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Describing the Impact of Massive Open Online Course

Module in Media and Information Literacy 12

Quarter 2 ● Module 2
While going through this module, you are expected to:
1. summarize the ideas under the massive open online courses, and
2. conclude how the massive open online courses impact the lives of people.

If you can recall the types of media

discussed in your previous module, you may
be able to remember that one of them is
called the new media or the internet.
According to Cote (2020), new media is
“any media– from newspaper articles and
blogs to music and podcasts – that are
delivered digitally. From a website or email
to mobile phones and streaming apps, any
related form of communication can be
considered new media”.
Photo source: Shah (2020)

From the same module, you would also recall that the roles of media and technology were
discussed. One of them is making the world a smaller place. With the use of media and technology, distance
between countries and people is no longer an issue. Everybody can stay connected wherever they are.
Another role that was discussed was that media and technology make communication more convenient. A
situation that can exemplify this role is when you wish to apply for a scholarship in a certain university in a
rather far area. Instead of spending too much money and time going back and forth to this university to
submit requirements and for interviews, all these can already be done over the internet (media) using any
available gadget (technology).

Photo source:(Freda 2014)

What Is It

The educational sector, as well as people’s innate thirst for knowledge, does not remain unaffected
by the influence of media, technology and information. In fact, the advancement in these three concepts is
central to the changes that occur in the mentioned parts of people’s lives.
One of the developments in media,
technology and information that recently made a
breakthrough in the educational sector, and is
continuously growing because of this current
pandemic, is called the Massive Open Online
Course (MOOC). Educause, as cited by Gonzales
(2016), defined MOOC as “a model for
delivering learning content online to any
person who wants to take a course, with no
Photo source: TheGuardian (2020)
limit on attendance”. Hidalgo and Mopera (2015)
also defined MOOC
as “an online course that encourages people to interact with one another in order to share knowledge”. In
other words, it is learning in a global scale through the use of media and technology in sharing and gaining
information or knowledge.

According to Gonzales (2016), there are four characteristics of MOOCs.

1. It is considered revolutionary because it

elevates the traditional physical learning to
that of virtuality. Learners are no longer
expected to be physically present in a
physical facility like a classroom. Instead,
they only need a camera, an audio Photo source: Mondal (2020)
device, a gadget (laptop/desktop/mobile phone), and an account to a required platform and they can
learn as much as they do in a traditional physical setup.
2. Since learning has been moved virtually, it is understood that learning will happen
3. In place of the traditional class record and pen and paper tests, MOOCs use information
technology to gather and analyze relevant data to gauge what has been learned by the learners.
4. It emphasizes connectedness despite vast distances.

Advancements in media and technology are not born out of nowhere. They always stem from
perceived needs or as a solution to a perceived problem. Hidalgo and Mopera (2015) pointed out in their
discussion that MOOCs’ main purpose is personal growth in terms of information, knowledge and
skills. According to these authors, there are three specific purposes of the development of the MOOC:
1. Higher education – It is clear from the characteristics given by Gonzales that MOOC is very
different from the traditional idea of schooling. If you decide to utilize MOOC in your learning,
you are free to choose only a certain course to enroll in. For example, if your purpose is to
update your techniques in cooking for your business, then you may only subscribe to channels
or pages that would help you achieve your goal. Once enrolled, you are also exempted from
following certain educational protocols and policies while still receiving higher quality education.

2. Workplace connection– Another purpose of MOOC is to ensure that people of the same
professional field are updated with the current practices and equipped with the necessary skills
to continue to survive and to grow in their career.

3. Lifelong learning–As mentioned earlier, people have this innate hunger for more knowledge
and information. It is probably why advancement in technology and media is so fast. With
MOOC, you have access to anything you want to learn during your own time and pace all
throughout your life. Even after becoming professionals, MOOCs can help you be competitive,
and in turn be indispensable, in your chosen fields.

The development of MOOCs has four implications on education as a whole.

