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Mupel : Bahasa Inggris Hari, Tanggal : Rabu, 03 Maret 2020
Kelas : II (Dua) Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00

I. Answer the following question with the correct answer!

1. Look at the picture! 6. Sinta is my sister.

Sister in Indonesian is?
A. Saudara laki-laki
What is the number ? B. Saudara Perempuan
A. Sixteen C. Keponakan
B. Seventeen 7. I like blue Colour.
C. Eighteen Blue in Indonesia is ….
2. Dina : What are Marbels do you have? A. Merah
Toni : I have Twenty Five Marbels. B. Biru
“Twenty Five” is …. C. Hijau
A. 25 8. What colour is the sun....
B. 30 A. Red
C. 35 B. Blue
3. 15 + 17 = .… C. Yellow
A. Thrty 9. What colour is the grass .…
B. Forty two A. Green
C. Thirty two B. Yellow
4. My father is a teacher. C. Blue
Father in Indonesian is? 10. Dodi like a banana.
A. Ibu Banana in Indonesia is .…
B. Ayah A. Mangga
C. Kakek B. Jeruk
5. Look at the picture! C. Pisang
11. Look at the picture!

what is the name of the

fruit …

What is the picture does?

A. Mango
A. Grand Father
B. Orange
B. Grand Mother
C. Grape
C. Uncle
12. Look at the picture! B. Tiger
C. Dog
14. The sheep like eat the grass!
Sheep in Indonesian is?
A. Sapi
B. Kucing
What is the name of the fruit?
C. Kambing
A. Grape
15. Look at the picture!
B. Orange
C. Banana
13. Look at the picture!

Where is the name of the animal

Where is the name of the animal A. Giraffe
above? B. Tiger
A. Crocodile C. Butterfly

II. Do they instruction given. Do it honestly and trust your own ability!
16. What is the ten plus nine? ….
25 – 14 = ….
A : what is the twenty five minus fourteen?
B : it is ….
18. I have father and mother. They are my ….
19. My mother’s brother is my ….
20. The colour is the sky ….
21. Purple in Indonesia is ….
22. A : what fruit do you like?
B : I like ….
23. Nanas in English is ….
24. a … like eat banana.
25. Gajah in English is ….

III. Do the question below with the righ answere!

26. Tuliskan arti angka-angka berikut dalam Bahasa inggris!
a. 17 =

b. 23 =
c. 40 =

27. Sebutkan arti anggota keluarga berikut dalam Bahasa Indonesia!

a. Cousin =

b. Brother =

c. Aunt =

28. Sebutkan arti warna-warna berikut dalam Bahasa inggris!

a. Hitam =

b. Putih =

c. Coklat =

29. Sebutkan arti buah-buah berikut dalam Bahasa Indonesia!

a. Avocado =

b. Watermelon =

c. Guava =

30. Sebutkan arti hewan-hewan berikut dalam Bahasa inggris!

a. Sapi =

b. Kuda =

c. Kura-kura =

~ *** ~
Answer Key

I. Multiple Choice
1. C 6. B 11. C
2. A 7. B 12. A
3. C 8. C 13. A
4. B 9. A 14. B
5. B 10. C 15. A

II. Essay
16. Nineteen
17. Eleven
18. Parents
19. Uncle
20. Blue
21. Ungu
22. Orange / banana / apple dll
23. Pineapple
24. Monkey
25. Elephant

III. Uraian
26. a. seventeen
b. twenty three
c. forty
27. a. keponakan
b. saudara laki-laki
c. bibi
28. a. black
b. white
c. brown
29. a. alpukat
b. semangka
c. jambu
30. a. cow
b. horse
c. turtle

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