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R12 Advanced Supply Chain

Planning Fundamentals
Volume 2 - Student Guide

m y
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O ly
l & On
Edition 1.0
n a e
June 2007

t e r U s
Part Number D50969

I n
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Copyright © 2007, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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Nile Leach, Sunanda Chatterjee

Technical Contributors and Reviewers

Rod Sernett, Moshin Lee, Roger Goossens

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Table of Contents

Overview to Advanced Supply Chain Planning............................................................................................1-1

Overview to Advanced Supply Chain Planning ............................................................................................1-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................1-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................1-5
Topic Overview: Planning Business Issues I.................................................................................................1-6
Topic Overview: Planning Business Issues II ...............................................................................................1-7
Business Trends Toward Demand-Driven Adaptive Planning ......................................................................1-8
Demand-Driven Adaptive Planning ..............................................................................................................1-9
Disconnected Systems Cannot Enable Demand-Driven Adaptive Planning .................................................1-10
Demand-Driven Adaptive Planning Platform................................................................................................1-11
Oracle Advanced Planning Solution..............................................................................................................1-12
Oracle Advanced Planning ............................................................................................................................1-13
Oracle Advanced Planning Complete E-Business Planning Solution ...........................................................1-14
Integrated Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning ....................................................................................1-15
APS Business Flow: Plan ..............................................................................................................................1-16
APS Business Flow: Execute.........................................................................................................................1-17
APS Business Flow: Compare Performance to Targets.................................................................................1-18
APS Business Flow: Corrective Action.........................................................................................................1-19
Oracle Advanced Planning Key Capabilities.................................................................................................1-20
Oracle Advanced Planning Component Architecture....................................................................................1-23
Advanced Supply Chain Planning .................................................................................................................1-25
Adaptable: Segment the Problem As Needed................................................................................................1-27
Advanced Supply Chain Planning Planners Collaborate On A Single Plan ..................................................1-28
Integrated Manufacturing Planning and Production Scheduling ...................................................................1-29
m y
Topic Overview: Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning..........................................................................1-30

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning .....................................................................................................1-31
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Features .......................................................................................1-32
c a
Topic Overview: Plan Types .........................................................................................................................1-44

Optimized ......................................................................................................................................................1-48
c l
Plan Class Example: Unconstrained ..............................................................................................................1-49
Plan Type Example: Constrained ..................................................................................................................1-51

r a
Plan Type Example: Optimized with Maximum On-Time Delivery.............................................................1-53
Plan Type Example: Optimized with Minimize Inventory Carrying Costs ...................................................1-54

O ly
Plan Type Scenario........................................................................................................................................1-55
Topic Overview: Implementation Progression ..............................................................................................1-60

l & On
Implementation Progression ..........................................................................................................................1-61
Implementation Progression: Unconstrained.................................................................................................1-63

n a e
Implementation Progression: Constrained.....................................................................................................1-65
Implementation Progression: Decision Rules................................................................................................1-67

r s
Implementation Progression: Optimized .......................................................................................................1-68

Implementation Progression ..........................................................................................................................1-70

t U
Benefits of Implementing in Phases ..............................................................................................................1-72

I n
Topic Overview: Planning Business Flow.....................................................................................................1-73
ASCP Business Flow.....................................................................................................................................1-74

c l e
ASCP Business Flow: Prepare.......................................................................................................................1-75
ASCP Business Flow: Execute......................................................................................................................1-76
ASCP Business Flow: Analyze .....................................................................................................................1-77

r a
ASCP Business Flow: Implement .................................................................................................................1-78
Topic Overview: Planning Data Flow ...........................................................................................................1-79

O Planning Data Flow .......................................................................................................................................1-80

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Planning Information and Planner Workbench ...........................................................................................2-1
Planning Information and Planner Workbench..............................................................................................2-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................2-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................2-5
Practice Overview: Copying Plans ................................................................................................................2-6
Practice - Copying Plans............................................................................................................................2-7
Solution – Copying Plans ..........................................................................................................................2-9
Topic Overview: Data for Planning...............................................................................................................2-16
Items ..............................................................................................................................................................2-18
Bills of Material.............................................................................................................................................2-19
Workday Calendar.........................................................................................................................................2-22
Forecasts ........................................................................................................................................................2-24
Topic Overview: Planner Workbench ...........................................................................................................2-26
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................2-27
Navigator Window ........................................................................................................................................2-29
Analysis Window ..........................................................................................................................................2-31
Owning Organization ....................................................................................................................................2-33
Navigation Tips .............................................................................................................................................2-34
Preferences and Folders.................................................................................................................................2-36
Topic Overview: Researching Data for Planning ..........................................................................................2-38
Context Windows ..........................................................................................................................................2-39
Practice Overview: Researching Data for Planning.......................................................................................2-44
Practice - Researching Data for Planning ..................................................................................................2-45
m y
Solution – Researching Data for Planning.................................................................................................2-48

d e
Topic Overview: Planning Results ................................................................................................................2-66

c a
Context Windows ..........................................................................................................................................2-67
Resource Requirements .................................................................................................................................2-72
Context Windows ..........................................................................................................................................2-73

e A
Topic Overview: Planner Strategies ..............................................................................................................2-74
Planner Strategies ..........................................................................................................................................2-75

c l
Practice Overview: Researching Planning Results ........................................................................................2-77
Practice - Researching Planning Results....................................................................................................2-78

r a
Solution – Researching Planning Results ..................................................................................................2-80

O ly
Unconstrained Plans........................................................................................................................................3-1

l & On
Unconstrained Plans ......................................................................................................................................3-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................3-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................3-5
a e
Planning Concepts Overview I ......................................................................................................................3-6

e r
Planning Concepts Overview II.....................................................................................................................3-7

Data Quality...................................................................................................................................................3-8

t U
Plan Types .....................................................................................................................................................3-10

I n
Requirements Explosion................................................................................................................................3-11
Requirements Explosion Items ......................................................................................................................3-12

Requirements Explosion Quantities...............................................................................................................3-13

Backward Scheduling ....................................................................................................................................3-14

Order Dates: Make Supply and Buy Supply..................................................................................................3-15

r a
Order Dates: Transfer Supply (Unconstrained Plan) .....................................................................................3-16
Order Dates: Transfer Supply (Constrained Plan) .........................................................................................3-17

O Use-up Effectivity..........................................................................................................................................3-18
Phantoms .......................................................................................................................................................3-19

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Shrinkage and Yield ......................................................................................................................................3-20
Resource Requirements .................................................................................................................................3-21
Required Hours..............................................................................................................................................3-22
Efficiency and Utilization..............................................................................................................................3-23
Engineering Change Orders...........................................................................................................................3-25
Reservations ..................................................................................................................................................3-26
Creating Plans Overview ...............................................................................................................................3-27
Plan Names....................................................................................................................................................3-28
Unconstrained Plan Options ..........................................................................................................................3-30
Main Tabbed Region .....................................................................................................................................3-31
Material Scheduling Method .........................................................................................................................3-32
Overwrite and Append Options .....................................................................................................................3-33
Planned Order Sourcing.................................................................................................................................3-34
Aggregation Tabbed Region..........................................................................................................................3-35
Aggregation into Time Periods......................................................................................................................3-36
Aggregation of Items, Resources, and Routings............................................................................................3-37
Organization Tabbed Region.........................................................................................................................3-38
Constraints Tabbed Region............................................................................................................................3-40
Practice Overview: Viewing Unconstrained Plan Options ............................................................................3-41
Viewing Unconstrained Plan Options........................................................................................................3-42
Solutions: Viewing Unconstrained Plan Options.......................................................................................3-43
Launching Plans ............................................................................................................................................3-47
Guided Demonstration Overview: Launching Unconstrained Plans .............................................................3-49
Guided Demonstration - Launching Unconstrained Plans.........................................................................3-50
Demand and Supply ........................................................................................................................................4-1
Demand and Supply.......................................................................................................................................4-3

Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................4-4
Topic Overview: Demand Types...................................................................................................................4-6e
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................4-5

c a
Independent ...................................................................................................................................................4-7
Safety Stock: Inventory Optimization ...........................................................................................................4-9

e A
Safety Stock: Inventory .................................................................................................................................4-11
Safety Stock: Planning...................................................................................................................................4-12

c l
Topic Overview: Sales Orders.......................................................................................................................4-13
External and Internal .....................................................................................................................................4-14

r a
Plan to Request/Schedule/Promise Dates ......................................................................................................4-15
Sales Order Entry Process .............................................................................................................................4-17

O ly
Processing Cycle............................................................................................................................................4-19
Demand Priority ............................................................................................................................................4-21

l & On
Topic Overview: Forecast Consumption .......................................................................................................4-22
Forecasts: Demand Planning .........................................................................................................................4-23

n a e
Forecasts: Transaction Data...........................................................................................................................4-25
Forecast Bucket Types...................................................................................................................................4-26

r s
Forecast Consumption Overview ..................................................................................................................4-27

Consumption Days ........................................................................................................................................4-29
t U

I n
Weeks ............................................................................................................................................................4-31
Periods ...........................................................................................................................................................4-32

l e
Multiple Bucket Types ..................................................................................................................................4-33

Forecast Consumption Flow Options ............................................................................................................4-35

r a
Forecast Bucket Consumption.......................................................................................................................4-36
Demand Classes.............................................................................................................................................4-37
Supply Types Overview ................................................................................................................................4-38

O On Hand.........................................................................................................................................................4-39

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Scheduled Receipts........................................................................................................................................4-40
Purchase Requisitions....................................................................................................................................4-41
Purchase Orders.............................................................................................................................................4-42
Scheduled Receipts for Make Items ..............................................................................................................4-43
Practice Overview: Reviewing Demand and Supply.....................................................................................4-44
Practice - Reviewing Demand and Supply ................................................................................................4-45
Solution – Reviewing Demand and Supply ...............................................................................................4-47
Modeling the Supply Chain ............................................................................................................................5-1
Modeling the Supply Chain ...........................................................................................................................5-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................5-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................5-5
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................5-6
Topic Overview: Enterprise...........................................................................................................................5-7
Instances ........................................................................................................................................................5-8
Operating Units .............................................................................................................................................5-10
Organization Security ....................................................................................................................................5-12
Subinventories and Locators..........................................................................................................................5-13
Setting Up Organizations...............................................................................................................................5-14
Organizations and Subinventories .................................................................................................................5-15
Topic Overview: Items ..................................................................................................................................5-16
Items ..............................................................................................................................................................5-17
Item Attributes...............................................................................................................................................5-18
Item Attributes for Planning ..........................................................................................................................5-19
Plan Type and Planning Method Attribute ....................................................................................................5-22
Critical Components ......................................................................................................................................5-24
Organization Item ..........................................................................................................................................5-25
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Order Modifiers .............................................................................................................................................5-26
Item Attribute Mass Maintenance..................................................................................................................5-28
Item Attribute Mass Maintenance Benefits ..................................................................................................5-32

Item Attributes Supported for All ASCP Plans .............................................................................................5-33
Item Attributes Supported for DRP Plans Only.............................................................................................5-34
e A
Item Attribute Mass Maintenance Setup and Process....................................................................................5-35
Practice Overview: Item Attribute Simulation Sets.......................................................................................5-36

c l
Practice: Defining an Item Attribute Simulation Set .................................................................................5-37
Solutions: Defining an Item Attribute Simulation Set ...............................................................................5-39

r a
Topic Overview: Material..............................................................................................................................5-47
Bills of Material.............................................................................................................................................5-48

O ly
Indented Bills of Material..............................................................................................................................5-49
Alternate Bills of Material .............................................................................................................................5-50

l & On
Topic Overview: Resource I..........................................................................................................................5-51
Topic Overview: Resource II.........................................................................................................................5-52

n a e
Workday Calendar, Work Patterns, and Shifts ..............................................................................................5-53
Defining Work Hours for a Work Shift .........................................................................................................5-54

r s
Departments and Resources...........................................................................................................................5-55

t U
Modeling Resource Constraints.....................................................................................................................5-59

I n
Non Critical Path Resources..........................................................................................................................5-60
Sequential Resources.....................................................................................................................................5-61

l e
Overlapping Resources..................................................................................................................................5-62

Simultaneous Resources ................................................................................................................................5-63

r a
Alternate Resources.......................................................................................................................................5-64
Scheduling Time Window Width for Alternate Resource .............................................................................5-65
Resource Selection Dependency....................................................................................................................5-66

O Multiple Resource Scheduling.......................................................................................................................5-67

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

One Resource to One Unit at a Time.............................................................................................................5-68
Batch Resources ............................................................................................................................................5-69
Minimum Transfer Quantity..........................................................................................................................5-72
Modeling Production Resource Capacity ......................................................................................................5-73
Multiresource Scheduling..............................................................................................................................5-74
Topic Overview: Sourcing I ..........................................................................................................................5-75
Topic Overview: Sourcing II .........................................................................................................................5-76
Modeling the Supply Chain ...........................................................................................................................5-77
Virtual Enterprise Structure...........................................................................................................................5-79
Supply Chain Structure..................................................................................................................................5-80
Modeling Shipments Between Organizations................................................................................................5-81
Modeling Shipments Between Organizations and External Sites..................................................................5-82
Supply Chain Links .......................................................................................................................................5-83
Sourcing Rules...............................................................................................................................................5-84
Allocating Demand to Suppliers....................................................................................................................5-85
Sourcing Splits...............................................................................................................................................5-86
Allocation Rules ............................................................................................................................................5-87
Bills of Distribution .......................................................................................................................................5-88
Assignment Sets ............................................................................................................................................5-89
Sourcing Assignment Hierarchy....................................................................................................................5-92
Topic Overview: Suppliers ............................................................................................................................5-94
Approved Supplier List .................................................................................................................................5-95
Approved Supplier List Function ..................................................................................................................5-96
Enhanced Sourcing ........................................................................................................................................5-97
Supplier Sourcing Setup ................................................................................................................................5-99
Supplier-Item Attributes ................................................................................................................................5-100
Supplier Capacity ..........................................................................................................................................5-102
Topic Overview: Lead Times and Time Fences ............................................................................................5-103
m y
Lead Times ....................................................................................................................................................5-104

Lead Times in Requirements Explosion........................................................................................................5-106e
Lead Time Offset...........................................................................................................................................5-105

c a
Cumulative Lead Time ..................................................................................................................................5-107
Time Fences...................................................................................................................................................5-108

Topic Overview: Transportation....................................................................................................................5-111
Shipping Methods..........................................................................................................................................5-112

c l
Shipping Network..........................................................................................................................................5-113
Transit Times.................................................................................................................................................5-114

r a
Zones and Regions.........................................................................................................................................5-115
Practice Overview: Modeling the Supply Chain ...........................................................................................5-116
Practice - Modeling the Supply Chain .......................................................................................................5-117

O ly
Solution – Modeling the Supply Chain......................................................................................................5-120

l & On
Collections ........................................................................................................................................................6-1

n a e
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................6-4

r s
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................6-5

Topic Overview: Collections.........................................................................................................................6-6
t U
Collections Process........................................................................................................................................6-7

I n
Scheduling and Frequency.............................................................................................................................6-8
Methods .........................................................................................................................................................6-9

l e

Collections Processing...................................................................................................................................6-13

r a
Collections Parameters ..................................................................................................................................6-15
Collections Workbench .................................................................................................................................6-18
Topic Overview: Collection Exceptions........................................................................................................6-19

O Collection Exceptions....................................................................................................................................6-20

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Audit Exceptions Report ...............................................................................................................................6-21
Practice Overview: Viewing Collections......................................................................................................6-22
Practice - Viewing Collections ..................................................................................................................6-23
Solution – Viewing Collections.................................................................................................................6-25
Analyzing Unconstrained Plans......................................................................................................................7-1
Analyzing Unconstrained Plans.....................................................................................................................7-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................7-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................7-5
Topic Overview: Exceptions .........................................................................................................................7-6
Exception Messages ......................................................................................................................................7-7
Exceptions Messages and Plan Class.............................................................................................................7-8
Exception Groups ..........................................................................................................................................7-11
Exception Context Windows .........................................................................................................................7-12
Exception Management .................................................................................................................................7-14
Exception Sets ...............................................................................................................................................7-16
Comparing Exception Messages....................................................................................................................7-17
Topic Overview: Unconstrained Exception Messages .................................................................................7-18
Items With a Shortage Exception Message ...................................................................................................7-19
Orders With Compression Days Exception Message ....................................................................................7-21
Resource Overloaded Exception Message.....................................................................................................7-23
Supplier Capacity Overloaded Exception Message .......................................................................................7-25
Practice Overview: Analyzing Supply and Demand......................................................................................7-27
Practice - Analyzing Supply and Demand .................................................................................................7-28
Solution – Analyzing Supply and Demand................................................................................................7-31
Topic Overview: Reports...............................................................................................................................7-37
Oracle Supply Chain Planning Detail Report ................................................................................................7-38
OPM MPS Enhanced Material Activity Report.............................................................................................7-40
m y
OPM MPS Enhanced Bucketed Material Report...........................................................................................7-42

d e
Oracle Inventory Reorder Point Report .........................................................................................................7-44

c a
ASCP Planning Detail Report .......................................................................................................................7-46
Topic Overview: Recommendations .............................................................................................................7-48
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................7-49

e A
Reschedules Exception Messages..................................................................................................................7-51
Orders To Be Rescheduled Out Exception Message .....................................................................................7-52

c l
Viewing Recommendations...........................................................................................................................7-54
Make Item......................................................................................................................................................7-55

r a
Buy Item ........................................................................................................................................................7-56
Transfer Item .................................................................................................................................................7-57

O ly
Firm Planned Orders......................................................................................................................................7-58
Releasing Recommendations.........................................................................................................................7-59

l & On
Practice Overview: Releasing Recommendations .........................................................................................7-61
Practice - Releasing Recommendations.....................................................................................................7-62

n a e
Solution – Releasing Recommendations ...................................................................................................7-64

e r s
Constrained Plans............................................................................................................................................8-1

t U
Constrained Plans ..........................................................................................................................................8-3

I n
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................8-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................8-5

Topic Overview: Constrained Plans ..............................................................................................................8-6

Enforce Capacity Constraints ........................................................................................................................8-7

Enforce Demand Due Dates ..........................................................................................................................8-8

r a
Decision Rules...............................................................................................................................................8-9
Plan Type Comparison ..................................................................................................................................8-11

O Topic Overview: Plan Options ......................................................................................................................8-12

Constraints Tabbed Region............................................................................................................................8-13

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Topic Overview: Constraints.........................................................................................................................8-15
Constrained Planning.....................................................................................................................................8-16
Material .........................................................................................................................................................8-17
Labor .............................................................................................................................................................8-18
Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints........................................................................................................8-19
Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints Example ........................................................................................8-20
Enforced Constraints Example ......................................................................................................................8-21
Non-enforced Constraints Example...............................................................................................................8-22
Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints Example Summary ........................................................................8-23
Profile Option Examples ...............................................................................................................................8-24
Topic Overview: Demand Priority Rules ......................................................................................................8-27
Demand Priority ............................................................................................................................................8-28
Demand Priority Rules ..................................................................................................................................8-29
Constrained Planning Rules...........................................................................................................................8-31
Topic Overview: Constraint Planning Details ...............................................................................................8-32
Requirement Integer Quantities .....................................................................................................................8-33
Shared Supplies .............................................................................................................................................8-35
Partial Demand Satisfaction ..........................................................................................................................8-36
Computational Burden...................................................................................................................................8-37
By-Products ...................................................................................................................................................8-40
Topic Overview: Calendars ...........................................................................................................................8-41
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars......................................................................................8-42
Practice Overview: Reviewing Constrained Plans .......................................................................................8-52
Practice - Setting Up Constrained Plans ....................................................................................................8-53
Solution – Reviewing Constrained Plans...................................................................................................8-55
Querying Supply Chain Information.............................................................................................................9-1
m y
Querying Supply Chain Plan Information .....................................................................................................9-3

d e
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................9-4

Topic Overview: Personal and Public Queries ..............................................................................................9-6
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................9-5

Description: Personal and Public Queries .....................................................................................................9-7

e A
Benefits: Personal and Public Queries...........................................................................................................9-8
Personal / Public Query Example ..................................................................................................................9-9

c l
Process: Personal and Public Queries............................................................................................................9-10
Managing Personal / Public Queries..............................................................................................................9-14

r a
Practice Overview: Filtering Exception Messages Using Queries ................................................................9-16
Practice - Filtering Exception Messages Using Queries ............................................................................9-17

O ly
Solution - Filtering Exception Messages Using Queries ...........................................................................9-19
Topic Overview: Order Queries ....................................................................................................................9-22

l & On
Description ....................................................................................................................................................9-23
Benefits of Order Queries..............................................................................................................................9-24

n a e
Order Query Example....................................................................................................................................9-26
Setting Up an Order Query ............................................................................................................................9-27

r s
Setup: Creating an Order Query ....................................................................................................................9-28

Setup: Auto Execution of Order Query .........................................................................................................9-30
t U
Process for Order Query ................................................................................................................................9-31

I n
Practice Overview: Order Query Setup and Process .....................................................................................9-33
Practice - Order Query Setup and Process.................................................................................................9-34

l e
Solution - Order Query Setup and Process ................................................................................................9-37


r a
Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints ......................................................................................10-1
Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints ........................................................................................10-3

O Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................10-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................10-5

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Topic Overview: Constrained Plans ..............................................................................................................10-7
Enforce Capacity Constraints ........................................................................................................................10-8
Enforce Demand Due Dates ..........................................................................................................................10-9
Decision Rules...............................................................................................................................................10-10
Plan Type Comparison ..................................................................................................................................10-12
Topic Overview: Exceptions I .......................................................................................................................10-13
Topic Overview: Exceptions II......................................................................................................................10-14
Constrained Exceptions .................................................................................................................................10-15
Constraint Exceptions Calculation.................................................................................................................10-16
Late Replenishment for Sales Order Exception Message..............................................................................10-19
Late Replenishment for Forecast Exception Message ...................................................................................10-21
Sales Order/Forecast At Risk Exception Message.........................................................................................10-23
Analyzing Late Supplies................................................................................................................................10-25
Related Exceptions ........................................................................................................................................10-26
Constraint Exception Messages .....................................................................................................................10-28
Material Constraint Exception Message ........................................................................................................10-29
Resource Constraint Exception Message.......................................................................................................10-32
Order Lead Time Constraint Exception Message ..........................................................................................10-34
Requirement Lead Time Constraint Exception Message...............................................................................10-35
Topic Overview: Other Information ..............................................................................................................10-36
Topic Overview: Root Causes of Late Demands...........................................................................................10-37
Scheduling Process ........................................................................................................................................10-38
Critical Activities...........................................................................................................................................10-41
Item Lead Time Constraints ..........................................................................................................................10-44
Planning Time Fence Constraints ..................................................................................................................10-46
Gantt Chart Layout ........................................................................................................................................10-47
Five Gantt Chart Views .................................................................................................................................10-48
Accessing the Gantt Chart Views ..................................................................................................................10-49
m y
d e
Orders View...................................................................................................................................................10-50
Gantt Chart Orders View Preferences ...........................................................................................................10-51

c a
Gantt Chart Resource Activities View Preferences .......................................................................................10-52
Resource Activities View ..............................................................................................................................10-53

Resource Hours View....................................................................................................................................10-55
Resource Units View .....................................................................................................................................10-57

c l
Supplier Capacity View.................................................................................................................................10-58
Gantt Chart Interactions Between Two Views ..............................................................................................10-59

r a
Other Capabilities ..........................................................................................................................................10-60
Gantt Chart Summary....................................................................................................................................10-62
Guided Demonstration Overview: Accessing Gantt Chart Views.................................................................10-63

O ly
Guided Demonstration – Accessing the Gantt Chart Views......................................................................10-64

& On
Planning Detail Report ..................................................................................................................................10-82
Plan Comparison Report................................................................................................................................10-84
Workflow Notifications.................................................................................................................................10-85

a e
Guided Demonstration Overview: Running Enforce Capacity Constraints Plan..........................................10-86

t e r
Guided Demonstration - Running Enforce Capacity Constraints Plan ......................................................10-87

U s
Topic Overview: Details I .............................................................................................................................10-92
Bottleneck Resources ....................................................................................................................................10-93

I n
Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints........................................................................................................10-94
Flexible Shift Times: Day Bucket .................................................................................................................10-95

Flexible Shift Times: Hour Bucket................................................................................................................10-96

Flexible Shift Times: Minute Bucket.............................................................................................................10-98

Firm Work Orders .........................................................................................................................................10-99

r a
Practice Overview: Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans I......................................................10-100
Practice - Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans I .................................................................10-101

O Solution – Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans I................................................................10-103

Guided Demonstration Overview: Regenerating Plans .................................................................................10-108

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Guided Demonstration - Regenerating Plans.............................................................................................10-109
Topic Overview: Details II ............................................................................................................................10-111
Pegging ..........................................................................................................................................................10-112
Pegging Modes ..............................................................................................................................................10-114
Standard Pegging...........................................................................................................................................10-115
Standard Pegging: First Pass .........................................................................................................................10-116
Standard Pegging: Second Pass .....................................................................................................................10-118
Standard Pegging Example............................................................................................................................10-119
Standard Pegging Example: Item A101.........................................................................................................10-120
Standard Pegging Example: Item A102.........................................................................................................10-122
Priority Pegging.............................................................................................................................................10-123
Priority Pegging: First Pass ...........................................................................................................................10-124
Priority Pegging: Second Pass .......................................................................................................................10-126
Priority Pegging: Third Pass..........................................................................................................................10-127
Priority Pegging: Firm Supply Allocation Window ......................................................................................10-128
Priority Pegging: Sizing Demand and Supply Windows ...............................................................................10-130
Priority Pegging Example..............................................................................................................................10-132
Priority Pegging Example: Item A101 First Pass ..........................................................................................10-134
Priority Pegging Example: Item A101 Second Pass......................................................................................10-135
Network Routings..........................................................................................................................................10-136
Practice Overview: Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans II ....................................................10-137
Practice - Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans II................................................................10-138
Solution – Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans II...............................................................10-140
Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules....................................................11-1
Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules .......................................................11-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................11-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................11-5
d e
Topic Overview: Constrained Plans ..............................................................................................................11-6
Enforce Capacity Constraints ........................................................................................................................11-7

c a
Enforce Demand Due Dates ..........................................................................................................................11-8
Decision Rules...............................................................................................................................................11-9
Plan Type Comparison ..................................................................................................................................11-11

e A
Topic Overview: Plan Options ......................................................................................................................11-12
Decision Rules Tabbed Region .....................................................................................................................11-13

c l
Topic Overview: Decisions ...........................................................................................................................11-14
End-Item Substitution....................................................................................................................................11-15

r a
User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules ........................................................................................................11-17
User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Alternate Resources ......................................................................11-19

O ly
User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Substitute Components .................................................................11-20
User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Alternate Bill of Material/Routing Pairs .......................................11-21

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User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Alternate Sources ..........................................................................11-23
Decision Rule Hierarchy ...............................................................................................................................11-25

n a e
Practice Overview: Working with Decision Rule Plans ................................................................................11-27
Practice - Working with Decision Rule Plans............................................................................................11-28

t e r s
Solution – Working with Decision Rule Plans ..........................................................................................11-30
I n
Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates .........................................................................................12-1
Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates ..........................................................................................12-3

Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................12-4

Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................12-5

Topic Overview: Constrained Plans ..............................................................................................................12-6

r a
Enforce Capacity Constraints ........................................................................................................................12-7
Enforce Demand Due Dates ..........................................................................................................................12-8

O Decision Rules...............................................................................................................................................12-9
Plan Type Comparison ..................................................................................................................................12-11

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Topic Overview: Exceptions .........................................................................................................................12-12
Enforce Demand Due Date Scheduling .........................................................................................................12-13
Sales Order/Forecast At Risk Exception Message.........................................................................................12-14
Related Exceptions ........................................................................................................................................12-16
Requirement Causes Resource Overload Exception Message.......................................................................12-18
Order Causes Supplier Capacity Overload Exception Message ....................................................................12-20
Order With Insufficient Lead Time Exception Message ...............................................................................12-22
Late Demand View........................................................................................................................................12-24
Guided Demonstration Overview: Running Enforce Demand Due Dates Plans ..........................................12-25
Guided Demonstration - Running Enforce Demand Due Date Plan..........................................................12-26
Practice Overview: Working with Enforce Demand Due Date Plans..........................................................12-30
Practice - Working with Enforce Demand Due Date Plans .......................................................................12-31
Solution – Working with Enforce Demand Due Date Plans......................................................................12-33
Cost-Based Optimized Plans...........................................................................................................................13-1
Cost-Based Optimized Plans .........................................................................................................................13-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................13-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................13-5
Topic Overview: Plan Options ......................................................................................................................13-6
Optimization Tabbed Region.........................................................................................................................13-7
Topic Overview: Concepts ............................................................................................................................13-9
What Is Optimization?...................................................................................................................................13-10
Plan Type Comparison ..................................................................................................................................13-13
Comparing Constrained and Optimized Plans...............................................................................................13-14
Contrasting Constrained and Optimized Plans ..............................................................................................13-16
Topic Overview: Objectives ..........................................................................................................................13-18
Plan Objectives ..............................................................................................................................................13-19

Planning Objectives.......................................................................................................................................13-20

d e
Topic Overview: Penalties and Constraints...................................................................................................13-21
Penalty Factors and Penalty Costs .................................................................................................................13-22

c a
Default Penalty Factors .................................................................................................................................13-23
Setting Penalty Factors ..................................................................................................................................13-25
Topic Overview: Key Indicators ...................................................................................................................13-26

e A
Key Indicators ...............................................................................................................................................13-27
Making Improvements Based on KPIs ..........................................................................................................13-30

c l
Practice Overview: Working with Optimized Plans .....................................................................................13-35
Practice - Working with Optimized Plans .................................................................................................13-36

r a
Solution – Working with Optimized Plans ................................................................................................13-38

O ly
Global Forecasting...........................................................................................................................................14-1

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Global Forecasting.........................................................................................................................................14-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................14-4
Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................14-5
a e
Topic Overview: Global Forecasting.............................................................................................................14-6

e r
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................14-7

Receiving Forecasts.......................................................................................................................................14-8

t U
Forecast Spreading ........................................................................................................................................14-10

I n
Forecast Spreading for Gregorian Calendars.................................................................................................14-12

Planning Process............................................................................................................................................14-16

Sourcing Sales Orders ...................................................................................................................................14-17

Selection of Source Organization ..................................................................................................................14-19

r a
Selection of Ship Method ..............................................................................................................................14-21
Viewing Results.............................................................................................................................................14-22

O Distribution....................................................................................................................................................14-24
Recommending Sales Order Changes............................................................................................................14-25

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Publishing Sales Order Changes....................................................................................................................14-27
Integrating ASCP with Other Applications ..................................................................................................15-1
Integrating Advanced Supply Chain Planning with Other Oracle Applications............................................15-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................15-4
Topic Overview: Mixed Mode Manufacturing Planning...............................................................................15-5
Mixed Mode Manufacturing..........................................................................................................................15-6
Integration with Oracle Project Manufacturing .............................................................................................15-8
Integration with Oracle Flow Manufacturing ................................................................................................15-10
Integration with Oracle Process Manufacturing ............................................................................................15-11
Topic Overview: Integration with Demantra Demand Management.............................................................15-13
E-Business Suite (EBS)-Demantra Demand Management (DM) Supported Integration Configurations .....15-14
EBS-Demantra DM Integration.....................................................................................................................15-15
Single-Instance Implementations...................................................................................................................15-17
Distributed Implementations .........................................................................................................................15-18
Integration Features .......................................................................................................................................15-19
EBS-Demantra DM Integration Setup and Process .....................................................................................15-21
Summary of Integration Tasks – Initial Setup ...............................................................................................15-23
Summary of Integration Tasks - Process .......................................................................................................15-24
EBS-Demantra DM Seeded Collections........................................................................................................15-25
EBS-Demantra DM Integration.....................................................................................................................15-26
Import and Export Integration Profiles..........................................................................................................15-32
Oracle Demantra Demand Management Functional Outputs ........................................................................15-33
Topic Overview: Integration with Production Scheduling ............................................................................15-34
Comparing ASCP and Production Scheduling ..............................................................................................15-35
Scope Comparison.........................................................................................................................................15-36
Logical Information Flow..............................................................................................................................15-37

m y
Process Flow..................................................................................................................................................15-38

d e
PS Run Modes ...............................................................................................................................................15-39
System Information Flow ..............................................................................................................................15-40

Production Scheduling Integration Setup and Process .................................................................................15-42
Production Scheduling Integration Setup and Process ..................................................................................15-41

SNO Integration Introduction ........................................................................................................................15-43

e A
SNO Integration Data Flow ...........................................................................................................................15-44
Data streams into SNO ..................................................................................................................................15-45

c l
Publish Sourcing Rules from SNO ................................................................................................................15-48
SNO Integration Setup and Process...............................................................................................................15-49

r a
SNO Integration Technical Details................................................................................................................15-50
Topic Overview: Integration with Production Scheduling ............................................................................15-51

O ly
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................15-52
Process: Running Production Scheduling without ASCP..............................................................................15-54

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Process: Running Production Scheduling with ASCP...................................................................................15-56
Topic Overview: Integration with Strategic Network Optimization..............................................................15-60

n a e
Overview: Integration Architecture and Business Process ............................................................................15-61
Process: Running Strategic Network Optimization with ASCP ....................................................................15-62

t e r U s
Planning Strategies ..........................................................................................................................................16-1

I n
Planning Strategies ........................................................................................................................................16-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................16-4

Module Overview: Topics .............................................................................................................................16-5

Topic Overview: Simulation I .......................................................................................................................16-6

Topic Overview: Simulation II......................................................................................................................16-7

r a
Simulation Modes..........................................................................................................................................16-10

O Plan Scenarios ...............................................................................................................................................16-12

Comparing Alternative Plans.........................................................................................................................16-14

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Implementing Plan Changes ..........................................................................................................................16-15
Net Change Simulation Process.....................................................................................................................16-16
Changes for Net Change Simulation .............................................................................................................16-18
Online Demand Changes ...............................................................................................................................16-20
Online Supply Changes .................................................................................................................................16-21
Online Supplier Capacity Changes ................................................................................................................16-22
Online Resource Changes..............................................................................................................................16-23
Running Online Net Change..........................................................................................................................16-24
Batch Net Change..........................................................................................................................................16-26
Undo Summary Window ...............................................................................................................................16-27
Full Re-plan Simulation Process ...................................................................................................................16-29
Changes for Full Re-plan Simulation ............................................................................................................16-30
Practice Overview: Performing Simulation ...................................................................................................16-32
Practice - Performing Simulation ..............................................................................................................16-33
Solution – Performing Simulation .............................................................................................................16-39
Topic Overview: Planning Strategies ............................................................................................................16-46
Plan Types .....................................................................................................................................................16-47
Planning Method Item Attribute ....................................................................................................................16-48
Multiple Organization Planning ....................................................................................................................16-50
Holistic Plans.................................................................................................................................................16-51
Subset Planning Scenarios.............................................................................................................................16-53
Pitfalls of Subset Planning.............................................................................................................................16-55
Existing Plans as Demand Schedules ............................................................................................................16-56
Existing Plans as Supply Schedules...............................................................................................................16-57

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Before You Begin This Course

• Basic knowledge of planning

• Basic knowledge of Oracle applications navigation


• Oracle Inventory

• Oracle Engineering Bills of Material.

