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1. Create a timeline of Rizal childhood and early Education .

1848 José Rizal's mom, Teodora Morales Alonso-Realonda y Quintos, and dad, Francisco Rizal-Mercado y Alejandra, marry
on June 28th.

1861 On June 19th José Rizal is born to become the seventh child born to his parents. Three days later Rizal was christened
with the name Jose Protasio Rizal-Mercado y Alonso-Realonda.

1870 José begins school under the instruction of Justiniano Aquin Cruz at just nine years of age.

1871 José continues his education under the instruction of Lucas Padua.

1872 Rizal is examined by those in charge of college entrance to St. Tomas University in Manila; he enters the school system
as a scholar

1875 Rizal enters the Ateneo as a boarder at just 14 years of age.

1876 At the age of 15, Rizal receives a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Ateneo de Manila. He not only receives this degree,
but receives it with the highest honors possible.

1877 In June José begins to go to school at St. Tomas University in Manila where he studies phillosophy

1877 In November Rizal writes a poem and receives recognition for his writing from the Royal Economic Society of Friends of
the Country, also known as Amigos del Pals. The recognition comes in the form of a diploma of merit and honorable mention.

1878 In June Rizal decides to switch gears in his educational pursuits and transfers into the medical courses at St. Tomas
University. During this time he also writes an additional two poems that win him further recognition.

1880 At the age of 19 Rizal writes another poem for a competition where he should have won first prize. However, he was not
given this prize due to discrimination.
In December Rizal produces his first Operetta called On the Banks of the Pasig.

1881 Rizal creates the commemorative medal in wax for the Royal Economic Society of Friends centennial celebration.

1882 In May Rizal gets money from his brother and travels secretly from Manila to Spain aboard a French ship and railroad
entering Spain at the Port Bou.
In June St. Tomas University realizes Rizal is nowhere to be found and threatens to take land away from his father who is a
tenant even though his father has no idea of his whereabouts.
June 15 Rizal makes his arrival in Barcelona and begins to study again in Madrid in October of that same year.

1886 Rizal receives a degree in medicine from the Central University of Madrid at the age of 23. He then becomes an assistant
to Dr. L. de Wecker and visits many universities in Berlin, Leipzig, and Heidelberg in the country of Germany.

1887 Rizal finishes his first novel titled Noli Me Tangere while staying in Berlin. The novel offends Catholic officials and Rizal is
deemed to be a troublemaker
He then travels to Austria, Switzerland, and Italy.
On July 3 Rizal leaves from Mersailles in Italy and arrives in Manila on August 5th. He travels to nearby areas escorted by a
Spanish Lieutenant.
2. Write a short biographical essay that compare the student early childhood with rizal own

Jose Rizal’s early childhood start in Calamba, Laguna his own

hometown. He had many happy and beautiful memories. He grew up with loving
parents, thoughtful and caring siblings. He spent his childhood at the lake shore town
of Calamba with its scenic beauty and the majestic Mt. Makiling a few kilometers
away from their home. He enjoyed the vibrant beauty of Laguna de Bay, a beautiful in
Land Lake with verdant tall trees and plants that surround it. Jose first teacher was his
mother. She taught him how to read and write. In his memoir he wrote ‘my mother
taught me how to read and to say haltingly the humble prayers witch I raised fervently
to God’. As a tutor his mother was patience, conscientious, and understanding. It was
her who discovered her son talent in poetry. Accordingly she encouraged her son to
write poem and to lighten the monotony of memorizing the alphabet. Now a days all
of the student idolize rizal legacy. because of his bravelyness he have do for his
country. Like me being student jose rizal is my motivation in my life because of his
habit or characteristics and his motto in life. "That Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling
wika, daig pa ang hayop at malansang isda". this the qoute is very meaningfull for

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