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These eKit materials are to be used ONLY by you for the express purpose SELF STUDY.


Edition 1.0
August 2007
Volume 3 - Student Guide
Management Fundamentals
R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

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Sudha Seshadri

Technical Contributors and Reviewers

James Michael Amulu, David Nelson, Amy Sonczalla

This book was published using: oracletutor

Table of Contents

Enterprise Asset Management Overview ......................................................................................................1-1

Enterprise Asset Management Overview ......................................................................................................1-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................1-4
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Overview .......................................................................................................................................................1-6
Capital Assets ................................................................................................................................................1-8
Rebuildable Inventory ...................................................................................................................................1-9
Asset Maintenance Goals ..............................................................................................................................1-10
Types of Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................1-11

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

eAM Capabilities...........................................................................................................................................1-13
eAM Functionality.........................................................................................................................................1-14
Managing Assets............................................................................................................................................1-15
Hierarchy .......................................................................................................................................................1-17
Managing Work.............................................................................................................................................1-18
Executing Work.............................................................................................................................................1-20
Maintenance Budgeting .................................................................................................................................1-22
Planning in eAM............................................................................................................................................1-23
Web-Based User Interface.............................................................................................................................1-24
Capital Asset or Rebuildable Inventory Performance and Forecasting .........................................................1-27
Using eAM for Plants and Facilities..............................................................................................................1-28
Complete Enterprise Integration for your Assets...........................................................................................1-30
eAM Business Flow.......................................................................................................................................1-32
User Roles .....................................................................................................................................................1-35
Support for 21 CFR Part 11 ...........................................................................................................................1-37
Setting Up Oracle Enterprise Asset Management ........................................................................................2-1
Setting Up Oracle Enterprise Asset Management .........................................................................................2-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................2-4
eAM Setup Overview ....................................................................................................................................2-6
Organization Setup ........................................................................................................................................2-8
Practice - Creating an Employee ...............................................................................................................2-9
Solution - Creating an Employee...............................................................................................................2-11
Setting Up Organizations...............................................................................................................................2-15
Enabling Organizations for eAM...................................................................................................................2-16
Guided Demonstration - Enabling eAM Organizations.............................................................................2-18
Defining eAM Parameters .............................................................................................................................2-20
Practice - Setting Up Organization User Values........................................................................................2-23
Solution – Setting Up Organization User Values ......................................................................................2-25
Guided Demonstration - Defining eAM Parameters..................................................................................2-29
Event Logging ...............................................................................................................................................2-32
Practice - Defining Areas...........................................................................................................................2-35
Solution - Defining Areas..........................................................................................................................2-36
Practice - Defining Resources....................................................................................................................2-38
Solution - Defining Resources...................................................................................................................2-41

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Practice - Defining Departments................................................................................................................2-50
Solution - Defining Departments...............................................................................................................2-52
Department Approvers ..................................................................................................................................2-56
Practice - Defining Department Approvers ...............................................................................................2-57
Solution - Defining Department Approvers...............................................................................................2-58
Miscellaneous Documents .............................................................................................................................2-59
Lookups .........................................................................................................................................................2-61
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Practice - Defining Lookup Codes.............................................................................................................2-64

Solution - Defining Lookup Codes............................................................................................................2-66
Category Codes and Sets ...............................................................................................................................2-69
Practice - Defining Category Codes and Sets ............................................................................................2-71
Solution - Defining Category Codes and Sets ...........................................................................................2-73

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

User-Defined Work Order Status ..................................................................................................................2-75
Asset Groups .................................................................................................................................................2-77
Practice - Defining Asset Groups ..............................................................................................................2-79
Solution - Defining Asset Groups..............................................................................................................2-80
Attributes .......................................................................................................................................................2-82
Practice - Defining Attributes ....................................................................................................................2-84
Solution - Defining Attributes ...................................................................................................................2-86
Asset Numbers...............................................................................................................................................2-91
Practice - Defining Assets .........................................................................................................................2-96
Solution - Defining Assets.........................................................................................................................2-99
Asset Routes ..................................................................................................................................................2-108
Practice - Defining Asset Routes ...............................................................................................................2-110
Solution - Defining Asset Routes ..............................................................................................................2-111
Asset Bills of Material...................................................................................................................................2-113
Practice - Defining an Asset BOM ............................................................................................................2-115
Solution - Defining an Asset BOM............................................................................................................2-116
Rebuildable Items and Serial Numbers .........................................................................................................2-119
Practice - Defining Rebuildable Items.......................................................................................................2-124
Solution - Defining Rebuildable Items ......................................................................................................2-125
Practice - Defining Rebuildable Serial Numbers.......................................................................................2-127
Solution - Defining Rebuildable Serial Numbers ......................................................................................2-130
Practice - Viewing Asset Details using the Maintenance Workbench.......................................................2-135
Solution – Viewing Asset Details using the Maintenance Workbench......................................................2-136
Non-Stock Direct Items .................................................................................................................................2-140
Practice - Defining Activities ....................................................................................................................2-145
Solution - Defining Activities....................................................................................................................2-147
Activity Association ......................................................................................................................................2-152
Practice - Associating Assets with Activities ............................................................................................2-156
Solution – Associating Assets with Activities ...........................................................................................2-159
Activity Workbench ......................................................................................................................................2-164
Maintenance Routes ......................................................................................................................................2-173
Practice - Defining Component Items .......................................................................................................2-175
Solution - Defining Component Items.......................................................................................................2-177
Practice - Purchase and Receive Component Items...................................................................................2-181
Solution – Purchase and Receive Component Items .................................................................................2-183
Practice - Defining a Maintenance Route ..................................................................................................2-188
Solution - Defining a Maintenance Route .................................................................................................2-191
Maintenance Bills of Material .......................................................................................................................2-200

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Practice - Defining a Maintenance BOM...................................................................................................2-202
Solution - Defining a Maintenance BOM..................................................................................................2-203
eAM Collection Plans ......................................................................................................................................3-1
eAM Collection Plans....................................................................................................................................3-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................3-4
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Overview of eAM Quality .............................................................................................................................3-6

Collection Elements.......................................................................................................................................3-8
Quality Collection Plans................................................................................................................................3-12

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

Collection Plan Attachments .........................................................................................................................3-16
Triggering Work ............................................................................................................................................3-19
Entering Quality Results................................................................................................................................3-23
Practice - Setting Up Collection Plans.......................................................................................................3-25
Solution - Setting Up Collection Plans ......................................................................................................3-28
eAM Work Management ................................................................................................................................4-1
eAM Work Management ...............................................................................................................................4-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................4-4
Overview of eAM Work Management ..........................................................................................................4-6
Work Requests...............................................................................................................................................4-9
Life Cycle of a Work Request .......................................................................................................................4-11
Overview of eAM Work Orders ....................................................................................................................4-14
Work Order Status Lifecycle .........................................................................................................................4-15
Release Approval Process..............................................................................................................................4-17
eAM Work Orders .........................................................................................................................................4-18
Routine Work Orders.....................................................................................................................................4-19
Practice - Defining Meters.........................................................................................................................4-26
Solution - Defining Meters ........................................................................................................................4-28
Practice - Entering Routine Work Orders..................................................................................................4-30
Solution - Entering Routine Work Orders .................................................................................................4-33
Preventive Maintenance Work Orders...........................................................................................................4-45
Rebuild Work Orders.....................................................................................................................................4-47
Defining Work Order Documents .................................................................................................................4-53
Operations and Tasks.....................................................................................................................................4-55
Material Requirements ..................................................................................................................................4-59
Resource Requirements .................................................................................................................................4-63
Work Order Relationships .............................................................................................................................4-69
Practice - Using the Scheduler Workbench ...............................................................................................4-71
Solution – Using the Scheduler Workbench..............................................................................................4-73
Work Order Transactions ..............................................................................................................................4-82
Transacting Material......................................................................................................................................4-83
Material Transaction Accounting ..................................................................................................................4-84

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Practice - Transacting Material..................................................................................................................4-85
Solution - Transacting Material .................................................................................................................4-87
Transacting Resources...................................................................................................................................4-93
Resource Transaction Accounting .................................................................................................................4-95
Practice - Transacting Resources...............................................................................................................4-97
Solution - Transacting Resources ..............................................................................................................4-98
eAM Work Completion Transactions............................................................................................................4-99
Operation Completion ...................................................................................................................................4-100
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Practice - Completing Operations..............................................................................................................4-102

Solution - Completing Operations .............................................................................................................4-104
Work Order Completion ................................................................................................................................4-109
Practice - Completing Work Orders ..........................................................................................................4-115
Solution - Completing Work Orders..........................................................................................................4-117
Closing Work Orders.....................................................................................................................................4-123

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

Using the Maintenance Workbench...............................................................................................................4-126
Practice - Using the Maintenance Workbench...........................................................................................4-130
Solution - Using the Maintenance Workbench ..........................................................................................4-132
eAM Preventive Maintenance ........................................................................................................................5-1
eAM Preventive Maintenance .......................................................................................................................5-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................5-4
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................5-6
Meters ............................................................................................................................................................5-8
Defining Meters.............................................................................................................................................5-9
Using Meter Hierarchy ..................................................................................................................................5-13
Associating Meters with Capital Assets and Rebuildable Inventory .............................................................5-14
Entering Meter Readings ...............................................................................................................................5-16
Preventive Maintenance (PM) Scheduling ....................................................................................................5-19
Defining Set Names.......................................................................................................................................5-20
Scheduling Types of PM Sets........................................................................................................................5-22
Entering PM Scheduling Definitions.............................................................................................................5-24
Entering Major PM Scheduling Options .......................................................................................................5-32
Entering Base Date and Base Meter ..............................................................................................................5-34
Entering Multiple Activity PM......................................................................................................................5-36
Example: Schedule Based On........................................................................................................................5-37
Defining Suppression Activities ....................................................................................................................5-39
Practice - Entering PM Scheduling Definitions.........................................................................................5-41
Solution - Entering PM Scheduling Definitions ........................................................................................5-44
Generating Work Orders ...............................................................................................................................5-57
Failure Analysis ...............................................................................................................................................6-1
Failure Analysis.............................................................................................................................................6-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................6-4
Overview of Failure Analysis........................................................................................................................6-5
Setting Up Failure Analysis Codes................................................................................................................6-6
Collecting Failure Information ......................................................................................................................6-8
Analyzing Failure Information ......................................................................................................................6-9
Practice - Failure Analysis.........................................................................................................................6-12

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Solution - Defining Failure Codes .............................................................................................................6-13
Asset Operation Management ........................................................................................................................7-1
Asset Operation Management........................................................................................................................7-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................7-4
Overview of Asset Operation Management...................................................................................................7-5
Tracking Asset Operational Statuses .............................................................................................................7-6
Setting Up Event and Operational Logging for Using Asset Operation Management ..................................7-8
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Checking In and Checking Out Assets ..........................................................................................................7-10

Logging Asset Operations .............................................................................................................................7-11
Viewing Asset Operations .............................................................................................................................7-12
Practice - Asset Operation Management....................................................................................................7-13
Solution - Defining Asset Operations........................................................................................................7-15

