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Part 1:
Gain a deeper insight into Có được cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về…
Understand difficult concepts Hiểu những khái niệm khó
Concentrate fully Tập trung hoàn toàn
Distraction Sự phân tâm, sao nhãng
Quiet corner Góc yên tĩnh
Focus on Tập trung vào
Disturbs Quấy rối

Frustrates Làm thất vọng

Breaks my concentration Phá vỡ sự tập trung của tôi
Interrupt Làm gián đoạn
- Being fluent in two or more languages opens up the door to a variety of job
 Do you like studying? Why/why not?
 Do you prefer to study alone or with the others? Why?
 Where do you prefer to go went you need to study?why?
 How do you feel if someone disturbs you when you are studying?
 What are you studying?
I’m currently a freshman at english department- hanoi university- one of the most
/presˈtɪdʒ.əs/ universities
in VN. Now I still can’t believe I was able to gain
admission to HN university because it’s so competive.
 What’s your major?
I’m majoring in the English language, so as you guess I have to deal a lot with
something like phonetics and phonology, lexicology or grammar.
 Why did you choose that subject? open up a variety of career paths. can
adapt to change
 What do you find most interesting about your course?
 What is your favorite subject?unti now, I’m into almost all subjects
but language learning methodology is still the one I have the
greatest interest in.
 Popular : Well, personally I think it’s quite a widespread subject. Due to the
society’s huge demand for teaching career nowadays, a large number of people
are devoting themselves to this area
 Like: I would say it’s the environment. We speak in English 100% in the class
and it helps us develop our English skills substantially
 What do you dislike about your study?
 Technology I use: I use my laptop to write my essays and also take online
classes, especially during this covid pandemic.
 What do you hope to do after your graduation? To find a job, gain some
real world experrence
 What are your ambitions for the future?
 Do you hope to gain any qualifications?
 What are the advantages of studying instead of working?
 what is the most difficult part of your study? There’s a lot of pressure when
someone is waiting for you to come up with an English sentence.
 If you could choose to study another subject, what would you choose? 

Part 2:
o Describe a class or course you benefited from
o Describe a skill you would like to learn in the future
o Describe a subject you did not like before but have an interest in now
o Describe your most favorite subject. (Mô tả môn học bạn yêu thích nhất)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) The subject that is my all-time favorite is Sophomore (n) Sinh viên năm 2
“Culture of countries in ASEAN”, which was taught
since I was a sophomore in university.
(Reason) Although it was just an elective subject, I was
really into studying it since I could have deeper
insight into ASEAN countries’ cultures and be immersed
in their vivid civilization. (Example) In class, we
discussed history, religion, tradition and lifestyle of
people in these countries. We also had a lot of group
work and presentations to make this subject much more
interesting to learn. We also used to read a lot of books
related to ASEAN countries’ cultures. Doing research
Elective subject (n) Môn tự chọn
into culture has always intrigued me as I have been
a keen learner of culture.
Additionally, we were taught by dedicated teachers who
helped us understand the lesson quickly. Till now, I have
still felt grateful for the lecturers who were so passionate
with the lessons. This subject has brought me a feeling of
satisfaction, which I could hardly see in other subjects.
To sum up,  it has been a useful subject as thanks to this,
I find that I can broaden my common knowledge and
have more confidence when I have the chance to go to
the countries in South East Asia.
Have deeper Hiểu thêm về
insight into (St) (v)  
Presentations (n) Bài thuyết trình
Doing research into
Nghiên cứu về cái gì
(St) (v)
Keen learner (n) Người học tích cực
Dedicated Giảng viên tận tâm
teachers (n)
Broaden my common Mở rộng kiến thức thông
knowledge (v) thường

Education background  (n) /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn//ˈbækɡraʊnd/ Nền tảng giáo dục

Academic transcript  (n) /ˌækəˈdemɪk//ˈtrænskrɪpt/ Bảng điểm đại học
High distinction degree  (n) /haɪ//dɪˈstɪŋkʃn//dɪˈɡriː/ Bằng tốt nghiệp loại xuất sắc
Exceptional  (adj) /ɪkˈsepʃənl/ Kiệt xuất, xuất sắc, xuất chúng
Reach new heights of knowledge  (v)/riːtʃ//njuː//haɪts//əv//ˈnɒlɪdʒ/Đạt đến những đỉnh
cao tri thức mới
Characteristic  (n) /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/ Tính cách
Stimulate  (v)/ˈstɪmjuleɪt/ Kích thích, thôi thúc
Mutual understanding  (n) /ˈmjuːtʃuəl//ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ/: Sự thấu hiểu lẫn nhau
Sense of responsibility  (n) /sens//əv//rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/:Tinh thần trách nhiệm

