Practice Test-Hsgtp

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I. LISTENING (20pts)
Hướng dẫn phần thi nghe:
 Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, thời lượng 17 phút, được bắt đầu và kết thúc bằng đoạn nhạc hiệu.
 Thí sinh có 5 phút để đọc qua các phần trước khi nghe.
 Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.

PART 1. You will hear people talking in six different situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best answer
(A, B or C).
1. You are in a shop when you overhear this man answering the telephone. What does the caller want to buy?
A. a book about playing a guitar
B. a book about guitar music
C. a cassette of guitar music
2. You are in an electrical shop when you overhear this woman speaking to the shop assistant. Why is she
A. She was charged the wrong amount.
B. The same item is cheaper elsewhere.
C. The item was damaged.
3. You overhear a woman talking on the telephone. Next Friday the woman is going to _____.
A. travel by coach B. travel by plane C. travel by train
4. While you are waiting to check in your luggage at an airport, you hear this conversation. On the flight,
what are you normally allowed?
A. 15 kg of luggage B. 16 kg of luggage C. 30 kg of luggage
5. Listen to this person speaking about a recent holiday. What is the speaker complaining about?
A. the holiday company B. the country she visited C. the whole holiday
6. You are at a pay phone in a hotel when you hear this man ordering a taxi to take him home. Where does
the man live?
A. 269, Radleigh Road B. 69, Rudleigh Road C. The Half-way Hotel

1 2 3 4 5 6

PART 2. You will hear an astrobiologist talking about her work. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided.

What is Astrobiology?
7. It could be claimed that the science of astrobiology has no ______.
8. However, astrobiologists are also concerned with how life evolved ______.
9. There are some popular misconceptions about what ______ might look like.
10. For much of the Earth’s history, single-celled ______ were the only life forms in existence.
11. Multi-cellular life evolved during the ______ known as the Cambrian.
12. Then, about ______ years ago, human-like creatures evolved.
13. Life on other planets will probably be ______ life on Earth.
14. Human beings might not have evolved if ______ had not become extinct.

7. 8.

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9. 10.

11. 12.

13. 14.

PART 3. Listen to CNN Student News. For questions 15-20, complete the table below. Write ONLY ONE
WORD taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided.

15. People in Michigan are trying to figure out how to deal with and who is responsible for a ______ in the
city of Flint.
16. Researchers say that the water is highly ______.
17. The woman says that the water is yellow, sometimes blue green, sometimes a _____ color.
18 + 19. As the river water eroded the pipes, ______ started pouring out of residents’ taps, and high levels of
lead were ______.
20. Lead is a bluish gray metal that comes right out of the earth. Lead can cause brain and ______ damage.

15. 16. 17.

18. 19. 20.


PART 1. Multiple choice questions
21. People in this village have an _____ appetite for news.
A. inevitable B. inexorable C. insatiable D. inedible
22. I could not believe that she, of all people, was such a _____ to you.
A. brute B. harrow C. nuance D. philistine
23. We have yet to find an _____ means to divide the profits we made from the bazaar.
A. equable B. equivocal C. equilateral D. equitable
24. Ralph _____ his fists tightly and tried to control himself.
A. clung B. clinched C. clenched D. cleaved
25. Two days _____ without any trace of water - we were beginning to lose hope.
A. elated B. elaborated C. eclipsed D. elapsed
26. Professor Lockwood recommended that Michael _____ in chemistry.
A. not major B. not to major C. wouldn’t major D. isn’t majoring
27. Business has been thriving for the past few years. Long _____ it continue to do so.
A. could B. may C. does D. might
28. Owning and living in a freestanding house is still a goal of young adults, _____ earlier generations.
A. as did B. as it was of C. like that of D. so have
29. I’ll be kind to her _____ she decide to leave me.
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A. in case B. lest C. whereas D. so as not
30. She _____ out how much work she has done.
A. is at pains to find B. is on pain of finding
C. is under pain of finding D. is in pains to find

