenon or alien abductions?
Communications, It seems to me that the mind control Dr. Helmut Lammer
page: 104-106,
agenda doesn't need UFO abductions as a Postfach 76
cover story, since nobody believes the A-8600 Bruck/Mur
[38] Clay, Ca- claims of ordinary mind control victims, Austria
trine, and although they have X-rays in which every-
Michael: Master one can see anomalous objects in their Acknowledgements: The author would like to
Race—The heads. thank Walter Andrus (MUFON), Brian Bard,
Lebensborn Keith Basterfield, Dr. Richard Boylan, John
Experiment in 3.) If all UFO abductions are a cover for
mind control experiments, why is the mili- Carpenter, Dr. Aphrodite Clamar, Padrick J.
Nazi Germany.
Hodder & tary interested in gynecological examina- Delaney (IUFOPRA), Ann Druffel, Prof. David
Stoughton, Jacobs, William E. Jones, J.D., Raymond Fowler,
London, 1995.
tions of female abductees too? Harlan Girard, David Guyatt, Leah Haley,
Of course serious researchers should in- Cynthia Hind, Richard Hall (FUFOR), Dr. James
vestigate all possibilities and some UFO Harder, Edmund Light, Glenny Mackay, Philip
abductees may indeed be mind control vic- Mantle (BUFORA), Dr. Gilda Moura, Robert
tims or used in black genetic experiments Naeslund (Gruppen), Dr. Richard Sauder, Derrel
since the eighties or before, but I think that Sims, Barbara Spellerberg, Michael Strainic, Dr.
there exists another possibility for a motive Leo Sprinkle, the late Dr. Karla Turner, Katharina
which is more plausible for the military in- Wilson, Dan Wright, head of the MUFON
volvement in the UFO abduction phenome- Transcription Project, and my wife Marion for
non, since it describes the MILAB pattern their help in this project, and all the other victims
1996 and researchers who participated in this study.
Number 344 better. Therefore, my preliminary hypothe-
PageS sis of alleged military kidnappings of UFO


by Bruce Maccabee

L ate in June I received a call from Jay Lamonica

Lamonica, the producer of ABC's went on to
"Nightline" show which is hosted by
Ted Koppel. He called to tell me that he had say that be-
a video of some strange lights that had been cause of all
recorded by a special "GEODS" telescope the interest
system on Mt. Haleakala which is on the
Island of Mauai in Hawaii. He wondered if I (or hype) sur-
would be willing to analyze it. He said there rounding the
were three bright lights which crossed the film "Indepen-
field of view and that initially it was thought
these were lights on an airplane, but then the dence Day,"
people who first saw the video noticed that Nightline was
star images passed between the lights with- going to do a
out blinking so they thought that perhaps it
wasn't a plane after all. Sometime, he didn't show on
say when, after the video was first seen in UFOs and
early December, 1993, someone in the Air SETI (Search
Force, he wouldn't say who, had passed
along a copy of the unclassified video to for Extra-
ABC. terrestrial
Jay went on to say that, because of all the Intelligence)
interest (or hype) surrounding the film
"Independence Day," Nightline was going and he won-
to do a show on UFOs and SETI (Search for dered if I
Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and he won- would be will-
dered if I would be willing to appear in the
show. I said "sure" and "when can I see the ing to appear
video," or words to that effect. He re- on the show.
sponded that I couldn't see the video until
the taping of my segment because he
wanted to get my reaction to seeing the We had some difficulty in setting up the
video for the first time. I was a bit irked at exact date and time for the interview. In sub-
that because I knew he would be asking me sequent conversations, as we tried to specify
to base a conclusion on "instantaneous the interview date, Jay told me that he had
analysis," hardly a scientific way to ap- contacted someone involved with the project
proach the situation. Since I couldn't see the which took the video. He now believed that
video I asked him for as many details as he the field of view was probably 5 1/2 degrees
knew. He did not know much. He said it rather than the originally mentioned value of
took several seconds for the lights to cross 2 degrees, but he couldn't be certain because
the field of view which he thought was there are several telescopes on Mauai and he
about 2 degrees. He also said that the tele- didn't know which one had taken the video.
scope was pointed at or near the horizon. I The big day came over a week later, on
asked for the name of a person to call so I July 11, 1996.1 arrived at the ABC studio in
could learn more details, but he wouldn't Washington. D.C. equipped with a ruler, a
give me a name. I therefore asked him to re- calculator and a pad of paper. Although I
contact his source and find out everything had only sparse information I was deter- 1996
he could about the telescope and where it mined to do the best analysis I could under Number 344
was pointed. the circumstances. From what Jay had told Page 9

After watch- me I knew I would be able to estimate the Whether either of these potential explana-
ing the video angular velocity and angular spacing of the tions was correct, or if neither was, de-
lights. Knowledge of these angular quanti- pended upon the actual angle of elevation of
several times ties might allow me to reject, or at least set the telescope: was it pointed exactly at the
and thinking limits on, the various potential explanations. horizon? Was it pointed 5 or 10 degrees or
about it I As soon as the camera crew set up the TV more above the horizon? Unfortunately I
monitor and video machine I began running didn't learn the answer to this important
gained the the video over and over. Text at the begin- question until many weeks later.
distinct im- ning of the video stated that it was taken by a Dr. Michael Guillen, the science corre-
pression that GEODS telescope during the year 1993 on spondent for ABC TV, was the interviewer.
day 335 at 032444Z (335th day of the year, The first thing I said to him after being intro-
if the infor- December 1, at Greenwich Mean Time of duced and well before the cameras were
mation I had 3:22:24 AM which corresponds to 5:22:24 "rolling," was "This is the worst investiga-
been given PM, November 30 in Hawaii). I determined tion I have ever done." I said that because I
that it took almost exactly 3 seconds for the had never before made a public statement
were correct, lights to cross the field of view (FOV), from about a potential UFO case without first car-
then both the left to right, in a straight line tilted slightly rying out an investigation that at least in-
airplane and upward. This corresponded to an angular rate cluded talking to the witnesses. (I realized
of 1.83 degrees/sec or 0.032 rad/sec. (Note: 1 that no one had actually seen the objects at
meteor hy- degree = 0.0174 radians or 0.0174 rad. the time of the taping since the video had
potheses had Multiply the angle in rad or the angular rate been recorded automatically, but I knew that
problems. in rad/sec by the distance to get size or speed someone associated with the project could
as measured perpendicular to the line, of answer the technical questions.).! then let
sight.) There were three lights, equally Michael wait a bit while I did some calcula-
spaced and traveling in parallel with the cen- tions of angular sizes and speeds. At the bot-
tral light a bit ahead of the lights above and tom of my note pad I wrote "Distance not
below. I measured the length of the image of actually known, nor (angular) elevation of
each bright light and found it corresponded camera (telescope). Hence can do no more
to an angular size of about 0.005 rad while than make educated guesses."
the angular spacing between the upper and Michael spent 30 minutes or more trying
lower lights was about 0.01 rad. Close to the to get me to identify the lights. We played the
central bright light were two much fainter video over and over as we both watched. The
lights, one above and one below. Hence there failure of one star image in particular to dis-
were a total of five lights (3 strong, 2 weak) appear when it passed between the upper and
traveling through the FOV of the telescope. middle bright lights (where the wing of an
If I had known the distance to the lights I aircraft would block the star) was obvious to
could have calculated the actual size and ve- both of us, as it had been to Jay. This seemed
locity (perpendicular to the line of sight) to be strong evidence that the lights were not
from the measurements I had made. connected by an opaque body, namely, the
Unfortunately there was no way to determine wing of an airplane. However, ( I pointed out
the distance from the available information. that we couldn't be certain because the fail-
ure of the star image to dim very briefly
A fter watching the video several times and might have been some artifact of the camera
^\thinking about it I gained the distinct im- electronics or the recording mechanism about
pression that if the information I had been which we knew next to nothing.
given were correct (5.5 degree FOV; tele- Michael told me that he had shown the
scope pointed at or close to the horizon), then video to Dr. Robert Nathan, formerly of the
both the airplane and meteor hypotheses had Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and a long-time
problems. The images of the lights were UFO analyst with whom I have worked on
spaced too far apart to be from an airplane UFO photos and videos over the last 20 years.
near the horizon unless it was extremely Jay and Michael had been rather surprised
close to the telescope and had a very large when Robert had immediately identified the
wingspan, but in this case it would also be lights as meteors without any analysis other
traveling very slowly. On the other hand, if than viewing the video. I told Michael I was
the images were meteors the angular speed suspicious of the meteor explanation (for the
December was too low unless they were so far away reason given above) but that 1 could not be
Number 344 that they might be outside the sensible at- sure whether or not it was correct without
Page 10 mosphere, in which case they wouldn't glow. knowing the angular elevation of the tele-

