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1. Acelebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.

2. Agood architecture should be useful durable and beautiful.

3. Agroup of meeting wilmul be held tomorrow in the library conference


4. Amassive accumulation of data was converted into a communicable


5. Anumber of students have volunteer jobs.

6. Aparty is thrown in the small meeting room.

7. Aperson's educational level is closely related to their economic


8. Arecent article shows a number of interesting experiments.

9. Avery basic feature of computing is counting and calculating.

10. Avery basic function of computing is counting and calculating.

11. Academic problems cause a rise in employment.

12. The aerial photographs were promptly registered for thorough

evaluation. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

13. Affordable housing is an important issue for all members of society.

14. Agenda items should be submitted by the end of the day.

15. All answers must be examined and supported by relevant theory.

16. All dissertations must be accompanied by a submission form.

17. All educational reforms have been inadequately implemented.

18. All industries are a system of inputs, processes, outputs and

The other version :
All industries include input, process, output and feedback.

19. All industries consist of systems as inputs, processes, outputs, and


20. All of the assignments should be submitted in person to the faculty


21. All of your assignments should be due by tomorrow.

22. All staff must leave from the fire hydrant exit.

23. All students are expected to attend ten lab sessions per semester.
24. All students need to attend no less than ten labs per semester. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

25. All the educational reforms have been inadequately implemented.

26. All writers, are consciously or unconsciously, represent their own


27. Although sustainable development is not easy, it is an unavoidable

The other version :
Although sustainable development is not easy, it is our

28. Americans have found the growth progressive in quantitative terms.

29. Americans have progressively defined the process of plant growth and
development in quantitative terms.

30. An aerial photograph was promptly registered for federal evaluations.

31. An ancient text may hold secrets which were lost centuries ago.

32. An archaeologist's new discovery stands out in previous overlooked


33. An introduction is an essential element of presentation.

34. And in that regard, as well as in other regards, it stands as an

important contribution.
35. Animals raised in captivity behave differently from their wild
The other version :
Animals raised in captivity behave differently than their wild
counterparts. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

36. Article numbers are collected through interesting experiments.

37. Artists, other than politicians, played their own role as critics

38. Assignments should be submitted to the department before thedeadline.

39. Attracting skilled workers to the city with expensive housing is hard.

40. Avoid confusing the causes and effects of these changes.

41. Before attending the classes, you must register online or by post.

42. Before completing the exercise, you need to read the remaining

43. Before submitting your dissertation your advisor must approve your

44. His appointment to economic culture minister was seen as a demotion.

45. Behind the group, there is a flat cart drawn by mules.

46. The article reflects a number of very interesting experiments.

47. Behind the garage, there is a flat cart drawn by mules Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

48. Below the heating controls in the middle, there is a small round
plastic button.

49. Books for children often contain many bits of illustration.

50. Caged camera to see the fish.

51. Career opportunities in this field are quite limited.

52. Carefully rub contact lenses with your fingers for a thorough cleanse.

53. Employment figures are expected to be improved in the next few years.

54. We hold visiting tours throughout the year for students.

55. Celebrity is still the great source of controversy.

56. Certain scientific principles need to be learned verbally or by a
logical deduction.

57. Chemistry building is located at the entrance to campus.

58. Climate change is a fierce phenomenon concentrated by scientists.

59. Climate change is becoming an acceptable phenomenon amongst the group

of reputable
scientists. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

60. Climate change is now an acceptable phenomenon among a group of

The other version :
Climate change is now an acceptable phenomenon among reputable scientists.

61. Clinical placements in nursing prepare students for professional


62. Clinical practices in nursing prepare students in practical practices.

63. Companies want to protect their brands from negative comments.

64. Competition for places in the course is fierce.

65. Competition for places in this course is fierce.

66. Conferences ought to be always scheduled two weeks in advance.

67. Conferences ought to be scheduled two weeks in advance.

68. Consumer confidence has a direct influence on sales.

69. Control systems in manufacturing provide a high level of accuracy.

The other version :
Control systems in manufacturing provide a high level in accuracy.

70. Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

71. Convincing evidence to support this theory is hard to obtain.

72. Cosmetics and plastic surgery often evokes images of famous


73. Could you please prepare a medical certificate for me to submit to my


74. Course work and exam will form part of the annual assessment.

75. Create a playlist of your favorite music to help you relax in

difficult situations.

76. Daily practice can build confidence and improve skills.

77. Demand and supply are fundamental elements of economics.

78. Demand and supply are one of the fundamental factors in economics

79. Despite the protest, the chemistry department was closed down.

80. Despite their differences, all forms of life share certain


81. Do not know if there is a plural, but I do not seem to have.

82. Early streams of economic in the Roman Republic will be examined. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

83. Eating too much can lead to many health problems.

84. Economic problems caused a big rise in unemployment.

85. Economic status of early Roman Republic will be examined.

86. Educational level is found to be related to social and economic


87. Eight groups need to submit the outlines of their projects to their
88. Elections of president take place once every four years.

89. Equality has not yet been achieved in this society.

90. Essays are easy once research is finished.

91. Evaluation forms will be reviewed by university personnel.

The other version :

The evaluation forms will be reviewed by university personnel.

92. Even if you have used cosmetics for years without problems, one or
more ingredients
can still trigger an allergic reaction.


Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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94. Many experts think that the world climate is constantly changing.

95. Experts believe that industrial development will help the economy.

96. Fashion trends help people to make life interesting.

97. Final year business students have to write a five-thousand-word essay

on market trends.

98. Fashion trends always help people to get more interesting.

99. Free campus tour runs daily during summer for prospective students.

100.Freshwater creatures did not appear in the paintings until the modern

101.Geography is generally divided into two main branches: human and


102.Good research delivers practical benefits for real people.

103.Good research delivers practical knowledge to real people.

104.Government reforms have been proposed at all levels.

105.Graduates from this course find careers in the financial department. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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106.Graduates from this course find careers in the financial sector.

107.Graduates from this field usually pursue careers in financial fields.

108.Graduates of journalism can get a job in the communication field.

109.Graduates want to find works related to their field.

110. He has landed the the job in a prestigious law firm.

111. He is regarded as the foremost economist this year.

112. He landed a job in a prestigious law firm.

113. He started his tutorial presentation right on time.

114. He was not the only one to call for a legal reform in the sixteenth

115. He was regarded as the foremost economist at his time.

116. Heavy rain will fall across the city next week.

117. Higher numbers of patients were infected during previous outbreaks of

illness. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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118. Human beings compete with other living things for resources and

119. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year promoting

unhealthy foods.

120.Hundreds of scientific papers have been published on global warming.

121.I thought it was through the small meeting room.

122.I thought we would meet in the small meeting room.

123.Identity theft happens to thousands of people every day.

124.Identity theft happens to thousands of people every year.

125.If finance is a cause of concern, scholarships may be available.

126.The paper challenged many previously accepted theories.

The other version :
This paper challenged many previous theories.

127.If it helps to take notes to concentrate, please do so.

128.If taking notes helps your concentration, please do it.

129.If you are not sure, call student services for help. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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130.If you are not sure, phone student services for help.

131.If you need additional help, visit the student resolve centre.
132.If you seek for further extension, contact your faculty for more

133.If you use anger as a tool too often, people will learn to avoid you.

134.Important details in the article are missing from the summary.

135.In addition to the course's requirements, students must pass the


136.Increasing population results in an increasing demand for energy.

137.Inflation affects the demand, pricing and consumption of most


138.Interim grades will be posted on the board outside the student lounge.

139.If it helps to take notes in order to concentration, please do so.

140.Tribes vied with each other to build up monolithic statues.

141.It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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142.It is being made to reduce harmful emissions.

143.It is hard to anticipate all the characters that were in the act.
144.It is important for students to keep up with the deadline.

145.It is important to allocate your time wisely when revising.

146.It is really a comprehensive program covering both theory and


147.It is really a comprehensive program that covers/comprises both theory

and practice.

148.It is strictly required to submit the assignment by Friday.

149.It is very likely that space travel will become popular in the private

150.It is not possible to solve the problem easily.

151.It was hard to anticipate how all the different characters would

152.Law is beneficial to investors by protecting their rights and avoiding

any improper
actions in the market.

153.Laws protect consumer rights and help to avoid market problems. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

154.Leading company changed their policies after their reports were

155.Let me know if anybody struggles in the lab.

156.Library reference desks hold a lot of materials on academic history.

157.Life expectancy and infant mortality rate are two of the best
indicators of overall health.

158.Listening is the key skill to succeed in this course.

159.Lung cancer remains a largely incurable disease.

160.Making mistakes is fine as long as you learn from them.

161.Many birds migrated to the warmer areas for winter.

The other version :

Many birds migrate to warmer areas for the winter.

162.Many graduates studying journalism get jobs in the communications

The other version :
Many graduates of journalism can get jobs in the communications field.

Most graduates of Journalism find jobs in the communication field.

163.Many students find true or false questions are harder than short
answer questions. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

164.Many toxins are originated from plants and animals.

165.Materials and resources are on hold at the library's front desk.

166.Medical researchers have focused on the different treatments and


167.Most critics agreed with the new theory, but a few disagreed.

168.You will need to purchase an academic gown for commencement.

169.Most of the students have not considered this issue before.()

The other version :

Most of these students have not considered this issue before.

170.Most of the theories were similar, but a few critics disagreed.

171.Most of the features were part of the previous system.

The other version :

Most of these features were part of the previous system.

172.Most scientists believe that climate change threatens lives on the


173.Speed is defined as how quickly a person or an object moves. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

174.Most teaching staff make their lecture notes available online.

175.Most theories are quite similar, but a few critics disagree.

176.Most theories were quite similar but a few critics disagreed.

177.Most university's teaching takes place in lectures and seminars.

178.Museum is closed on Thursday morning every month.

