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ISSN 0001-4370, Oceanology, 2018, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 137–143. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2018.

Original Russian Text © M.B. Zobkov, E.E. Esiukova, 2018, published in Okeanologiya, 2018, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 149–157.


Microplastics in a Marine Environment: Review of Methods

for Sampling, Processing, and Analyzing Microplastics in Water,
Bottom Sediments, and Coastal Deposits
M. B. Zobkov* and E. E. Esiukova
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Received December 15, 2015; accepted July 3, 2016

Abstract—The basic approaches, methods, and procedures for collecting and analyzing samples of micro-
plastics in a marine environment are briefly described.

DOI: 10.1134/S0001437017060169

Contamination of a marine environment by micro- In addition to the secondary microplastics, which

plastics is currently an urgent ecological problem originate from breakdown of staff or large litter debris,
barely covered in the Russian scientific press. The there are primary ones that penetrate the water bodies
main difficulty when providing quantitative assess- in their initial state [18, 25]. These are plastic granules,
ment of microplastics in marine environment is the or pellets. They serve as a raw material for manufactur-
absence of standard procedures for collecting and ana- ing plastic sheets or ready-to-use items. The cosmetic
lyzing samples of water, bottom sediments, and coastal industry [15, 18, 44] uses micro granules (microspheres,
deposits. nanospheres, microcapsules, nanocapsules) [28, 44].
Today, plastics are one of the most demanded Currently, there is no final opinion on particle size that
materials used worldwide. The physicochemical prop- corresponds to microplastics, but the majority of
erties of plastics, mainly endurance, light weight, and researchers [20, 45] agree that these are particles from
durability combined with low manufacturing costs 0.5 to 5 mm in their larger dimension. Some authors
make this material nearly irreplaceable in the produc- proposed a lower limit close to 0.3 mm [10] due to wide-
tion of domestic goods, construction, and industry. spread water sampling techniques using zooplankton
According to various estimates, the worldwide nets with a mesh size of 333 μm [18]; the maximum par-
annual production of plastics ranges from 275 to ticle size corresponding to the definition of microplastic
299 mln t [13, 26, 29, 37], whereas the scales of utiliza- continues to be a matter of discussion [32]. It is no acci-
tion and reprocessing are much lower. dent that particles from 0.5 to 5 mm are considered as a
special group. This is due to the substantial technical
Plastic products gradually break down under natu- difficulties inherent to analyzing particles smaller than
ral conditions. This results in huge amounts of macro-, 0.5 mm [20]. In the present review, we adhere to exactly
micro-, and nanoparticles, which are the most harm- this dimensional range when determining microplastic
ful to the environment. The specific density of plastic particles. As yet, there is no clear answer to the question
is close to that of water. Because of this, synthetic litter which synthetic substances can be classified as micro-
is easily transported from a catchment area into lakes plastics. This problem has been solved for the majority
and rivers and finally enters the seas and the World of polymers, such as polyethylene, polypropylene,
Ocean [5, 37, 45]. Microplastics have various sizes and polystyrene, etc. However, no solution has been found
low density. As a consequence, many living organisms for other anthropogenic substances such as alkyd resins
perceive them as food [2, 4, 19]. Since their enzymatic or viscose.
system cannot break plastic down, ingestion of the lat-
ter is harmful by itself for organisms and may cause a The first reports on the discovery of microplastics in
fatal outcome [9, 14, 16, 35]. However, the largest plankton samples go back to early 1970s [6, 7], but only
concerns arise from the fact that microplastics are able now is the problem of microplastics in the World Ocean
to adsorb contaminants on their surfaces [3, 12, 17, 27, becoming a matter of discussion in foreign scientific lit-
38] and thereby become a secondary source of con- erature [5, 11, 15, 25, 40]. Microplastics is an extremely
taminants. The latter travel up the food chain and heterogeneous ensemble of particles that vary in size,
accumulate in higher predators and humans [25, 32]. shape, color, density considerably and may incorporate