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

Purging Event Log.........................................................................................................................................7-20
eAM Planning and Scheduling .......................................................................................................................8-1
eAM Planning and Scheduling ......................................................................................................................8-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................8-4
Overview of eAM Planning and Scheduling .................................................................................................8-6
eAM Planning................................................................................................................................................8-8
Material Requirements Planning ...................................................................................................................8-9
Defining a Master Demand Schedule Name..................................................................................................8-10
Defining MRP Names ...................................................................................................................................8-11
Defining Plan Options ...................................................................................................................................8-13
Launching the MRP Planning Process...........................................................................................................8-15
Viewing Suggested Demand..........................................................................................................................8-17
Guided Demonstration - Setting Up Material Planning Parameters ..........................................................8-19
Guided Demonstration - Creating a Master Demand Schedule .................................................................8-20
Practice - Performing MRP for eAM Work Orders...................................................................................8-21
Solution - Performing MRP for eAM Work Orders ..................................................................................8-23
eAM Scheduling ............................................................................................................................................8-29
Defining Scheduling Rules for Work Order Relationships ...........................................................................8-31
Using the Scheduler Workbench ...................................................................................................................8-32
Direct Item Procurement for eAM Work Orders.........................................................................................9-1
Direct Item Procurement for eAM Work Orders...........................................................................................9-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................9-4
Overview of Direct Item Procurement...........................................................................................................9-6
Demo - Enabling Direct Item Procurement ...............................................................................................9-10
Entering Requisitions for Direct Items ..........................................................................................................9-12
Entering Non-Stock Direct Items ..................................................................................................................9-18
Creating Purchase Orders ..............................................................................................................................9-19
Practice - Creating Purchase Orders ..........................................................................................................9-22
Solution – Creating Purchase Orders.........................................................................................................9-25
Practice - Entering Orders for Direct Items ...............................................................................................9-32
Solution – Entering Orders for Direct Items..............................................................................................9-34
Accounting Entries Created...........................................................................................................................9-43
eAM Cost Management...................................................................................................................................10-1

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

eAM Cost Management.................................................................................................................................10-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................10-4
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................10-6
eAM Costing Methods and Mappings ...........................................................................................................10-8
Cost Management Setup................................................................................................................................10-11
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eAM Cost Estimation Lifecycle ....................................................................................................................10-14
Viewing Cost Information .............................................................................................................................10-17
Cost Rollups ..................................................................................................................................................10-21

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

Transferring Invoice Variances to Maintenance Work Orders ......................................................................10-24
eAM Contractor Services................................................................................................................................11-1
eAM Contractor Services ..............................................................................................................................11-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................11-4
eAM Contractor Services ..............................................................................................................................11-6
Setting up Outside Service Processing ..........................................................................................................11-9
Practice - Setting Up Outside Service Processing .....................................................................................11-13
Solution – Setting up Outside Service Processing .....................................................................................11-15
eAM Property Manager ..................................................................................................................................12-1
eAM Property Manager .................................................................................................................................12-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................12-4
eAM Property Manager .................................................................................................................................12-6
Setting Up the Integration..............................................................................................................................12-8
Property Manager Integration........................................................................................................................12-11
Guided Demonstration - Viewing the Property Manager Integration........................................................12-14
eAM Service .....................................................................................................................................................13-1
eAM Service..................................................................................................................................................13-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................13-4
Oracle Service Integration Overview ............................................................................................................13-6
Setting up eAM Service.................................................................................................................................13-8
Creating Maintenance Service Request Types ..............................................................................................13-10
Enabling Service Requests for Capital Assets and Rebuildable Inventory....................................................13-11
Creating Service Requests .............................................................................................................................13-13
Enabling eAM Specific Fields.......................................................................................................................13-15
Practice - Setting Up eAM Service............................................................................................................13-17
Solution – Setting up eAM Service ...........................................................................................................13-19

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Service Requests and eAM Work Orders ......................................................................................................13-23
eAM Process and Discrete Manufacturing....................................................................................................14-1
eAM Process and Discrete Manufacturing ....................................................................................................14-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................14-4
eAM Process and Discrete Manufacturing ....................................................................................................14-6
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Organization Setup ........................................................................................................................................14-8
Guided Demonstration - Associating a Process or Discrete Manufacturing Organization with an eAM
Organization ..............................................................................................................................................14-9

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

Associating Assets with Production Equipment ............................................................................................14-11
Guided Demonstration - Associating Assets with Production Equipment.................................................14-13
Viewing Resource Usage...............................................................................................................................14-16
Guided Demonstration - Viewing Resource Usage ...................................................................................14-18
Generating Production Equipment Downtime...............................................................................................14-23
eAM Project Manufacturing ..........................................................................................................................15-1
eAM Project Manufacturing ..........................................................................................................................15-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................15-4
eAM Project Manufacturing ..........................................................................................................................15-6
Defining a Project..........................................................................................................................................15-9
Associating a Work Order with a Project ......................................................................................................15-12
Guided Demonstration - Associating a Work Order with a Project...........................................................15-13
Creating Requisitions or Purchase Orders .....................................................................................................15-15
Updating the Commitments for a Project ......................................................................................................15-20
eAM Work Order Billing and Capitalization ...............................................................................................16-1
eAM Work Order Billing and Capitalization.................................................................................................16-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................16-4
Work Order Billing........................................................................................................................................16-6
Setting Up Parameters ...................................................................................................................................16-8
Setting Up Item Costs and Prices ..................................................................................................................16-9
Service Attribute Setup..................................................................................................................................16-11
Creating Billable Items ..................................................................................................................................16-12
Creating a Work Order ..................................................................................................................................16-16
Associating Items/Activities to a Price List...................................................................................................16-19
Initiating Work Order Billing ........................................................................................................................16-21

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Creating an Invoice........................................................................................................................................16-25
Practice - Creating Billable Items ..............................................................................................................16-27
Solution – Creating Billable Items.............................................................................................................16-31
Practice - Billing By Activity ....................................................................................................................16-41
Solution –Billing by Activity.....................................................................................................................16-44
Capitalizing Work Order ...............................................................................................................................16-53
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eAM Oracle Time and Labor .........................................................................................................................17-1

eAM Oracle Time and Labor.........................................................................................................................17-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................17-4
Oracle Time and Labor..................................................................................................................................17-6

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

Setting Up the Integration..............................................................................................................................17-8
Time and Expenses........................................................................................................................................17-11
Entering Timecard Information .....................................................................................................................17-12
Extracting Information to eAM .....................................................................................................................17-13
Executing the Cost Manager Process.............................................................................................................17-15
Self-Service Work Requests............................................................................................................................18-1
Self-Service Work Requests ..........................................................................................................................18-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................18-4
Overview of Work Requests..........................................................................................................................18-6
Life Cycle of a Work Request .......................................................................................................................18-9
Obtaining Work Request Information ...........................................................................................................18-12
Practice - Obtaining Work Request Information .......................................................................................18-14
Solution – Obtaining Work Request Information ......................................................................................18-15
Creating Work Requests ................................................................................................................................18-18
Practice - Creating Work Requests............................................................................................................18-20
Solution - Creating Work Requests ...........................................................................................................18-21
Updating Work Requests...............................................................................................................................18-23
Maintenance User Workbench .......................................................................................................................19-1
Maintenance User Workbench ......................................................................................................................19-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................19-4
Maintenance User Workbench ......................................................................................................................19-6
Maintenance Supervisor Workbench.............................................................................................................19-8
Viewing and Managing Your Work ..............................................................................................................19-9
Viewing Your Work ......................................................................................................................................19-10
Viewing Work Order Details.........................................................................................................................19-11
Updating Resources.......................................................................................................................................19-13
Updating Collection Plans .............................................................................................................................19-15
Purchasing .....................................................................................................................................................19-17
Work Relationships .......................................................................................................................................19-18
Maintenance Super User.................................................................................................................................20-1

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Maintenance Super User................................................................................................................................20-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................20-4
Overview of Maintenance Super User...........................................................................................................20-6
Home .............................................................................................................................................................20-9
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Capital Asset/Rebuildable Inventory Details.................................................................................................20-14

Hierarchy Facility Example...........................................................................................................................20-17
Asset Quality Information .............................................................................................................................20-18
Configuration History....................................................................................................................................20-20
Associated Work Requests ............................................................................................................................20-22
Cost Information............................................................................................................................................20-24

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

Meter Readings..............................................................................................................................................20-27
Demo - Navigating Maintenance Super User ............................................................................................20-29
Work Requests...............................................................................................................................................20-32
Work Orders ..................................................................................................................................................20-34
Work Order Details .......................................................................................................................................20-35
Resource Charging ........................................................................................................................................20-37
Operation Dependencies................................................................................................................................20-41
Accessing iProcurement ................................................................................................................................20-42
Operation Completions..................................................................................................................................20-43
Material Transactions ....................................................................................................................................20-45
Resource Transactions...................................................................................................................................20-49
Quality Collection Plans................................................................................................................................20-51
Purchasing Information .................................................................................................................................20-54
Work Relationships .......................................................................................................................................20-55
Work Plan......................................................................................................................................................20-58
Managing Operations ....................................................................................................................................20-59
Stores .............................................................................................................................................................20-62
Stores ................................................................................................................................................................21-1
Stores .............................................................................................................................................................21-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................21-4
Stores .............................................................................................................................................................21-6
Stores Processes.............................................................................................................................................21-8
Practice - Material Issue Request and Verification....................................................................................21-12
Solution – Material Issue Request and Verification ..................................................................................21-14
Practice - Returning Material To Inventory...............................................................................................21-18
Solution – Returning Material to Inventory...............................................................................................21-19
eAM Reports and Processes............................................................................................................................22-1
eAM Reports and Processes ..........................................................................................................................22-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................22-4
eAM Reports .................................................................................................................................................22-6

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

These eKit materials are to be used ONLY by you for the express purpose SELF STUDY. SHARING THE FILE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Before You Begin This Course
These eKit materials are to be used ONLY by you for the express purpose SELF STUDY. SHARING THE FILE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

• Thorough knowledge of Oracle Inventory

• Working experience with Oracle Bills of Material

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

• Working experience with Oracle Engineering

• Working experience with Oracle Cost Management

• Working experience with Oracle Work in Process

• Working experience with Oracle Planning and Scheduling

• Working experience with Oracle Quality


• There are no prerequisites for this course.

How This Course Is Organized

This is an instructor-led course featuring lecture and hands-on exercises. Online demonstrations
and written practice sessions reinforce the concepts and skills introduced.

