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edt ‘Totace the path of ary of ght passing threugh a rectangular lass slab for dierent angles ot incidence, Measure the ange of inokdenez, angle of refraction angle of emeigence, and interpret the resut. Theory Wat are laf fraction? Following ate the laws of ‘= The incident ay tne normal ray, and therefracted ray. al len the same plane + Snel aw: The law states thatthe ato of the she ofan angle of incidence to these ofthe angle of refraction Is constant sinisiar= constant Whatis refraction of ight? ‘The tetaction of ight 8 ploperty of Nght n which the Nght changes is path when it passes tram ‘one medtin othe other Lateral placements dined as the perpendicular shift te patho ght when emerges out fromthe efractrg medum Materials Required 1. Adrawng board 2.a6alphe 3 white sheet of paper 4 Rectangular glass stab 5: Aprovactar 6 Ascale 7 Avenel 8 Thumb pine Procedure 1. Foca winte shes onthe soft drawing boar using thumb pins 2. Using sharp pencil draw the ouine bourvary of the glas sib, place it tthe white paper. 8 Let ABCD be the ostangua figure obtained by drain, 4 Matk port E on AB and draw a perpendicular EN and label it a 3 normal ray. 5 Draw one angle of 30" wth the help of preractor with EN. Fix pins atP and @ at 4-5.em on the ray that is obtained by the angle Place the glaes slab onthe ractangulr figure ABCD. offic and s se through the glass slab of side CO, such that when seen through the class stab, al the pins, Rand S should le ina straioit ne Drew a small ctcle eround the ns 8,0, Rand $end remove the pins. Remove the lass slab, 10. Join points Rand such thatit meets CD at pont F Draw a perpendiedar NW! to CD at point = 11 Using ¢penct, ointhe points Eand F 12. Meaaute the angles formed at AB and CD, the incident angle, refracted angle, and emorgent angle 13. The lateral deplacement is obtained by extending the ray PQ in a dotted ine which is patella ray to RS. 14 Measuie the lateral doplacernert 15 Repeatthe same procedure fr angle 45" and 60" Ray Diagram te PAGE NO.-2 a AN Ge some Refraction oflight through arectangular glass slab Observation Table ‘sau, Maleofineidence angle of refraction _ Angle of emergence ance a= ZEN ars MEF 222 SFM’ 2PEN ~ 2SFM 1 cy 3 0" ie @ as ra 44a oz 3 0" 56 saa" oa: Due tohuman error the value of i= ze may not be equal to zero Conclusion 1. The angle of ineldence andthe angle of emergence are almeot equal 2. As the ight Is traveling fom rarer to denser optical medium, the angle of refraction willbe lesser than the engle of nldence, 3. For ferent angles of incidence, the lateral dsplacement willremain the same 4. The ight wl bend towards the normal when i travels from an optically rarer mectum to an optically denser mecium, Precautions 1. The rectangular glass slab used should have pertectly smooth faces. 2. The drawing board shouldbe soft so that pins can be easly fied on it 83. The angle of incicence shauid lle between 30" and 60", 4.Allpins base shouldbe na straight ine 5. The distance between the pins P and Q othe pins R and 8,» minimum 5 em gap should be ‘maintained. 6.Using a sharp pene, daw thin nes 7. The quality ofthe protractor shoul be good 8. The placernent ofthe protractor shouldbe correct to et correct measurements 9. The perpendiculats shouldbe drawn with care Sources Of error 1. There shouldbe ary air bubbles inthe glass slab 2. The measurements done by the protacto’ should be accurate,

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