How This Course Is Organized

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals is an instructor-led course featuring

lecture and hands-on exercises. Online demonstrations and written practice sessions reinforce the
concepts and skills introduced.

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Related Publications
Oracle Publications
Title Part Number
Oracle Advanced Planning Implementation and User’s Guide, Release 12 B31553-01

Additional Publications

• System release bulletins

• Installation and user’s guides

• Read-me files

• International Oracle User’s Group (IOUG) articles

• Oracle Magazine

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions in Text
Convention Element Example
Bold italic Glossary term (if The algorithm inserts the new key.
there is a glossary)
Caps and Buttons, Click the Executable button.
lowercase check boxes, Select the Can’t Delete Card check box.
triggers, Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to the ORD block.
windows Open the Master Schedule window.
Courier new, Code output, Code output: debug.set (‘I”, 300);
case sensitive directory names, Directory: bin (DOS), $FMHOME (UNIX)
(default is filenames, Filename: Locate the init.ora file.
lowercase) passwords, Password: User tiger as your password.
pathnames, Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projects
URLs, URL: Go to
user input,
User input: Enter 300
Username: Log on as scott
Initial cap Graphics labels Customer address (but Oracle Payables)
(unless the term is a

proper noun)
Emphasized words Do not save changes to the database.
m y
and phrases,
titles of books and
For further information, see Oracle7 Server SQL Language
Reference Manual.
d e
Enter, where user_id is the
name of the user.
Interface elements
with long names A
Select “Include a reusable module component” and click Finish.

that have only
initial caps;
c l
This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3, “Working with
lesson and chapter
titles in cross-
r a
SQL column O ly Use the SELECT command to view information stored in the
names, commands,
functions, schemas,& On LAST_NAME
column of the EMP table.
table names

n a e
Menu paths
Key names

t e r
Key sequences
U s Select File > Save.
Press [Enter].
Press and release keys one at a time:

Plus signs I n
Key combinations
[Alternate], [F], [D]
Press and hold these keys simultaneously: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

c l e
r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions in Code
Convention Element Example
Caps and Oracle Forms When-Validate-Item
lowercase triggers
Lowercase Column names, SELECT last_name
table names FROM s_emp;

Passwords DROP USER scott

(OG_GET_LAYER (‘prod_pie_layer’))

Lowercase Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role

Uppercase SQL commands and SELECT userid
functions FROM emp;

Typographic Conventions in Oracle Application Navigation Paths

This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, to direct you
through Oracle Applications.

(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches Summary (M) Query > Find (B) Approve
m y
This simplified path translates to the following:
d e
1. (N) From the Navigator window, select Invoice then Entry then Invoice Batches
Summary. ca
e A

c l
(M) From the menu, select Query then Find.

3. (B) Click the Approve button.

r a
O ly
(N) = Navigator
l & On
(M) = Menu
n a e
(T) = Tab
t e r U s
(B) = Button
I n
l e
(I) = Icon

r a (H) = Hyperlink

O (ST) = Sub Tab

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Typographical Conventions in Oracle Application Help System Paths
This course uses a “navigation path” convention to represent actions you perform to find
pertinent information in the Oracle Applications Help System.

The following help navigation path, for example—

(Help) General Ledger > Journals > Enter Journals

—represents the following sequence of actions:

1. In the navigation frame of the help system window, expand the General Ledger entry.

2. Under the General Ledger entry, expand Journals.

3. Under Journals, select Enter Journals.

4. Review the Enter Journals topic that appears in the document frame of the help system

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

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R12 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals Table of Contents

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Page 2

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Chapter 6 - Page 3

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Chapter 6 - Page 4
Module Overview: Topics

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Chapter 6 - Page 5
Topic Overview: Collections

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Chapter 6 - Page 6
Collections Process

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Collections Process
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Between launches of the planning engine, you collect the data. Collecting data makes a copy of

r a
all or part the transaction data store in the planning data store.
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning uses two data stores. The data stores that it uses are:
O ly
• Transaction data store: The transaction systems in your facilities. The transaction systems

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are those that your workers use to duplicate your actual “system”, for example, entering
sales orders and recording inventory receipts.
a e
• Planning data store: The planning system. The system that plans what the transaction
t e r U s
systems need to do to meet demand.
To perform planning, data must move from the transaction data store to the planning data store.

I n
As a planner, you need to be aware of the timing issues involved in data collection. Certain
data in the planning data store will or will not match data in the transaction data store

l e
depending on your organization’s data collection schedules.
r a
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Chapter 6 - Page 7
Scheduling and Frequency

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Scheduling and Frequency
e A
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The data collection program can be set to run upon submission of a job request, and at

r a
specified time intervals, and to collect different types of information with different frequency.
For example, dynamic data such as sales orders can be collected frequently, while static data
O ly
such as department resources can be collected at longer intervals. The objective is to set up the

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data collection schedules as needed to create a reasonably current replica of information for the
APS system to use in its model. To a degree, this is a self-balancing decision. In the

n a e
incremental refresh (net change) mode, the collection program detects and collects only
changed data. Collecting data more frequently results in less work during each collection.

e r s
Your enterprise needs to schedule collections in conjunction with your planning launches. For
t U
I n
• If you plan weekly, you need to run collections at lease once a week.

c l e
• If you plan daily, you might schedule collections after shop floor feedback and order entry
are finished for the day.

r a
• If you run our facilities 24x7, you need to select appropriate times, run collections before
launching the planning process, and make sure that all know the schedule.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 6 - Page 8

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The Complete Refresh method clears all transaction data for all business entities from the

r a
planning server (for the source instance being collected), then copies over information about
the user-selected entities. This method can be time consuming.
O ly
The Targeted Refresh method clears transaction data for only the user-selected business

l & On
entities from the planning server, and then copies the entity information over from the
transaction instance. Information about nonselected entities remains intact on the planning
a e
server. All planning business entities are supported by Targeted Refresh collections.
e r
The Net Change Refresh method copies only incremental changes to business entities to the
planning server (and is thus faster), but is supported mainly for demand and supply business
entities only. t U
Selecting Methods
I n
l e
You should use Complete Refresh the first time you perform collections from a source instance

to the planning server. You may also wish to use complete refresh collections after a

r a
significant proportion of the setup data in your transaction system has been altered, and you
would like to make a fresh copy of all source instance business entities (items, bills of material,
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 6 - Page 9
sourcing rules, resources, and so on) on the planning server. You typically collect all business
entities in a Complete Refresh Collection.
You should use Net Change Refresh if you would like to update the supply and demand picture
on the planning server as quickly as possible, and the incremental changes to supply and
demand in the source instance since the last collection have not been extensive relative to the
existing (already collected) body of supply and demand information. In this case, Net Change
Refresh is the fastest way to achieve the desired update of the planning server operational data
store, because it copies over from the source instance only the incremental changes in supply
and demand since the last collection.
You should use Targeted Refresh if you would like to update the planning server information
for some (but not all) business entities, and some of these entities fall outside the category of
supply and demand entities supported by Net Change Refresh. For example, to update the
planning server with a newly rebuilt manufacturing calendar, you would run Targeted Refresh
collections for just the calendar business entity. Data on the planning server about all other
business entities would remain unaffected by this collection.
You would also use Targeted Refresh (in lieu of Net Change Refresh) to bring over the latest
picture of supply and demand to the planning server in cases when the incremental changes to
supply and demand on the source instance since the last collection are very extensive. In this
case, the update mechanism employed by Targeted Refresh collections (wholesale deletion
followed by rebuilding of data on the planning server) is faster than the mechanism employed
by Net Change Refresh collections (incremental insertions into existing data on the planning

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Chapter 6 - Page 10

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The Organization Specific method clears transaction data for only the user-selected business

r a
entities from the planning server for specific organizations, and then copies the entity
information over from the transaction instances of specific organizations. You must specify the
O ly
organizations for collection in a collection group. It works with any of the other collection

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methods—Complete Refresh, Targeted Refresh, and Net Change Refresh.
You should use Organization Specific Refresh when you use multiple supply chain plans in

n a e
your enterprise against different organizations, for example, by business unit. This method
reduces collections time as it is only collecting data for organizations that you will plan.

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Chapter 6 - Page 11

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Standard collections process: Using the standard collections process, you can manually run

r a
three types of collection methods including a complete refresh, a net change refresh, or a
targeted refresh on specific business entities.
O ly
Continuous collections process: The continuous collections process is an automated process of

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data collection that efficiently synchronizes the data on the planning server by looking up the
sources. If you opt for continuous collections, the system automatically determine the type of

n a e
collection that needs to be run on entities selected by you. The continuous collections process
collects data from the sources with the least user intervention. The Continuous Collections

e r s
concurrent program performs continuous collections.
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Chapter 6 - Page 12
Collections Processing

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Collections Processing
e A
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The two-stage data collection process begins with the information being pulled or, in the case

r a
of legacy sources, pushed to a temporary staging table located on the APS destination. Data is
consolidated in the staging table. A second program in the concurrent request set moves the
O ly
data to an Operational Data Store (ODS), which is also located on the APS destination.

• Planning Data Pull program

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Data Collection Data collection consists of the following:

a e
- Collects the data from the Application Data Store (ADS) and stores the data into the
t e r U s
staging tables. This pull program is a registered Application Object Library (AOL)
concurrent program that could be scheduled and launched by a system administrator.

I n
- If you are using legacy ERP applications, you must write your own pull program.
• Operational Data Store (ODS) Load program

l e
- A PL/SQL program which performs the data transform and moves the data from the
cstaging tables to the ODS. This collection program is a registered AOL concurrent

r a program that could be scheduled and launched by the system administrator.

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Chapter 6 - Page 13
When the information is in the staging tables, you can run your own custom data cleansing
programs against it. This is more commonly done when you are collecting from multiple
instances. For example, one instance may use Oak St. and another instance uses oak st.; your
data cleansing program makes all occurrences of this name in the staging tables the same.

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Chapter 6 - Page 14
Collections Parameters

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Collections Parameters
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The Complete Refresh flag works in conjunction with the other data Yes/No flags listed lower

r a
on this same form. The figure shows that this data pull will be performed in the complete
refresh mode (Purge Previously Collected Data = Yes). When Purge Previously Collected Data
O ly
is set to Yes, all of the original data in the operational data store (ODS) will be purged. Then

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the data types that have flags set to Yes are collected and inserted into the ODS. For example:
Complete Refresh = Yes, Pull Items = Yes, Pull BOM/Routings = No. After the data

n a e
collection, the ODS will contain items but no information about bills or routings.
When Purge Previously Collected Data is set to No, then the data collection is performed in

e r s
targeted refresh mode or net change refresh mode. If you choose Targeted Refresh,t he data
t U
existing in the ODS is not purged. The data types that have flags set to Yes will be refreshed.

I n
For example: Complete Refresh = No, Pull Items = Yes, Pull BOM/Routings = No. After the
data collection, the ODS will contain refreshed item information and the same bills or routings
l e
information that existed before the incremental refresh occurred.
If you choose Net Change Refresh mode, the collections process does not purge the existing

r a
data in the ODS. For the data types that have flags set to Yes,

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Chapter 6 - Page 15
Periodically set the Analyze Tables flag to Yes to maintain planning database performance.
After data is collected, Analyze Tables flag set to Yes tunes the planning server database,
providing faster access by the planning engine.

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Chapter 6 - Page 16
Collections Parameters

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Number of Workers is a setting that allocates processing resources to do the data load. The

Applications. r a
Number of Workers setting is typical of concurrent programs found throughout Oracle

O ly
The Planning ODS Load program does not have parameters for data types. All collected data is

l & On
moved from the staging table to the Operational Data Store.
Recalculate NRA: Availability over time for all resources is stored on the planning
a e
(destination) server in a net resource availability (NRA) table. When a new resource is defined
e r
or the availability of a resource has changed on the transaction (source), then the Recalculate
Net Resource Availability (NRA) field on the data collection parameters window should be
recalculated. t U
I n
Recalculate Sourcing History: If you base allocation of orders among external suppliers on

c l e
sourcing history, setting the Recalculate Sourcing History flag to Yes will recalculate sourcing

r a
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Chapter 6 - Page 17
Collections Workbench

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Collections Workbench
e A
You can use Collections Workbench to:
c l
r a
• Verify that the intended source data has been collected to the planning data store. It
appears the same as Planner Workbench.
O ly
• Troubleshoot data collection errors: You may need to rerun the data collection program.

l & On
• Enter supplemental data: For example, in Oracle Applications release 11, there is no way
to specify supplier capacity information. After the data is collected, navigate to a supplier
a e
in the left window pane of the Collection Workbench. Right click the supplier. In the right
t e r U s
click menu, select Supplier Capacity. This will navigate to a blank Supplier Item
Attributes window. On the Planning Constraints tab you can specify flexible supplier

I n
capacity on the planning data store. This supplemental constraint information is then
available to planning.

c l e
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Chapter 6 - Page 18
Topic Overview: Collection Exceptions

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Chapter 6 - Page 19
Collection Exceptions

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Collection Exceptions
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The collections process reports any problems with its process in its log. Oracle recommends

information. r a
that someone from planning and someone from the technical department should review this

O ly
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Chapter 6 - Page 20
Audit Exceptions Report

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Audit Exceptions Report
e A
c l
The ASCP process involves collecting and using source data to drive planning. Data from

r a
source transaction instances need to be accurate and need to be set up properly in order for
ASCP to render reliable planning output. Data from the source can be corrupt due to many
O ly
reasons, including: bad transactions, missing transactions, human error, improper formats,

l & On
conflicting and/or missing setups and profile options.
Oracle ASCP provides a tool to validate the data it uses in the planning process. The Audit

n a e
Exceptions Report is a self-explanatory report that evaluates data setups for profile options that
are incorrectly set, invalid package bodies and objects, invalid triggers, etc. It suggests

e r s
remedies for the problems that are found.
t U
Oracle recommends that someone from planning and someone from the technical department

I n
should review this information on a regular basis.

c l e
r a
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Chapter 6 - Page 21
Practice Overview: Viewing Collections

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Practice - Viewing Collections

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Chapter 6 - Page 23
Practice - Viewing Collections
Please mention lab identifier 3EAA in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers viewing collections.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. Navigate to Collections Workbench.

2. View collected data for the items in the SB66324 supply chain.

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Chapter 6 - Page 24
Solution – Viewing Collections
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. Navigate to Collections Workbench.

− (N) Collections > View Collected Data

2. View collected data for the items in the SB66324 supply chain.
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
− View by = Items
− Expand Plans
− Expand Collection
− Expand ASSEMBLY.SUBASSY (Computer Systems)
− Expand SB66324
− Select TST:J2

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e A

c l
Click Items icon and review data, then Supply/Demand icon and review data

− r a
Return to the Planner Workbench navigator and select TST:M1
Review Items and supply/Demand for SB66324 in organization M1

O ly
Review Items and Supply/Demand for the components of SB66324 in organization

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m y
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− For the department and resource of SB66324, right-click and select Resources from
the Resources menu. The Resources window appears.
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Chapter 6 - Page 30
Analyzing Unconstrained
Chapter 7

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 2
Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

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Chapter 7 - Page 4
Module Overview: Topics

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 5
Topic Overview: Exceptions

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 6
Exception Messages

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Exception Messages
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c l
The planning engine issues exception messages (exceptions) to:

r a
• Alert you to a situation that may need your intervention, for example, a past due sales
O ly
• Recommend that you perform an action, for example, change the date of a supply order

types. l & On
The planning engine issues certain exceptions for all plan types and others for only certain plan

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 7
Exceptions Messages and Plan Class

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Exception Messages and Plan Class
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The plan class determines the exceptions that are generated.

r a
The unconstrained and constrained options can be set for each planning time bucket. For
example, a planner might want to use material and resource constraints for the first two weeks,
O ly
material constraints only for the following 8 weeks, and no constraints for the long term

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(because he would be able to take the appropriate decisions early enough to ensure that the
company would get the material and capacity needed).
n a e
t e r U s
In this option, the system assumes infinite material availability and resource capacity while
running plans. Statements of material availability and resource capacity are used to generate

I n
exceptions. Demand priorities are included during the planning run to determine the
appropriate pegging relationships between supply and demand.

l e
This option is most useful while generating plans for the long-term future or when no material

or resource limitations apply. Unconstrained plans answer the question “ How much resource

r a
capacity and material availability is needed to satisfy all anticipated demand in a timely
manner?” The exceptions that are generated point out where resource capacities and material
O availabilities (supplier capacities) must be adjusted. Long-term in this context is therefore

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 8
defined to be far enough into the future to take resource acquisition/disposition and supplier
sourcing decisions to address the exceptions.
Resource Constrained
In this option, all resource constraints such as available machine hours, transportation capacity,
and alternate resources are considered. Alternate bill of materials are considered only when the
optimized option is selected. Material constraints are only used to generate exceptions that are
a result of lack of material availability.
This option, like the unconstrained option, is most useful for generating plans for the mid to
long-term future. It answers the question “ How much material availability is needed to satisfy
all anticipated demand in a timely manner?” It differs from the unconstrained option in a way
that plans generated, respect resource capacity constraints but allow material availability
constraints to be violated. The violations are tracked and result in exceptions that point out
where material availability needs to be adjusted.
Planners would use this option, in lieu of the unconstrained option, in situations where it would
be difficult to change resource capacity (for example, due to floor space constraints), but where
increased outsourcing would be an option. Mid to long-term in the context of this option is
defined to be far enough into the future to take supplier sourcing decisions to address the
Supplier Capacity Constrained
In this option, all material constraints that can be specified in the form of a supply schedule
from manufacturing plants or by statements of vendor capacity from vendors are considered.
When material availability is not a concern, resource availability constraints are used only to
generate exceptions arising due to over-utilization or under-utilization of resources.
m y
This option is similar to the resource constrained option, except that the roles of the material
d e
term future, and answers the question, “How much resource capacity do I need to satisfy all
and the resource constraints are reversed. It is, most useful for generating plans for the long-

anticipated demand in a timely manner?” It differs from the unconstrained option in a way that
plans generated respect supplier capacity (material availability) constraints but allow resource
c l
capacity constraints to be violated. The violations are tracked and exceptions are generated to
point out where resource capacities need to be adjusted. You would use this option in lieu of

r a
the unconstrained option in situations where it would be difficult to change material
availability (for example, due to strategic partnering with fixed suppliers), but where internal
O ly
resource acquisition/disposition would be an option. Long-term future in the context of this

l & On
option is defined to be far enough into the future to take resource acquisition or disposition
decisions to address the exceptions.
a e
Purchasing Lead-Time Constrained
In this option:

t e r U s
• If you select it, the planning engine enforces purchasing lead times for all items sourced
from suppliers.
I n
• If you clear it, the planning engine can violate purchasing lead time and issue an

l e
exception message when it does.

r a
In this option, an optimized and executable plan is generated based on plan objectives, as well

O as material, resource, and transportation constraints. Plan objectives are the financial and other

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 9
enterprise strategic objectives such as maximize inventory turns, maximize plan profit,
maximize on-time delivery, and so on. Multiple optimization objectives can be met by
assigning weights to each objective using the Optimization tab.
This option, like material and resource constrained, is most useful for near-term plans that must
respect all constraints to generate a feasible supply chain plan because, there is not enough
time to overcome material and resource constraints. In addition, the quality of the planning
solution is improved, compared to material and resource constrained plans, because more
parameters and alternates are considered.
Technically, linear programming is used to optimize the user-defined plan objectives while
generating planned orders. Linear programming translates into evaluating all feasible options
to calculate an optimal plan.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 10
Exception Groups

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Exception Groups
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Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling displays exception messages by exception group.

An exception group is a group of exception messages that deal with a common issue:

• O ly
Late sales orders and forecasts: Demand in danger of being late
Supply problems for late sales orders and forecasts: Requirements and orders causing late
l & On

a e
Material and resource capacity: Overloaded supplier and manufacturing capacities

t e r U s
Transportation and distribution: Overloaded transportation capacity
Shortages and excess: Items out of balance

I n
Reschedules: Scheduled receipt adjustments

l e
Substitutes and alternates used: Notification of substitute components, alternate

resources, and end item substitution

r a• Projects/tasks: Projects out of balance

O • Item exceptions: Other item issues

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 11
Exception Context Windows

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Exceptions Context Windows
e A
Exceptions Summary
c l
message information:
r a
The Planner workbench context window Exception Summary displays summary exception

O ly
• Generated by the current planning run

l & On
• Saved from previous simulation runs
It displays the following information:
a e
• Action Type: The exception group
• Version

t e r U s
• Count: The exception message count by exception group

I n
The window orders the exception groups by their relative importance to troubleshooting; for
example, late orders are more important than recommendations.
l e
If you double-click on an exception group, you can see the exception messages that the
r a
planning engine issued for the plan. If you double-click on an exception message, you see
Planner Workbench context window Exceptions Details; it shows each individual exception

O message.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 12
Different enterprises have different volumes of exception messages from their plan. The
volume that you receive depends on a number of factors:
• The number of items and complexity of the bills and routings that you have to plan
• The amount of mismatch between supply capabilities and demand needs
• Your exception message sensitivity settings
Even if there seem to be many exception messages, each planner can use Planner Workbench
personal queries to get to the most important exceptions.
Exception Details
Planner Workbench context window Exception Details displays information about each
exception. If you select one exception type, the window displays information in a folder for
that exception type. If you select multiple exception types, the window displays the generic
default folder.
On the Exception Details window, you can obtain additional information about certain
exceptions by:
• Highlighting exception messages and clicking buttons on the bottom
• Right-clicking the exception message
The buttons and menu choices that are available are unique to the exception.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 13
Exception Management

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Exception Management
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The Planner Workbench supports various ways to assist planners in managing plan exceptions.

r a
They can manage exceptions and drill-down to details using:
• Exceptions prioritization and sorting
• Default exceptions folders O ly
• Relevant information buttons
l & On
• Right mouse options

n a e
• Drilldown from Late Orders Exceptions to Constraint Exceptions (and vice versa)

e r s
Exceptions Prioritization and Sorting
t U
You can query exceptions for sorting and grouping using the Find window at the Exception
Summary level.
I n
c l e
Personal Queries
You can create your own queries against the exceptions so that you can see only the exceptions

r a
that you need to.
Default Exception Folders
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Chapter 7 - Page 14
When drilling down to the Exception Details window, the window will automatically open the
correct (pre-seeded) default folder based on the exception you select. If you multi-select
different exceptions, you will see the generic default folder.
Planners can customize their exception folder based on their preferences and save it as the
Relevant Information Buttons
On the Exception Details window, additional information about the exception can be obtained
through clicking the buttons on the bottom of the window. The type of exception will
determine what buttons are available.
Right Mouse Options
From the Exception Details window, planners can obtain more information through a right
mouse click on the exception. The type of right mouse options users have is determined by the
exception that is selected. Options included are:
• Supply
• Demand
• Resource Availability
• Resource Requirements
• Sources
• Destinations
• Related Exceptions
• Gantt Chart
m y
• Horizontal Plan
• Vertical Plan d e
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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 15
Exception Sets

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Exception Sets
e A
c l
Use planning exception sets in the source instance to specify sensitivity controls and
exception time periods for exceptions.
r a
O ly
The fields in the exception set are not item and resource attributes but they act as if
they are. Define as many planning exception sets as you need for your different types

l & On
of items and resources (use the Planning Exception Sets form). Then, assign exception
sets to items and resources.

n a e
t e r
exception sets assigned to them.
U s
The planning engine only issues exceptions against items and resources that have

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 16
Comparing Exception Messages

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Comparing Plan Exceptions
e A
c l
The ability to rapidly run online interactive simulations in memory and then quantitatively
assess the quality of the different planning scenarios gives planners an extremely powerful
decision-support tool.
r a
Multiple Plan Exception Comparisons
O ly
l & On
• Select multiple plan scenarios in the tree navigator on the left side of the screen.
• Select the Actions tab on the bottom of the right side of the screen.
a e
• View a comparison of the exception messages:
t e r
- View details of actions.

U s
- Navigate to the Supply/Demand window.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 17
Topic Overview: Unconstrained Exception Messages

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 18
Items With a Shortage Exception Message

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Items With a Shortage Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message Items with a shortage is in exception group Shortage and excess.

r a
This exception message appears when projected available balance for a planning bucket is
negative and is within the exception set Shortage Exceptions exception time period. Projected
O ly
available balance is Previous bucket projected available balance + Sum of supply quantities

planning time bucket.

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with due date in this planning time bucket - Sum of demand quantities with due date in this

a e
The planning engine can peg late supplies to demands at any level in the supply chain.
t e r
Therefore, you can see item shortages in several levels of the supply chain bill of material.

U s
The information displayed for this exception message is:
• Organization
• Item I n
l e
• Item Description
r a• Quantity: Projected available balance
• From Date: The start date of the planning time bucket in which the negative projected

O available balance occurs.

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Chapter 7 - Page 19
• To Date: The start date of the last planning time bucket in which the negative projected
available balance occurs. As long as Quantity remains the same in successive planning
time buckets, the planning engine uses the same exception and extends the To Date.
To resolve this exception message:
• Expediting the late supply
• Adjusting the sales order schedule date

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 20
Orders With Compression Days Exception Message

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Orders With Compression Days Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message Orders with compression days is in exception group Reschedules.

r a
This exception message appears when the planning engine detects that a supply order needs to
be completed in less time that its minimum processing time in order for it to meet a demand. If
O ly
the planning engine plans the order according to its lead time, it would start in the past (before

l & On
the planning horizon start date). The compression days represents all of the following:
• The number of days of work that you need to make up on the order to respect its due date.
a e
• The number of days that the order would be scheduled in the past (before the planning
horizon start date).

t e r U s
• The number of days that the order needs to be compressed if its start date is the planning

I n
horizon start date.
To calculate compression days, the planning engine:

l e
• Uses the organization’s manufacturing calendar
r a
• Backward schedules orders using item lead time offset (for unconstrained plans) or
routing level processing times (for constrained plans)

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Chapter 7 - Page 21
• Finds the number of days between the order (start) date and the planning horizon start
A supply order with compression days at a higher level of the supply chain bill of material
leads to supply orders with compression days at lower levels of the supply chain bill of
material. The planning engine calculates the lower level compression days by setting sets each
lower level dependent demand due on the planning horizon start date and backward schedules
its supply order from that date. The compression days for each supply order represents the
amount of compression time needed for that order alone.
The planning engine may compress existing supplies that need to be rescheduled in and
planned orders if there is not enough time between the planning horizon start date and the
demand date.
For constrained plans, this exception message is replaced by exception messages Order with
insufficient lead time and Requirement with insufficient lead time. However, you can set
profile option MSO: Generate Compression Days Exception to instruct the planning engine to
display this exception message for constrained plans.
The information displayed for this exception message is:
• Organization
• Item
• Order number
• Date: The due date
• Quantity
• Compression days
m y
To resolve this exception message:
d e
• Consider changing the demand due date to a later date. The planning engine continues to
plan as if you accept the suggestion.
e A
• If the exception occurs on a transfer order, use the Supply/Demand window for visibility
into the destination organization. You can take action either at the source or destination
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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 22
Resource Overloaded Exception Message

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Resource Overloaded Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message Resource overloaded is in exception group Material and Resource capacity.

r a
This exception message appears when, in a planning time bucket, both:

O ly
• The resource required capacity is more than the resource available capacity
• The load ratio is more than the exception set Over-utilization (if you have assigned the
resource to an exception set)
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n a e
• The amount of overload is the minimum duration of the operation for the maximum
assigned units of the routing. Load ratio is a percent and its calculation is (Required

t e r U s
Capacity/Available Capacity) * 100.
The information displayed for this exception message is:
• Organization
I n
• Resource

c l
• Dept/Linee
r a
• Start Constraint Date: The start date of the planning time bucket in which the resource is
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Chapter 7 - Page 23
• End Constraint Date: The start date of the last planning time bucket in which the resource
is overloaded. As long as Load Ratio remains the same in successive planning time
buckets, the planning engine uses the same exception and extends the End Constraint
• Load Ratio
To resolve this exception message, consider:
• Adjusting sales order line schedule date
• Increasing your resource availability:
- Increase hours available per unit (overtime)
- Increase the resource assigned units
- Increase work days (overtime)
- Changing shift pattern
• Changing resource usage:
- Using an alternate resource
- Using an alternate routing
- Modifying the sourcing rules
- Subcontracting
- Using substitute items (with different resources)
• Adjusting the exception set Over-utilization

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 24
Supplier Capacity Overloaded Exception Message

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Supplier Capacity Overloaded Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message Supplier capacity overloaded is in exception group Material and resource
r a
This exception message appears when, in a planning time bucket, the supplier required
O ly
capacity is more than the supplier available capacity.

l & On
The amount of overload is Required capacity - Cumulative available capacity of that
bucket.Load ratio is a percent and its calculation is (Required Quantity/Cumulative Available
Quantity) * 100.
n a e
owning organization.
t e r U s
Since supplier capacity is global, the planning engine issues these exceptions to the plan

I n
Since unconstrained plans assume infinite capacity, the planning engine may issue many
instances of this exception. If profile option MSC: Enable Enhanced Sourcing is Yes,

l e
unconstrained plans first exhaust supplier capacity from rank 1 suppliers and then use supplier

capacity from rank 2 suppliers.

r a
The information displayed for this exception message is:
• Organization: The owning organization
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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 25
• Item
• From Date: The start date of the planning time bucket in which the supplier capacity is
• To Date: The start date of the last planning time bucket in which the supplier capacity is
overloaded. As long as Load Ratio remains the same in successive planning time buckets,
the planning engine uses the same exception and extends the To Date.
• Supplier
• Supplier Site
• Load Ratio: The planning engine does not carry supplier capacity overloads from one
planning time bucket to the next.
To resolve this exception:
• Check to see if these exceptions cause Late replenishment for sales order or Late
replenishment for forecast exception messages; right click the exception message and
select Related Exceptions.
• In the Planner Workbench, Exception Details window, sort the Late replenishment for
sales order and Late replenishment for forecast exception messages by your priority, for
example, days late or demand priority.
• Check to see if a resource capacity issue caused early processing of the supply order
resulted in the material constraint.
• Consider:
- Adjusting sales order line schedule date
m y
- Adjusting forecast entry date
- Adjusting supplier capacity
d e
- Using an alternate supplier
- Using a substitute component: In unconstrained plans, make a manual substitution. ca
- Arranging and recording new substitute items
e A
- Increasing supplier flexfences
c l
r a
- Changing the sales order or forecast quantity
- Modifying the sourcing rule: For example, change sourcing percentage
- Changing lead time
O ly
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- Adjusting the exception set Over-utilization
n a e
t e r U s
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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 26
Practice Overview: Analyzing Supply and Demand

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 27
Practice - Analyzing Supply and Demand

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 28
Practice - Analyzing Supply and Demand
Please mention lab identifier 3EAC in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers analyzing supply and demand.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. Navigate to the Planner Workbench window.

2. Select plan XX_Unconst.

3. Re-view Planner Workbench Supply/Demand context window.

4. View exception messages for your unconstrained plan

5. Create an item personal query.

m y
6. Create a resource personal query.
d e
7. Create an exception personal query.
8. Create a supplier personal query.

e A
Create exception personal queries using “days from today” criteria.
r a
Responsibility: Manufacturing and Distribution Manager

Instance:Organization = M1
O ly
10. View exception sets.
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n a e
11. In addition to exception sets, what other setting need to be in place for the planning engine

t e r
to issue exception messages?

U s
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner
c l e
Instance:Organization = TST:M1

12. View unconstrained exception messages Resource overloaded for resource CHIPMOUNT1

r ain organization S1. How often do the exception messages appear? When does the first

O exception message occur?

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 29
13. Resolve one Resource overloaded exception message.

14. View unconstrained exception messages Supplier capacity overloaded for item CM66321 in
organization M1. How often do the exception messages appear? When does the first
exception message occur?

15. Resolve one Supplier capacity overloaded exception message.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 30
Solution – Analyzing Supply and Demand
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. Navigate to the Planner Workbench window.

− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench

2. Select plan XX_Unconstrnd.

− View by = Items
− Expand directory Plans
− Select plan XX_Unconst

3. Re-view Planner Workbench Supply/Demand context window.

− Expand directories until you reach some items in the supply chain
− Item SB66324 item category is ASSEMBLY.SUBASSY (Computer Systems)
− Item CM66321 item category is COMPONENT.ELECTRICAL
− Item CM66326 item category is COMPONENT.MECHANICAL
− Item CM66331 item category is COMPONENT.ELECTRICAL
− Item CM66332 item category is COMPONENT.ELECTRICAL
− Item CM66333 item category is COMPONENT.ELECTRICAL
− Item SB66328 item category is ASSEMBLY.SUBASSY m y
− In the Planner Workbench navigator, click icon Supply/Demand
d e
4. View exception messages for your unconstrained plan
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
e A
− View by = Actions
− Expand directory Plans
c l
r a
− Select plan XX_Unconstraind and right-click Exceptions > Summary

O ly
− View exception groups that pertain to this plan
− Expand exception groups and double-click on exception message names to view the

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exception messages for the plan
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator and re-select plan XX_Unconstraind
− Click icon Exceptions
n a e
− Criteria = Planner

t e
− Condition = Equals r U s
I n
− From = J. Smith
− Try some other criteria, for example, Item Equals AS55311

c l e
Create an item personal query.

r a − (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench

− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
O − Select tab Queries

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 31
− Plan = XX_Unconstraind
− Click Personal Queries > Item
− Click icon Create Query
− Criteria = Planner
− Condition = Equals
− From = J. Smith
− Criteria = Organization
− Condition = Equals
− From = TST:M1
− Click Execute
− Executed Query = <change title if you want to>
− Click icon Save Query
− Select Item SB66324, the click icon Horizontal Plan

6. Create a resource personal query.

− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
− Select tab Queries
− Plan = XX_Unconstraind
− Click Personal Queries > Resource
− Click icon Create Query
− Criteria = Organization
− Condition = Equals
m y
− From = TST:S1
− Click Execute d e
− Executed Query = <change title if you want to>
− Click icon Save Query
− Select Resource CHIPMOUNT1, the click icon Horizontal Plan
e A
click icon More
c l
− Return to the Planner Workbench navigator, Select Resource CHIPMOUNT1, the

− Select Resource Availability

r a
7. O ly
Create an exception personal query.

l & On
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
− Select tab Queries
n a e
t e r
− Plan = XX_Unconstraind
− Click Personal Queries > Exception
I n
− Click icon Create Query
− In the Exceptions region, select Resource overloaded

l e
− In the Criteria region, Criteria = Resource

− Condition = At least

r a − From = 1-BLENDER
− Click Execute
O − Executed Query = <change title if you want to>

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Chapter 7 - Page 32
− Click icon Save Query
− Click Exception Resource overloaded
− Click icon Exceptions

8. Create a supplier personal query.

− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
− Select tab Queries
− Plan = XX_Unconstraind
− Click Personal Queries > Supplier
− Click icon Create Query
− Criteria = Planner
− Condition = Equals
− From = J. Smith
− Click Execute
− Executed Query = <change title if you want to>
− Click icon Save Query
− Select Item SB66324, the click icon Horizontal Plan

9. Create exception personal queries using “days from today” criteria.

− Use Query Type = Exceptions, select exception messages, and look for Criteria that
use the words Days or Date. Some exception message/criteria examples are: Past
due forecasts/Days In The Past, Late replenishment for forecast/Days Late,
m y
Resource overloaded /Start Date, and Material constraint/Suggested Due Date.

d e
Responsibility: Manufacturing and Distribution Manager
Instance:Organization = M1

e A
10. View exception sets.
c l
− (N) Material Planning > Setup > Exception Set
− (N) View > Find…
r a
− Select exception set ASCP and view the information
O ly
− Then, select exception set ES-ASCP (ES is extra sensitive) and compare the

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information to exception set ASCP
a e
11. In addition to exception sets, what other setting need to be in place for the planning engine
e r
to issue exception messages?
− Each item assigned to an exception set
t U
− Each resource assigned to an exception set

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 33
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

12. View unconstrained exception messages Resource overloaded for resource CHIPMOUNT1
in organization S1. How often do the exception messages appear? When does the first
exception message occur?
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
− Select tab Plans
− View By = Actions
− Expand directory Plans
− Select plan XX_Unconstraind
− Expand version Current
− Expand exception group Material and Resource Capacity Exceptions
− Expand exception message Resource overloaded
− Expand instance:organization TST:S1
− Expand department SURF MOUNT
− Right-click resource CHIPMOUNT1 and select Exceptions > Detail
− Note how often the messages appear to occur
− Note the date of the first exception message

13. Resolve one Resource overloaded exception message.

m y
− Navigate to the Exception Details window
− Select the exception message (not the first one)
d e
− Right-click and select Resource Availability
− Note when the resource works (shifts and hours) on the resource requirement date
− Navigate to the Exception Details window

− Right-click and select Resource Requirements A
c l
− Note how many resource requirements are scheduled on the resource requirement
− Select one of them
r a
− Click Supply
O ly
− Find the source of the resource requirement

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− Expand the pegging tree through the supply chain to determine the ultimate demand

n a e
for this resource requirement
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator

t e r U s
− Right-click the resource and select Horizontal Plan > Default
− Note the resource overload on the resource requirement date

I n
− Decide whether to reduce the forecast or increase the capacity
− You decide to increase the resource capacity by assigning. If you decide to reduce

c l e
the forecast, you need to do so in the source instance or in Oracle Demand Planning.
− Navigate to the Exception Details window

r a − Select the original exception message

− Right-click and select Resource Availability
O − Navigate to the Update Resource region, enter as many lines as you need
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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 34
− Update Mode = Add Capacity
− Enter From Date, To Date, Shift Num

14. View unconstrained exception messages Supplier capacity overloaded for item CM66321 in
organization M1. How often do the exception messages appear? When does the first
exception message occur?
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
− Select tab Plans
− View By = Actions
− Expand directory Plans
− Select plan XX_Unconstraind
− Expand version Current
− Expand exception group Material and Resource Capacity Exceptions
− Expand exception message Supplier capacity overloaded
− Expand instance:organization TST:M1
− Right-click item CM66321 and select Exceptions > Detail
− Note how often the messages appear to occur
− Note the date of the first exception message

15. Resolve one Supplier capacity overloaded exception message.

− Navigate to the Items window
− Click Supplier
m y
− Note the supplier capacity for the requirement date
− Navigate to the Exception Details window and click Supply/Demand
d e
− Note the quantity of the planned order due on the requirement date
− Expand the pegging tree through the supply chain to determine the ultimate demand
for this requirement.

− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator A
− View By = Suppliers
c l
− Select plan XX_Unconstraind
r a
− Expand directories until you reach the supplier from the exception message

O ly
− Right-click the item and select Horizontal Plan > Default
− View the horizontal plan for the requirement date
− Note the overload
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another supplier.
n a e
− Decide whether to reduce the forecast, increase the supplier capacity, or source to

t e r U s
− You decide to increase the supplier capacity. If you decide to reduce the forecast,
you need to do so in the source instance or in Oracle Demand Planning. If you

I n
decide to source to another supplier, you can select another supplier when you
release the planned order. Or, you can reduce the quantity of this planned order,

c l e
create a firm planed order for the remaining quantity, select another supplier, and
release. To affect a permanent solution, change the approved supplier list sourcing

r a information.
− Navigate to the Exception Details window
O − Select the original exception message

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 35
− Click Suppliers
− In the Supplier Capacity tabbed region, enter the new capacity
− You could also navigate to the Supplier Flexfences tabbed region and set Tolerance
(%). However, this is typically for slight variations—your situation here may be one
of chronic overload due to the latest forecast.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 36
Topic Overview: Reports

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 37
Oracle Supply Chain Planning Detail Report

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Oracle Supply Chain Planning Detail Report
e A
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The Oracle Supply Chain Planning Detail Report is a comprehensive planning report that gives

r a
you information you need to understand the material requirements planning data for a plan
name that you specify. This report is available to OPM customers.
O ly
The report is created against ASCP Plan data. You can also generate this plan based on the

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collected Operational Data Store (ODS) data
The report includes the following sections: Horizontal Listing, Vertical Listing, and detail
a e
sections showing gross requirements, scheduled receipts, planned orders, bill of material and
t e r
engineering changes, expired lot and byproduct information.

U s
This report replaces the following OPM MRP reports:

I n
• MRP Bucketed Material Report
• MRP Material Activity Report

l e
• MRP Action Messages Report
r a
• MRP Error Messages Report
You can run this report for a specific plan or based on Operational Data Store (ODS) data.

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Chapter 7 - Page 38
• Plan Name: Selecting the value “Collections” for the Plan Name field allows you to
create the Planning Detail Report based on the ODS data.
• Detail Display: Select one of the following options:
- Yes – Display vertical and horizontal listings and detail sections: gross
requirements, scheduled receipts, planned orders, bill of material and engineering
changes, repetitive schedules, substitute items, reservation details, and byproduct
- No – Display vertical and horizontal listings only.
Parameters - You can create this report for a specific or a range of planning groups, projects,
and tasks. In addition, you can select one of the following options to display this report at
different granularity:
• Item-Org
• Item-Org-Planning Group
• Item-Org-Project
• Item-Org-Project-Task
You can summarize your report from a lower granularity level to a higher granularity level
based on the plan output.
For example, if the plan output is at the Item-Org-Project level, then you can summarize the
plan output to show the report at the Item-Org-Planning Group level. In this example, selecting
the Item-Org-Project-Task as the Display Level will result in a blank report.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 39
OPM MPS Enhanced Material Activity Report

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MPS Material Activity Report
e A
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The MPS Material Activity Report is created in a new format against source transaction data
for a given Schedule.
r a
The planning schedule includes a list of the items, manufacturing plants, and warehouses of
O ly
interest. You define schedule parameters in the OPM Master Production Schedule (MPS)

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application. You then link the schedule parameters to yourself and other planners, and to the
inventory items for which you have scheduling interests.
a e
You can also link one or more sales forecasts to each schedule. This procedure determines
t e r
which forecasts are visible to that schedule, and allows you to include numerous sales forecasts
in MPS or MRP reports created for a schedule.
I n
This report lists, in chronological order, pending inventory transaction activity for an item in a
specific warehouse, or all warehouses over which the planner has authority. Pending inventory

c l e
transactions include sales orders, purchase orders, firm-planned orders, or any other that has an
anticipated effect on stock balances. This is in contrast to an actual, completed stock

r a
transaction, such as a move of inventory between warehouses. By listing anticipated
consumption against receipts, such as purchase receipts and planned order receipts, production

O and purchasing planners can view the effects of pending transactions on inventory balances.

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Chapter 7 - Page 40
For buyer-planners, this report can help decide which requisitions and MRP-suggested
purchases should be approved. The report may also indicate situations where smaller purchases
can be grouped into a single, large purchase, possibly allowing the buyer to receive a volume
discount. The report helps production planners decide when to convert firm-planned orders to
batches. It may also indicate when batches should be rescheduled, resized, consolidated, or
Organization - This field displays the default organization assigned to the planner. If the
planner has planning interests in more than one organization, the planner can override this
default with another organization code that has been linked to the planner on the User
Organization window in the System application.
Schedule - The default schedule parameters code assigned to the current user displays, along
with the corresponding schedule parameters description. The planner can enter a different
schedule parameters code, as necessary.
The organization code and the schedule parameters code are both required to identify the
schedule parameters that were used to generate the MRP run for which you are inquiring on
material activity.
Planning Class – Enter the code of the planning class associated to the schedule for which you
ran MRP.
Buyer/Planner – Enter the code of the buyer or planner associated to the schedule for which
you ran MRP.
Item – Enter the item code of the item (product) for which you want to review material
m y
activity. Required.
For Organization – A schedule can have multiple organizations linked to it., enter the specific
d e
organization for which you want to see MPS Material Activity.
Warehouse – Enter the warehouse in which the item on which you are inquiring is stocked. ca
Note that the warehouse description

e A
c l
Critical Item – Select this box if you want to flag critical items.

r a
• You must associate a Planning Class to your user and to each item you wish to have print
on a report. If no associations are made, the reports will not print any data.
O ly
• The SCP vertical report is based on plan data, while the MPS Material Activity Report is
& On
based on source transaction data for a given Schedule.
n a e
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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 41
OPM MPS Enhanced Bucketed Material Report

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MPS Bucketed Material Report
e A
c l
The MPS Bucketed Material Report is created in a new format against source transaction data
for a given Schedule:
r a
Like the MPS Material Activity report, this report lists pending transaction information for a
O ly
single item in one or more warehouses. However, the previous report listed individual pending

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transactions for the item in chronological order.
The MPS Bucketed Material report shows aggregate supply and demand information for the
a e
item, grouped into categories (such as purchase order receipts and planned production). The
e r
aggregate supply and demand for the item in each category is listed, rather than the individual
transactions. For example, if you plan for an item used in 50 formulas and in 30 batches per
t U
day, the Bucketed Material Report can show you the total demand for the item by day, by
week, and so forth.
I n
c l e
While the MPS Material Activity report lists transactions in chronological order, the MPS
Bucketed Material report is generated on a time bucket-based format. OPM lists all pending

r a
supply and demand for an item, aggregated by day, week, or whatever bucket size defined on
your schedule. OPM can thereby list net safety stock requirements for any point in time.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 42
The time buckets are established for the schedule on the MPS Schedule window. OPM
compiles all sources of supply and demand in the time buckets.
See the MPS Material Activity Report.
• You must associate a Planning Class to your user and to each item you wish to have print
on a report. If no associations are made, the reports will not print any data.
• The SCP horizontal report is based on a plan data while the MPS Bucketed Material
Report is based on source transaction data for a given Schedule.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 43
Oracle Inventory Reorder Point Report

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Oracle Inventory Reorder Point Report
e A
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You can run this report for “All reorder point planned items” or “Item under reorder point”.

r a
Reorder point planning uses demand forecasts to decide when to order a new quantity. Reorder
point planning suggests a new order for an item when the available quantity (on-hand quantity
O ly
plus planned receipts) drops below the item’s reorder point (safety stock level plus forecast

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demand for the item during its replenishment lead time).
The suggested economic order quantity minimizes the total of ordering and inventory carrying
a e
costs. Oracle Inventory can automatically generate requisitions to inform your purchasing
t e r
department that a replenishment order is required.

U s
Reorder Point = Safety Stock + Forecast demand during the lead time (LT)

I n
Order lead time = Preprocessing LT + processing LT + post processing LT
Item Selection - “All reorder point planned items” or “Item under reorder point”.

l e
Cutoff Date Parameters
r a
• Demand Cutoff Date – Enter the demand cutoff date. The report considers only demand
with dates equal to or earlier than the demand cutoff date.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 44
• Supply Cutoff Date – Enter the supply cutoff date. The report considers only supply with
expected receipt dates equal to or earlier than the cutoff date.
Restock - Select Yes or No to indicate whether you want to create demand records in the
interface tables for requisitions and WIP jobs. You can enter a value here only if you are
defined as an employee.
For more information on this report see Oracle Inventory User’s Guide.
To create the requisitions and discrete jobs, run the import processes. See:
• “Requisition Import Process,” Oracle Purchasing User’s Guide
• “Importing Jobs and Schedules,” Oracle Work in Processing User’s Guide.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 45
ASCP Planning Detail Report

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ASCP Planning Detail Report
e A
c l
The ASCP Planning Detail Report provides a simple, consolidated report that shows the

r a
output of the advanced supply chain planning process. The report gives detailed information to
help you understand and analyze the supply chain planning results by presenting the data
O ly
selectively and coherently. For a given Supply Chain Plan, the report includes in separate

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worksheets the relevant details about items, resources, gross requirements, scheduled receipts,
planned orders, plan constraints, and exceptions.

n a e
You can select the plan, organizations, items, resources, projects, and many other parameters to
filter the information to display in the report, and you can change these parameters at any time.
t e r U s
I n
• Plan Name: Select a plan.
• Org: Select the owning organization and multiple organizations for a multi-org plan. For

l e
a single-org plan, or when not working in the owning organization, only the current

organization can be selected.

r a
• Category Set: At least one category set should be selected. The default is the category set
used for the plan. You can select another category set.
O • ABC Class: Select a range of item ABC classes

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Chapter 7 - Page 46
• Item – Select a range of Items.
• Planner – Select the name of a planner
• Buyer – Select the name of a buyer
• Supplier – Select one or more suppliers
• Planning Group – Select the planning groups
• Project – Select the projects
• Resource Group – Select resource groups
• Dept./Line – Select the departments/lines
• Resource – Select a range of resources

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 47
Topic Overview: Recommendations

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Chapter 7 - Page 48

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A recommendation is a suggestion to the planner to take an action that results in the balancing

and suggest that you: r a

of supply and demand. Recommendations appear in the Recommendations exception group

O ly
Release a planned order to purchasing or to the shop floor. A planned order is a suggestion by

orders become:
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the planning engine that you order some new supply from the transaction system. The planned

a e
• Batches: Oracle Process Manufacturing
t e r U s
• Discrete jobs: Oracle Work in Process
• Flow schedules: Oracle Flow Manufacturing

I n
• Jobs: Oracle Project Manufacturing, Oracle Shopfloor Management (OSFM)
• Purchase requisitions: Oracle Purchasing
l e
Reschedule or cancel a scheduled receipt. A scheduled receipt is a supply that is in process.
r a
The recommendations are in the Recommendations exception group and are against:
• Batches

O • Discrete jobs

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• Flow schedules
• Jobs
• Purchase requisitions

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 50
Reschedules Exception Messages

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 51
Orders To Be Rescheduled Out Exception Message

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Orders To Be Rescheduled Out Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message orders to be rescheduled out is in exception group Reschedules.

r a
This exception message appears when the planning engine suggests that you reschedule an
existing supply order (scheduled receipt) to a later date to avoid carrying excess inventory. It
O ly
occurs when the planning engine detects a non-firm existing supply order with a due date that

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is earlier than it suggests (suggested due date).
The planning engine does not issue this recommendation for firm existing supply orders.
a e
The planning engine continues to plan lower bill of material levels as if you accept the

t e r U s
The information displayed for this exception message is:
• Organization
• Item I n
l e
• Order Number
r a
• From Date: The current due date
• To Date: The suggested due date
O • Quantity

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Chapter 7 - Page 52
To resolve this exception message, consider reviewing the recommendations for the item and
then rescheduling the order out. The planning engine continues to plan lower level bills of
material as if you accept the suggestion.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 53
Viewing Recommendations

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Viewing Recommendations
e A
c l
You see the recommendations in the Planner Workbench:
• Exceptions windows
r a
• Supply/Demand window
O ly
To release recommendations, you must use the Supply/Demand window.

l & On
Oracle recommends that you analyze the recommendations in the exceptions windows and then

release them.
n a e
drill down to the Supply/Demand window to conduct more detailed research on them and to

t e r U s
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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 54
Make Item

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Make Item
e A
c l
A make item is an item that you manufacture in your facility.

r a
The transaction system produces a make item in a:

O ly
• Discrete job (work order) under the control of Oracle Work in Process and Oracle
Manufacturing Scheduling

& On
• Flow schedule under the control of Oracle Flow Manufacturing
n a e
When you release a planned order for a make item, it becomes a discrete job or a flow

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Chapter 7 - Page 55
Buy Item

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Buy Item
e A
c l
A buy item is an item that you purchase from another company and receive into your facility.

r a
The transaction system orders and receives a buy item in a purchase order under the control of
Oracle Purchasing.
O ly
When you release a planned order for a buy item, it becomes a purchase requisition--a request

l & On
to buy. Other processes place the purchase requisition on a purchase order.
The planning engine does not look for (explode a bill of material for) components of buy items.

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Chapter 7 - Page 56
Transfer Item

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Transfer Item
e A
c l
A transfer item is an item that you receive into your facility from another facility of your
r a
The transaction system orders and receives a transfer item in an internal purchase requisition
O ly
under the control of Oracle Purchasing.

l & On
When you release a planned order for a transfer item, it becomes an internal purchase
requisition--a request to transfer. Internal purchase requisitions are not subject to placement on
a e
purchase orders. Processes place the internal purchase requisition on an internal sales order at
t e r
the transferring plant under the control of Oracle Order Management.

U s
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Chapter 7 - Page 57
Firm Planned Orders

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Firm Planned Orders
e A
c l
A firm planned order is a planned order that you have not released but have marked so that the
next planning run will not change it.
r a
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Chapter 7 - Page 58
Releasing Recommendations

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Releasing Recommendations
e A
c l
The Supply/Demand window has the following columns in the Order tab:
• Org: Organization
r a
• Item: Item name
• For Release: Checkbox for releaseO ly
• Firm: Checkbox for firm
l & On
a e
• Order Type: Manual MDS, Sales Order, Planned Order, so on

t e r
• Suggested Due Date : Planning suggested due date
• Orig. Qty: Original demand quantity
I n
• Order Number: MDS name, Planned order number, and so on
• Action: Recommendation: None or Release

l e
• New Date: If you firm the order, you could change to a new firm date
• New Qty: If you firm the order, you could change to a new firm quantity

r a
Additional columns can be displayed using Right Mouse Options that provide some very key

O information pertaining to the orders such as Suggested Due Date, Suggested Dock Date,

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 59
Suggested Start Date, and Suggested Order Date. The calculations for these key terms are as
• Suggested Due Date = Date Material Is Required
• Suggested Dock Date = Due date – Post-processing Lead-Time
• Suggested Start date = Dock date – Processing Lead-Time
• Suggested Order date = Start date – Pre-processing Lead-Time
The earliest Suggested Order Date allowed is today and no compression days are allowed.
Accessing and Executing Planned Orders Directly
You can access a subset of planned orders for a specified time period or other user defined sort
criteria using the Supply/Demand window.
You can also firm all planned orders or a specified subset of planned orders using a Firm All
You can release all planned orders using a Release All feature or you can individually select
planned orders for release.

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 60
Practice Overview: Releasing Recommendations

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Chapter 7 - Page 61
Practice - Releasing Recommendations

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 62
Practice - Releasing Recommendations
Please mention lab identifier 3EAD in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers processing recommendations.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. Navigate to the Planner Workbench window.

2. Select plan XX_Unconstrnd.

3. Find the planned orders scheduled to start between two dates for planner J. Smith.

4. Release at least one make at and one buy from planned order. Change the quantity on one of
the planned orders that you release and change the date on another planned order that you
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Chapter 7 - Page 63
Solution – Releasing Recommendations
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. Navigate to the Planner Workbench window.

− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench

2. Select plan XX_Unconstrnd.

− Expand the Plans directory
− Right-click plan XX_Unconstraind

3. Find the planned orders scheduled to start between two dates for planner J. Smith.
− Right-click plan XX_Unconstraind and select Supply
− Click in Sugg Due Date of the first supply
− (N) Folder > Show Fields…
− Select Sugg Order Date
− (N) View > Find…
− Criteria = Planner
− Condition = Equals
− From = C. Baker
− Criteria = Suggested Order Date m y
− Condition = Between
d e
− From = <your start date>
− To = <your end date>
4. A
Release at least one make at and one buy from planned order. Change the quantity on one of
c l
the planned orders that you release and change the date on another planned order that you

r a
− For each order that you want to release, select For Release
− Navigate to the Release Properties tabbed region
O ly
− For at least one make at planned order, change Implement Date

− Click icon Save

l & On
− For at least one buy from planned order, change Implement Qty/Rate

a e
− Right-click in a field in the Release Properties tabbed region and select Release
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Chapter 7 - Page 64

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Analyzing Unconstrained Plans

Chapter 7 - Page 66
Constrained Plans
Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Page 1
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 2
Constrained Plans

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Chapter 8 - Page 3

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 4
Module Overview: Topics

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 5
Topic Overview: Constrained Plans

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 6
Enforce Capacity Constraints

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Enforce Capacity Constraints
e A
c l
The planning run generates a plan that does not violate manufacturing, supplier, and

r a
transportation capacity or result in material shortages.
Supplies may be late and the plan may violate demand due dates if necessary to respect
O ly
capacity constraints. You review late replenishment exception messages to see where the

& On
planning engine violates demand due dates.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 7
Enforce Demand Due Dates

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Enforce Demand Due Dates
e A
c l
The planning run may overload resource and supplier capacity (violate capacity constraints) as
needed to respect demand due dates.
r a
For example, the planning engine may schedule a job to use two resource units when there is
O ly
normally only one resource unit available or it may schedule a job on a resource when the

l & On
resource is on break or on its non-work time. The supplier capacity may be overloaded or the
purchase requisition may be scheduled within lead-time.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 8
Decision Rules

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Decision Rules
e A
c l
Decision rules are additional instructions to the planning engine on using substitutes and

r a
alternates to produce the supply with fewer constraint violations. It can automatically select
alternate routings, resources, bills of material, items, and sources. Decision rules are an
O ly
additional feature on both enforce capacity constraints and enforce demand due dates
constrained plans.
The decision rules are:
l & On
a e
• Use alternate sources: Use primary sources as far as possible and use alternate sources
t e r
(rank 2 or higher) only if necessary.

U s
• Use alternate BOM/routings: Use primary routing as far as possible and use alternate only
if necessary.
I n
• Use alternate resources: Use primary resource as far as possible and use alternate resource

l e
only if necessary.

• Use end item substitutions: Use primary item and end item substitute, when enabled, prior

r a to creating new planned orders.

• Use substitute components: Use primary components as far as possible and use substitute
O component only if necessary.

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Chapter 8 - Page 9
With decision rules you can do the following:
• Intelligently select alternatives with the minimum data input prerequisites possible. You
can run a supply chain plan that automatically selects alternate routings, BOM, resources,
suppliers, internal sources, end-items and components with the minimum amount of input.
• Enforce a specified sequence of decision-making actions (which may mimic a planner's
problem resolution thought process.) The sequence in which the planning engine looks for
supply using standard Oracle Application functions is transparent to the user. (For
example you may specify substitutes for a given component but not alternate sources.).
You can specify a global decision rule when more than one supply source can satisfy the
demand. (For example if you have specified both substitutes and alternate sources, you
can choose one over the other.)
• Make easier APS planning decisions because the decision-making process is more
transparent. You can select alternates when the primary source of supply is unable to
satisfy the demand. In doing so, you can express your preference as business rules, such
as: the alternate resource should be used before looking for alternate supply and substitute
• Restrict planning to a universe of authorized decision-making actions (for example, permit
exploration of alternate routings and substitute items but not of sourcing or permit
substitute components but do not permit end item substitution, even though rules are
specified for the given items at the source level.
• You specify the sequence in which the planning engine evaluates substitutes and
alternates. You do not need to use cost-based optimization to select substitute
components, alternate bills of material/routings and alternate sources.
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 10
Plan Type Comparison

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 11
Topic Overview: Plan Options

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 12
Constraints Tabbed Region

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Constraints Tabbed Region
e A
When setting constrained plan options, set:l
r a
• Plan options in the Main, Aggregation, and Organization tabbed regions as you would for
unconstrained plans
O ly
• Constraint-specific plan option in the Constraints tabbed region

following: l & On
When setting constrained plan options in the Constraints tabbed region, make note of the

n a e
• Constrained Plan: Select this to invoke constrained planning.

enforced constraint.e r U s
• Enforce Demand Due Dates or Enforce Capacity Constraints: Specify the primary

I n
• Resource Constraints, Supplier Capacity Constraints, and Enforce Purchasing Lead-Tine
Constraints: Indicate the manufacturing, supplier, and lead time constraints that you want
l e
r a
• Scheduling tabbed region: The scheduling horizon has the same duration as the short
range of the planning horizon. You can further divide the scheduling horizon by indicating

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 13
how many days you want to schedule in minutes and how many in hours and the balance
in days.
• Calculate resource requirements area: Do not attend to this area; all constrained plans
calculate resource requirements.
• The resource and material constraints Yes or No flags should be set to Yes to indicate that
you want this plan to consider resource constraints, material constraints, or both.
- Note that you can change the settings for different ranges of the planning horizon. For
example, within one plan you can account for both material and resource constraints
in the short term (Yes, Yes in the first column), only resource constraints in the mid
term (Yes, No in second column), and generate a traditional resource requirements
plan over the long term (No, No in the third column).
- One restriction is that a Yes cannot appear to the right of a No within the same row.
In effect, this is saying that for one plan, you cannot switch off capacity constraints in
the near term and then switch them back on again for the longer term.
- Enforce Purchasing Lead-times: Select this to instruct the planning engine to enforce
purchasing lead-time constraints over the plan horizon.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 14
Topic Overview: Constraints

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 15
Constrained Planning

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Constrained Planning
e A
c l
Implementation for constraint-based planning is the same as implementation for unconstrained

r a
planning, plus a small number of additional plan options need to be selected. Oracle constraint-
based planning is designed to produce plans with minimal implementation effort.
Examples of constraints: O ly
l & On
• Material constraint: A supplier can provide up to 500 units of a component item for each
day during the time period between June 1 and August 31.
a e
• Material constraint: A supplier makes deliveries only on Mondays.
t e r U s
• Resource constraint: A work center department has two identical machines that are
available every workday from 7:00 am to 3:00 p.m. Routings state how much machine

I n
time is consumed during the setup and production of items routed through the work center.
• Resource constraint: Transportation of wheat to a seaport is limited by the availability of

l e
railroad cars during July.
r a
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e A
The material constraints are:
c l
r a
• Bills of material: Effectivity dates of components

O ly
• Engineering changes: Effectivity dates if components
• Substitute components: Possible substitutes

l & On
• Order modifiers: Additional supply quantities

a e
• Requirement integer quantities: Whole number dependent demand

t e r
• Lead times: Time to manufacture, supply, and transfer material
• Supplier capacity: Capacity that you have arranged with your supplier
• Tolerance fences: Percent overage the supplier is willing to accept
c l e
r a
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m y
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e A
The labor constraints are:
c l
r a
• Routings: Effectivity dates and alternates

O ly
• Resources: Availability and alternates
• Shifts: Availability of resources

l & On
• Workday calendar: Availability of resources

a e
• Resource efficiency and utilization: Increased resource usage times

t e r
• Transportation resources: Ability to move material

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 18
Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints

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Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints
e A
c l
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning lets you prioritize how you enforce capacity

r a
constraints or demand due dates. You can enforce one and only one of these two types of
constraints at a time. The selected check box represents an enforced constraint while the
O ly
unselected check box represents a non-enforced constraint.

l & On
Non-enforced Constraints do not restrict the solution. An exception message is generated with
the solution exceeds a non-enforced constraint by the value specified on the named Exception
n a e
e r
If you choose to Enforce Demand Due Dates, then resources may be overloaded to satisfy
demand due dates. In this case, due dates are the enforced constraint. Oracle ASCP returns
t U
resource and material capacity overloaded exception messages indicating the overloaded
I n
c l e
If you choose Enforce Capacity Constraints, then resources are loaded to their limit to satisfy
demand. In this case, capacity is the enforced constraint. Unsatisfied demands are late. In this

r a
case, Oracle ASCP returns late demand exception messages.
The planning engine issues exception messages related to both enforced and non-enforced
O constraints.

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Chapter 8 - Page 19
Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints Example

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Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints Example
e A
c l
This example demonstrates the difference between enforced and non-enforced constraint
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Chapter 8 - Page 20
Enforced Constraints Example

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Chapter 8 - Page 21
Non-enforced Constraints Example

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Chapter 8 - Page 22
Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints Example Summary

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Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints Example Summary
c l
Enforced constraints result in late fulfillment of demand but does not exceed capacity limits.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 23
Profile Option Examples

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Profile Option Examples
e A
c l
There are many profile options that you use to control the planning process. You should review
the profile options when you:
r a
• First implement Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning
• Plan to use a new plan type O ly
& On
• Are investigating unexpected plan output
Time Fence.
n a e
There are several profile options that control time fence behavior, for example MRP: Create

t e r U s
• Set to Yes to create a natural time fence based on firm work orders, purchase orders, flow
schedules, and shipments. When set to No, the planning engine does not create a time
I n
• The planning engine honors the item attribute Planning Time Fence regardless of the value
l e
of this profile option
r a
There are several profile options that control collections and release to transaction data , for
example MSC: Auto-Release Compression Days Tolerance.

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Chapter 8 - Page 24
• Indicates the number of compression days allowed for the automatic release of planned
There are several profile options that control end-item substitution behavior, for example MSC:
Choice of Item for Which to Create Supplies in Substitute Relationship.
• Determines the item for which Oracle Global Order Promising and Oracle Advanced
Supply Chain Planning creates planned supplies when item substitution relationships are
• When set to Follow Item Attribute and the item attribute Create Supply for all the
substitute items in the substitution chain is No, no supplies are created.
• When you have a substitution chain A --> B --> C, and this profile option is set to Highest
Level Item, it is expected that Oracle Advanced Planning creates supply for item C. Item
C must be enabled in the organization where you are trying to create supply. If item C is
not enabled in the organization, Oracle Advanced Planning creates supply for item B (the
next highest level item in the substitution chain) and does not create supply for item C.
There are several profile options for flexfield setups, for example MSC: Priority for Substitute
Items Flexfield Attribute.
• This profile option stores the name of the flexfield column that contains the value in the
corresponding table.
• Flexfield attribute profile options store the name of the flexfield column that contains the
value in the corresponding table. For example, if the Aggregate Resource Name is stored
in column ATTRIBUTE1, the profile option MSC: Aggregate Resource Name Flexfield
Attribute will contain the value 1.
m y
There are several profile options that control planning calculations, for example MSC: Supplier
Capacity Accumulation (multiplier).
d e
the date when capacity accumulation begins for a supplier. ca
• This profile option is a multiplier to ASL Lead Time. The planning engine uses it to derive

• If profile option MSC: Purchase Order Dock Date Calculation Preference is Promise Date,
within their lead time.
c l
Oracle suggests that you set this profile option to 0 so that suppliers accumulates capacity

r a
• This is a site level profile option.
There are several profile options that control planned order details, for example MSO: Allow
Partial Demand Completion. O ly
l & On
• Enables supply orders to individually schedule for partial satisfaction of a demand when
demand is split across several supply orders. Valid values include:

n a e
- All End Demands: Enable Partial Demand Satisfaction for all independent demands

t e r U s
(forecasts, sales orders, and MDS entries).
- Sales Orders: Enable Partial Demand Satisfaction for all Sales Order demand only.

I n
- None: Schedules all supplies to coincide with completion date (latest supply date) to
meet demand.
l e
• This functionality can be enabled for all independent demands or only for Sales Orders.
r a
There are several profile options that control pegging behavior, for example MSO: Demand
Window Size.