179.The chemistry club is located near the entrance to the campus.

180.Mutually exclusive events can be considered as either complementary or

The other version :
Mutually exclusive events can be described as either complementary or

181.Native speakers are exempt from language tests in their own language.

182.Neurons are principally involved in chemical processes.

183.Newspapers are supported primarily by the sales of advertising space.

184.Our professor is hosting the business development conference.

185.No more than four people can be in the lab at once. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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186.Nurses specialize in clinical work and management.

187.Observers waited nervously and with bated breath for the concert.

188.One-thirtieth of wildlife have been ignored by developers.

189.Organization plays an important role in academic literature.

190.Organizational failure is considered from various perspectives in

academic literature.

191.Our class will be divided into three groups.

192.Our food supply now contains so much added sugar that our metabolic
systems can't
handle it.

193.Our group is going to meet tomorrow in the library conference room.

194.Our professor is hosting the economic development conference next


195.Overcrowding and poor sanitation affected the lives of the majority of

the population.

196.Packaging is very important to attract the attention of a buyer.

197.Pain is necessary, as it acts as a warning of danger. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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198.Parents are financially responsible for their children until they

reach adulthood.

199.Participants initially select from a range of foundation subjects.

200.Peer group pressure has a significant effect on young people.

201.People with active lifestyle are less likely to die early or to have a
major illness.

202.Plants are the living things that can grow on land or in water.

The other version :

Plants are the living things that can grow in land or in water.

203.Biology involves the study of life of all levels.

204.Please make sure you correctly cite all the necessary materials.

205.Please note that the college laboratory will be closed for cleaning
next week.

206.Please note that the substantial deadlines are only negotiable in


207.Please note, submission deadlines are only negotiable in an

exceptional circumstance.

208.Please remember to bring a highlighter and your textbook to class next

Thursday. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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209.Please remember to bring a highlighter to class next Wednesday.

210.Please visit the website for information about the opening times.

211. Please work with each other to build monolithic statues.

212.Politics is not usually a safe topic of conversation.

213.Politics is usually not a safe topic for conversation.

214.Popular culture is now a serious subject of academic inquiry.

215.Practicing time-restricted eating a few times a week could be both

feasible and healthy.

216.Preparation is important to avoid mishaps in the lab.

217.Presidential elections are held every four years.

218.Presidential elections are held once every four years.

219.Public perception about biotechnology is crucial for developing
scientific consensus.

220.Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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221.Read the four sections before the next meeting.

222.Recreation triggers creativity, according to populace's wisdom.

223.Reference materials are on hold at the library reference desk.

224.Reference of material is held in the hall of the library reference


225.Relative humidity is the amount of moisture that the air can hold.

226.Relevant materials are reserved in the library.

227.Relevant resources are reserved in the library.

228.Remember students have strict ability criteria.

229.Remember to sign the attendance register before leaving the lecture

230.Remember, the gifts purchased by children should have a striped

231.Remember, the prestigious selection has strict eligibility criteria.

232.Resources and materials are on hold at the library's reference desk. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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233.Review all materials before drawing your conclusion.

234.Review all sources before drawing any conclusions.

The other version :
Review all your sources before drawing any conclusions

235.Rising sales figures means a rise in demand.

236.Rivers provide habitats and migration pathways to fish and numerous

aquatic species.

237.Safety glasses should be worn while doing experiments in the lab.

238.Sales figures for last year were better than expected.

239.Sales figures last year are better than expected.

240.Scientific beneficiary to space exploration is frequently questioned.

241.Scientists are always asking the government for more money.

242.Scientists here are studying a wide variety of atmospheric processes.

243.She began by giving an outline of the previous lecture.

244.She has made a significant contribution to the field of chemistry. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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245.She received a scholarship from the state university.

246.She used to be an editor of the student newspaper.

The other version :

She used to be the editor of the student newspaper.

247.Some economists argue that the entire financial system is fatally


248.Some of the features are part of previous research.

249.Most of these features were part of the previous system.

250.Some people argue that education is not that important.

251.Some people regarded it as care, while others regarded it as

252.Some people regarded this as eye wash whereas some people ask for the
status of their
complaints and actions taken.

253.Some students find true or false questions are harder than short
answer questions.

254.Some young people find city life rather stressful.

255.Statistical results should be expressed in different ways depending on

circumstances. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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256.Students’concession cards can be obtained by completing an application


257.Student identification card will be issued by today or tomorrow.

258.Students are advised to use multiple methods for this project.

259.Students are instructed to hand in their assignments by the end of

this week.

260.Students are required to use research methods for this project.

261.Students have the option to live in college residences or apartments.

262.Students requiring for an extension should apply sooner rather than

263.Students were instructed to stand in a straight line outside of the

264.Students were instructed to submit their assignments by Friday.

The other version :

The students were instructed to submit their assignments before Friday.

265.Submitting your group assignment must be issued punctually by one of

your group

266.Successful applicants will work with a large team of researchers. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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267.Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental concepts in


268.Sydney isAustralia's largest city, chief port and cultural center.

269.The synopsis contains the most important information.

270.Teaching assistants will receive a monthly remuneration for housing.

271.Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing.

272.Technologies on biotechnology is of crucial importance in the project

273.Textile manufacturing plays a large role in improving economies.

274.That brief outline takes us to the beginning of the 20th century.

275.That means we have so many struggles in the lab.

276.That means we won't have any struggle in the lab.

277.The exposure of advertising to children is open to much debate.

278.Children acquire their first language without any conscious effort. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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279.The aim is to reduce the risks that people take.

280.Protective clothing must always be worn in the laboratory.

281.The application process may take longer than expected.

The other version :

The application process may take longer than it’s expected.

282.The archaeologist’s new discoveries stand out in previously overlooked


283.The archaeologists stand out in previously out looked foundations.

284.The article shows a number of interesting experiments.

285.The artists tied with politicians earned row of critiques.

286.The artists other than politicians earned credits of their own roles
as critics.

287.The artists tied with the conservative politicians earned the roles of
The other version :
The artists tied to conservative politicians earned their own roles of

288.The assessment of this course will begin next week.

289.The author is currently the Professor at the Cambridge University. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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290.The author's previous works are more theoretical and less


291.The book was supported by many faculty members.

292.The business development seminar includes an internship with a local


293.The business policy seminar includes an internship with a local firm.

294.The cafeteria features soup salads sandwiches, fish and chicken.

295.The campus tour will help you to get familiar with the teaching

296.The cart carries a single object.

297.The cause and effect of problem.

298.The celebrated theory is still a subject of a great controversy.

The other version :

A celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.

299.The chemistry building is located near the entrance of the campus.

300.The city's founder created a set of rules that became the law.

The other version :

The city’s/cities/cities’founders created a set of rules that became law. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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301.The coffee house features sandwiches, salads, soup, chicken, and fish.

302.The coffee house has a special student discount throughout the week.

303.The commission of fund supported among authorities has raised an


304.The commissioner will portion the funds among all the sovereignties.
305.One function of body fat is to keep the internal organs warm.

306.The company needs to polish its image.

307.The curriculum is described in the course syllabus.

308.The dance department elaborated stages performances each semester.

309.The decision was made with the support of several faculty members.

310.The development in the information technology has greatly changed the

way people

311. The dining hall will undergo renovations during the fall break.

312.The author’s early works were more experimental. and less

philosophical Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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313.The early works of this research were more experimental.

314.The early works were more philosophical rather than experimental.

315.The earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen.

316.The economic books are at the back on the left.

317.The effect of advertising is open to much debate.

318.The election of president is held once every four years.

319.The elective course introduces engineering students to construct

practices and concepts.

320.Sugar is a compound which consists of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.

321.The essay will be published once the research is finished.

322.International exchanges formed the important part of our study


323.The exam system has been upgraded due to a professional exam.

324.The exam system has been upgraded due to professional exams. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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325.The excursion for children is very much open to debate.

326.The extent of advertising for children is open to much debate.

The other version :

The extent of advertising on/for children is very much open to debate.#
The extent of advertising to children is very much open to debate.

327.The faculty staff are very approachable, friendly and extremely


The other version :

The faculty staff are very approachable, helpful and extremely friendly.

328.The features issued the same explanation of the problem.

329.The final year will consist of four taught courses and one project.

330.The findings of researchers are focused on the causes of diseases and


331.The first assignment is due on the fourteenth of September

332.The following economic policy lecture has been cancelled.

333.The garden behind the university is open to the public in the summer.

334.The garden behind the university will open to the public in summer. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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335.The glimpse of dipping into this as a hobby is an enormously rewarding

336.The group performance will be in the concert hall.

337.The guy is qualified to lead the groups into the mountain.

338.The history of the movement was recorded by several writers.

339.The history of the university is a long and interesting one.

340.The human being competed with each other for resources and space.

341.The importance of this event is not yet fully understood.

342.The inhabitants of wildlife have been ignored by developers.

343.The island is located at the south end of the bay.

The other version :

The island is located far away from the bay

344.The issue burst the exploration of the problem.

345.The key difference between courses is the kind of assessment. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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346.The key findings seemed to contradict our initial hypothesis.

347.The leading companies have changed their policies and procedures after
their reports
were released.

348.The lecture tomorrow will discuss the educational policy in the United

349.The library has substantial materials of economic history.

350.The library holds a miraculous collection of books on economic


351.The lowest grade has been omitted from the calculation.

352.The main concepts in this thesis were not new.

353.The main concepts of these events were not yet fully understood.

354.The massive accumulation of data is converted to a communicable


The other version :

The massive accumulation of data was converted into a communicable

355.That means that they have so many struggles overlaps

356.The module of the work is more of a compositional style. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

357.The morning's lecture on economic policy has been cancelled.

358.The most important details in this argument are missing.

359.The most important process of farming is weeding.

360.The most popular courses still have a few places left.