scope. Furthermore, I doubted that a meteor

which had broken into three parts before en-
tering the FOV would have three nearly
T his put a whole new light on the matter.
It took me all of five minutes (or less) to
determine that under this circumstance the
A UFO is as a
UFO does. If
equally sized pieces that could travel in paral- lights could be on an aircraft of some nomi- a UFO does
lel at exactly the same rate and could travel nal wingspan traveling at several hundred nothing that
without creating a trail of burning particles. mph at a reasonable cruising altitude above an IFO (iden-
Finally, after many minutes of seeming to the telescope. In fact, any combination of
attempt to "browbeat" me into making some wingspan, W in ft, speed S in ft/sec and tified flying
positive identification (perhaps he hoped I height H in ft AMSL which obeys the rela- object) could
would claim it was a real UFO), Michael tions S/(H-10,000) = 0.032 rad/sec and not do, then
asked me how the video ranked in terms of W/[H-10,000] = 0.01 rad would work.
credibilty and strangeness and I said that the (Note: since the telescope is at 10,000 ft there is no
video had a high degree of both but that it AMSL, the assumed H should be no lower reason to call
would have to remain "a big question mark." than, say, 11,000 ft. Also, the assumed H it a UFO.
During the evening after I left the ABC should be no greater than 45,000 ft which is
station I began the real investigation. I an upper altitude for typical aircraft). For ex-
hoped to have a definite answer before the ample, if H = 20,000 ft AMSL the wingspan
video was shown nationally on Nightline. could be W = 0.01 (20,000 - 10,000) = 100
Unfortunately, that was not to be. ft and the speed could be S = 0.032 (20,000 -
After a more careful theoretical analysis I 10.000) = 320 ft/sec or 220 mph. Similarly,
was able to put more specific restrictions on the video would be consistent with a plane
the potential explanations. It became appar- having a wingspan of W = 40 ft and a speed
ent that if the telescope were within 10 de- of S = 128 ft/sec = 87 mph providing it were
grees of the horizon the meteor hypothesis flying only about 4,000 ft above the tele-
could explain the angular velocity, although scope at H = 14,000 ft AMSL. Naturally
it still couldn't explain the constant speed there are many (an infinite) number of possi-
along parallel tracks without any sign of a ble combinations of W, S and H that would
meteor trail. Similarly, if the telescope were satisfy the requirements of the video.
within 10 degrees of the horizon the airplane The telescope operators told me that,
hypothesis was unlikely because the angular upon seeing the video, they had immediately
size and angular speed would only be con- suspected that it was an airplane, but then
sistent with a very large aircraft flying (well they questioned that explanation because
over 100 ft wingspan) at a very low speed they rarely, if ever, see an airplane overfly-
(100 mph or lower) at a short distance from ing the telescope installation. One of the
the telescope (a mile or less). The upshot of men called the FAA to find out if there was
this analysis was that if the telescope were any record of an airplane scheduled to fly
pointed close to the horizon the suggested over Mt. Haleakala at the time of the video.
explanations were severely strained if not He was told there was no such record (no air
simply unacceptable. Hence the possibility route passes over the mountain). Of course,
that one — or three, or five — UFOs were an aircraft could have flown over the moun-
involved had to be considered. It all de- tain without the FAA having a record of its
pended upon the angular elevation of the exact flight path.
telescope, which I did not know and which I One aspect of the imagery seemed to di-
was not able to learn before Nightline rectly contradict the airplane hypothesis: at
showed the video on July 16. one time a star image appears to pass
Because I had to locate the telescope op- "through" the space between the bright cen-
erators by asking for help from other people tral lights and the upper "wing" light. This
it took well over a month to get the "real had been pointed out to me by Lamonica as
data." The crucial information turned out to evidence against the aircraft hypothesis be-
be far different from what I had been led to cause one would expect the star to be mo-
believe. I had been told by Lamonica that mentarily blocked by a solid wing. When I
the angular elevation was low, maybe sev- first saw the video I wondered whether or
eral degrees ("near the horizon"). However, not that could be explained as an artifact of
I learned from the operators that the actual the electronics. Subsequently I learned from
angular elevation was much greater and, in the telescope operators that the nature of the
fact, was nearly straight up (85 degrees). I image forming and capturing electronics December
also learned that the telescope was about (RCA ISIT microchannel plate and image Number 344
10,000 ft above mean sea level (AMSL). scan device — like a vidicon — plus a scan Page 11

converter to make an ordinary VHS video) sively contradicts the airplane hypothesis
could have failed to record the brief "turning there is no good reason to claim that the
off' of the star image because of time delay lights were something else.
(integration time) in the processing devices. An example of the opposite situation,
where an unidentified object does something
CONCLUSION a conventional object could not do under the
conditions of observation, is recorded in a
A UFO is as a UFO does. If a UFO does daylight video taken July 21, 1995 in Gulf
nothing that an IFO (identified flying object) Breeze, Florida. This video shows an oddly
could not do, then there is no reason to call it shaped object, nearly rectangular in outline
a UFO. In this case it appears that an air- and brownish colored, of roughly 30 ft
plane would be consistent with the observa- width, looking nothing like an airplane or a
tional evidence. Although I can not prove helicopter or a balloon/blimp, which re-
there was an airplane flying over the tele- verses its direction of travel from roughly
scope, there is no reason to believe that an 500 mph rightward to about the same speed
airplane could not have done so. Since there leftward (a 1,000 mph velocity change) in
is no evidence in the video which conclu- about 1/3 of a second (over 100 g's of accel-
1. Publication Title: MUFON UFO 10. Owner: MUFON, MUTUAL UFO or naturally
JOURNAL NETWORK, INC., 103 Oldtowne Road, occurring
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Page 12