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Chapter 8 - Page 25
• During priority pegging, demands are sorted based on the demand priority within the
demand window. After these demands are fully pegged, Oracle Advanced Supply Chain
Planning sorts all demands in the next window by priority. This is stated as the number of
calendar days including non-workdays. With a value of 10, the first demand window is
between the start date of the plan or the first demand date +10 days. The default (Null) is
treated as 1 in the Planning Engine.
There are several profile options that control detailed resource scheduling output, for example
MSO: Enforce Resource Sequence Contiguity.
• This profile option determines whether resources within a specific operation need to be
scheduled contiguously. Use this profile option to improve the planning engine’s
scheduling performance.
• Values are:
• Yes: The planning engine requires activities within an operation, such as resource
requirements, to be contiguous. No slack time is permitted between each resource.
• No: The planning engine does not require activities within an operation, such as resource
requirements, to be contiguous. This implies that slack time between resources is allowed.
Performance improves because the planning engine does not enforce contiguity.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 26
Topic Overview: Demand Priority Rules

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Chapter 8 - Page 27
Demand Priority

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Demand Priority
e A
c l
You can set an internal priority for demands in the source instance; lower numbers indicate a

r a
higher priority. In some methods of planning and pegging, the planning process plans supplies
and assigns supplies to demands with higher priority first.
O ly
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 28
Demand Priority Rules

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Demand Priority Rules
e A
c l
In ASCP, planning decision-making occurs sequentially in the following phases:

r a
• Selection of alternates (routings, substitute components, internal source organizations,
suppliers) if you use decision rules
O ly
• Pegging of supplies (on-hands, scheduled receipts, and planned order supplies) to
l & On
• Detailed scheduling of individual operation steps on resources

n a e
In the detailed scheduling phase, demand quantities that are pegged to planned order supplies

t e r U s
are considered in internal priority order. Demands with higher internal priority get the first
opportunities to take up available resource and material capacities; demands with lower

I n
internal priorities can only use remaining resource and material capacities and are therefore
more likely to be satisfied late.

l e
The internal priorities described above are different than the external priorities that can be
attached to sales orders and master demand schedule entries in the source instance. Internal

r a
priorities are generated for a plan on the basis of a priority rule that you attach to the plan in the
Main tab of the Plan Options form. Selecting Sales orders and MDS entries as the first priority
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Chapter 8 - Page 29
in the demand priority rule instructs the planning engine to use the internal demand priorities
from the source instance.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 30
Constrained Planning Rules

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Constrained Planning Rules
e A
c l
Constraint-based planning respects demand priority rules across demand types. If no priorities

1. Sales orders r a
have been specified, or if orders have the same priority, constrained planning uses this order:

2. Forecast demand O ly
3. Safety stock replenishment
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n a e
Constrained planning respects sourcing allocations set up on the sourcing rules and bills of

t e r U s
Constrained planning uses primary bills of material only. It does not consider alternate bills of
material. In optimized plans, you can consider alternate bills of material.

I n
Constrained planning uses primary items and components, not substitutes. In optimized plans,
you can use substitute items.
l e
Constrained planning uses primary routings, not alternate routings. In decision rule and
r a
optimized plans, you can evaluate alternate routings.
Primary and alternate resources are considered in Constrained planning as well as in optimized

O planning when the alternate is set up in the Operations Resource Information flexfield.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 31
Topic Overview: Constraint Planning Details

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 32
Requirement Integer Quantities

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Requirement Integer Quantities
e A
c l
Use requirement integer quantities to instruct the planning engine only to pass dependent

r a
demand requirement quantities that are whole numbers. You set the instruction for each
component of each assembly in each organization.
O ly
The order modifier item attribute Round Order Quantities instructs the planning engine that

l & On
when it calculates a fractional quantity for an assembly supply order, it should round the
assembly supply order quantity up to the next highest whole number. Fractional supply order
quantities occur because of:
n a e
• Process yield
t e r
• Fractional bill of material quantities

U s
• Shrinkage
I n
• Coproduct relationship percentages

l e
• MRP-planned safety stock
r a
• Component yield
From the extra supply order quantities, the planning engine creates fractional dependent

O demands on the components to match those extra supply order quantities and carries pegging in

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 33
fractional quantities through the lower bills of material levels. Pegging to fractional demand
quantities is both inaccurate and difficult to understand when you actually make the
components and subcomponents in whole number quantities.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 34
Shared Supplies

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Shared Supplies
e A
c l
Shared supplies are scheduled receipts, firm planned orders, and planned orders that peg to
more than one end item demand.
r a
The planning engine schedules a shared supply based on the due date of one of the demands
O ly
and that shared supply may be late with respect to the other demands that are also pegged to it.

l & On
If multiple demands that are pegged to one shared supply are in the same demand slice, the
planning engine always reschedules the shared supply.
The rescheduling:
n a e
t e r U s
• Attempts to meet all demands on time
• Attempts to meet higher priority demands early or just in time

I n
• Selects lower priority demands to be late, if necessary

l e
• Occurs only if the reschedule can fit within available supplier capacity and within lead
times, depending on constraints
r a
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 35
Partial Demand Satisfaction

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Partial Demand Satisfaction
e A
c l
When multiple planned order supplies are required to satisfy a demand, ASCP schedules all

the demand satisfied date. r a

supplies that can be completed by the due date for the due date, and the remaining supplies for

O ly
This allows the supplies that can be completed on time to be released, executed, and shipped as

l & On
a partial order shipment to the customer.
The Partial Demand Satisfaction capability applies only to the end demand (independent
a e
demand). For the dependent demand, it is not cost effective and beneficial to complete part of
t e r
the order quantity and then carry this inventory up to the time when it is needed.

U s
IN the diagram, Supply 2 is both later than Supply 1 and lat to satisfy Demand A.

I n
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 36
Computational Burden

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Computational Burden
e A
c l
Finite-capacity scheduling is computationally much more complex than the infinite-capacity

r a
planning performed in older versions. Therefore, formulating the planning problem so that it is
less computationally intensive is worthwhile.
O ly
The computational burden of a planning problem increases with the number of scheduled

l & On
resources, the number of items, and the number of demands.
Ways to decrease the number of resources include:
a e
• Leave non-critical (non-constraint) resources out of routings. For example, an entire cell
group of resources.
e r U s
in a cellular manufacturing system might be modeled as a single resource instead of as a

I n
• Set planned resources to bottleneck resources and include only key constraint resources in
the bottleneck resource group.

l e
Ways to decrease the number of items include:
• Enable each item in as few organizations as possible because each combination of item-

r a organization counts as a separate item.

O • Maximize the use of item aggregation (to the product family level) in the plan options.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 37
• Set the Planned Items option in the Main tab of the Plan Options window to something
other than All Planned Items. For example, set it to Demand Schedule Items Only.
• Ways to decrease the number of demands include:
• Maximize the use of time aggregation (larger time buckets) in plan options. This collapses
multiple demands occurring within a larger time bucket to a single demand at the end of
the time bucket.
• Maintain long-term forecasts in larger time buckets (for example, weeks or periods)
instead of shorter time buckets such as days. This reduces the number of MDS demands
once the forecast is loaded into an MDS for input to the planning process.

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Chapter 8 - Page 38

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This feature is available with the integration of APS and Oracle Shop Floor Management
r a
In some production environments, an item may turn into one or more parent items depending
O ly
on the process control, test results, raw material quality, etc. Such a relationship is defined by

l & On
defining coproducts. OSFM allows you to specify multiple possibilities of assemblies (parents)
that may be derived from a single part.
a e
With APS and OSFM integration, you can calculate supply for multiple assemblies based on
e r
the demand for any one of the possible coproduct assemblies. You can generate and release
planned orders for the assembly for which you realized demand. You can view coproduct
t U
supplies being generated for the rest of the items in coproduct relationship. This enables you to

I n
track the production for all the coproducts. The same applies if the planned order is converted

c l e
into a lot-based job.
Oracle ASCP collection program collects the coproducts information into the planning server

r a
which is then used by the planning engine.
The use of coproducts is an advanced topic within Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning.
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 39

m y
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e A
c l
You can define negative usages for component items on a bill of material in Oracle Bills of

r a
Material. You can add by-products to discrete jobs using Oracle Work in Process.
Oracle ASCP includes by-products on standard and non-standard discrete jobs and components
O ly
with a negative usage on a bill of material when netting supply and demand. Oracle ASCP

l & On
considers this type of component requirement as supply available on the job completion date.
The use of by-products is an advanced topic within Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning.

n a e
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 40
Topic Overview: Calendars

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Chapter 8 - Page 41
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
c l
A defaulting hierarchy is provided so that more detailed level information can override higher

r a
level information. The slide also shows the details of the hierarchy used to determine the valid
supplier shipping calendar going from the most detailed level information on the left side to the
O ly
less detailed information on the right side. The way this diagram should be interpreted is that if

l & On
for example a Supplier/Supplier Site/Carrier shipping calendar is not specified, ASCP will look
for a Supplier/Supplier Site shipping calendar. If that is not specified it then looks to see if a

a e
Supplier/Carrier calendar is specified and so on until finally it just defaults to a 24*7 calendar.

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Chapter 8 - Page 42
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
The defaulting hierarchies are shown from
c l
• Customer Receiving Calendars
r a
• Supplier Capacity Calendars
• Carrier transit calendars O ly
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Chapter 8 - Page 43
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
The defaulting hierarchies are shown for
c l
• Organization Shipping Calendars
r a
• Organization Receiving Calendars
O ly
Since the default if no shipping/receiving calendars are specified is to look at the Org

l & On
Manufacturing Calendar and an org manufacturing calendar always needs to exist for every
org, users wanting a shipping/receiving calendar that is 24*7 need to explicitly define one that
a e
is 24*7 if the org manufacturing calendar is not 24*7.
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Chapter 8 - Page 44
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
c l
The vertical arrows indicate specific dates on an order.

r a
The gray rectangles indicate lead times.
When ASCP plans orders:
O ly
• The dates have to fall on specific calendars depending on the type of order as well as the
type of date
l & On
n a e
• The lead times have to be properly expanded to account for non working days on specific

using the arrows

t e r U s
• The calendars driving the placement of dates and the expansion of lead times are indicated

I n
Processing duration calculated using:

c l e
• Fixed plus variable lead times for unconstrained plans or if no routing specified
• Processing times on the routings for constrained plans

r a
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Chapter 8 - Page 45
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
Processing time is calculated using
c l
r a
• Processing time on the ASL if defined and if Supplier is specified on the order.

O ly
• Processing time on the Item Master if ASL processing time is not specified or if no
supplier is specified for the order

the Organization. l & On

The transit lead time is calculated using the “Default Ship Method” between the Supplier and

n a e
It is assumed by user procedure that the Processing Time is inclusive of the transit lead time.

the start date.

t e r U s
If you set processing lead time smaller then in-transit lead time, the ship date may show before

I n
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Chapter 8 - Page 46
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
c l
The intransit time between the organizations is specific to the carrier used. The transit calendar

r a
of the carrier is used to offset the intransit duration.
In the diagram, the organization manufacturing calendar is in the destination organization and
O ly
the organization shipping calendar is in the shipping organization. The preprocessing lead time

& On
is based on the organization manufacturing calendar in the destination organization.

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Chapter 8 - Page 47
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
c l
The transit time is specific to the carrier used and the location of the customer site.

r a
In the diagram, the organization shipping calendar is in the shipping organization.

O ly
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Chapter 8 - Page 48
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
c l
The example shows the steps that ASCP goes through when forward calculating the dates on a

r a
transfer order starting with the order date that falls on a Saturday. A similar process is used to
schedule the lead times and dates on the other order types also. A similar process is used when
O ly
dates are calculated backwards from the due date also.

at Mid Monday
l & On
• Forward offset the preprocessing time of 1 day from Mid Saturday on the OMC to arrive

a e
• Since Mid-Monday is non working on the OSC push the ship date to Start of Tuesday
t e r U s
• Offset the intransit time of 1.5 days on the CTC to arrive at Mid-Friday
• Since Mid Friday is non working on the ORC, move it to Start of Saturday to arrive at the
dock date.
I n
• Offset the post-processing time of 1.5 days on the OMC to arrive at Mid Monday as the

l e
Due date.
In the diagram, the organization manufacturing calendar is in the destination organization.

r a
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Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
c l
After the forward calculation is completed, ASCP will re-adjust the lead times so as to be

r a
consistent with the results. For example, the intransit lead time is backward offset from the
dock date calculated in the previous step to come up with the new ship date and this is in turn
O ly
used to calculate the new order date.

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Chapter 8 - Page 50
Shipping / Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars

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Shipping /Receiving / Supplier / Carrier Calendars
c l
Supplier capacity does not accumulate on non working days on the SCC.

r a
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 51
Practice Overview: Reviewing Constrained Plans

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 52
Practice - Setting Up Constrained Plans

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 53
Practice - Setting Up Constrained Plans
Please mention lab identifier 3EAF in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers reviewing constrained plans.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. View the constrained plan options.

2. Which type of plan is this?

3. Find and note at least five similarities or differences between the plan options for this plan
and your XX_Unconst plan in the Main, Aggregation, and Organizations tabbed regions.

4. View manufacturing, supplier, shipping, receiving, and carrier calendars.

5. Find a planned order for a make at item. Confirm that it meets lead times, resource hours,
m y
and resource availability.
d e
6. Find a planned order for a buy from item. Confirm that it meets lead times and supplier
In general, if supplier capacity is 100 per day and you run a plan at 0001 hours, how muchA
capacity does the supplier show on the third day?
r a
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Chapter 8 - Page 54
Solution – Reviewing Constrained Plans
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. View the constrained plan options.

− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Names

• Select plan Const-Cap.

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O ly
• Click Plan Options.

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Chapter 8 - Page 55
m y
d e

e A
2. Which type of plan is this? c l
• r a
Navigate to the Constraints tabbed region.
O ly
− The Constrained Plan check box is selected.

& On
− The Enforce Capacity Constraints radio button is selected.
n a e
t e r U s
I n
c l e
r a
O • Navigate to the Decision rules tabbed region.

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Chapter 8 - Page 56
− The Decision Rules check boxes are not selected.

• Navigate to the Optimization tabbed region.

− The Optimize check box is not selected.
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O ly

l & On
Answer: Therefore, the Plan Const-Cap is a Constrained - Enforce capacity constraints
plan without decision rules.

n a e
3. Find and note at least five similarities or differences between the plan options for this plan

e r s
and your XX_Unconst plan in the Main, Aggregation, and Organizations tabbed regions.
t U
− The Main tabbed regions are exactly the same .

I n
− Both plans have the same plan date.

c e
− The plans have different days/weeks/periods. The unconstrained has 150 days/12
weeks/5 periods; the constrained has 400 days/8 weeks/2 periods.
− The plans have different planning horizons.

r a − Both plans plan the same organizations (D2, M1, M2, and S1).

O4. View manufacturing, supplier, shipping, receiving, and carrier calendars.

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Chapter 8 - Page 57
• Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator.
− View by = Items

• Expand the Plans directory.

• Select plan Const-Cap.

• (M) Tools > Work Dates…

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e A
c l

r a
O ly

l & On
Select Work Dates. Click OK.

n a e
View the manufacturing calendar.

t e
− Scope = Supplier
− Calendar Type = Capacity

U s
I n
− Supplier = Allied Manufacturing
− Supplier Site = SAN JOSE – ERS
l e
− (B) Click Refresh
r a
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Chapter 8 - Page 58
m y
d e
• View the supplier calendar.
− Calendar Type = Shipping
e A
− Scope = Supplier/supplier site
− Supplier = Allied Manufacturing
c l
r a
− Supplier Site = SAN JOSE – ERS
− Click Refresh
O ly

− Calendar Type = Shipping& On
View the shipping calendar from supplier.

− Scope = Organization
n a e
− Click Refresh
t e r
− Organization = TST:S1

U s

I n
View the shipping calendar from other organization.

c l e
− Calendar Type = Receiving
− Scope = Customer/customer site

r a − Customer = Business World

− Customer Site = 1001

O − Click Refresh

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Chapter 8 - Page 59
• View the receiving calendar at customer
− Calendar Type = Receiving
− Scope = Organization
− Organization = TST:D2
− Click Refresh

• View the receiving calendar at other organization

− Calendar Type = Intransit
− Scope = Carrier
− Ship Method = Ground
− Click Refresh

• View the carrier calendar.

5. Find a planned order for a make at item. Confirm that it meets lead times, resource hours,
and resource availability.
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− View By = Items

• Expand plan Const-Cap.

− Expand item category COMPUTER.HANDHELD.
− Expand item AS66311.
− Highlight, and then right-click instance:organization TST:M1. From the right-click
m y
menu, select Items > Items.
− Note the Processing lead time: 1 day
d e
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O • (B) Click Routing Operations.

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Chapter 8 - Page 60
• (B) On Routing Operations (TST:M1), highlight the row for Item CM66321. Click (B)
m y
− Note the resource usage for the resource. 0.008 hours per item

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Chapter 8 - Page 61
• Return to the Planner Workbench Navigator.

• Right-click organization M1 under item AS66311 and select Supply/Demand > Supply.

• Find a planned order against item AS66311, note the Suggested Due Date and Quantity.

m y
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e A
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r a
• Calculate the resource load.O ly
l & On
− (Routing resource usage per piece * Planned order number of pieces)

a e
− (0.008 * 700) = 5.6 hours


t e r U s
Right-click the planned order and select Calendar > Organization Manufacturing

I n
− Note whether the planned order is due on a workday.
− In this example, the Suggested Due Date is Wednesday, May 23, 2007, which is a

c l e

r a
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Chapter 8 - Page 62
• Return to the Supply window at organization M1 under item AS66311.
m y
− Note whether the planned order meets lead time. Right-click the Sugg Due Date,
select Folder > Show Field.., and select Sugg Start Date; find the time between
d e
when it starts and when it ends.
e A
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Chapter 8 - Page 63

• Right-click the planned order and select Resource Requirements; note Start Date, End
Date, and Resource Hours.

m y
d e

e A
c l
r a
− Note whether Resource Hours meet your calculated resource load.

O ly
− If calculated resource load does not match resource hours, it may be because of
efficiency and utilization factors (Adjusted Resource Hours and Touch Time). A

l & On
mismatch also could occur when a plan schedules in days and modifies the resource
hours by the calculation 24 / Total Available hours, for example 24 / 16 = 1.5.

n a e

• t e r U s
Return to the Planner Workbench Navigator.

Highlight, and then right-click the resource in organization M1 under item AS66311.
I n
Select Resources > Resources.

l e
On Resources (TST:M1), (B) click Availability.
O ra• On Resource Capacity, select the date that corresponds to the resource requirement date.

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Chapter 8 - Page 64
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O ly
− Note the Total Available resource hours.

l & On
Find a planned order for a buy from item. Confirm that it meets lead times and supplier

n a e
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− View By = Items

t e r U s

I n
Expand plan Const-Cap.

l e
Expand item category COMPUTER.HANDHELD.

r a • Expand item AS66311.

O • Expand organization M1.

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 65
• Highlight, and then right-click component CM66321. From the right-click menu, select
Items > Items.


m y
d e
− Note the Processing Lead Time is 20 days.
• Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator.

e A

Supply/Demand > Supply. c l
Highlight, and then right click item CM66321. From the right-click menu, select

r a
− Find planned orders against item CM66321.

• O ly
Navigate to the Supply/Demand window.
& On
− (M) Tools > Supply and Demand

n a e
Select the Sugg Due Date column

t e r
− Select Sugg Start Date
U s
− (M) Folder > Show Field…

I n
Select the Order Number column

c l e
− (M) Folder > Show Field…
− Select Source Supplier

r a − Select Source Supplier Site

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 66
• Note the planned order start and due dates. ______________ ________________
− Right-click the planned order and select Calendar > Organization Receiving

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I n
c l e
− The planned orders start and are due on workdays
− The planned orders meet lead time

r a − Notice the planned orders are sourced from Allied Manufacturing, SAN JOSE-ERS

O • Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 67
− Expand item category COMPONENT.ELECTRICAL
− Expand item CM66321
− Highlight, and then right click Allied Manufacturing. From the right-click menu,
select Supplier Information.

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d e
e A
− The supplier capacity for the period of the planned orders is 400 per day
− The planned orders are within supplier capacity
O ly
In general, if supplier capacity is 100 per day and you run a plan at 0001 hours, how much
capacity does the supplier show on the third day?

l & On
− The supplier shows 200 on the third day. Supplier capacity is as of 0000 hours each
day. If the plan ran at 0001 hours, the first day shows no supplier capacity, the
a e
second day 100, and the third day 200.
t e r U s
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 68

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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 69
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Constrained Plans
Chapter 8 - Page 70
Querying Supply Chain
Chapter 9

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 1
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 2
Querying Supply Chain Plan Information

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 3

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 4
Module Overview: Topics

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 5
Topic Overview: Personal and Public Queries

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 6
Description: Personal and Public Queries

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Description: Personal and Public Queries
e A
c l
Personal and public queries help you to filter a supply chain plan based on items, resources,

r a
suppliers, manufacturing departments, and exception messages. You can create and save a
query with a custom name. You can execute the saved query at any point of time to retrieve the
O ly
latest information stored in the supply chain plan. Note that the Planner Workbench always

l & On
displays the custom query name, and not the item, resource, department, or exception name.
You can save your query either as a Personal query or a Public query. In case you want to

n a e
share the query with others planners, save the query as Public query. On the other hand, if you
want to have exclusive ownership rights to view, execute, and modify a query, save it as a

e r s
Personal query. For example, if you want to create a personal query to filter items in a plan,
t U
navigate to the Item type in the Personal Queries node, right-click and select Create Query.

I n
To create a Personal query, use the Personal Queries node in the Queries tabbed pane of the

l e
Planner Workbench. To create a Public query, use the Public Queries node in the Queries
tabbed pane of the Planner Workbench.
r a
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 7
Benefits: Personal and Public Queries

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Queries help in increasing productivity by alleviating the need to go through large amounts of

r a
data. You can simply enter search criteria that help in fetching only the records of interest. That
way you would not have to browse through an entire list of records trying to look for the record
of his choice.
O ly
l & On
Queries also help in improved efficiency by allowing you to target specific set of information
tailored to your specific needs. For example, if you are looking for a set of related items, you

n a e
could simply enter the query criteria as “Items starting with AS..” rather than having to look
for the related items in the left tree of the Planner Workbench Navigator.

e r s
The Planner Workbench presents you with a list of results and is provided with ways to drill
t U
down into more details such as Exceptions, Supply/Demand information, and Horizontal Plan,

I n
directly from the results list.

c l e
r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 8
Personal / Public Query Example

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Personal/Public Query Example
e A
c l
The above example of personal/public query displays the critical exception messages for a

r a
planner when an item is overdue for more than 3 days.
Note that any of the individual query criteria can be made inactive by un-checking the ‘Active’
O ly
checkbox. This offers flexibility in restructuring the query. For example, if you would like to

l & On
view the specified exception messages on all items and not only on those items that are
overdue, then the query criterion “Days Late” can be made inactive.
a e
If the query is saved and subsequently re-executed, then all the desired exception messages
t e r
against the overdue items would be displayed.

U s
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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 9
Process: Personal and Public Queries

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Process: Personal and Public Queries
e A
c l
Planners can access the Queries tab located next to the Plans tab on the Planner Workbench left
tree navigation.
r a
You can select the options for creating, saving, or executing a query by right clicking in the
Queries tabbed pane. O ly
execute query.
l & On
There are also shortcut icons on the left tree navigation to create query, save query, and

a e
You can create any of the following four types of query:
• Item
• Resource
t e r U s
• Exception
I n
• Supplier

c l e
The plan name on the Queries tab indicates the context in which the search was run.

r a
There is a node for executed queries called Query Result, with nodes for each query that has
been executed. In addition, there are folders for existing queries. A query designated as a
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 10
public query is displayed under the Public Queries folder and a personal query is displayed
under the Personal Queries folder.
Personal Queries folder is visible only to the users that defined them, whereas the Public
Queries folder is visible to all the users of the ASCP Planner Workbench. Both the Personal
Queries and Public Queries folders have the queries bucketed into sub-folders (such as Item,
Resource, Exceptions, etc.) based on the context of the queries.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 11
Process: Personal and Public Queries

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Process: Personal and Public Queries
e A
Create Query:
c l
r a
• You can create a query and then execute it to view results. For each query type, different
criteria for search are available.
O ly
• You can enter a search criterion but not use it for execution but instead save it for later

“Active” checkbox.
l & On
use. At any point in future you could make this criterion active for use by selecting the

a e
• Once you select a few query criteria, you can choose to either match all criteria or match
t e r U s
any of the several criteria when fetching result records. Two radio buttons are provided for

Execute Query:
I n
• Once a query is created, you can select the Execute button to view the results based on the

l e
query criteria chosen. If a plan context is not already specified, The system prompts you to
choose the plan for which you want to execute the query. If you Execute before saving,

r a you can save the query later on from the Query Results tab. We will only store one
unsaved query for later save.
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 12
• Note that when you execute a query, the planning engine considers only the active criteria
as the basis for the search.
Query Results:
• The query results will be stored for a particular query against a particular plan and be
available over multiple Planner Workbench sessions.
• You can save the results of an executed query by selecting the right mouse selection of
Save query on Query Result node. This brings up a pop-up window where the user can
enter the name of the query, and indicate if it is a Public query or a Personal query.
• You can select multiple records or items in the Query Results window. For example, you
may want to view the demand information for two specific records in the Query Results
window. Use Ctrl-click to highlight the specific records. Select [right-click] > Supply >
Demand to view the demand information for the items you selected.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 13
Managing Personal / Public Queries

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Managing Personal/Public Queries
e A
Planner Workbench Navigator:
c l
r a
The slider bar in the Planner Workbench Navigator helps in collapsing the window so that the
left tree can be hidden. This allows you to expand the results window to the permitted full size
and focus on the query results. O ly
l & On
For the selected record on top, you can either select the options you want from the pop-up
menu (the pop-up menu appears if you right click on the selected row), or use the icons at the
a e
bottom to go to other windows such as Horizontal Plan, Supply/Demand, Exceptions, and
Accessing Saved Queries:
t e r U s
I n
There is also an easy way to access previous queries. All saved queries show up in their
respective query type folders on the left tree. You can easily pick a saved query and view the

l e
query, rename it, or view its results, etc.

Default Queries:

r a
On the Tools > Preferences window, there is a field to specify the name of a query to auto-
execute once you navigate to the query tab on the left tree. This precludes the need for you to
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 14
execute a query manually. You have also to specify the name of a default plan that should be
used as the context for the auto-execution of the query.
Exception Display:
As a planner, you may be interested in viewing all the exceptions that are of interest to you in a
central place, regardless of the planning engine that has generated them. For example, you
may be interested in viewing all exceptions that relate to a specific supplier, some of which
originate in a plan, while others may arise out of collaboration between your company and the
supplier. You can therefore create queries that retrieve exceptions that have been generated in
an ASCP plan, as well as those generated in Collaborative Planning.
There are different query criteria for different exception types depending on their relevance for
each exception type.
While creating a query, you can specify several criteria. You can also designate a criterion as
the group by criterion, such that the results of the query are displayed based on that criterion.
For example, while looking for Late replenishment for forecast, you can designate that the
results be grouped by Org.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 15
Practice Overview: Filtering Exception Messages Using Queries

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 16
Practice - Filtering Exception Messages Using Queries

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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 17
Practice - Filtering Exception Messages Using Queries
Please mention lab identifier 3EAB in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers filtering exception messages using queries.

• Log on using the seeded Advance Supply Chain Planner responsibility.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. View instance/organization codes. m y

2. Navigate to the Planner Workbench window. d e
3. Create and execute a personal query named XX_FiltExcep to filter the following exception ca
messages for planner C. Baker:

e A
− Late replenishment for sales order

c l
− Sales order/forecast at risk due to material shortage
− Items below safety stock
− Past due orders r a
O ly
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 18
Solution - Filtering Exception Messages Using Queries
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. View instance/organization codes.

• (N) Other > Change Instance/Organization

m y
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e A
c l

r a
The practices in this course are designed to work with Instance:Organization TST:M1.
Select TST:M1.
O ly
• (B) Click OK.
l & On
2. a e
Navigate to the Planner Workbench window.

e r s
(N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
t U

I n
The Navigator window opens to the Query Tab. The My Critical Exceptions query is set

3. c e
to run by default when the Navigator window opens.
Create and execute a personal query named XX_FiltExcep to filter the exception messages

r a for planner C. Baker.

O • On the Queries tab, clear the Executed Query field.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 19
• Click the Create Query icon. The Create Query window appears.

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• l & On
Input the following information in the Create Query window:

n a e
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 20
m y
d e
• (B) Click Save. ca
• (B) Click Execute.
e A
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 21
Topic Overview: Order Queries

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 22

m y
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e A
c l
Advanced Supply Chain Planning supports personal queries (order queries) for supplies and

r a
demands. This allows you to easily retrieve key supply and demand information. For example,
you can find purchasing recommendations for a specific supplier that need to be released
O ly
within the next 10 days or all top priority sales orders that are satisfied more than 3 days

l & On
beyond their due date. Order queries supports all types of supply chain plans, including the
new Distribution Planning (DRP) plans.

a e
For more information on distribution plans, refer the Distribution Planning (DRP) courseware.
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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 23
Benefits of Order Queries

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Benefits of Order Queries
e A
c l
Allows the planner to adopt the best course of action based on the query results

r a
Based on the supply and demand information retrieved by the planning engine, you can release
the planned orders or reschedule or cancel the existing orders.
O ly
Allows the planner to create order-centric queries (for supply and demand information)

l & On
The order queries are similar in concept to item, resource, exception, and supplier queries,
providing a good framework to specify the criteria for selection of orders for subsequent
a e
review. You can also create Public order queries that can be shared across planners and across
t e r U s
Advanced Supply Chain Planning, Distribution Planning, and Inventory Optimization Planner

I n
Increases planner productivity
The ability to filter supply and demand information based on key attributes helps you to focus

l e
only on the relevant information and reduces time required to retrieve accurate result. It helps
in leveraging the Planner Workbench release capabilities for orders present in the query output.

r a
Provides powerful find criteria to select required orders

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 24
You can specify many key order attributes in an order query related to supply and demand
orders as part of the query criteria, in order to get a more accurate result.
You can also combine multiple sub queries to form a final query. The “Match all” or “Match
any” capability provides flexibility while you create your order query.
Provides direct access to Supply-Demand window
The Supply and Demand window provides an easy review and edits of the orders, once you
execute the order query. You can release orders retrieved by an order query using the existing
standard procedure to release an order.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 25
Order Query Example

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Order Query Example
e A
c l
The above example of order query displays planner Bob’s purchase orders against supplier

rescheduled in. r a
Advanced Network Devices within the first 10 days of plan run date that have been

O ly
Note that any of the individual query criteria can be made inactive by un-checking the ‘Active’

l & On
checkbox. This offers flexibility in restructuring the query. For example, if the user would like
to view all the Purchase orders (against supplier Advanced Network Devices that have been

n a e
rescheduled in) and not just the ones within the first 10 days, then query criterion ‘Suggested
Dock Date 10 Days from Today’ can be made inactive.

e r s
If the query is saved and subsequently re-executed, then all the desired Purchase orders would
be displayed. t U
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r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 26
Setting Up an Order Query

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Setting Up an Order Query
e A
c l
To setup an order query, you should either create a new query or specify the Queries tabbed

r a
pane as the default tab in your Planner Workbench. Next you set a default plan and execute the
default plan. Note that you can choose an automated execution process for the query.
O ly
The setup process is discussed further in the next slides.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 27
Setup: Creating an Order Query

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Setup - Creating an Order Query
e A
c l
Follow the given steps to create a new order query:
1. Open the Planner Workbench
r a
O ly
2. Select the Queries tab if it is not the default tab in the Queries tabbed pane.
3. Select the “Create Query” icon on the left bottom of the Queries tabbed pane.

the pop-up menu. l & On

Alternatively, you can right-click in the Queries tabbed pane and select Create Query in

4. In the Create Query window,a e
t e r U s
a. Specify a name for the query in the Query Name field.
b. Select a type of query (Item, Resources, Exceptions, or Suppliers) from the Query

I n
Type drop-down list to specify the information you want to filter.

c l e
c. Select Yes in the Public drop-down list to share the query to other planners as a
public query.

r a d. Specify the criteria in the Criteria box. For example, you may want to filter those
orders that need to be released within the next week. In this case, specify Make or

O Buy, Equals, and Buy in the Criteria, Condition, and From fields, respectively.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 28
e. To retrieve all the records that meet any one of the criteria that you specify, select
Match Any. To retrieve only those records that meet all criteria, select Match All.
f. Select the check box preceding the criteria specifications for those criteria
specifications that you want to include as active. When you execute a query, the
planning engine considers only the active criteria as the basis for the search.
g. Select Save to save the query. Based on your selection, the planning engine saves the
query either as a Personal Query or a Public Query.
Note: You can create multiple sub-queries for one main query, each with its own criteria. The
planning engine executes all the sub-queries together.
To edit and/or maintain an existing query:
1. Open the Planner Workbench
2. Select to Queries tabbed pane if it is not the default tab in the Planner Workbench.
3. Drill down from the Personal Queries node if the query is specified as a Personal query.
Alternatively, drill down from the Public Queries node if the query is specified as a Public
4. Drill down to the required Order query from the Order node.
5. Highlight the required query and edit the query name, type and/or criteria as required.
6. Right-click on the query and select View Query in the pop-up menu.
Note: Queries specified as Public can only be edited by the user who created the query. Other
users can only view them.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 29
Setup: Auto Execution of Order Query

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Setup: Auto Execution of Order Query
e A
c l
To setup the auto-execution option for your order queries,

r a
1. Select Preferences from the Tools menu. The Preferences window opens.
2. Select the Other tab.
O ly
3. Select a query in the list of query names available for the Auto Execute Query field. After

l & On
you select a query to run automatically, the planning engine would run the query when
you open the Planner Workbench and display the query results.

n a e
4. Specify a default plan that needs to open when you access the Planner Workbench. The

t e r U s
Auto Execute Query is executed against the default plan when you open the Planner

I n
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r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 30
Process for Order Query

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d e
Process for Order Query
e A
c l
You can adopt any of the following two approaches to execute a order query:
Manual Process:
r a
O ly
1. Select the Queries tabbed pane in the Planner Workbench.
2. Drill down to the Order Query which needs to be executed, and select the query you want
to run.
l & On
n a e
3. Specify the Plan name against which the query should be executed
4. Select Execute to run the query. The planning engine filters and displays the result based

t e r U s
on the criteria you specified in the query. Alternatively, you can right-click on the selected
query and select Execute Query in the pop-up menu.
Automated Process:
I n
l e
This process would work only if you have specified a query to be executed automatically using
the Auto Execute Query field in the Preferences window. To run a query automatically,
r a
1. Select the Queries tabbed pane in the Planner Workbench.
2. The Auto Execute Query executes the specified query against the default plan when you
O open the Planner Workbench.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 31
3. After the query is executed, the Supply/Demand window is automatically opened with the
query results.
4. You can then review the orders and use standard release options such as “Select all for
release” and “Release” to release the reviewed orders.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 32
Practice Overview: Order Query Setup and Process

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 33
Practice - Order Query Setup and Process

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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 34
Practice - Order Query Setup and Process
Please mention lab identifier 3EAE in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers:

• Setting up order queries using Advance Supply Chain Planning Planner Workbench.

