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Valet Servicing

 Lesson 1: What is a Valet Runner

Session Objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to: 

 Explain the valet services and its importance

 Understand the duties and responsibilities of a Valet Runner

A Valet Runner performs personal services for the guests. A valet service staff must be
able to deal with all types of guests' requests, needs and wants professionally. Guests
requiring a valet service expect their belongings and desires to be dealt with quickly and
efficiently, with no damages or losses.

What is a Valet Runner

A Valet Runner carries out a variety of personal duties for the guests such as:

1. Un- pack guests' luggage.

2. Collect guests' items for laundry and pressing.
3. Fill–in laundry/pressing list accurately.
4. Clean guests' shoes correctly.
5. Prepare and present guests' clothes, ready for use.
6. Carry out repairs to guests' items with qualified companies or agencies.

Lesson 2: Welcoming the Guests

Session Objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to: 

 Follow the correct procedure in welcoming a guest

 Learn the correct procedure in establishing good rapport with the guest
Valet Runners are guest relation professionals. They play a key role in fulfilling the
needs, wants, and expectations of the guest. A valet runner’s positive attitude will convey
individual courtesy, respect, and concern that the guest truly expects.

Positive guest relation means that the valet runner is ready at all times to help the
guest and to contribute to the enjoyment of the guest’s visit.

Welcoming The Guest

The guest and the valet runner meet at the lobby or outside the guestroom.

1. The VR must greet the guest warmly and with a smile

(Narration : Describe the personality and posture of a Valet Runner )
2. Use the name of the guest when talking to him/her
3. Personally take care of the guest's needs
4. Open the door for the guest
5. Make suggestions to help the guest enjoy his stay.
6. Offer additional help
7. Bid the guest goodbye

 Lesson 3: Un-packing of Guest Luggage

Session Objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to: 

 Understand the correct procedure in un-packing guests' clothes and belongings.

 Perform the correct procedure in un-packing guests' clothes and belongings

Un-packing a guest's luggage is part of the personal service performed by a Valet
Runner. It helps to create a positive impression on the image of the hotel’s services. Un-
packing a guest's luggage will help the client to settle down comfortably and become organized
if he/she has an easy access on his/her belongings.

Un-packing of Guest's luggage

The Guest and the Valet Runner are inside the room

1. The Valet Runner will ask permission before touching the guest's belongings
2. Use Personal Protective Equipment (gloves)
3. Choose an empty and flat surface such as a table or bed.
4. Segregate the items that need to be ironed, laundered or cleaned.
5. Put the items to be laundered inside the laundry bag
(Laundry bag is inside the cabinet)
6. Check the shoes if it needs to be cleaned / repaired
(For clean shoes ) Place the shoes underneath the corresponding colors of clothing.
7. Sort hats, belts, scarves and other closet accessories out of the bag and hang on the hooks
found on the side of the cabinet
8. Place all toiletries such as makeup and hair care items in the shelf / vanity table.
9. Secure any electronic accessories, including cameras, extra batteries, game cartridges or
DVD's and put them together in a shelf or table.
10. Check the small pockets of the bags as well the purse or carry on luggage for these items.
11. Arrange t-shirts and sweaters on separate shelves by color and sleeve length.
12. Fill in the drawers on the following order
a. Underwear on the top drawers. Shirts and sweaters underneath
b. Hang blazers one by one, next to each other
c. Put matching or similar colors together.
d. Fasten, button or zip so that everything hangs right.

Note: Put the colors your client wears most often (usually brown or black) on the shelves that
are easiest to reach.
13. All shirts should be hung up together in one section
a. Arrange by colors from light to dark with all of one color group together.
14. Follow the same process for skirts, pants, etc.
15. Hang pants from the waist or cuffs on a pants hanger
16. Check the cabinet for misplaced items
17. Close the cabinet

Lesson 4: Laundering / Pressing Guests Clothes

Session Objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to: 

 Explain the appropriate procedure in handling laundry items

 Perform the correct procedure in handling laundry items
 Understand the duties and responsibilities of a Valet Runner in collecting laundry items

Guests have a certain expectation when sending their clothes for ironing or washing,
that it will be done efficiently and quickly, with no damage or getting lost in the process.

