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Mostish Pational Republic Federal Government ‘» ~ Sotietas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ o- Moorish Divine and Pational Movement of the Wiorto Horthwest Amexem / Mocthtoest Arica / Porth America / The Porth Gate’ ‘& ~ Temple of the Hoon and Sun ~ The True and De Jure Patural Peoples — Heirs of the Zand wd ShaM~ Affidavit of International Trust Gt the Moorish Divine anv Pational Movement of the Uorly MACN-3333333333 For the Public Record, On the Public Record and Let the Public Record Show This Affidavit of the Worldwide Trust of the Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World is hereby placed on the public record for all to witness on this 21% Day of January 2019. We. the Aboriginal, Indigenous Nations of the Earth are the descendants of the Pharaohs of Kemet. in Propria Persona Sui Juris, in Proprio Solo and In Proprio Heredes at all points in time, The intention of this Proclamation of Trust is that We are exercising all of our sovereign divine rights at this time and at all points in time. We are the sovereign heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, settlors, creditors, claimants, and beneficiaries ‘oF our vast estate. We hereby claim, proclaim, declare, nationalize and place in this living, divine, international, Private Trust all that we are heirs to as aforementioned and including but not limited to: All and All oil, water, gold, silver, minerals, crops and all other natural resources and portable land. All stateless persons branded as “negro”, “black”, “colored” and “African Amerioan”. All Moorish subjects ipso jure. All gold, silver and portable land backed lawful coinage and tender. We are forever We affirm the following documents as part and parcel of this living natural trust document: ste ntsc ep. Nek pi Ns Age Ay inn, bon anf dome by 2 CORPORATION, PRINCIPALS AGENTS © ASSGNS ac haby sr roid op of ifr is au pemcty frees eed enc: endo Att alone eee ‘erie pc ce ty oat je a a in een Ao So us rows ern Soh Ai Nth Amex The cen En Tele fhe Moon aS Nan- Desc Naw Reston Nos Sobes Nec crawl. Berg gic er of ind The Holy Koran of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science by the Noble Prophet Drew Ali — 1926 Galactic law, Intergalactic law, Universal law, Natural law, Divine law, Supreme law of the land ‘The Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 ‘The Declaration of Independence The Articles of the Confederation ‘The Constitution for the united States 1791 ‘The Moorish National Republic Federal Government Trust - MACN-R999999999 ‘The Notice of Intent to Lien and Arrest Command 09/11/18 — Document number 7018 2290 0000 1227 4911 Additionally, we declare, proclaim and enforce our sovereign rights to travel freely on our own land, to selfgovern autonomously and to adjudicate judicially within our own nations and among our own peers free of molestation, violation, and encumbrance by all foreigners. No one speaks for us, we speak for ourselves. No one represents us, we present ourselves. We do now exercise our sovereign right to issue, distribute and exchange our own national lawful currencies, coinage and tender among the indigenous nations of the earth. ‘ez Ae ic Pc Mee Pl Not Ay nie, sexi of his dace yy CORPORATION ho PRINCOALS, AGENTS ASsiNS ae by epost se cfemeenap ace md lgumaces arene bal seasons Rane {ena rps von oy con eres osc Tou sea ee ea ee te Aa a ge = ast Amex er ice Nor Anea The Mec Epi Temple Moe an Sa: Nn Dame. Nex - Ree, No Sate Naa ie Res Ger howto be Ln ane 2 8 @ Moorish National Republic Federal Government © ~Sorietas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ o Moorish Divine and Mational Mobement af the World Porthwest imeem / Portiiuest Hien / orth Serica / Whe arth Gate! © ~ Temple a the Moon and Sun ~ o- ‘The Crue and Be Fure atural eoples — eis ofthe Lams © ~ISLAM.