• Executing order queries.

• Log on using the seeded Advance Supply Chain Planner responsibility.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.


m y
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

d e
Instance:Organization = TST:M1

4. View instance/organization codes. c a

e A
Navigate to the Planner Workbench window.

Criteria r a
Create a personal order query named XX_Order with the following criteria:
Condition From
Order type O ly
Equals Purchase order
l & OnEquals Advanced Network Devices
Suggested Dock Date

n a e Days From Today 10

Exception Name
t e r U s Equals
Orders to be rescheduled in
C. Baker

7. I n
Execute XX_Order manually.

c l e
Specify the Queries tabbed pane to be the default tab for the Planner Workbench.

9. a Specify XX_Unconst to be the default plan, on which XX_Order query would be executed.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 35
10. Specify the query XX_Order to be executed automatically whenever you open the Planner

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 36
Solution - Order Query Setup and Process
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

4. View instance/organization codes.

• (N) Other > Change Instance/Organization

m y
d e
e A
c l

r a
The practices in this course are designed to work with Instance:Organization TST:M1.
Select TST:M1.
O ly
• (B) Click OK.
l & On
5. a e
Navigate to the Planner Workbench window.

e r s
(N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
t U

I n
The Navigator window opens to the Query Tab. The My Critical Exceptions query is set

6. c e
to run by default when the Navigator window opens.
Create a personal order query named XX_Order

r a On the Queries tab, clear the Executed Query field.

O •

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 37
• Click the Create Query icon. The Create Query window appears.

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• l & On
Input the following information in the Create Query window:

n a e
t e r U s
I n
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 38
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d e
• (B) Click Save.

e A
7. Execute XX_Order manually.
c l

r a
On the Queries tab, clear the Executed Query field.

• Click the New record icon. O ly

• The query tree appears.
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n a e

t e r
Expand Personal Queries > Order

U s
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Chapter 9 - Page 39
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• Select the 00_Order query.
• Click the Execute Query icon.

e A
• The Plans window appears:
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O • Select XX_Unconst in the Name field.

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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 40
• (B) Click OK to run the query.

8. Specify the Queries tabbed pane to be the default tab for the Planner Workbench.

• From the menu bar, navigate

• (M) Tools > Preferences.

• The Preferences window opens.

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• (T) Click Other.
t e r U s

I n
Select Plans in the Default Tab Field.

c l e
r a
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Chapter 9 - Page 41
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Specify XX_Unconst to be the default plan, on which XX_Order query would be executed.

• O ly
In the Other tab of Preferences window,

l & On
Select XX_Unconst in the list of plan names available in the Default Plan field.

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Chapter 9 - Page 42
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c l
10. Specify the query XX_Order to be executed automatically whenever you open the Planner
r a

O ly
In the Other tab of Preferences window,

l & On
Select XX_Order in the list of query names available for the Auto Execute Query field.

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• (B) Click Save (K).
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Querying Supply Chain Information

Chapter 9 - Page 46
Constrained Plans - Enforce
Capacity Constraints
Chapter 10

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 1
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 2
Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 3

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 4
Module Overview: Topics

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Module Topics
e A
This module addressed the following topics: l
• Constrained plans
r a
• Exception messages
• Other information, such as: O ly
- Root causes of late demands& On
- Gantt Charts

n a e
t e r
- Planning detail report
- Plan comparison report
U s
• Details, such as:I n
- Workflow notifications

l e
- Bottleneck resources
- Enforced and non-enforced constraints

r a - Flexible shift times: Day bucket

O - Flexible shift times: Hour bucket

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 5
- Flexible shift times: Minute bucket
- Firm work orders
- Pegging, and
- Network routings

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 6
Topic Overview: Constrained Plans

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Constrained Plans
e A
This topic encompasses:
c l
r a
• Plans that enforce capacity constraints

O ly
• Plans that enforce demand due dates
• Plans that use decision rules
• Comparing plan types
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 7
Enforce Capacity Constraints

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Enforce Capacity Constraints
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c l
When capacity constraints are enforced, the planning run generates a plan that does not violate

r a
manufacturing, supplier, and transportation capacity, or result in material shortages.
If necessary to respect capacity constraints, the plan may allow supplies to be late, and the plan
O ly
may violate demand due dates. Late replenishment exception messages indicate where the

& On
planning engine violates demand due dates.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 8
Enforce Demand Due Dates

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Enforce Demand Due Dates
e A
c l
When demand due dates are enforced, the planning run may overload resource and supplier

r a
capacity, in other words, violate capacity constraints, as needed to respect demand due dates.
For example, the planning engine may schedule a job to use two resource units when there is
O ly
normally only one resource unit available, or it may schedule a job on a resource when the

l & On
resource is on break or on its non-work time. Supplier capacity may be overloaded or purchase
requisitions may be scheduled with less than the normal lead-time.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 9
Decision Rules

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Decision Rules
e A
c l
Decision rules are additional instructions to the planning engine for using substitutes and

r a
alternates to produce the supply with fewer constraint violations. Decision rules can
automatically select alternate routings, resources, bills of material, items, and sources. Decision
O ly
rules are an additional feature for both enforce capacity constraints and enforce demand due
dates types of constrained plans.
The decision rules are:
l & On
a e
• Use alternate sources: Use primary sources as far as possible and use alternate sources
t e r
(rank 2 or numerically higher) only if necessary.
• Use alternate BOM/routings: Use primary routing as far as possible and use alternate
I n
only if necessary.
• Use alternate resources: Use primary resource as far as possible and use alternate

l e
resource only if necessary.

• Use end item substitutions: Use primary item and end item substitute, when enabled,

r a prior to creating new planned orders.

• Use substitute components: Use primary components as far as possible and use substitute
O component only if necessary.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 10
With decision rules you can do the following:
• Select alternatives with the minimum data input prerequisites possible. You can run a
supply chain plan that automatically selects alternate routings, BOM, resources, suppliers,
internal sources, end-items and components with the minimum amount of input.
• Enforce a specified sequence of decision-making actions, which may mimic a planner's
problem resolution thought process. The sequence in which the planning engine looks for
supply using standard Oracle Application functions is transparent to the user. For
example, you may specify substitutes for a given component but not alternate sources.
You can specify a global decision rule when more than one supply source can satisfy the
demand. For example, if you have specified both substitutes and alternate sources, you can
choose one over the other.
• Make easier APS planning decisions because the decision-making process is more
transparent. You can select alternates when the primary source of supply is unable to
satisfy demand. In doing so, you can express preferences as business rules, such as: the
alternate resource should be used before looking for alternate supply and substitute
• Restrict planning to a universe of authorized decision-making actions. For example:
- Permit exploration of alternate routings and substitute items, but not of sourcing or
permit substitute components, and
- Do not permit end item substitution, even though rules are specified for the given
items at the source level.
• You specify the sequence in which the planning engine evaluates substitutes and
m y
Note: You do not need to use cost-based optimization to select substitute components,
d e
alternate bills of material or routings, and alternate sources.
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 11
Plan Type Comparison

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 12
Topic Overview: Exceptions I

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 13
Topic Overview: Exceptions II

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 14
Constrained Exceptions

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Constrained Exceptions
e A
c l
In Constrained - enforce capacity constraints plans, the planning engine respects resource

r a
constraints and plans to fulfill sales order and forecasts late. It notifies you of the resource
constraint that it hit with the Resource constraint exception message. Since the resource
O ly
constraint causes a late demand, it notifies you of the late demand with the Late replenishment

l & On
for sales order and Late replenishment for forecast exception messages.
In Constrained - enforce demand due dates plans, the planning engine respects demand due

n a e
dates and plans to overload resources. It notifies you of overloaded resources with the
Requirement causes resource overload exception message. Since you may not be able to

e r s
overload the resource in reality, an overloaded resource puts the demand at risk. The planning
t U
engine notifies you of this with the Sales order/forecast at risk exception message.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 15
Constraint Exceptions Calculation

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Constraint Exceptions
e A
c l
Use the constraint exceptions to find situations in which the planning engine is not able to plan
within your constraints.
r a
The overload-related constraint exception messages are:
O ly
• Requirement causes resource overload

& On
• Order causes supplier capacity overload
n a e
• Order causes transportation weight capacity overload
• Order causes transportation volume capacity overload

e r s
• The planning engine issues these exception messages when a specific resource
t U
requirement or a supply order causes overload on a production resource (for make items),

I n
a supplier capacity (for buy items), or a transportation resource (for transfer items).

c l e
The lead time-related constraint exception messages are:
• Requirement with insufficient lead time

r a
• Order with insufficient lead time
• The planning engine issues these exception messages when it schedules a resource
O requirement or supply order for less than its minimum duration. Minimum duration

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 16
depends on order type; for example, a resource requirement minimum duration is the
processing time required when using the resource maximum assigned units and usage
The constrained plan-related constraint exception messages are:
• Resource constraint
• Material constraint
• Transportation weight constraint
• Transportation volume constraint
• Order lead time constraint
• Requirement lead time constraint
• The planning engine issues these exceptions in:
• Constrained plans
• Plan option Enforce Capacity Constraint
• Either or both Material Constraints and Resource Constraints is Yes
• Profile option MSO: Calculate Constraint Exceptions is Yes
• It issues them whenever it must satisfy a sales order line or a forecast entry late. They help
show the resource overloads, supplier capacity overloads, and lead time violations that
need to occur for you to satisfy the order on time.
These exception messages from Constrained plans-Enforce capacity constraints mirror
overload and lead time exceptions from Constrained plans-Enforce demand due dates:
• Resource constraint mirrors Requirement causes resource overload
m y
• Material constraint mirrors Order causes supplier capacity overload
d e
• Transportation weight constraint mirrors Order causes transportation weight capacity
• Transportation volume constraint mirrors Order causes transportation volume capacity
e A
c l
• Order lead time constraint mirrors Order with insufficient lead time

r a
• Requirement lead time constraint mirrors Requirement with insufficient lead time
The firming-related constraint exception messages are:
• Order is firmed early O ly
• Order is firmed late
l & On
• Requirement is firmed early
• Requirement is firmed late
n a e
e r s
• The planning engine issues these exceptions against firmed resource requirements and
t U
supply orders when it thinks they are firmed with either of the following effects:

I n
• Too early: It cannot properly schedule upstream tasks--using minimum duration--to start

c l e
after the plan start date.
• Too late: It cannot properly schedule downstream tasks--using minimum duration--to

r a finish before the demand due date.

The other constraint exception messages are:
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 17
• Shared supply scheduled late: A shared supply is scheduled too late to satisfy one of its
end demands. The planning engine issues this exception if profile option MSO: Generate
Shared Supply Exceptions is Yes.
• Demand quantity is not satisfied: There is no supply for this demand; the demand is
satisfied at the end of the planning horizon.
• Sales order/forecast at risk: The sales order line or forecast entry is likely to be late. The
reasons for the lateness are in the exception group Supply Problems for Late Sales

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 18
Late Replenishment for Sales Order Exception Message

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Late Replenishment for Sales Order Exception Message
c l
Exception message Late replenishment for sales order is in exception group: Late sales orders
and forecasts.
r a
This exception message appears in a constrained plan when the planning engine detects that the
O ly
supplies for a sales order line are due later than the sales order line.

l & On
The demand satisfied date is the latest due date of the supplies pegged directly to an end
demand. The planning engine issues this exception message against a sales order line when its
a e
demand satisfied date is later than its schedule date.
t e r U s
This exception usually occurs because of a material constraint, resource constraint, or planning
time fence. It often occurs in Constrained - Enforce capacity constraint plans when the

I n
planning engine needs to move supply order due dates to honor capacity constraints.
The information displayed for this exception message is:

l e
• Org: Sales order line warehouse
• End Item: For the sales order line

r a
• Quantity: For the sales order line

O • Order Number: For the sales order line

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 19
• Priority: For the sales order line
• Customer
• Customer Site
• Demand Date: Sales order line schedule date
• Demand Satisfied Date
• Days Late: Demand Satisfied Date - Demand Date
• Quantity Satisfied by Due Date: The quantity of on time and early supply orders pegged
directly to the sales order line. This appears if you set profile option MSO: Allow Partial
Demand Completion to All End Demands or to Sales Orders.
To resolve this exception message:
• In the Planner Workbench, Exception Details window, sort the orders by your priority, for
example, days late or demand priority.
• For each exception, right click on it, select Related Exceptions, and view the constraint.
• Consider:
- Revising demand priority rules
- Revising the sales order line demand priority
- Expediting the supply order
- Revising the sales order line schedule date or forecast entry date

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 20
Late Replenishment for Forecast Exception Message

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Late Replenishment for Forecast Exception Message
c l
Exception message Late replenishment for forecast is in exception group: Late sales orders and
r a
This exception message appears in a constrained plan when the planning engine detects that the
O ly
supplies for a forecast entry are due later than the forecast entry.

l & On
The demand satisfied date is the latest due date of the supplies pegged directly to an end
demand. The planning engine issues this exception message against a forecast entry when its
a e
demand satisfied date is later than its schedule date.
t e r U s
This exception usually occurs because of a material constraint, resource constraint, or planning
time fence. It often occurs in Constrained - Enforce capacity constraint plans when the

I n
planning engine needs to move supply order due dates to honor capacity constraints.
The information displayed for this exception message is:

l e
• Org: For the forecast entry
• End Item: For the forecast entry

r a
• Quantity: Unconsumed quantity for the forecast entry

O • Order Number: Forecast entry line number

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 21
• Priority: For the forecast entry
• Customer
• Customer Site
• Demand Date: Forecast entry date
• Demand Satisfied Date
• Days Late: Demand Satisfied Date - Demand Date
• Quantity Satisfied by Due Date: The quantity of on time and early supply orders pegged to
the forecast. This appears if you set profile option MSO: Allow Partial Demand
Completion to All End Demands or to Sales Orders.
To resolve this exception message, follow the same suggestions as Late replenishment for sales
order resolution exception message.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 22
Sales Order/Forecast At Risk Exception Message

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Sales Order/Forecast At Risk Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message Late replenishment for forecast is in exception group: Late sales orders and
r a
This exception message appears when demands are at risk. A demand is at risk when it is
O ly
pegged to a supply order against which the planning engine has issued certain exception

l & On
messages. These certain exception messages are in the Supply Problems for Late Sales Orders
and Forecasts exception group . You can use them for further information about the sales order
or forecast at risk:
n a e
t e r
• Sales order/forecast at risk due to resource shortage

U s
• Sales order/forecast at risk due to material shortage

I n
• Requirement causes resource overload
• Order causes supplier capacity overload

l e
• Order causes transportation weight capacity overload
r a
• Order causes transportation volume capacity overload
• Order with insufficient lead time

O • Requirement with insufficient lead time

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 23
• Order lead time constraint
• Requirement lead time constraint
• Demand quantity not satisfied
• Late supply pegged to forecast
• Late supply pegged to sales order
The information displayed for this exception message all refers to the demand line and is:
• Order Number
• End Item
• End Item Org
• End Item Description
• Order Due Date
• Order Quantity
• Customer
• Customer Site
• Demand Class
To resolve this exception message, check for more details from related exceptions in the
Supply Problems for Late Sales Orders and Forecasts exception group.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 24
Analyzing Late Supplies

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Analyzing Late Supplies
e A
c l
You can analyze late supplies in several ways:

r a
• A basic way is to look over the late replenishment exception details.

O ly
• A more detailed way is to analyze exceptions that are related to (related exceptions) the
late replenishment exception details.

& On
• The most detailed way is to use the late demand diagnosis capabilities
n a e
- Critical Path Gantt Chart View
- End Pegged Supplies window

e r
- Critical Activities window
t U s
Not every approach is appropriate for every issue; the issue often suggests the best strategy.
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 25
Related Exceptions

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Related Exceptions
e A
c l
Related exceptions are exception messages that relate to the same issue as other exception

r a
messages and often provide more detail about a situation. You can see related exceptions in
both Constrained - Enforce capacity constraints and Constrained - Enforce demand due dates
O ly
l & On
The exception messages that have related exceptions are:
• Late replenishment for sales order
a e
• Late replenishment for forecast
t e r
• Sales order/forecast at risk

U s
The constrained plan-related constraint exception messages are:

I n
• Resource constraint

c l e
• Material constraint
• Transportation weight constraint

r a
• Transportation volume constraint
• Order lead time constraint
O • Requirement lead time constraint
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 26
The planning engine issues these exceptions in:
• Constrained plans
• Plan option Enforce Capacity Constraint
• Either or both Material Constraints and Resource Constraints is Yes
• Profile option MSO: Calculate Constraint Exceptions is Yes
The firming-related constraint exception messages are:
• Order is firmed early
• Order is firmed late
• Requirement is firmed early
• Requirement is firmed late
The planning engine issues these exceptions against firmed resource requirements and supply
orders when it thinks they are firmed with either of the following effects:
• Too early: It cannot properly schedule upstream tasks--using minimum duration--to start
after the plan start date.
• Too late: It cannot properly schedule downstream tasks--using minimum duration--to
finish before the demand due date.
The other constraint exception messages are:
• Shared supply scheduled late: A shared supply is scheduled too late to satisfy one of its
end demands. The planning engine issues this exception if profile option MSO: Generate
Shared Supply Exceptions is Yes.
• Demand quantity is not satisfied: There is no supply for this demand; the demand is
m y
satisfied at the end of the planning horizon.
d e
reasons for the lateness are in the exception group Supply Problems for Late Sales
• Sales order/forecast at risk: The sales order line or forecast entry is likely to be late. The


e A
It issues them whenever it must satisfy a sales order line or a forecast entry late. They help

occur for you to satisfy the order on time.
show the resource overloads, supplier capacity overloads, and lead time violations that need to

r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 27
Constraint Exception Messages

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Constraint Exception Messages
e A
c l
Use these exceptions to identify material and resource trouble spots in the plan and actions to
take to remedy the problems.
r a
A recommended strategy is to not start with late replenishment exception messages, but rather
O ly
to start with the constraint exception messages. Solving the constraint exceptions solves the
late replenishment exceptions.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 28
Material Constraint Exception Message

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Material Constraint Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message Material constraint is in exception group: Material and resource capacity.

r a
This exception message appears when a demand due date needs to be pushed out due to a
supplier capacity constraint. If there are also Resource constraint exception messages for this
O ly
end demand, you may also need to provide adequate resource capacity.

Exceptions is Yes.
l & On
The planning engine issues this exception if profile option MSO: Calculate Constraint

a e
The information displayed for this exception is:
• Organization
• Item
t e r U s
• Item Description
I n
• Supplier

c l e
• Supplier Site

r a
• Supply Order Number
• Order Type
O • Quantity
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 29
• Due Date
• Dock Date
• Bucket Start Date: The date of the overload. (For this exception, there is no end date.)
• Required Capacity
• Cumulative Available Capacity: At Bucket Start Date before scheduling.
• Overload
• To resolve this exception message:
• Check to see if these exceptions cause Late replenishment for sales order or Late
replenishment for forecast exception messages; right click the exception message and
select Related Exceptions.
• In the Planner Workbench, Exception Details window, sort the Late replenishment for
sales order and Late replenishment for forecast exception messages by your priority, for
example, days late or demand priority.
• Check to see if a resource capacity issue caused early processing of the supply order
resulted in the material constraint.
• Consider:
- Adjusting sales order line schedule date
- Adjusting forecast entry date
- Adjusting supplier capacity
- Using an alternate supplier
- Using a substitute component: In unconstrained plans, make a manual substitution.
m y
- Arranging and recording new substitute items
d e
- Increasing supplier flexfences
- Changing the sales order or forecast quantity
- Modifying the sourcing rule: For example, change sourcing percentage
e A
Supplier Capacity Constraint Details
c l
It occurs for supplier capacity constraint when there is not enough supplier capacity to

r a
purchase the buy item by a certain date. The certain date is the Latest possible completion time
(LPCT) - the item post-processing lead time, including breaks and delivery calendars.
O ly
You can see the amount of supplier capacity that you need to add at different suppliers during

l & On
different time periods in order to satisfy a demand on time. If there are Resource constraint
exception messages for an end demand, you may also need to provide adequate resource
n a e
t e r U s
Supplier capacity is available at 0000 hours each work day according to the owning
organization manufacturing calendar. The planning engine accumulates supplier capacity for a
I n
• From the launch date, if you launch the plan on a work day at 0000 hours

l e
• From the next working day after the launch date, if you launch the plan on a non-work day
or on a work day after 0000 hours

r a
While the horizontal plan accumulates the available and required capacities from the

O beginning, the exception process begins accumulating them again on the day after it issues an
exception message.
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Since supplier capacity is global, the planning engine issues these exceptions to the owning
The calculation of overload is:
Required Quantity - Cumulative Available Quantity.
The calculation for Cumulative Available Quantity is:
Cumulative supplier capacity - Cumulative quantity already used by other supplies.
The amount already used depends on previously scheduled supplies.

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Chapter 10 - Page 31
Resource Constraint Exception Message

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Resource Constraint Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message Resource constraint is in exception group: Material and resource capacity.

r a
This exception appears when the planning engine detects unavailability of resource capacity
for a specific time period because of the capacity requirements of an end demand. The
O ly
overload is the amount of resource capacity needed.

Exceptions is Yes.
l & On
The planning engine issues this exception if profile option MSO: Calculate Constraint

a e
When the planning engine performs resource/task allocation for an order, it first tries to
t e r U s
schedule demands backward from the demand due dates. If there is not enough resource
availability in a planning time bucket for it to schedule an activity to meet the demand due

I n
date, it generates this Resource constraint exception for the planning time bucket.
Since the order failed backward scheduling, the planning engine forward schedules the order

l e
from the plan start date to realistically allocate the resources/tasks. Therefore, the actual

resource requirements may be later than the dates on the exception.

r a
When the planning engine determines the window in which it wants to schedule the operation,
it determines if there would be an overload if it schedules the operation. If there would not be
O any resource overload, the planning engine does not issue the exception. If there would be a

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 32
resource overload, the planning engine issues the exception and reports the quantity of the
resource constraint as the quantity reported in the exception message.
The information displayed for this exception is:
• Resource
• Organization
• Department
• Supply Order Number: Of the operation and resource.
• Order Type
• Item
• Item Description
• Op-seq. number
• Res-Seq number
• From Date: The start date of the planning time bucket in which the resource is overloaded.
• To Date: The end date of the planning time bucket in which the resource is overloaded.
• Resource Requirement
• Resource Capacity: The available capacity of the resource before scheduling the resource.
• Overload: Resource Capacity - Resource Requirement after scheduling the resource.
• To resolve this exception message, consider:
• Adjusting sales order line schedule date
• Increasing your resource availability:
m y
- Increase hours available per unit (overtime)
d e
- Increase the resource assigned units
- Increase work days (overtime)
- Changing shift pattern
• Using an alternate resource
e A
• Using an alternate routing
c l
• Modifying the sourcing rules
r a
• Subcontracting
O ly
• Using substitute items (with different resources)

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Chapter 10 - Page 33
Order Lead Time Constraint Exception Message

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Order Lead Time Constraint Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message Order lead time constraint is in exception group: Supply problems for late
sales orders and forecasts.
r a
This exception message appears when the planning engine schedules a demand to go late due
to an order lead time. O ly
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Chapter 10 - Page 34
Requirement Lead Time Constraint Exception Message

m y
d e
Requirement Lead Time Constraint Exception Message
c l
Exception message Requirement lead time constraint is in exception group: Supply problems
for late sales orders and forecasts.
r a
This exception message appears when the planning engine schedules a demand to go late due
to a resource requirement lead time. O ly
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Chapter 10 - Page 35
Topic Overview: Other Information

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Chapter 10 - Page 36
Topic Overview: Root Causes of Late Demands

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Chapter 10 - Page 37
Scheduling Process

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Scheduling Process
e A
When scheduling, the planning engine:
c l
r a
• Schedules supplies so that, as much as possible, you work on supplies pegged to higher
priority demands ahead of supplies pegged to lower priority demands.
O ly
• Looks ahead at a certain group of demands and schedules supplies to meet these demands
in a single pass.
l & On
• Always tries to schedule supplies to be due as late as possible to meet their demands. The
a e
scheduling process tends to suggest deliveries and resource work just in time, and only
t e r U s
schedules deliveries and resource work to occur early when a constraint forces it to.
• May schedule supplies ahead of their due dates. This can result in higher priority demands

I n
completing earlier than their actual due dates and benefiting from additional protection of
their delivery dates.

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Chapter 10 - Page 38

m y
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e A
c l
The unconstrained latest possible start time (ULPST) is the time that the activities need to start

r a
to meet the demand on time. If the latest possible start time is in the past, the planning engine
cannot schedule to meet the demand on time.
O ly
The unconstrained latest possible completion time (ULPCT) is the latest date that the

l & On
operations are complete if they start at the latest possible start time.
These refer to unconstrained scheduling, that is, scheduling without reference to constraints.
a e
This diagram shows the table assembly and its subassemblies backward scheduled from an
t e r U s
independent demand due date. The schedule shows each job finishing just in time for its next
use; therefore, the beginning of each job is its unconstrained latest possible start time. The

unconstrained latest possible start time for the tabletop is in the past.
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Chapter 10 - Page 39

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e A
c l
The unconstrained earliest possible start time (UEPST) is the earliest time that the planning

r a
engine can schedule the operations to start.
The unconstrained earliest possible completion time (UEPCT) is the earliest date that the
O ly
operations are complete if they start at the earliest possible start time.

l & On
These refer to unconstrained scheduling, that is, scheduling without reference to constraints.
This diagram shows the table assembly and its subassemblies backward scheduled from the
a e
demand due date. Since the tabletop latest possible start time is in the past, the planning engine
t e r U s
forward schedules each subassembly from the current date (as material and resources are
available). The result is the earliest date that the table top demand could be satisfied—only

I n
accounting for lead times--which is later then the demand due date. Since the legs subassembly
has a shorter lead time than the tabletop assembly, it is finished sooner than the tabletop

c l e
assembly. The completed legs subassembly remains in work in process or moves to inventory
until the table assembly needs it.

r a
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Chapter 10 - Page 40
Critical Activities

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Critical Activities
e A
A critical activity is an entity that is:
c l
• Pegged to a late demand.
r a
O ly
• One of several activities which are at the same bill of material or pegging level.
• The most constraining at its level. The most constraining activity is the one that most

supply. l & On
restricts the lower (earliest) bound of the earliest order date of the next highest level

It can be a:
n a e
• Buy supply
t e r U s
• Specific activity of a resource

• Transfer supply
I n
c l e
This diagram shows three supplies (S1, S2, and S3) pegged to supply S4. The planning engine
forward scheduled the supplies. Among the subassemblies, S1 is the critical supply since it

r a
determines the earliest order date of supply S4 (the next highest level supply.
In the diagram, the Earliest Order Date refers to the Constrained Earliest Order Date.
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Chapter 10 - Page 41
Critical Activities

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Critical Activities
e A
c l
The critical supply does not always have to have its suggested order date and earliest order date
be the same date.
r a
In this diagram, the start date of S4 is determined by a combination of:
• The end date of S1 O ly
& On
• The availability of S4’s resource
a e
In the diagram, the Earliest Order Date refers to the Constrained Earliest Order Date.

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Chapter 10 - Page 42
Critical Activities

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Critical Activities
e A
c l
This diagram shows the final schedule after the planning engine has backward scheduled from

r a
the demand satisfied date of supply S4 to minimize work in process and inventory. The
planning engine still considers supply S1 as the critical activity.
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Chapter 10 - Page 43
Item Lead Time Constraints

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Item Lead Time Constraints
e A
c l
Item lead times can cause delays in demand satisfaction. For example:

r a
• Tabletops are buy items with the item lead-time of 60 days. For buy items, the order date
is offset from the dock date by the pre-processing lead-time plus either the default supplier
O ly
lead-time or by the default item lead time.

l & On
• If there is no supplier assigned with a specific lead time, the forward scheduling process
on the late demand supply order schedules the dock date for the tabletop 60 days from the
plan start date.
n a e
t e r U s
If checking determines that this is the reason for the delay of the order, the planner should
correct and firm the scheduled dock date for the planned order and consider adjusting the item

I n
and default supplier information for the future.
Types of lead time are:

l e
• Preprocessing
• Processing

r a• Post processing

O • Fixed

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Chapter 10 - Page 44
• Variable
• In-transit
• Total
• Cumulative manufacturing
• Cumulative total

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Chapter 10 - Page 45
Planning Time Fence Constraints

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Planning Time Fence Constraints
e A
c l
The planning time fence also imposes certain constraints on the scheduling. Planning time

r a
fence is the point in time in the scheduling process that marks a boundary inside of which
changes to the schedule may adversely affect component schedules, capacity plans, customer
O ly
deliveries and cost. Therefore, planned orders outside the planning time fence can be changed

l & On
by the system planning logic, but changes within the planning time fence must be manually
changed by the master scheduler or planner. Therefore, if the planning time fence is too large,

n a e
then the demands cannot be rescheduled within the time fence and may be delayed. The
planner should be able to see a 'Reasons for Lateness' report, which details the effect of the

t e r U s
planning time fence on the lateness of the order.

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Chapter 10 - Page 46
Gantt Chart Layout

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d e
Gantt Chart Layout
e A
c l
This figure gives an overall perspective of the Gantt chart.

r a
• The row of icons in the top menu bar control the display of information within the Gantt
O ly
• The set of colors and other display parameters are stored as part of a preference set that the
user can modify
l & On
• Two views are currently open. The data content within each view is controlled using
a e
Folders. The Gantt chart allows a maximum of two views to be open at the same time
t e r U s
• Folder-controlled display of attributes appear in the left window pane.
• The Gantt chart (task versus time) display appears in the right window pane.

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Chapter 10 - Page 47
Five Gantt Chart Views

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Five Views
e A
c l
With Release 12, The Orders view serves the combined purposes of the Orders view and the

r a
Late Demand views found in earlier releases. Three Resource views offer unique perspectives
on resource loading. The supplier capacity view was added in Release 12.
O ly
These enhancements significantly improve usability and power of the Gantt chart with respect

& On
to analyzing and modifying the results of an ASCP plan.

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Chapter 10 - Page 48
Accessing the Gantt Chart Views

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Chapter 10 - Page 49
Orders View

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Orders View
e A
c l
The Orders view shows a list of orders (or supplies), operations within the supplies, and

r a
activities within the operations. It shows all supply types, including buy and transfer orders as
well as on hand inventory. The Orders view also shows end demands if the user chooses to see
O ly
how supplies peg to demands, or if the user navigates to this view from a demand.

l & On
The user can control display preferences such as the color to be used to display the bars and the
text to be displayed within the bars. For more information about preferences, see the module

n a e
“Planning Information and Planner Workbench” and the practice “Researching Planning

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Chapter 10 - Page 50
Gantt Chart Orders View Preferences

m y
d e
Gantt Chart Preferences
e A
c l
• (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench >Tools > Preferences > (T) Gantt Chart > View
Type > Orders
r a
In this window you can set the default preferences for display. Select the View Type to be
O ly
“Orders View” and specify the preferences as explained above.

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Chapter 10 - Page 51
Gantt Chart Resource Activities View Preferences

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Gantt Chart Preferences
e A
c l
• (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench >Tools > Preferences > (T) Gantt Chart > View
Type > Resource Activities
r a
In this window you can set the default preferences for display. Select the View Type to be
O ly
“Resource Activities” and specify the preferences as explained above.

l & On
Note: These preferences apply only to the Resource Activities View. The List of values for
View Type also includes “Resource Hours” and “Resource Units”. Preferences for these other
a e
views can be specified separately.
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Chapter 10 - Page 52
Resource Activities View

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Resource Activities View
e A
c l
The Resource activities view is the typical resource loading Gantt chart that is often seen in

r a
finite scheduling applications. It offers a view of all activities scheduled on a resource shown
side by side laid out along a horizontal timeline. It is a useful view to analyze resource loads as
O ly
well as to manually reschedule activities.

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Chapter 10 - Page 53
Resource Activities View

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Resource Activities View Rescheduling Actions
e A
c l
The Resource Activities View displays only the portion of the planning horizon that is

scheduled at the Minute level. The schedule level is set in Plan Options.
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Chapter 10 - Page 54
Resource Hours View

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Resource Hours View
e A
c l
To access the Resource Hours view, from the Resource Activities view, open the “View” drop

down list, and then select “Resource Hours.”
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Chapter 10 - Page 55
Resource Hours View

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Resource Hours View
e A
c l
From the Resource activities view, you can access the “View” drop down and select “Resource

Hours” to bring up the Resource Hours view
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Chapter 10 - Page 56
Resource Units View

m y
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Resource Units View
e A
c l
The Resource Units view is useful when analyzing resource loads for resources such as labor

r a
that have a large number of available units. For example, your labor pool is comprised of 50
workers, and they can be used in a variety of processes. The Resource Units view of the Gantt
O ly
chart shows the time-varying picture of consumption of these labor resources.

l & On
• The Resource Units view displays only the portion of the planning horizon that is
a e
scheduled at the Minute level.
t e r U s
• Rescheduling is not possible within the Resource Units view.