361.The most striking thing about this budget of a smartphone cannot be

seen on its face.

362.The museum is closed on Thursday morning every month.

363.Scientists were unsure when the early men leftAfrica.

364.The nation achieved prosperity by opening its ports for trade.

365.The nearest automatic teller is in front of the anatomy labs.

366.The new media has transformed the traditional national boundaries.

367.The new paper challenged the previously accepted theories.

368.The new product failed due to a lack of demand. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

369.The new technician dropped the microscope in the biology lab.

370.The office opens on Mondays and Thursdays directly follow the freshman

371.The placement test for mathematics and statistics is offered in this


The other version :

The placement test of mathematics and statistics is offered every

372.The plight of wildlife has been ignored by developers.

373.The problem of postgraduate students is funding.

374.The prosperity of the United States can be described as the

consequences of its open

375.The qualification will be assessed by using a conference criterion to


The other version :

The qualification will be assessed by using a criterion reference to

376.The qualification will be assessed by using a criterion-referenced


377.The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone.

378.The Real Group will perform in the concert hall.

379.The recent article shows a number of interesting experiments. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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380.The reconciliation is important, the basic underlying issue must be

first addressed.

381.The relative humidity is the amount of moisture that the air can hold.

382.The relevant materials are reserved in the library.

383.The report contains the most important information.

384.The research on cyclone tropical forest are forecasting the weather


385.The results of the experiment are reported in the table below.

386.The result of the study underscored the discoveries from the early

387.The same approach reached to the same explanation of the problem.

388.The same issue featured both explanations of the problem.

The other version :

The same issues featured both explanations of the problem.

389.Renovation works have been undertaken throughout the building.

The other version :

Renovation work is currently being undertaken throughout the whole
building.(6.29 考题)
Renovation works are currently undertaken throughout the whole building. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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390.The schedule allows plenty of time for independent study.

391.The school's summer programs help students to accelerate their


392.The scientists found most of the studies today.

393.The scientists now study a wide variety of atmospheric processes.

394.The scientists use the web to explore the problems.

395.The scientists will face both the explanations and the problems.

396.The slide shows that there has been a minimal growth.

397.The slides show there has been a minimal growth.

398.The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.

399.The software companies design and create new products.

400.The solar energy department is highly regarded worldwide.

401.The spot of lecture on economic policy has been cancelled. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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402.The students have options to live in residences or apartments.

403.The teacher asked the group to commence the task.

404.Aseries of lectures showed economics have been recorded.

405.The technician left the new microscope in the biology lab.

406.The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure,

compositional style.

The other version :

The theme of the instrumental work exhibited more of a demure and
compositional style.

407.The theory has a great control of controversy.

408.The thief visited homes of several people every day.

409.The time of the math lecture has been changed to ten thirty.

410.The toughest part of public transport is funding.

The other version :

The toughest part of postgraduate education is funding.

The toughest part for education is funding.

411. The toughest part for postgraduate research is funding. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark


412.Assignments should be submitted to the department office before


413.The undergraduates need some specific sources to analyse a specific


414.The university has a world-renowned school of archaeology.

415.The university library has most of the necessary books.

416.The university officer will help you locate housing and


417.The university seeks the funds for renovation of the theatre.

418.The university theatre group will be performing in the concert hall.

419.The untapped potential use of sun rays is phenomenal

420.The untapped potential way to monitor sun's rise is phenomenal.

421.Resources and materials are on hold at the library reference desk.

422.The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.

423.The whole point of the project was to look at the norm but not the

The other version : Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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The whole point of the project was to look at the norm rather than
(not) the exception.

424.The wildlife have been ignored by developers.

425.Theft happens to a thousand people every day.

426.There are new innovations in the field of digital architecture.

427.There are some doubts about whether these events actually occurred.

428.There are still many people who struggle in the lab.

429.There is a need for constructive dialogues between leaders.

430.There is a strict eligibility criterion to undertake background

speaker studies.
431.There is a clear need for further research in this field.

432.You should provide examples to support your ideas and arguments.

433.There is not enough evidence to support this recommendation.

434.There was a prize for the best student of the presentation. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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435.There was no correlation between drug used and cure rates.

436.There was not enough evidence to support these recommendations.

437.There will be a conference here next summer on using the web for
academic research.

438.These have also been found to contribute to the death of many marine

439.They have both grown up in the rural area and dislike the urban life.

440.They have struggled since last year to make their services paid.

441.They look at the health needs of the local community and develop plans
to set priorities
442.They were struggling last year to make their service paid.

443.This article refers to a number of interesting experiments.

444.This class will look at the structure of the essay.

445.This graph shows there is a minimum growth.

446.This guy is qualified to lead the groups into the mountain. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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447.This means we will have so many troubles on the lab.

448.This morning's lecture on economic policy has been canceled.

449.This newspaper challenges the previously accepted theories.

450.This paper challenged the previously accepted theories.

451.This schedule allows a lot of time for independent study.

452.This slide shows that there has been a minimal growth.

453.This slide shows there is a minimum growth.

454.This software company designs and creates new products.

455.Those events are not yet fully understood.

456.Those students seeking formal extension should talk to their faculties

for more

The other version :

Those seeking formal extension should contact their faculty for

457.Those who seek for formal extension should contact their faculty for
more information. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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458.Those who want to apply for an extension should contact their faculty.

459.To achieve full marks, an appropriate bibliography is required.

460.To gain full marks, an appropriate bibliography is required.

461.Today's lecture material will be included in the next assessment.

462.Tours operate all year around, but the busier season runs from May.

463.Traffic is the main cause for pollution in main cities.

The other version :
Traffic is the main cause of air pollution in many cities.

464.Travelling by boat on the river is not possible in winter.

465.Tribes work with each other to build monolith statues.

466.Try to work with each other to build up a sense of cooperation and

team spirit.

467.Undergraduate students may participate in specific stages within the


468.Undergraduates may pursue their specific interests within certificate

programs. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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469.Understanding how to use the library will save your time.

470.University departments carefully monitored articles and other

publications by faculty.

471.University departments should carefully monitor articles and

publications by faculty.

472.University fees are expected to increase next year.

473.Upgrading manufacturing systems can increase efficiency.

474.Water taps on the campus will discourage the frequent use of plastic

475.We are able to work in a team.

476.We are on track for one billion tobacco related deaths this century.

477.We can work together to achieve the higher educational standards.

478.We cannot consider increasing the price at this stage.

The other version :

We can’t consider any increase in our price at this stage

479.We have sophisticated ways to study brain actions.. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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480.We need to hand in the assignment by next week.

481.You need to hand in an essay next semester.

482.The meeting for first year economic students is on Tuesday.

483.We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.
484.We support the research on problems related to tropical cyclone
dynamics and

485.We support to do research in the field of archaeology such as

forecasting and

486.We were able to contact a number of research subjects.

487.Weather patterns have been changed significantly over the past two
hundred years.

488.When bad drove out good, the local workers were more difficult than
their competitors.

489.When everyone commits to looking after their health, soft drinks will
not be on the

490.When launching a product, researching and marketing are very crucial.

491.When meeting high potential risks, companies will raise their price. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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492.When parents talk to children, the tense is simplified.

493.When workers ask for an increase in wages, the company raises its
494.When workers ask for higher wages, companies often raise their prices.

495.While concealing ideas is desirable, basic underlying issues must

first be addressed.

496.While reconciliation is desirable, the basic underlying issues must

first be addressed.

497.Why has the project been held up for so long?

498.Writing an essay is easy once the research is finished.

499.Years of training is required to become of a medical specialist.

500.You are required to complete the research paper by next Monday.

501.You are required to submit your assignment by Friday.

502.You are trained to be a special journalist.

503.You can contact all your tutors by email. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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504.You can find a lot more information on university website.

505.You can have your laptop during the exam.

506.You can request library books by using the electronic catalogue.

507.You cannot renew any overdue books in the science library.

508.You come with me and the others stay here.

509.You have to learn how to use the library to save your time.

510.You may need to purchase an academic gown before the commencement.

511. You must submit your assignment by next Friday at the latest.

512.You should allocate your time wisely when revising.

513.Distance learning allows you to develop a career around your


514.You should draw your graph on a separate page.

515.You should include these two pictures from the lecture in your
assignment. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

516.You were able to contact a number of research subjects.

517. You are required to complete the research paper by Monday.

518.Your agent will collect commission for each house they sell.

519.Your lowest grade has been eliminated from the calculation.

The other version :

Your lowest quiz grade has been eliminated from the calculation.

520.Your lowest quiz grade has been omitted from the calculations.

521.Your summary should be as clear and concise as possible.

522. Your summary should be as clear and precise as possible.

523.Your task is to create the demand for the product.

The other version :

Your task is to create demand for the product.

524.Your thesis must have a fairly large scope.

525.Your thesis should have a fairly limited scope.

526.Free campus tours run daily during summer for prospective students. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

527.Tribes worked with each other to build monolithic statues. (重复 803)

528.Collaboration between departments is a feature of successful


529.Enrolling in a double major may increase the career options.

530.Experts are now able to forecast weather for long periods.

531.In this language course, we focus on fluency and accuracy.

532.Scientists learned through the observations and the analysis of the

human behaviour

533.Students are encouraged to monitor their own attendance.

534.Students are encouraged to think carefully about their accommodation


535.The ability to work with fellow students cannot be stressed enough.

536.The site is designed to be highly interactive.

537.The summer course has been canceled due to insufficient re-enrolments.

The other version :

The summer course was/has been canceled due to insufficient
enrollment. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark


538.There are many different types of governments in the world.

539.There is a welcome party for all new students each term.

540.Building trust is not something that can be achieved overnight.

541.Every student has the right and the ability to succeed.

542.One of the election promises is to decrease income taxes..

543.Please click on the logo above to enter the site

544.The article refers to number of interesting experiments.