a wide variety of synthetic polymers. This is why reliable Selective sampling in situ means that plastic debris
methods of sample collecting, sample preparation, and usually is recognized by the naked eye and is picked up
plastic detection remain one of the main difficulties in from the sandy beach surface. This technique is useful
quantitative assessment of the environment. Nearly all during assessment of plastic granules and is suitable
researchers raise the question of developing standard due to their spherical shape and relatively large sizes
procedures. Despite the fact that the first steps in this (up to several millimeters), which facilitates their rec-
direction have already been taken [33], the problem as a ognition on the sandy surface. However, chances of
whole remains unsolved. missing plastic are high when it is mixed with other
Nevertheless, many scientists devote efforts to rubbish or has an irregular shape.
develop and test techniques for collecting and preparing No concentration of plastic takes place when bulk
samples of water, bottom sediments, and coastal depos- samples are collected. Such a technique is the most
its, as well as to develop methods for detecting micro- popular when studying bottom sediments, but it is
plastics in samples. Current laboratory procedures for rarely used for water sampling due to low plastic con-
analyzing microplastics in a marine environment devel- tent in water. Bulk sampling is preferable when visual
oped by NOAA [33] for studying marine litter have cer- identification of plastic is impossible, i.e., if particles
tain drawbacks and are voluntary in nature, while mon- are mixed with the bottom sediments or particles are
itoring programs require relying on specific solutions too small for filtration at the sampling site or for the
depending on the problems to be solved. naked eye recognition.
To date, the occurrence and detection of micro- The volume-reduced method is the most applicable
plastics in a marine environment have not been raised for water sampling and sometimes for bottom sedi-
in Russian scientific publications. To expand the audi- ments. In this case, the volume of the initial sample is
ence interested in contamination of a marine environ- decreased and only a small fraction of it containing
ment by microplastics and for convenience in search- microplastics remains for subsequent analysis. Sam-
ing for relevant information, we have prepared transla- ples of bottom sediments and sand can be sieved
tions of a number of foreign scientific papers on the directly at the sampling site on the beach or aboard a
acquisition and analysis of samples of microplastics in vessel, while water samples are usually concentrated
a marine environment, as well as descriptions of pro- by filtration of large volumes of water through plank-
cedures and standards for testing the polymers. These ton nets. The bulk and volume-reduced samples
translations are available at site of the Shirshov Insti- require extra processing under laboratory conditions.
tute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences According to the NOAA recommendations [33],
( the following procedures can be used for separating
337-anons-publikatsii) and involve complete transla- microplastic particles from environmental samples
tion of laboratory techniques for analyzing microplas- depending on their size: (1) flow Nanofiltering or
tics in a marine environment [33] supplemented by nanofractioning of particles smaller than 1 μm;
critical comments by authors, discussion of methods (2) a standard filter for particles sizing from 0.2 to
for measuring the specific density of noncellular plas- 1 μm; (3) the use of phytoplankton neuston net 50–
tic [22, 34], a method for determining plastic in water 80 μm (Phyto-P net); (4) zooplankton neuston net
samples with our improvements, and a complete bib- (Zoo-P net) 330 μm; (5) a 5 mm sieve for sieving. It is
liography of the sources found. Our intention is to difficult to compare the results from sieving and
expand this list as new reviews appear. Among others, plankton nets. Therefore, it is recommended to use
we suggest adding author methods for obtaining and sieves with a 500 μm mesh and separately process the
processing samples of microplastics in water, bottom particles retaining and passing through the sieve as a
sediments, and coastal deposits based on our own and mandatory operation within each of the above proce-
advanced foreign experiences. dures [20]. This makes it possible to compare the results
Below is a brief description of the main approaches, from density separation and filtering to the data
methods, and techniques for obtaining and analyzing obtained from analysis of larger fractions (0.5–5 mm)
samples of microplastics in a marine environment. with sieves.
Different types of equipment [42, 34] and analyti- Surface water samples. Neuston nets are mainly
cal laboratory methods [20, 39] are needed for sam- used in this case. The main advantage is fast filtering of
pling and determining plastic particles of different size large volumes of water and obtaining of a concentrated
groups. Particle size determines the influence on the sample. The nets make it possible to get a representa-
life of oceanic communities and migration pathways in tive sampling from a large water surface, to collect
the ocean. plastic particles of the millimeter range, and concur-
Samples of microplastics in a marine environment rently collect microplastics and zooplankton to com-
can be collected (1) from the surface layer, (2) from the pare their amounts.
water column, and (3) by sampling bottom sediments or The mesh and opening sizes are the most import-
(4) coastal deposits. Samples can be (1) selective, ant characteristics of sampling nets. However, the
(2) bulk, or (3) volume-reduced. parameters of sampling nets are rarely reported in full