~ Attinavit of The ational Trust Gt the Moorish National Republic Federal Government MACN-R999999999 For the Public Record, On the Public Record and Let the Public Record Show ‘This Affidavit of the National Trust of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Is hereby placed ‘on the public record for all to witness on this Tuesday, 18% Day of December 2018 ‘We, the Aboriginal, Indigenous Moorish American Nationals at North America are the descendants of the Pharaohs ‘of Kemet and ofthe Ancient Moabites and Canaanites. We are forever in Propria Persona Sui Juris, In Proprio Solo ‘nd In Proprio Heredes at all points in time, We are exercising all of our sovereign divine rights at this time and at all times. We re the sovereign heirs, executors, administrator, creditors, claimants, and beneficiaries of our vast estate. We hereby claim, proclaim, declare, nationalize and place in divine, foreign, international, private Trust all that we are heirs to as aforementioned and including but not limited to: All land in the western hemisphere All ol, water, gold, silver, minerals, cops and all other natural resources and portable land and all structures end infrastructures at North, South, Central America and the adjoining islands. All stateless PERSONS branded as “negro”, “black”, “colored” and “African American”. All gold, silver and portable land backed lawful coinage and tender. ‘We affirm the following documents as part and parcel of the trust document: ‘The Holy Koran ofthe Moorish Holy Temple of Science by the Noble Prophet Drew Ali 1926 “The Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 ‘The Declaration of Independence ‘The Articles of the Confederation ‘The Constitution forthe united States 1791 ‘The Notice of Intent to Lien and Arrest Command 09/11/18 ~ ‘Document number 7018 2290 0000 1227 4911, Additionally, we declare, proclaim and enforce our sovereign rights to travel freely on our own land, to self-govern autonomously and to adjudicate judicislly within our owa nations and among our own peets free of molestation, ‘violation, and encumbrance by all foreigners. ‘No one speaks for us, we speak for ourselves. No one represenis us, we present ourselves. We do now exercise our sovereign right to distribute ftom the United States Treasury our own national lawful ‘currency, coinage and tender here on our land, first to the Moorish American Nationals, and second to the indigenous nations ofthe earth, Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is Notice to Ageat. Any misus, subrogation, or audulent use of this document by any CORPORATION, their PRINCIPALS, AGENTS or ASSIGNS are hereby forever probibited on pain of death and the forfeiture of all rights and propery of persons engaged therein: and the descendants of Afticans shal not be CGitizens. Nothing in tis affidavit shall be interpreted as consent to any jurisdiction that is not inthe jurisdiction of ‘my ancient ancestral inherited estate at any time. ‘erga sd fais People! Docume Norwest sea] Wor Gis Fart nin Doe Nasco Gap? "SCosinna! Unies Ste’ erp of elon an urs Nn Doman Non” Hanns Nw Stor Deg Rh Hla Innit othe nd Page Lott RE MNRrG-No00001098 aaa Allodial American National Identification Card Substantive Birthrights Nationality: Muur/Moor American Natural Person: In Full Life Ancestral Estate: North, South, Central, Amexem/Africa/America National Domicile: Morocco, North America Ethnicity: Asiatic Appellation: Luna LaToya Bey Autograph Mailing Location: c/o 1111 E. Fifth St. PO Box 501 Height: - 5’ [Dayton, Ohio Republic 45410] Weight: 150 Ibs Issued 12/11/2021 Hair: black Expires 12/11/2030 Eyes brown Born Date: June 20, 1995 Aboriginal Moorish American Class A1 Citizenship No. © AA 222141 in the Library of Congress; Clock of Destiny, Moorish American Nationality Card of Identification with Zodiac Constitution Non-Tax Oligatory UN No. 52-1147644 q 5 Great Seal National G bs) y Association of Moorish Affairs H All Rights T B Reserved and Retained Sovereign Liberty: Sepecr CRICINFO * Allodial Travel Card ‘i tna Cae aaa ecorneee =I. Set Law, 4m. Maser se i oe oa De Luna LaToya Bey see iy ta on “sont foofen, Cs Sait ot hn tenatash my pop ae ‘contston: Luna Laloya Bey "Deana ee ges ast tera Som By Agata Vine fn Bhs Sok Sl aan st somea rie sain 2 on Sra, os "S tet /090 ‘ear ft ame Stas hos tance jean nso, suc vaste ate aoe gna eae 19 ee Titans they Cre Cet sevhaongay one N08 ‘ec ss eye am rn pono ‘epuoes, Lnm Lafoge Bay Stream Inne Sata a meas nao POPE ice, em $e Mat Location ef 1700 Dew Orie ee SES acs Naot fo i ee ‘eee hres Re Pe ond ees (tlw Tan 2 Se ve Semen ‘ne AA othe Sch aes Moorish American Lookup MAC_Number Moorish_Appellation Trade_Name Republic