545.The artist’s ties connected politicians earned row of critiques.

546.The subject was complex and hard to explain.

547.There are still many people struggling in the lab.

548.Agood academic paper should be clear.

549.Students are encouraged to monitor studies by themselves. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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550.Students who attempted to go to the conference must register now.


551.poster of this play is hung in the large lecture theatre.

552.Read the safety instructions before using the equipment during the

553.Some people are motivated by competition, while others prefer


554.The visiting speaker used to be the lecturer of this department.

555.The new camera can identify your eyes and focus on them.

556.You should submit your team papers to the general office.

557.One of the election promises is to decrease the income tax.

558.You will acquire many skills during the academic studies.

559.We have not yet achieved equality in our society.

560.Observers waited nervously with bated breath for the concert.

The other version :

Observers waited nervously and with bated breath for the concert. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark


561.The department has higher than normal proportion of postgraduate


562.Dealing with the growing population is a challenge for many


563.Good research delivers practical benefit for real people.

564.Experts are now able to forecast weather over much longer periods.

565.There are opportunities to receive grants from most artistic fields.

566.There have been too many struggles in the mathematics department.

567.Accounting students should have a good understanding of profit and

loss statements.

568.Please make sure you do not go over the word count.

569.Tutors should set goals at the start of the class.

570.Enrolling in a double major may increase your career options.

571.Those who are considering a career of marketing should attend the


572.Find out how to get resources before your research. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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573.There is a welcome party for all new students for each term.

574.Commissioners will raise funds for authorities.

575.The designers will complete the plan later today

576.The visiting guest used to be the lecturer of this department.

577.All medical students must attend the talk about optional courses.

578.Farming methods across the world have greatly developed recently.

579.Unusual weather patterns are making farming more difficult today.

580.Mature students usually adapt to university life extremely well.

581.The industrial revolution in Europe was driven by steam technology.

582.They were struggling last year to make their service pay.

583.Unusual patterns are making farming more difficult.

584.Industry will discuss job opportunities for work. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark


585.One function of the body fat is to keep all internal organs warm.

586.The article verifies a number of interesting experiments.

587.This course puts great emphasis on the critical thinking skills.

588.He was constantly looking for ways to bring industry and agriculture
close together.

The other version :

He was constantly looking for ways to bring industry and agriculture
closely together.

589.Several candidates will be qualified as the greatest scientists of all


590.Agood research assistant is not afraid to ask questions.

591.Agood research assistant is not afraid to be asked questions.

592.Agood way to improve vocabulary is repetition.

593.Arising population means more trees are cut down.

594.All lectures and learning materials can be found on the internet.

595.All students are encouraged to vote in the forthcoming elections. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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596.Both staff and students can purchase parking permits online.

597.Calculators may not be used during the examination.

598.Distance learning can develop your career around the world.

599.Find out how to get sources before your research.

600.Good research paper delivers practical benefits to real people.

601.Governments need to make solar energy more affordable to people.

602.He is regarded as the most foremost economist this year.

603.It was four more years before the theory was fully developed.

604.It will be extremely beneficial to work together.

605.Our courses help improve critical thinking and independent learning

606.The new medical students must attend the talk about optional classes

The other version :

Our/The new medical students must attend the talk about optional
classes/courses. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark


607.Reading list will be available before the course begins

The other version :

Reading (list) must/will be available before the course begins.

608.Some departments have their own special book collections.

609.The course helps students to improve their pronunciation skills.

610.The economy is now showing the sign of recovery. .

611. The professor took one year off to work on her book.

612.The seminar provides an opportunity to exchange ideas with other


613.The teacher training is an observation of the classes.

614.The theatre courses are encouraging students to access creativity.

615.The new timetable for the next term will be available next week.

616.The university should invest technology methods designed to support


617.There are many branches of medical studies. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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618.There are many good reasons to plant trees in city.

619.There is an important difference between mass production and batch


620.They developed a unique approach to training their employees.

621.Today’s history lecture has been moved to the lecture theatre.

The other version :

The history lecture has been moved to the lecture theatre.

622.Unusual patterns make farming more difficult.

623.Without doubt, this theory has a number of limitations.

624.You can find a lot more references information on the university


625.Your application for a research grant has been received.

626.Anumber of academics and journalists will gather in the conference.

627.An architect is required to have problem-solving skills and an eye of


628.Global connections increased in academic communities, thanks to social

media. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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629.In this book, the author discussed the role of cultural differences.

630.Novelists write about things that they know about.

631.Strangely, people are impacted by spontaneously using statistics.

632. Students who are successful have good strategy of learning.

633.Students should take the advantage of the online resources before

attending the lecture.

634.There will be a meeting for the first year students on Friday.

635.Agricultural development is vital for poor rural areas.

636.You need to put these books on the table over there.

637.Food containing too many calories supplies little or no nutritional

638.Scientists are unsure when the first man left Africa.

639.The news is not received until the following week.

640.Muscle cells bring parts of the body closer together. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark


641.Aseries of the observations were carried out in the classroom.

642.The task tomorrow will require higher level.

643.Being bilingual is not necessarily having the ability to analyze the


The other version :

Being bilingual is not necessarily being having the ability of
understanding two

644.You will study two courses and three optional modules.

645.Journalism faces the crises in the light of the digital revolution.

646.Gravity makes objects attracted to one another.

647.The academic tradition of the school ensures excellence.

648.Aseries of lectures showed us in economics have been recorded.

649.This book can be borrowed for a maximum of one week.

650. Social psychology has been considered by human behavior.

651. Purity is one feature that makes gold expensive. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark


652.Notes lecture will begin punctually, so please do not be late.

653.The research has produced some other unexpected results.

654.His appointment as culture minister was seen as demotion.

655.More graduate training is often needed after the university study is


656.Good nutrition is crucial to general health and vitality.

657.Implementation figures are expected to be improved in the next few

658.Food has become a political issue in the world.

659.Banks charge interests on money they loan to their customers.

660.Student shop has a range of stationery.

661.As student union members, you can influence and change our university.

662.Speed is defined as how fast a person or an object moves.

663.Our facilities include five items in the university. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark


664.Time and distance are used to calculate speed.

We can all meet at my office after the lecture.


666.You don’t need to have specialist knowledge to be able to read the


667.The reception staff provides advice on renting private accommodation.

668.The essay will argue that the technology does more harm than good.

The other version :

This essay will argue technology does more good than harm.
669.The opening hours of the library are reduced during summer.

The other version :

The opening hours of the library is reducing during the summer.

670.Too much information may be avoided by good research design.

671.Astronauts use light years to measure distances in space.

672.Alaptop has been found at the biology lab.

The other version :

A laptop computer has been found in the computer lab/biological labs.

673.We hold the visiting hours throughout the year for students. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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674.Some of the vocational courses are provided by many private


675.Some vocational courses at institution are funded by private


676.Graphs and charts allowed data more easily to be understood.

677.Strong liner is used to measure distance and baseline.

678.The department has organized a trip to London in July.

The other version :

The department is organizing a flight to London in July.

679.Courses are assessed by group work and individual assignment.

680.The library will be closed for staff training tomorrow morning.

681.Scientists recognized the different ice types according to the water

molecule content.

682.The career services provide job interviews.

683.Physics is the key subject to know the world and understand the

684.Sports teams practice on weekdays and play games on weekends. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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685.It helps you rationally assess your arguments.

The other version :

You will learn how to rationally assess your arguments.

686.Undergraduates have a wide range of cultural modules to choose from.

687.Criminal charges all of the men.

688.Food cannot be eaten in the main library.

689.Social media is criticized of causing internet addiction.

690.It is necessary to dress formally for the graduation ceremony.

691.It takes a long time to walk to university.

692.Essays and assignments are spread out across the academic year.

693.Statistically speaking, the likelihood of the result is extremely low.

694.The area has a number of underwater habitats in species.

695.Measures must be taken to prevent the unemployment rate from

increasing. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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696.Advanced technology will cause growth in the economy.

697.Your statistical information depends on your raw data.

698.The momentum is defined as a combination of mass and velocity.

699.The researchers are disappointed that their materials are proved to be

700.Late applications are not accepted under any circumstances.
The other version :
Request for late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.

701.Students should put their bags on the table behind the door.

702.Slides and handouts can be downloaded after the lecture.

703.The collapse of the housing market makes recessions.

704.Even simple techniques need to be practiced to become perfect.

705.Sugar is a compound including carbon hydrogen and oxygen items.

706.The north campus car park could be closed on Sunday.

707.Certain organisms can reproduce using just only one parent. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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708.Graphs are often useful for geographical research.

709.Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common.

710.Salt is produced from the seawater or extracted from the ground.

711. Firm conclusions can be established through rigorous experiments.

712.International exchange formed the important part of our study program.

713.Making sure you have saved all the files before turning off the

714.The coffee machine on the third floor is not working today.

715.The reception staff can give information of renting and printing.

716.We are no longer responding to any reference requests.

717.All medical students must clean their hands before entering the room.

718.Your ideas are discussed depending on your seminar or tutorial.

719.Blue whales are the largest mammal that have ever lived. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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720.The bus to London will be leave ten minutes later than expected.
The other version :
The bus for London will leave 10 minutes later than planned.()

721.The printers automatically print both sides of each page.

722.Make sure you choose a course that provides great career

The other version :
Make sure you choose a course which provides you good/great career

723.Sound waves are unable to travel through the vacuum.

724.Many courses in the institution are funded by private entrepreneurs.

725.Sociology policies are the sources of government to solve social


726.Horizontal line on the graph indicates there is no change.

The other version :
Horizontal line on the graph indicates there is no period of change.

727.You must set a security question when resetting your password.

728.Children conquer their first language without any conscious efforts.

729.There is a widely believed perception that engineering is for boys.

