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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University – Bayambang Campus

Bayambang, Pangasinan


Year/Course/Subject: BPA I-4
Reflection Paper

Code of Citizenship

I have often found myself asking whether I am a Filipino or not. I mean what defines us
as being a Filipino citizen. Is it because of the color of our skin? The language that we
speak? The length of our stay in the Philippines? The amount of time we have spent
with other Filipinos? Or the word “Filipino” written on a piece of document? To be
honest, I do not think any of these defines any of us as a true Filipino citizen. Sure a
piece of paper says that our citizenship is “Filipino” but does that tell the whole story? I
could walk and talk like a Filipino but never truly be a citizen of this country. So what
does it take to be a true Filipino citizen? In my opinion, being a Filipino citizen is to
respect the elderly by saying “po” and “opo”, to help my mother with her bags after a
tiring day at work, to clean my surroundings wherever I go, to give alms to children
along the streets of Katipunan, to comfort a friend who’s struggling the entire week, and
to have faith in what I believe. You see, being Filipino citizen means doing things for the
greater good of one’s people and society. There is nothing more true than displaying
one’s citizenship by exercising good will and compassion towards others and society as
a whole.

The purpose of the preamble is an introductory to the citizenship code and expresses
the beliefs, values, philosophy and/or principles of the First Nation. Most codes include
a preamble affirming inherent right, self-determination, the protection of culture and
customs and the principles of good governance. Citizenship is important for developing
a strong moral code in individuals, but it is also important for creating a safe, supportive
society while protecting democracy.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University – Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Year/Course/Subject: BPA I-4
Reflection Paper

Drills and Command

Drill and ceremony is one of the first things Soldiers learn when they enter the military. It
helps develop pride and confidence in their actions, learning professionalism and most
importantly, it teaches them how to work as a team. The purpose of drill is to enable a
commander or non-commissioned officer to move his unit from one place to another in
an orderly manner; to aid in disciplinary training by instilling habits of precision and
response to the leader's orders; and to provide for the development of all soldiers.

The Army is synonymous with sharp-dressed Soldiers carrying out precision drill
movements and inspiring ceremonies. Drill and ceremonies play a major role in every
Soldier’s military experience. The primary importance of drill is to prepare troops for
combat by rapidly carrying out orders. Ceremonies go hand-in-hand with drill. During a
ceremony, troops align in various formations and carry out commands with uniform
precision. Army ceremonies instill honor, promote camaraderie and preserve tradition
among Soldiers. Prompt obedience to every command is the first thing every new
recruit must learn.

Everything has a beginning and a purpose. The ceremonies and activities that take
place within them have a long history, and if you read the history, you will understand
why we do what we do and when we do it and that only minor changes have been made
through the years.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University – Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Year/Course/Subject: BPA I-4
Reflection Paper

Military Customs and Traditions

Traditions are important as they can bind loved ones or groups of people together. The
military is built on traditions, customs and manners, and as a result its members share a
common experience. As a family member or friend of a service member, it can be
valuable to learn about those traditions and customs your loved one participates in as a
part the military community. Tradition contributes a sense of comfort and belonging.
Tradition reinforces values such as freedom, faith, integrity, a good education, personal
responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the value of being selfless. Tradition provides a
forum to showcase role models and celebrate the things that really matter in life

I have learned about military customs and traditions are Never offer excuses, Never go
over your superiors, use your chain of command, Never turn and walk away to avoid
giving the hand salute, among others. Customs and courtesies are key for a cohesive
relationship in the armed forces. Tradition plays an important role in military life for
many reasons: It provides a sense of continuity between the generations, upholds
morale, and instills pride. Wherever members of the armed forces serve their country,
many look to these rituals to guide their actions.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University – Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Year/Course/Subject: BPA I-4
Reflection Paper

Personality Development

What I have learned in Personality Development is that, there is no end of the process
of self-development. It is just like a lot of things in life which is kind of solid and maybe
hard to specify now and again. Every individual should be more effective independent
and self-directed learners and it is a continuous Improvement process which individual
to improve performance in the current job, develop skill and competences realize own
full potentials and of course personality makes a person distinctive, unique and

Every person has a different personality and some personalities are better than others.
Human personality should be always praise and no one should ever put anyone down
for having a different personality because it will determine the limit of success in order to
understand what personality is.

What I can only say is that, Personality development is structure and supported process
undertaken by an individual whom reflected upon their own learning, performances and
achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development. It was
been thought that we need to improve general skills for study and career management
and encourage positive attitude to learning throughout life. The aim and objectives for
this is to improve our capacity to understand what and how we are learning and to
review, plan and take responsibility for own learning and career choices.

We as a student should keep growing and never stop on learning as it will be a way to
our success, Now I think I will study hard more and develop my skills for me to become
successful and have a goof life someday.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University – Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Year/Course/Subject: BPA I-4
Reflection Paper


Followers must take direction but they have an underlying obligation to the enterprise to
do so only when the direction is ethical and proper. The key is having the judgement to
know the difference between a directive that your leader gives on how to proceed that
you do not agree with and a directive that is truly wrong.