State Date_Nationalizd Status Photo luna latoya bey MNRFG-NO00001098 Luna LaToya Bey [LYDIA SMITH ] Ohio Active BY AUTHORITY OF CONGRESS. Public Statutes at Large UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ORCANIZATION OF THE GOVERNMENT IN 178, TO MARCH 9, 145, ‘RRFERENOES 10 THE MATTER OF EACH ACT AND 10 THE SUBSROUENT ACTS ON THE SAME SUBIECT, COPIOUS NOTES OF THE DECISIONS Courts of the United States CoNsTRUING THOSE ACTS, AND UPON THE SUBJECTS OF THE LAWS. INDEX TO "THE CONTENTS OF RACH VOLURE, PULL GENERAL INDEX 70 THE WHOLE WORK, IN TiiB CONCLUDING VoLUSEE ‘She Mectection of Kavependenc, the Mette of Canteeration x ‘the Gonstttattn of the Beiten States EDITED by RICHARD PETERS, ESQ, Dorn arr re aa VOL. VIII. BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY. 1867. 5 KF50 US ul 8 ah St tered ncording to act of Congr, inthe year 1846, by Cnanizs C. Lares de Janus Brown, In tho Clr’ oes ofthe Distt Coact of the Dist of Mareechucts Replies! 67 0203440 TREATIES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOREIGN NATIONS, "PROM THE DECLARATION OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF WHE UNIPED STATES TO 11 WITH NOTES. TREATIES. TREATY-MAKING POWER. te obi reno Somes of It TS he lorng ame ney ae ee Hane a si ee mada ie coat af Une Sateen eae, al ed any can 9 come seat ae ae oe ay eae! emia me Serine ata te etal 2) te ig wy fee enero Ue Se a em, St share umn oe Cael ny eed eho em Sr rite ae a al ere y esr geal” Wal geal tree an in ot ss eau en rit rer oe esheets Siac not by aad oe eS Ae Oe} aie tate tt Copan Sept lon ee pee tee a ome mate eae is fog Peg reer eee See may tomers a ema re Selo oes oe ee a er tnd ae en tion pr uw mc om ce ee eee Seren retrace eh aegis ome Souniet, tabs cidanat es site tenses Becca pcran pti eects a a ee a ge lek eso poems cere eto rea at Eherscmtedeg lode tinge be ei sot ermine se cope ie courts.” Vella ee ee eee ne ee art Stay Uae Sa a Cope evel hl ec se aot pn een fr tn i nin is gr uae i a cn a Set ero ame ot eee sc ecm SP a ae eee ery mer na of en i sey ape mabe orf eb ily df Uaaey eter oie oir ds oars a ae ones hl gm aa eae aman, bedeteminet le i Paar ean a aes i Re rae saa ae re Ee pitt Gate Sl) a et ‘TREATIES. er errr hl eis ad Bante cet eke nick ih le ee pth Rem srrneeemeey tm pe ee UT Ss a emi Se oie ind ie i aah eae ramei ret args ales "The obligation of « treaty, the supreme law of the land, most be ad- mite. The enccuon of the contrat betmesn th two nations i ie demanded from the executive of each bation; but where. trey ib hi a prin itgnting incur he ey ach ne ad ists much regarded by the Supreme Court as an ct pay, 1 Cranch, 108; ef Congrea. Unie Staten » The Schoo. 1 Conde Rep. 258. ‘The termination of « treaty, by war, dos ut divest rights of erty already vested under ie Sotiay forthe Propagation of the Gor. ils The own of New Haren, 8 Whes. 464; ‘hep. 489. ‘Nor do ents, in gener), become exingsished, pe fato, by war between the tno goteromenta. ‘Toso pslating br & permanant sramgenent of teri dtr aia right tao scipeted daring tho var, and serve at the pests ualews they ue Jae iy he pees, "new and rpogant Silane ada ‘Were a trety i the law ofthe Ind, and as such afects the rights ‘f paris ligating in cour that treaty a3 mach binds thse Tigh and Inte much tobe fegried by the oar sean nt of Conese come denn yews, theo, the Tetrion of which f dvetod by the lav of the Tend, theogh'rextorston be os exceuie act; would te a direct ifigctu of that Tew, and of consequence, inprper. United Bates Tho Schooner Peggy, 1 Cranch, 103; 1 Cond. Rep. 256. “A tea, under thesia sile, section 2, othe Gnstition, being {he supreme iw ofthe and, the testy of peace of L783 operated & repel ofall wate laws previously ended incooainet wih te peor stan "War fn, Dal 1; 1 Cond ap. ‘Whenever aright grows oat fori protected by, a tresy, it pre ails agins liv, or decision of the curs of he ses, and wh. er ay ave the tight uoder the iety, i protected. Bat ifthe Fern i sno aflcted by tho tay, I he elaine hating Vader ‘he eay, his tile cen be prtectel by iT actiottpaltion in wen, esse ll mk fe os” 20 imply the converse proposition, that enemys ships hal make semygprom The Novi, Booey toner 9 Grae, 988; 3 Cond {toay i, ints nature, « contact between tivo nations, not a lege lave