Project English Group-9

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Name of Student : Arta Wida Anastasia Purba ( 1203311121 )

Dea Ayu Peramudiya ( 1203311088 )

Mutiara Safitri ( 1203311127 )

Class : PGSD I/2020

Cources : Bilingual

Supporting Leacturer : Dra. Eva Betty Simajuntak S.Pd.,M.Pd.





Thank you I pray for the presence of Allah SWT because with his grace, I can finish the project
english well even though there are many shortcomings in it. And I would also like to thank to Mrs Dra.
Eva Betty Simanjuntak M.Pd. as an bilingual lecturer who gave me this assignment.

I really hope this assignment can be useful in order to increase our insight and knowledge, I am
also fully aware that in this task there are shortcomings and far from perfect words. Therefore, I hope
there are criticisms, suggestions and suggestions for the improvement of the tkas that I have made in
the future, considering that there is nothing perfect without constructive advice.

Hopefully this simple task can be understood for anyone who reads it. If the allegations that
have been compiled can be useful for myself and those who read them. I apologize before, if there are
errors in words that are not pleasing and I request constructive critism and suggenstions for future

Aek Kanopan, 19 Mei 2021


(Group 9)


1.1 Background of the Problem

Currently, many schools have their own programs, and their flagship programs are also different.
Starting from extracurricular programs such as drumband, ballet, yoga to English classes. There are
schools that have excellent English class programs, in other words these schools are international
based and use bilingual or bilingual in their daily life, but in providing material in class they still
do not use media that can be easily understood by children, especially elementary school aged
children.The author wants to emphasize more on providing bilingual-based material with attractive
media so that it can be easily understood and the children can more quickly understand what we
have provided, for example the names of fruit, limbs and animal names in English. The media used
here is flashcard media, which contains pictures and writing in Indonesian and English, and what I
want to highlight here is the children's ability to speak English. The teacher only shows the pictures
to the children while saying what is written under them, explains the pictures and pronounces them
correctly. Giving material that is done repeatedly will make it easier for children to understand the
picture and name, only by showing the picture the child will be able to say what is meant in the
picture. With this flashcard media, children will not only recognize pictures but also write and
pronounce them.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the problems above, the problem formulations in this study are:
1. How is the Bilingual Method Using Flashcard Media Assisted?
2. What are the steps for implementing the Bilingual Method aided by Flashcard Media?
3. How is the impact of the Flashcard-Assisted Bilingual Method to Improve the English Language
Skills of Elementary School Children?

1.3 Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are:
1. To understand the application of the flashcard-assisted bilingual method.
2. Knowing the steps for implementing the Bilingual Method aided by Flashcard Media.
3. To determine the impact of the application of the Flashcard-Assisted Bilingual Method to Improve
the English Language Skills of Elementary School Children.
1.4 Research Benefits
The benefits of this research are as follows:
1. For student
With this Flashcard Media, it is hoped that it can make it easier for students to learn
independently and gain knowledge about the English language used.
2. For educators
As a reference material in the learning process to make it easier to carry out the learning
process in class and easier in guiding students to learn languages.
3. For researchers
Can increase knowledge about innovative and varied learning media for teaching materials
using bilingual modules.


2.1 Children's Language Development

Henry Guntur (2008) states that in detail a number of factors that influence language development
can be identified, namely first is cognition (the process of obtaining knowledge). The level of
individual cognitive abilities will affect the fast and slow development of individual language. It is
relevant to the previous discussion that there is a significant correlation between one's thoughts and
language. The second is the communication pattern in the family, in a family where the
communication pattern is multi-directional, it will accelerate the development of the family language.
The third is the number of children or the number of families, a family that has many family members,
the child's language development is faster, because there is varied communication compared to those
who only have only children and there are no other members besides the main members. The fourth is
the birth order position, the language development of the child whose birth position is in the middle
will be faster than the firstborn or youngest child. This is because the eldest child has a downward
direction of communication only and the youngest only has an upward direction of communication.
The fifth is bilingual (use of two languages). Children who are raised in families who use more than
one or better languages and have faster language development than those who only use a variety of
For example, at home he uses Sundanese and outside the home he uses Indonesian. Yusuf (2011:
15) says that language development is influenced by 5 factors, namely: first is health, children who are
physically fit, of course, will easily be able to receive lessons, in this case the ability to speak English,
secondly intelligence, good intelligence can It is easier and faster to receive learning materials, the
third is socioeconomic status, socioeconomic status also greatly affects children's language
development because rich children can learn English.

through private lessons, which are of the four sexes, usually boys are more lazy in doing all
activities, especially learning, while girls are more diligent, and the fifth is family relationships, a
harmonious family greatly affects language development, because the first teacher for children are his
parents at home.

Bilingual learning, as reflected in the term, is a kind of learning in which two languages are used in
combination. In bilingual learning, a combination of the mother tongue and languages other than the
mother tongue is generally used. The purpose of bilingual learning is primarily to provide students
with language skills that cover listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in languages other than
their mother tongue, in addition to teaching content through these language skills.

2.2 Use of Learning Media

Bilingual learning, as reflected in the term, is a kind of learning in which two languages are used in
combination. In bilingual learning, a combination of the mother tongue and languages other than the
mother tongue is generally used. The purpose of bilingual learning is primarily to provide students
with language skills that cover listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in languages other than
their mother tongue, in addition to teaching content through these language skills.

Media is a means to a goal. One of the media that is able to create an effective learning process is
Flash card media. According to Satriana (2013) in his article entitled improving the ability of number
symbols through flashcard media, he states that Flash cards are learning media in the form of picture
cards measuring 25x30cm. The pictures on the flashcard are a series of messages that are presented
with a description of each image printed on the back.