Laundering / Pressing Guest Clothes


1. Fill in the laundry list found inside the cabinet

a. Name and room number of the guest
b. Type of service to be done on the item
c. Number of items
d. Type of items
e. Special instruction/s of the guest
2. Ask the guest to sign the laundry list for confirmation
3. Ask the guest if they still need further assistance
4. Bid the guest goodbye
5. Take the guest's items to the laundry's receiving area.
6. Sort the items according to:
a. Number of items to be laundered
b. Types of fabric
c. Washing procedure needed by the fabric
d. Stain
e. Colors
f. Sizes, etc.,
7. Ensure that the correct laundry documentation is filled out
a. Guest details are recorded (date, room number, guest name, time)
b. Numbers of items correspond with the laundry list,
c. And note any discrepancies, damage or stains.
8. Endorse the laundry item to the right laundry personnel involved in performing the tasks
9. Report any discrepancies to your supervisor, e.g. shortage of items to documentation,
damaged items, guest's special requests.
10. Collect guest's clothes from the laundry
11. Deliver guest's clothes
12. Knock on the guestroom door and announce, “Valet Service”
13. Enter the room discreetly
14. Greet the guest and let the guest know your purpose
15. Ask the guest were you can place the laundered items
16. Ask the guest to sign the delivery form
17. Ask the guest if they still need assistance
18. Bid the guest goodbye
19. Close the guestroom door carefully

Lesson 5: Clean Guest Shoes

Session Objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to: 

 Perform the correct procedure in cleaning shoes

 Follow the correct procedure in cleaning / polishing shoes
Taking care of shoes through correct polishing is important, not only for aesthetic
reasons in achieving the appealing glossy finish, but also to preserve the longevity and
condition of your shoes by keeping the leather moisturized and protected from the elements.

Clean Guest Shoes

1. Prepare the materials needed:
1. Different colours of polish/wax
2. Polishing brushes
3. Polishing cloths
4. Cleaning brushes
5. Cleaning cloth
6. Shoe horn
7. Shoes
8. Shoetrees
9. Gloves
10. Good morning towel/ newspaper
2. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (disposable gloves )
3. Wear protective clothing
1. Put a towel on your lap (if sitting down) or,
2. Spread newspaper on the table or any flat surface (if standing)
4. Sit properly on a chair and begin cleaning / polishing the shoe
5. Pick up the shoe by holding the sole
6. Carefully examine the shoe by observing the following:
1. Material used (leather, leatherette, plastic, synthetic leather, animal skin)
2. Color of the shoe
3. Dirt
4. Dent/ scratch/ damage on the shoe.
7. If the shoe has damage, make a report and ask your supervisor to sign the report.
Note : Minor repairs should be performed by the assigned Valet Runner
8. Make a mitten on your finger and clean the inner part of the shoe. Use clean cloth.
1. Wrap the corner of the cloth around your first and second fingers of your
dominant hand. Twist the remainder of the cloth to tighten the portion around
your fingers and hold that part in the palm of your hand.
2. When removing dirt and dust on the outer part of the shoes, make a mitten using
four fingers.
3. Use a very soft brush if the shoes have beads or if the material used is sensitive.
Remove all dust and dirt by wiping the shoe, especially the heel and sole with a
cloth. Apply the polish
4. Start from the tip of the shoe and work your way towards the heel
9. Wait for the shoe to dry completely
10. Buff shoes with a clean, lint free cloth or use a shoe brush to bring out the shine.
11. Put a tag on the shoe or put the cleaned shoes inside a bag before delivery
12. Deliver guest shoes
13. Knock on the guestroom door and announce, “Valet Service”
1. Knock 3 timesand wait for the guest to open the door
14. Enter the room discreetly
15. Greet the guest and let the guest know your purpose
16. Ask the guest where you can place the laundered items
17. Ask the guest to sign the delivery form
18. Ask the guest if they still need assistance
19. Bid the guest goodbye
20. Close the door carefully

 Lesson 6: Packing Guests' Luggage

Session Objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to: 

 Perform the correct procedure in packing guest's belongings.