act.” Ti doesnot generally eft of tet the abject foe ace plsed, especially ofr ast operation i fnfre-teriteral; but i eared {nto excoution by the sovereign power of the respective parties tothe inscument. Foster et le. Nelles, 2 Peter, 314; United States Arretondo, 6 Peers, 735. Jn the United Sites, 2 diferent principle iv estalished, Our Coue tition declares a tesiyto Le the ew ofthe Jan Its eonsequently, TREATIES, tape cotton tht of ho gel seas gat raat ae fase hrs fa hon of genie ire opti el eeu iy pie thee a pee ee era a ere sel dng se 3y the stipulations of « treaty, are to be understood its lang and phe sins og wey sade ngage ed rca cater oa ie heer a eee Elsner he mt, i foc Rays, ous mae scent ore ‘Ata tn ns tee ery ae or treaty is hus act and deed, and all courts must s0 consider it: and deeds mre et a Te get sncreme nny cn ie ude oh he gues secs onze, a pls ts ert tan ie ere eta coma Hay ms ne nig hs Pee fe Soap, hogy eo eas ome Sealer oe ide oe snares, Hanon Ea ot Cn ee hee cs ar ae eee Ta iin ey sn Unt ater as in free pamoant en of os min of Tyee aca Te ed tn adm bg, dom who eres Unt Se and ome ble, do ne Seer sire mere igen, te ae ope om ie ase) Reape be SN Seiceteal emtctty imate shen Sata ng ows commrdehy wp Amo et, Bs Seite lta es a Ne te en ee li ee ee ee ecient Fp pen he oe OB ashitensel ante wir ati Secor hh ‘the odgment, hd bean rely epee by the adoption of ety, REST LEST Uae Vong Roe a ee ee sofa PR oem of ee of ea le hones Bi sesame Gee of Mew Tn ae hla int ES Fee ae aaa eaten Fr get fc an cats eet, Ze on lee cee a ee eT ee concen of eo ean he wr Seer Ta oe Uy Sekar Sa ars Sere ey re ada ae seat ye we i i ee oe ‘TREATIES. af «nae Jes inconnisten, is psraent tothe eel of euch lw LaESteihars Hanno, 1 Pain, 6-6. B 65, i Perio pean fom ih tale of the signature, if ma aera sped tpn bent pe eer of 3 Sonn t Wab0.C. R88, “Wm Goletuin of the United Stes confers sectotly onthe go ea ha Ueda the power of making wet an of aking RE een tht goer pss per of eouiting Sry, cy ere Wy Cea. gm Aeron Tre pal a al Gee, 1 Ra, capa not tn world mir «ato be ol enrly sid conte Slang of conaaredtarory x mere malary see SGutte Ph Tatra be cermin tn teat of pence, TP be at negation w eoned, tad the coed erry cin pr th ain och ‘ected Be ten of camo, oom suchas spelt tach waco ferry it es nee ben el ht tho sper fie abbas vith ech oer ee chenged, Their elaons in ene reagan ay any et ‘een ‘Fyernmen which basal he trier, Fa ere fe cmnty tanh logan hoe rmtinnand the nw wl oy be denominated palcal Besse Hr ahangdeltangh tnt winch roel he mtreoueo ted Schset Bf iiace remain in force wl ered bythe Srey exes over of teste TREATY OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP Between the United States of America, and His Imperias “Majesty the Emperor of Morocco. (a) saan, Hoa Feu te Pt en sir ee Katey in Cops eee, ee ih by oe, % mest lel Sie Te oat el was Ss aon athe ort es es Pa ea fren od Te Me ne i ctee hl ate Sac ( Sea at ce hse pea feces merece eed ea alo ge sae nd ere oP et nl eee ‘leveth day of March, one thousand geren bun- id further empower the sald Ministers Plenipoten- Wwnting under their bands end seals, ‘id bases aa they might think proper, ioos and instructions of the sid Minis- ‘and ut anise cond giving irs ‘ers, Sood cmfaion ive were suhee! to gr, Bercy. in hero, hah er es f'n testy of Bury Paso irae’ oe Ueda of America, ands May the Hoprer of Morocen which ails, writen in the Arai gene, cere Ne ei Mac ‘of Morocco, Ritts his royal sel, being tandaied into the Innguage of tho aid Tid Staten of Amerie, together withthe altstations thereto annexed, tre inthe following words, to wit: (e) Inthe Name of Auatorre Goo, ‘Tio is Tiety of Peace end Friendship eatblishod between os tol the United Stes cf Amerie, which is corned, and which we Sve ordered tobe writoa inte book, and salod with owe royl sel, Mivur eeu of Morsce, on the twen-ARt day ofthe blowed moth at Bhaben, athe year ban thowand wo Dune, using im God it ‘wl remain permaseat. ARTICLE 1. ‘We declare that both partos have agreed that this trety, coniting Biase. ihe pure thin mee mB, Siege ar eS TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1787, of twenty-five articles, shall be inserted in thie book, and dsivered to the Honorable Thomas Barclay the agent of the United