730.The jobs tomorrow will require higher skill levels. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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731.It is successfully acknowledged that there is a student graduation


732.Archaeologists discovered tools and other artifacts near the ancient

733.Speak to your tutor if you need further assistance.

734.Economic development needs to be supported by governments.

735.The professor took a year off to work on her book.

736.The new chemistry professor will deliver his first lecture tomorrow.

737.Much of the research is carried out in the laboratory.

738.The winter sun is lower but high enough to produce enough warmth.

739.The course dates are available on the college website.

740.Library plays an important role in student’s life.

741.There is a significant difference between theory and practice in


742.Continuing students will be sent the necessary application forms. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark


743.Abalanced diet and regular exercise are necessary for good health.
744.Science library is currently located on the ground of the library.

745.Take the first step to apply for your university scholarship.

746.Growing population has posed a challenge to many governments.

747.Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.

748.We are achieving common prosperity throughout the department.

749.The new art gallery can only be visited on Fridays.

750.Industrial experts will discuss job opportunities in an automatic

labor force.

751.Manufacture now brings more people in than agriculture and fishing


752.Alack of sleep can increase the chance of some illnesses.

753.The invention of the printing press increases the demand for paper.

754.Art students often exhibit their works in the university buildings. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

755.The office hours will be changed from next term.

756.An undergraduate is required to do many projects.

757.The temperature in summer is lower when comparing to the fall.

758.Students who study overseas can significantly improve work chances.

759.Key business partners are often entertained in expense accounts.

760.Check the website if you are looking for discount textbooks.

761.The leaflets can be really useful when you are revising.

762.You must figure out the mathematical problems and apply what you

763.Please write the name of author and the year of publication.

The other version :
Please write down the name of the author and the year of the publication.

764.Farming method across the world have greatly developed recently.

765.Today we will look at how to display the data visually.

766.The studies showed the Hong kong people are the most active inAsia. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

767.Unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest level in years.

768.People provide the reports to support your idea of these arguments.

769.Get enough sleep the night before the test.

770.Every student has a regular meeting with his or her personal tutor.

771.More research is needed before any definitive conclusion can be drawn.

772.Doing nothing is not always better than taking risks.

773.The shipwreck of this year ruined some artifacts which were interested
by historians.

774.Architectural numbers vary in that interesting experiment.

775.There is not much interconnection between philosophy and psychology.

776.Fishing is a sport and a means of survival.

777.Career services provide tips about how to cope with job interviews.

778.The gravity is the force that attracts two bodies from one another. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

779.We no longer respond to any postal reference requests.

780.People see stars that were billions of years ago.

781.You must hand in your essays by midday on Friday.

782.Criminal charges will be brought against all of the men.

783.Natures are defined as specific chemical compounds.

784.Technology is changing the way media is used and studied.

785.Scientists are always asking the governments for more money.(重复 241)

786.Plants are able to continue growing throughout their lives.

787.There are dedicated specialist librarians available all the time.

788.We can't consider any increases in our prices at this stage.(重复


789.The task tomorrow will require higher level skills.

790.Castle was designed to intimidate both local people and the enemies. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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791.It is important to make clear notes when you are reading.

792.You need to hand in your assignment before next semester.

793.We were able to contact a number of researchers.

794.This is interesting in parliament.

795.This is an integrated course with several elements.

796.All of your assignments should be submitted by next Tuesday.

797.Artists need to make their works both original and accessible.

798.Our study program equips students with central skills for university.
The other version :
Our study program equips students with essential skills for university.

799.This problem is complex and difficult to explain.

800.Those lectures begin promptly, so do not be late

801.The area has a wide diversity of habitats for underwater species.

802.The very basic feature of computing would be counting and calculation. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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803.Aregional assembly was moved to the devolution of power.

804.Studying history can help you better understand the present.

805.The career service provides suggestions on how to pass the job


806.The study shows the sense of recent technologies.

807.You need to save your files before turning off the computer.

808.Key business partners are often intertwined in expense accounts.

809.The balance in diet and exercise makes for good health.

810.Social science is the study of solving social problems.

811. Muscles make parts of the body close together.

812.The coffee house menu features coffee, (chicken,) sandwiches and


813.These features were part of the previous system.

814.It was hard to anticipate how all the different characters would
react. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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815.Undergraduate students may pursue their specific interests within

specific programs.

ᴥ New:

816. Managing the increasing population is the challenge for most


817.Your ideas are sophisticated in seminars and tutorials.

818.The researchers are disappointed that their results are proved to be


819.The course covers architecture planning and construction on the

international scale.

820.There is no criterion passed for qualified journalists.

821.Children start producing words before they are able to walk.

The other version :
Children are producing words before they are able to walk

822. The rising of the sea level indicates climate change.

823.Packages are likely to be used in many computers.

824.Most food constructions require large amount of water or fertilizer.

825.Academic libraries across the world are steadily incorporating social
media. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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826.We are dealing with the most challenges that we face today.

827.Classical mechanism is sometimes considered as a branch of applied

mathematics. .

828.In statistics, a detailed lecture of view is very important.

829. The goal of the company is to get investment.

830.Designers need to keep up with the social trend.

831.Practical experiments are an essential part of the chemistry course.

832. The university provides different facilities for students and staff.

833.You will be tested via quiz and dissertation.

834. New developments in manufacturing are constantly changing the way we


835. Classical mechanism is considered as a branch of mathematics.

836. Studying medicine is always with a wide range of opportunities.

837.The course involves pure and applied mathematics. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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838.He was regarded as the foremost economist at that time.

839.In any written assignment, a detailed literature review is important.

840.Marine environment has been destroyed by pollution and unsustainable


841.Calculators allow us to add numbers that we all made mistakes.

842.Trees benefit the city by absorbing water that run off road.

843.The lecture will cover the reason of climate change.

844.This course aims to develop your knowledge of statistics.

The other version :

This course aimed to develop your knowledge of statistics.

845.Many diseases on the list have been irritated.

The other version :

Many diseases on the list have been eradicated

846. The advanced course requires a basic knowledge of economic theory.

847.Eating fish twice a week is an accommodation on a health diet. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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848.There are many different styles of business management.

849.The northern campus car park is located behind the library.

850.University student should purchase the graduation gown for the


851.Linguist is the scientist and knowledge(不确定) of the language.

852.Many food crops require a large amount of water and fertilizer.

853.Air pollution is a serious problem all over the world.

854.New media journalism is an interesting area for study.

The other version :

New media journalism is an exciting field of study

855.We are rethinking the solutions for the society.

856.Plagiarism in a test is very severe.

857.There is an accounting assessment for finance students.

858. Many universities' lectures can now be reviewed in Internet. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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859.New materials and techniques are changing the style of modern


860.Professors with higher educational standard trained them extremely


861.Please return the reference book to the correct position on the table.

862.Scholarship applications must be handed in at the end of the month.

863. The bank is hoping to tap into a fast growing market.

864.You will need to read Chapter One before the management class.

865.The university provides excellent leisure facilities for students and


866.There is a new chemistry test next week.

867.We should never underertimate the power of creative

868.Higher education provide treats plagiarism extremely

869.The bank is hoping to tap into a fast growing market

870.Psychologists say what we have experienced influences our behaviors Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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871.Agood structure shows the key points or paper

872.Extracurricular activities can help students to develop

873.Information technology has changed the way we study

874.Audition of the university choir will be on hold the next week

875.Relying on natural abilities will not get you far in science.

876.The library will stay open until midnight this week.

877.Many university lectures can now be viewed on the internet.

878.The English degree involves certain placements in thirty years.

879.Three pieces/types of resources are enough for ...

880.`Students are required to have an undergraduate degree in Biology to

be enrolled in this

881.The effective business management is always happened with new ideas.

882.Linguistics is an analysis of language. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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883.This project is divided into four main sections.

884.The government is funding research study on the consequences of


885.The orchestra will be led by a visiting conductor.

886.The policy aims to increase the investment in foreign currency.

887.Field trips are essential parts of most geography courses.

888.Historical economics is the trick of the subject.

889.Urbanization provides emphasis on the expense of other communities.

890.The department is doing research on biology.

891.Anew collection of articles has just been published.

892.Physical health can be improved by regular training.

893.People have been dependent on using phones in their everyday life.

894.The English degree is a worthy degree of the third year. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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895.The department works closely with its partners in the business


896.Something will be left by the conductor.

897.The digital camera has some advantages over traditional film.

898.Critical thinking is one part of a broad education.

899.Babies can distinguish between what is the language and what is not.

900.The history course is assessed via three written assignments.

901.Philosophy uses a lot of logics and reasons to analyze human

902.The skills of great stage actors cannot be taught.

903.All of your assignment should be submitted by next Tuesday.

904.These three separate resources are not enough for this assessment.

905.Please return the books to the correct positions on the shelves

906.An effective manager is always open to new ideas. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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907.The history department is very active in research.

908.The two sides have disagreed on how to solve the problem.

909.Art and design is a competitive field to work in.

910.Urban planning emphasizes on expenses community.

911. The rest of the material was deposited partway down the catchment.
912.This article covers architecture planning and construction.

913.In any written assignment, a detailed literature review is very


914.Exotic activities can help students develop more talents.

915.Aworld-famous expert of financial management will give a guest


916.Avisit to design museum will be great valued.

917.Students will develop cofindence to their ability to think critically.

918.Neuroscience is a compound of completely separate parts. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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919.Honey can be used as food and health product.

920.The disease that was serious has now been eradicated.

921.Students must attend the safety course before entering the engineering

922.There is no fixed career path for a qualified journalist.

923.When the roots of a plant failed, foliage suffers.

924.The artists tied with conservative politicians earned the roles of


925.The laboratory near the entrance of the library,

926.That means they have so many struggling overlaps in the lab

927.Students develop confidence in their ability to think critically.

928..We are researching on the most significant challenges we are facing

in our society

929.The celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.

