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Quiz 1: transport of substances in human

Coverage: page 1-3

Total mark: 23
Passing mark: 14(60%)
Part A: multiple choice questions (10 marks)
1. Which of the following substances can be found in blood? (2 marks)
(1) carbon dioxide
(2) glucagon
(3) urea
A. (1) only
B. (3) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)
2. The photomicrograph below shows the appearance of some human red blood cells:

The shape of the red blood cells allows them (2 marks)

A. to carry more haemoglobin.

B. to have closer contact with the tissue cells.
C. to absorb and release oxygen more rapidly.
D. to pass through the wall of the blood capillaries more easily.

Directions: Question 3 and 4 refer to the photomicrograph below, which shows a human blood

3. Which type of cells contains the least amount of DNA? (2 marks)

A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S

4. Which of the following descriptions of cell type Q is incorrect? (2 marks)

A. It can engulf bacteria that enter the body.
B. It can pass though the wall of the capillaries.
C. It decreases in number if the body lacks iron.
D. It increases in number during an infection of the body.

5. Refer to the electron diagran shown below:

The centre of cell P is lighter in colour when seen with the light microscope because(2 marks)
(1) It has no nucleus
(2) It has a large central vacuole
(3) it is thicker in the edge than in the centre
A. (1) only
B. (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

Part B: Long Questions (15 marks)

1. List one type of plasma protein and state its function to the body. (2 marks)
Antibodies, they are used for defence against infections (destroy pathogens) OR
fibrinogens, they are used for blood clotting.

Blood plasma with

Benedicts’ solution

(a) The mixture of blood plasma is heated with Benedicts’ solution. Predict the experimental
result and explain with the content of blood plasma. (2 marks)
Brick red precipitate will be formed. There are glucose in the blood plasma.

(b) Suggest another test for this type of substance in (a). (1 mark)
Clinistix paper test.
3. The photograph below shows a type of blood cells.

(a) Refer to the shape, explain how the cell is adapted to its feature. (2 marks)
It has a biconcave shape, which increases the surface area to volume ratio to facilitate
diffusion of oxygen/ gases through red blood cell cell membrane.

(b) It is found that the mature form of this type of cells have no nucleic, explain how this feature
is adapted to its function. (1 marks)
It provides more room for harbouring more haemoglobin to transport oxygen.

4. the photomicrograph below shows different types of blood cells found in a human blood

Cell P

Cell Q

(a) What is cell P? Deduce and explain your answer with reference to its structure. (2 marks)
Phagocyte. It has a lobed nucleus.
(b) cell Q is a kind of white blood cells, how does it function to defence human body against
disease? (1 mark)
It produce antibodies to destroy pathogens or neutralize toxin.
(c) the photo micrograph below shows a blood smear of a patient suffering from leukaemia (a
cancer of cells in the bone marrow, which causes large numbers of abnormal white blood cells
to be made, these cells cannot carry out the normal functions of white blood cells and
interfere the production of normal blood cells.)

State one possible problem to our immune system caused by leukaemia. (2 marks)
1. anaemia due to the lack of red blood cells.
2. easy brusing or bleeding due to the lack of platelets
3. Frequent infections due to the lack of white blood cells.

part C (Bonus mark questions)## (4 marks)

1. which type of blood cells have the largest size? (2 marks)

A. lymphocytes
B. platelets
C. red blood cells
D. phagocytes

2. which type of blood cells have the largest amount in human blood smear?
(2 marks)
A. lymphocytes
B. platelets
C. red blood cells
D. phagocytes


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