By Rolan D. Powell, Byron D. Varner, Walter Andrus

"There are old

s we approach the fiftieth anniver-
sary of ufology or what is known as pilots and
the modern era of flying saucers,
sightings by competent witnesses prior to there are bold
1947 become more significant. With the pilots, but
permission of the writer, Byron D. Varner, there are no
of the privately published book Living on
the Edge: An American war hero's daring old bold
feats as a Navy fighter pilot, civilian test pilots."
pilot, and CIA mercenary, and interviews
with the author and principal, Rolan D.
Powell by Walt Andrus, the following arti- Rolan Powell
cle was composed. Mr. Varner served as a as a
Navy Public Affairs Officer during the last McDonnell
thirteen years of his naval career.
"There are old pilots and there are bold Douglas test
pilots, but there are no old bold pilots." pilot.
The U.S. Navy used slogans like these to
emphasize the importance of flight safety
when Byron D. Varner was an aviation
cadet during World War II. That particular
one stayed embedded in his mind through-
out his flying experience because he saw
many would-be heros kill themselves trying
to be bold pilots. Mr. Varner hadn't thought
of this slogan for a long time until he met tactics, maneuvers, bombing, strafing, dog-
Rolan D. Powell, the only "old" pilot he fighting, gunnery, and other tricks of the
ever knew who totally disproved it. Mr. trade necessary for air combat. A lot of fly-
Powell retired as a Lt. Cdr. USNR after not ing. For certain he will try to impress upon
only serving in World War II aboard the air- them the importance of survival tactics.
craft carrier U.S.S. Yorktown, but also in The base has another mission for the
Korea and Vietnam on other assignments. experienced pilots, as well. About 60 miles
On November 29, 1996, Rolan celebrated away stands the Hanford plant, its atomic
his seventieth birthday. activities known to only a very few. These
The following narrative begins on page battle-scarred veterans are to protect that
72 of the Varner/Powell books. plant in the event of an air attack. Although
His parents are relieved to learn that they don't know what this is all about, they
Rolan will be at Naval Air Station, Pasco, will follow orders, as military people are
Washington, for the next few months. They taught.
try not to think about his going back to the The standby aircraft are always armed
war zone, and make him promise to come and ready to defend the plant, although few
home as often as possible on weekends. pilots seriously believe it will ever come
Several former shipmates arrive at NAS under enemy attack, given the current state
Pasco when he does, along with a number of Japan's diminishing effectiveness. But,
of new pilots untested by war. The Navy like the shark attack that Rolan never
selected them to form a new air group and expected to face, an air emergency does
prepare for carrier operations in the Pacific. occur.
Rolan looks forward to imparting his exper- It is noon time, and no planes are in the 1996
tise to the new pilots recently out of flight air. The bullhorn's jarring sound of General Number 344
training. It will require daily practice in air Quarters sends the pilots rushing to the Page 13

Living on the ready room for a quick briefing and on to The six F6F "Hellcats" made visual con-
Edge by Byron the aircraft for immediate takeoff. tact with the object described by Rolan as
Radar had detected a fast-moving object the size of three aircraft carriers side by
D. Varner (pb, that is now in a holding pattern directly side, oval shaped, very streamlined like a
197 pages) above the Hanford plant. It is extremely stretched-out egg and pinkish in color.
may be high and Rolan can't see it at first. As they Rolan reported that some kind of vapor was
rapidly increase altitude the pilots all spot it being emitted around the outside edges
purchased at about the same time and head directly for from portholes or vents. He speculated that
from Rolan its position. the vapor was being discharged to form a
Powell, PO None of them can recognize it, but they cloud for disguise. The object was observed
can see it well from their vantage point. It at noon in a clear sky at an estimated alti-
Box 1307, has a saucer-like appearance, is bright, tude of 65,000 feet.
Round Rock, extremely fast, and very high. The F6F has Rolan and his fellow pilots pushed their
TX 78680 for an operating ceiling of 37,000 feet, but on F6Fs to 42,000 feet, which was well above
this day they exceed that considerably and the aircraft's rated ceiling of 37,000, but
$22.45 still can't get close enough. . they were unsuccessful in making contact
including "What the hell is that?" one pilot yells with this large unknown craft above them.
Texas sales over the radio. After hovering in a fixed position above the
"Nothing I've ever seen before," answers Hanford Nuclear Reactor for an additional
tax, plus another. twenty minutes, the object disappeared
$3.00 for Rolan calls the base to report the situa- going straight-up as the six Hellcats limped
shipping and tion. They tell him to go higher. back to the Pasco Naval Air Station
"If we go much higher we can ruin these (Washington). Mr. Powell does not know
handling. engines." where the other five pilots now live or their
"Blow the engines if you have to, but use full names. The squadron consisted of 12
full military power, full throttle injection, veteran fighter pilots, survivors from a for-
maximum, continuous. Go for it!" mer squadron of 45 called Air Group III
Rolan wonders what the pilots will do aboard the second U.S.S. Yorktown, fondly
when the engines quit and the tower opera- known as "The Fighting Lady."
tor tells them to "glide back towards the air- When quizzed about the exact date of the
port and hope that you make it." sighting, Rolan didn't have his flight log
Even with the emergency settings, the available as a reference, but estimated that it
F6F can't get close enough to determine the was six weeks before the Japanese surren-
exact nature of this object. It doesn't make der aboard the Battleship Missouri in Tokyo
any overt moves, gives no signals, just hov- Bay on September 2, 1945. This would
ers there as if observing, staying well place the sighting during the middle of July
enough out of reach. The pilots can't 1945.
believe its ability to hover like this. When Library research disclosed that the
some of the engines begin to fail, and fuel Hanford Engineering Works Plant
consumption gets critical, the planes return (Richland, Washington) was actually a large
to base one by one, and the strange craft plutonium-production facility constructed
disappears as quickly as it came. It doesn't adjacent to the Columbia River, using the
return. water to cool the reactor piles. Opening for
Although a number of people witness this operation in September 1944, the Hanford
incident, the local newspaper carries no site was a Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) to
report of it in the days that follow. Rolan provide material for producing atomic
can only surmise that the government bombs. This ultimately led to the dropping
stepped in and clamped a lid on the whole of bombs over Hiroshima on August 6,
affair, according to war security measures. 1945, and Nagasaki, on August 9.
After this episode, the pilots return to Hostilities ceased on August 14, 1945.
their normal routine of getting ready for It is conceivable that unidentified flying
combat. objects may have had an interest in our
To obtain more details on this pre- nuclear energy program in 1945. Now,
Kenneth Arnold sighting and how such Rolan and his fellow Navy fighter pilots
events were treated during World War II, know what they were guarding at Hanford,
December Walt Andrus interviewed Rolan Powell, which at that time was part of the ultra-
Number 344 who now resides in Round Rock, Texas, secret Manhattan Project.
Page 14 with his lovely wife Donna.


