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Conjunction exercise 11

Join the sentences with whether, although/even though or even if.

1. I'd marry you ______ you say you don't love me.

2. ______ you sold your car cheap, no one would buy it.

3. My aunt still washes her own clothes ______ she is 70 years old.

4. I don't know ______ to study French or German.

5. I'd not live in Singapore ______ I was offered a job there.

6. He still comes to my house ______ I'm not speaking to him.

7. Please ask Jim ______ he wants to go to the Bird Park or the Zoo.

8. I hate baked beans. I wouldn't eat them ______ there was nothing else in the house.

9. Beckham hired her ______ he knew she was not a good worker.

10. You would still complain ______ you had all the money in the world.

1. even if

2. Even if

3. even though/although

4. whether

5. even if

6. even though

7. whether

8. even if

9. even though
10. even if

Conjunction exercise 12
Choose the right alternative.

1. I'll try to be on time but don't worry if/when I'm late.

2. Don't throw that bag away. If/When you don't want it. I'll have it.

3. Please report to reception if/when you arrive at the hotel.

4. We've arranged to play tennis tomorrow but we won't play if/when it's raining.

5. Jennifer is in her final year at school. She still doesn't know what she's going to do
if/when she leaves.

6. What would you do if/when you lost your keys ?

7. I hope I'll be able to come to the party but I'll let you know if/unless I can't.

8. I don't want to be disturbed, so don't phone me if/unless it's something important.

9. Please sign the contract if/unless you're happy with the conditions.

10. I like traveling by sea as long as/unless it's not rough.

11. You might not remember the name of the hotel, so write it down if/in case if you forget

12. It's not cold now but take your coat with you if/in case it gets cold later.

13. Take your coat with you and then you can put it on if/in case it gets cold later

14. The television is always on, even if/if nobody is watching it.

15. Even/Although we played very well, we lost the match.

16. We're not very close friends despite/although we've known each other a long time.

17. 'When did you leave school ?' 'As/When I was 16.'

18. Ann will be surprised when/as she hears the news.

1. I'll try to be on time but don't worry if I'm late.

2. Don't throw that bag away. If you don't want it. I'll have it.

3. Please report to reception when you arrive at the hotel.

4. We've arranged to play tennis tomorrow but we won't play if it's raining.

5. Jennifer is in her final year at school. She still doesn't know what she's going to do when
she leaves.

6. What would you do if you lost your keys ?

7. I hope I'll be able to come to the party but I'll let you know if I can't.

8. I don't want to be disturbed, so don't phone me unless it's something important.

9. Please sign the contract if you're happy with the conditions.

10. I like traveling by sea as long as it's not rough.

11. You might not remember the name of the hotel, so write it down in case if you forget it.

12. It's not cold now but take your coat with you in case it gets cold later.

13. Take your coat with you and then you can put it on if it gets cold later

14. The television is always on, even if nobody is watching it.

15. Although we played very well, we lost the match.

16. We're not very close friends although we've known each other a long time.

17. 'When did you leave school ?' 'When I was 16.'

18. Ann will be surprised when she hears the news.

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