Copyright © Oracle, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Related Publications
Oracle Publications
Title Part Number
Oracle Enterprise Asset Management User’s Guide
These eKit materials are to be used ONLY by you for the express purpose SELF STUDY. SHARING THE FILE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Implementation Guide

Oracle Inventory User’s Guide
Oracle Bills of Material User’s Guide

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

Oracle Cost Management User’s Guide
Oracle Engineering User’s Guide
Oracle Work in Process User’s Guide
Oracle Quality User’s Guide

Additional Publications

• System release bulletins

• Installation and user’s guides

• Read-me files

• International Oracle User’s Group (IOUG) articles

• Oracle Magazine

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions in Text
Convention Element Example
These eKit materials are to be used ONLY by you for the express purpose SELF STUDY. SHARING THE FILE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Bold italic Glossary term (if The algorithm inserts the new key.
there is a glossary)
Caps and Buttons, Click the Executable button.
lowercase check boxes, Select the Can’t Delete Card check box.
triggers, Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to the ORD block.

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

windows Open the Master Schedule window.
Courier new, Code output, Code output: debug.set (‘I”, 300);
case sensitive directory names, Directory: bin (DOS), $FMHOME (UNIX)
(default is filenames, Filename: Locate the init.ora file.
lowercase) passwords, Password: User tiger as your password.
pathnames, Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projects
URLs, URL: Go to
user input,
User input: Enter 300
Username: Log on as scott
Initial cap Graphics labels Customer address (but Oracle Payables)
(unless the term is a
proper noun)
Italic Emphasized words Do not save changes to the database.
and phrases, For further information, see Oracle7 Server SQL Language
titles of books and Reference Manual.
courses, Enter, where user_id is the
variables name of the user.
Quotation Interface elements Select “Include a reusable module component” and click Finish.
marks with long names
that have only This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3, “Working with
initial caps; Objects.”
lesson and chapter
titles in cross-
Uppercase SQL column Use the SELECT command to view information stored in the
names, commands, LAST_NAME
functions, schemas, column of the EMP table.
table names
Arrow Menu paths Select File > Save.
Brackets Key names Press [Enter].
Commas Key sequences Press and release keys one at a time:
[Alternate], [F], [D]
Plus signs Key combinations Press and hold these keys simultaneously: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

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R12 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Fundamentals Ed 1 Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions in Code
Convention Element Example
Caps and Oracle Forms When-Validate-Item
lowercase triggers
Lowercase Column names, SELECT last_name
table names FROM s_emp;
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Passwords DROP USER scott

(OG_GET_LAYER (‘prod_pie_layer’))

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Lowercase Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role
Uppercase SQL commands and SELECT userid
functions FROM emp;

Typographic Conventions in Oracle Application Navigation Paths

This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, to direct you
through Oracle Applications.

(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches Summary (M) Query > Find (B) Approve

This simplified path translates to the following:

1. (N) From the Navigator window, select Invoice then Entry then Invoice Batches

2. (M) From the menu, select Query then Find.

3. (B) Click the Approve button.


(N) = Navigator

(M) = Menu

(T) = Tab

(B) = Button

(I) = Icon

(H) = Hyperlink

(ST) = Sub Tab

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Typographical Conventions in Oracle Application Help System Paths
This course uses a “navigation path” convention to represent actions you perform to find
pertinent information in the Oracle Applications Help System.

The following help navigation path, for example—

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(Help) General Ledger > Journals > Enter Journals

—represents the following sequence of actions:

1. In the navigation frame of the help system window, expand the General Ledger entry.

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2. Under the General Ledger entry, expand Journals.

3. Under Journals, select Enter Journals.

4. Review the Enter Journals topic that appears in the document frame of the help system

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eAM Work Order Billing and Capitalization

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Chapter 16

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Work Order Billing
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Work Order Billing
While maintaining an asset or servicing a customer request, you can bill a third party customer
for the work they performed. The cost of the work performed is based on the material and
resource requirements (Bill of Material) of the Work Order, or the cost of the Activity that is
associated with the Work Order.
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Enterprise Asset Management User > Work Order Billing

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Setting Up Parameters
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Setting Up Parameters
You can optionally create the ability to change the billable material on a Work Order at the
time a bill is created.
To enable the change of billable material functionality:
1. Navigate to the Enterprise Asset Management Parameters window.
2. Select the Invoice Billable Items Only check box. If selected, you can change the billable
material at the time the bill is created.
• If selected, this check box indicates that you want to invoice only billable items. Billable
items are those that have a populated value within the Billing Type field, within the
Service Tab, of the Master Item window. Billing Type is relevant only if you have this
check box selected. Also, selecting this check box means that you can choose a different
item to bill.
3. Save your work.
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Enterprise Asset Management User > Work Order Billing >
Setting Up Work Order Billing

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Setting Up Item Costs and Prices
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Setting Up Item Costs and Prices
The Billing Basis is either Cost Plus or Price List. The Billing Basis affects your item setup
procedures. If you want the flexibility of using both billing basis types for an item, you need to
set up both costs and prices for that item. An item is an Activity, Material, or Resource.
Setting up Costs for the Cost Plus Billing Basis
The cost plus method utilizes costs associated with an item. The item should have a cost
defined for it. First, you need to ensure that the appropriate item attributes are set up correctly
for the item.
To set up an item's attributes:
1. Navigate to the Master Item window.
2. Select the Costing Enabled check box to report, value, and account for any item costs.
You need to select this check box if you are using the cost plus billing method.
3. Select the Inventory Asset Value check box. You need to select this check box if you are
using the cost plus billing method.
4. Save your work.
To set up costs for an item:

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Chapter 16 - Page 9
1. Navigate to the Item Costs Summary window.
2. Choose Costs.
3. Enter cost information for your item.
4. Save your work.
Setting up Prices for the Price List Billing Basis
The price list method uses a specified price list. The specified item should have at least one
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entry in the price list. First, you need to ensure that the appropriate item attributes are set up
correctly for the item.
To set up an item's attributes:
1. Navigate to the Master Item window.

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2. Select the Customer Ordered check box in order to create a price within the price list.
You need to select this check box if you are using the price list billing method.
3. Save your work.
To set up prices for an item:
1. Navigate to the Advanced Pricing - Price Lists window.
2. Enter price information for your item. The same item can repeat multiple times in the
price list, with varying values for Start Date, End Date, and Precedence. For example, it
is invalid to have overlapping date ranges, if the Precedence is the same.
3. Save your work.
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Setting Up Work Order Billing

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Service Attribute Setup
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Service Attribute Setup
Set the Billing Type for each item that you want billable. The Billing Type field within the
Master Item window must be populated if you have selected the Invoice Billable Items Only
check box, within the Enterprise Asset Management Parameters window.
To set up the Billing Type attribute:
1. Navigate to the Master Item window.
2. Select the Service tab.
3. Select a Billing Type of Expense, Labor, or Material. This field must be populated if you
have selected the Invoice Billable Items Only check box, within the Enterprise Asset
Management Parameters window.
4. Save your work.
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Creating Billable Items
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Setting Up Billable Material
To create billable material, first set specific attributes within the Master Item window. Next,
assign the resource item to your organization. Decide whether you are pricing this item using
the Cost Plus or Price List method, or both, and perform the additional setup for those methods.
Finally, define costs and prices for your item.
To set up billable material:
1. Navigate to the Master Item window.
2. Select the Invoicing tab.
3. Select the Invoiceable Item check box to indicate that the current material item can
invoice. You can select this attribute at the Master Organization level.
4. Select the Invoice Enabled check box to indicate that invoices are enabled for the current
material item.
• For the current material item, you need to ensure the Billing Type is populated with
Material, within the Service tab.
5. Assign the current item to your organization.
6. Save your work.

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Setting Up a Billable Resource
To create a billable resource, you need to first create a resource item by setting specific
attributes within the Master Item window. Next, you need to assign the resource item to your
organization. Decide whether you are pricing this item using the Cost Plus or Price List
method, or both, and perform the additional setup for those methods. Next, you need to define
a resource and associate the resource item to the resource. Finally, assign the resource to a
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To set up a billable resource:

1. Navigate to the Master Item window.
2. Select the Invoicing tab.

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3. Select the Invoiceable Item check box to indicate that the current resource item can
invoice. You can select this attribute at the Master Organization level.
4. Select the Invoice Enabled check box to indicate that invoices are enabled for the current
resource item.
• For the current resource item, you need to ensure the Billing Type is populated with
Labor, within the Service tab.
5. Assign the current item to your organization.
6. Save your work and close the window.
7. Navigate to the Resources window.
8. Enter the name of the Resource within the Resource field.
9. Within the Billing region, select the resource item you created within the Master Item
window to ensure that the resource is available for billing.
• Rates defined in the Resources window are not used for billing.
10. Save your work.
11. Assign the current resource to a department.
12. Save your work.
Setting Up a Billable Activity
To create a billable Activity, first set specific attributes within the Master Item window. Next,
decide whether you are pricing this item using the Cost Plus or Price List method, or both, and
perform the additional setup for those methods. Finally, associate the Activity to the Asset
Group/Asset Number that is used to create the Work Order.
To set up a billable activity:
1. Navigate to the Master Item window.
2. Select the Invoicing tab.
3. Select the Invoiceable Item check box to indicate that the current Activity item can
invoice. You can select this attribute at the Master Organization level.
4. Select the Invoice Enabled check box to indicate that invoices are enabled for the current
Activity item.
5. Assign the current item to your organization.
6. Save your work.

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Creating a Work Order
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Billing Work Orders
After the setup tasks are complete, you can bill third parties and customers the work
performed, while maintaining an asset or servicing a customer request. The cost of the work
performed is based on the Work Order's material and resource requirements (Asset Bills of
Material and Asset Routes), or the cost of the Activity that is associated with the Work Order.
Creating a Billable Work Order
Work Order Billing requires completed, billable Work Orders. First, create a Work Order that
is associated with billable material, resources, and or a billable Activity. After the Work Order
is released, you can apply material and resources to it. Finally, after the Work Order is
completed, the status is changed to Complete - No Charges. The Work Order is ready to bill.
To set up a billable work order:
1. Navigate to the Work Orders window and create a Work Order.
2. If you are billing by requirements, add the previously defined billable material to the
current Work Order's Bill of Material, as operation 10. Add the previously defined
billable resource to the current Work Order's routing, as operation 10.
3. If you are billing by activity, add the previously defined Activity to this Work Order.

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4. Release the current Work Order.
5. Issue some material (not all) and charge some resources (not all) to the current Work
6. Complete the current Work Order.
7. Update the status of the Work Order to Complete - No Charges. You can bill Work
Orders at a Closed status, as well.
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8. Save your work.

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Associating Items/Activities to a Price List
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Associating Items and Activities with a Price List
Material, Resources, and Activities require association with a price list, before you can bill
To add items and activities to a price list:
1. Navigate to the Advanced Pricing - Price Lists window.
2. Add your material and resource items and or your Activities to the price list.
3. Save your work.
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Associating Items and Activities to a Price List

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Initiating Work Order Billing
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Initiating Billing
If a Work Order is at a Complete - No Charges or Closed status, you can select it for billing.
To bill by requirements:
1. Navigate to the Find Work Orders window.
2. Select the Work Order you wish to bill.
3. Choose Find.
4. Choose Bill by Requirements.
5. Within the Work Order Billing window, select a Customer.
6. Select a Bill To for the current customer.
7. Select a Billing Basis. Valid values are Price List and Cost Plus.
• If you select Cost Plus, select a Cost Type and Markup %. For example, choose a Frozen
Cost Type, if you defined a frozen cost for the material and resource items. The Markup
% defaults with a 0% value, but you can optionally update it.
• If you select the Price List Billing Basis, select a Price List. All billable items appear on
the selected price list, if they are Customer Order enabled.

