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A Classroom Based Action Reasearch Program

Presented to
District Research Committee

Teacher I
Bagong Negros Elementary School
Kiblawan South District
Division of Davao Del Sur

January 2022

Learner’s reading skills, particularly those in the early grades, where

they begin with recognizing letters and sounds is the leading concern of all

educators. In this situation, the teacher should focus by giving each learner’s

adequate time on remedial reading. It was difficult for teachers back then,

especially with limited resources and materials (Bowman, Comer & Johns;

Martinez, 2018).

However, reading is an important skill to develop because it is

fundamental to a person to function in today’s society like assuming duties and

responsibilities in a day- to-day activity. Also, reading develops critical thinking as

it allows the learner to imagine, infer, predict, conclude and draw judgments

among other skills. In addition, it allows the learner to discover new things.

Through reading books, magazines and articles from the internet, the learners

will become aware on the latest innovations and discoveries in various fields

(Zou,Huang & Xie, 2021).

On the other hand, English proficiency of the Filipinos deteriorates due to

the following reasons: the English proficiency of the educators not the language

teachers but also other teachers who are handling different subjects. There are

cases wherein due to limited number of teachers in some schools, those who are

teaching the subject are not English major or they lack the necessary training to

develop the said competency; and the aggravating situation regarding the

abolition of English as a medium of instruction, with the implementation of K to 12

Basic Education where mother-tongue is used in Kinder to Grade 3, and English

is introduced in Grade 1 second semester (Saavedra, 2020).

Thus, providing remedial reading programs is imperative to improve both

reading fluency and reading comprehension, particularly to elementary school

learners because fluency and comprehension are particularly important at this

stage of development and early intervention can impact the progression of

reading difficulties (Lovett, Frijters, Steinbach, Sevcik& Morris, 2021).

In Bagong Negros Elementary School, in this time of COVID 19

Pandemic, Grade 2- Pearl learners got poor in reading performance due to no

actual face to face classes and maybe was caused by the following factors and

situations: family backgrounds and life styles. Learner’s family members,

particularly their parents, are illiterate. This means that they are unable to guide

their children in reading at home because they themselves are unable to read;

parents are so preoccupied with their daily tasks that they are unable to provide

follow-up to their children at home, and they even fail to check their children's

daily performance and achievement at school.

Thus, the researcher would like to help the learners to improve their

reading level through remedial reading to Grade 2- Pearl learners, know their

proficiency level of reading and to develop their ability and willingness of reading.

Unlock the reading difficulty of learners who find it hard to read, pronounce words

and don’t even comprehend what they read.

II- Proposed innovation, Intervention and Strategy

The teaching strategy of the teachers can be a factor. If the teacher

utilizes strategy that is not suited to the interests and level of the pupils, the
pupils will become bored. The classroom conditions can also affect the

acquisition of information of the pupils. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to

keep their classrooms conducive to learning. Lastly, the consistency in providing

remediation to the learners. As stated in DepEd Order No. 8 series of 2015

otherwise known as the Classroom Assessment, the remediation should be

provided every fifth week of the quarter to help the learners cope with the lesson.

Therefore, here are some of my strategy or intervention:

Project RIZA

Reading Remediation to

Invite Learner’s to Read and be able to become

Zestful in their studies even in this test of time and they will be

Adventurous in their life every day.

1. Focus on the basics

When it comes to remediation, many students may benefit from targeted

tutoring when they haven’t fully mastered the basics of language. However,

online remediation will not yield the same results as in-person sessions–we are

all working through a challenging situation so it’s okay! With this in mind,

educators may find it beneficial to focus on the fundamentals of reading skills

during online reading remediation.

2. Get creative to get students engaged

If anything has become clear through the months of online learning, it’s that

teachers know how to get creative with their lessons. This out-of-the-box thinking
is just as necessary with reading remediation. As if engaging students wasn’t

hard enough in a classroom, keeping students interested in online remediation

may feel impossible.

3. Encourage students to use multiple areas of the brain

Throughout in-person education, teachers use different strategies to appeal to

different kinds of learners. In online remediation settings, educators can still use

various tactics to help students engage multiple areas of the brain to better

understand language concepts. Activities that incorporate gross motor

movements can get students engaged and help them remember a specific

reading skill.

4. Adjust expectations for yourself and your students

Perhaps, most importantly, successful reading remediation is a result of

realistic expectations set by both students and teachers.

III- Action Research Questions

1. What is the pretest score of learners using EGRA assessment?

2. What is the post test result of learners using EGRA assessment?

3. Is there a significant relationship between pre test and post test result?

4. What actions/interventions of the teacher based from the result of the

IV- Action Research Method
This action research using the relevant method and the EGRA, where all

learners from grade 2- Pearl were measured individually in terms of their reading

skills to be able to determine who among them cannot read. This is appropriate

for this action research since it endeavor to look into the effectiveness of the

identified intervention.

a. Participants:

The respondents of this study were the Grade 2- Pearl. They were

composed of out of 11 males 5 of them identified non-readers and out of 8

females 3 of them identified non-readers because they could not read words.

b. Gathering Methods:
The researcher will seek permission from the Head Teacher of the school

to administer the research. The researcher will gather the non-reader pupils with

IATF Standard Protocol and explained to them that they will be the participant in

the remedial reading program of Grade 2 to help them read and improve their

reading ability. Also, the researcher will call parents’ attention about the remedial

reading and asked permission from them. After that, the implementation of the

reading intervention will happen upon the approval of the School Head and the

parents. The researcher will use a passage in EGRA to determine the specific

number of non-readers in grade 2 – Pearl. The pre reading assessment test will
be administer to all pupils enrolled in grade 2. The resulting list of non-readers

will then use by the researcher as respondents and subjects of the study.

