MATHMWORLD - PhotoEssay - Group No.1 - Section B-122

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Mathematics in the Modern World

Prelim Assessment: Photo Essay

Group One

Patterns and Numbers

in our World
Uniqueness of Animal Prints
by Draculan, Princess D-Joy
Rattan: Patterns in Furnitures
by Draculan, Princess D-Joy
What if you take a picture and it doesn't go well
with your feed, and you wonder what will happen? As a
photographer, choosing the correct backdrop or
location is better than merely capturing random shots
and allowing them to build up in my junk pile.
Choosing a suitable setting for a minimal photo theme
is easy since most of our locations and sceneries
offer a lot of them. As selfies are so prevalent in
social media, taking one may be quite simple, but the
most vital issue is how and where to take one? When
photographing, symmetrical patterns are a common
backdrop. As seen in the image, It's easy to see
Translational symmetry in effect at the fast-food
joint where I just ate. Bricks that may be viewed as
white and wood that can uplift and match with
A picture perfect pattern anything you see. The sort of pattern that assists in
the matching of two objects or, more notably, the
by Madayag, Alliah Denise person you photograph. Overall, with patterns
everywhere, it is much simpler to shoot, and it is a
valuable element in making a picture flawless.
Billiards: enjoying life
with patterns
by Madayag, Alliah Denise

In our daily lives, we are surrounded by patterns that are just

waiting to be uncovered. Some are more evident than others, but
they're all there. One of the great thrills of life is finding new
things and doing them, like me playing Billiards for the first
time. The first thing I saw was the proper way to play the game. In
billiards, the cue stick is used to hit the balls into the holes.
Each end of the table has a rack with fifteen object balls placed
in a neat triangular shape. After a few games, I can see the
rationale behind the balls' design. An impact may be generated by
striking one of the triangular-sequenced balls in a sequence of
numbers, from the bottom to the top of the pyramid. These
distinctive patterns may be seen in the arrangement of the balls
when they are put in a linear fashion. As a result of this,
learning new things is a win-win situation for you and the people
you shared them with. In fact, I've realized that playing billiards
and learning about the strategy of the game can be a rewarding and
educational experience. Overall, just by doing everything you want
to enjoy in life and playing games, we learn how games may be
produced by patterns and how patterns can be life-changing and fun.

by Ocampo, Aurea Noleen

Have you ever taken a look and appreciated the beauty of our nature?
Have you noticed how a lot of patterns are visible in them? Just take a
look at these leaves. They grow naturally with a pattern, a pattern
that is called a fractal. A fractal is a pattern that never ends.
Fractals are endlessly complex patterns that are self-similar at
various sizes. This pattern is familiar to us since our nature is full
of fractals. They can usually be seen in leaves, trees, rivers,
coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells, hurricanes, and many other
more. It is so amazing, right? How our nature naturally form different
patterns on its own. And, to give you a trivia, patterns are not only
associated with art; they are also associated with Mathematics. That is
why we can also conclude that Mathematics is indeed everywhere. Through
Mathematics, we could appreciate more the beauty of nature, beauty of
life, and beauty of everything.

by Ocampo, Aurea Noleen

It’s so fascinating to know that patterns and numbers can be

seen and appreciated in our nature. But, as we later
discovered, it is also used in the creation of art, as seen
in this frame. Ever since I was a child, I have been really
amazed by this art hanging on the wall of our house, and
later, I realized how many patterns are visible in this
frame. Patterns are used in art in order to create visual
effects on the observers, which are us. It makes different
kinds of art more intricate and unique to one another.
Looking closely at this frame, the artist used different
lines and shapes that are repetitive to help convey the
message of the art, which makes the art more interesting to
the eyes of the observers. With all of these being said, we
could claim that patterns are so important in the sense that
they bring beauty, clarity, and harmony in art, as well as in
our lives and in the world.
PHONE CASE: a beauty
that is made of patterns
by Regalado, Joana Ruth

Because of the pandemic, students were forced to study online, and

for students who study online like me, our gadgets are one of the
most important things we need to study. That’s why we always use
phone cases to protect them so they don't get damaged. It is
amazing how many different designs of phone cases we can choose
from the stores and how creative people are in making phone cases.
They make beautiful phone cases just by using different kinds of
patterns and playing with different shades of color. My phone case
only has a simple design. But despite that, I think it still looks
pretty because I think the lines, which are the patterns, make it
look un- boring. I’ve realized that we can use patterns to create
something beautiful. Patterns are everywhere, and they make the
things around us even more beautiful and interesting.
The uniqueness of a pattern
by Regalado, Joana Ruth

Butterflies are part of the beauty of our nature. They are a kind
of insects that has a symmetrical pattern in their bodies. They
have wing patterns on one surface that are very different from
the patterns on the other surface. These patterns are not just
there for them to look beautiful; it has a purpose. They often
have dull colors and patterns on one of their wing surfaces to
hide from predators, and showy colors on the other surface to
attract mates. You can also tell if a butterfly is already an
adult and also its genes through its patter. Each butterfly has
different sizes, colors and patterns on their wings. Like us
people, butterflies are beautiful in their own unique way.
There is brilliance to be
found in Spots
by Timpug, Anne Catherine

There is a lot of magic in this world, and I believe that

spots are one of God's magical arts. Each spot has a strange
pattern that can be used. Art can be found everywhere and,
according to Edgar Degas, "Art is not what you see, but what
you make others see. We can see patterns everywhere that can
affect our decisions. Patterns or even spots can be
considered art because we all know they have a hidden
meaning and I believe that art is the lie that enables us to
realize the truth. We are extremely fortunate to be able to
see them with our own eyes. Looking at the sleepwear that I
am modeling, there are repetitive spots that can make the
linen design more appealing to wear and bring beauty to the
wearer. It can also add beauty to our natural world by
looking at animals with spots, such as the tiger and others.
Love Spiral
by Timpug, Anne Catherine

Let me explain something if you're mystified by this type of art

work. It is simply made of spiral lines that can produce incredible
art. There are a lot of types of line art. For example, there is the
thick, thin, horizontal, vertical, zigzag, diagonal, curly, curved,
spiral, etc., but in this art we used the spiral line. It is a curved
line with lines that gradually bend and change direction. They can be
straight or wavy. So, as you can see in the image, it depicts a
portrait of two people, and it is equivalent to one partner who has a
strong bond with the other. This type of artwork is extremely
difficult to create. It takes time, effort, and measurements to
perfect each person's lines. This type of artwork is also very
relaxing to make because every time you see the progress and you
slowly depict the image of a certain person, it gives you relief,
joy, and excitement to finish it. Overall, there are patterns, lines,
spots, and mathematics everywhere that can be used to create magical

Mathematics and art link with each other at some point.

Based on what you saw on the previous slides, it is
obvious that patterns and numbers can be seen anywhere.
Even in the simplest things, these are visible if we
know how to look into small details. Having all of
these pictures as examples of patterns and numbers in
our world, we could finally assume that mathematics is


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