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Test 2 Vol2 (Actual test)

- Pine (n): cây thông

- Pine away: to become increasingly thin and weak because
of unhappiness, especially after the death of a loved person.
Eg: Carter died in 1904 after an accident and Leno
pined away and died six months later.
- Pine = desire: to strongly desire sth that is difficult or
impossible to obtain
Eg: Bradley pined for his wife, who was far away.

- Padded (adj): containing or consisting of a shaped piece of

soft material, either for comfort or to give something a
particular shape
 Bịt, độn bông

- Germ (n): a very small organism that causes disease

Eg: Rats and flies spread germs
Germ of sth: a small amount, usually one that develops
into sth large or important.
Eg: He found the germ of an idea in an old newspaper

- Motion (n): the act or process of moving, or a particular

action or movement.
Motion (n): đi tè
Motion (n): a formal suggestion made, discussed, and
voted on at a meeting.
Eg: Someone proposed a motion to increase the
membership fee to $500.
Motion (v): to make a signal to someone, usually with your
hand or head.
Eg: I saw him motion to the man at the door, who quietly

Go through the motions: to do sth without thinking it is
very important or having much interest in it
Eg: He says he’s been investigating my complaint, but I
feel he’s just going through the motions

Put/set sth in motion: to start a machine or process

Eg: Once the printing processes have been put in motion,
they’re not so easy to stop.

Bible (n): kinh thánh

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