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8. Choose Calculate Amounts. The unit rates are calculated for each billable item. The total
amount of each billable item is a function of the unit rate, and the billed quantity.
• If you previously chose a Cost Plus Billing Basis, the unit rate is calculated from the item
cost and markup.
• If you previously chose a Price List Billing Basis, the unit rate is retrieved from the price
list that is associated with the item. If multiple rates exist for the item, the system defers
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to the Price List setup.

9. Within the Bill by Requirements region, enter the Quantity to bill, for each billable item.
This quantity should be no greater than the difference between the Applied Quantity and
Previous Billed Quantity.
• The Applied Quantity is what the Work Order used; for material, the Applied Quantity is

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the material issued to the Work Order. For resources, the Applied Quantity equals the
resources charged to the Work Order.
10. Enter the Markup %, for each billable item.
11. To indicate the lines that you want to bill, for each billable item, you can optionally select
the individual Bill check boxes. To bill all lines, select the top check box; this
automatically selects all check boxes.
12. Choose Initiate Billing to execute the billing process and populate the billing information
within the Accounts Receivables interface tables.
13. Choose OK on the confirmation note, indicating that billing has successfully completed.
To bill by an activity:
1. Navigate to the Find Work Orders window.
2. Select the Work Order you wish to bill.
3. Choose Find.
4. Choose Bill by Activity.
5. Within the Work Order Billing window, select a Customer.
6. Select a Bill To for the current customer.
7. Select a Billing Basis. Valid values are Price List and Cost Plus.
• If you select Cost Plus, select a Cost Type and Markup %. For example, choose a Frozen
Cost Type, if you defined a frozen cost for the material and resource items. The Markup
% defaults with a 0% value, but you can optionally update it.
• If you select the Price List Billing Basis, select a Price List. All billable items appear on
the selected price list, if they are Customer Order enabled.
8. Choose Calculate Amounts. The unit rates are calculated for each billable item. The total
amount of each billable item is a function of the unit rate and the billed quantity.
9. Choose Initiate Billing.
10. Choose OK.
11. Choose View Past Details to view what was billed.
• If you billed by Activity, one line appears. If you billed by requirements, multiple lines
may appear.
12. Choose Close to return to the Find Work Orders window.

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Initiating Billing
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Creating an Invoice
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Creating Invoices
After billing is initiated, you can create invoices. First, a source is defined in Oracle
Receivables to identify where your invoicing activity originates. The batch source also controls
invoice defaults and invoice numbering. Next, ensure that a Work Order Billing flexfield code
exist. Finally, you can run the AutoInvoice concurrent process to create invoices. You can set
this program to automatically run, or execute it from the menu.
To ensure a batch source exists:
1. Navigate to the Transaction Sources window.
2. Query on Work Order Billing in the Name field, to ensure that it exists. If it does not
exist, perform the following steps:
• Enter Work Order Billing in the Name field.
• Select Imported from the Type list of values. Because this is an Imported transaction
batch source, the system automatically numbers the batch with the batch source name -
request ID.
• Enter a Description.

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• Enter the range of Effective Dates. The start date defaults as the current date, but you can
change it. If you do not enter an end date, this transaction batch source is active
• Check the Automatic Transaction Numbering check box and enter a Last Number to
automatically number new transactions created using this source. You can use automatic
transaction numbering with both Imported and Manual sources.
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• Check the Copy Document Number to Transaction Number check box to assign the
same number to both the document and transaction, for transactions assigned to this
• Save your work.
To ensure a Work Order Billing flexfield code exists:

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1. Navigate to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.
2. Query on the Line Transaction Flexfield within the Oracle Receivables Application. If
Work Order Billing does not exist as a Code within the Context Field Values region,
perform the following steps:
• Enter Work Order Billing in the Code field.
• Enter Work Order Invoices in the Description field.
• Select the Enabled check box.
• Choose Segments.
• Ensure that, at least, the following segments are defined: Work Order, Work Order Id,
Invoice Number, and Line Number.
• Save your work.
To create invoices:
1. Navigate to the Run AutoInvoice window.
2. Select AutoInvoice Master Program, from the Name list of values.
3. Enter the Number of Instances. An instance refers to how AutoInvoice groups and
processes your transactions. Submitting a greater number of instances enables you to
import transactions into Receivables faster. You can submit a maximum of 15 instances.
• Suggestion: Enter a number of instances based on how many CPUs are available. Use the
following formula to determine the number of instances to enter:
- (Number of Available CPUs) - 1 = Number of Instances
• For example, if you have five CPUs, submit four instances of the AutoInvoice Master
4. Select the Work Order Billing Invoice Source.
5. Enter a Default Date. The Default Date must be in an open or future period. Depending
on how you defined your transaction batch source, AutoInvoice uses the Default Date if
the GL date is not provided or if the date provided is in a closed period.
6. Choose OK.
7. Choose Submit.
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Chapter 16 - Page 26
Practice - Creating Billable Items
While maintaining an asset or servicing a customer request, you can bill a third party customer
for the work that they performed. The cost of the work performed is based on the material and
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resource requirements (Bill of Material) of theWork Order, or the cost of the Activity associated
with the Work Order.

In this practice, you will create a Billable Material, a Billable Resource, and a Billable Activity.

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• Students log into Oracle with User Name mfg and Password welcome; your instructor
might have a different User Name and Password for you to use

• Students use eAM enabled organization, EM1

• Students replace XX with a unique identifier

• The instructor has completed all guided demonstrations

• You have completed all previous practices

Create a Billable Item

1. Enter the following information, within the Master Item window:

− Item = XX Oil
− Description = Oil for Oil Change Activity

2. Apply the Work Order Billing Item template.

3. Select the Inventory tab.

4. Select the Inventory Item, Stockable, Reservable, and Transactable check boxes.

5. Select the Invoicing tab.

6. Select the Invoiceable Item and Invoice Enabled check boxes.

7. Select the Service tab.

8. Select Material from the Billing Type list of values.

9. Select the Order Management tab.

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10. Select the Customer Ordered check box.

11. Select the Bills Of Material tab.

12. Select the BOM Allowed check box.

13. Select the Costing tab.

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14. Select the Costing Enabled and Inventory Asset Value check boxes.

15. (I) Save

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16. Assign the item to Organization, EM1.

Perform a miscellaneous receipt of the item

17. Select Miscellaneous Receipt from the Type list of values, within the Miscellaneous
Transactions window.

18. Enter the following information, within the Miscellaneous receipt window:
− Item = XX Oil
− Subinventory = XX eAM SUB
− Quantity = 10
− Account = 01-580-7740-0000-000

19. (I) Save

Create a Billable Resource

20. Enter the following information, within the Master Item window:
− Item = XX Resource for Service
− Description = Resource for Oil Change

21. Apply the Work Order Billing Resource template.

22. Select the Invoicing tab.

23. Select the Invoiceable Item and Invoice Enabled check boxes.

24. Select the Service tab.

25. Select the Enable Service Billing check box.

26. Select Labor from the Billing Type list of values.

27. Select the Order Management tab.

28. Select the Customer Ordered check box.

29. Select the Costing tab.

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30. Select the Costing Enabled and Inventory Asset Value check boxes.

31. (I) Save

32. Assign this item Organization, EM1.

Create a resource
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33. Enter the following information, within the Resources window:

− Resource = XX Labor
− Description = Oil Change Service
− UOM = HR

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− Billing Item = XX Service for Resource (This link allows the billing engine to see
the resources so that they can be billed.)

34. (I) Save

Assign this resource to your department

35. Within the Departments window, query for your department (XX MAINT).

36. Within the Resources window, enter the following information on the third line:
− Resource = XX Labor
− Units = 5

37. (I) Save

Create a Billable Activity

38. Enter the following information, within the Master Activities window:
− Item = XX Oil Change
− Description = Oil Change

39. Apply the @Activity template.

40. Select the Invoicing tab.

41. Select the Invoiceable Item and Invoice Enabled check boxes.

42. Select the Service tab and enter the following information:
− Enable Service Billing = Selected
− Billing Type = Material

43. Select the Order Management tab.

44. Select the Customer Ordered check box.

45. Assign the Activity to your organization.

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Associate the activity to an asset number

46. Enter the following information, within the Activity Association window:
− Asset Group = XX EQUIPMENT
− Asset Number = XX-1002

47. (I) Save

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Set up the price list

48. Within the Advanced Pricing – Price Lists window, query for the Corporate Price list.

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49. Enter the following information, on three separate lines:
− Product Context = Item
− Product Attribute = Item Number
− Product Value = XX Oil, XX Oil Change, and XX Service for Resource,
− Value = 200, 1000, and 500, respectively (these values would have defaulted in, if
set up within Item Costs on the Items’ setup)

50. (I) Save

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Solution – Creating Billable Items
Create a Billable Item

Responsibility = Enterprise Asset Management, Vision Operations

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1. Navigate to the Master Item window.

• (N) Inventory > Items > Master Items

2. Enter the following information:

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− Item = XX Oil
− Description = Oil for Oil Change Activity

3. Apply the Work Order Billing Item template.

• (M) Tools > Copy From…

• Select Work Order Billing Item, from the Template list of values.

• (B) Apply (B) Done

4. Select the Inventory tab.

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5. Select the Inventory Item, Stockable, Reservable, and Transactable check boxes.

6. Select the Invoicing tab.

7. Select the Invoiceable Item and Invoice Enabled check boxes.

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8. Select the Service tab.

9. Select Material from the Billing Type list of values.

10. Select the Order Management tab.

11. Select the Customer Ordered check box.

12. Select the Bills Of Material tab.

13. Select the BOM Allowed check box.

14. Select the Costing tab.

15. Select the Costing Enabled and Inventory Asset Value check boxes.

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16. (I) Save

17. Assign the item to Organization, EM1.

• Select the Organization Assignment tab.

• Select the Assigned check box, next to Organization EM1.

• (I) Save

18. Close the window.

Perform a miscellaneous receipt of the item

19. Navigate to the Miscellaneous Transactions window.

• Inventory > Transactions > Miscellaneous Transaction

20. Select Miscellaneous Receipt from the Type list of values.

21. (B) Transaction Lines.

22. Enter the following information:

− Item = XX Oil Filter

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− Subinventory = XX eAM SUB
− Quantity = 10
− Account = 01-580-7740-0000-000
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23. (I) Save

24. Close the windows.

Create a Billable Resource

25. Navigate to the Master Item window.

• (N) Inventory > Items > Master Items

26. Enter the following information:

− Item = XX Resource for Service
− Description = Resource for Oil Change

27. Apply the Work Order Billing Resource template.

• (M) Tools > Copy From…

• Work Order Billing Resource

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• (B) Apply > (B) Done

28. Select the Invoicing tab.

29. Select the Invoiceable Item and Invoice Enabled check boxes.

30. Select the Service tab.

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31. Select the Enable Service Billing check box.