States, now at ‘Our court, with whove approbation it has been made, and who is duly Stthorizedontheix part Yo test with us concerning all the matters con- {ined therein. ARTICLE I. IF either ofthe parties shall be at war with any nation whaterer, tho exis sal nak coin fom th fem, eh ede ARTICLE TI either ofthe parties shall be at wae with ny nation whatever, and sae pang it ey wl he ae edo iijend or efits bceging to er of tho peti the wa ile ti gg oe cd tema Adon foots belonging to any Dain, with whom eter ofthe partis shall be Sear, shall be loaded on vests belonging tothe ther pry, the hall texsfceand saleted, without say stempt being made io S489 ot etn them. ARTICLE IV. ‘A sigal or pus sal be given to all etl belonging to bth at uy SERE'AGS ar tobe knwo they mes a ea ad f the come Rae eer of war of eter party hall have ber sipe ender Bide oe Lecartion ofthe commander shall lone be suicent {o'ezonpt any of hem fos examination. ARTICLE Y, cist he ies sta aed al et et Koging tthe other, tis agreed Unt fan examination is to delemeS sae done by eondingw bet wih two o hes, men calf: rarer ay gun shal bo Bred, sod injry done withoat Teun, ‘Sending Pay tall make goo! all damages, ARTICLE VI {any Moor shal bring cians ofthe United Sats, or their feta to hls Majesty, the cnet abl immediatly beet a ibery, andthe Maen eord and im ike manoer, it any Moor, not st these Sea tal make prize of ny of the citizen of America, or thet dominions eng therm into any Of the port of his Mest, they shall ere city fled, ae the wil en be onside at under his DMajety’sprazeton. ARTICLE Vil 1 any veal of either party shall pot into & port of th oer, and sey ae ip al er al Without any interruption or molestation. ARTICLE VIL. 1r any veal of tho United States shall moet wih adirater at sex, and ata one of oor ports to repair, abe shall be at Iiberty to Tend sag Paad her cargo, wibout paying any duty whatever. ARTICLE 1X. 1 any vee ofthe United States shall bo cat on shore oo any part ca sabe shall remain a the disposition ofthe owner, and n0 See Thal etbapt going ear ber witout ther epprobaon, abe fs Yoni ant Prov eet. t fe oat ve ki f f bis aa i } i ie E i i ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1767. ARTICLE X ay real of either ofthe puting sal ae an engagement i easel belonging to ay of tho Cristian peers within gun aha of the [iru of tints, tbe Ysa o engoged sal be defended ad protected laa sai nif ny Aan ed cout of Wadnoon,o€ ay coast thre ‘od amined, ety E | i ¥ 8 e ARTICLE XI. 1 we shal beat wat with any Cristian power, and any of oar rese sil Hom tho ports of tho Unked State, mo veal belonging to tho ‘Seay, sl iow antl twenty-four hots afer the depart of oor ‘Tools; and the mune regs shall be observed towards tho Amer ‘an veul lng frm our ports, be thei enemias Moors or Criatans, ARTICLE XI ip of war belonging tothe United States shall put into a of out ports abe shall not be examined saga pc ta pe ai wench crrename ot mae ARTICLE XIV. ARTIOLE XV. Moran fh cous emlyel sch tere, nd soth sue pees fot hea er been they al ak popes Ro commenter tea ha weap tea a Teco i se a ge acy Ei pipet ntl pone oatge! in tteg Stems ok in Sole har ire pa i cern ice _ ARTIOLE XVE In cm of wa bien tn puting the poner a not tae Ub echngl ke taal ea a Stier fr ocr, alone pas man eee ahi ce a [prove s deficiency on either sie, it shall be made up by the payment Gay pete ae eee sae aT eral pom al fe echnged' ae ai ta ame enero rae ee pewter opttierpece cated ae ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1787. anrioue xv. Mecsre, ‘Merchants shall not be compelled to buy or sell any kind of oa digas Sal mt cent chanel alatased eater eh Oe ak Tt Me Ca nce Fe = anrioue xvm, ‘A gods sal tei’ and exomind ber tay uw coat seit, Sots wala Saleem of wasn ao naa del atte gece fwardt be mide, unless it shall frat be prored that contraband goods fn tea Ihave been sent on board, in which ease, the persons who took the com> gfer sei ge bg tn er ee ce ca Sara ce a eee at cl SST ae erate linge tae! annie 22. ee eo oie cena sage dee ee Sian ile ee yionges or sortone x. Aan oft inane Und, npr dere dpa mesa apes ured a At eel en es i cna sh ote Spe Eikse SS reone © icon dance foe anrioue xX tra som of i ied Bone ile road eMe,09 roee ates fat ta a pec? hal aon ete te