1. “Attendance is no longer a determining factor in one’s education”. In a traditional educational setup,

daily attendance is a requirement. People, who previously cannot attend regular school for one valid
reason or another, can now earn quality education with and from MOOCs.
2. “MOOC addresses the high cost of education”. Financially speaking, managing MOOCs are less
expensive than managing a physical educational institution. Since there are lesser expenses in MOOCs,
the fees passed to the students are also lesser.
3. “MOOCs provide a means to improve learning”. Because MOOCs use technology information such as
analytics to collect and analyze data, it is easier and faster to gauge the learning of the learners. Being
able to do so will also provide ways to improve how learners can maximize learning using MOOCs.
4. “MOOCs allow education to take place on a global scale”. Aside from fast feedback on learners’
progress, MOOCs maximize learning by giving a means for experts and instructors to connect with
interested students all over the world.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each question, choose the letter that corresponds to the BEST answer.
Note: Remember to use a separate sheet of paper for all activities in this module.

1. What does MOOC stand for?

A. Massive Open Online Course C. Massive Online Open Course
B. Media Open Online Course D. Media Online Open Course
2. Which of the following is the definition of MOOC?
A. MOOC is a virtual platform of educational institutions.
B. MOOC is any type of information that is accessible to anybody, any time.
C. It refers to online courses that are open to anyone who wishes to enroll in their field of specialization for
D. It refers to a revolutionary movement in the educational system as it brings the physical educational
setup to virtual educational setup.
3. What sector is greatly influenced by MOOCs?
A. economy C. politics
B. education D. psychology
4. Which of the following are the characteristics of MOOC?
i. It is considered revolutionary.
ii. Learning is conducted online.
iii. It uses information technology for data analysis.
iv. Connectedness is emphasized.
A. i and ii C. i, ii, iii only
B. iii and iv D. i, ii, iii and iv
5. What is the general purpose of the development of MOOC?
A. to ensure that everybody receives quality education, even those who do not have access to physical
educational institutions
B. to cater to an individual’s desire to continue growing personally and intellectually
C. to encourage every learner to continue learning despite the pandemic
D. to act as a supplementary platform for educational institutions
6. Which of the following is NOT a specific purpose of MOOC?
A. higher education C.workplace connection
B. lifelong learning D. profession growth
7. Which of the following are the implications of MOOC?
i. Attendance is no longer a determining factor in one’s education.
ii. MOOC allows education to take place on a global scale.
iii. MOOC provides a means to improve learning.
iv. MOOC addresses the high cost of education.
A. i, ii, iii, iv C. i and iii
B. ii, iii, iv D. ii and iv
II. ALTERNATE RESPONSE: Analyze each sentence. Write T on your answer sheet if the statement is
true. Otherwise, write F.
8. MOOCs move physical learning to virtual learning.
9. MOOC is an ideal example of the roles of media and technology in making the world a smaller place
and in making communication more convenient.
10. With MOOCs, an individual’s intellectual growth in any moment of their life is catered to.
11. Attendance is still a determining factor for students enrolled in MOOC.
12. Traditional school setup is still preferable over MOOC because schools are still able to provide
quality education that one cannot get in any MOOC.
13. Pen and paper tests are still very important in MOOCs.
14. MOOCs only help students who are not capable of attending a regular school setting.
15. With MOOCs, gauging a student’s learning is faster and easier because of the use of analytics.


Activity: You can create!

In a paragraph of 5-6 sentences, discuss what online course you will design if you are given the
opportunity. Please be guided by the following questions.

1. What is the course all about?

2. Who are your target participants?
3. What is the main purpose of the online course?
4. How long will the course take?
5. What are the special features of the course?
Please make sure to write your name and section and submit ONLY this page during your schedule.
Citing an Example of an Issue Showing the Power of Media and Information to Affect Change
Module in Media and Information Literacy 12
Quarter 2 ● Module 2
Folder No. 6
Class No. ______ Score:___________________________
Name (Last Name First):______________________________ Section:___________________________

Written Task
1. 6. 11.

2. 7. 12.

3. 8. 13.

4. 9. 14.

5. 10. 15.


Activity: You can create!

In a paragraph of 5-6 sentences, discuss what online course you will design if you are given the
opportunity. Please be guided by the following questions.
1. What is the course all about?

2. Who are your target participants?

3. What is the main purpose of the online course?

4. How long will the course take?

5. What are the special features of the course?


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