Good followers are good workers. They are diligent, motivated, committed, pay
attention to detail and make the effort. Leaders have a responsibility to create an
environment that permits these qualities but regardless, it is the responsibility of the
follower to be a good worker. There is no such thing as a bad worker who is a good

The follower cannot follow properly unless competent at the task that is directed by the
leader. It is the obligation of the leader to assure that followers are competent.
Sometimes things go wrong because the follower is not competent at the task at hand.
When this happens, leaders should blame themselves, not the follower. A sign of poor
leadership is blaming followers for not having skills they do not have.

The follower owes the leader an honest and forthright assessment of what the leader is
trying to achieve and how. This is especially the case when the follower feels the
leader’s agenda is seriously flawed. Respect and politeness are important but that said,
it is not acceptable for followers to sit on their hands while an inept leader drives the
proverbial bus over the cliff. Good leaders are grateful for constructive feedback from
their team. Bad leaders do not welcome feedback and here followers have to tread
carefully. If the situation is serious enough, consideration should be given to going
above the leader in question for guidance.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University – Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Year/Course/Subject: BPA I-4
Reflection Paper

Rule of Law

In general, the rule of law implies that the creation of laws, their enforcement, and the
relationships among legal rules are themselves legally regulated, so that no one—
including the most highly placed official—is above the law. The legal constraint on rulers
means that the government is subject to existing laws as much as its citizens are. Thus,
a closely related notion is the idea of equality before the law, which holds that no “legal”
person shall enjoy privileges that are not extended to all and that no person shall be
immune from legal sanctions. In addition, the application and adjudication of legal rules
by various governing officials are to be impartial and consistent across equivalent
cases, made blindly without taking into consideration the class, status, or relative power
among disputants. In order for those ideas to have any real purchase, moreover, there
should be in place some legal apparatus for compelling officials to submit to the law.

In short, too much emphasis on procedures for preventing arbitrariness can lead to
subverting the doing of justice according to what might otherwise find support in the rule
of law, and the legal strictures then become themselves a form of arbitrariness that is no
more legitimate. On the other hand, those who defend the negative value of the rule of
law object to more substantive understandings of the ideal on the grounds that morally
ambitious aspirations about the rule of law threaten to purge the concept of its
specificity and usefulness. They argue that to open the concept to a whole host of
extralegal considerations about substantive justice and wider societal goals is to
conflate ideas about “the rule of law” with notions about “the rule of good law,” such that
any distinction between the two is reduced to nothing. As a consequence, no discussion
of the rule of law can be complete without some philosophical reflection on law,
including on its purpose and meaning.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University – Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Year/Course/Subject: BPA I-4
Reflection Paper

Military History and Education

Military history is the history of wars, and of armed forces in peace as well as in war. Its
separation from history, more broadly defined, arises from its didactic purpose. Its
origins therefore lie with the development of professional armies. The growth of history
as a university subject from the late nineteenth century did mean that academics as well
as soldiers studied the history of war, but its institutional foundations were shallow.
Moreover, soldiers rather than academics wrote the official histories of World War I. The
situation only changed with the adoption of broader definitions for the official histories of
World War II. The world wars themselves showed the absurdity of approaching the
study of modern history without taking military history into account. Since the 1960s
academic military history has thrived.

History gives us a way of looking at how other people in other days accomplished their
missions. The study of military history is a key to self-improvement for the professional
NCO. NCOs cannot truly understand their profession, or the soldiers they lead, until
they study their past. An examination of military conflicts, including the analysis of
winners and losers, participating nations, technological advancements, and tactics used
in battle, helps us learn why they took place and provides lessons to help prevent them
from happening again. Military education is valuable because it provides an intellectual
architecture for battlefield success. ... The reason is that, regardless of what people do,
education helps them do it better. Military education matters because it cultivates an
aspiration to excellence.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University – Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Year/Course/Subject: BPA I-4
Reflection Paper

Survival Technique

Techniques that one may use in order to sustain life in any type of natural or built
environment are known as survival skills. They are meant to provide basic necessities
for the sustenance of human life, such as water, food, shelter, and so on.mSurvival
techniques include building shelters from available materials, making fire without
matches, locating water, identifying edible plants, manufacturing tools, hunting and
trapping animals with primitive devices, and making protective clothing and blankets
from skins and fibres.

This is probably the most important skill to have, though it’s just as hard to survive
without other ones I will mention. One of the first survival tips I like to give to everyone is
– Find a way out of the prickly situation as soon as possible. If you realize that you’ll
have to stay in the wild for the night, it is essential to find the right spot for building a
shelter. The very first rule when it comes to finding a “campsite” is that it should be
positioned on high ground and it should be as dry as possible. There are many ways to
secure your survival when it comes to nourishment – bring some non-perishable food
supplies wherever you go and an emergency food kit is also a good idea. If however,
you’re not lucky enough to have your backpack with you when you get lost, then work
on memorizing plants that you can eat in the wild because that can save your life. Water
is one of your utmost priorities, no questions asked. Always bear in mind that you can
survive without food much longer than you can survive without water, which is why it’s a
good idea to build your shelter close to a water source. Keep your head on. You might be
thinking this is not a skill, but once you’re all alone on unfamiliar ground with no one
around for miles, not panicking will be a feat. Keeping it together will require a lot of
strength and calm nerves on your behalf, but it’s vital that you do it if you want to get out
of the situation alive.

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