The relationship between the application of appropriate methods and media has a very large effect on
the learning outcomes obtained by children. In this study, the bilingual method assisted by flashcard
media as a tool in conveying a learning material specifically for improving English language skills in
group B2 children. The teacher gives and shows the flashcard media to the child and tells what the
meaning of the picture on the flashcard is then the child is asked to imitate each of what the teacher
gives. In this case the child will think more optimally and will think more optimal and can use tools
that fatiasi.


4.1 Use of Flashcards

Media is a means to a goal. One of the media that is able to create an effective learning process is
Flash card media. According to Satriana (2013) in his article entitled improving the ability of number
symbols through flashcard media, he states that Flash cards are learning media in the form of picture
cards measuring 25x30cm. The pictures on the flashcard are a series of messages that are presented
with a description of each image printed on the back.

Another opinion is expressed by Surana (2013), that flashcards are a form of educational game in the
form of cards that contain pictures and words that are deliberately designed by Doman to improve
several aspects, including: developing memory, training independence and improving vocabulary.
Based on some definitions of Flash cards above, it can be defined that Flash cards are visual media (2
dimensions) in the form of cards that contain images related to the subject so that they can transmit
messages from the message source to the message recipient.

If the teacher applies the right combination of methods using a variety of interesting media such as
flashcard media, children will feel happy so that they enjoy the activities provided by the teacher. This
will increase the motivation or motivation of children to play while learning so that in the end they can
have good English skills. Thus, it is expected that there will be an increase in English proficiency in
elementary school children after the bilingual method is designed with the aid of flashcards.

4.2 Benefits of Using Flashcards

Picture word cards can be in the form of cardboard lined with paper consisting of a word, sentence,
or image on it. Both sides must be used in children's language learning. On the one hand it is a picture
and on the side it is a word. These pictorial word cards can be made by students. The benefits of using
picture word cards can develop children's language skills according to maimunah hasan is that they can
read easily, help children recognize letters, vocabulary and pictures, develop right brain memory, and
increase vocabulary. in children.

4.3 Steps for Using Flashcards

In using pictorial word cards, the teacher must know how to use the media. The teacher must first
know the content of the tools that will be used, and what is certain must be in accordance with the
indicators of achievement to be achieved. The following will explain the steps for pictorial word card
media according to Slamet Suyanto in their implementation, which are developed based on learning
activities in Kindergarten, namely:
❖ Determine the theme to be achieved
In applying the pictorial word card media, the first step taken by the teacher is determining the
theme to be achieved, determining a very important theme that must be mastered by a teacher,
because with the theme it will achieve learning objectives and make it easier for teachers to make
designs and make learning more meaningful and help children recognize various concepts easily
and clearly. So the theme is the actualization of the concept of children's interest which is the
focus of planning or the starting point of planning in the learning process.
❖ The teacher prepares pictorial word card media and introduces it to the child
In applying the pictorial word card media through interviews and observations the next step taken
by the teacher is to prepare the pictorial word card media first and introduce it to the child. media
is an important means for teachers to deliver learning material.
❖ The teacher introduces and teaches one by one the vocabulary and sound symbols of letters to
❖ The teacher prepares tools and materials
From the interview results, the observation that in applying pictorial word card media the teacher
prepares teaching tools and materials that can support the success of the teacher in applying
pictorial word card media, namely visual media in the form of picture word cards, Kindergarten
module books, glue, cartons, letter cards, word cards. , and a pencil.
❖ The teacher divides into several groups
❖ The teacher provides activities to children
From the results of interviews and observations that in applying the pictorial word card media the
teacher provides activities to children, these activities are imitating the writing of animal names
according to picture word cards, matching words according to pictures and arranging the alphabet
letters into a word.

5.1 Conclusion
Based on data that has been obtained from several research journals, it is known that there is a very
significant increase in the English language skills of children from cycle I-cycle II. The average
percentage of children's English proficiency in the known cycle is 42.65% which is at very low
criteria. Whereas in the second cycle the average percentage of children was found to be 66.30% and
was in the medium criteria. This shows an increase in the average percentage of the development of
the English language skills of the children from cycle I to cycle II by 23.65%. This increase occurred
because of the application of the bilingual method assisted by flashcards that was attractive to children
in terms of images, sizes and colors in classroom learning.

The improvement of children's English language skills in each cycle shows that the application of the
bilingual method and the use of flashcard media can have a good effect on children's English language
skills. The success in this study shows that the application of the bilingual method and the use of
flashcard media to improve the English language skills of children is very effective in improving their
English language skills. To achieve optimal abilities, an optimal learning process is also needed.
Optimal learning is not only the task of the teacher, but also requires the participation of children and
residents in the school environment. The ability of schools in providing facilities and infrastructure
also supports the success of learning.

5.2 Suggestions
Based on the above conclusions, the following suggestions can be made. 1) Teachers are advised to
increase creativity and ability in selecting and making learning media that is more innovative and in
accordance with the needs of children's development. 2) It is suggested to the principal to be able to
provide information and motivation in the procurement and use of learning media that can be used in
the learning process, so that learning takes place effectively and efficiently. 3) To other researchers, it
is suggested to conduct further research as a refinement of the bilingual method assisted by flashcrd
media in improving children's English language skills.

Sudarsono, FX. 1996, Guidelines for Classroom Action Research Implementation. Yogjakarta: Directorate
General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture
Satriana, Ade. 2013. Improving the Ability to Recognize the Symbols of Numbers 1 to 5 through Flashcards
Media for Medium Tuna Grahita Students. E-journal.
Nurhadi, Achmad. 2013. Teaching English to Young Learners, E-journal. Darul Ulum University, Jombang.

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