32. Select Labor from the Billing Type list of values.

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33. Select the Order Management tab.

34. Select the Customer Ordered check box.

35. Select the Costing tab.

36. Select the Costing Enabled and Inventory Asset Value check boxes.

37. (I) Save

38. Assign this item Organization, EM1.

• Select the Organization Assignment tab.

• Select the Assigned check box, next to EM1.

• (I) Save

39. Close the window.

Create a resource

40. Navigate to the Resources window.

• (N) Setup > Routing > Resources

41. Enter the following information:

− Resource = XX Labor
− Description = Oil Change Service
− UOM = HR
− Billing Item = XX Service for Resource (This link allows the billing engine to see
the resources so that they can be billed.)

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42. (I) Save

43. Close the window.

Assign this resource to your department

44. Navigate to the Departments window.

• (N) Setup > Routing > Departments

45. Query for your department, XX MAINT.

• (I) Find

• Select XX MAINT, from the Find Department list of values.

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46. (B) Resources

47. Enter the following information on the third line:

− Resource = XX Labor
− Units = 5

48. (I) Save

49. Close the windows.

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Create a Billable Activity

50. Navigate to the Master Activities window.

• (N) Activities > Master Activities

51. Enter the following information:

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− Item = XX Oil Change

− Description = Oil Change

52. Apply the @Activity template.

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• (M) Tools > Copy From…

• Select @Activity from the Template list of values.

• (B) Apply (B) Done

53. Select the Invoicing tab.

54. Select the Invoiceable Item and Invoice Enabled check boxes.

55. Select the Service tab and enter the following information:
− Enable Service Billing = Selected
− Billing Type = Material

56. Select the Order Management tab.

57. Select the Customer Ordered check box.

58. (I) Save

59. Assign the Activity to your organization.

• Select the Organization Assignment tab.

• Select the Assigned check box for Organization, EM1.

• (I) Save

60. Close the window.

Associate the activity to an asset number

61. Navigate to the Activity Association window, and then select XX Oil Change activity.

• (M) Activites > Activity Association

62. Enter the following information:

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− Asset Group = XX EQUIPMENT
− Asset Number = XX-1002
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Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

63. (I) Save

64. Close the window.

Set up the price list

Responsibility = Order Management Super User, Vision Operations

65. Navigate to the Purchasing > Advanced Pricing - Price Lists window.

• (N) Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup

66. Query for the Corporate Price list.

• (I) Find

• Select Corporate, from the Price Lists list of values.

67. Enter the Billable Activity, Billable Item, and the Billable Item representing the Billable
Resource, within the Price List.

• Select a row, within the List Lines tab.

• (I) New

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• Enter the following information, on three separate lines:
− Product Context = Item --- ADS Pricing
− Product Attribute = Item Number --- Service Options
− Product Value = XX Oil, XX Oil Change, and XX Service for Resource,
− Value = 200, 1000, and 500, respectively (these values would have defaulted in,
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if set up within Item Costs on the Items’ setup)

68. (I) Save

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69. Close the window.

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Practice - Billing By Activity
Only Billable Items are included in a Work Order Invoice. You can charge costs, based on the
materials and resource requirements defined in the Work Order BOM. This billing type is called
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Bill by Requirements. Alternatively, you can charge costs based on an Activity associated with
the Work Order. This is referred to as Bill by Activity.

In this practice, you will create a Work Order and bill the same by activity.

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• Students log into Oracle with User Name mfg and Password welcome; your instructor
might have a different User Name and Password for you to use

• Students use eAM enabled organization, EM1

• Students replace XX with a unique identifier

• The instructor has completed all guided demonstrations

• You have completed all previous practices

Create a Work Order

1. Enter the following information, within the Work Orders window:

− Work Order = XX Work Order for Oil Change
− Description = XX Work Order for Oil Change
− Asset Number = XX-1002
− Status = Released

2. (I) Save

3. View this Work Order’s operations.

Complete your work order

4. Query for Work Order, XX Oil Change WO, within the Work Order Completion window.

5. Change the Duration Actual Start and End Dates and Shutdown History Start and End Dates
to yesterday’s date (they cannot be in the future).

6. (I) Save (I) Enter Quality Results

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7. Enter the following information:

8. (B) OK (I) Save

9. Close the window.

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Close your work order

10. Query for your Work Order, within the Find Work Orders window.

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11. Close the Work Order.

12. (B) OK (B) OK

13. Close the windows.

14. Verify that the Work Order is Closed.

Bill by activity

15. Query for your work order, within the Find Work Orders window.

16. Enter the following information, within the Work Order Billing window:
− Customer = ABC Application Software
− Billing Basis = Price List
− Bill To = 536 Madison Avenue
− Price List = Corporate
− Activity = XX Oil Change

17. (B) Calculate Amounts (B) Initiate Billing (B) OK (B) View Past Details

Create an invoice

Responsibility = Order Management Super User, Vision Operations

18. Select AutoInvoice Master Progam, from the Name list of values, within the Run
AutoInvoice window.

19. Enter the following information, within the Parameters window:

− Invoice Source = Work Order Billing
− Default Date = Today’s date
− Bill To Customer Name (Low and High) = ABC Application Software

20. (B) OK (B) Submit

21. Record your request number: ____________________________

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22. (B) No (M) Tools > View Requests

23. Verify that the Request status is Completed and Normal.

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Solution –Billing by Activity
Create a Work Order

Responsibility = Enterprise Asset Management, Vision Operations

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1. Navigate to the Work Orders window.

• (N) Work Orders > Work Orders (B) New

2. Enter the following information:

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

− Work Order = XX Work Order for Oil Change
− Description = XX Work Order for Oil Change
− Asset Number = XX-1002
− Status = Released

3. (I) Save

4. View this Work Order’s operations.

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• (B) Operations

5. Close the windows.

Complete your work order

6. Navigate to the Maintenance Super User – Vision Operations > Work Order.
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7. Query for Work Order, XX Oil Change WO.

• Select XX Oil Change WO, from the Work Order list of values.

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• Select Complete Work Order icon edit.

8. Change the Duration Actual Start and End Dates and Shutdown History Start and End Dates
to yesterday’s date (they cannot be in the future).

9. (I) Save (I) Enter Quality Results

10. Enter the following information:


11. (B) OK (I) Save

12. Close the window.

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Close your work order

13. Navigate to the Find Work Orders window.

• (N) Work Orders > Close Work Orders

14. Query for your Work Order.

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• Enter XX Oil Change WO in the Work Order field.

• (B) Find

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15. Close the Work Order.

• (M) Tools > Close Work Orders

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16. (B) OK (B) OK

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17. Close the windows.

18. Verify that the Work Order is Closed.

• (N) Work Orders > Work Orders

• Query for your Work Order.

• Enter XX Oil Change WO in the Work Order field.

• (B) Find

• View the Status.

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• Close the windows.

Bill by activity

19. Navigate to the Find Work Orders window.

• (N) Billing > Work Order Billing

20. Query for your work order.

− Enter XX Work Order for Oil Change in the Work Order field.

• (B) Find

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21. (B) Bill By Activity (you can alternatively bill by requirements, if you choose the bill by
Requirements button)

22. Enter the following information:

− Customer = ABC Application Software
− Billing Basis = Price List
− Bill To = 536 Madison Avenue
− Price List = Corporate
− Activity = XX Oil Change

23. (B) Calculate Amounts

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24. (B) Initiate Billing (B) OK (B) View Past Details

25. Close the windows.

Create an invoice

Responsibility = Order Management Super User, Vision Operations

26. Navigate to the Run AutoInvoice window.

• (N) Receivables > Interfaces > AutoInvoice (B) OK

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27. Select AutoInvoice Master Program, from the Name list of values.

28. Enter the following information, within the Parameters window:

− Invoice Source = Work Order Billing
− Default Date = Today’s date
− Bill To Customer Name (Low and High) = ABC Application Software
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29. (B) OK (B) Submit

30. Record your request number: ____________________________

31. (B) No (M) Tools > View Requests

32. Verify that the Request status is Completed and Normal.

33. Close the window.

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Capitalizing Work Order
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Capitalizing Work Order
You can capitalize part or all of the costs incurred, while maintaining an asset. The asset's book
value and useful life increment with the additional value within Fixed Assets. Accountants
analyze the maintenance cost history to decide which costs to capitalize. You can identify the
Work Orders that increase an asset's value.
To capitalize work order costs:
1. Navigate to the Find Work Orders window (Billing and Capitalization > Work Order
2. Query one or more Work Orders to capitalize.
• You can narrow your search criteria using the fields at the top of the window. For
example, you can enter a specific Work Order, Asset Number, or display only Work
Orders with a Closed status.
• Optionally, choose Clear to reset the search criteria to the default search criteria (all fields
are cleared and the Closed and Complete - No Charges Status check boxes are selected).
3. Choose Find. The Work Orders region displays queried Work Orders for the selected
search criteria.

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4. Select a Work Order.
5. Choose Capitalize Work Order. This button is enabled for only those Work Orders that
have amounts available to capitalize. Enter a Capitalization %. The selected items and
resources costs, within the Capitalization region, are capitalized by the percentage.
6. After selecting items and or or resources to capitalize within the Capitalization region,
choose Calculate Amounts to view the projected amount to capitalize based on the
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capitalization value entered. The asset's book value and useful life increment with the
additional value within Fixed Assets.
7. You can change the default Offset Account. Capitalized maintenance costs are credited to
their associated maintenance expense accounts, while the Offset Account is debited by
the same amount within Fixed Assets. In General Ledger, Capitalized maintenance

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expenses are considered capital asset value and not maintenance expenses.
8. Choose Initiate Capitalization to run the concurrent process that capitalizes the current
Work Order's maintained asset's associated Fixed Asset, with the calculated amounts.
9. Choose View Past Details to view all past capitalization transactions for the maintained
asset's associated Fixed Asset.
(Help) Oracle Enterprise Asset Management > Billing and Capitalization > Work
Order Capitalization

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eAM Oracle Time and Labor

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Chapter 17

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Oracle Time and Labor
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OTL Time Entry For Resources Overview
Oracle Time and Labor (OTL) is the repository in which time is entered by employees working
in a particular organization. Employees working on Oracle Enterprise Asset Management
(eAM) work orders enter their time using OTL Self-Service. Information collected is stored in
OTL Time Store, and is composed of a series of business rules and processes. eAM extracts
information from the Time Store and charges eAM work orders for the time spent by
employees that work on them.
There are multiple steps within the integration flow. First, timecard information is entered for a
specific Work Order, within Oracle Time Store (a piece of Oracle Time and Labor). That
information is then extracted from Oracle Time Store to Oracle Enterprise Asset Management.
This extraction dynamically creates a resource transaction within Oracle Enterprise Asset
Management. Finally, the Cost Manager process is executed. This process charges the resource
transaction. After this process executes, you can view the actual costs for the period that you
charged, within the Work Order.
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Enterprise Asset Management User > Integration with Oracle Time and Labor >
Integration with Oracle Time and Labor Overview

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Setting Up the Integration
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Setting Up the Integration
There are two required setup procedures for this integration. The first is to establish employees
needing to use this functionality as Persons within Oracle Human Resources. Those Persons
are assigned to respective Users within Enterprise Asset Management. The second setup
procedure consists of creating Preference Values, and then linking those values to eligibility
Defining Persons as Users
Establish employees needing to use this functionality as Persons within Oracle Human
Resources. After established, those Persons must be assigned to respective Users, within
Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM).
To define Persons as Users within eAM:
1. Navigate to the Users window.
2. Enter a User Name.
3. Select the Person that was created in Oracle Human Resources.
4. Enter a Password.