930.The school canteen sells a large variety of water and food. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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931.Resources and materials are on hold at the library reference desk.

932.Timetables about new term will be available next week.

933.Population geography includes the study of demography.

934.Technological developments have changed the way we live.

935.Nutrition plays a key role in athletic performance.

936.Sugar is a solid carbohydrate which is always used in sweet food.

937.The university sent exchanged students to other countries.

938.Expertise in particular areas distinguishes you from other graduates

in a job interview.

939.The generic biology technology lab is located at the North Wing of the

940.Physics is a detailed study of matter and energy.

941.In Europe, the political pressure is similar regarding globalization.

942.Online courses allow students to work in their own pace. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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943.You have the freedom to study what interests you most.

944.All students have their own styles of learning.

945.Art helps us to deep the appreciating of our world.

946.Reading histories involves a level of careful selections.

947.Education is learning skills for employment.

948.Experts say learning and listening music can reduce the stress.

949.Water is heated to something and added to the mixture.

950.Researches show that spending time outdoors has a range of benefits.

The other version :

Research shows that spending time in outdoors has a range of benefits.

951.When sentencing, the courter will depend on if the criminal is guilty

or not.

952.The students are waiting for a meal.

953.Teaching assistance plays a vital role in the learning process. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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954.Scholarships are available for both local and international students.

955.We prefer postgraduate students than previously possible.

956.Our company is intended to hire more than ten thousand people

957.Finding cocoa in dark chocolate promotes immunity and mood.

The other version :

The finding shows that chocolate can improve memory, immunity and mood.

958.The British students need to study mathematics in secondary school.

959.Family life is difficult for parents who have shift work.

960.The Internet has transformed the nature of publishing.

961.You will write poetry and plays as well as scientific papers.

962.While the information indicates something for consuming products.

963.Many important policies need to be made.

964.Scientists can develop new elements in their laboratory. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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965.Businesses must obey regulations.

966.Our workshop is opening for all the students on the campus.

967.The night's sky has always involved mystery and wonder.

968.Career management is a very important subject.

969.The universities provide exchange programs to other countries.

970.Every living thing begins as a single cell.

971.The renowned journalism will last for half of the century.

972.The degree is taught by using a mixture of lectures and seminars.

973.The falling birth rate means the number of students dropped.

974.Our aim is to transform the classical teaching in the classroom.

975.The use of mobile phones is not permitted in the library.

976.It is interesting to observe the development of the language skills of

toddlers. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

977.Lots of people turned out to be at the presidential address.

978.Career mobility is very important for new graduates.

979.The technology has transformed the nature of society.

980.In the research, data must be collected by analysis.

981.It is the members contribution.

982.We are facing the discomfort on campus.

983.Reading histories involves a level of careful selections.

984.More research is required in the field of food science

985.An academic essay uses references from both primary and secondary

986.Thousands of people turned out ahead of the prestigious election.

987.Academic journals are often edited by subject specialists.

The other version :

Academic journals are usually edited by subject specialists. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

988.There is no economic recognition that borrowing is necessarily bad.

989.Oil only reserve half-century.

990.Campus tours begin at the library this afternoon.

991.These research, data and collections should be analyzed.

992.Having strong motivation is vital for achieving your goal.

993.Rivers provide habitat and migration pathways for numerous aquatic


994.I am going to transform my mathematical skills to the classroom.

995.There are places that we can get milk

The other version :

There are places on campus where you can get milk. .

996.What surprised me is the number of students in this course.

997.The deadline of the marketing assignment has been extended.

998.There is no reason to prove that boredom is necessarily bad.

999.The deadline of this assignment is tomorrow. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1000.City planners recognize the needs of accessible public transport


1001.There are a variety of different ways to present statistical


1002.Accommodations on campus are limited but there are more options


1003.Leave the building immediately if the fire alarm goes off.

1004.The student magazine is looking for a new editor.

1005.Libraries in many areas were closed due to the lack of funding.

1006.Understanding visual media has never been more challenging.

1007.Rising in sea temperature is a sign of climate change.

1008.New development in technology contributes to current research.

1009.We are fixing up disposable cups on campus.

1010.It is an integrated course with three different elements.

1011.The illnesses and diseases are coming. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1012.Literature can be classified in various ways.

1013.Business must adapt to the data protection regulations.

1014.Every experiment should be repeated to validate it.

1015.Please make sure your application follows the guidelines provided.

1016.For the small businesses, making profit is the main priority.

1017.The media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion

1018.Students are recommended to read new books by Professor Jones.

1019.The university library holds a number of collections of geological


1020.We shall be studying economy of several developing countries.

1021.Lecture outlines are available on the faculty board and internal


The other version :

Lecture outlines are available on the college internal website

1022.Our company must have independent financial auditing. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1023.The amount of time spent on configuration varies considerably.

1024.The closing date of applications for travel scholarships is next


1025.The university library held the collections of geological theories.

1026.It is clear that the human population impacts the environment.

1027.The rising inflation rate indicates a decrease in demands for

consumer products.

1028. The media influence human options.

1029.The public is often misled by the biased coverage.

1030.You will portray your plan and sign off on your paper.

1031.These words recognized the excellence of undergraduates' research


1032.A scholarship is available for both local and international students.

1033.This course can help to deepen your appreciation of art.

1034.Parenting is difficult for parents who have shift work. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1035.An essay should use evidence from both primary and secondary sources.

1036.A surprisingly large number of students applied for that course.

1037.Students have freedom to choose the subjects they are interested in.

1038.Students are encouraged to read the new books recommended by

Professor Jones.

1039.We help individuals to develop and follow their interest.

1040.We help students to develop their individuals and follow their


1041. Our company currently employs more than ten thousand people

1042.The program must be conducted abiding by general regulations.

1043. The public is often misled by biased coverage.

1044. Technology is no longer a simple tool that we can control.

1045. Students may only park their cars in authorized university parking

1046. Scientific experiments are repeated in order to find results. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1047. The closing date for applications of travel scholarships is next


1048.,Members can contribute to the association of operating firm.

The other version :

Members can make contributions to the association of operating firm

1049. Rising sea temperature is a sign of climate change.

1050.The extent of advertising on children is very much open to debate.

1051.It is an integrated course with several main elements.

1052.The use of mobile phone is not permitted in the library.

1053. It is clear that human population impacts on the environment.

1054. We help individuals to develop and follow their interest.

1055.There are places on campus where you can’t get milk.

1056. We shall be studying the economy of several developing countries.

1057. Please make sure your applications are following the guideline
provided. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1058.The terms of illnesses and diseases are often confused despite the
clear differences.

1059.The teaching staff are actively engaged in original research.

1060.We are continuing to provide learning resources.

1061.Money and how it is paid can affect the motivations to work.

1062.Participants initially select from a range of foundation subjects.

1063.Companies’ projects must adapt to the general data protection


1064.The university main library will be open till midnight until next
1065.British students must study mathematics at secondary schools.

1066.We are phasing out the disposal cups on campus.

1067.The deadline for the submission of this assignment is tomorrow.

1068.For the purpose of the research, data should be collected and


1069.There is no economic reason why public borrowing is necessarily bad. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1070. It is possible to keep the energy of an atom in two ways

1071.The economic predictions turn/turned out to be incorrect.

1072.The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections.

1073. The workshop will show you how to search the library catalogues

The other version :

The workshop will show you how to search the library catalogs.

1074.The research will investigate the great impact of gender on social


1075. Having clean water for human is vital for health.

1076. Journalism has undergone many changes in recent years.

1077. All mobile devices need to be switched off during the examination.

1078. The employment demand in engineering is increasing rapidly.

The employment opportunities available in engineering are increasing

1079. Sympathy is a feeling of sorrow for someone who is not happy.

1080.The computer memory of modern computer is extended every year. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1081. Fast food has become very popular with many students.

1082. Students should take the training course to use the gym.

1083. Many cities are actively working on ways for reducing air pollution.

1084. The digital revolution has changed the way we read.

1085.Mechanical engineering first became prominent during the Industrial


1086. Good educators can recognize the different kinds of learning styles.
1087. There is a point between chemistry and other side of subjects.

1088. Reading widely is an important part of the undergraduate study.

The other version :

Reading widely is important for undergraduate study.

1089. Many companies use personality tests in interview process.

1090. Having snow means no flight can take off or land.

1091.all the equipment must be returned to laboratory by Wednesday. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1092.At that times, few people moved from towns to villages.

1093.The study of history can provide unique insight.

1094.The sociology exam will take place in week thirteen.

1095.Libraries provide a range of services for students.

1096.Summer school programs allow some students to accelerate their

1097.You can buy a ticket for the lecture from the school secretary.

1098.International aid programs have been reduced by the new government.

1099.According to the law of the gravity, all objects attract to each


1100.If you need a parking ticket, see me after the lecture.

1101.The new biology course will be starting in February.

1102.There are many exciting developments occurring in the industry.

1103.Electronic devices can help students to complete their assignments

than ever before. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1104.These regions were both areas of economic development.

1105.The content is to define the combination of math and philosophy.

1106.There are a variety of disciplines in the field of engineering.

There are a wide variety of disciplines in the field of engineering.

1107.There have been long streams of extreme weather throughout human

1108..Before architecture was invented, people used to live in underground

1109. There are so many fast food outlets on campus nowadays

1110.Politicians need to be more proactive when they are addressing the


1111.The cafeteria will only serve cold milk on Friday this week.

1112.Mobile devices are not allowed to be used during the examination.

1113.There are many concerns about the research, for example, financial

1114.Changing your interest is a natural part of the learning process.

1115.Participation rate on studying language learning exceeded

expectations. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1116.Physicist students have student module this year.

1117.Democracy is constantly offering the most stable form of government.

1118.Rail transport is becoming more and more popular.

1119.The prevailing wind ensures the terms of something.