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 58 No. 1 2018


and the mesh size is usually the only parameter men- are able to accumulate in sand in the same way as
tioned in publications. The mesh size depends on the organic particles and can be buried in deeper layers.
research goals and varies from tens of microns to mil- In this case, it is desirable to use a stratified sampling
limeters, but it corresponds to the mesh size of zoo- procedure with a tube.
plankton nets on average. The opening size of neuston Bottom sediments samples. Procedures for bottom
nets is up to 2 m2. The length of these nets for surface deposits sampling for microplastics content are similar
sampling varies substantially from one to several to those to determine their chemical composition or for
meters, but nets 3–4 m long are the most common. The biological assessment. The samples are collected by
surface layer sampled by such nets is about 15–25 cm grabs (Ekman-Birdge, Van- Veen, Peterson), a bottom
thick. The buoyancy of a net is supported by special trawl, or core sampler. The distribution of microplastics
floats (manta trawl) or catamaran (neuston catama- as particulate matter in bottom sediments may be sub-
ran). The net towing speed varies from 1 to 5 knots. stantially heterogeneous. Therefore, it is necessary to
The use of catamaran facilitates sampling in rough sea perform several sediment samplings to obtain a single
conditions while the efficiency a manta trawl decreases representative sample when using point-by-point
due to submersion of its inlet in waves. Therefore, the devices such as a grab or a corer. This is particularly
latter net is applicable in calm waters. Duration of important in the case of compact samplers.
towing varies from minutes to hours depending on the Conservation, storage, and quality control. Incorrect
SPM content in water. storage of samples can cause a change in their particle
The use of nets with different mesh sizes consider- size distribution due to partial destruction of plastic
ably hampers comparison of the measurement results. particles and, as a consequence, the impossibility of
Samples from the water column. Zooplankton nets, their detection by available methods. Therefore, when
a continuous plankton recorder (CPR) [43], a near- storing or transporting samples, it is desirable to use
bottom trawl for catching benthic organisms (epiben- procedures that can maintain the plastic in its initial
thic sled) [31], and various submersible pumps are the state at the moment of sampling from the environment.
most commonly used tools in the water column. The The principles of storage and conservation of sam-
water intake system of a research vessel is used too, but ples before laboratory analysis: (1) in darkness (if pos-
rarely. Niskin bottles are employed for full-volume sible, at 4°С regardless of sample matrix), (2) freezing
sampling of waters. Different studies used different (down to –20°С) the samples of bottom sediments
methods for water sampling at depth ranges from one and filters, (3) the use of various fixing solutions (eth-
to hundreds of meters. anol, DESS, 4–5% formalin solution, 5–10% HCl
Samples of coastal deposits. The samples were solution), (4) combined use of fixing solution and
mainly collected at different parts of a beach and the storage at 4°С, (5) drying at room temperature and
choice of the specific site can influence the analysis storage in the dark (shipborne analysis).
results. The sample collection (or series of collections) It is proper to avoid and replace when possible the
is performed (1) over the entire beach, (2) within a potential sources of plastic contamination (plastic lab-
number of separate zones, (3) along the alignment of oratory ware, plastic sieves and devices) for metal or
different zones of a beach, (4) along the line of maxi- glassware. However, it is impossible in the case of nets
mum tide or uprush (on the upper beach), and (5) in and a number of other instruments. A control with
ditches or trenches beyond the beach. empty samples is obligatory when plasticware is used
Simple tools are frequently used for collecting sam- for storing the samples. The contamination of samples
ples of plastic granules and fragments (tweezers, metal may be due to insufficient air quality in the laboratory,
spoons, or scoops) or particles are simply collected by particles of synthetic working cloths, poor cleaning of
hand using a special container or bag. The collecting tools, loosely closed containers with samples, paint
strategy varies: movement in the same direction along particles broken off from the side of the vessel by sam-
the shoreline and picking up material with a spoon or plers, or particles of synthetic nets used for water sam-
scoop or sometimes from a certain area within a spe- pling. Blank samples must be used in routine for con-
cial frame. In a number of cases, stratified sampling tamination monitoring.
with special tubes is used. Sample preparation. There are four main stages:
Sampling units directly depend on the tools used. (1) density separation, (2) filtering, (3) sieving, and
In the case of frames or pipes, the concentrations were (4) organic matter digestion. All are aimed at separat-
calculated per area (from several cm2 to 5 m2). In other ing microplastic particles from the main sample mate-
cases, the concentration is calculated per sample rial (water, bottom sediments, and sand) and remov-
weight, which can range from hundreds of grams to ing of organic material.
10 kg, or per sample volume, which varies from tens of Density separation. The specific density of most
milliliters to several liters. plastics ranges from 0.8 to 1.70 g/cm3.The range
As a rule, the sampling comprises the upper 5 cm extends down from <0.05 g/cm3 for expanded polysty-
of sediment, but it may be limited to the surface of a rene and up to 2.1–2.3 g/cm3 for polytetrafluoro-
beach or as deep as tens of centimeters. Microplastics ethylene/Teflon [8]. Generally, the density of sand