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Chapter 17 - Page 8
5. Within the Responsibilities tab, select the appropriate Responsibilities to assign to this
User. The responsibilities, US OTL Administrator and Self Service Time and Expenses,
are seeded but the Administrator needs to manually assign them to the Person/User.
6. Save your work. Repeat steps one through five for all appropriate Persons.
Creating Eligibility Criteria
Create Preference Values, and then link those values to eligibility criteria.
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Preferences are seeded, but the preferences must be assigned to the user.
To create eligibility criteria:
1. Navigate to the Preferences window.
2. Select the Preference Tree node, then choose New.

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3. Enter the name of your tree.
4. Select the Self-Service timecard, review and confirmation layout pages Preference.
5. Within the OTL Preferences window, select EAM Timecard Layout from the Timecard
Layout list of values.
6. Select EAM Review Layout from the Review Layout list of values.
7. Select EAM Confirmation Layout from the Confirmation Layout list of values.
8. Choose OK.
9. Save your work. After saved, you have created a new node on the Preference Tree.
Expand this new node, and select eAM Self-Service Timecard.
10. To create eligibility criteria for timecard entry, select the Eligibility Criteria tab.
11. Enter the Name of the rule. You can have one rule for everyone, or multiple rules to
create different eligibility criteria for different groups.
12. Select EAM Self-Service Timecard from the Name of Branch list of values. This value
was previously defined during steps one through nine.
13. Select Person, Organization, or All People from the Link by list of values. If you are
creating one rule for all users, select All People.
14. Enter a Precedence value. Valid values are all positive numbers. If you have multiple
rules, the rule with the highest precedence is displayed first, and so on. For example, an
employee can view the time card with a rule precedence value of 95, versus the timecard
with a rule precedence value of 94.
15. Save your work.
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Enterprise Asset Management User > Integration with Oracle Time and Labor >
Setting Up the Integration

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Time and Expenses
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Time and Expenses
There are multiple steps within the integration flow. First, timecard information is entered for a
specific Work Order, within Oracle Time Store (a piece of Oracle Time and Labor). That
information is then extracted from Oracle Time Store to Oracle Enterprise Asset Management.
This extraction dynamically creates a resource transaction within Oracle Enterprise Asset
Management. Finally, the Cost Manager process is executed. This process charges the resource
transaction. After this process executes, you can view the actual costs for the period that you
charged, within the Work Order.
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Time and Expenses

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eAM Oracle Time and Labor

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Entering Timecard Information
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Entering Timecard Information
You can enter timecard information and expenses to a work order. When you enter time on a
Work Order, the information is stored in Oracle Time Store, a piece of Oracle Time and Labor
(OTL). Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) extracts this information and applies it to
the appropriate Work Order.
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Time and Expenses > Entering Timecard Information

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Extracting Information to eAM
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Extracting Information to eAM
You can extract all timecard information at a Submitted status from Oracle Time and Labor
(OTL) to Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM). A concurrent process executes in the
background and performs time charge extractions. After extracted, a resource transaction
dynamically generates within eAM. Most organizations set this process to periodically execute,
To extract information from OTL to eAM:
1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.
2. Select Retrieve Timecard Data from OTL to EAM.
3. A range of dates must be entered in the Parameters window to specify information to
extract from OTL.
• The decision to extract timecard information once is defined in OTL preferences. By
default, the preference is set to NO. The US OTL Administrator can change this
preference to YES in the OTL Preferences window (for example, a timecard is submitted
with erroneous charges).
4. Choose OK.

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Chapter 17 - Page 13
5. Choose Submit. A resource transaction has dynamically created in eAM. The timecard
information is now in the Resource Transaction Interface table.
6. Choose No to return to the menu.
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Time and Expenses > Extracting Information to Enterprise Asset Management
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Executing the Cost Manager Process
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Executing the Cost Manager Process
Finally, you need to execute the Cost Manager process. Most organizations set this process to
periodically execute, automatically. This process charges the resource transaction. After this
process runs, you can see the actual costs for the period that you charged, within the Work
• You need to set up the Cost Manager Interface Manager to execute in the background,
before executing the Cost Manager process.
To execute the Cost Manager process:
1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.
2. Select Cost Manager.
3. Choose Submit. The previously created resource transaction is now charged, and you can
view the actual resource costs within the Work Order that the timecard was initially
charged to; the information exists in the cost tables.
4. Choose No to return to the menu.

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Self-Service Work Requests

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Chapter 18

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Self-Service Work Requests

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Self-Service Work Requests

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Overview of Work Requests
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Overview of Work Requests
A Work Request serves a different function than a Work Order; it is a request for maintenance
on an asset (Capital or Rebuildable Inventory). eAM enables operations and maintenance staff
to report any problems with an asset. A supervisor can approve, request additional information,
or reject a Work Request. A Work Request requires approval before it is generated into a Work
Order. The Work Requests tab enables you to query existing, and create new Work Requests
for an asset.
Self-Service Work Requests User
The Self-Service Work Requests User is a person in an organization, often an employee (not
involved in the maintenance department), who uses Work Requests to report maintenance
problems. This person also uses Work Requests to check the statuses of problems reported.
Oracle offers a separate responsibility, Self-Service Work Requests, that contains only the
Work Requests tab, for these functions.
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Self Service Work Requests User > Self Service Work Requests >
Overview of Work Requests

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Overview of Work Requests
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Overview of Work Requests

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Life Cycle of a Work Request
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Work Request Lifecycle
A Work Request transitions through several statuses during its lifecycle.
• Open - A Work Request is created in an Open status.
• Awaiting Work Order - The Work Request status changes from Open to Awaiting Work
Order if the individual on the approval route has approved it. If the Auto-Approve Work
Request functionality is enabled for the current organization, the status is automatically
Awaiting Work Order.
• On Work Order - After a Work Request is associated with a Work Order, the status
changes to On Work Order.
• Rejected - The individual on the approval route rejected the Work Request.
• Additional Information - If the Work Request's status is Additional Information, the
originator needs to add the requested information.
• Complete - The Work Request status transitions to Complete when the Work Order
associated with the request is completed.

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Service Work Requests User > Self Service Work Requests >
Work Request Statuses
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Obtaining Work Request Information
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Obtaining Work Request Information
You can query for Work Requests using either the personalized, simple, or advanced search
modes. The personalized mode enables you to select specific fields that you like to search with.
The simple search mode displays commonly used fields that are normally used for searching.
The advanced search mode provides more search criteria options. From the results table, you
can view, update, and create Work Requests.
To obtain work request information using the simple search:
1. Navigate to the Work Requests tab.
2. Choose Simple Search.
3. Populate at least one of the following fields:
• If you know the specific Work Request number to view, then select a Request Number.
• To limit your selection, select an Asset Type. If you select Capital, then Work Requests
that are created for Asset Numbers appear. If you select Rebuildable Inventory, then
Work Requests that are created for Rebuildable Items appear.
• Select an Assigned Department.
• Select a Status.

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Chapter 18 - Page 12
• Select an Asset Number to search for related Work Requests.
4. Choose Go.
To obtain work request information using the advanced search:
1. Navigate to the Work Requests tab.
2. Choose Simple Search.
3. Choose Advanced Search to narrow your selection criteria. Populate at least one of the
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following fields:
• To narrow your selection, select an Asset Type. If you select Capital, then Work
Requests that are created for Asset Numbers appear. If you select Rebuildable Inventory,
then Work Requests that are created for Rebuildable Items appear.

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• Select an Asset Group. An Asset Group is a grouping of similar Asset Numbers.
• Select an Asset Number to search for related Work Requests.
• Select an Asset Category. This is the Class and Subclass code, such as
• Select an Add Another value.
4. Choose Go.
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Self Service Work Requests User > Self Service Work Requests >
Obtaining Work Request Information

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Self-Service Work Requests

Chapter 18 - Page 13
Practice - Obtaining Work Request Information
Query for Work Requests using either the personalized, simple, or advanced search modes. The
personalized mode enables you to select specific fields that you like to search with. The simple
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search mode displays commonly used fields that are normally used for searching. The advanced
search mode provides more search criteria options. From the results table, you can view, update,
and create Work Requests.

Oracle University and (Oracle Corporation) use only.

In this practice you will obtain Work Request information that is associated with your Work
Order, XX WO 1000.

• Students log into Oracle with User Name mfg and Password welcome; your instructor
might have a different User Name and Password for you to use

• Students use eAM enabled organization, EM1

• Students replace XX with a unique identifier

• The instructor has completed all guided demonstrations

• You have completed all previous practices

Obtain work request information

1. Within the Home tab, select Organization, EM1.

2. Within the Work Requests tab, execute an advanced search.

3. Query for Work Requests that are related to your Work Order, XX WO 1000.

Notice the Work Request that was automatically initiated, because of the Quality results.

4. Select the Work Request’s Number, to view detailed information about the Work Request.

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Chapter 18 - Page 14
Solution – Obtaining Work Request Information
Obtain work request information

Responsibility = Self-Service Work Requests or Maintenance Super User, Vision

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1. Navigate to the Home tab.

• (N) Self-Service Work Requests > Home tab

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2. Enter EM1 in the Organization field.

3. (B) Go

4. Select the Work Requests tab.

5. (B) Advanced Search

6. Query for Work Requests that are related to your Work Order, XX WO 1000.

• Select Asset Type is, Capital.

• Select Asset Group is, AS Equipment.

• (B) Go

Notice the Work Request that was automatically initiated, because of the Quality results.

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7. Select the Work Request’s Number, to view detailed information about the Work Request.
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Creating Work Requests
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Creating Work Requests
You can create a Work Request within the simple or advanced search pages.
To create a work request:
1. Navigate to the Work Requests tab.
2. Select the Create Work Request Sub-tab.
3. If it is indicated as a required field, then select an Asset Number. Otherwise, select an
Asset Number. This determination is based on a setting in the eAM Parameters.
4. Select a Priority.
5. Select a Requested By Date.
6. Select an Assigned Department.
7. Select a Work Request Type.
8. Select a Requested For value.
9. Enter an Additional Description for the Work Request.
10. Enter your phone number.
11. Select a Contact Preference. Valid values are E-mail or Phone Number.

