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Q1.Discuss the powers of the East India Company under the Charter of 1600.Mention the
changes made by the charter 1661.
Q2. Mention the factors that contributed to the passing of the Indian Council Act, 1861.
Q3.Do you agree that Privy Council still carries its importance in the Indian Judicial System?
Q4. Elaborate the procedure of the Patna case.
Q5. Explain the procedure of the Rajanand kumar case.
Q6. Discuss in detail the provisions of the Pitts India Act.
Q7.Elaborate the judicial reforms of Lord Cornwallis.
Q8. Explain the process for the case of Kamaluddin.
Q9. Explain the administration of justice in the Bombay presidency town.
Q10. Define the administration of justice in the Calcutta presidency town.
Q11. Why and how the Admiralty Court was established in Madras? Critically evaluate the
functioning of the court.
Q12. Explain the administration of justice in the Surat presidency town.
Q13. Explain the administration of justice in the Madras presidency town.
Q14. Throw light on the Mayor’s court of justice.
Q15. Describe the features of The Act of Settlement 1781.
Q16Write a short note on Provisions of Charter of 1726.

Q17.Explain the main features of the Charter of 1853.
Q18. Discuss about the establishment of High Courts Act, 1861.
Q19. Define the Evolution Legal Institution in India.
Q20.Describe the main features of federal court.
Q21.Write short note on Codification of Laws.
Q22. Write a short note on Principle of Justice, Equity and Good conscience.
Q23. Write a short note on Charter of 1833.
Q24.What are the merits and demerits of codification? Explain the contribution of First
Law Commission in codification of Indian Law.
Q25. Write a short note on First Law Commission.
Q26. Write a short note on Lex Loci Report.

Q26Describe the main features of Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909.
Q27. Write a short note on Indian Council Act, 1909
Q28.Explain the system of Dyarchy introduced by the Government of India Act, 1919.
Q29.Explain the features of the Indian Council Act 1892.
Q30.Describe the main features of Government of India Act, 1935.
Q31.Critically discuss the problem of communalism and partition of India.
Q32.Write a short note on Provincial Autonomy under Act, 1935

Q33. Discuss in short the provisions of the Legal Practitioners Act of 1879.
Q34. Describe the Chamier and the Indian Bar Committee of 1951.
Q35. Discuss the provisions of the Indian Bar Committee of 1951.
Q36. "Legal profession is back-bone of legal system in any country." Discuss the gradual
development of legal profession in India.
Q37. Write a short note on Law reporting in India from 1773 to 1950.
Q38. Discuss in detail the history and aims of Legal Education.

Q39. Discuss the emergence of Indian National Congress.
Q40.What was the responsibilities and duties of Governor -General?
Q41. Write a note on Quit India Movement.
Q42.write short note on the working process of Moderates.
Q43. Explain the main principles of Extremists.
Q44. Explain the aim of Non-Cooperative movement of Gandhiji.
Q45. Explain the purpose of Civil Disobedience movement of Gandhiji.
Q47.Define the main features of Indian Independence Act 1947.
Q48. Describe the role of press in emergence of Indian Nationalism.
Q49. Define the contribution of Gandhiji in Indian national movement.
Q50. Elaborate the political movements of Gandhi.


Q1. Discuss in short the early history of establishment, constitution and jurisdiction along
with the acquiring of additional rights by East India Company by the Charter of 1600
and the Charter of 1661.
Q2. Stating the circumstances which forced the Directors of East India Company to
request the Crown in 1726 for establishment of a uniform judicial system in all the
three presidencies, explain the composition, jurisdiction and working of the Mayor's
Courts established under the Charter of 1726.
Q3. Write a short note on Provisions of Charter of 1726.
Q4. State the salient features of Charter of 1726 and explain in what ways uniform
judicial administration was achieved in the all three presidency towns.
Q5. "The judicial institutions in the town of Madras before 1726 developed in three
stages." Elucidate.
Q6. Discuss the administration of justice in the Mayor's Courts established under the
Charter of 1726. What were the changes introduced in it by the Charter of 1753.
Q7. Explain " Provisions of Charter of 1753, as amendments."
Q8. Enumerate the provisions of Charter of 1726. Analyses its defects. How these defects
were removed by the Charter of 1753.
Q9. Charter of 1753 was designed to steer clear of the defects that the Charter of 1726 had
revealed. Comment referring to reforms in the Mayor's Court.
Q10. "The Supreme Court at Calcutta was an institution which was dislike by all and had
the goodwill of none." Elucidate.
Q11. Discuss the salient features of Regulating Act, 1773. What were its defects? How far
were they removed by the Act of Settlement, 1781 ?
Q12. Regulating Act, 1773 created so many centres of conflict. How were those conflicts
resolved by the Act of Settlement, 1781 ?
Q13. Discuss the salient features of Regulating Act, 1773. What were its defects? How far
were they removed by the Act of Settlement, 1781 ?
Q14. What was the necessity of passing the Act of Settlement of 1781? Discussing its
provisions also explain how far this Act could remove the demerits which were
created by implementation of Regulating Act.
Q15. State the facts, arguments, decision and principles law laid down in Trial of Nand
Q16. State the facts, arguments, decision and principles law laid down in Cossijurih Case.
Q17. Illustrate in brief the Provisions of Regulating Act, 1773.
Q18. Illustrate in brief the Provisions of the Act of Settlement, 1781.
Q19. State the facts, arguments, decision and principles law laid down in Patna Case.
Q20. Discuss the Raja Nand Kumar case in the background of Indian Legal History. Point
out those reasons on the basis of which historians had termed it as "Judicial murder."