by Bruno Molon, Richard Elkin and Jimmy Blondet

• jl has been said that a good place to be- dows) at the top of the craft measuring 6 Bruno Molon
• ^Tgin the search for the truth regarding feet in height and an interior height of seven is MUFON
H fcthe UFO enigma is to re-examine feet. He described the outer surface of the
previously documented investigation cases. disc as appearing "slippery" and "brilliant," state section
Unquestionably, some of the most startling and though the hull appeared to be of a director for
cases in the history of ufology are the clas- metallic composition it also exhibited a cu- Indiana.
sic CE3s, and even more notably, CE3s in- rious, rubber-like resiliency.
volving encounters with crashed or landed Not witnessing any indication of life
UFOs and their occupants. While it may be aboard the fallen craft, Botha approached Richard Elkin
that with many of these "classics" much and peered inside the object through a tiny, is a MUFON
time and research has already been devoted open hatch on the side of the ship. He no-
(Roswell, undoubtedly, being the most glar- ticed a small orange-white light pulsating at field investi-
ing example of this), other significant cases one-second intervals within the ceiling of gator and co-
have been left to languish in near obscurity. the tower, but the craft still appeared to be director of
Though not widely publicized or docu- empty. With this assumption, Botha crawled
mented, on May 10, 1950, an extraordinary inside the disc through the open hatch. the Hoosier
discovery was made by an individual dri- UFO Forum
ving through a remote region of Argentina
who happened across a landed disc and its
three deceased, alien occupants.
O nce inside, Botha noticed two curious
odors: ozone and garlic. As he began
looking around the inside of the craft's inte-

The witness in this case, aeronautical en- rior, he realized it was not, in fact, deserted. Jimmy
gineer Dr. Enrico Botha, 45, wrote an ac- Inside the circular enclosure of the ob- Blondet is a
count of his experience and sent his manu- ject's tower section were seated three small
script to three different sources: APRO men, whom Botha described as having very freelance
(Aerial Phenomenon Research Organiza- human-like features: About four feet tall artist and co-
tion), a Swiss UFO magazine, and noted with bright eyes, short grey-chestnut col- director of
ufologist Mr. Leonard Stringfield. ored hair and dark, bronze skin. All three
Stringfield was sufficiently impressed with occupants were clothed in tight-fitting grey HUFOF.
the particulars of this case that he wrote overalls which exposed only the mens'
about it in his book Situation Red: The UFO faces and hands. Their feet were covered
Siege. He was absolutely convinced of the with boots of some sort. All three of the oc-
veracity of Dr. Botha's testimonial and of cupants were dead, their bodies rigid.
the value of this case to the field of ufology. One of the occupants was seated in the
What follows are the details of Botha's center of the tower with a large panel of
account: bright instruments in front of him. On top of
While driving through the remote the panel was a rotating sphere of glass or
stretches of the Pampas region in Bahia other form of transparent material. In all
Blanca Province of eastern Argentina, Dr. likelihood, this occupant was probably the
Botha saw a metallic-looking disc resting craft's pilot, as his hands were resting upon
on the ground off to the left of the road. He two levers. Also to the right of the pilot was
stopped the car to observe the disc for a few an apparatus resembling a TV screen.
moments, the only discernible activity visi- The other two occupants were reclining
ble being a flashing light on the top of the on soft, curved couches positioned along the
craft's tower. circular wall of the tower. A third couch re-
No type of landing gear was reported vis- mained empty.
ible on the craft, which was in an inclined There were no cables, pipes or other sim-
position atop the ground; possibly indicative ilar structures witnessed within the tower,
of a failed, or emergency, landing. but the cabin floor was lined with holes, or
Botha described the craft as being 32 feet vents. Number 344
in diameter, with a tower section (with win- Page 15

The group
found a pile
of grey ashes
that were still
warm to the
touch. They
soon discov-
ered that the
ashes turned
their hands
green upon
contact. They
proceeded to
siphon off
gasoline from
the car in or-
der to wash
off the Botha spent a total of five minutes in the since the green substance was washed off
residue. craft, then departed "stunned," as he consid- by the gasoline, essentially an antiseptic.
ered the fate of the fourth, absent crewrhem- While inside the craft, Botha wore green-
ber. Dr. Botha then returned to his car and tinted glasses. The areas where the glasses
drove back to his hotel, about 75 miles covered his eyes and where his clothing
away. He informed several of his friends covered his skin were left unaffected.
there about his discovery and they decided
to return to the site to take pictures. EPILOGUE
However, darkness was falling, so it was de-
cided that they would wait until morning. For years, Dr. Botha told no one of his
At daybreak they set out to find the space- bizarre experience except his immediate cir-
craft. Searching for the exact spot proved cle of friends. Finally, in the late Fall of
elusive at first until Dr. Botha realized it had 1954, while living in Caracas, Venezuela, he
disappeared. Instead, the group found a pile confided in Mr. Horatio Gonzales. Mr.
of grey ashes that were still warm to the Gonzales was APRO's Venezuelan repre-
touch. They soon discovered that the ashes sentative and foremost UFO researcher. Mr.
turned their hands green upon contact. They Gonzales revealed the story to a Caracas
proceeded to siphon off gasoline from the car newspaper — El Universal — which pub-
in order to wash off the residue. lished it in January, 1955. Mr. Gonzales no-
tified APRO officials in the United States

T he mystery deepened as the group

searched for additional clues. As they
turned their gaze to the sky, they observed a
(the Lorenzens) as well as Cincinnati re-
searcher Leonard H. Stringfield. Stringfield
was so intrigued, he requested correspon-
large cigar-shaped object and two smaller dence with the witness. Dr. Botha sent
disc-shaped craft hovering near it. Dr. Botha Stringfield a letter in April, 1955 describing
photographed the disc that was closest to the experience, and also sent the pho-
him. He took five pictures in all, but only tographs.
two showed the object clearly. A few sec- In 1993 I (Molon) discussed this case
onds later, the two discs went towards the with Len Stringfield at his home in
larger object and, apparently, coalesced with Cincinnati. He assured me the case was real
it. The cigar-shaped craft then turned blood- — he had seen the photographs and still had
red and disappeared quickly from sight. them in his possession, but did not know
December Weeks later, Dr. Botha experienced skin where they were. Stringfield was the last
Number 344 irritations, fever and blisters. No conclusive person left alive with any knowledge of the
Page 16 diagnosis was reached for his condition case. Now he is also dead.

page: side

This page:
tower section
Hatch indi-
cated by dot-
ted lines in
both draw-

by Richard

This case is not a figment of someone's with an interesting anecdote and little else.
imagination, or a phantom of the literature. Some of the features stated in the report are
Dr. Botha's observations are very important corroborated by other later observations in
and provide some information concerning other cases, such as hull resiliency and basic
the inside of the UFOs. configuration.
It is pointless to speculate on what killed Sadly, this case was not thoroughly in-
the occupants of the UFO, or the mission it vestigated in the 1950s when an investiga- December
was performing. Unfortunately, as not tion would have borne fruit, Number 344
enough information is available, we are left Page 17