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Self-Service Work Requests

Chapter 18 - Page 18
12. Enter your e-mail address.
13. Select a Context Value.
14. Choose Apply.
15. Choose OK.
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Creating and Updating Work Requests

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Self-Service Work Requests

Chapter 18 - Page 19
Practice - Creating Work Requests
You can create a Work Request within the simple or advanced search pages.
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In this practice you will define a Work Request for one of your assets. You will then view the
status of your new work request.


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• Students log into Oracle with User Name mfg and Password welcome; your instructor
might have a different User Name and Password for you to use

• Students use eAM enabled organization, EM1

• Students replace XX with a unique identifier

• The instructor has completed all guided demonstrations

• You have completed all previous practices

Create a work request

1. Within the Home tab, select Organization, EM1.

2. Within the Work Requests tab, select the Create Work Request sub-tab and enter the
following information:
− Asset Number = XX-1000
− Priority = High
− Work Request Type = Breakdown
− Additional Description = This asset is damaged.

3. Document your Work Request number: __________________________

4. Query for your Work Request and view its details.

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Chapter 18 - Page 20
Solution - Creating Work Requests
Create a work request

Responsibility = Self-Service Work Requests or Maintenance Super User, Vision

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1. Navigate to the Home tab.

• (N) Self-Service Work Requests > Home tab

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2. Enter EM1 in the Organization field.

3. (B) Go

4. Select the Work Requests tab.

5. Select the Create Work Request sub-tab and enter the following information:
− Asset Number = XX-1000
− Priority = High
− Work Request Type = Breakdown
− Additional Description = This asset is damaged.

6. (B) Apply

7. Document your Work Request number: __________________________

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8. (B) OK

9. Enter your Request Number from above.

10. (B) Go
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11. Select your work request Number to view the Work Request’s details. You can also update
it by choosing Update.

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Updating Work Requests
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Updating Work Requests
To update a work request:
1. Navigate to the Work Requests tab.
2. Populate at least one of the following fields:
• If you know the specific Work Request number to view, then select a Request Number.
• To limit your selection, select an Asset Type. If you select Capital, then Work Requests
that are created for Asset Numbers appear. If you select Rebuildable Inventory, then
Work Requests that are created for Rebuildable Items appear.
• Select an Assigned Department.
• Select a Status.
• Select an Asset Number to search for related Work Requests and Work Orders.
3. Choose Go.
4. Select the Update icon next to the Work Request you wish to update.
5. Add an Additional Description.
6. Update the values in the Creation Information region.

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7. Choose Apply.
8. Choose OK.
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Creating and Updating Work Requests
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Maintenance User Workbench

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Chapter 19

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Maintenance User

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Maintenance User Workbench

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Maintenance User Workbench

Maintenance User Workbench

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Maintenance User Workbench
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Maintenance User Workbench
You can quickly access your daily work information. After selecting Maintenance User
Workbench, you are automatically logged into your own personalized user interface.
You can quickly access your daily work information, such as Work Orders and execution
processes. After selecting the Maintenance User Workbench role, you are automatically logged
into your own personalized user interface. The Maintenance User Workbench provides the
information needed for you to evaluate the list of work that you need to complete, and to
determine how to organize your workday.
A Key Performance Indicator dashboard displays a summary of your work today, overdue
work, and open work. You can view your Open, Past Due, and/or yesterday's work, as well as
your Work Orders lined up for tomorrow. You can also view all of your department's and/or
Resource's unassigned Work Orders. You can view attachments, Work Order details, asset
details, material requirements, and other employees assigned to your Operations. You can enter
quality results, meter readings, complete Operations, Work Orders, charge resources, handover
work, add notes, and assign yourself to Work Orders that are not yet assigned to an employee.

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Maintenance User > Maintenance User Workbench >
Overview of the Maintenance User Workbench
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Maintenance User Workbench

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Maintenance Supervisor Workbench
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Maintenance Supervisor Workbench
Planners or Crew Supervisors can complete or uncomplete Work Orders, using the
Maintenance Workbench, or from the Work Plan tab in Maintenance User. After completing a
Work Order, the completion transaction record is created with your electronic signature (User
Name). A record is created with this signature, during completion, for any mandatory
collection plan results or mandatory meter readings, as well.
A Supervisor manages a crew of maintenance workers, assigns jobs based on workers' abilities
and availability, inspects and verifies work, communicates with other departments, knows the
current status of all jobs and assets, and is responsible for environmental health and safety.
This person has extensive knowledge of the Enterprise Asset Management system and is
responsible for creating and scheduling Work Orders, including Preventive Maintenance Work
Orders. This person updates Work Orders, orders parts, and completes operations and Work

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Maintenance User Workbench

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Viewing and Managing Your Work
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Maintenance User > Maintenance User Workbench >
Overview of the Maintenance User Workbench

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Viewing Your Work
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Viewing and Managing Your Work
You can view your current workload, including all Operations and Work Orders that you are
assigned to. You can view your Open, Past Due, and or yesterday's work, as well as your Work
Orders lined up for tomorrow. You can also view all of your department's and-or Resource's
unassigned Work Orders. You can view attachments, Work Order details, asset details,
material requirements, and other employees assigned to your Operations. You can enter quality
results, meter readings, complete Operations, Work Orders, charge resources, add notes, and
assign yourself to Work Orders that are not yet assigned to an employee.
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Maintenance User > Maintenance User Workbench >
Viewing and Managing your Work

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Viewing Work Order Details
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Work Order Details
The Operations sub-tab defaults as selected and enables you to view Operations on the current
Work Order, and the operations' dependencies in the View Dependency region. Operations are
scheduled to run in parallel, sequence, or through dependent steps.
It is important in asset management to capture both estimated and actual time spent on each
operation of a Work Order. When resources are identified on a Work Order, there is a time
estimate of how long it takes to perform the work. In many cases, the extent of the work load is
unknown until the work starts. Resource charging enables you to post actual usage time for
employees, equipment, and miscellaneous materials for specific operations on a Work Order.
To charge resources, select an Operation and then select Charge Time from the Select
Operation list of values.
1. Choose Go.
2. Select a Resource Sequence. The Resource, Unit of Measure, and Quantity (reflects the
number charged, normally in hours) default, based on the selected resource sequence and
the resources associated with the Work Order.
3. Select the Work Performed Date to indicate the actual date the work was performed.
4. Select the Employee that performed the work.

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Maintenance User Workbench

Chapter 19 - Page 11
5. Select the Equipment used to perform the work.
6. Select the Charge Department to identify which department is charged for the employee
or equipment usage.
- You can display the list of values if the Employee name or Equipment serial
number fields are populated. The list of values displays all departments that the
person or equipment is assigned to. If you enter a Charge Department manually, the
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system validates that the department matches the current operation's assigned
department. If it does not, you will receive an error.
7. Select a Reason code to indicate the reason the resource is used.
8. Enter a Reference.

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9. Choose Apply to save your work and return to the Work Order page.
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Maintenance User > Maintenance User Workbench >
Viewing and Managing your Work

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Maintenance User Workbench

Chapter 19 - Page 12
Updating Resources
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Updating Resource Requirements
Optionally select the Resources sub-tab to view or update the current Work Order's employee
and equipment resource requirements. When you enter a Work Order for an Asset Number, the
Work Order's associated Activity attaches the required material and resources to complete its
1. For Employee Resources, you can choose Charge Time to charge time to the current
• Select a Resource Sequence. The Resource, Unit of Measure, and Quantity (reflects the
number charged, normally in hours) default, based on the selected resource sequence and
the resources associated with the Work Order.
• Select a Resource to charge.
• Select a Unit of Measure. The value defaults as the current Resource's Unit of Measure.
• Enter a Quantity.
• Select the Work Performed Date to indicate the actual date the work was performed.
• Select the Employee that performed the work.
• Select the Equipment used to perform the work.

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• Select the Charge Department to identify which department is charged for the employee
or equipment usage.
- You can display the list of values if the Employee name or Equipment serial
number fields are populated. The list of values displays all departments that the
person or equipment is assigned to. If you enter a Charge Department manually, the
system validates that the department matches the current operation's assigned
department. If it does not, you will receive an error.
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• Select a Reason code to indicate the reason the resource is used.

• Enter a Reference.
• Choose Apply.

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2. For Employee Resources, you can optionally choose the View Assigned Employees icon
to view the specific employee numbers associated with the current resource.
3. Choose the Delete icon to delete the current resource requirement.
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Updating Collection Plans
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Updating Collection Plans
Optionally choose the Quality Plans sub-tab to view the current Work Order's Work Order and
Operation specific Quality collection plans. Collection plans appear that are associated with the
current Work Order's Asset Number. When a collection plan is created, it is specified whether
the collection plan requires completion. Triggers might have been specified to make specific
assets eligible for the collection plan.
1. Select the Enter Quality Results icon. Required Data fields depend on the Collection
Plan's collection element specifications.
• Choose Add to attach any necessary files, URLs, or text to the current Quality results.
Each results entry can have an unlimited number of attachments. Choose Apply.
• Apply to save the results entry.
2. Select the View Quality Results icon to view or update existing Quality results already
entered. Select Return to Work Order Details.
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Manage Associated Service and/or Work Requests
Select the Requests sub-tab to view any Service and or Work Requests associated with the
current Work Order.
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Direct Items and Outside Services
Select the Purchasing sub-tab to Direct Items or Outside Services for the current Work Order.
1. Select a specific Requisition Number to view its details.
2. View a specific Line's Details. Choose OK to return to the Requisition page.
3. Choose OK.
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Work Relationships
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Work Relationships
Select the Work Relationships sub-tab to view Work Order schedules and Work Order details.
Work Order Relationships let you manage a network of related Work Orders, enabling you to
manage complex projects, such as planned or facility shutdowns. The different relationships
provide separate scheduling rules that are used to manage large projects. A Gantt chart lets you
manage work by displaying Work Order schedules and a summary of Work Order details.
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Overview of Maintenance Super User
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Maintenance Super User
The Maintenance Super User is generally a Maintenance Planner or Supervisor and is often
defined as a "super user". A Maintenance Planner plans and schedules maintenance jobs,
manages and balances work loads over time, manages preventive maintenance strategy and
scheduling, manages material requirements, monitors availability, and coordinates strategies
with other departments, such as Operations, Purchasing, and Inventory. A Supervisor manages
a crew of maintenance workers, assigns jobs based on workers’ abilities and availability,
inspects and verifies work, communicates with other departments, knows the current status of
all jobs and assets, and is responsible for environmental health and safety.
This person has extensive knowledge of the Enterprise Asset Management system and is
responsible for creating and scheduling Work Orders, including Preventive Maintenance Work
Orders. This person updates Work Orders, orders parts, and completes operations and Work
Maintenance Super User is an internet based user-interface for maintenance personnel. It
introduces you to an easier approach of entering and searching for information from any
browser. Its step-by-step process requires minimal training and is intuitive enough for you to

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find and update information. Maintenance Super User is designed for the casual maintenance
user (for example, trades people, such as fitters, mechanics, and electricians), in a plant or
facility. Responsibilities can be assigned by employee or by role. This determines the
information you can view and update.
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The Maintenance Super User’s Home tab lets you change organizations, as well as view and
transact Purchase Order and Work Request notifications. You can indicate whether Work
Requests are automatically approved upon creation. Within the eAM Parameters, if the Auto
Approve check box is selected, then work requests are created in an Awaiting Work Order
(approved) status. Otherwise, if the check box is not selected, then work requests are created in
an Open status. If an organization has selected Work Request Approval through Oracle
Workflow Management, then the system notifies all users that belong to that approval group to
take action on the work request created. After an individual has taken action, the notification is
removed from other approvers’ notification lists belonging to that same approval group.
From the Home Page tab of Maintenance User, an approver can select a work request and view
its details. You can see any notification routed for your responsibility.
To select an organization to view notifications:
1. Navigate to the Home tab (Maintenance Super User: Home tab).
2. Within Subject column, select the Work Request or Purchase Order notification to open
and view.