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Chapter 10 - Page 57
Supplier Capacity View

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Supplier Capacity View
e A
c l
The Supplier Capacity view is a useful tool to see the accumulation of supplier capacity that

r a
remains after all purchase orders and planned orders have consumed capacity. It also shows
how much of capacity in each bucket has been consumed. Drilling down from a bucket shows
O ly
the supply orders that consume the capacity in that bucket. Note that due to the nature of

l & On
supplier capacity consumption, it is not necessary that these orders exist in the same bucket on
which supplier capacity is consumed by them.

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Chapter 10 - Page 58
Gantt Chart Interactions Between Two Views

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Interactions Between Two Views
e A
c l
Inter-view interactions in the Gantt chart are very valuable in that they allow the user to see the

r a
relationships between different functional entities, such as:
• Which orders are processed on this resource;
O ly
- If on a certain day I am using 8 out of 10 hours of capacity on a resource which

l & On
orders are processed during those 8 hours of resource usage
• Which resources are used in a certain order

n a e
• Which orders are present in a certain bucket on which supplier capacity is consumed
You can:
t e r U s
• Select an order in the Orders View, and select “Show Resources” to see the corresponding

I n
resources in the Resource Activities view.

l e
• Select an activity in the Resource activities view, and select “Show Orders” to see the
corresponding order (supply) in the orders view.
r a
An activity selected in either view will highlight the same activity in the other view, if present
in the visible portion of the display in that other view.

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Chapter 10 - Page 59
Other Capabilities

m y
d e
Additional Features
e A
c l
Following are some additional features that improve usability:

r a
1. Tile: Tile the open windows – Useful when 2 views are open at the same time

O ly
2. New: open a fresh view in the Gantt chart
3. Refresh: Refresh the contents after performing a batch replan

l & On
4. Zoom In and Out: To zoom in or out on the timeline. Note that each open view has

n a e
independent zoom controls. Using the icons will zoom the active view
5. Preference Sets: To maintain different sets of user preferences

e r s
6. Display of the planning granularity as different from the viewing granularity – For
t U
example you might be looking at a portion of the planning horizon that is scheduled to the

I n
minute level but you may be viewing the results in daily buckets

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Chapter 10 - Page 60
Other Capabilities

m y
d e
Additional Features
e A
c l
7. Use of right-clicks to access more detailed information

r a
8. Mouse over displays on all bars and arrows

O ly
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Chapter 10 - Page 61
Gantt Chart Summary

m y
d e
ASCP Gantt Chart Benefits
e A
• Improved user experience
c l
• Increased Planner productivity
r a
O ly
• Better diagnosis of ASCP planning results

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Chapter 10 - Page 62
Guided Demonstration Overview: Accessing Gantt Chart Views

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Chapter 10 - Page 63
Guided Demonstration – Accessing the Gantt Chart Views
Please mention guided demonstration identifier 3EB0 in course evaluation comments.

In this practice you accomplish the following tasks:

• Access Gantt chart views.

• Set Gantt chart preferences.

• Review information available from different views.

Accessing the Gantt Chart

1. There are three methods for accessing the Gantt Chart:

• From a resource node in the Navigator,

− Right click the node, and then select Resources > Gantt Chart
− Highlight the node, and then click the Gantt Chart icon.
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Chapter 10 - Page 64
• From the Supply window
− Right click an Item.
− Select Gantt Chart from the right-click menu.

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d e
• From the Resources window.
− Highlight a resource.
− (B) Click Gantt Chart.

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Chapter 10 - Page 65
Touring the Gantt Views

2. Orders View

The Orders view shows a list of orders (supplies), operations within the supply and activities within the
operation. It shows all supply types (including buy and transfer orders as well as on hand). It also shows end
demands if the user chooses to see how supplies peg to demands or if the user navigates to this view from a

The user can control display preferences such as the color to be used to display the bars and the text to be
displayed within the bars.



m y

d e

text within bar
c l
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3. Orders View – Selecting Attributes

t e r U s
The left pane of the Gantt chart allows for the display of a number of attributes of supply orders and resource

I n
requirements. The user controls the displayed and hidden columns as well as the relative order of placement.
This setting can be saved to the current folder by the user by using the “Save Layout” right click option.

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Chapter 10 - Page 66
Right-click menu


m y
d e
4. Orders View - Rescheduling Activities

e A
c l
The left pane of the Gantt chart allows users to edit some attributes such as dates and
resource hours. Editing the dates in the left pane is equivalent to performing a drag and drop

r a
in the right pane. Mouse over functionality for the bars or arrows also shows more
information about that supply, resource requirement, or pegging relationship.
O ly

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Chapter 10 - Page 67
Reschedule activities by
using the editable
columns in the left pane
or by drag and drop in
the right pane.
Mouse over
bar details

5. Orders View – Filtering the List of Supplies

m y
The user can enter Find criteria to pull up a list of orders in the Orders View. These orders
d e
will be displayed as a flat list independent of any pegging relationship. This find condition
can be saved as part of the folder.
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Chapter 10 - Page 68
6. Pegging

The Gantt chart provides a set of controls for users to navigate pegging relationships in the supply chain.

Peg Up and Down: (Top icon) Has the combined effect of a “Peg Up” and a “Peg Down.” The user can choose
to “Peg Up and Down” after selecting a supply. This will cause all the downstream supplies and end demands as
well as all the upstream supplies that peg to the selected supply to be displayed.

Peg Up: When selecting a Supply and Pegging up, the Gantt chart will display all the downstream supplies all
the way to the end demand that the selected supply pegs to. If the selected supply pegs to multiple demands all
of these demands will be shown.

Peg Down: You can select either a supply or an end demand and hit Peg Down. The Gantt chart will show all
the upstream supplies relative to the selected supply or demand.

Back / Forward: Each Peg Up, Peg Down, Peg Up/Down action made within the Gantt chart results in a fresh
query and new results being displayed. The Back/Forward buttons can be used to navigate back and forth
between these different sets of results (just as in the Supply/Demand Window).

m y
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e A
c l
7. Controlling the display of arrows
r a
O ly
There is a set of actions that the user can take to control the display of arrows to illustrate material flows in the
supply chain.

l & On
a e
Show Pegging for Selected: (top icon) The user can select a specific supply or a demand and show the pegging

t e r
(both inbound and outbound material flows) only for the selected supply / demand

U s
Show Pegging for All: Displays pegging relationships between all of the currently displayed supplies and

I n
demands (this is not recommended if you have more than 5-6 rows of data being currently displayed or if you
have complex many-to-many pegging, since it will cause a very busy display of arrows on the screen)

c l e
Hide Pegging: Turns off all of the currently displayed pegging arrows

r aShow/Hide Intra Routing flows: Displays the flow of material between operations within a routing. This is

O specifically useful when looking at OPM complex routings or OSFM network routings

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 69
8. Commonly performed actions

There are some convenient tools to save user clicks on commonly performed actions.

Select All: (top icon) Selects all of the displayed supplies

Note: This will not work if you have a mix of supplies and demands in your current display.

the screen and show all supplies collapsed back to the highest level.
m y
Collapse All: If the user has expanded some of the supplies to operations and activities, this action will refresh

d e
Expand Selected Supplies to Operations: All of the selected supplies will be expanded to the operation level
in the display.

resource activity level in the display.

e A
Expand Selected Supplies to Operations and Activities: All of the selected supplies will be expanded to the

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Chapter 10 - Page 70
9. Highlighting critical activities

When pegging down from an end demand, if the end demand is late, these display options can be used to
highlight the critical activities that are main reasons for the demand being late. The display can also be filtered
so that only the critical activities are displayed.

Show only critical activities (top icon).

Show all activities and highlight critical activities.

10. Displaying diagnostic information

m y
ASCP calculates some useful diagnostic information that can be displayed in the Gantt chart.

d e
These are:

• Constrained Earliest Possible start and end times (third icon) ca

e A

c l
Unconstrained Earliest Possible start and end times

r a
Unconstrained Latest Possible start and end times

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11. Resource Activities View
r aAs in the orders view the user can choose what columns they would like to display in the left pane. These
columns represent information about the resource..
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Chapter 10 - Page 71
For each resource shown, the right pane shows the resource availability (as a backdrop) and the resource
activities scheduled on the resource (in the foreground). The changeover time is displayed in a distinguishing
color as controlled by user preferences.

Overlapping bars could either mean that the resource is overloaded or that the resource has more than one
available unit. If the row being displayed is that of a resource instance, then overlapping bars do mean that the
instance is overloaded.

Information about Shaded background Bars represent

the resource indicates resource scheduled activities.
uptime Distinguishing color for
setup and changeover

Users can control the coloring scheme to be applied to distinguish activities with certain characteristics such as:

• Late Orders
m y
• Early Orders
d e
• Firm Orders c a
• Orders causing overloads
e A
c l

r a
None (the default which does not visually distinguish any of the above)

O ly
Note: The user can only select one of these options at a time.

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12. Resource Activities - Viewing an alternate resource.
a e
When the user right clicks an activity and selects the “View Alternate/Primary Resource” option then a list of

t e r
possible alternates appears. These are derived from the routing definition for this activity. When the user selects

U s
one of these alternates, it will be added as a row in the Resource Activities view, along with any of its resource
instances, if it is a Sequence Dependent Setup resource scheduled to the instance level.

I n
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Chapter 10 - Page 72
m y
d e
13. Resource Activities - Loading an alternate resource. ca
e A
c l
The user can also load an alternate resource, by right clicking the activity and selecting “Load
Alternate/Primary Resource.” If the alternate resource is scheduled to the instance level, the user can choose to
just move the activity to the resource and leave the instance unselected or specify an instance to offload to.

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Chapter 10 - Page 73
14. Resource Activities - Viewing a simultaneous resource

The user can right click on an activity and select “View Simultaneous Resource”. The selected simultaneous
resource, and all its associated instances, will be added to the list of displayed resources in the Resource
Activities view.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 74
15. Resource Activities - Viewing a “Batchable” resource

A “batchable” resource is one in which multiple activities can be scheduled together as batches. From a display
perspective, users may want to either see just the batch or all the activities within the batch as separate bars. The
Gantt chart allows either mode of display.

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c l e View batches consolidates activities
that are part of the same batch on a
batchable resource on a single bar.

r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 75
16. Resource Activities - Resource activity split

In Oracle Process Manufacturing, users can specify resources as Chargeable resources. For activities scheduled
on such resources it is possible to display the constituent charges of a single resource requirements within the
activity. The start and end dates of each charge are shown as thin white lines within the bar that represents the
resource activity.

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17. Resource Activities - Rescheduling Actions

a e
There are various types of rescheduling actions that users can perform from within the resource activities view:


t e r U s
Drag and drop activities across time within the same resource or resource instance

I n
Move activities from:

c l e
• One resource to another (only if they are defined in the routing as valid alternates)

r a • One instance of a resource to another instance of the same resource (only for Sequence
Dependent Setup resources)

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Chapter 10 - Page 76
• A right click option “Reschedule” brings up a window where the user can enter specific
dates to reschedule activities to. This is another way to perform the manual reschedule.

Drag and drop.

Pull in.
Push out.
Move to another resource.

Right-click reschedule
option to edit activity dates.

m y
18. Resource Activities - Firming activities
d e
Users can firm activities from within the resource activities view. There are seven possible combinations of
activity attributes that can be firmed. Once firmed, the activity will be shown in a different color, according to
user preference.

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Chapter 10 - Page 77
19. Accessing Other Functionality

A right click on each activity from within the resource activities view presents a set of choices to the user.

• Navigation to other windows in the Planner workbench: Information shown in these

windows will be in the context of the selected resource activity

• Properties: Opens a window that shows more attributes of the selected activity than
displayed on the mouse over

• Hide/Show Resource: Used to temporarily Hide and Unhide a resource from the display

• Save Layout: Saves the list of displayed columns and their relative order to the current

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 78
20. Resource Hours View

The bar representing availability is shown on the right. The “runtime” and “setup time” bars are stacked one on
top of the other and shown relative to the availability.

Each component of hours

displays in a different color.

Mouse over on a time

bucket shows the values
for Available Hours, Setup
Hours and Run Hours

It is possible to further breakdown the runtime hours the amount spent on:

Late Orders

Early Orders
m y
• Firm Orders
d e
• Orders overloading resources c a
e A
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Run hours split
n a e
to show hours
late and not late

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Chapter 10 - Page 79
21. Resource Units View

This view is useful if there are a large number of available units per resource, which is common for labor
resources, and if the units available vary with time (shift-specific units).

Continuous time
display of available,
used and overloaded
resource units

m y
22. Supplier Capacity View
d e
The slider scale controls the maximum value of the vertical scale. It is useful because supplier capacity

accumulates over time and could increase to very large numbers by the end of the horizon. If all display is
scaled to the value of supplier capacity at the end of the horizon the view will become very difficult to use. To

vertical dimension.
c l
address this issue, the user has been provided with a slider scale that they can use to control the scale along the

r a
Note that the bars represent capacity usage. They do not necessarily have to match up with the dock dates of

O ly
supply orders. For example a single purchase order of quantity 1000 can use up supplier capacity from Day 1 to
Day 10 if the capacity is 100/day. In such an example, all 10 days will show capacity consumption although the

& On
order is placed only on the tenth day.

n a e
Suppliers with infinite capacity modeled from a planning perspective are identified using a specific background

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Chapter 10 - Page 80
Line graph of
cumulative available

Slider for dynamic Available capacity

vertical scaling. compared with
capacity used.

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e A
c l
r a Dark background

O ly indicates infinite

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 81
Planning Detail Report

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Planning Detail Report
e A
c l
The Planning Detail Report provides a simple and consolidated report that shows the output of

r a
the advanced supply chain planning process. The report gives detailed information to help you
understand and analyze the supply chain planning results by presenting the data selectively and
O ly
coherently. For a given Supply Chain Plan, the report includes the relevant details about items,

exceptions in separate worksheets. & On
resources, gross requirements, scheduled receipts, planned orders, plan constraints, and

a e
The Planning Detail Report contains six worksheets:
t e r
• Plan Details - shows the details of the selected plan from the ASCP plan options screen
• Item Details - shows the details of the selected items
I n
• Resource Details - shows the details of the selected resources
• Vertical Plan - shows the cumulative supply/demand picture (No buckets)

l e
• Late Order Exceptions - Shows the details of late orders. Only the following exceptions
are included in the Late Orders Exception Worksheet:

r a - Past Due Sales Order and Forecast

O - Late supply pegged to sales order or forecast

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Chapter 10 - Page 82
- Late replenishments for sales order or forecast
- Replenishment after need date
- Past Due orders
• Other Exceptions- shows the material and resource related exceptions that span the
following exception groups:
- Material and resource capacity constraints
- Shortages and Excess
You can specify the details you need to see in the report. For example, you can choose not to
see a particular worksheet, and you can control the display by selecting the sorting rule. For
example, if a report shows material and capacity constraints, you can sort the data on the basis
of items or exceptions. A column can be removed from a worksheet, but if the new format
(with the deleted column) is saved by any one user, other users would also not be able to view
that column.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 83
Plan Comparison Report

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Plan Comparison Report
e A
c l
If you rerun a plan or run a new plan after making changes or simulated changes, you can

r a
compare two plans to find out why the two plans differ. This is useful for determining if:
• Actions taken by a planner to solve a specific problem have the desired overall effect
O ly
- For example, a planner may choose to address a late sales order by increasing the

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priority of the sales order, and then replanning (generating a new plan in the process).
By comparing the new plan to the original plan, the planner can see whether the
a e
problem sales order is now on time, and whether any other sales orders may have
t e r
been pushed out as a result of pulling in the problem sales order.

U s
• Plan setup changes led to changes in key indicator performance. You can compare the

To compare two plans: n
plan option settings for two plans.

l e
• Specify criteria for comparison attributes (preference sets) and the comparison display
(filtering criteria)

r a
• Select the plans to compare and view the comparison; you can drill down from exception
group comparison to exception type comparison to exception details comparison.
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 84
Workflow Notifications

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Workflow Notifications
e A
c l
You can automate the processing of exceptions which lets you take corrective action more

r a
quickly and efficiently, driving overhead costs out of your process.
Using Oracle Workflow, you can automatically forward exceptions to your trading partners.
O ly
They can research and respond to exceptions through self-service web applications including

l & On
forecast maintenance, supplier capacity update, ATP, and a secured version of the Planner
Workbench. Trading partner responses can trigger other workflow activities such as a
a e
notification or an automatic reschedule of a purchase order or sales order.
e r
You can define the process that a Workflow Notification should follow which includes the
routing for the exception notifications, actions available to the recipient of the notifications,
t U
and the approval steps. The messages can be viewed either in Applications or via e-mail.

I n
Certain response actions may be required.

c l e
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 85
Guided Demonstration Overview: Running Enforce Capacity
Constraints Plan

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Chapter 10 - Page 86
Guided Demonstration - Running Enforce Capacity Constraints

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 87
Guided Demonstration - Running Enforce Capacity Constraints
Please mention guided demo identifier 2C79 in course evaluation comments.

1. From the Advanced Supply Chain Planner Responsibility, Instance : Organization TST:M1,
navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Names

2. On the Supply Chain Plan Names form, select plan Const-Cap.

3. Navigate to the Copy Plan form.

− (B) Copy Plan

4. The Copy Plan window appears. In the Destination region:

− Name = 00_ECC
− Description = 00_Enforce Capacity Constraints Plan
− Plan Type = Manufacturing Plan
− Select the Copy Plan Options Only check box
− (B) Click OK

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Chapter 10 - Page 88
5. A Note window appears to indicate the copy is finished.
− (B) Click OK to close the Note window and return to Supply Chain Plan Names.

6. On the Supply Chain Plan Names form:

− Highlight the new plan 00_ECC.
− (B) Click Plan Options.

7. On Plan Options, navigate to the Constraints tabbed region.

− Confirm that the Constrained Plan check box is selected.
− Confirm that the Enforce Capacity Constraints radio button is selected.
− Confirm that the Days column, Buckets row is set to 90.

8. In the Scheduling region, set the following (in this order):

− Minutes Bucket Size (in Days) = 2 (press the tab key)
− Hours Bucket Size (in Days) = 3 (press the tab key)
− Days Bucket Size (in Days) = 85 (automatically set)

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Chapter 10 - Page 89
• Save your work.

• Close the Plan Options window to return to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

9. On the Supply Chain Plan Names form

• Highlight your plan 00_ECC.

• (B) Click Launch Plan.

10. The Parameters window appears in front of the Launch SCP Plan form. In the Launch SCP
Plan form, Parameters window:
− Confirm Plan Name = 00_ECC

• (B) Click OK.

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Chapter 10 - Page 90
11. On the Launch SCP Plan form, (B) click Submit.

12. The Decision window appears.

• Note the request number. _____________

• (B) Click No.

• Close the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 91
Topic Overview: Details I

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 92
Bottleneck Resources

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Bottleneck Resources
e A
c l
If you plan using a bottleneck resource group, the planning engine schedules all resources but

in the bottleneck resource group. r a

schedules resources in the bottleneck resource group differently than it schedules resources not

O ly
For resources in the bottleneck resource group, it performs the usual detailed scheduling

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referring to the constraint planning options that you selected.
For resources not in the bottleneck resource group, it schedules activities and operations:
• When needed
n a e
t e r U s
• Based on the required duration (Resource usage and Assigned units)
• Without regard to resource capacity. If its actions overload resource capacity, it issues

I n
Resource overloaded exception messages.
• Without regard to the plan option Resource Constraints.

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Chapter 10 - Page 93
Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints

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Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints
e A
c l
If you launch an enforce capacity constraints plan without enforcing resource constraints, the

planning engine can overload resources but cannot compress time.
O ly
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 94
Flexible Shift Times: Day Bucket

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Flexible Shift Times: Day Bucket
e A
c l
This feature enables planners to plan resource shift start and end times at any minute within the

r a
hour. This feature enables ASCP to handle aggregate planning and detailed scheduling
concurrently and to accurately schedule resources down to the minute time level.
O ly
Flexible shift times means that, in daily or hourly buckets, the scheduling process considers

l & On
total time in the bucket without regard to the exact minute of activity start and stop times; that
is, within the bucket, it schedules time flexibly.
a e
For example, a daily bucket has breaks at 4:00-5:00, 12:00-13:00 and 20:00-21:00. A 2-hour
e r
operation in that bucket would be stretched into a 2 / (21/24) = 2.29-hour operation. The exact
timing of breaks within this day-level planning bucket is ignored. This solution maintains as
t U
much scheduling accuracy as possible when more aggregate (time-bucketed) planning is being

I n
done. In comparison, in the minute planning bucket, the operation would take exactly 2 hours

c l e
and would not be scheduled within a break.

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Chapter 10 - Page 95
Flexible Shift Times: Hour Bucket

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Flexible Shift Times: Hour Bucket
e A
c l
Consider a one-hour portion of the planning horizon (1:00 - 2:00). Within this period there is a

r a
resource break of 15 minutes (1:30-1:45). The size of the planning time bucket is 1 hour.
ASCP calculates an elongation factor for this period that is equal to the ratio of working time
O ly
within the period to the total duration of the period.

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• Elongation factor = (60 – 15) / 60 = 0.75
If there is a resource requirement of 18 minutes, due at 2:00, by using the elongation factor, the
a e
requirement duration is calculated to be:
t e r U s
• Requirement duration = 18 / 0.75 = 24 minutes
The requirement start time is therefore set to requirement end time (2:00) minus 24 minutes:

I n
• Requirement start time = 1:36

l e
The figure is an example of how a resource break is scheduled for when the planning time
bucket size is one hour.
r a
Note that the requirement is scheduled to start in the middle of the resource break; the exact
timing of the resource break is ignored. This is an approximation that ASCP makes in any time

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 96
bucket of size 1 hour or more. It allows for as much scheduling accuracy as possible while
planning at more aggregate time levels.

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Chapter 10 - Page 97
Flexible Shift Times: Minute Bucket

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Flexible Shift Times: Minute Bucket
e A
c l
Consider the same one-hour portion of the planning horizon (1:00 - 2:00), with the same

r a
resource break of 15 minutes (1:30-1:45). In this example, the size of the planning time bucket
is 1 minute (the smallest permitted by ASCP).
O ly
Once again there is a resource requirement of 18 minutes, due at 2:00.

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Since this is the minute-by-minute detailed scheduling portion of the plan horizon, break start
and end times are accounted for down to the nearest minute. An elongation factor is not used.
a e
The requirement start time is calculated to be 1:27.
t e
bucket size is one minute.
r U s
The figure is an example of how a resource break is scheduled for when the planning time

I n
This allows for 3 of the 18 minutes of work to be done before the break (1:27 to 1:30), then the
remaining 15 minutes of work to be done after the break (1:45 to 2:00). No work is scheduled

l e
during the break.
r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 98
Firm Work Orders

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Firm Work Orders
e A
Firm work orders are work orders that are:
c l
r a
• Under the control of a shop floor manufacturing application

O ly
• Marked as do not change by shop-floor or planning personnel
The planning engine does not change firm work order operation start and end times and

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resource usages. However, it calculates firm work order resource requirements and reduces
resource availability by these requirements (processes firm work orders).

n a e
The planning engine processes firm work orders before it schedules non-firm work orders and

t e r U s
planned orders. It does this without regard to the demand priorities. After it processes firm
work orders, it schedules non-firm work orders and planned orders in the manner prescribed by

the plan options and profile options.
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 99
Practice Overview: Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints
Plans I

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Chapter 10 - Page 100
Practice - Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans I

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 101
Practice - Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans I
Please mention lab identifier 3EB2 in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers working with enforce capacity constraints plans.

Make a Copy of the Constrained Plan

1. Navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

2. Select plan 00_ECC and enter the information to copy the plan.

Work With the ECC Plan

3. Navigate to the Planner Workbench window.

4. Select plan XX_ECC.

5. Resolve one Material constraint exception message.

m y
6. View Constrained - Enforce capacity constraints exception message Resource constraint for
resource CHIPMOUNT1 in organization S1. When does the first exception message occur?
d e
7. Resolve one Resource constraint exception message.
8. Compare the three strategies for analyzing causes of late demands. Begin the comparison by
e A
trying the basic strategy--look over the late replenishment exception details.
r a
9. Continue the comparison of the three strategies for analyzing causes of late demands. Try
the more detailed strategy--analyze related exceptions to the late replenishment exception
details. O ly
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10. Finish the comparison of the three strategies for analyzing causes of late demands. Try the

n a e
most detailed strategy--use the late demand diagnosis capabilities of the Critical Path Gantt
Chart view. Note some of its features.

t e r
11. Respond to recommendations.
U s
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 102
Solution – Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans I
Make a Copy of the Constrained Plan

For details, see the guided demonstration:

From the Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility, Instance : Organization TST:M1,
navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Names

On the Supply Chain Plan Names (TST:M1) form,

• Select plan 00_ECC.

Note: Plan 00_ECC is a copy of seeded plan Const-Cap, which was created during
the preceding guided demonstration.

• (B) Click Copy Plan

• On the Copy Plan Form, enter the information to copy the plan.
− Name = XX_ECC
− Meaning = XX_ECC Plan
− Plan Type = Manufacturing Plan
m y
Work With your ECC Plan
d e
Navigate to the Planner Workbench window.
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench

e A
Select plan XX_ECC.
c l
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench Navigator
− Select tab Plans
− View By = Actions r a
− Expand directory Plans O ly
− Select plan XX_ECC
l & On
a e
Resolve one Material constraint exception message.
t e r
− Expand version Current
− Expand exception group Material and Resource Capacity Exceptions
I n
− Expand exception message Material constraint
− Expand instance:organization TST:M1

c l e
− Right-click item CM66321 and select Exceptions > Detail
− Items CM66332 and CM66333 in organization S1 also have this exception message

r a
Resolve one Material constraint exception message.

O − Select a material constraint exception message (not the first one)

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Chapter 10 - Page 103
− Click Suppliers
− Find the supplier capacity for the day of the exception message
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
− Right-click the exception message item and select BOM/Routing > Where Used
− The usage of the exception message item in its assembly
− Navigate to the Exception Details window and click Supply/Demand
− Find the requirements listed for the exception message day
− Multiple highlight those requirements and click Supply/Demand
− Find the planned orders from which the resource requirements come
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
− View By = Suppliers
− Expand directory Plans
− Expand the directory of the exception message supplier
− Expand the item category of the exception message item
− Right-click the item of the exception message and select Horizontal Plan > Default
− View the overload on the supplier (Net Available Capacity, Cumulative Available
− Decide whether to move the end demand or to increase the supplier capacity.

View Constrained - Enforce capacity constraints exception message Resource constraint for
resource CHIPMOUNT1 in organization S1. When does the first exception message occur?
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench navigator
m y
− Select tab Plans
− View By = Actions
d e
− Expand directory Plans
− Select plan XX_ECC ca
− Expand version Current

e A
c l
− Expand exception group Material and Resource Capacity Exceptions
− Expand exception message Resource constraint

− Expand department SURF MOUNT r a

− Expand instance:organization TST:S1

O ly
− Right-click resource CHIPMOUNT1 and select Exceptions > Detail

− Click Supply/Demand
l & On
− Select the first exception message

a e
− Right-click the order row and select Resource Requirements
e r s
Resolve one Resource constraint exception message.
t U
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench Navigator

I n
− Right-click CHIPMOUNT1 and select Resources > Resource Availability
− Select the availability row for the exception message day
l e
− Find the CHIPMOUNT1 availability for the exception message day
− Select Details and note the shift information for this resource

r a − Click Requirements

O − Total the requirement hours for the requirements on the exception message day

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Chapter 10 - Page 104
− Select the first one
− Click Supply
− Note the planned order that is the is the source of the resource requirement
− Expand the pegging tree through the supply chain to determine the ultimate demand
source for this resource requirement.
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench Navigator
− View by = Resources
− Expand directory Plans
− Expand directory XX_ECC
− Expand the exception message organization
− Expand directory Production
− Expand the department of the exception message resource
− Right-click the exception message resource and select Horizontal Plan > Default
− View the resource overload on the exception message day
− Decide whether to reduce the forecast or increase the capacity.
− You decide to increase the resource capacity by assigning more capacity units,
shifts, or hours to cover the overload
− Double-click the Hours available cell
− Select Details
− Navigate to the Update Resource region
Update Mode = Add Capacity

− Enter From Date, To Date, Shift Num, and Capacity Units
m y
Compare the three strategies for analyzing causes of late demands. Begin the comparison by
trying the basic strategy--look over the late replenishment exception details.
d e
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench Navigator
− View by = Actions ca
− Expand directory Plans
e A
− Expand plan XX_ECC
− Expand version (current)
c l
r a
− Expand exception group Late sales orders and forecasts
− Expand exception message Late replenishment for forecast
− Expand an organization O ly
> Summary
l & On
− Right click exception message Late replenishment for forecast and select Exceptions

a e
− Double-click exception group Late sales orders and forecasts
t e r s
− Double-click exception message Late replenishment for forecast
− Select a message (not the first one) and click Supply/Demand
I n
− Navigate to the pegging region
− Select icon Supply Pegging

l e
− Expand the pegging tree down to a department/resource of a planned order

− Right-click the department/resource and select Horizontal Plan

r a − From this point, you can view resource requirements and availability and drill-down
for more information
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Chapter 10 - Page 105
Continue the comparison of the three strategies for analyzing causes of late demands. Try the
more detailed strategy--analyze related exceptions to the late replenishment exception details.
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench Navigator
− View by = Actions
− Expand directory Plans
− Expand plan XX_ECC
− Expand version (current)
− Expand exception group Late sales orders and forecasts
− Right click exception message Late replenishment for forecast and select Exceptions
> Summary
− Double-click exception group Late sales orders and forecasts
− Double-click exception message Late replenishment for forecast
− Select a message (not the first one), right-click it and select Related Exceptions
− From this point, you can view the material, resource, and order lead time constraints
and drill-down for more information

Finish the comparison of the three strategies for analyzing causes of late demands. Try the most
detailed strategy--use the late demand diagnosis capabilities of the Critical Path Gantt Chart
view. Note some of its features.
− For the best strategy, navigate to the Planner Workbench Navigator
− View by = Actions
− Expand directory Plans
− Expand plan XX_ECC
m y
− Expand version (current)
− Expand exception group Late sales orders and forecasts
d e
− Right click exception message Late replenishment for forecast and select Exceptions
> Summary ca
− Double-click exception group Late sales orders and forecasts

e A
c l
− Double-click exception message Late replenishment for forecast
− Select a message (not the first one), right-click it and select Gantt Chart

Critical Path Only r a

− The left pane upper display defaults to the critical path; the setting is (M) View >

O ly
− The right pane upper display defaults to actual times; the setting is (M) View >
Actual Times Only

l & On
− (M) View > Latest and Actual Times

n a e
− In the right pane upper display, the red symbols indicate the actual times--the actual
start and completion times for each activity from the planning engine schedule

e r s
− Scroll backwards; the black symbols indicate the latest times. These times represent
t U
the latest times that activities can start and end to meet the demand due date. The

I n
planning engine calculates them backwards from the demand due date without
considering resource and material constraints but considering the activity minimum

c l e
− (M) View > Earliest and Actual Times

r a − In the right pane upper display, the red symbols indicate the actual times---the actual

O start and completion times for each activity from the planning engine schedule

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Chapter 10 - Page 106
− Scroll backwards; the gray symbols indicate the earliest times--the earliest schedule
possible. These times represent the earliest times that activities can start. That
planning engine calculates them forward from the plan start date without
considering resource and material constraints but considering the activity minimum
durations. If the earliest times are greater than the latest times, not enough lead time
is one of the causes for the late demand.
− (M) View > Constrained Earliest and Actual Times
− In the right pane upper display, the red symbols indicate the actual times--the
planning engine schedule
− Scroll backwards; the pink symbols indicate the constrained earliest times--the
earliest that activities can start and end considering capacity constraints
− Look for the material or resources with constrained earliest time before actual time;
those are the root causes of the late demand
− For resource and material root causes, right-click the root cause in the left pane
upper display and note the options. Then select Properties and review the
information on the Properties window.
− For resource root causes, navigate to the left pane lower display and click Resources
− In Available Resources, multi-select the root cause resources and then click the icon
single right pointing arrow; the resources move to Selected Resources.
− Click OK and note the right pane lower display that displays the resource profile
− For material root causes, navigate to the left pane lower display and click Suppliers
− In Available Suppliers, multi-select the root cause organizations/items/suppliers and
then click the icon single right pointing arrow; the organizations/items/suppliers
m y
move to Selected Suppliers.
− Click OK and note the right pane lower display that displays the supplier capacity
d e
− In both resource and supplier graphs, right-click on a period inside the graph and
note the Resource Requirements by Demand Priority and Supplier Capacity

Requirements by Demand Priority graphs. These graphs show all of the A
requirements from non-firm orders in the period that peg to end demands of equal,
firm orders in the period.
r a
lower, or higher priority that the late demand that you are researching and then the

Respond to recommendations. O ly
− Expand directory Plans l & On
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench

a e
− Right-click plan XX_ECC and select Supply/Demand > Supply
t e r U s
− Select For Release or Firm for some recommendations and act on them. Make any
manual edits that you want to (use the Release Properties tabbed region).

I n
− Before you release, record the actions that you are about to take. After the instructor
re-runs the plan, you can check that your recommendations are implemented and see

c l e
their effect on the plan.

r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 107
Guided Demonstration Overview: Regenerating Plans

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Chapter 10 - Page 108
Guided Demonstration - Regenerating Plans

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Chapter 10 - Page 109
Guided Demonstration - Regenerating Plans
Please mention guided demonstration identifier 3EB3 in course evaluation comments.

1. From the Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility, Instance : Organization TST:M1,
navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

• (N) Supply Chain Plan > Names

2. Select one group’s Constrained – Enforce capacity constraints plan, such as 01_ECC.

3. Click Launch Plan.

4. In the Launch SCP Plan form, Parameters window:

− Plan Name = 01_ECC

5. Note the request number.

6. Navigate to the Requests form.

• (N) Other > Request

7. In the Parameters window, view All My Requests and click Find.

m y
8. In the Requests window, review the concurrent request entries. Refresh the window several
times and note the newly running processes.
d e
9. Repeat the process for each group’s Constrained – Enforce capacity constraints plan.
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Chapter 10 - Page 110
Topic Overview: Details II

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 111

m y
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c l
Pegging is a process that the planning engine uses to link:

r a
• Supplies to demands: All the way up to the top-level independent demand.

