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Conversation > Now You're Talking!

Warm up

What’s your opinion about bullying?

Dialogue Practice

John and his mom talk about bullying.

Mom You know it isn’t kind to bully people, right John?

John Even if someone is acting like a punk?

Mom Yes. It is never OK to intimidate someone. Also, you should never pick on
someone tinier than you because it is unfair.

John Is it OK to play pranks on people? Locking younger kids in a closet is very funny.

Mom Don’t be silly, John. Would you think it was funny if someone locked you in a

John No. I guess you’re right. I promise I will never be a bully.

Comprehension Questions
Reading Comprehension

Business at Carol and Paul's company wasn’t going so well, and their new boss didn’t

seem to be learning the ropes. The boss was becoming increasingly nervous and

started bullying people to work harder and intimidating them with layoffs. His bullying

came to a head when he made silly accusations and blamed others for his failed

projects, which finally cost him his job. Finally, Carol and Paul couldn’t have been

happier when they learned their previous boss would return.

Comprehension Questions
Free Talk

Why does bullying happen?

Why do bullies bully other people?

Have you ever seen someone being bullied? (school, work, and

other public places)

How to prevent bullying?

Thank You!

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