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 58 No. 1 2018


and other deposits is 2.65 g/cm3. This difference is ated with the adherence of particles to the walls of the
used widely to separate comparatively light plastics laboratory ware, it is recommended to sequentially
from heavier soil particles by placing the sample in a wash the walls of glassware directly on the filter.
saturated saline solution and mixing it for a certain Sieving. Microplastics can be isolated from samples
period of time. After mixing, sand and bottom sedi- by sieving the latter through sieves with different mesh
ments settle out, while lighter particles (including sizes. The material on the sieves is further sorted, and
plastic ones) remain suspended or float on the solu- the remainder that has passed through the sieve is dis-
tion surface. The floating particles are collected for carded. The use of sieves with meshes of various sizes
further processing. As a separating solution, fresh or makes it possible to separate microplastic particles into
tap water, sea water, a concentrated NaCl solution several size groups. A cascade of several sieves (one to
(with a density of 1.2 g/cm3), sodium polytungstate, six) with sizes of 0.038 to 4.75 mm is usually used. The
lithium metatungstate, zinc chloride, sodium iodide, sieve material is usually stainless steel or copper.
and other salts are used. Lightweight and foamed plas- Filters and sieved material is dried at room tem-
tics, whose density is less than 1 g/cm3, can also be perature or in desiccators. The temperature in the des-
separated using fresh water. Plastics that float in sea- iccators varies greatly in different methods (from 60 to
water include expanded polystyrene and high- and 90°C), but the standard [24] sets the conditions for
low- density polyethylene and polypropylene. Poly- preparing plastic samples before testing and recom-
styrene in solid form emerges only in a saturated saline mends not to exceed the temperature of 50 ± 2°C, with
NaCl solution. Elastic and rigid polyvinyl chloride a drying time of 24 h with subsequent bringing the
(PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and nylon temperature to normal conditions in a desiccator. This
float up in a sodium metatungstate solution. Since the is established to prevent changes in the composition
density of some plastics reaches 1.7 g/cm3, the use of a and physicochemical properties of the plastics.
saturated solution of sodium chloride and especially Organic matter digestion. The amount of natural
fresh water can lead to underestimation of the total organic matter (algae, zooplankton, and phytoplank-
microplastic content. Various instruments (shakers, ton and remnants of tests and shells of marine organ-
mixers, centrifuges, flotators, and separators) are isms) in samples can significantly exceed the volume
employed to mix the solution. In the simplest case, the of the analyte. Plastic particles are susceptible to foul-
sample is placed in a beaker and mixed with a glass stir ing by some forms of brown algae and bacterial film.
rod. The time of mixing is one of the main parameters This can introduce an error in determining certain
of the extraction. It can vary considerably depending physical characteristics, e.g., specific density. To elim-
on the volume of the sample and can range from tens inate the effect of biomaterial dissolution in alkalis,
of seconds to several hours. The settling time also var- acids, and oxidizers or decomposition by enzymes are
ies greatly and ranges from a few minutes to a day. It is applied. Sometimes ultrasonic washing of plastic par-
also expedient to carry out sequential extractions from ticles in distilled or deionized water is used to remove
the sediment, which leads to increase in the efficiency possible surface contamination by sand or silt.
of microplastics extraction significantly, but at the It is important to use proper identification tech-
expense of increasing the analysis time also. The most niques for analysis of different size groups of plastics.
effective extraction method at this time involves the Today, visual detection methods, pyrolysis gas chro-
Munich Plastic Sediment Separator (MPSS) [21]. matography with mass spectrometry, etc. are widely
Filtration. Vacuum filtration is usually employed used, but the spectrometric techniques yield the most
for a solution obtained at the density separation stage qualitative identification results.
that contains afloat plastic particles. For this, fiber- Identification of microplastics. Visual examination
glass, polycarbonate membrane, paper, nitrocellulose, (with the naked eye or a microscope) and sorting of
and silicon filters specially designed for FT-IR spec- concentrated samples are often the first step in sepa-
troscopy are used. The pore size varies from 1 to rating plastic from organic residues and other non-
1.6 μm. Filters with a pore size of 2 μm are rarely used. plastic waste, such as glass or resin. In the case of
Sometimes, the working solution with afloat particles visual examination without a microscope, attribution
is passed through a fine mesh. of a particle to the plastics is usually determined by
Filtration is also used to isolate microplastics from such subjective characteristics as gloss, brightness,
bulk water samples. In this case, filters up to 15 cm in unusual color, shape, structure or elasticity or hard-
diameter and with a pore size of up to 47 μm are used. ness determined by tweezers.
It is possible to collect microplastic particles from Microplastic particles larger than 1 mm can be
the surface of the solution with tweezers. For separa- visually detected under a microscope in accordance
tion of large particles, samples before filtration can be with the following rules [36]:
passed through a sieve with a mesh size of 500 μm [20]. (1) Cell structure and other organic forms of parti-
An important point is the process of moving the float- cles are absent.
ing particles from the surface of the solution to the fil- (2) Fibers should have uniform color and thickness
ters and sieves. To prevent any loss of analyte associ- along the entire length.