 In my free time/ leisure time/ spare time, I enjoy/ like +N/ Ving

lí do

 temporarily escape reality (tạm thời thoát khỏi thực tế)

 expand my knowledge/ know more about the world (mở rộng kiến
thức của tôi / biết thêm về thế giới)
 relieve stress/ unwind after a stressful day/ week (giảm căng
thẳng / thư giãn sau một ngày / tuần căng thẳng)
 do/ does wonders for my mental and physical health (có lợi cho
sức khỏe tinh thần và thể chất của tôi)
 strenghthen my immune system (tăng cường hệ thống miễn dịch
của tôi)
 keep fit (giữ dáng)
 Make friends with people who have common interests/ expand
my social circle

Cấu trúc
 N/ V-ing is a good way for me to ……
 Being a/an ….person, I enjoy/ like
 By + Ving, I can have a chance to ….. 
 I find + N + Adj (Tôi cảm thấy + sở thích ……..). Ví dụ: I find
watching really interesting as it allows me to immerse myself into a
different world 

1. Do you have any hobbies?

Definitely yes, everyone has at least one leisure pursuit pɚˈsuːt/ and I am no
exception. I don't really have a regular hobby, instead, there are some
temporary ones I have in a short time period. For example, there was a time I
love reading fairy tales and old fables. Then, I change to listen to classical
music. Currently, I spend most of my leisure time to read Chinese novels. 

2. What hobbies are popular in your country?

Well, there are plenty of recreational activities that Vietnamese people

enjoy doing in their spare time. Generally speaking, Vietnamese love
listening to music on music streaming websites such as Zing MP3 or
Spotify because they offer a variety of songs free of charge. Another
hobby that has gained popularity recently is travelling. By travelling to new
places, people can have the chance to see beautiful landscapes
and broaden their horizons.

There is a wide range of hobbies in my country. For young people, travelling

and photography are the two most popular hobbies. For senior citizens,
playing chess and practising Tai Chi in parks in the afternoon is the most
enjoyable leisure activities. 

3.Did you have a hobby as a child?

4. Is it important to have a hobby?

Due to the hectic lifestyle that most people lead nowadays, having a hobby is

extremely vital. It’s a healthy and productive disttraction from work or personal
5. What sort of hobbies would you like to try in the future?

Well, If I have more spare time in the future, I will take up playing the guitar.
Actually, I have found this musical instrument interesting ever since I was
a kid so I really want to cross it off my bucket list

6.Do you think hobbies should be shared with other people?

Yes, I do think so. Sharing something in common is the best measure to
connect people together and help one's hobby develop in a more positive

7.Why do you think people have hobbies?

8. Are there any hobbies you think are not worthwhile?

Speaking from my own experience, there is no such thing as an unworthwhile

hobby. Every hobby, gaming included, has certain positive impacts on people,
such as increasing the level of creativity and problem – solving skills.
However, we should understand the importance of our actual work and try to
balance the time spent between our work and our hobby.

9.What can we learn from hobbies?

This really depends on the nature of the hobbies. If the hobby is reading books
or watching films, we can acquire a huge amount of knowledge through the
hobby. With other hobbies like collecting stamps or singing, at least we have a
great source of entertainment. Forskills based hobbies like crafting or playing
an instrument you develop specific skills and earn a sense of achievement
when you master something you had been unable to do at the beginning. One
thing I think many hobbies teach US is a sense of discipline because you have
to work on and improve skills to advance.

10.Is it important to teach hobbies to children? Why or why not?

Definitely yes. Adults should teach different hobbies to their children when they
are still young and trying to figure out what they like. It’s important for children
to be introduced to a wide range of different things for them to discover what
they are interested in. Some hobbies can be considered as’career
paths’created by parents. As I said before, many hobbies instil a sense of
discipline in 14 the people practicing it and this is something that would be
really beneficial for children to learn. Many children also find school to be
difficult or boring, and having a hobby that balances that out by allowing the
child to work on something they are actually interested in and this can be great
for their mental health.

What is your favourite leisure activity? / What do you enjoy doing in your free

Sample answer

Well, I usually listen to music in my spare time. Music is the best way for me to let my
hair down and escape the real world. 
What did you enjoy doing in your free time as a child?

Sample answer
When I was in grade 7 and 8, I was keen on drawing and painting in Japanese
manga's style. I used to stay up all night just to finish my drawing and went to school
the next morning with my tired eyes.
Do you prefer to spend your free time with other people or alone?

Sample answer 1

I prefer to have my alone time rather than to spend time with someone else. I'm an
introvert person so being alone is the best therapy for my refreshment.
Sample answer 2

I prefer to spend my spare time with someone else, like my best friends or my family
members. Simply having a good gossip about the latest news would be very
enjoyable for me.

What is a common leisure activity in your country?

Sample answer

I think the most common thing Vietnamese people like to do in their leisure time is
surfing the internet. They like reading online news and checking social networking
sites, such as Facebook or Instagram.
Do most people in your country get two days off a week?

Sample answer

Yes, they do. For the most part, people have 2 days off on Saturdays and Sundays.
However, I know some people have to work on Saturday mornings, that depends on
their company's policy.
Do you think leisure time is important?

