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Mandanas, Gabriel N

BS Crim 2A6

7 Fundamentals of marksmanship

1. Stance - The stance as it applies to the handgun is nothing more than the position of
feet and body relative to the target. It sounds simple, but it’s actually one of the most critical
and also one of the most often overlooked aspects of pistol shooting.

2. Position - This is nothing more than taking the stance and make sure that we are
positioned naturally toward the target, or, put another way, we are trying to find our natural
point of aim.

3. Grip - The next fundamental is grip, and this part sounds easy, simply pick the pistol up,
and you are gripping it, right? Not so fast. There are several do’s and don’ts when
establishing the proper firing grip. Two of the main aspects of establishing a proper grip are
consistency and tension.

4. Sight Alignment - The next

fundamental is sight alignment. In order to
shoot a handgun with any accuracy, the
pistol’s sights need to be in alignment, but what does that mean? Sight alignment is nothing
more than the front sight post centered within the rear sight notch, with equal daylight on
both sides of the front sight post, and the top of the front sight level with the top of the rear
sight. The shooter then has to maintain that good sight alignment when the hammer or
striker of the handgun falls and the cartridge is fired. The better the sight alignment is when
the bullet exits the barrel, the better the results on the target will be.

5. Trigger Control - The next fundamental is trigger control. The smooth release of the
trigger mechanism of any firearm is a critical factor is the delivery of an accurate shot. On
the face of it, it’s a very simple act. Simply apply steady building pressure with the trigger
finger to a small strip of metal or polymer, until the amount of force needed to overcome the
friction of the mechanism is achieved and the tension contained in the sear or striker spring
is released. But within that simple act is a complex series of events that have to take place.
6. Breathing - The next fundamental is breathing. Good breathing techniques are
extremely important in all types of shooting, from the slow fire match in bullseye, to speed
shooting steel targets, which typically is over in less than two or three seconds.

7. Mental Decipline - Shooting is both a physical and a mental game. The ratio of
physical versus mental depends on the level of expertise of the individual shooter.

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