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 58 No. 1 2018


(3) Particles must have a clean and uniform color. characteristics of the particles found in the sea have high
(4) If they are transparent or a white, then they significance.
should be examined by a fluorescence microscope at Color is one of the main characteristics of plastics
large magnification. when using visual identification. The most common
In some cases, it is proposed that white, transpar- color is white or close to it (faded yellow, cream-col-
ent, and black particles should not be accounted as ored). The color of particles can introduce uncertainty
plastics, because they interfere with biological mate- into the extraction process in cases where plastic is hid-
rial and other substances. This approach deliberately den by a large number of biological residues. Particles
underestimates the microplastic content and should with bright colors are highly likely to be selected as plas-
be applied with caution. tic, while those with faded colors can easily be missed,
It is expedient to use pyrolysis gas chromatogra- thus contributing a fraction of bias to the analysis pro-
phy with mass spectrometry (pyrolysis GC-MS, cess. Color is used to assess the degree of photodegrada-
PyrGC-MS) and FT-IR spectrometry. tion, the residence time of a particle on the water sur-
face, and the degree of fouling and weathering.
Visual methods should not be used separately from
chemical or spectroscopic ones (the latter should be A number of indirect characteristics, such as specific
used to confirm the results of visual determination). To density or color, make it possible to roughly identify the
identify microplastics of lower size groups, only the polymer of which the particle consists. However, to
spectrometric method should be used (although this make a final decision, chemical analysis is needed
method is very time-consuming) [41]. The choice of a For a rough identification of the polymer type, sub-
representative detection method is of paramount jective characteristics such as the color of the flame or
importance in evaluating microplastics contamination. smell of smoke released during its burning can be used.
Microplastic particles found in a marine environ- Although plastics belong to amorphous materials,
ment can be characterized by several criteria, such as many of them (HDPE, PVD, PP, PET, etc.) have a
size, shape, specific density, color, chemical composi- partial crystal structure and can be characterized by a
tion, and concentration in water. Therefore, micro- certain melting point, which can be used for an
plastics analysis can be divided into two main compo- approximate evaluation of the type of polymer. The
nents: morphological description with determination melting point of plastic granules can be evaluated by
of the physical and chemical characteristics of parti- differential scanning calorimetry.
cles and quantitative analysis with determination of To determine the specific density, it is expedient to
the chemical composition of the polymers. use the method proposed by Kolb and Kolb [30], the
Physicochemical characteristics. Particle size is the method for measuring the density of noncellular plas-
main characteristic, with the exception of chemical tics by the titrimetric method [22], or a similar flota-
composition. The size of a particle is usually under- tion method [1]. However, it is worth considering that
stood as its length according to the largest dimension. these methods are designed to determine the density
The size can be determined directly, using measuring of noncellular plastics only.
instruments, e.g., a microscope with a graduated scale, The use of such indirect characteristics as density,
a digital microscope, or a caliper in visual analysis; indi- color, or melting point can be useful for rapid and
rectly using a set of sieves with separation of a sample of inexpensive determination of the polymer type of plas-
microplastics into size groups; or with combined use of tic granules, since the granules manufacturer describes
sieves and measuring instruments. The size groups of these characteristics. However, this approach cannot