Lon i ad Wa ent Sete ee alto oes rs seats Me sscrotn xx. tan Amie czas hl in nr cote, nd wl ll ce ep eset al eke pensetion of his eos; eod i ere all fey serene lal psn oh ce en re cape as al rene urine a ig dead sey Cope ray alfa terete oe eee SEES Steer nec orca et + Porte oe Petes saiay ae aRTICT XX a eno Und ao ar oo ‘oc thane lesa be eball have given promise in writing Earths payment or fling theres, without which promise ia writing, ‘Do application t him for aby redress shall be mad. 104 TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1787. ARTICLE XXIV, eggs a If any difecences shall rz by cto pat nhinging on aay ofthe SIPS Lhe wea), pee end harmony dhl onan aetwihatning, ii fe ey le nly pi tle ae ‘rangement and wot hat eppieation 0 pea shal Betafleo‘eems, And if tarsal breakout beorcen the partis, Narinouth tal be granted o all the subjects ofboth partis to die {tbl efecto nd rice with thelr ropes. And it is fartber ict whatever inlgances, in Weds or ofhervite, ell be el fo any oft Christan Power, he otizewsof the United Stas i be equally ened to them. ARTICLE XXV Devine af ‘This treaty shal continue in fill fore, with the hulp of God, or ty yen “We have dalvered this bel into the bands ofthe befrementioned ‘Plow Bryce fe a ofthe Newel meth of Rama, in ‘he your one than two handed. eat that he annexed a a rue copy of the translation made by Feaed Cardona Nunes intpeter A Mrooeo ofthe rest bo- {hrenn the Emperor of Meresso andthe United States of Amerie, ‘THOMAS BARCLAY, ADDITIONAL ARTICLE, Grace fo the only Goo. J, the underoriien, the servant of God, Taber Ben Abdelkack Pen- ia, do cory, that His Tope! Maes, my maser, (whom God pre~ {ervo) having concladed treaty of posce and commerce with the Uated Sexes of Americ, has ‘ho, the beiter to. complest ‘tnd in eddtion of the tenth ariel ofthe treaty, to doclare, That if fy roel boging tte Unie Say, hl in ny of ‘this Majo otiionn, or within gunshot of his for so sal protected ‘rich as ponies and no vena whalrer, belonging ether {Ess Gnitn Foro wih whem he Cail Sty ny be it wor, shal be permited to fellow or engage her, as we now deem t Sete Pama oe ‘fends rin cbediance to a Majesty's commando, I cently this declare tion, by potting oy band and salto ion the eghceath dey of Rarmae dane) fa the oar one thousand to hundred. * ‘The servant of the King, my maser, whom God preserve, ‘TAHER BEN ABDELKACK FENNISH, 1 do contily thatthe above is « trve copy of the translation made. at “Morocco, by Tsao Corona Nunez, interpreter, of 8, dectrtion ‘ade and grad by Sid Hage Tater Fens in edition to te treaty baveen tho Emperor of Morecco andthe United Stes of ‘Ameren, which Secleraion the aid Thor Ponniah made by tho ‘xyes ection of Ba jet. ‘THOMAS BARCLAY. ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO, 1787. Now, xaow x Tha we th mid Jaky Adame and Thome Jef soe, Ministers Plenipotetiany sfroad, do approve and conch ‘id erouy td erty arcle and lato theta sonata, seeing the ame nevetels othe United Sater im Congress uetabld, fo heir il rte, I tetimony whereof, we have signed the sane wth our names and soa, et tho places of our rexpotive residence, end at the dates (iproed under or siguatre rpestvly JOHN ADAMS, en Landon, Yonuary 2th, IST. ‘THOMAS JEFFERSON, (4.8.) Peis, January Ist, 1187 vou vm. 14 Sey 16, 1098, TREATY WITH MOROCCO. (2) fiend mus. Tn the name of God, the mereifal ana clement! “ai, Praise az 70 Goo! ‘This is the copy ofthe Treaty of Peace which we have made with tna Rincon eld writen fa this ook fling thereto oor Blsed Sea Awr with to Delp of God, i may remain fem forever. *istusa't Mogeaaes, th ey of Olives, on th 8 day ofthe month umd al lah fa tho your of tho Hoglta 1259. (Corresponding to ope 16. A.D. 1838) Moral agen As, 1. We declare tht, both ports bave agreed that this testy, mustel SS” consisting of timer in thi booky and de 3 AS” costing of teary Sve ales, Eistote fered James Lb, agent of tbe United Sates, end now thet ee SSont cond at Tangier, with whose approbation it bas been made, Thiet ieduly tothotized on their port Co eat wilh us, coneering St the malire Goataned therein. oterpany An, 2 eth of the pre shall bo tar with any natin what Site, ts sor sal not ake »comminon from the coe, nor bt Septet” Seater ear. ports sal be at war wth any nation