Please send a gift subscription to: Gift from:
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Address Address

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Start with January 1997 or issue. D I have enclosed a check for $30

Cut out or reproduce this order form and mail to MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78 1 55. A gift
card announcing your gift will be mailed to the recipient. If you desire to send additional gifts , please dupli-
cate this order form. Please print or type the name and address clearly.

lar and scientific with a fine-lined fork to

come up with what is probably the most
concise overview of the topic any objective
reader could hope for. If you want to know
what skeptics, believers and science have all
said about abductions at one time or anoth-
Journal of 258 pages of finely-packed print, er, you won't find a better starting or ending
UFO Studies Volume 6 (New Series) of the point. To quote a cliche: worth the cost of
Journal of UFO Studies is half again as admission alone.
$18.00 post- thick as the last issue, which appeared in For hard science and equation lovers,
age included 1994. And the difference isn't mere there's Jack Kasher's "Anomalous Images
The J. Allen padding. Here are thick, meaty articles on on Videotape from Space Shuttle Flight
the abduction experience, anomalous STS-48: Examination of the Ice-Particle
Hynek Center images captured on videotape by Space Explanation." This is a reworked and
for UFO Shuttle Flight STS-48. the Condon Report, expanded version of an article that was first
Studies Donald Keyhoe's long and influential published in the 1994 MUFON annual
career, and the declining coverage of UFOs symposium Proceedings and later by the
2457 W. by The New York Times from 1947 to Fund for UFO Research. I won't be spoil-
Peterson 1995. Did I mention the letters section and a ing too much of the suspense if I say that
Avenue healthy dollop of book reviews? Kasher throws hot water on the ice particle
In the opening article, "Psychotherapy theory.
Chicago, IL for the UFO Abduction Experience," David Previous editor Michael Swords con-
60659 Gotlib of Johns Hopkins Hospital examines tributes two lengthy historical essays: "The
(312)271-3611 both the extreme skeptical and belief University of Colorado UFO Project: 'The
approach to the abduction phenomenon and Scientific Study of UFOs'" and "Donald E.
finds them both wanting, substituting Keyhoe and the Pentagon: The Rise of
instead what he refers to as an agnostic Interest in the UFO Phenomenon and What
approach. Although speaking as a therapist the Government Really Knew." The first of
and not a UFO investigator, Gotlib's these is accompanied by Willy Smith's "A
remarks as to when hypnosis might be Reference Guide for the Condon Report,"
called for are worth quoting at length. In my which offers an analysis and identification
own practice, he says, "I consider using of the individual cases studied by the
hypnosis only when three requirements are Colorado Project.
met: The concluding article is "Fewer
"1. The client has failed to come to terms Sightings in the National Press: A Content
with the experience through other measures. Analysis of UFO News Coverage in The
"2. The client understands the risks and New York Times, 1947-1995" by John
fundamental limitations of the technique Hickman, Dale McConkey II, and Matthew
that hypnotically refreshed memory is sub- Barrett.
ject to suggestibility, confabulation, and Books reviewed (reviewers' names are in
memory hardening (producing confidence parentheses) are Alien Discussions and
in both true and false memories); that it is Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind (by
not possible to differentiate a correct from Thomas Bullard), Encounter at Buff Ledge
an incorrect recollection on the basis of (by Richard Haines), The Gods Have
vividness, emotional strength, or any other Landed (by Charles Emmons), and Watch
factor: and that while hypnosis may help the the Skies! (by Mark Rodeghier).
client to accommodate and adjust to the Published by the J. Allen Hynek Center
experience, it will not provide proof of the for UFO Studies, JUFOS, to the best of my
objective reality of the experience. knowledge, remains the world's only sci-
"3. The client understands that the thera- entifically refereed UFO journal, which
peutic intervention is experimental." means that articles are submitted for peer
Psychologist Stuart Appelle, who recent- review prior to publication. Highly recom-
ly succeeded Michael Swords as JUFOS mended for your own elucidation, and as a
editor, contributes a detailed summary of means of contributing to further scientific
the subject with "The Abduction research into the UFO phenomenon.
December Experience: A Critical Evaluation of Theory CUFOS's Web page can be found at
Number 344 and Evidence." The author has literally
Page 18 combed the abduction literature both popu-

you'll know, let me say up front The Anomalist

that as co-editor and publisher of 4
The Anomalist, with Patrick Huyghe, I har-
bor a certain unabashed prejudice: not sur- Paper, 144
prisingly, I think rather highly of it. We pages
come out two times a year in a quality $9.95 plus
paperback format and try to pack as many
individual gems into each issue as we can, $2.50 s/h
either in the form of a new treatment of an Checks
old subject, or a subject that you aren't like- payable to:
ly to see tackled anywhere else in the first
place. Dennis Stacy
We cover the entire gamut of so-called PO Box 12434
fortean phenomena, which of course San Antonio,
includes UFOs. This issue we actually
have a coup of sorts, "Project Blue Book's Texas 78212
Last Years," an excerpt from the unpub-
lished memoirs of Colonel Hector
Quintanilla, who directed Blue Book from
1963 until it's closing in 1969. Two cases
are covered in some detail — Socorro,
New Mexico, and the 1966 Michigan
"swamp gas" incident. A less than flatter-
ing picture of the late J. Allen Hynek
emerges, which is hardly surprising given
that Quintanilla is writing from the Air
Force point of view. What surfaces most
clearly, though, is the age-old conflict of
cultures between the military and civilian
mindset. In this case it just happened to be
over UFOs. 1920, and concludes that it is probably of a
"The Earth's Second Moon," by Paul spider monkey. How did it get mystified?
Schlyter, looks at the question of whether or Can you spell racism?
not we have a second natural satellite in "Screams from the Stream" is by
orbit about our planet, a notion that dates Michael Cremo, co-author of the contro-
back to at least the mid-1840s. versial Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden
"Keen on Crop Circles," by England's History of the Human Race, and shows
Montague Keen, former scientific adviser how unkindly orthodox science takes to
to the Centre for Crop Circle Studies, sur- outsiders and non-mainstream ideas. Sound
veys recent developments in the wheat familiar?
fields of southern England. Accompanied "An Egyptian State of Mind" is an
by many photographs supplied by Rob excerpt from Colin Wilson's newest book,
Irving. From Atlantis to the Sphinx, as yet unpub-
Steve Mizrach's "Wired Spirits" is hard lished in this country. If you think sex
to categorize, which is why we liked it. played a major role in human evolution, so,
Basically, it asks the question: Is cyber- too, did magic and religion.
space inhabited by disembodied voices and Finally, there are comments on "The
spirits who try to contact us via computers Mysterious Phenomenon of Loading" by
and other electronic equipment? Betty Eisner and Dr. Larry Dossey. Loading
In "Dangerous Vision: The Phantom of is what happens when a second party, not
Broad Mountain, Pennsylvania," Gary necessarily in physical contact with the
Mangiacopra examines the grisly, unsolved first, takes on and carries the latter's physi-
1925 murder of a young girl and the local cal or psychical symptoms.
legends that grew up in its wake. Opening commentary, "Nine Reasons to
Well known cryptozoologist Loren Fear the Paranormal." is provided by
Coleman looks at the famous picture of a Michael Grosso. author of Millennium 1996
purportedly unknown South American Myth. Our Web page is at Number 344
"ape" taken by explorer Francois de Loys in Page 19