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

PART 2 . Use the correct form of the word in capitals to fit each gap.
There are many moral issues which remain (31)______ to this day. One unRESOLVEd
of these is voluntary euthanasia. Let’s say there is a patient who has a
terminal disease. All possible treatments known to science are
(32)______. There is no cure, and no hope. The patient’s death from this inEFFECTive
disease at some point in the future is (33)______. Most of us would say unAVOIDable
that, as long as the patient is fairly comfortable and pain-free, there’s no
moral issue. But what if the patient is in extreme agony? They cannot live
(34)______ of machines and 24-hour care. What if the patient resolutely inDEPENDently
and (35)______ asks for their life to be brought to an end by doctors? CONTINUously
Should the doctors refuse? At present, in most countries, there are laws
against voluntary euthanasia. But from a moral point of view, we have to
(36)______ that there is a problem. Do the doctors really have the right to ackKNOWledge
be (37)______ to the patient’s wishes? inSENSitive
On the other hand, (38)______ of voluntary euthanasia argue that OPPOnents
scientific knowledge is increasing all the time. An incurable disease one
day may be curable the next. They also argue that if the law was changed,
the (39)______ situation would put doctors in a much worse position. RESULTing
They currently have no choice. Do we as a society have the right to
expect doctors to (40)______ such a difficult and complex issue? HANDle

31. 36.

32. 37.

33. 38.

34. 39.

35. 40.

III. READING (35pts)

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PART 1. Read the text below and fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the
numbered box. (8pts)
It is generally agreed upon that fast food is a great solution to the problem of what to eat. However, it’s
(41) considered as less nutritional than a healthy meal, which is what growing children need. For years,
nutritionists have been trying to get children into the habit of eating healthy food. Without a doubt, this has
not been easy, getting in (42) mind that they have to compete with numerous fast food restaurants which are
very popular with young people.
Nutritionists have lately come up with an idea which could (43) prove to be successful. This involves
teaching children how to cook and in the process to enjoy the taste of fresh food. In the long run, this may
keep them (44) off fast food. There are already a number of school projects throughout Britain that are
experimenting with the idea. They begin making vegetarian pizza – (45) both the dough and the topping.
Many children were impressed with their own home-made pizzas. When they compared their pizzas with
ready-made ones, the differences were noticeable. They found the (46) latter greasy and not as delicious as
the homemade ones. Throughout the lesson, the children learn about the quality and become skillful in the
different techniques involved in cooking. They become interested in cooking and in no (47) time they even
learn how to look after themselves by eating nutritious food.
Finally, nutritionists would like to get children cooking at home, too. It may be messy, but, it’s also an
(48) opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their children.

Your answers:

41. 45.

42. 46.

43. 47.

44. 48.

PART 2. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Write your
answer in the numbered box. (10pts)
In recent years, there has been a remarkable increase into happiness. The researchers have (49)
_______ a number of factors which contribute to a definition of happiness.
First of all, there is, in some people, a moderate genetic predisposition to be happy, in other words,
happiness (50) _______ in families. And happiness seems to correlate quite strongly with the main
dimensions of personalities: extroverts are generally happier, neurotics are less so.
Second, people often (51) _______ good social relations as a reason for their happiness. In particular,
friends are a great (52) ______ of joy, partly because of the agreeable things they do together, partly because

4 | 11 P a g e s
of the way friends use positive non-verbal signals such as caressing and touching, to affirm their friendship.
Marriage and similar close relationships can also form the (53) ______ of lasting happiness.
Third, job satisfaction undoubtedly (54) _____ overall satisfaction, and vice versa - perhaps this is
why some people are happy in boring jobs: it works both ways. Job satisfaction is caused not only by the
essential nature of the work, but also by social interactions with co-workers. Unemployment, on the contrary,
can be a serious cause of unhappiness.
Fourth, leisure is important because it is more under individual (55) _____ than most other causes of
happiness. Activities (56) _____ sport and music, and participation in voluntary work and social clubs of
various kinds, can give great joy. This is partly because of the (57) _____ themselves, but also because of the
social support of other group members – it is very strong (58) ______ the case of religious groups.
49. A. fallen back on B. gone in for C. got down to D. come up with
50. A. arrives B. runs C. goes D. descends
51. A. explain B. prefer C. talk D. report
52. A. meaning B. origin C. base D. source
53. A. rule B. principle C. basis D. background
54. A. contributes to B. applies to C. counts on D. consists of
55. A. check B. power C. control D. choice
56. A. so B. such C. like D. thus
57. A. facilities B. activities C. exercices D. amenities
58. A. in B. for C. with D. by
Your answers:
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

PART 3. Read the following passage about human behaviour. Choose from the list A-I the sentence which
best summarizes each part (59-65). There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. There is an
example at the beginning (0). (7pts).
A. People are very keen to be skillful at misleading others.
B. People are sometimes unable to hide the fact that they are being dishonest.
C. Instinct plays an important part in our development.
D. People seldom realize that their faces are showing that they are being dishonest.
E. It is not easy for anyone to detect dishonesty.
F. People form judgements about other people just by looking at their faces.
G. Being good at fooling others may be a sign of high intelligence.
H. The way that feelings are shown is common to a great many people.
I. It is strange that people often do not realise when others are being dishonest with them.