1120.Industry experts will discuss the opportunities in an automated


1121.Remember, the prestigious election of student membership has strict

eligibility criteria.

1122.Freshwater creatures did not appear in the paintings until the modern

1123.All industries can be thought of as a system of input, processes,

output, and feedback.

1124.Students are permitted to park at campus parking spaces.

1125.The post office will be closed on Mondays and Fridays afternoon.

1126. We have a lecture in the morning on Thursday.

1127.The essay contains most of the important information. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1128.When the court pronounces the sentence, the judge will see if she is
1129.The article extrapolates a number of very interesting experiments.

1130.The urban geography degree includes the study of demography.

1131.Members should make mandatory contributions to associated operating


1132.The study of utilizing projects is funded by the university.

1133.Many universities are continuously expanding the postgraduate

education online
learning resources.

1134.Experts said reading and listening to music can reduce stress.

1135.New developments in technology are influencing current research.

1136.We are more able to accommodate postgraduate students than previously


1137.Cells are the basic building blocks of all animals and plants.

1138.There is an overlap between chemistry and other subjects.

There is an overlap between chemistry and other science subjects.

1139.The participation rate in the study of language learning exceeded the

expectations Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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the watermark

1140.New media is to find new areas to study

1141.Artificial intelligence has made significant progress in the last few


1142. If you need a parking ticket ,see me after the lecture

1143.One of the key conclusions is that the development needs were met

1144.We will never learn that if life exists on other planets.

1145.Social policy describes the ways in which the society meets human's

1146.For any written assignment, a detailed literature review must be


1147.The feedback from the students was positive.

1148.Parents today are involved in the education of their children.

1149.The world is now getting warmer at a fast rate.

1150.Coastal communities are particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels.

1151.You should submit your essay by midnight tomorrow. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1152.The library has a number of collections of historical and social

statistical publications.

1153.Time and space are used to calculate the distance.

1154.New media has a significant impact on human communications.

1155.The chemistry building is actually being built.

1156.There are a wide variety of disciplines within the field of


1157.This paper has the potential to transform life science.

1158.You should inform your professor if you are absent from your

1159.There is a separate reading list for each course.

1160.The use of dictionary is not allowed during the examination.

1161.Time is needed to complete the lecture.

1162.Remember to sign the attendance prior to the class.

1163.The university canteen is now offerin many healthy meal options. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1164.You must sign for attendance in this class.

1165.Diet and exercise are the foundation parts of good health.

1166.A national collection center is currently being built.

1167.Time was needed to process complex topics of the lectures.

1168.There may be financial concerns in the research, for example, funding


1169.The first commercial airport was built on the island relative


1170.The physics students will be given an additional module this year.

1171.The tutorial timetable can be found on the course website.

1172.The first commercial advertising was built up on the island

relatively recently.

1173.Financial help for undergraduate study is available on application.

1174.Communication skills have become more important in recent years.

1175.The capacity of programming computers is expanding enormously every
year. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1176.University graduates will work for a year in industries.

1177.The history of economics is a tricky subject to study.

1178.A bar chart is a useful means of data comparison.

1179.New credit cards will soon use fingerprint technology.

1180.Please turn off the lights to save energy.

1181.Students are advised that all the lectures today have been canceled.

1182.Sea levels are expected to rise during the next century.

1183.You can keep your bags in the backroom.

1184.The restrooms are down the hall to the right.

1185.We should have a meeting to discuss and report.

1186.The students will meet their new teachers after the summer vacation

1187.Please move us to the meeting room for the next hour Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1188.The teacher explained the homework to the class

1189.Please close the door behind you when you leave the room

1190.I want to make an appointment with the manager

1191.Make sure you wash your hands before preparing the food.

1192.There were a lot of traffic jams this morning.

1193.Our laboratory equipment is provided free of charge.

1194.The stairs are to the left of the elevator.

1195.You must call your doctor to make an appointment.

1196.You will take on your uniform on the first day .

1197.The large and wide table is not for sale.

1198.The weather used to be lovely at this time of the year.

1199.The fiction books are just past the counter. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1200.You can get your coffee and tea in the lounge.

1201.Food contains antibiotics provides few or no nutrition value

1202. Atypical study involves society and science

1203.Each student needs meet his or her tutors.

1204.Peer review is an essential part of scientific methods.

1205.The govermment financial plan has threatened the social services.

1206.Students and staff will automatically become a member in their


1207.The study of anthropology can help us learn about society today.

1208.In my opinion, the car should be repaired.

1209.This is a compulsory course, so make sure you attend.

1210.Globalization often puts more pressure on national economic policies.

1211.Technology and international trade are the key drivers of the global
economy. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1212.Please read the chapter one of the history textbook.

1213.The library has a wide range of collection of images and films.

1214.The aerial photograph is promptly registered for further


1215.The commissioner will allocate the funds among other authorities.

1216.The research paper examined the economies of three countries.

1217.Historical cities are financially dependent on the tourism as income.

1218.Our cultural values are dependent on the choices we made.

1219.Recycling systems can be complex, but they are becoming simpler.

1220.Science degree are now offering different levels of specialization.

1221.Atoms are the central building blocks of matter.

1222.The library contains a wide collection of images and photographs.

1223.Most of the scientists disagreed to discuss the size and the levels
of society. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1224.We aim to develop a partnership with the government and financial


1225.There will be a guest lecture in the next class.

1226.Participating in the class is the center of the course.

1227.Protective goggles must be worn in all the university's laboratories.

1228.A good abstract highlights the key points of your paper

1229.In addition to lecture programs, you will be offering tutorials.

1230.Our lecture today will discuss theAmerican War of Independence.

1231.There must be planets in the universe that can support life.

1232.Annual reports can give important information on company finances.

1233.University graduates lose their time finding jobs.

1234.Our culture influences the choices we make.

1235.Students with work experience may be successful in job applications. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1236.When writing an essay, considering different views of subject.

1237.The study center in the library has all the latest technology.

1238.The new king is crowned at the beginning of June.

1239.There is an agreed consensus that leadership skills can be taught.

1240.Music students will have great opportunities to work with musical


1241.The history of Asia is really studied on in these regions.

1242.Participating in the work placement is beneficial to all students

1243.This course is based on experimentation and practice

1244.The local government has adopted a plan for infrastructure


1245.Legumes and vegetables are major sources of vitamins

1246.A large number of law graduates go into politics.

1247.Female is better than male in academic results until 44 years of age. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1248.The most pollution comes from industrialized countries.

1249.Carbon dioxide is the main source of greenhouse gases that cause

climate change due
to human behaviors.

1250.It is generally accepted that language is a part of culture.

1251.The library catalog is located on the first floor.

1252.It is doubtful whether projects can be finished this week

1253.In ancient times,shelters harbor attracted travelers to its location.

1254.Some students prefer to learn by images and pictures.

1255.At university,students can make friends for life.

1256.The majority of academic publications are in English.

1257.I would like all engineering students to raise their hands.

1258.Most students need computers to do their homework.

1259.Students who study environmental biology need to do fieldwork. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1260.Doctoral writings have the structure in place as well as scientific


1261.A typical part of this course involves the study of society

1262.Contracts can help to avoid misunderstandings between businesses.

1263.Graduates from this course generally find jobs in insurance industry.

1264.You must change your password every month

1265.Technology has changed the media we both used and studied

1266.Banks change interest from the money lend to customers

1267.Two drops of the solution were heated in a test tube

1268.In recent years, America has developed a coffee culture.

1269.A demonstrated ability to write clear, correct and concise English is


1270.Meeting with mentors can be scheduled for students who require

additional support.

1271.Most home buyers receive a loan from the bank. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1272.Computer science has become a popular university degree course.

1273.Global warning is a threat to economic growth.

1274.To gain access to the facilities,student cards must be shown

1275.You may find it useful to view the photographs.

1276.The aim of the course is to encourage students to develop their

1277.You will be tested by continuous assessments and examinations.

1278.Policies are extremely strict to office workers.

1279.An adviser can help manufacturers to ensure that products are safe.

1280.The lecture will focus on the challenges of urban development.

1281.The lectures and references are downloadable on the internet.

1282.Currently the company employs the people all over Europe.

1283.The colleague operates a system of continuous assessments. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1284.Climate change is not a pure reason for scientific research.

1285.It is important for scientists to publish their research.

1286.The car accident happened on Saturday outside the school gate.

1287.Scientists have found all parts of society today.

1288.Social media has grown enormously in recent years.

1289.I didn't understand the author's point of view on immigration.

1290.The ability to act on your own is called autonomy.

1291.Roads should be clear so that traffic can move smoothly.

1292.You did not need special knowledge to enjoy this book.

1293.The sports group practice on Wednesdays and play on weekends.

1294.Our undergraduate courses are designed with employment ability in


1295.The research results will be shared with the internal and external
stakeholders. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1296.Employers accept applications from all academic backgrounds.

1297.The department will continue to offer three new scholarships next

1298.The change of policy will have a great effect on society.

1299.There are still some tickets available for the concert next wednesday

1300.Often,people do not listen to understand,they listen to respond.

1301.The financial market reacts wildly during the period of uncertainty.

1302.The coordinator runs courses with continuous assessments

1303.Poverty exists everywhere but the situation has improved recently.

1304.The school theater study helps students to exercise their activities.

1305.The library is located on the north side of the campus.

1306.Food that contains antibiotics provides little or no nutritional


1307.Weather forecasts will have a big change in the next century. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1308.The traffic controller must ensure that the traffic flow is smooth.
1309.Assignments must be submitted at the end of the term.

1310.Theater study courses encourage students to exercise creativity

1311.This course considerably emphasizes critical thinking skills

1312.This course mainy introduces statistics and data analysis

1313.The electric buses have an impact on air pollution

1314.There will be no tutorials until next week.

1315.Global pollution levels are rising in an increasing rate.

