Bahasa Inggris (Riska Ashari)

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Nama : Riska Ashari

D-III Manajemen Transportasi Laut

A. Personal Pronoun
1. He reads a book every day
2. You should lend me some money
3. They are completing their homework.
4. We have to be thankful for the food.
5. He left his meeting file at home.
6. He plays football in our academy.
7. She is working with a google company.
8. They are completing their project.
9. We bathe every day, even in the winters.
10. He is going to Japan for higher studies.

B. Reflexive Pronouns
1. The cat crosses the road itself.
2. I’ve told myself to stay away from these bad habits.
3. The cat crosses the road itself.
4. I’ve told myself to stay away from these bad habits.
5. We can celebrate here ourselves without any disturbances.
6. This expensive sportscar is a class by itself.
7. We can celebrate here ourselves without any disturbances.
8. He is going to drive this car himself today to go to school.
9. You are so young to do it yourself.
10. Do not cut yourself with the knife you hold in your hands.

C. Possesive Pronoun
1. Improve your mistakes first, then talk about theirs.
2. She has many lipsticks in her purse.
3. The management has dropped their plans.
4. Our project is not relative to yours.
5. You picked up my cell phone instead of yours.
6. Whose pencil had lost yesterday?
7. James and his brother are cops in America.
8. The management has dropped their plans.
9. This bag is not ours, it’s theirs.
10. Your car has punctured, go and take hers.

D. Demostrative Pronoun
1. This is my handkerchief.
2. That car is one of my favorite cars.
3. You have never imagined this in your career.
4. That bike looks like a Harley Davidson.
5. None of them are coming to swimming.
6. God helps those who help others..

E. Interrogative Pronoun
1. I’m wondering who will be at the party.
2. Whom did you speak to?
3. Whose sweater is this?
4. Whose parents are those?
5. Whose phone is that?

F. Relative Pronoun
1. Matha had made a deal which is unacceptable for me
2. The book, when he returned to the library, was torn out.
3. The president, whoever the management decides, will introduce his agendas.
4. Shyam forgot to mark questions that the lecturer assigned.
5. Mr. Robin, who owns a restaurant, is waiting outside.
6. The team, whoever wins the game, will play for the country.
7. He is waiting for you, where he met you for the first time.
8. Do you remember when we came here for the shopping?
9. The plan, whoever decides, is very well organized.
10. The movie that I watched yesterday is a dubbed movie..

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