0. __ I ____

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Our brains have been processing sophisticated information via our senses for millions of years. So why is it
we are still vulnerable to lies? Why aren’t we better at discovering the deception of others?

59. ______
The language of the face is emotion. Almost our first sight as a new-born baby is our mother’s face smiling at
us. Not only are we immediately programmed to respond to faces, but right away we can also signal surprise,
pleasure and distress. The constant visual dialogue, as parent and child mirror expressions back and forth, is
vital for the young brain. It is how we build a sense of other minds – we feel happy when we smile, so
someone else smiling must be feeling the same.
60. ______
Not only is the emotional language of the face vital to normal functioning, it also seems to be almost
universal, says Paul Ekman, a leading researcher in the subject. “Wherever you are, anger, happiness, fear,
disgust, sadness and surprise look the same.”
61. ______
But we make all sorts of false assumptions about faces. Attractive people, for instance, may get the benefit of
the doubt. We sometimes assume they are kinder, clever and more honest than those with less regular
features. Then we have other unconscious biases about certain kinds of face. In a woman, certain facial
features may be thought active, but the same features may mark a man out as weak.
62. ______
These are just some of the ways we fool ourselves. So why aren’t we better at detecting liars? Because for
millions of years, humans have been in a battle with each other to develop better techniques for deception.
We are highly social animals and our survival depends not only on cooperating with others but also on
getting an advantage when we can. In fact, one theory claims that the ability to cheat, to make others in the
group think an expression means friendship rather than anger, is one of the most important factors driving
human development.
63. ______
Some believe it is also related to how bright we are. “We have found a strong relationship between the ability
to deceive and brain power?”, says Leta Cosmides, a psychologist at the university of California. “The more
developed people’s minds are, the better they are at concealing their intentions and manipulating others for
their own ends.”
64. ______
Humans are simply the biggest liars on the planet and we start lying convincingly from a very early age.
Studies show that even people who deal with deception professionally such as judges and policemen, score
only about 50% - the same as the rest of us – when asked to rate people as to whether they are telling the
truth or not on videotape.
65. ______
Our voices, however, can betray our intention. Dr. Richard Williams of Hereford University has found that
when people are blindfolded, they can spot the difference between someone telling the truth and a lie about
75% of the time. “Most people, when they are lying, are rarely aware that they’ve started to speak more
softly or more slowly”, he says.
Your answers:

6 | 11 P a g e s
59 60 61 62 63 64 65

PART 4. You are going to read an article about a course for radio presenters. For Questions 66-75, choose
the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.(10pts)
Shadow puppetry is a traditional art form that often goes unappreciated in modern times. A large part of the
appeal of puppet shows is the craftsmanship behind the creation of the actual puppets. In shadow puppetry,
on the other hand, the puppets remain unseen, so the real artistry is in the presentation. The combination of
the puppet's shape, the background screen, and the light itself creates the overall effect of the shadow puppet
show. The task of the director is to ensure these elements are working together harmoniously in order to
produce the optimal experience for the audience.

The screen is the medium through which the audience experiences the performance, so selecting the best
screen is essential. First, it must transmit as much light as possible to better capture the shape of the puppet.
However, it shouldn't transmit so much light that the puppeteer is visible. The material should obviously be
durable but thin. A thin material gives superior definition to the edges of the shadows. Traditionally, cotton
was used for the screen, but it was very grainy. As new kinds of textiles have been developed, more suitable
materials have become the standard. Silk works well but is expensive. A more affordable option is vinyl,
which is thin and transmits light evenly. The only problem is that it stretches too easily. In order to allow the
puppets to press up against the screen, it must be strung very tightly. If the material stretches too easily, it
will sag.

One unique challenge for the puppet show director is that the presentation is two-dimensional. The screen is
flat, so puppets can only move forwards and backwards. In order to create a three-dimensional appearance,
directors often design a set in which the background is smaller than the foreground. Then, by using different-
sized puppets at different heights on the screen, a more interesting scene can be created. If the script requires
two puppets to pass by each other, it can be accurately reproduced on the screen. The "fade-out" is a common
tool used by directors to avoid this problem. In this technique, the puppet is moved away from the screen,
and the image becomes fuzzy before fading out altogether.