Q21. Write a short note on Principle of Justice, Equity and Good conscience.
Q22. Write a short note on Charter of 1833.
Q23. "The Charter Act of 1833 was a landmark in the Indian Constitutional History as it
evolved a centralized system of administration and legislation." Discuss the
Q24. What do you understand by Codification of Law ? What are the merits and demerits
of codification ? Give an account of the contribution made by first law commission.
Q25. What do you understand by 'Codification of Law’? Give an account of the
contribution made by the Second Law Commission.
Q26. 'The Charter Act of 1833 was a landmark in the Indian Constitutional History as it
evolved a centralized system of administration and legislation." Discuss this

Q27.Describe the main features of Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909.
Q28. Write a short note on Indian Council Act, 1909
Q29. Enumerate the salient features of Government of India Act, 1919. Up to what extent it
could establish representative responsible Government ?
Q30. Discuss the events which led to the passing of the Government of India Act, 1919.
Q31. Explain the system of Dyarchy introduced by the Government of India Act, 1919.

Q32. Explain "Importance and necessity of Indian Legal History".
Q33. Write a short note on early development of Legal Profession in India through
Mayor's Court, Supreme Court, Company's Court and the High Court.
Q34. Discuss in short the provisions of the Legal Practitioners Act of 1879.
Q35. Describe the Chamber and the Indian Bar Committee of 1951.

Q36. Describe the emergence of Indian National Congress.
Q37. Explain the methodology of the revolutionaries in India and Abroad.

Q1. Discuss the powers of the East India Company under the Charter of 1600.Mention the
changes made by the charter 1661.
Q2.What do you understand by Adalat System? Discuss judicial reforms that were
introduced by Warren Hastings in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
Q3. Discuss Warren Hastings Judicial Plan of 1772. State how far his reforms of 1774
were in improvement on that of the earlier plan of 1772.
Q4. What do you understand by Adalat System ? Describe Warren Hastings Plans of
1772. How it was amended by his plan of 1774.
Q5. Explain “Charter of 1772, as a turning point in Legal History."
Q6. Discuss the work of Lord Cornwallis in the administration of justice.
Q7. "The Governor Generalship of Lord Cornwallis constitutes a very remarkable and
highly constructive period in the history of Indian Legal Institutions." Discuss the
above statement with illustrations.
Q8. Comment on the judicial reforms of Lord Cornwallis.
Q9. "In 1790, Cornwallis Government introduced several reforms in the law to do away
with some of the fragrant abuses which marred the administration of criminal justice."
Q10. State briefly the reforms of Lord Cornwallis in the field of administration of criminal
Q11. Discuss in brief the judicial reforms introduced by Lord Cornwallis in Bengal, Bihar
and Orissa in 1793.
Q12. "Reforms of Lord William Bentinck are deemed second to that of Lord Cornwallis."
Compare the judicial importance of the reforms made by Lord Cornwallis and Lord
William Bentinck.
Q13. The keynote of Bentinck's judicial reforms was Indianisation, decentralisation and
economy comment.
Q14. Write a short note on Reforms by Lord Bentinck.

Q15. Write a short note on development of Criminal Law.
Q16.Discuss the powers and jurisdiction of the High Court's established under the Indian
High Court Act, 1861.
Q17. Write a short notes on the Indian High Courts Act, 1861
Q18. The High Court Act of 1861 was a momentous step forward in the direction of
improving the administration of law and justice in India." Elucidate.

Q20.Discuss the main events which led to the passing of the Government of India Act,
1919. Also throw light on the main provisions of the Act.
Q21. Write a short note on Provincial Autonomy under Act, 1935
Q22. Describe in detail the provisions of Government of India Act, 1935.

Q23. Discuss the provisions of the Indian Bar Committee of 1951.
Q24. "Legal profession is back-bone of legal system in any country." Discuss the gradual
development of legal profession in India.
Q25. Write a short note on Law reporting in India from 1773 to 1950.
Q26. Discuss in detail the history and aims of Legal Education.

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