ufolpgical saw has it that consistency

The Field
Guide to Ex- A bespeaks verity. Put another way, the
repetition of specific sequence and detail
traterrestrials in abductee's accounts supposedly.augurs
Patrick Huy- for the reality of the experience. From
ghe/lllustrated MUFON's own Abduction Transcription
nrl IT*
by Harry
Project, however, we know that a consider-
able variety of abductors and assistants The b
Trumbore have been reported over the years, from
Paper, $12.50, traditional "greys" and "Nords," to entities
resembling insects, reptiles and other bio-
Guide to
136 pages logical "hybrids" or crossbreeds, not to
Avon Books 1- speak of the occasional unique entity.
800-238-0658 Throw in the whole of the UFO literature,
with its space-suited dwarfs, hairy giants A complete overview of alien
and trolls, metallic robots, and the occa- sional absolutely human humanoid, and
where does that leave the issue of consis- lifeforms—based on actual
tency as an affirmative argument?
Somewhat adrift in space, I would sup-
pose. accounts and sightings
These and other thoughts ran through
my mind as I read Patrick Huyghe's The
Field Guide'to Extraterrestrials: A com-
I I I u St r a I e d Dy H a r r v T r u m b o r e
plete overview of alien life/arms based on
actual accounts and sightings, illustrated
by Harry Trumbore. Some 50 "classic"
cases are covered (and individually illus-
trated) here, hardly any two of which are
exactly alike, even though said entities
have been divided into only four major cat-
egories: Humanoid, Animalian, Robotic
and Exotic.
The understated implications here are
enormous. Either the previously presumed COMMUNICATION
predominant greys are capable of appear-
ing in any form at will or they aren't. But NUMBERS
if they can shape-shift at whim, then why
assume that their grey appearance is any MUFON Headquarters: Seguin. TX
more legitimate or authentic than any of Telephone: (210)379-9216
their other options? At the same time, per- Fax: (210) 372-9439
haps disparity of appearance argues for a
psychological interpretation of UFO close MUFON UFO HOT LINE
encounters? (What's more individual than 1-800-UFO-2166
brain-embedded human consciousness?) THE INTERNET -
It's one thing, after all, to argue that we're
being visited by a specific species of alien, MUFON e-mail address -
as opposed to being repeatedly invaded by
every Tom, Dick and Harry in the galactic MUFONET-BBS (901)327-1008
neighborhood. Star Trek aside, space travel
among so many different extraterrestrial MUFON On CompuServe -
civilizations can't be that easy, can it? "Go MUFON"
Thought-provoking and recommended. to access the Forum
MUFON Amateur Radio Net
December 40 meters - 7.237 MHz - Saturday.
1996 8 a.m. Eastern Time
Number 344
Page 20


Just out! Articles hy Colin Wilson ("An Egyptian State of
Mind"), Hector Quintanilla ("Project Blue Book's Last READING THE X-FILES
Days"), Montague Keen ("Crop Circles"), Michael Crcmo Exciting new book on the popular TV show: Why is alien
("Forbidden Archeology"), Steven Mi/.rach ("Wired Spirits"), abduction such an important dimension of its story? Why is
Paul Schlyter ("Earth's Second Moon"). Larry Dossey. Loren the series such a popular topic on the Internet? What is its
Coleman and others. Only 59.95 plus S2.50 s/h. Checks connection with the FBI? If you watch "The X-Files," you
payable to Dennis Stacy. Box 12434. San Antonio. TX 78212. need this hook! Order now! Call Syracuse L'niversily Press at
( 3 1 5 ) 443-5545 or 443-5547.


Publishing tor over 30 years. The number one privately pub-
lished UFO maga/.ine in the world. Free offer with each 4- NEW SOURCE BOOK
issue subscription: 10 different UFO maps & -4 unique L'FO Dealing exclusively with maga/.ines. publications, newsletters
illustrations, ready for framine. $10.00 to UAPA-M. Box and periodicals like Flying Saucers, Fate. UFO Report,
347032. Cleveland, Ohio 44134. Beyond Reality. UFO Magazine, etc., with much miscellanea,
UFO maps, illos. etc. Collector's paradise of out of print
material. Send S2.00 refundable to to UAPA-M Maeazines,
Box 347032, Cleveland. Ohio 44134.
VIDEO/AUDIO TAPES on UFOs. crop circles, aviation myster-
ies, NDE. Face on Mars & other fascinating topics. Free list &
sample newsletter from The Eclectic Viewpoint. Box 802735-M
Dallas. TX 75380. Future lecture hotline (214) 601-7687.
Conference. Beachside Resort directly on Gulf. Pensacola Beach.
FL. Featuring Courtney Brown. Whitley Strciber, Stanton 1-900-860-9939 Ext. 3913
Friedman. Brian O'Leary, Travis Walton. Nick Pope and others. $2.99 per min.
For info call 9 0 4 - 4 3 2 - 8 8 8 8 . Fax 9 0 4 - 4 3 8 - 1 8 0 1 , E-mail Must be 18 yrs. old
UMRB73A(G' or write Project Awareness. Box 730,
Gulf Breeze. FL 32562.

ATTENTION UFO ABDUCTEES: Searching many modern writ-

ings as well as both Old and New Testaments, the author has CROP CIRCLES DECIPHERED
found the answer to the big question: Why are they here? Read Do crop circles give Messianic notice by repeating Biblical
"The Agenda." $10 plus $2.50 s/h. from B. Fox. PO Box 6057. messages, especially Revelation? 50 pg. 13 illus. MO/Visa/MC.
Walker Branch, Roswell. NM 88201. Send $12.95 +2.05 s/h (US) or $!8.95+$3.35 s/h+1.35 GST,
BC add $1.35 PST (CAN) to Sovot Unlimited. Site 21. Comp
4. RR5. Pell Rd, Gibsons. BC. Canada VON IVO. Web site:
Mia Adams' true story about her contacts with ETs &
romance with intelligence agent. Included is the agent's report
outlining the agendas of alien confederations on Earth & YOUR AD HERE
intelligence aeencies network created to deal with them. Send Reach more than 5000 readers and fellow ufologisis.
SI6.95 + S2~s/h to Excelta Publishing. PO Box 4530. Ft. Advertize your personal publications, products, research pro-
Lauderdale. FL 33338.
jects, local meetings or pet peeves here. Fifty words or less
only $20 per issue. Add S10 for box and bold heading. Send
ad copy & check, made out to MUFON. to Dennis Stacy. Box
NATIVE ENCOUNTERS 12434. San Antonio, TX 78212. Must be MUFON member or
Journal subscriber.
By Carter and Seifned. History: Oklahoma UFO sightings
beginning in late 1800s. Emphasis on the 1980s and 90s.
Includes abductions. Oklahoma crop circles & cattle mutila-
tions. Book priec $15.00 plus S3.00 s/h, $5 overseas. Checks
& money orders only. Richard Seifried, 1916 Inglewood Dr.,
Norman, OK 73701.