Having chosen a screen and designed the set, the next step is to determine the light that will be used. There
are several factors to be considered: intensity, spread, and angle. Naturally, more light is required behind the
screen than in front. The power or intensity of this light is best determined through experimentation. If the
light is too bright, it will appear harsh to audience members positioned close to the screen. Dimlight, though
harder to see, can create an intimate mood. The intensity of the light can be manipulated throughout the
performance by using a dimmer switch.

Spread describes how the intensity of light is dispersed over the screen. If it is too focused on the center, it
can leave dark areas at the edges. In contrast, if the spread is too wide, light might spillover the edges of the
screen, thus producing shadows of objects that aren't supposed to be part of the performance. Additionally,
the angle at which the light hits the screen will affect the spread. The director can manipulate the angle of the
light in order to alter the shape and size of the puppets and to create dramatic effects.

The shadow puppet show is an art that goes beyond the construction of the puppets and the performance of
the script. Finding the optimal combination of light and shadow involves careful planning and meticulous
design. Every detail must be considered and controlled in relation to every other detail, making shadow
puppetry an art of precision.

7 | 11 P a g e s
66. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "produce" as used in paragraph 1?
A. fresh food B. create C. pay for D. oversee
67. The word" harsh" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_____.
A. very cold B. crisp C. insulting D. severe
68. What word does "it" refer to in paragraph 2?
A. option B. vinyl C. light D. problem
69. In paragraph 2, the author explains the importance of the screen by_____.
A. showing how difficult it is to find good material
B. explaining the elements to be considered
C. saying what it is used for
D. giving examples of materials
70. According to the passage, which of the following can cause unwanted shadows?
A. A light that's too bright B. A light that's not bright enough
C. A light that's too focused D. A light that's not focused enough.
71. What does "this technique" refer to in paragraph 3?
A. Using different-sized puppets B. The script
C. Using a smaller background D. The "fade-out"
72. Which of the following sentences best expresses the essential information of the underlined sentence?
Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. Shadow puppetry, in contrast, is a truly artistic show.
B. Because the puppeteers remain out of sight in shadow puppetry, the presentation becomes more
C. In contrast, the true skill and appeal in shadow puppetry lies in the presentation, as the actual puppets
are kept hidden.
D. Similarly, in shadow puppetry, the true skill is in the presentation of the show.
73. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. To inspire people to become shadow puppeteers
B. To increase the popularity of shadow puppet shows
C. To show how shadow puppetry is better than regular puppetry
D. To demonstrate the challenges involved in shadow puppetry
74. All of the following are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT_____.
A. color B. intensity C. spread D. angle
75. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about regular, non-shadow puppet shows?
A. They're not as good as shadow puppet shows.
B. They're easier to produce than shadow puppet shows.
C. Most of the work happens before the show.
D. It's not really an art form.
Your answers:

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

IV. WRITING (25 pts)

8 | 11 P a g e s
PART 1. complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO and FIVE WORDS, including the word
given. (10pts)
Here is an example: What type of music do you like best? FAVOURITE
What IS YOUR FAVOURITE type of music?
76. Bill is a much better writer than Tom. LIKE
 Tom is nothing like as good a writer as Bill.
77. The amount we’ve saved is very small compared to how much we owe. OCEAN
The amount we’ve saved is a drop in the ocean compared to how much we owe.
78. It was a bad idea to turn up unexpectedly without calling first. BLUE
 You should not turn up out of the blue without calling first.
79. I think you misunderstood, Kevin. STICK
 I think you must have got the wrong end of the stick, Kevin.
80. They have been considering widening the road for some time now. UNDER
Widening the road has been under consideration for some time now.
81. The phone bill was so expensive that Dave was furious. ARMS
Dave was up in arms about an expensive phone bill.
82. Although Sarah shouted loudly, she wasn’t able to get the audience to pay attention. MIGHT
However loudly she might have shouted, Sarah wasn’t able to get the audience to pay attention.
83. When I met my cousin from America for the first time, we really liked each other straight away.FIRE
 My cousin and I got on like a house on fire when we first met.
84. I wouldn’t confront the manager if I were you. HORNS
I wouldn’t lock horns with the manager if I were you.
85. The only reason I haven’t moved to London yet is the cost. FOR
Had it not been for the cost, I would already have moved to London.
PART 2. Write a composition on the following topic:
Some people believe that it is more effective for students to study in group while others believe that
it is better for them to study alone.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Your essay should be about 350 words. (15pts)
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The end

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