what darn sega tony el ret bu stil, Gn furd saben o to eit of tho perc, te tl Tint tar bast orb, and th eects reteraed vo tho wna. And Fr aoe hoging (any nan, wid whom cir of the Parts na Ee al tel el lg wih oer foal pus feo and umole, witoot any emp being made take or detain them, : Vomssiohave Anz. 4. A signal ot past, sill bo given to all vesels belonging to Ree ota poi hy te, be Enos nbn ey et es and if the eomteander of 4 hip of War of either party hall have other Tis convoy, the declaration of the commander shall sone bevadicient to exempt Gay of them from examination. Vist ofvnin Anz. 6 If either of the partes shall be at war, and shall meet ata vessel at se tothe other tf agred, that if am examination Tito be ate isle doe by sndings boat with to o threo men tps tod ify gun sal be Bray and jar done, without reas, he ‘euaing put Sal oak goo! al dango. ccgmgi An,G 1 Man hl wing ian of bo Ute Say of ns cir eet to be Maj, the czene shall insmeiatly bo et Ste [ito i efits estsed an, ike waar i any Moor, not t subet ofthese domisions, shal make prize of aay ofthe ctizene (For ny wih Mosc of Senay TE, wo we pas 00 "a0 ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO, 1896. & ‘of Americs or chee ets, and bring them into aay of the ports of bis Hen, hl etnil l,othy wi en cme ‘ts under his Majesty's protection, ‘Ant 7, If any vue of either party, shall pot ito port ofthe You csr, ind have soca fr provisos orate’ eapplie, ey shall be ©Sesmpiea fimibbed withoo my terropono molten ‘Aay, 6, If any rae ofthe United Sate, eal meet with adisnter Noy at we, and pt into one of our pots o reply ae abl be at ibery to cost ole ‘and end reload her eargo, without paying any duty whstever. Reis ne ‘Ans. 9, If any veel ofthe United See, sal be cat onshore oo madd wom any put of our Sons esha remain a donno owner, sg re tel Fe sl Sap gg ar br mon te rons So So io thon considered petealry wader out protein ands ty ‘ove of tho United Sx shall be fred top nn sor por yarn [St wester, or herwse, sha sbal nt be compelled fend ber cugo, ‘Sal ema in tranlicy wal the commendor sal think proper {posed ou bi yep ‘A 10 fay vol of ith th ei hal ve a ogg Ton raant witha esa boning tony of ca Powers ramsbot of ts forts ofthe ether, the veel 90 engaged, hull be der Ebene Eied td protected ss much ee onl oot se fe ug: snd toy Arvin rsa sal be extensors on the. cous of Wadoon ray con theenbout, th peopl belonging to he, sal be ‘hd led, ntl by th help of Go, ty Sl bo sntt ei cone o ‘Ant. 11; If we shall bo at war vith any Christan Power, and any of ourveis al fom the por ofthe Usted Sats, no vse belong fag ts the enemy thal flow, an wet oars fer the depat- take ot cnr veel andthe sie Teguadota sll be obverved towards {ie Ameren verde suing fom oo prt bs their ennise Moors of Ghat ‘oy ey poe neg oe Ul hall ee err ee Fane erin fee hie sare on bars age TET neha lamar ofthe pace cna be boop ngs fe ty prea nor ogo epee fr em. ‘Ar. 1 10 ep of war fete pay sal pt into por of gine cinta leg, Aah be etre host ok han opel hue eae. ‘ber of guns, not more or less. her, The conc with he United Sse sl oo 8 sane Amen gm ssn onthe source wth Sn, rtm ith nox fred aye Se SESE S'S ee cige sl rope a Ee aan ee, ops andre Or coaty end Baers ey powerpc whee 1, Merchants o oh cote shall explo ol sch net- Pyloyen, pede 15 Mesh i em at ne, we hey ears aha es rors sal mo ge welll ell ma bgp pe ap ha Silat ep to etn fag of wating ay Be a anh ek bps wba conan} Sot nee ad te hie 16 In com of ayer btven the parie, be paar monet none wo TE Bete etme onsite epin f ope thn aoe for oer, end oe private fan fr another end if there 0 ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1836, spore a decy on esi sale ade up bythe pay sat Pree fanired” Mexiean dollar foreach person wanting, And peut of ae hides usr tal te excanged ie tcie moti om i greta pat extung muy be eeted he of ue pao, more yo of te prt. Ann 17, Meccan shall ot bo competed t bay or ll 07 Kind oi ta al ek papers sal ay ey test ee aici seh a fred fo fhe oe Chriian 18, AI gods sal be weighed tnd oxaiaed bet they ae a a a ld a dteton of res no rami SEL sReeeE eG. tes esl ee prov ha ootraband Pre er nwo cy pete ook ot a sols on br tl be pond cecring te sa a oye cn, end cher prvon wtcer sal Seige ep Shee ear peo dome dunn Aa 1. Noy