O ly
• Demands to supplies: All the way down to the bottom-level purchased component supply.
Use pegging to:

l & On
• Trace a purchased component or subassembly shortage to the sales orders and forecasts
that are affected.

n a e
• Prioritize critical material and capacity resources.

e r s
• Analyze the impact of changing a supply or demand
t U
Pegging plays a major role in determining the sequence in which demands are satisfied. For
I n
some pegging modes, the planning engine:

c l e
• Groups supplies and demands into time windows
• Sorts supplies by type

r a
• Pegs by demand priority or randomly within time windows

O In performing the pegging process, the planning engine selects demands and locates supplies to
peg those demands to. Therefore, we say that the pegging process pegs demands to supplies.
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Chapter 10 - Page 112
However, when some people think of pegging, they think of supplies pegged to demands.
When discussing the results of the pegging process, you can correctly say either that demands
peg to supplies or that supplies peg to demands. The diagrams in this course use arrows which
indicate the supplies that peg to particular demands.
To use pegging, you must enable it for the items and for the plan. Since pegging is required for
constrained planning, it is enabled by default in constrained plans. The planning engine pegs in
several ways (pegging modes). For certain modes, you specify information to instruct the
planning engine.
The planning engine pegs each item after the netting process. It begins with all of the items in
the highest bill of material level and proceeds level by level to the lowest bill of material level.
The planning engine passes independent demand priorities to discrete job and planned order
dependent demands to which they peg. Planned order dependent demands have lower priority
than discrete job dependent demands at the same bill of material level.

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Chapter 10 - Page 113
Pegging Modes

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Pegging Modes
e A
c l
You can choose from the following types of pegging:

r a
• Standard pegging: Demands and supplies are grouped by day. Within each day, the
demands are sorted by priority and the supplies are sorted by type.
O ly
• Priority pegging: Priority pegging pegs demands first to on-hand and firm supplies then

l & On
continues with other existing and non-firm supplies. It controls the trade-off between
holding inventory or satisfying lower priority demands. Demands and supplies are not
a e
necessarily grouped by days; grouping windows may be longer than one day.
t e r U s
• FIFO pegging: FIFO pegging pegs demands to supplies on a day-by-day basis. FIFO
pegging does group demands and supplies by day like standard pegging, it does not have a

standard pegging. n
pass for firm supplies like priority pegging, and does not sort supplies by type like

l e
• Priority/FIFO pegging: The planning engine uses a combination of priority pegging and

FIFO pegging methods. It does peg demands first to on-hand like priority pegging but

r a does not prioritize beyond the firm supplies like FIFO pegging.

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Chapter 10 - Page 114
Standard Pegging

m y
d e
Standard Pegging
e A
c l
Standard pegging groups demands and supplies into days, sorts supplies by type, sorts demands
by priority, then pegs within the day.
r a
The standard pegging process makes two passes through the demands and supplies.
O ly
l & On
n a e
t e r U s
I n
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r a
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Chapter 10 - Page 115
Standard Pegging: First Pass

m y
d e
Standard Pegging: First Pass
e A
c l
The planning engine groups demands into daily windows. It does not use profile option MSO:

ends at the end of the planning horizon.a
Demand Window Size. The first window starts at the first demand date and the last window

O ly
For example, the demand window size is 1 day, the first demand is due on day 5. The first

l & On
demand window is from day 5 to day 5, the second demand window is from day 6 to day 6,
and the third demand window is from day 7 to day 7.
a e
Demands in each window are sorted by demand priority in ascending order.
t e r U s
The planning engine groups supplies into daily windows. It does not use profile option MSO:
Supply Window Size. The first window starts at the first supply availability date and the last

I n
window ends at the end of the planning horizon.
For example, the supply window size is 1 day, the first supply is available on day 7. The first

l e
supply window is from day 7 to day 7, the second supply window is from day 8 to day 8, and

the third supply window is from day 9 to day 9.

r a
Supplies in each window are sorted by type using the following order:
1. Firm supplies
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Chapter 10 - Page 116
a. On-hand
b. Receipt shipment, intransit shipment, payback supply (Oracle Project Scheduling)
c. Work order (firm), job by-product supply (firm), purchase order (firm), non-standard jobs,
non-standard job by-product supply (always considered firm)
d. Purchase requisition (firm)
2. Existing supplies
a. Work order (non-firm), job by-product Supply (non-firm), repetitive schedule, repetitive
schedule by-product supply, flow schedule, flow schedule by-product supply, purchase
order (non-firm)
b. Purchase requisition (non-firm)
3. Planned supplies
a. Planned order (firm), planned order by-product supply (firm). You can raise the pegging
priority of firm planned orders by releasing them.
b. Planned order (non-firm), planned order by-product supply (non-firm)
The supplies in each type are sorted as follows:
• On-hand: Lot expiration date and then quantity in ascending order to use expiring lots
first. A demand pegging to an expiring lot must have its demand date earlier than the lot
expiration date; therefore, some expiring lots may not peg.
• Firm: By date in ascending order within each type.
• Non-firm: By quantity in ascending order within each type.

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Chapter 10 - Page 117
Standard Pegging: Second Pass

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Standard Pegging: Second Pass
e A
c l
The planning engine begins from the first demand window and pegs demands by demand

with the next supply window. r a

priority to supplies of the first supply window. If necessary, it continues the pegging process

O ly
As all demands in the each demand window are pegged, it moves to the next demand window

l & On
and pegs as it did in the first demand window
Unpegged supplies are posted to excess.
a e
In this example, demands D1 and D2 are sorted by priority in ascending order and supplies S5
t e r U s
and S6 are sorted by type. Pegged entities are connected by arrows.

I n
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 118
Standard Pegging Example

m y
d e
Standard Pegging Example
e A
c l
This example shows standard pegging for two items. It begins with various settings and then
shows the pegging for each item.
r a
Profile option MSC: Use FIFO Pegging is No.
O ly
Plan option Peg Supplies by Demand Priority: Cleared.

l & On
In standard pegging, the planning engine uses 1 as the value for MSO: Demand Window Size
and MSO: Supply Window Size and ignores the entered values.

n a e
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 119
Standard Pegging Example: Item A101

m y
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Standard Pegging Example: Item A101
e A
c l
This diagram shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A101. Demand

quantities are in brackets. r a

priorities are in parentheses, pegged entities are connected by arrows, and split supply

O ly
The first demand window starts on day 3 at the first demand date.

l & On
Supplies in the first supply window [day 1] are pegged in the following order:
• On-hand of quantity 25 on day 1 and demand quantity of 100 on day 3

n a e
• Firm planned order of quantity 10 on day 1 and demand of quantity 100 on day 3

t e r U s
• Non-firm planned order of quantity 50 on day 1 and demand of quantity 100 on day 3
Supplies in the second supply window [day 2] are pegged in the following order:

I n
• Firm planned order of quantity 5 on day 2 and demand of quantity 100 on day 3

c l e
• Non-firm planned order of quantity 35 on day 2 (for partial quantity 10) and demand of
quantity 100 on day 3

r a
• Non-firm planned order of quantity 35 on day 2 (for partial quantity 25) and demand of
quantity 100 on day 4
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Chapter 10 - Page 120
Supply in the third supply window [day 3] is pegged as non-firm planned order of quantity 75
on day 3 and demand of quantity 100 on day 4.

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Chapter 10 - Page 121
Standard Pegging Example: Item A102

m y
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Standard Pegging Example: Item A102
e A
c l
This table shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A102. Demand

r a
priorities are in parentheses and pegged entities are connected by arrows.
Supplies in the first supply window [day 1] are pegged in the following order:
O ly
• On-hand of quantity 10 on day 1 and demand of quantity 200 on day 1

& On
• Non-firm planned order of quantity 40 on day 1 and demand of quantity 200 on day 1
n a e
Supplies in the second supply window [day 2] are pegged in the following order:
• Firm work order of quantity 20 on day 2 and demand of quantity 200 on day 1

e r s
• Non-firm planned order of quantity 100 on day 2 and demand of quantity 200 on day 1
t U
Supply in the third supply window [day 3] is pegged as firm purchase requisition of quantity
I n
30 on day 3 and demand of quantity 200 on day 1

c l e
Supply in the forth supply window [day 4] is pegged as non-firm work order of quantity 40 on
day 4 and demand of quantity 100 on day 6

r a
Supply in the sixth supply window [day 6] is pegged as non-firm planned order of quantity 60
on day 6 and demand of quantity 100 on day 6.
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 122
Priority Pegging

m y
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Priority Pegging
e A
c l
Priority pegging pegs high priority demands first to on-hand and firm supplies then continues

or satisfying lower priority demands. r a

with other existing and non-firm supplies. It controls the trade-off between holding inventory

O ly
The priority pegging process makes three passes through the demands and supplies.

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Chapter 10 - Page 123
Priority Pegging: First Pass

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Priority Pegging: First Pass
e A
c l
In this example, assume that all supplies are firm.

r a
The planning engine starts with the demand of highest priority as specified by the plan's
demand priority rule. It scans backwards the number of days in the site or item-specific firm
O ly
supply allocation window (profile option MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward

l & On
days)) and finds the first firm supply quantity to peg the demand to.
The planning engine scans backward and finds supplies. It organizes and pegs them as follows:
a e
• Sorts on-hand by the lot expiration date and then quantity in ascending order. Pegs
t e
window includes day 1.r U s
demand to on-hand before other firm supplies of day 1 when the firm supply allocation

I n
• Firm supplies are not sorted on any given date.
If it cannot find enough firm supply quantity to satisfy the entire demand quantity, it scans

l e
forwards the number of days in the site or item-specific firm supply allocation window (profile
option MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Forward days)) to find supplies to peg the

r a
demand to.
The pass ends when the demand is completely pegged to firm supplies or all firm supplies in
O the firm supply allocation windows are exhausted.

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Chapter 10 - Page 124
This diagram shows an example of the first pass:
• Demand D1 on day 4 is the highest priority demand
• MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days) is 3
• MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Forward days) is 2
• Supplies S2 and S3 on day 3 are not sorted
• OH (on-hand) is sorted before supply S4 on day 1
• The order of supplies for pegging to demand D1 is:
- Backward: S1, S2 and S3 randomly; OH; and S4
- Forward: S5; D1 cannot peg to S6

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Chapter 10 - Page 125
Priority Pegging: Second Pass

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Priority Pegging: Second Pass
e A
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For the remaining demands and supplies, the planning engine groups all demands into

r a
windows by using profile option MSO: Demand Window Size. The first window starts at the
first demand date and ends after the number of days in the window size. The second window
O ly
starts at the end of the first window and ends after the number of days in the window size. The

l & On
last window ends at the end of the planning horizon. For example, the demand window size is
50 days. The first demand date is due on day 1. The first demand window is from day 1 to day

n a e
49. The second demand window is from day 50 to day 99.
Demands in each window are sorted by demand priority in ascending order.

e r s
The planning engine groups all supplies into windows by using profile option MSO: Supply
t U
Window Size. The first window starts at the first available supply date and ends after the

I n
number of days in the window size. The second window starts at the end of the first window

and ends after the number of days in the window size. The last window ends at the end of the
planning horizon. For example, the supply window size is 50 days. The first supply is available
on day 1. The first supply window is from day 1 to day 49. The second supply window is from

r a
day 50 to day 99.

O It sorts supplies in each window by type in the same manner as the standard pegging first pass.

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Chapter 10 - Page 126
Priority Pegging: Third Pass

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Priority Pegging: Third Pass
e A
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The planning engine uses the standard pegging second pass.

r a
This diagram shows an example of the third pass:
• MSO: Demand Window Size = 3
• MSO: Supply Window Size = 2 O ly
l & On
• Demands are sorted by priority in each demand window and supplies are sorted by type

Note that:
n a e
and date or quantity in each supply window

e r s
• Demand D1 is pegged to multiple supplies S1 and S2
t U
• Demands D3 and D4 both peg to supply S3
I n
• Pegged entities are connected by arrows

c l e
r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 127
Priority Pegging: Firm Supply Allocation Window

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Priority Pegging: Firm Supply Allocation Window
e A
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You can set the firm supply allocation window in these ways:

O ly
• Site level: Use profile options MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days)
and MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Forward days) for all items.

l & On
• Item level: Use Cumulative Manufacturing Lead Time (make items) or Processing Lead
Time (buy items) and the profile option MSO: Multiplier to Derive Supply Allocation
a e
Window to calculate an item specific value for backward calculations only.
t e r U s
If you specify a positive number for the value of profile option MSO: Multiplier to Derive
Supply Allocation Window, then the planning engine ignores the profile option MSO: Firm

I n
Supply Allocation Window (Backward days). If you specify a zero, negative, or null number
for the value of profile option MSO: Multiplier to Derive Supply Allocation Window, then the

l e
planning engine uses profile option MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days).


r a
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning derives a firm supply allocation window for each
item based on its item attributes as follows:
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Chapter 10 - Page 128
• Make: Cumulative manufacturing lead time. Either automatically calculate it or enter it.
To automatically calculate it use either the Oracle Bills of Material Compute Lead Time
calculation or the Lead Time Rollup concurrent processes.
• Buy: Processing lead time
These are the formulas for the item-specific firm supply allocation window:
• Make item: Cumulative manufacturing lead time * MSO: Multiplier to derive supply
allocation window
• Buy item: Processing lead time * MSO: Multiplier to derive supply allocation window
The value is rounded up to the integer. If the cumulative manufacturing lead time or the
processing lead time is null or 0 and the multiplier is positive, the planning engine uses the
item-specific firm supply allocation window which is 0.
For example:
• MSC: Multiplier to Derive Supply Allocation Window: 1.2
• Cumulative manufacturing lead times for item A101: 12 days
• Cumulative manufacturing lead times for item A102: 20 days
• Firm supply allocation window for item A101: 15 days (12 * 1.2 = 14.4)
• Firm supply allocation window for item A102: 24 days (20 * 1.2)

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Chapter 10 - Page 129
Priority Pegging: Sizing Demand and Supply Windows

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Priority Pegging: Sizing Demand and Supply Windows
c l
Very small or very large window sizes bring advantages and disadvantages to the results of the
pegging process.
r a
Some benefits of small demand window size are:
O ly
• Lower inventory and inventory carrying cost: Earlier demands are pegged to on-hand

l & On
instead of higher priority later demands pegging to on-hand.
• Decrease in total demand lateness: It is more likely that early demands are satisfied before
later demands.
n a e
t e r U s
A disadvantage of small demand window size is more late higher priority demands. Lower
priority demands are satisfied before higher priority demands and low priority demands for

I n
safety stock peg to on-hand.
A benefit of large demand window size is higher priority demands having a higher probability

l e
of being satisfied earlier.
Some disadvantages of large demand window size are:

r a
• Increased overall demand lateness.

O • Increased inventory carrying cost as more inventory is held.

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Chapter 10 - Page 130
When you are sizing the supply window, note that selecting a large window size can result in
the planning engine's pegging early demands to firm supplies or non-firm supplies at the end of
the window (firm supplies sort by type and date, non-firm supplies sort by type and quantity).
This results in increased lateness for the early demands.

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Chapter 10 - Page 131
Priority Pegging Example

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Priority Pegging Example
e A
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This example shows priority pegging for two items. It begins with various settings and then
shows the pegging for each item.
Profile option settings: r a
O ly
• MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days): 5

& On
• MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Forward days): 1
• MSO: Demand Window Size: 2
n a e
• MSO: Multiplier To Derive Supply Allocation Window: 2

e r
• MSO: Supply Window Size: 2
• MSC: Use FIFO Pegging: No U s
I n
Plan option Peg Supplies by Demand Priority: Selected.

l e
Item cumulative lead times:

• A101: 2

r a
• A102: 1

O Item specific firm supply allocation window:

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Chapter 10 - Page 132
• A101: 4 (2 * 2)
• A102: 2 (2 * 1)

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Chapter 10 - Page 133
Priority Pegging Example: Item A101 First Pass

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Priority Pegging Example: Item A101 First Pass
e A
c l
This diagram shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A101 on the first

order of the schedule entities is: r a

pass. Demand priorities are in parentheses and pegged entities are connected by arrows. The

• Demand O ly
l & On
• Pegging to on-hand and firm supplies within the firm supply allocation window. The
planning engine starts with the highest priority demand on day 4 going backward and then
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Chapter 10 - Page 134
Priority Pegging Example: Item A101 Second Pass

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Priority Pegging Example: Item A101 Second Pass
e A
c l
This diagram shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A101 on the

r a
second pass. Demand priorities are in parentheses, pegged entities are connected by arrows,
and split supply quantities are in brackets. The order of the schedule entities is:
O ly
• Demand position after of on-hand and firm supplies within the firm supply allocation

l & On
• Pegging to supply outside the firm supply allocation window, firm supplies first
a e
Note that non-firm planned orders are sorted by quantity in ascending order and firm planned
t e r U s
orders are sorted by date in ascending order. Therefore, the planning engine:
• Pegs the non-firm planned order in bucket 2 for quantity 35 and the higher priority

I n
demand in bucket 4. Pegs the non-firm planned order for quantity 35 on day 2 and the
higher priority demand on day 4. Pegs the non-firm planned order for quantity 50 on day 1

l e
and both the demand on day 4 (for quantity 25) and the demand on day 3 (for quantity 25).

• Pegs the firm planned order for quantity 10 on day 1 and the higher priority demand of

r a day 4.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 135
Network Routings

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Network Routings
e A
c l
Alternate ways of producing an item often demands flexible definition of Routings. Network

r a
Routings give you the flexibility of defining multiple manufacturing paths. Network Routings
are defined using Oracle Shopfloor Manufacturing (OSFM) at the source. When you set up
O ly
Network Routings, you can specify the estimated percentage of the orders that need to be

l & On
processed on a specific path. This is called the planning percent.
You can collect the Network Routings into the planning server using the APS Collection

n a e
program. You can snapshot the Network Routings and use them to calculate and schedule
resource requirements for existing Lot-Based Jobs and planned orders when you run a plan.

e r s
You can choose to schedule orders using Network Routings in three ways:
t U
• Primary Path
• Planned Percent I n
• Optimize
c e
This is an advanced concept in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning.

r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 136
Practice Overview: Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints
Plans II

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Chapter 10 - Page 137
Practice - Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans II

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 138
Practice - Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans II
Please mention lab identifier 3EB4 in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers working with enforce capacity constraints plans.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. After the instructor re-runs the plan, check the effect on the plan of your exception
resolutions for item CM66321, your exception resolution for resource CHIPMOUNT1, and
your implemented recommendations.

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Chapter 10 - Page 139
Solution – Working with Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans II
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. After the instructor re-runs the plan, check the effect on the plan of your exception
resolutions for item CM66321, your exception resolution for resource CHIPMOUNT1, and
your implemented recommendations.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints

Chapter 10 - Page 142
Constrained Plans - Enforce
Capacity Constraints with
Decision Rules
m y
Chapter 11

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 2
Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision

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Chapter 11 - Page 3

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 4
Module Overview: Topics

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 5
Topic Overview: Constrained Plans

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 6
Enforce Capacity Constraints

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Enforce Capacity Constraints
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The planning run generates a plan that does not violate manufacturing, supplier, and

r a
transportation capacity or result in material shortages.
Supplies may be late and the plan may violate demand due dates if necessary to respect
O ly
capacity constraints. You review late replenishment exception messages to see where the

& On
planning engine violates demand due dates.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 7
Enforce Demand Due Dates

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Enforce Demand Due Dates
e A
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The planning run may overload resource and supplier capacity (violate capacity constraints) as
needed to respect demand due dates.
r a
For example, the planning engine may schedule a job to use two resource units when there is
O ly
normally only one resource unit available or it may schedule a job on a resource when the

l & On
resource is on break or on its non-work time. The supplier capacity may be overloaded or the
purchase requisition may be scheduled within lead-time.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 8
Decision Rules

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Decision Rules
e A
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Decision rules are additional instructions to the planning engine on using substitutes and

r a
alternates to produce the supply with fewer constraint violations. It can automatically select
alternate routings, resources, bills of material, items, and sources. Decision rules are an
O ly
additional feature on both enforce capacity constraints and enforce demand due dates
constrained plans.
The decision rules are:
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a e
• Use alternate sources: Use primary sources as far as possible and use alternate sources
t e r
(rank 2 or higher) only if necessary.

U s
• Use alternate BOM/routings: Use primary routing as far as possible and use alternate only
if necessary.
I n
• Use alternate resources: Use primary resource as far as possible and use alternate resource

l e
only if necessary.

• Use end item substitutions: Use primary item and end item substitute, when enabled, prior

r a to creating new planned orders.

• Use substitute components: Use primary components as far as possible and use substitute
O component only if necessary.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 9
With decision rules you can do the following:
• Intelligently select alternatives with the minimum data input prerequisites possible. You
can run a supply chain plan that automatically selects alternate routings, BOM, resources,
suppliers, internal sources, end-items and components with the minimum amount of input.
• Enforce a specified sequence of decision-making actions (which may mimic a planner's
problem resolution thought process.) The sequence in which the planning engine looks for
supply using standard Oracle Application functions is transparent to the user. (For
example you may specify substitutes for a given component but not alternate sources.).
You can specify a global decision rule when more than one supply source can satisfy the
demand. (For example if you have specified both substitutes and alternate sources, you
can choose one over the other.)
• Make easier APS planning decisions because the decision-making process is more
transparent. You can select alternates when the primary source of supply is unable to
satisfy the demand. In doing so, you can express your preference as business rules, such
as: the alternate resource should be used before looking for alternate supply and substitute
• Restrict planning to a universe of authorized decision-making actions (for example, permit
exploration of alternate routings and substitute items but not of sourcing or permit
substitute components but do not permit end item substitution, even though rules are
specified for the given items at the source level.
• You specify the sequence in which the planning engine evaluates substitutes and
alternates. You do not need to use cost-based optimization to select substitute
components, alternate bills of material/routings and alternate sources.
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 10
Plan Type Comparison

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 11
Topic Overview: Plan Options

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 12
Decision Rules Tabbed Region

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Decision Rules Tabbed Region
e A
c l
To use the Decision Rules tabbed region, you must set profile option MSO: Enable Decision
Rules to Yes.
r a
Use End Item Substitution: If selected, use end item substitute prior to creating new planned
O ly
orders. If cleared, use only the demanded item. Enter the End Item Substitution Set in the Main
tabbed region.

l & On
Use Alternate Resources: If selected, use primary resource and use alternate resource only if
a e
necessary. If cleared, use only primary resources.
t e r U s
Use Substitute Components: If selected, use primary components and use substitute
components only if necessary. If cleared, use only primary components only.

I n
Use Alternate BOM/Routing: If selected, use primary routings and use alternate bills of
material/routing pairs only if necessary. If cleared, use only primary bills of material and

c l e
Use Alternate Sources: If selected, use primary sources and use alternate sources only if

r a
necessary. If cleared, use primary sources only. The planning engine does not use alternate
sources (rank 2 or higher) as a sources of supply unless the source is a buy from source
O (supplier). Rank 2 and higher supplies can always be used by the plan if required.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 13
Topic Overview: Decisions

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 14
End-Item Substitution

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End-Item Substitution
e A
c l
The term end-item refers to the finished good or saleable product. End-item-level substitution

r a
is an acceptable business practice in many industries. It is often possible to fulfill customer
demand on time when the requested item is not available by substituting a more functionally
O ly
rich product. Substitution is also done to use up existing inventory of older, functionally
equivalent items.

l & On
End-item substitution provides the following capabilities:
a e
• Enable substitution based on user-defined rules that can be effective either in one direction
t e r
or in both directions; defining a chain of substitution relationships is simplified by
inferring existing relationships
I n
• Consider substitution rules in the order promising process and suggest substitution similar
to planning; this is important because promising orders based on a logic which does not

c l e
consider substitution may lead to inaccurate promise dates and over promising
• Consider the customer/customer site ordering the item; for example, some customers

r a ordering a specific item might not accept substitutions; on the other hand other customers
ordering the same item will accept substitutions
O • Consider the effective dates of substitution rules prior to performing substitution

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 15
• Evaluate the effects of possible substitution rules by performing plan simulations
• Define whether orders may be fulfilled using a combination of requested and substitute
items or only one item

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 16
User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules

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User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules
e A
c l
This feature allows you specify and the planning engine to automatically select:

r a
• Alternate bill of material/routing pairs
• Resources
• Sources O ly
• Substitute components
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a e
It does this by providing decision rules giving you the ability to do the following:

e r
• Intelligently select alternatives with the minimum data input prerequisites possible. You
can run a supply chain plan that automatically selects alternate routings, BOM, resources,
t U
suppliers, internal sources, and components with the minimum amount of input.

I n
• Enforce a specified sequence of decision-making actions (which may mimic a planner's

l e
problem resolution thought process.) Once you have specified the alternates, the sequence
in which the planning engine looks for supply using standard Oracle Application functions
r a is transparent to the user. (For example you may specify substitutes for a given component
but not alternate sources.).

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 17
• Restrict planning to a universe of authorized decision-making actions (for example, permit
exploration of alternate routings and substitute items but not of sourcing or permit
substitute components but do not permit end item substitution, even though rules are
specified for the given items at the source level.
Non-optimized plans choose alternates without regard to costs. The planner ranks the
substitutes during set up. When the planning engine finds the primary unavailable, it checks the
highest ranked alternate and uses that. If the highest ranked alternate is also not available, it
continues down the ranked list of alternates.
Optimized plans consider substitutes if you select them in the decision rule substitution
options. However, they do not use a ranked list, they select the primary or alternate that is the

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 18
User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Alternate Resources

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User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Alternate Resources
c l
You can define alternate resources for an operation, but not for a routing. A resource for an

r a
operation can have different alternates, each with its own priority. The planning engine uses
the primary resource instead of an alternate as long as the primary resource is available.
O ly
Available resources are those that have available capacity when needed.

l & On
By default, the planning engine tries to minimize the use of alternate resources. But if it has to
use the alternates, it uses the priority you have assigned to the alternate resource while using

n a e
the capacity from this resource to build supply. If more than one resource is specified at the
same rank, then the planning search is at its discretion for constrained plans.

e r s
Specify alternate resources in the Resources form > Alternate Resources form.
t U
I n
The final scheduling phase of the planning engine always considers alternate resources, even if
the decision rule option is not selected. However, if User Alternate Resources is not checked,

c l e
then alternate resources are not considered second in the decision making hierarchy;
scheduling will tend to select other alternates and substitutes before using alternate resources.

r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 19
User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Substitute Components

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User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Substitute Components
c l
Each primary bill of material component can have substitutes. The planning engine uses the

r a
primary component instead of a substitute as long as the primary component is available.
Available components are those that have a projected available supply when needed.
O ly
You can define the priority of the substitute component. By default, planning tries to minimize

l & On
the use of substitutes. Also, the planning engine has an built-in logic that tries to use substitutes
at a lower level in your BOM than close to product completion in the BOM. Planning will

n a e
honor the priority that you have defined while searching for supply from the various

e r s
Specify substitute components in the Bills of Material form > Substitute Components window.
t U
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 20
User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Alternate Bill of
Material/Routing Pairs

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User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Alternate Bill of Material/Routing Pairs

r a
You can define alternate bills of material for an item and you can also define alternate routings
for an item. The planning engine uses the primary bill of material and routing instead of
O ly
alternates as long as the primary bill of material’s components and routing’s resources are

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available. Available bills of material are those whose components have a projected available
balance when needed. Available routings are those whose resources have available capacity
when needed.
n a e
t e r s
You must create and name alternate bills of material and routings in pairs. The planning
process will only use an alternate bill of material if there is an alternate routing with the same
I n
name and vice versa. For example, even if you have several alternate routings and only one
alternate bill of material, you must reproduce the alternate bill of material under multiple

c l e
names to match each of the several alternate routings.
You name the alternate bill of materials in the Bill of Material form and you name the alternate

r a
routings in the Routing Details form.
If you want to, you can set the priority of bill of material/routing pairs in the Routings form >
O Routing Details window. In the Routing Details window, priorities for routings are unique, so

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 21
you cannot assign the same priority to two different routings for a different item. However, you
can set the priority of the primary bill of material/routing pair lower than that of an alternate
bill of material/routing pair.
By default, the planning process tries to minimize the use of lower priority BOM/Routing.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 22
User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Alternate Sources

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User-Defined Alternate Decision Rules: Alternate Sources
c l
Each primary source can have alternates. The planning engine uses the primary source instead

r a
of a substitute as long as the primary source is available. Available sources are those that have
available supplier capacity (buy from) or projected available balance (make at, transfer from)
when needed.
O ly
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You can define the priority of the sources in the sourcing rule. By default, the planning engine
tries to minimize the use of alternate sources. But if it necessary to use the alternate sources,

n a e
then the planning engine uses the rank that you have assigned to the source for selecting the
alternates. An example of such a situation is if you would like to use and exhaust the supply

e r s
from the sources with a higher rank before you select one with lower rank. When there is more
t U
than one source set at the same rank, planning searches for supply in the following order
• Make
I n
• Transfer
• Buy
c l e
r a
If you have specified more than one source of supply of the same type, planning uses the
supply at its discretion. (For example you have two make sources and both are at priority 1).
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 23
Rank 2 and higher buy from sources are always evaluated without regard to the User Alternate
Sources checkbox in the Plan Options form, Decision Rules tabbed region. If you do not want
these considered, remove the rank 2 and higher buy from the sourcing rule.
Set sourcing alternates in the Sourcing Rules or Bill of Distribution forms.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 24
Decision Rule Hierarchy

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Decision Rule Hierarchy
e A
c l
When the planning engine is searching for on-hand balances and scheduled receipts, it looks

r a
for both primaries and alternates in the same organization before moving down the supply
chain to other organizations. Per the typical supply chain, it would exhaust options at the
O ly
distribution center before moving to the warehouse, a primary manufacturing plant, and a
secondary manufacturing plant.

l & On
For example, for make at items within an organization, the planning engine attempts the
a e
following before looking for alternate sources:
• Substitute end item

t e r U s
• Primary component using its primary bill of material/routing pair with alternate resources

resources I n
• Substitute component using its primary bill of material/routing pair with alternate

l e
• Primary component using an alternate bill of material/routing pair with alternate resources
• Substitute component using an alternate bill of material/routing pair with alternate

r a resources

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 25
Once the planning engine runs, you may find instances where the engine has recommended
alternates. When this happens, an exception message is generated. Typical planer actions may
consist of:
• Analyzing exceptions generated by the plan
• Using the Supply/Demand window, Vertical Plan window, and Horizontal Plan window to
get a detailed understanding of the demands placed on the alternates and supplies received
as a result of the user-defined decision rules, and analyzing possibilities of improving the
decision rules.
• Oracle does not recommend that you use pegging information to suppose the sequence of
selection of alternates. This is because the sequence of selection of alternates is more
apparent when looking at total demand and total supply across the time bucket where there
is a constraint.
If you simulate a plan, Oracle recommends:
• Do not toggle the site level profile option MSO: Enable Decision Rules. Switching the
profile option values and running on-line plans may lead to erroneous results.
• When simulating the changes in demand priorities, keep the priorities contiguous. For
example, if the original demand priority for Demand1, Demand2 and Demand3 for a
demanded item were 1,2, and 3 respectively, you can change the demand priority for
Demand1, Demand2 and Demand3 to 2,1, and 3 but not 2,1, and 18.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 26
Practice Overview: Working with Decision Rule Plans

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 27
Practice - Working with Decision Rule Plans

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 28
Practice - Working with Decision Rule Plans
Please mention lab identifier 3EB5 in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers working with decision rule plans.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

Make a Copy of the Decision Rules Plan

Navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

Enter the information to copy the plan.

View Decision Rule Plan Options

View the constrained plan options.

m y
Which type of plan is this?
d e
Find differences between the plan options for this plan and your xxECC plan.
Review Substitutes and Alternates

e A
Responsibility: Inventory
c l
Instance:Organization = TST:M1
r a
View item substitutes.
O ly
l & On
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1
n a e
t e r s
View an alternate bill of material/routing pair for item SB66328 in organization S1.
I n
View substitute and alternate exception messages.

c l e
r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 29
Solution – Working with Decision Rule Plans
Make a Copy of the Decision Rules Plan

1. From the Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility, Instance:Organization, TST:M1,

navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Names

2. Select Plan Name: Decision.

• Click (B) Copy Plan.

• In the Destination region of the Copy Plan (TST:M1) window, enter the information to
copy the plan.
− Name = XXDecision
− Description = XX_Decision Rules Plan
− Plan Type = Manufacturing Plan

• Click (B) OK.

View Decision Rule Plan Options

3. View your Decision Rules plan options.

m y
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Names
− Select plan XXDecision.
d e
− Click (B) Plan Options.
4. Which type of plan is this? ___________________________

e A

c l
On Plan Options (TST:M1) navigate to the Constraints tabbed region.
− The Constrained Plan check box is selected.

r a
− The Enforce Capacity Constraints radio button is selected.

• O ly
Navigate to the Decision rules tabbed region.
& On
− The check boxes for several Decision Rules are selected.

n a e
Navigate to the Optimization tabbed region.

t e r U s
− The Optimize check box is clear.

I n
Answer: It is a constrained, enforce capacity constraints plan with decision rules.

c e
5. Find differences between the plan options for this plan and your xx_ECC plan.
Answer: The plan options are exactly the same except that this plan has decision rules

r a selected.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 30
Review Substitutes and Alternates

6. Switch to the Inventory Responsibility, Organization M1. View item substitutes.

− (N) Items > Item Relationships
− Select organization M1

• The Find Item Relationships window appears.

• Select Substitute from the list of values in the Type field. Click (B) Find.