particles assigned during the analysis depend directly on be used for plastic fragments, since their shape and
the sampling and separation techniques used and are color vary within a wider range, in particular, due to
related to the nominal sizes of the filters or sieves fragmentation and erosion, and cannot be unambigu-
involved. ously associated with a particular type of plastic.
Microplastics particles differ in shape: they can be Determination of the chemical composition of
spherical, irregular, or long fibers. The shape of parti- microplastics and the type of polymer. To identify
cles depends on the degree of destruction and the res- microplastics, analytical techniques such as pyrolysis
idence time in the environment. For morphological GC-MS, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, and some of its
characterization of the surface of plastics, scanning varieties are used, as well as IR Fourier spectrometry.
electron microscopy (SEM) and some of its variants Pyrolysis GC-MS is used to assess the chemical
are used, but no method has yet been developed to composition of microplastic particles by analyzing the
determine how long the particle had been in the gaseous products of their thermal decomposition. A
marine environment. polymer is identified by characteristic pyrograms, via
The number of categories used to classify microplas- their comparison with reference pyrograms of known
tic particles depends on the aim of the study and varies pure polymer samples. Pyrolysis GC-MS makes it
greatly. The morphological description of microplastics possible to determine the types of polymers with suffi-
is based on the origin, type, shape, color, and/or degree cient accuracy. However, in the case of analysis of
of degradation. The reference collections describing the microplastics, this approach has a significant disad-

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 58 No. 1 2018


vantage: particles must be manually placed in a pyrol- gent requirements for sampling, preparation, and
ysis tube. Since manual manipulation is applicable analysis of samples while retaining the maximum
exclusively to relatively large particles, this imposes a amount of information for comparison of the results
limit on the minimum size of microplastics to be ana- obtained by different research groups in order to esti-
lyzed. In addition, the method allows one to analyze mate the magnitude of the problem on a global scale.
only one particle per cycle, and is therefore poorly When developing new methodological approaches, it
suited for processing a large number of samples. should be remembered that plastics are industrial
materials whose testing methods are already widely
Raman spectroscopy is an efficient chemical anal-
known. These methods, with some modifications, can
ysis method. In contrast to IR-spectrometry, Raman
be improved and implemented for analysis of micro-
scattering results from inelastic scattering of light by
plastics. Some standards [23] describe sample prepa-
molecules of a substance, and scattered light differs
ration techniques that can also be adapted for use in
from the exciting one in terms of wavelength. Advan-
this field.
tages of this technology are no need for sample prepa-
ration, the ability to conduct measurements directly in We hope that this material will help other research-
water, and the use of glass or quartz cells for measur- ers in solving problems of estimating the amount and
ing. By combining this method with microscopic anal- dynamics of microplastics in a marine environment
ysis, it is possible to obtain a more powerful tool for the and determining its role in the world pollution.
study of microplastics – Raman microspectroscopy,
which also provides information on the crystal struc- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ture of a polymer. Raman microspectroscopy makes it
possible to determine the type of a polymer for ultras- This work was supported by the Russian Science
mall plastic particles up to a few microns in size. Foundation, project no. 15-17-10020.
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OCEANOLOGY Vol. 58 No. 1 2018

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