Anju Roslin Francis Abstract Ver2

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Image Enhancement Using Morphological Contrast Enhancement


In image processing, image enhancement plays an important role, as it is capable of

enhancing images that has been critically influenced by luminance or noise as well as
repairing the damaged images to an extent. In this paper, image enhancement using
morphological operations is proposed. The contrast enhancement process involves the
addition of bright areas to original image and subtracting by dark areas. Morphological
contrast enhancement is applied to the pre-processing stage to generate image that is given as
the input of segmentation process.
A comparison of the pre-processing process based on the quality of clusters produced through
the segmentation process is detailed in this work. Silhouette coefficient is used as a measure
to validate the accuracy of cluster generated in the segmentation process. The silhouette
width value of 1, computed from the analysis of the segmentation, is considered as a good
cluster. Furthermore, it can be observed from the result that the silhouette value obtained
from the morphological contrast enhancement is higher than that provided by histogram
equalization method. These scores suggest that the processed methods can be used in gesture
recognition. As future scope deep network can be employed for gesture recognition reducing
the number of processes required to obtain proper object recognition.
[1] Munir Oudah, Ali-Al-Naji and Javaan Chahl, “Hand Gesture Recognition Based on
Computer Vision: A Review of Techniques”, Journal of Imaging, July 2020.
[2] I. M. O. Widyantara, I. M. D. P. Asana, N. M. A. E. D. Wirastuti and I. B. P.
Adnyana, “Image enhancement using morphological contrast enhancement for video
based image analysis,” 2016 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering
(ICoDSE), Denpasar, 2016, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICODSE.2016.7936115.
[3] K. Sreedhar and B.Panlal, “Enhancement of images using morphological
transformations”, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology
(UCSIT) vol. 4, no. 1, February 2012.

Presented by, Guided by,

Anju Roslin Francis Dr. Geevarghese Titus
S7 ECE A, Roll. No: 15 Associate Professor
KTU Reg.No: AJC17EC016 Dept. of ECE, AJCE

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