Sample answer

Needless to say, it is very crucial. Leisure brings about the chance to balance one's
life and reduce stress. It also recreates a positive flow of energy in a person.

Part 1

- A mobile home: nhà di động

- Residential area: khu dân cư
- Penthouse: cao ốc thông tầng, thường nằm ở vị trí cao nhất của 1 toà nhà.
- Flat : căn hộ
- An apartment block/block of flats: dãy nhà, khối căn hộ liền kề
- Close-knit community: cộng đồng dân cư có mối quan hệ khăn khít
- A thatched cottage: nhà tranh, nhà gỗ theo phong cách châu âu, thường xuất hiện
ở vùng quê
- Home comforts: sự tiện nghi trong nhà
- Campus : khu ký túc xá đại học
- Mansion : dinh thự
- Dream home: ngôi nhà trong mơ
- Amenity: sự tiện nghi
- Mod cons (n): sự tiện nghi hiện đại
- Add an extension: xây hoặc lắp thêm (nội thất, phòng ốc) cần thiết vào
- High-rise apartments: căn hộ (cao cấp) nhiều tầng
- Overlook (a garden): nhìn ra (ngoài vườn)
- Igloo: nhà bằng đá
- Façade: mặt tiền
- Refurbish (v): tân trang nhà cửa
- Do up (an old house): nâng cấp nhà
- House-warming party: tiệc tân gia

- sit back at the end of the day

1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?/ kind of accomodation

I live in a house that has a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a
small garden. It's not a very big house, but it's my home

2. What is your favorite room in your home? Why?

Definitely my bedroom. It's a personal space where I can do whatever I want without fear of being
scolded by my parents. Besides, the bedroom is the perfect place for me to avoid noise when I
need to focus on studying or doing something.
Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 

-sit back at the end of the day

3. Would you change anything about your home? Why / why not?
Maybe I'll expand the living room. Because it's a common space for family members to gather
and gather together, so I thought it would be great if my living room was a bit more spacious.

4. Would you like to move to a different home in the future?

Although my current accommodation is perfectly fine, I would love to experience the feeling of
living in a lavish and splendid villa for once. Because I had a dream since childhood to own a
house with a swimming pool and garden of my own, so a villa seemed like an ideal home to me.

5. How is your apartment decorated?

My house is decorated in a minimalist style. Almost everything is painted in beige white, and a
few art pieces serve as a subtle touch to the house. The interior is also designed quite simply,
mostly made of wood, but just enough utility for family members to use.

What do you like about living there?  There are not exactly too many things to like
about living at my current residence except that 

What sort of accommodation would you most like to live in?

If I could, I'd buy a bigger house near a beach or in the mountains, preferably
somewhere with a warm climate.


Describe something you own which is very important to you.
You should say:
 where you got it from
 how long you have it
 what you use it for
and explain why it is so important to you.

The desktop computer I own is very important to me. I spend almost 6-7
hours on this computer which is even higher than the time I spend with
my friends! My father bought me this computer 3 years ago when I got
admitted to the university. I have done some configuration upgrades,
but the main parts of the computer have remained almost the same as
they were when I purchased it.

I browse the internet on this computer and thus get lots of help related
to my studies and assignments. I maintain social networking, update my
blogs, play video games, watch movies, listen to music, learn and
practice the graphics designing and programming and many more things
on this computer. This computer has become an inevitable part of my
life and I can hardly think of a day without this computer. The
references and helps I get from the internet regarding my studies are
unmatched. This saves a lot of time and helps me do better in the exams
as well.
This computer is the main source of information and entertainment for
me. I send important emails and check incoming emails which help
me do important communications. Every time I am confused about
something, I just search it online. The result is gratifying and it helps
me learn more. In short, this is the most necessary tool that I own.
Rounding off questions:
Q. Is it valuable in terms of money?
Answer: Indirectly, yes, it saves money and it has a resell value. Let's
say, if I sell this computer right away, I can get a good sum of money.
Besides, the knowledge I can gather from using it is priceless. If I use an
internet cafe to send and check my emails, play games or download
something, it would cost me. However, owning this computer saves me
this amount.
Q. Would it be easy to replace?
Answer: If you ask me if I can get a new computer, or perhaps a laptop,
and replace the existing one, I would say, it's doable for me. However, if
you tell me not to use it any longer, I am sure it would make my life

Part 1
 Do you enjoy travelling? increases knowledge and broadens people's
 Have you done much travelling?
 Do you think it’s better to travel alone or with other people?
Travel in company, bond with Sb, safer
  Where would you like to travel in the future? Beautiful landscapes
 In which seasons do you prefer to travel?
 What kind of places have you visited in your life? Sadly, I didn’t get to
see many destinations inside and outside of my native country due to my
limited fanancial
 When you visit new places, what do you like to do?
 Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?
natural wonders

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