shill bo deine in pr en any potesce wht att Amr Miter the onboard my anil wtho be catont af Heer ich ie al ery oso ee elit of ‘ang goods he takes on board, "gee a0 Tey ofthe chen ofthe United State, any persone on eer at hve any dpe wits Each le, he sa Sa Seta the prey and moze te con shal eae a a ene eomoat Goverment ences Go TESA emery grote tim range, Ans. 21, If 0 ctinn ft United Stn shal Kil or woond GBREG, dT ofl hs may iw sal io wound otzn of he ee ein conty tal ake pn snd ene sie rai te econ wnaeg Bt tl aad any dltgent aan escapes icon Sal ot be asoere him is Rineer obese Ast fe Ama nse oo one. srl hugger be cael sl ke pm of is ee TULUM; ete ems sl be apne the hands of thre sa Sr wal the pty al ape, Who Spe Sita ieee td en ea ree Fane ee Saivrel foi ao irapons tdi te ar groper sal dented. gesty ft Wily 8 canteen soul ore the aly erect ‘Anr. 23, The consul ofthe United States of America, shall reside fay epoca dmiions tat they sl ek proper: end hey ‘hall be expected, and enjoy all tho privileges which the consals of an ‘ther nation enjoy and if any ofthe etizens ofthe United Stats Contract eny debts or engegemeats, the consul shall not be in any ‘manner accountable for them, uniesa ho aball hare given a promfse in Trrlting for the payment or fliling thereof; withoat whieh promise Waiting, no epplcation to him fix say redress shall be made. Nowpaiy ANE pt Ian diftencs dill ares sBuWRitah any of the stiles of this treaty, peace and harmony # Sehedy” {Uistaiog, n te tlt ta, ana Giendly apiaton stall be ar Sade for an atrangoment; and unl that application shall be rejected, fo appeal shall be mide to arm. And if a war shall bron oot between ‘the partes, nine months shall be granted to all the subjects of both ports to dispose of hele effbte and retire with their property. Aud CONVENTION WITH PERU-BOLIVIA, 1. °6, iti fron deca, tha ster induigence, in ade of een, shall be granted to any af the Chistian Power, tho citivoas of tho Utd Sessa be ego sted totems ‘Ate 25. Thi ety shal atau ig fre, wih th bly of Go fu ty yeu; hart expen af witch esto wen al a {tae tb tidings Be pt, tal te Sc sel ve tele tmenth’ not to fo ler, of en Tent to abandon if fa Wit lays operon cos ween ofthe rele eat i Cinelae of the United Stats of America “For the Empire of Morse Be it known, Whereas the undersigned, Jenes R, Leib, a cin te Ue Bae of rh Arai end to ti rest com et, haning been daly spplated commissioner, by ers patent Suet fe ‘aguas of the Preadent an eo te Cased Ses of North America, bearing date, at the city of Washington, the 4th day Of fuly A-D, 1895, for vegoiiog and conlediog &weay of peace pd Fenty tenn ie Und Sano Ro Ania tho rope of Morooeo; threo, Jumea R, Leib, Commimioner wt aforestid, do conclude the foregoing tresty and ma article and clause Seren conthned reserving the sae, nevertelen forthe fl ration. tion of the President of the United Sates of Nor. America, by and With th advco and consent of tho Senate, In testimony whereof, Ihave hereonto aflzed my signature, and the ‘seal of this consulate, om the 1st day of October, ia the year of a Lert oe than ight nded ad utp, end ofthe Independence of the United States the sixy-r JAMES B, LEIB, (1.8) GENERAL CONVENTION OF PEACE, FRIENDSHIP, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, Between the United States of America and the Pere Bolivian Confederation. ‘Dae United Stats of Americe andthe Pore-Balivian Confederation, esting to ea hrm and permanent tho peace and (iendship which feppiy subst between them, hare Fesaled to Bx, ina ela, eitine teu’ postive manner, the rles which shall, ia future, be rligiouly heeled between the one and the othe, by mas of treaty, or general Soarcation of peo, flendsip, comms, nd navigation, ‘For thn delrble purpons tho President ofthe United States of ‘Americs hus conferred fll powers on Samuel Larned, Charl AE {tee of the suid. States, near the. Gorerameat of Pera; snd. the Byprense Pretestor of the north and south Perarian State, President af the Republic of ols, encharged with the direction of the foreign Feltions of the Peru-Dalivon Confederation, has conferted like powers Ua dhn Garcia dl Ri, Miniter of Staten the Depertment of Pinwace 437 Inca at, sae pate peels eum ee Troy sia yam,

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