1316.Poor posture and neck strain are common for office workers.

1317.Researchers say many students feel stressed and affect academic


1318.Antibiotics are agents that are effective in controlling the spread

of bacteria..

1319.Urban planners plant trees in cities for a better environment. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1320.Theory of course contributes to the community.

1321.It is necessary that literacy should be taught at secondary school.

1322.Science is found everywhere in society today .

1323.The part of the course is about psychology

1324.Services are rapidly growing in parts of the global economy

1325.Practical experience is a vital part of legal training

1326.The company was established in London by two former colleagues.

1327.Price and demand are fundamental concepts of economics

1328.Science and technology is good for the global economy.

1329.My loans have been received from the bank.

1330.Effective presenters make eye contact with the audience.

1331.Financial literacy should be taught at secondary school. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1332.Upload your assignments to the website by Tuesday

1333.The development has a great negative impact on the environment.

1334.Weather forecasting is becoming more accurate than before.

1335.Plastics have to be buried because the recycling systems are limited.

1336.History courses can improve our ability to think critically

1337.It's in financial company's interest to have people to save more


1338.The company has procedures to ensure quality and service.

1339.The university has created summer schools for international students.

1340.Easter island is a small island in the southeastern pacific ocean.

1341.Discipline and motivation are essential for achieving your goals.

1342.All the student union students can register their names to get that

1343.Feedback can be given in a variety of ways. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1344.You need to collect a clear note while learning new languages.

1345.While studying, you need to take regular breaks.

1346.Policies failed because the union leaders disagreed over the issue.

1347.The earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of oxygen and nitrogen


1348.If you want to receive the reimbursement, you must submit the
original receipts.

1349.Effective exercise is important for mental and physical health.

1350.Students will study the language literature in theAncient Greece.

1351.In language learning, a systematic method of organizing new

categories is essential.

1352.Recession triggers creativity and excess rates of powerful


1353.There is a pharmacy on campus near the bookstore.

1354.The general strike failed because the union leaders disagreed over
the strategy.

1355.The strong communication between students and teachers plays an

important role in
the class. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1356.The American astronomers made a plan for landing a spaceship on Mars.

1357.There is a display screen in the large lecture room of the theater.

1358.There are a number of people familiar with this process.

1359.The seminar on writing skills has been cancelled.

1360.The results of the study underscored the discoveries from early


1361.This course provides the opportunity to get valuable industry


1362.The American astronomers made a plan for landing a spaceship on Mars.

1363.The history course is assessed via three written assignments.

1364.The result of the study is important to this detection.

1365.The lecture today will cover all the main reasons for global warming.

1366.The elective course introduces engineering students to construction

practices and
1367.Medical students normally study at least six years in university. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1368.Everyone must complete assignments before the deadline.

1369.The program depends entirely on private funding.

1370.The library reception desk is now open every day.

1371.Digital gadgets have now become an important part in all people's

everyday life.

1372.Please remain seated after finishing your exam

1373.You can make an appointment to meet the librarian.

1374.The students will focus on reporting news on changing the media world

1375.The rising temperature is changing the wildlife population.

1376.Spending time in nature can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

1377.You should meet me in the lecture theatre room.

1378.Application forms should be submitted in one week.

1379.The study of nutrition is a growing field. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1380.The literature review should include recent journal articles.

1381.The use of wind energy has increased rapidly.

1382.Three resources are not enough for this assessment.

1383.There are more jobs in services than manufacturing.

1384.The difficult teacher is always responsible for the contribution to

student marks.

1385.Design of modern cities is a challenge for urban planners.

1386.To get further extension, you need to call the education executive on

1387.The quantity of challenge requires a lot of dedication.

1388.The field study on Wednesday has been canceled.

1389.Students must know the technological aspects of the society.

1390.Major sports on campus include rugby,soccer and tennis.

1391.The online registrations conference is now open. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1392.A quantity of challenges require a lot of dedication.

1393.When studying,it is crucial to take regular breaks.

1394.Statistics is a crucial branch of mathematics.

1395.Many inventors in the engineering sector are inspired by nature.

1396.He began the outlines before his presentation.

1397.Globalization has been an overwhelming urban and urbanization


1398.African elephant is the largest land living mammal living on land.

1399.Safety is the most important in the biology lab.

1400.A bar chart provides a useful means of data comparison.

1401.The college includes two branches,physical and social sciences.

1402.Field trips on Wednesday have been canceled.

1403.There are three courses in our study programs. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1404.Leaving valuable possessions unattended in public places is risky.

1405.A generous donation by alumni helps to fund the school.

1406.There is a lecture going on just in front of the room.

1407.There are many teachers to help students on campus.

1408.Nowadays, accounting is far more important for businesses than ever


1409.Candidates should remain seated until finishing their exams.

1410.All candidates must leave the hall only after the exam.

1411.The three elective courses were carried out in the program.

1412.The reason for the decline of enrollment is unclear.

1413.The burning of fossil fuels leads to pollution and global warming.

1414.Research shows that teachers contribute most to the students'


1415.I had a sandwich and milk with orange juice for my breakfast. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1416.Gravity is extraordinarily weak and nearly impossible to study

directly at a quantum

1417.The design of modern cities is a challenge for urban planners.

1418.Please note that the seminar has now been cancelled due to
insufficient enrolment.

1419.Medical students normally study at least six years in the university.

1420.The speaker began by giving an outlines of her presentation.

1421.The project is challenging and requires a lot of dedication.

1422.It showed that people are struggling in their lives.

1423.Leaving valuable possessions unattended in public place is risky.

1424.Nowadays, accounting is far more important for business than ever


1425.One of the purposes of education is to encourage independent


1426.Students must observe lab safety regulations at all time.

1427.Farmers do not accept the prices for their agricultural goods. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1428.Being a vegan means not consuming any animal products.

1429.It showed that people are struggling in their lives.

1430.All students are expected to participate in all class activities.

1431.Education and training provide important skills for the labor force.

1432.Since the problems we face are global ones, we need to find the
relative solutions.
1433.There are a number of people who like to go to countryside areas.

1434.Hypothesis needs to be tested in a more rigorous way.

1435.These students will become the greatest scientists at all times

1436.Evidence suggests that the human brain changes shape in response to

the way it is

1437.All funding requests must be submitted on the appropriate form.

1438.Further research should be established whether this trend is


1439.A gradual increase occurred between October and December. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1440.Your role was principally involved in development of new chemical


1441.This survey will look at the greatest scientists of all time.

1442.Laundry facilities are available in each school unit free of charge.

1443.High fees caused students to look more critically at what

universities offer.
1444.Remember to take all your belongings when you leave the lab.

1445.The last date of submitting application is one week from today.

1446.Digital gadgets are an excellent addition to any outdoor venture.

1447.Thinking is crucial for mathematics.

1448.The main problem is the increase of plagiarism exacerbated by the


1449.Tutors will arrange to meet all new students next week.

1450.You need to hand in the essay next semester.

1451.This course will teach engineering students practical skills and

concepts Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1452.I looked into my closet for something to wear but can’t find anything
that is

1453.Assignments handed after the due day will not be accepted.

1454.Reserved collection books contribute to the most achieved students.

1455.The other book isn't thorough, but it's more insightful.

1456.This course is integrated because it has several parts.

1457.Academic development needs the support of the government

1458.I am convinced that mathematical thinking is crucial for statistics


1459.Many businesses near the campus offer student discounts.

1460.The study of ecology integrates both traditional sciences and life


1461.To take this course students should have basic subject knowledge.

1462.Mathematics can be applied in various disciplines.

1463.The postgraduate education depends entirely on private funding. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1464.Humans use symbolic language to communicate plans and contentions.

1465.Art is an expression of creative skills and imagination.

1466.Students should have awareness of how the business develops globally.

1467.Studies showed there is a positive correlation between the two


1468.The director of the gallery was grateful for the anonymous donation.

1469.Joining a society can help to meet new people.

1470.Our curriculum covers different aspects of the subject.

1471.The supposed benefit of space exploration has been frequently


1472.The dance department stage elaborated stage performances each


1473.Mathematics can be applied to various disciplines.

1474.Background music can help students concentrate on their studies.

1475.Students will get their marks by the combination of both assessments

examinations. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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1476.Online enable people improve their while employed.
Online courses people to their skills employed.
courses enable to improve skills while

1477.Different affect the time of
Different factors the freezing of water.
factors affect freezing time water.

1478.The will take in the hall.
The lecture take place the main
lecture will place in main hall.

1479.Student will be the classrooms voting forms.
Student representatives be visiting classrooms with forms.
representatives will visiting the with voting

1480.The considered the habits of in rural
The article the leisure of teenagers rural areas.
article considered leisure habits teenagers in areas.

1481. the first before the meeting.
Read the section before next meeting.
first section the next

1482. penguins live the South
Most penguins in the Atlantic.
live in SouthAtlantic.

1483.Keep audience in mind when an essay.
Keep your in your when writing essay.
your audience your mind writing an

1484. known oil will only for half
Most known reserves will last for a century.
oil reserves only last half a century.

1485.Studying can help think in ways.
Studying philosophy help learners in new
philosophy can learners think new ways.

1486.A wide of aspects covered in subject.
A wide range aspects are in this
range of are covered this subject.

1487. university will a colossal renovation the plain
The university complete a colossal to the empty theater.
will complete renovation to plain empty Sydney ┃Melbourne┃ Perth ┃ Changchun┃
Sydney┃Melbourne ┃Nanjing┃ Changchun
┃ Perth┃Nanjing ┃

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1488.University fees are a key factor when choosing a course.

1489.Application forms for sharing accommodations must be completed two

months in

1490.Scientists learned through observations and the analysis of human


1491.The police phones are difficult to call, so crime rates are high. Sydney┃Melbourne┃ Perth┃Nanjing┃ Changchun┃

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