• The Item Relationships (V1) window appears.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 31

7. Switch responsibilities to the Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility. In

Instance:Organization TST:M1, view an alternate bill of material/routing pair for item
SB66328 in organization S1.
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− View By = Organizations
− Expand the Plans directory.
− Expand plan XXDecision.
− Expand instance:organization TST:S1.
− Expand item category ASSEMBLY.SUBASSY.
− Highlight, and then right click item SB66328.
− From the right-click menu, select Bill of Material/Routing > Components.

• The Components window appears.

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− The alternate bill of material is named LONG TEST.
I n
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r a
O • Return to the navigator.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 32
− Highlight, and then right click item SB66328.
− From the right-click menu, select Bill of Material/Routing > Routing Operations.

• The Routing Operations (TST:M1) window appears.

m y
− The matching alternate routing is also named LONG TEST.
d e
e A
c l

r a
Return to the Planner Workbench navigator.

O ly
8. View substitute and alternate exception messages.

l & On
On the Plans tab of the Planner Workbench Navigator:
− View By = Actions
n a e
t e r
− Expand the Plans directory.
− Expand XXDecision > current > Substitutes and Alternates Used
− Highlight Planned order uses alternate BOM/Routing

c l e
Select the Exceptions icon.

r a
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Chapter 11 - Page 33
m y
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e A
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r a

O ly
The Exception Details window appears.

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Chapter 11 - Page 34

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Chapter 11 - Page 35

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Capacity Constraints with Decision Rules

Chapter 11 - Page 36
Constrained Plans - Enforce
Demand Due Dates
Chapter 12

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 1
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 2
Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 3

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 4
Module Overview: Topics

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 5
Topic Overview: Constrained Plans

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 6
Enforce Capacity Constraints

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Enforce Capacity Constraints
e A
c l
The planning run generates a plan that does not violate manufacturing, supplier, and

r a
transportation capacity or result in material shortages.
Supplies may be late and the plan may violate demand due dates if necessary to respect
O ly
capacity constraints. You review late replenishment exception messages to see where the

& On
planning engine violates demand due dates.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 7
Enforce Demand Due Dates

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Enforce Demand Due Dates
e A
c l
The planning run may overload resource and supplier capacity (violate capacity constraints) as
needed to respect demand due dates.
r a
For example, the planning engine may schedule a job to use two resource units when there is
O ly
normally only one resource unit available or it may schedule a job on a resource when the

l & On
resource is on break or on its non-work time. The supplier capacity may be overloaded or the
purchase requisition may be scheduled within lead-time.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 8
Decision Rules

m y
d e
Decision Rules
e A
c l
Decision rules are additional instructions to the planning engine on using substitutes and

r a
alternates to produce the supply with fewer constraint violations. It can automatically select
alternate routings, resources, bills of material, items, and sources. Decision rules are an
O ly
additional feature on both enforce capacity constraints and enforce demand due dates
constrained plans.
The decision rules are:
l & On
a e
• Use alternate sources: Use primary sources as far as possible and use alternate sources
t e r
(rank 2 or higher) only if necessary.

U s
• Use alternate BOM/routings: Use primary routing as far as possible and use alternate only
if necessary.
I n
• Use alternate resources: Use primary resource as far as possible and use alternate resource

l e
only if necessary.

• Use end item substitutions: Use primary item and end item substitute, when enabled, prior

r a to creating new planned orders.

• Use substitute components: Use primary components as far as possible and use substitute
O component only if necessary.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 9
With decision rules you can do the following:
• Intelligently select alternatives with the minimum data input prerequisites possible. You
can run a supply chain plan that automatically selects alternate routings, BOM, resources,
suppliers, internal sources, end-items and components with the minimum amount of input.
• Enforce a specified sequence of decision-making actions (which may mimic a planner's
problem resolution thought process.) The sequence in which the planning engine looks for
supply using standard Oracle Application functions is transparent to the user. (For
example you may specify substitutes for a given component but not alternate sources.).
You can specify a global decision rule when more than one supply source can satisfy the
demand. (For example if you have specified both substitutes and alternate sources, you
can choose one over the other.)
• Make easier APS planning decisions because the decision-making process is more
transparent. You can select alternates when the primary source of supply is unable to
satisfy the demand. In doing so, you can express your preference as business rules, such
as: the alternate resource should be used before looking for alternate supply and substitute
• Restrict planning to a universe of authorized decision-making actions (for example, permit
exploration of alternate routings and substitute items but not of sourcing or permit
substitute components but do not permit end item substitution, even though rules are
specified for the given items at the source level.
• You specify the sequence in which the planning engine evaluates substitutes and
alternates. You do not need to use cost-based optimization to select substitute
components, alternate bills of material/routings and alternate sources.
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 10
Plan Type Comparison

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 11
Topic Overview: Exceptions

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 12
Enforce Demand Due Date Scheduling

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Enforce Demand Due Date Scheduling
e A
c l
Generally, the enforce demand due date plan can violate lead time constraints, However, there

is an option of running and enforce demand due dates plan that respects lead time constraints.
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 13
Sales Order/Forecast At Risk Exception Message

m y
d e
Sales Order/Forecast At Risk Exception Message
e A
c l
Exception message Sales order/forecast at risk is in exception group Late sales orders and
r a
This exception message appears when demands are at risk. A demand is at risk when it is
O ly
pegged to a supply order against which the planning engine has issued certain exception

l & On
messages. These certain exception messages are in the Supply Problems for Late Sales Orders
and Forecasts exception group and you can use them for further information about the sales
order or forecast at risk:
n a e
t e r
• Sales order/forecast at risk due to resource shortage

U s
• Sales order/forecast at risk due to material shortage

I n
• Requirement causes resource overload
• Order causes supplier capacity overload

l e
• Order causes transportation weight capacity overload
r a
• Order causes transportation volume capacity overload
• Order with insufficient lead time

O • Requirement with insufficient lead time

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 14
The information displayed for this exception message all refers to the demand line and is:
• Order Number
• End Item
• End Item Org
• End Item Description
• Order Due Date
• Order Quantity
• Customer
• Customer Site
• Demand Class
To resolve this exception message, check for more details from related exceptions in the
Supply Problems for Late Sales Orders and Forecasts exception group.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 15
Related Exceptions

m y
d e
Related Exceptions
e A
c l
Related exceptions are exception messages that relate to the same issue as other exception

r a
messages and often provide more detail about a situation. You can see related exceptions in
both Constrained - Enforce capacity constraints and Constrained - Enforce demand due dates
O ly
l & On
If you select an occurrence of exception message Sales order/forecast at risk, right-click and
select Related Exceptions, you may see one or more of the following related exceptions:
a e
• Requirement causes resource overload
t e r U s
• Requirement with insufficient lead time
• Order causes supplier capacity overload

I n
• Orders with insufficient lead time
• Order causes transportation capacity weight overload
l e
• Order causes transportation capacity volume overload
r a
• Order is firmed late
These exception messages from Constrained plans-Enforce capacity constraints mirror
O overload and lead time exceptions from Constrained plans-Enforce demand due dates:

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 16
• Resource constraint mirrors Requirement causes resource overload
• Material constraint mirrors Order causes supplier capacity overload
• Transportation weight constraint mirrors Order causes transportation weight capacity
• Transportation volume constraint mirrors Order causes transportation volume capacity
• Order lead time constraint mirrors Order with insufficient lead time
• Requirement lead time constraint mirrors Requirement with insufficient lead time

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 17
Requirement Causes Resource Overload Exception Message

m y
d e
Requirement Causes Resource Overload Exception Message
c l
Exception message Resource constraint is in exception group Supply problems for late sales
orders and forecasts.
r a
This exception message appears when, during scheduling a make order, the planning engine
O ly
detects a resource requirement that causes a resource capacity overload.

l & On
The planning engine does not observe exception set Overutilization % when deciding if there is
an overload but does observe it when deciding whether to issue an exception message. If you
a e
have an exception set for the resource and have specified an Overutilization %, the planning
t e r
engine finds the overload but may not issue an exception message if the overloaded quantity
falls below the Overutilization %.
U s
I n
The information displayed for this exception message is:
• Supply Order Number: The order number that contains the overloading resource

l e

• Order Type

r a
• Item

O • Item Description

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 18
• Start Date: The start date of the time bucket in which the overloading activity falls.
• End Date: The end date of the time bucket in which the overloading activity falls.
• Resource Requirements: The required capacity of the overloading activity within the time
• Resource Overload: The amount by which the resource capacity in the time bucket is
overloaded after scheduling the overloading requirement.
• Resource Name
• Organization
• Department
• Resource Sequence Number: In the routing.
• Operation Sequence Number: In the routing.
• Resource Capacity: The resource available capacity in the bucket before scheduling of the
overloading requirement.
To resolve this exception message, consider:
• Checking and evaluating the end demand information
• Collecting and evaluating available options regarding increasing available capacity or
decreasing required capacity
• Selecting and implementing options.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 19
Order Causes Supplier Capacity Overload Exception Message

m y
d e
Order Causes Supplier Capacity Overload Exception Message
c l
This exception message appears when, during scheduling a buy order, the planning engine

r a
detects an order that causes a supplier capacity overload.
View this exception message from Planner Workbench tree Suppliers.
O ly
The information displayed for this exception message is:

& On
• Bucket Start Date: The start date of the time bucket in which the overloading order falls.
• Item
• Item Description
n a e
• Organization
• Due Date t e r U s
• Dock Date
I n
l e
• Required Supplier Capacity: The required capacity of the overloading order within the

time bucket.

r a
• Supplier Capacity Overload: The amount by which the cumulative available supplier
capacity is overloaded after scheduling the overloading order.
O • Supplier Name
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 20
• Supplier Site
• Cumulative Available Capacity: The cumulative available supplier capacity before
scheduling the overloading order.
• Checking and evaluating the end demand information
• Collecting and evaluating available options regarding increasing available capacity or
decreasing required capacity
• Selecting and implementing options.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 21
Order With Insufficient Lead Time Exception Message

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d e
Order With Insufficient Lead Time Exception Message
c l
This exception message appears when the planning engine schedules a supply order within a

r a
window whose size is less than the minimum duration of the supply order.
The planning engine issues this message if either of the following situations exist:
O ly
• Constrained Plan - Enforce Due Date and Optimized Plan - Enforce Due Date: Profile

l & On
option MSO: Lead Time Control is to Violate minimum processing time to meet demand
due date and there is not enough lead time to meet the demand.
a e
• Constrained Plan - Enforce Due Date, Optimized Plan - Enforce Due Date, Constrained
t e r U s
Plan - Enforce Capacity Constraints, and Optimized Plan - Enforce Capacity Constraints:
A supply is firmed early and the upstream orders need to be compressed.

I n
The information displayed for this exception message is:
• Supply Order Number
• Item
c l e
r a
• Organization
• Order Type

O • Supplier: For buy orders.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 22
• Supplier Site: For buy orders.
• Source Org: For transfer orders.
• Ship Method: For transfer orders.
• Order Start Time: For make orders, the start time; for buy orders, the dock date; and for
transfer orders, the ship date.
• Order Completion Time: For make orders, the completion time and, for buy and transfer
orders, the due date.
• Minimum Lead Time: Based on the maximum assigned units in the routing.
• Minimum Start Time
• That the supply may be behind schedule
• Checking and evaluating the end demand information
• Either expediting work on the supply or adjusting the demand due date

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 23
Late Demand View

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Late Demand View
e A
c l
You can use the Gantt Chart late demand view in enforce demand due dates plans.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 24
Guided Demonstration Overview: Running Enforce Demand Due
Dates Plans

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 25
Guided Demonstration - Running Enforce Demand Due Date Plan

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 26
Guided Demonstration - Running Enforce Demand Due Date Plan
Please mention guided demonstration identifier 3EB6 in course evaluation comments.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

1. Navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Names

2. Select plan 00_ECC.

3. Navigate to the Copy Plan form.

− (B) Copy Plan

4. In the Destination region:

− Name = 00_EDD
− Description = 00_Enforce Demand Due Dates Plan
− Plan Type = Manufacturing Plan
− Select Copy Plan Options Only
− Click (B) OK.

m y
5. After the copy is finished, return to the Supply Chain Plan Names form. Highlight Plan
Name 00_EDD, and then click Plan Options.
d e
6. Navigate to the Constraints tabbed region.
7. Select Enforce Demand Due Dates. This should be the only change to the plan; otherwise the
e A
plans should be identical.

c l
• Save your work.
r a
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Chapter 12 - Page 27
m y
d e
8. Return to the plan names form, and then click (B) Launch Plan.
9. In the Launch SCP Plan form, Parameters window:
e A
− Plan Name = 00_EDD

c l
• Click (B) OK.
r a

O ly
On the Launch SCP Plan window, click (B) Submit.

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m y
d e
10. Note the request number.

e A
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r a
11. On the Decision window, click (B) No.

O ly
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 29
Practice Overview: Working with Enforce Demand Due Date

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 30
Practice - Working with Enforce Demand Due Date Plans

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 31
Practice - Working with Enforce Demand Due Date Plans
Please mention lab identifier 3EB7 in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers working with enforce demand due date plans.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

Make a Copy of the EDD Plan

Navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

Select plan 00_EDD.

Navigate to the Copy Plan form.

Enter the information to copy the plan in the Destination region:

m y
Work With the EDD Plan
d e
Navigate to Planner Workbench Navigator.
In the Navigator, select the Plans tabbed region.

e A
View By = Actions
c l
Expand directory Plans
r a
Multi-select plans XX_ECC and XX_EDD.
O ly
l & On
Navigate to the right-click menu and select Exceptions > Summary. Note the columns Plan and

n a e
t e r U s
Look at the exception messages in exception groups Late Sales Orders and Forecasts and
Material and Resource Capacity Exceptions. How might they differ by plan?

I n
View Constrained - Enforce demand due dates exception message Sales order/forecast at risk.

l e
View one Resource overloaded exception message.
r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 32
Solution – Working with Enforce Demand Due Date Plans
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

Make a Copy of the EDD Plan

1. Navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Names

2. Select plan 00_EDD.

3. Navigate to the Copy Plan form.

− (B) Copy Plan

4. Enter the information to copy the plan in the Destination region:

− Name = XX_EDD
− Description = Enforce demand due dates plan
− Plan Type = Manufacturing Plan

Work With the EDD Plan

5. Navigate to Planner Workbench Navigator. m y

d e
6. In the Navigator, select the Plans tabbed region.

7. View By = Actions ca
e A
8. Expand directory Plans

c l
9. Hold down the shift key, and multi-select plans XX_ECC and XX_EDD.
O ly
10. Navigate to the right-click menu, and then select Exceptions > Summary.

l & On
The Actions window appears.

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 33
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e A
− Note the columns Plan and Version.

r a
11. Look at the exception messages in exception groups Late Sales Orders and Forecasts and
Material and Resource Capacity Exceptions. How might they differ by plan?
O ly
− The EDD plan has Sales order/forecast at risk exception messages (with resource

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and supplier capacity overloaded, end demands are at risk of being late if you can’t
resolve the constraints); the ECC plan has Late replenishment for sales order and

n a e
Late replenishment for forecast exception messages (with resource and supplier
capacity respected, end demand fulfillment is scheduled late).

t e r U s
− The EDD plan has Resource overloaded and Supplier capacity overloaded exception
messages (by respecting demand due dates, it overloads resource and supplier

I n
capacity); the ECC plan has Resource constraint and Material constraint exception
messages (the planning engine reaches the limits on the resource and supplier

c l e
capacities, it begins to push out end demand due dates).

r a
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 34
12. View Constrained - Enforce demand due dates (Plan Name: XX_EDD) exception message
Sales order/forecast at risk.
− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− Navigate to the Navigator
− Select tab Plans
− View By = Actions
− Expand directory Plans
− Select plan XX_EDD
− Expand version Current
− Expand exception group Late Sales Orders and Forecasts
− Expand exception message Sales order/forecast at risk
− Expand an organization
− Right-click an item and click icon Exceptions

13. View one Resource overloaded exception message.

− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Workbench
− Navigate to the Navigator
− Select tab Plans
− View By = Actions
− Expand directory Plans
− Expand plan XX_EDD through the directories to exception message Resource
overloaded, right-click it, and select Exceptions > Summary
m y
− Double-click Resource overloaded
− Select an exception message (not the first one) and note its Start Constraint Date and
d e
End Constraint Date
− Right-click the same exception message and select Horizontal Plan
− Scroll to the constrained dates referenced in the exception message

− Note the overload (Net hours available)
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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 35

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Constrained Plans - Enforce Demand Due Dates

Chapter 12 - Page 36
Cost-Based Optimized Plans
Chapter 13

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 1
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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 2
Cost-Based Optimized Plans

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 3

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 4
Module Overview: Topics

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 5
Topic Overview: Plan Options

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 6
Optimization Tabbed Region

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Optimization Tabbed Region
e A
c l
Optimize: Select if you are running an optimized plan. Before selecting, verify that you

r a
selected Constraints tabbed region, Constrained Plan field. If you clear, you cannot enter any
other information in this tabbed region.
O ly
Enforce Sourcing Constraints: Select if you want to enforce the sourcing splits in the item

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sourcing rules. For an optimized plan, the planning engine may override these sourcing splits if
it results in less cost. For unconstrained and constrained plans, the planning engine respects
a e
these sourcing splits without regard to this option.
t e r
Maximize inventory turns: Specify a weighting percentage from 0 to 1.

U s
Maximize plan profit: Specify a weighting percentage from 0 to 1.

I n
Maximize on-time delivery: Specify a weighting percentage from 0 to 1.
Exceeding material capacity %: Enter a numerical value to quantify the impact of exceeding

l e
material capacity. For example, if you enter 50, the penalty factor is 50%.
Exceeding resource capacity %: Enter a numerical value to quantify the impact of exceeding

r a
resource capacity. For example, if you enter 50, the penalty factor is 50%.

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 7
Exceeding transportation capacity %: Enter a numerical value to quantify the impact of
exceeding transportation capacity. For example, if you enter 50, the penalty factor is 50%.
Demand lateness %: Enter a numerical value to quantify the impact of late demand. For
example, if you enter 50, the penalty factor is 50%.

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 8
Topic Overview: Concepts

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 9
What Is Optimization?

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Optimization Terms
e A
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The optimal solution describes a single course of action that is expected to result in the most

r a
beneficial outcome. There are several caveats for this definition.
First, the optimal solution is almost always found by manipulating a model of a real system. To
O ly
the extent that the model does not represent the real system in every detail, the solution to the

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model will not necessarily be exactly the same as the solution to the real system. There are
many kinds of models. Examples include architectural scale models of buildings, electronic

n a e
circuit models of mechanical systems, graphical models, and mathematical models. A model
represents the essence of a real system, but it does not, and should not, duplicate the real

e r s
system in every detail. As detail is added, the model rapidly becomes more complex and
difficult to manipulate.
I n
Constraints bind solutions to reality. Without constraints, optimal solutions have no meaning.

For example, say the objective of a grocery business is to maximize profits. If the grocer buys
apples for $0.50 each and sells them for $0.75 each, the optimal solution is to buy and sell an
infinite number of apples and become infinitely wealthy. The optimal solution is meaningless

r a
because it does not recognize that the supply of apples and the market for apples are bounded,

O or constrained, to something less than infinity.

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 10
Other examples of constrained resources include:
• Labor, considering skills, certification, contract limits, and so on
• Machines, considering maintenance time and the ability to achieve required tolerances
• Transportation, considering mode, weight and volume capacity, and lead time
• Finance, considering inventory investment, and limited ability to raise capital

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 11
What Is Optimization?

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Objectives and Assumptions
e A
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An objective criterion is a measure of how well desired goals and outcomes are being
r a
A solution is not feasible unless it simultaneously satisfies all of the constraints. It is possible
O ly
to have so many constraints that no feasible solution can be found. When no feasible solution

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exists within the given constraints, Oracle ASCP will force the solution to be feasible by
moving the production date out beyond the promised order due date. In other words, when the

n a e
choice is between missing a due date or creating no solution at all, the system will miss the due

e r s
Assumptions form a validity checklist. The concept of validity is different from the concept of
t U
feasibility. Sometimes when a solution is implemented, the results are disappointing. The

I n
source of the disappointment can usually be traced to a false assumption that was made while

creating the model. Based on the assumptions, the solution is correct. But if an assumption is
false, we have found the correct solution to a wrongly stated problem. The model is not a valid
representation of the real system.

r a
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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 12
Plan Type Comparison

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 13
Comparing Constrained and Optimized Plans

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Comparing Constrained and Optimized
e A
c l
An important difference between optimized planning and constraint-based planning is that

r a
optimization considers costs. ASCP optimization finds the solution that best fits a weighted
combination of objectives, as measured by the cost criterion. Therefore it is important that
O ly
accurate cost estimates are set up in the source instances.

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Penalty factors are applied to costs. When costs are missing or very inaccurate, unintended
events could result. For example, when no inventory carrying costs are specified, the system

n a e
might plan to build very large inventories. When there is no cost for a labor resource, that labor
could be utilized beyond exhaustion.

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 14
Comparing Constrained and Optimized Plans

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 15
Contrasting Constrained and Optimized Plans

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Contrasting Constrained and Optimized Plans
e A
Enforced and Non-enforced Constraints
c l
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• Both types of planning respect enforced constraints. They will create a sales backorder
when it is not possible to fill the demand within production and transportation constraints.
O ly
• Optimization satisfies weighted objectives within constraints. For example, it weighs the

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objective of on-time delivery against penalties for expedited production and delivery. You
can affect the solution by entering penalty factors, which are applied as percentages. The
a e
optimization process drives penalties out of the solution, tending to drive out the most
t e r
costly penalty factors first.

U s
• The Objectives region lists several desirable objectives. You enter weights, on a scale of 0

I n
to 1, to state how important those objectives are to you. The absolute value of the numbers
you enter are not as important as their relative value. In other words, heavily weighted

c l e
objectives are satisfied before lightly weighted objectives.
• The Penalty Factors region lists several undesirable outcomes. You enter percentages, on a

r a scale of 1% to 200%, to indicate how important it is to you that those outcomes do not
occur in your plan. For example, when the penalty for late demand (factor times line item
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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 16
value) is higher than the penalty for exceeding resource capacity (factor times work order
resource cost), the solution will tend to plan overtime work to avoid late delivery.
Demand Priorities
• Constrained plans respect demand priorities, even though plan profit could be increased by
filling a lower-priority order.
• With optimization, the priority of the orders may be overridden if optimization sees a way
to come closer to meeting the optimization objectives. For example, order priority could
be violated because plan profit would be increased by filling a priority 2 order ahead of a
priority 1 order.
Optimized plans respect the decision rules on the plan options. For example, if you do not
select Use Substitute Components, the planning engine does not consider substitute
components even if they are cheaper that than the primary components or if they allow
demands to be satisfied sooner.

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 17
Topic Overview: Objectives

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 18
Plan Objectives

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Available Plan Objectives
e A
Objectives are desired outcomes, such as:
c l
• Maximize inventory turnover
r a
O ly
- Turnover = Sales divided by Average inventory investment
- Turnover improves by increasing throughput through sales while simultaneously
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decreasing average inventory investment.
n a e
• Maximize plan expected profit
- Profit = Revenues minus Costs

e r s
- Preference is given to the solution alternative that best fulfills the goal of making
more money.
t U
I n
• Maximize on time delivery

c l e
- Days early or late = difference between date requested and date received
- On time delivery is an indicator of customer service level.

r a
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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 19
Planning Objectives

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Multiple Objectives
e A
c l
You can specify objective weights on the Optimization tab of the Plan Options window.
Conflicting Objectives
r a
O ly
Customer service level improves when plenty of inventory is available throughout the
distribution system. However this requires increased inventory investment, which decreases
inventory turnover ratio.
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Overtime and expediting costs incurred to increase service can consume the profit from sales.
a e
In many situations there is a tradeoff between customer service and profitability.
t e r U s
The cost of late demand is a measure of customer service level.
Enabling the Optimization Calculations

I n
You use the Optimize check box on the Optimization tab of the Plan Options window to enable
the optimization algorithms.
l e
Use the Advanced Supply Chain Planner Responsibility to navigate to the Plan Level Defaults
r a
region located on the Optimization tab of the Plan Options window.
(N) Inventory Plan > Options (T) Optimization

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 20
Topic Overview: Penalties and Constraints

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 21
Penalty Factors and Penalty Costs

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Factors Versus Costs
e A
c l
Penalty costs are different from penalty factors. Penalty factors are the percentages that you

r a
specify in the Plan Options window, profile options, item attributes, or flexfields. Penalty costs
are the result of multiplying penalty factors times some other cost, such as list price, item cost,
resource cost, and so on.
O ly
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For example, if an older machine with high maintenance costs is specified on the routing, the
shop floor manager may only want to use this machine in cases of extreme urgency. The

select the older machine.

n a e
planner can specify a very large penalty cost on the machine, so that optimization will rarely

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 22
Default Penalty Factors

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Default Penalty Factors
e A
c l
Penalty factors entered in the Plan Options window act as default values if detailed penalty

r a
factors are not specified elsewhere. They are overridden when detailed penalty factors are
specified. These defaults enable you to quickly prepare to generate optimized plans without
O ly
going through the effort of modeling penalties at specific levels of detail. As you refine your

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model with specific penalty factor information, solutions will take the new information into
account. As your implementation progresses, the benefits of improved solutions can be traded

n a e
off against the additional effort required to model penalties at greater levels of detail.
Defining Default Penalty Factors

e r s
Penalty factors, along with optimization objectives, determine the trade-offs made during
t U
optimization. Default penalty factors within the range of 1% to 200% can be entered in the

Plan Options window. n
c l e
The term factor indicates that the number you enter is multiplied by something else. For
example, the late demand penalty factor is a percentage multiplied by the line item value

r a
(quantity extended by price). When the system is making decisions to avoid late demand, it
will place higher priority on filling large sales orders on time.

O Penalty Factors with Defaults Located in the Plan Options Window

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 23
Penalty for late demand, factor as a percentage of item sales order line:
• Sales order level using flexfield
• Forecast item level using flexfield
• Organization level using flexfield
• Master item level using flexfield
Penalty for exceeding material capacity, factor as a percentage of item cost:
• Item and supplier level using flexfield
• Master item level using flexfield
• Organization level using flexfield
Penalty for exceeding resource capacity, factor as a percentage of resource cost:
• Resource level using flexfield
• Organization level using flexfield
Penalty for exceeding transportation resource capacity, factor as a percentage of transportation
• Ship method level using flexfield
• Organization level using flexfield

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 24
Setting Penalty Factors

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Penalty Factor Hierarchy
e A
c l
You can enter penalty factor information in a multi-level hierarchy. The figure shows the five

r a
hierarchy levels where you can set up penalty factors for exceeding resource capacity.
Penalty factors set up at a detailed level of the hierarchy override penalty factors set up at more
O ly
general levels. Implementations typically begin with penalty factors set up at the general level.

l & On
In this way the model can be quickly set up to begin return on investment. As time permits,
factors can be entered at more detailed levels of the hierarchy to provide a more precise model
for the optimization engine.
n a e
t e r
Generating optimized plans with certain costs set to zero will yield unpredictable results.
Optimization minimum requirements are:
I n
• Plan level penalty factors
• Purchased item cost

l e
• Rolled up manufactured item cost
• Resource cost

r a
• MSO: Inventory Carrying Cost

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 25
Topic Overview: Key Indicators

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 26
Key Indicators

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Key Indicators
e A
c l
Use Planner Workbench context window Key Indicators to see the key performance indicators
related to the plan.
r a
Oracle ASCP is integrated with Oracle’s E-Business Intelligence Suite performance
O ly
management system. The Oracle E-Business Intelligence Suite allows you to set the

l & On
organizational objectives used to drive continuous improvement in your enterprise. These
objectives, known as Performance Measures in BIS, are referred to as Key Performance
a e
Indicators (KPIs) in Oracle ASCP.
e r
You can set performance targets and exception tolerances by business units or by period and
automatically begin corrective action or notify the appropriate people when exceptions arise.
t U
Using the Planner Workbench, you can run multiple simulations, and compare them to your

I n
own performance metrics. As you firm a plan, you can directly update performance metrics in

c l e
the execution system.
The graphical display of the plan performance indicators gives you a quantitative assessment of

r a
the quality of a plan, based on its business objectives. You can see instantly how a plan will
perform at improving profitability, on time delivery, inventory turnover, and resource

O utilization. Selecting indicator graphs displays more detailed additional information about the

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 27
measure. You can also use Oracle Supply Chain Intelligence for more extensive analysis of
selected measures.
KPIs of multiple plans can be compared in the summary chart by selecting two or more plans
in the navigator window.
• Setting KPIs Without Oracle Business Intelligence System
• You are not required to purchase licenses for Oracle BIS to set the following four targets.
You can set performance management targets for these four key performance indicators
(KPIs) from within the Planner Workbench. From the menu bar, select Tools and then the
option to set KPI targets.
- On-Time Delivery = Percent of orders completed by the need date
- Resource Utilization = (Work load hours/Resource available hours)
- Inventory Turns = (Annual sales cost/Average inventory level)
- Margin Percentage = [(Revenue – Costs)/Revenue)] expressed as a percentage
• Inventory Turns Graph
• This graph compares the actual inventory turn values to the target values collected from
the source. You can view overall inventory turns for a plan or select a node on the tree to
see the node’s inventory turns. You can view the inventory turns value over time to
evaluate the plan throughout the planning period.
• The Inventory Turns graph is displayed at the following nodes:
- Plans
- Organizations
m y
- Product families
- Categories
d e
- Individual items
- Components
- Planning groups
e A
- Projects
c l
- Tasks
• On-time Delivery Graph r a
O ly
• The On-time Delivery Percentage graph is displayed at the following nodes:
- Plans
l & On
- Organizations
- Product families
n a e
- Categories
t e
- Individual items
r U s
- Components n
l e
- Planning groups

- Projects

r a - Tasks

O • Planned Utilization Graph

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Chapter 13 - Page 28
• The Planned Utilization percentage is available at the following nodes:
- Plans
- Organizations
- Departments
- Resource groups
- Resources
- Production lines
- Transportation resources
- Approved suppliers
• Margin Percentage Graph
• This graph compares the actual margin to the target values collected from the source. You
can evaluate alternate plans based on the net difference between plan revenues and costs.
Plan revenues are derived from forecasts and booked sales orders while costs account for
planned production schedule expenses.
• Margin percentage is available at the following nodes:
- Plan
- Organization
- Product family

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 29
Making Improvements Based on KPIs

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Making Improvements Based on KPIs
e A
c l
You can also change sourcing rules used by the plan to reflect material sources (for example,

r a
inventory stocks) that are controlled by the planner or the organization being planned. For
example, if a plan is run with many inventory sources specified in the sourcing rules, inventory
O ly
turns will be lower than if only a few inventory sources are used.

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 30
Making Improvements Based on KPIs

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 31
Making Improvements Based on KPIs

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 32
Making Improvements Based on KPIs

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Making Improvements Based on KPIs
e A
c l
To determine material and resource capacities required to meet all requested delivery dates for

r a
demand, run the plan unconstrained by material and capacity to determine total resource and
material capacity requirements. (Choose Plan Options > Aggregation tab to specify material
and resource constraints.)
O ly
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Example 1 - If material capacity is insufficient:
• Add capacity at the bottleneck suppliers
a e
• Specify alternate components that can be used if the primary (constrained) component is
not available

t e r U s
• Add capacity at feeder plants supplying sub assemblies

I n
Example 2 - If resource capacity is insufficient:
• Add capacity at the bottleneck resource. For example, add shifts, add outsourcing
l e
providers, add labor
r a
• Specify alternate resources that can be used
Example 3 - If material and resource capacities are not constrained:

O • Increase penalty factor for unmet demand and late demand

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 33
• Increase weight given to the maximize on-time delivery objective, decrease weight given
to other objectives

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 34
Practice Overview: Working with Optimized Plans

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 35
Practice - Working with Optimized Plans

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 36
Practice - Working with Optimized Plans
Please mention lab identifier 3EB8 in course evaluation comments.

This practice covers working with optimized plans.

Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

Make a Copy of the Constrained Plan

Navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

View the optimized plan options.

Which type of plan is this?

Find and note the two tabbed regions that have differences in plan options between this plan and
your xx_ECC plan.
m y
View sales orders for item AS66311 in organization D2.
d e
Compare the exception messages between your enforce capacity constraints plan and your
optimized plan.

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 37
Solution – Working with Optimized Plans
Responsibility: Advanced Supply Chain Planner

Instance:Organization = TST:M1

Make a Copy of the Constrained Plan

1. Navigate to the Supply Chain Plan Names form.

− (N) Supply Chain Plan > Names
− Copy Plan Name Optimized as XX_Opt

2. View the optimized plan options.

− Select plan XX_Opt
− Click Plan Options

3. Which type of plan is this?

• Navigate to the Constraints tabbed region

− Constrained Plan is selected
− Enforce Capacity Constraints is selected

• Navigate to the Decision rules tabbed region

m y
− Decision rules are selected
− Navigate to the Optimized tabbed region
d e
• Optimize is selected
− It is an optimized plan

e A
and your XX_ECC plan. c l
4. Find and note the two tabbed regions that have differences in plan options between this plan

r a
− In the Aggregation tabbed region, the plans have different days/weeks/periods

O ly
− In the Optimization tabbed region, this plan has optimization objectives specified

l & On
5. View sales orders for item AS66311 in organization D2.
− Navigate to the Planner Workbench Navigator

− View by = Organizationsa e
t e r
− Expand plan Optimized
− Expand organization D2
U s
I n
− Expand item category COMPUTER.HANDHELD
− Select item AS66311

l e
− Click the Supply/Demand icon

− (M) View > Find…

r a − Criteria = Order Type

− Condition = Equals
O − From = Sales Orders

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 38
6. Compare the exception messages between your enforce capacity constraints plan and your
optimized plan.
− Navigate to Planner Workbench Navigator
− In the Navigator, select the Plans tabbed region
− View By = Actions
− Expand directory Plans
− Multi-select plans XX_ECC (not XX_EDD) and XX_Opt
− Navigate to the right-click menu and select Exceptions > Summary. Note the
columns Plan and Version
− Browse the exception summary and find the exception messages that are prevalent
in each plan type

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Chapter 13 - Page 39

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Cost-Based Optimized Plans

Chapter 13 - Page 40

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