 Learn the correct rolling to avoid wrinkles on clothes.
 Perform bundle wrapping packing method.
 Observe correct guidelines in packing guest's items.
Selecting Text
Packing can be both challenging and a battle in attempting to eliminate the wrinkle war.
While there are no “foolproof” remedies to avoid wrinkles, rolling and bundle wrapping packing
methods are the best ways of packing luggage because they provide a lot of space for the

Guidelines in Packing Luggage


1. As a Valet Runner, ask permission from the guest before touching his/her belongings
(When packing expensive items such as electronic gadgets or jewelries, the valet runner
should be assisted by a Supervisor/ House Managers)
2. Lay everything on the bed including the suitcase
3. Make a list of all items you will pack.
4. Use Personal Protective Equipment
5. Gather all the equipment, tools and materials needed in performing your tasks:
a. Luggage
b. Zip lock bags
c. Clothes (clean/ dirty)
d. Toiletries
e. Shoes/slippers
f. Name tag
g. Mesh bag
6. Roll pajamas, night gowns, sweaters, and other casual wear to fill small spaces, when
7. Layer each rolled up outfit on the bottom of the suitcase
8. Lay the first heavy clothing such as jacket or pants. Put it on top of the rolled items; lay it flat
in the suitcase without folding.
9. Put the next item on top - it should be placed in the opposite direction from the first item
10. Pack each item one at a time in a clockwise direction and allow sleeves, pant legs, skirt
lengths to hang over the edges as you stack more and more items.
11. Select an object to form the core of the bundle (books, papers or magazine)
12. Put core object on top of the pile of clothes you have stacked.
13. Start wrapping up your bundle. Begin with the last item you placed
14. Wrap sleeves, pant legs, skirts lengths over the core; neatly wrap the ends of that item
across the core bag on top of the pile
a. Wrap each item as neatly as you can.
b. Pack tightly.
c. Packing loosely wastes precious space and causes clothes to wrinkle
15. Place your remaining luggage items , like shoes, around the perimeter of the bundle
16. Put tag for identification
17. Inform the guest that you have finished packing their luggage
18. Bid the guest goodbye.

Lesson 7: Receiving a Telephone Call

Session Objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to: 

 Understand the set of rules involved in answering the telephone

 Demonstrate actual procedure in answering the telephone

The human factor in all types of communication makes the difference. Customers need
to feel taken care of, well informed and motivated. It's the opportunity to create relationships for
the future of your department.

Receiving a Telephone Call

The human factor in all types of communication and customer service makes the
difference. Customers need to feel taken care of. Good customer service begins here. In
customer service, the telephone is important. The difference between a positive and negative
experience with a phone call is you.

1. Telephone ringing
2. Answer the phone on or before the third ring
3. Make the standard greetings with a smile
a. Identify your department then identify yourself.
b. Adding phrases such as “good morning”, “how may I help you”
4. Have a pencil and a paper ready
5. Listen attentively, focus your attention on the caller
6. Write down immediately the caller’s name and room number, time of request, special
request and/or instruction.
7. Answer the inquiries of the guest
8. Repeat all details such as the name and room number, special request and/or instruction of
the guest.
9. Bid the guest goodbye with some pleasantry
10. Put down the telephone upon hearing the click from the other end

21. Change Text Alignment

22. Working with Fonts
23. Undo a Change
24. Save Your Document
25. Putting Everything Together
26. Quiz

1. Introduction
2. Starting Microsoft® Word
3. The Microsoft® Word Program Window
4. The Microsoft® Word Ribbon
5. Create a New Document
6. Typing Into the Word Processor
7. Deleting Text
8. Selecting Text
9. Change Text Alignment
10. Working with Fonts
11. Undo a Change
12. Save Your Document
13. Putting Everything Together
14. Quiz
Introduction to Word Processing
Writing letters, resumes, flyers and other documents is essential to both work and personal life. Writing involves
producing the first draft, checking for spelling, grammar and other errors, and editing the content. Word
processing software makes the entire writing process quick and simple. A word processor allows you to write the
draft, easily make the necessary changes and save the document to a file.

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