Number 344
Page 21

The Stars:
At 9 PM this month the observer with binoculars is re-
warded with a number of special objects in the heavens.
Moving from E to W, first focus on a faint smudge between
Leo and Gemini—the wedgeshaped star cluster called the
January 1997 Beehive. Next, go to the showpiece of the winter sky,
Bright Planets (Evening Sky): Orion, and note that the hazy star in the Hunter's sword
Mars, in Virgo, increases its brightness during the month turns out to be the famous Orion Nebula, a glowing gas and
from magnitude 0.5 to -0.2 as it nears opposition to the Sun. dust cloud where new stars are born. In Taurus examine the
Much in the news lately, our famous planetary neighbor beautiful star field of the Bull's face, the V-shaped Hyades
rises in the E before 11 PM on the 1st and an hour and a cluster. And nearby don't forget the outstanding Pleiades
half earlier by month's end. It advances across the southern cluster. Finally, sweep to Andromeda's twin row of stars
sky during the night. and find an elongated patch of light, the Andromeda
Galaxy, another star system similar to our own Milky Way.
Jupiter (magnitude -1.9), in Sagittarius, is visible only dur-
ing the first few days of January, very low in the WSW at The spiral system in Andromeda glows from a distance of 2
dusk. million light years.
Saturn (1.0), in Pisces, stands in the SSW at dusk and sets DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE - Continued from Page 23
later about 10 PM in mid-January. The lunar crescent ap-
pears near the planet on the 13th. MUFON HAS NEW ADDRESS ON THE INTERNET
In order to get MUFON's World Wide Web page
Bright Planets (Morning Sky): closer to headquarters, whereby more current informa-
Venus (-3.9) rises in the ESE about 6 AM in midmonth but tion can be installed, the new address from "The
stays very low in the twilight sky, finally vanishing into the Internet," "CompuServe" or "America On-Line" is
solar glare by month's end. A thin crescent Moon hovers simply "" and not the detailed former ad-
above the bright world on January 7. After the first week of dress listed in our communication numbers box in the
the month, the planet Mercury appears near Venus, moving
Journal. We want to thank Charles McGrew at
3° above it on the 12th. Use binoculars.
Rutgers University, who was so kind as to establish
Mars moves to a point high in the SW at dawn.
MUFON on the World Wide Web over a year ago,
Comet Hale-Bopp: working with Dennis Stacy.
Discovered in July 1995 by amateur astronomers Alan Hale Ansen Seale, MUFON's staff photographer, is also
and Thomas Bopp, Comet Hale-Bopp should surpass last our new net manager in San Antonio, TX for
year's Hyakutake by a wide margin when it achieves maxi- Tom Deuley. MUFON's Corporate
mum brightness in March and April. Unlike the latter ob- Secretary, handles our e-mail. We are indebted to
ject, Hale-Bopp is a giant with an icy nucleus estimated Bruce Widaman and his computer team in St. Louis,
anywhere from about 10 to 25 miles across (compared with MO for transferring "" to MUFON head-
Hyakutake's l-to-2-mile nucleus). Also the newcomer has quarters and adopting MO MUFON for their new ad-
been spewing lots of dust, promising a much brighter tail. dress, which better identifies their state organization.
In January find an unobstructed eastern horizon and look al- Other states may want to use the same idea for their
most due E between about 5:45 and 6 AM. Moving NE addresses, such as TX MUFON, etc.
through the constellation Aquila. the comet rises tailfirst,
appearing low in the sky but increasing its altitude during
the month from about 4° to 20° above the horizon at latitude
40° N. (Moonlight hampers observations late in the month.)
If the fuzzy object follows the latest revised predictions (as
this is being written), it should attain 3rd magnitude in
January and stand out to the naked eye if the sky is dark
enough. Binoculars will help. January 18-19,1997 — International UFO Symposium KOREA
While comets are notoriously fickle—last fall Hale-Bopp 1997, sponsored by the Korea UFO Research Association and the
was running about a magnitude behind original predic- California Event Group, Inc. at the Hotel Sheraton Walker Hill in
tions—this one still has the potential to put on a memorable Seoul, Korea. For further information write to KUFORA, K.P.O. Box
1787, Seoul, Korea or FAX (02) 3472-6830.
show in the spring.
January 18-24,1997 — The 6th Annual International UFO
Moon Phases: Congress Convention at the Gold River Resort in Laughlin, Nevada.
For information call 303-543-9443.
Last quarter—January 1
March 21-23 —5th Annual Gulf Breeze UFO Conference at
Beachside Resort, Pensacola Beach, Florida. For information write
New moon—January 8 Project Awareness, P.O. Box 730, Gulf Breeze, FL 32562 or tele-
phone 904-432-8888, FAX 904-438-1801.
First quarter—January 15
July 11-13,1997 — Twenty-eighth annual MUFON International
Full moon—January 23

December 1996 Number 344 Page 22

o UFO Symposium, Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Grand Rapids.
Michigan. Theme: The Fiftieth Anniversary of Ufology."

DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE - Continued from Page 24 exemplifies the goals and objectives of MUFON.
Obviously, the motto or theme of the TV program "X-
New Hampshire State Director, Peter Geremia, was files" cannot be accepted. The revelation of MU-
the 1996 winner. The cover design should reflect the FON's motto and the winning entry will be announced
symposium theme "The Fiftieth Anniversary of in the Journal as soon as possible. It is imperative that
Ufology" and include, in addition to the theme, the adequate consideration is devoted to the selection of
statements "MUFON 1997 INTERNATIONAL UFO the motto, since it must be appropriate for the twenty-
SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS," the location first century.
GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, and the symposium
dates "July 11-13." The contest submissions must be CHRISTMAS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE
"camera ready" and not simply attractive designs, JOURNAL
symbols or artwork. The contest prize winner will re- If you have enjoyed reading the MUFON UFO
ceive $100 in cash plus $100 in MUFON publications Journal, here is your opportunity to share that plea-
merchandise. Please submit entries to Walt Andrus, sure with a friend, or relative that has an interest in the
the symposium proceedings editor. UFO phenomenon. A gift subscription form is in-
Submissions have already been received from cluded in this issue of the Journal for your conve-
Robert Fairfax in Snohomish, WA and Kenneth nience. This is an appropriate gift, not only at
Larson in Los Angeles, CA. Christmas, but anytime during the year such as a
birthday remembrance. Your gift subscription may
MUFON 1997 UFO SYMPOSIUM start with the month of your choice by so indicating
MUFON's twenty-eighth International UFO on the form. Interest in the UFO phenomenon has
Symposium will be held July 11, 12, and 13, 1997, at taken some giant steps in the media, TV, and the mo-
the beautiful Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand tion picture industry, during the past year with many
Rapids, Michigan, hosted by Michigan MUFON. The new innovations promised for 1997. We could double
symposium'theme is "The Fiftieth Anniversary of the number of member/readers if each present member
Ufology." David E. Toth, Ph.D. (Holt, MI) is the gave one gift subscription.
symposium coordinator. Task Directors already se-
lected are: Shawn Schafer, Art Director; Frank CROP CIRCLES REPORT
Bertrand, Hospitality Director; Dan Wright, Music In the summer of 1992, Project Argus investigated one
Director; Gary R. Golem, Photographer; Dr. David of the most remarkable mysteries of the century, the
Toth, Public Relations; Bill and Linda Murphy, sudden and baffling appearance of hundreds of huge,
Reception Coordinators; Jean Leach, Registration magnificent shapes—dubbed "crop circles"—in the
Director; Robert A. Wagel, Site Coordinator; Jerry fields of England each summer. Made of grain flat-
Kulka, Treasurer/Auditor; Fran Toth, Vendor tened methodically to the ground in intricate patterns,
Coordinator; and Christian Trumbull, they were a form of landscape art which quickly at-
Video/Audio/Electronics. tracted worldwide attention. But the "artist" was un-
known. Where did they come from? What agent or
INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM KOREA '97 force routinely generated them overnight? Could they
The International UFO Symposium Korea '97 is be products of something other than human activity?
scheduled for January 18 and 19, 1997, at the Hotel It seems appropriate to seek to answer such questions
Sheraton Walker Hill, one of the finest hotels in with the instruments and methods of science.
Korea. The symposium is being sponsored by the Everyone interested in the study of the crop phe-
Korean UFO Research Association and the California nomenon should have a copy of the Report on the
Event Group, Inc. The following speakers from North Results of Project Argus: An Instrumented Study of the
America have been invited and confirmed: Budd Physical Materials of Crop Circles, edited by Michael
Hopkins; Stanton T. Friedman; John S. Carpenter, Chorost, in 1993. Since MUFON provided $2,500 to
J. Antonio Huneeus; John F. Schuessler, and financially support this ambitious team project, we
Walter H. Andrus, Jr. Walt Andrus has been coordi- have a supply of the 115-page books for sale. A copy
nating the speaking arrangements for the host organi- may be purchased for $15, plus $2.00 for postage and
zations. World Travel Service Co., Ltd., has been con- handling in U.S. funds, from MUFON in Seguin, TX.
tracted to handle the air transportation to Korea. (No credit cards accepted.) this is the first time that
MUFON has offered this book for sale.
The recent Motto Contest created more interest and
entries than any such MUFON promotion in the past Continued on Page 22
two and one-half decades. Receiving more than one-
thousand entries, the selection committee has been
overwhelmed by the work in finding a motto that best December 1996 Number 344 Page 23

Walter Andrus
NEWS FROM AROUND THE NETWORK will continue as State Section Director on a temporary
All State Directors in the Eastern Region should be Bill and Linda Murphy. Michigan Co-State
sending their processed UFO sighting reports to Directors have selected two Assistant State Directors,
George A. Filer, III, Eastern Regional Director, 222 who are both currently State Section Directors;
Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055 tor evaluation and Donald K. Ashley, Jr. (Grand Haven), a member
writing short summaries of interesting cases for the since 1988, and Richard M. McVannel (Boyne City).
Journal. Mr. Filer will mail the completed reports to Three additional Assistant State Directors were ap-
T. David Spencer, Deputy Director, Investigations, pointed by their respective State Directors. They are
for computer file entry into MUFON's data base. This Mark C. Ausmus, B.S. (Carrolton. GA); Daryl K.
identical procedure also applies to the Central Stangl, B.S. (Agency, I A), and William F. Hamilton,
Regional Director. John C. Kasher. Ph.D., 2005 N. HI (Phoenix, AZ). Two new State Section Directors
101 st St.. Omaha, NE 68134; Western Regional were assigned this month; Roger T. Sugden. BFA (Ft.
Director, Mrs. Marilyn H. Childs; P. O. Box 1012. Wayne, I N ) for six counties in northern Indiana, and
Bothell, WA 98041-1012: and the Canadian National Mrs. Louise E. Crow (Semmes, AL) for Mobile and
Director, Michael J. Strainic. 1100 Jervis St., #604, Baldwin Counties. Louise is the wife of Duncan R.
Vancouver, BC V6E 2C4 Canada. The "Current Case" Crow, J.D., the Alabama State Director.
column in the Journal will feature these cases, how-
ever they cannot be published unless everyone com- NEW CONSULTANTS
plies with the procedures from State/Provincial Five new Consultants joined the ranks of MUFON's
Directors to the Regional Directors. Advisory Board of Consultants this month: Michael
The cover page of the Field Investigator's Exam Ayers, Ph.D. (Oklahoma City. OK) in Clinical
specifies that the answer sheet with one's name and Psychology; Dale L. Platenik Ph.D. (Holyoke, MA)in
address should be returned for grading to Kathleen F. Philosophy; Henry C. Monteith, Ph.D. (Roswell.
Marden, 103 Willow Road, East Kingston, NH N M ) in Engineering Physics; Corbin T. Volluz, J.D.
03827. Kathleen will advise the grade received on the (Mt. Vernon. WA) in Law; and Randolph B. Hellwig,
examination to Walt Andrus where the upgrade will D.Rel. (St. Joseph, MI) in Religion.
be processed in the MUFON office if a satisfactory
score is obtained. We do not advise the participants CHRISTMAS COVER ON JOURNAL
which questions were missed, since that would make We are indebted to Wesley Crum for the outstanding
it possible for the investigator to share all of the cor-» artwork rendition that appears on this issue of the
reel answers with a colleague if they were so inclined. Journal depicting the Christmas theme. The Journal
We are still seeking a person uniquely qualified in staff. MUFON staff, and the Board of Directors ex-
promotion, advertising, group motivation, and organi- tends a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, our
zational team participation to fill the newly created best wishes during the holiday season and the new
board position of Membership Director. If you feel year of 1997. Please consider this as a Christmas
qualified and have a serious desire to increase the greeting card to all of our loyal members throughout
membership base of MUFON, please submit a resume the world, wherever you may be.
outlining your attributes to Walt Andrus for the
board's consideration. VIDEO CAMCORDER DONATION
Santa Claus came early this year to MUFON with the
NEW OFFICERS donation of a full-size Zenith VHS Video Camcorder
Ms. Marisol Boffil, B.S. (Eraso, San Roman, Edo. model VM7050 by new member Robert Lightfoot of
Miranda) has been appointed the Representative for Colt, AR. This welcome gift will be added to MU-
Venezuela. She received her B.S. in Architecture from FON's field investigator's kit with our appreciation to
the University of Houston in 1986 and has had spe- Mr. Lightfoot.
cialized training in hypnosis. John C. Thompson.
B.A. (La Grange) was designated to become the SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS COVER DESIGN
Georgia State Director succeeding Henry and Kelley CONTEST
Owens who resigned. In addition to submitting more The success of the 1996 Symposium Proceedings
UFO sighting reports than anyone in the past year, he cover design contest has prompted MUFON to make
this an annual competition. Fran Geremia, wife of
December 1996 Number 344 Page 24 Continued on Page 23

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