In this study, the remedial reading classes will be conducted in 60 minutes

every day to ensure the concept of consistency, continuity, and conditioning of

the pupils. Not just 15-20 minutes but conducted 60 minutes every day. At the

same time varied reading texts will be provided by the remedial teacher. After the

session, the pupils will be provided of another set of reading materials that they

can bring home, so they can practice reading at home. The said materials were

read the next day therefore, the pupils need to practice reading them. Moreover,

varied instructional materials were utilized like flashcards, charts, hand-outs, big

books and the like. The pupils will also instruct to ask assistance or help from

their family members.

The researcher gathered the non-readers in the intermediate level every

2:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon and conducted/administered the remedial reading

activities on reading as their daily reinforcement. After this intervention activity,

post reading assessment test will be administered the adviser.

c. Data Analysis Plan

The data gathered will be analyzed, interpreted and evaluated by the

researcher using the appropriate statistical tool.

To determine the reading levels of non-reader pupils before and after the

intervention, Earl Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Assessment Result

Activities and Associated Teaching Activities (ARATA) was used, particularly the

measures of central tendency which is the mean and measure of dispersion

using range.

V- Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Theme/Areas Objective Physical Activities Time Persons Resources

Target Frame Involved Needed

Approved Writing of January Researcher

Research Proposal 2022
Proposal Manuscript

Work Plan
Approval of January DepEd
Research to Authorities,
Cost Proposal in February Researcher
Estimates the school,

regional Book paper,
levels computer in,
Methods &
Instrument food and
s snacks,
Conduct of Februar School n allowance,
y Head, reproduction
the Research
Data 2022 Teachers, cost,
reading and Data
Bgry. binding
skills of collection Collection
Officials, expenses,
early activities
Parents, communicat
Researche ion
r expenses
Initial Interpretatio March (internet)
To help Reports on n of the 2022
the findings Data
parents of and Gathered Researcher
graders in
how to
Grade 2- Interpretati
Pearl on of data
Learners collected
their Final Writing of April
children Research the Final 2022 Research
how to Report Manuscript er
read April DepEd
Securing of 2022 Authorities
Acceptanc the ,
e Report certificate of Research
from the acceptance er
Committee from the
district and
Action Plan
Disseminati May DepEd
on of the 2022 Authorities
Liquidation results to ,
of Funds the field Research
Used er, Other
VI- Cost Estimates
Activitie Physical Budgetary requirements Key
s Target Expenditure Estimate Funding Persons
Items d Source Involved
Approved DepEd
Research Authorities,
1. Pre- Proposal Book paper, Researche
Research computer ink, r
Stage Work Plan food and Personal
snacks, /
Certificate of transportation P200.00 Other
Acceptance allowance, Funds
n expenses

Data Head,
Collection Book paper, Teachers,
Activities computer ink, Brgy.
food and Officials,
2. Actual Initial snacks, P500.00 Parents,
Research Reports on transportation Researche
Stage Findings and allowance, r
Analysis reproduction
Interpretatio communicatio
n of the Data n expenses
Collected (internet

Book paper, DepEd

Final computer ink, Authorities,
Research food and P300.00 Researche
Report snacks, r
3.Post Acceptance allowance,
Research Report from
Stage the cost,
Liquidation n
of Funds

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

Whatever outcomes of this study will be of great relevance as this will be

disseminated through various mechanisms and platforms which are recognized

by the Department of Education. This could also be shared through school,

district, division, region, national or even international conferences which this

study might be of importance. In the school or district level, this could also be

shared through LAC Sessions, In-Service Training, and other related

conferences and programs.

Furthermore, in utilizing the result, this will give additional ideas in creating

plans and a big help to parents in teaching their children how to read. Officials of

the Department of Education may give attention on the results of the study and

its recommendation in making effective policies and programs that will address

the problems of the parents in teaching and guiding their children in their studies,

especially in terms of reading in this pandemic situation.


Bowman, B. T., Comer, J. P., & Johns, D. J. (2018). Addressing the African
American achievement gap: Three leading educators issue a call to
action. YC Young Children, 73(2), 14-23.
Lovett, M. W., Frijters, J. C., Steinbach, K. A., Sevcik, R. A., & Morris, R. D.
(2021). Effective intervention for adolescents with reading disabilities:
Combining reading and motivational remediation to improve outcomes. Journal
of Educational Psychology, 113(4), 656.
Martínez, R. A. (2018). Beyond the English learner label: Recognizing the
richness of bi/multilingual students’ linguistic repertoires. The Reading
Teacher, 71(5), 515-522.
Saavedra, A. (2020). Factors that contribute to the poor writing skills in Filipino
and English of the elementary pupils. International Journal on Innovation,
Creativity and Change.
Zou, D., Huang, Y., & Xie, H. (2021). Digital game-based vocabulary learning:
where are we and where are we going?. Computer Assisted Language
Learning, 34(5-6), 751-777.

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