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3. You can Approve, Reject, Reassign a notification, or you can Request Information from
the originator by choosing the appropriate buttons, respectively. Choose Reassign to
reassign the work request approval to another approval group.
4. Close the approval request by choosing Return to Worklist.
Note: You must first choose an eAM organization before you can select additional tabs.
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The Assets tab lets you identify Asset Numbers using Capital and Rebuildable Inventory
navigators. By obtaining detailed Asset Number information, you can either view details or
launch pages to view current and historical Asset Number configurations. As Serialized
Rebuildables are installed and removed from a particular asset, the genealogy automatically
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Capital Asset/Rebuildable Inventory Details
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Obtaining Asset Number Information
You can query Asset Numbers to view associated details, hierarchal information, cost
information, associated work and service requests, enter and view meter readings, and Quality
information. Use a Simple or Advanced Search to obtain your desired Asset Numbers.
To obtain Asset Number Information:
Navigate to the Assets tab.
2. Select either the Capital or the Rebuildable Inventory sub-tab to view information on
Capital Asset Numbers or Serialized Rebuildable Asset Numbers, respectively.
3. If you have previously saved some search criteria, the Views mode appears. You might
use this mode if you frequently search for Asset Number information with specific
criteria, such as Owning Department or Asset Group, among many. You can personalize
a View to narrow your search criteria.
• The View list of values contains already existing Views. You can optionally select an
existing View.
• Choose Go to display the Asset Number information that applies to the current View's
search criteria rules.

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• Choose Personalize to update, delete, or duplicate an existing View. You can also create
a new View.
• Select a View Name and then choose Duplicate to default all of the selected View's
values to a new View.
• Choose Create View to create a new view.
• The Display List value determines whether the current View exists within the View list of
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• Select the Update icon to update the values for the current View.
• Select the Delete icon to delete the current View.
• Choose Cancel to exit the Personalize Views page, without selecting a View

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• Select one or many Views to add to the Views drop down list, and then choose Apply to
exit the Personalize Views page.
4. Choose Simple Search.
5. Enter an Asset Number. You can enter a portion of an Asset Number and append a %
(wildcard) to display multiple Asset Numbers with similar names.
6. If the Capital sub-tab is selected, you can optionally select a Category to narrow your
selection criteria.
7. If the Rebuildable Inventory sub-tab is selected, you can optionally select an Asset
8. If the Capital sub-tab is selected, you can optionally select whether to display Asset
Numbers with associated Asset Routes (tasks). Valid values are Yes and No.
9. Choose Advanced Search to further narrow your selection criteria, to values such as
Asset Group, Asset Route, Owning Department, Category, Area, Accounting Class,
Fixed Asset Number, Criticality, Maintainable, Description, Attributes, Production
Organization, Equipment Item, Equipment Serial Number, Property Location Code,
and/or Property Location Name.
10. Choose Go.
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Obtaining Asset Number Information
Viewing Asset Number Information
You can display specific details about an Asset Number, such as an asset's configuration
history, costs, hierarchy information, associated meter readings, Quality information,
associated Work Orders, and associated Work Requests. You can also view the Asset
Number's associated Asset Group, parent, parent group, Category, Owning Department, Area,
Accounting Class, Criticality, maintainability, the associated equipment serial number,
attachments, associated Activities, and asset attributes.
To display Asset Number details:
1. Navigate to the Asset Numbers page, and query an Asset Number.
2. Select an Asset Number to view.
3. You can select the specific Asset Number or you can Choose Details from the Select
Asset Number list of values, to view associated Asset Number Information, Attributes,
and Activities.
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4. Choose View Equipment Details if the current Asset Number has associated equipment
details. This link is next to the Equipment Serial Number field, and is available if there
are associated equipment details. You can view all equipment details in the production
• Choose the View Resource Usage glasses icon to view all Work Orders created against
the Asset Number for the current equipment resource. This enables you to view resource
demand (Work Orders) associated with the Asset Number. This information is eAM's
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integration with Process Manufacturing.

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Hierarchy Facility Example
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You can view Asset Number hierarchy information, enabling you to identify Asset Numbers
using a navigator and the details of each Asset Number belonging to the hierarchy. As
Serialized Rebuildables are added and removed from a particular hierarchy, the asset
genealogy is dynamically updated.
To display the asset hierarchy:
1. Navigate to the Asset Numbers page, and query an Asset Number.
2. Select Hierarchy from the View list of values.
3. Choose Go. The associated hierarchy for the current Asset Number appears in the shaded
4. Select any Asset Number in the hierarchy to view its details.
5. Select the Parent Asset Number to view the complete hierarchy at the parent level.
6. Choose Return to Search to exit.
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Asset Quality Information
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Asset Quality Information
You can view a list of Quality collection plans and enter quality results for the current Asset
To view quality information:
1. Navigate to the Asset Numbers page, and query an Asset Number.
2. Select the Asset Number, and then select Quality from the Select Asset Number list of
3. Choose Go.
4. A list of collection plans, associated with the current Asset Number and requiring
completion, appear. When the collection plan was created, it was specified whether the
collection plan required completion. Also, during the eAM collection plan creation
process, triggers are specified to make specific Asset Numbers eligible for the collection
5. Enter quality results by selecting the Enter Quality Results icon. You can enter quality
results for a collection plan or update a collection plan's quality results multiple times.
• Required fields depend on the Collection Plan's collection element specifications.

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• Choose Add to attach any necessary files, URLs, or text to the chosen collection plan.
Each collection plan can have an unlimited number of attachments.
• Choose Apply to save your work or Cancel to return to the Quality Plans page.
6. Select the View Quality Results icon to view or update any results entered for the current
collection plan.
• Select either the Show table data when all conditions are met or Show table data when
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any condition is met radio button.

- Show table data when all conditions are met: Quality results containing all of the
following entered parameters appear in the results set table.
- Show table data when any condition is met: Quality results containing any of the

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following parameters appear in the results set table.
• Specify parameters to filter the data displayed. The parameters are the collection
elements defined for the current collection plan.
• Select an additional parameter from the Add Another list of values. Choose Add.
• Choose Go to view the entered parameters' results. Optionally choose Clear to enter new
• Select the Attachments icon to attach any necessary files, URLs, or text to the chosen
collection element (result entry). Each collection element in the collection plan can have
an unlimited number of attachments.
• Select the Update icon to update the current entry.
• Select Return To List Of Plans Page at the bottom of the page to return to the list of
quality collection plans.
7. The Visited column indicates whether the associated collection plan has been updated.
• Note: Quality results are entered at Work Order Completion for an Asset Number's
required collection plans.
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Configuration History
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Configuration History
You can view specified parent and child information in a tabular format, as well as
dynamically add parents and children to a hierarchy.
To display configuration history:
1. Navigate to the Asset Numbers page, and query an Asset Number.
2. Select Configuration History from the View list of values.
4. Choose Go.
5. Select whether to show the current Asset Number's Parents or Children information. The
page defaults showing Children information. If you select Parents, choose Go to display
the associated information.
6. Narrow your selection criteria by selecting a date range.
7. Choose Associate Child or Associate Parent (depending on whether you are showing
Parent or Children information) to dynamically add a Child or Parent to the current Asset
Number's hierarchy.
• Select an Asset Number.
• Enter a Start Date that this new configuration is effective. The system date defaults.

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• Enter an End Date.
• Choose Apply to save your work.
• Choose Cancel to return to the Configuration History window.
8. Select the Update icon to update configuration history information for the current Asset
9. Save and export your configuration results to a spreadsheet by selecting Export
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Configuration Results.
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Associated Work Requests
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Associated Work Requests
You can view an asset's associated Work Requests, create new Work Requests, or update
existing Work Requests for the current asset.
To view or create work requests for an asset:
1. Navigate to the Asset Numbers page, and query an asset.
2. Select an Asset Number, and then choose View Work Requests.
3. Choose Go.
4. Select a work request Number to view its details, such as the log explaining the issue
reported and priority code.
5. Choose Update if you are within the details of the Work Request, or you can select the
Update icon on the Existing Work Requests page.
• Update fields as needed.
• Choose Apply to save your work.
• Choose Cancel to return to the Existing Work Requests page, without updating the Work

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6. Choose Create Work Request to create a new Work Request, or choose Create if viewing
an existing request's details.
• If required, select an Asset Number. Depending on the current organization's parameter,
defining an Asset Number on Work Requests is required or optional.
• Select a Priority, for example High, Medium, or Low.
• Select a Request By Date. The system date defaults.
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• Select an Assigned Department. The current Asset Number's associated Assigned

Department defaults.
• Select a Work Request Type.
• Select the user the Work Request is Requested For. The current user defaults.

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• Enter the detailed information about the work requested in the Additional Description
• Enter your Creation Information, such as Phone Number, E-Mail address, and Contact
• Select a Context Value.
• Choose Apply to create the Work Request.
• Choose Cancel to return to the Existing Work Requests page, without creating a Work
7. Select Show in the Details column to display Work Orders linked to the current Work
• Select the Work Order number to view the Work Order's associated information.
• Choose Return to Existing Work Requests to return to the previous page.
8. Save and export the Work Request information to a spreadsheet, by selecting Export
Work Requests.
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Cost Information
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Cost Information
eAM integrates with Oracle Cost Management, honoring all costing rules set at the
organization level, for example, the costing method used. You can view the costs of Material,
Labor, and Equipment for maintenance Work Orders, associated with the current Asset
Number. You can view different types of transactional cost information, including actual,
estimated, variance, and summary. eAM maintains the hierarchy integrity. For example, when
viewing the parent Asset Number, you can view just the parent's costs, or the costs of the
parent, including all child costs rolled up to the parent level.
To view asset cost information:
1. Navigate to the Asset Numbers page, and query an Asset Number.
2. Select Costs from the View list of values.
3. Choose Go.
4. Select an Asset Number.
5. Choose Go.
6. In the Cost View Options region, you can narrow your selection criteria.

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• From the View drop down list, select the type of cost information to view. Valid values
are Actual Costs, Estimated Costs, Variance Costs, and Cost Summary.
- Actual Costs: This is the accumulation of all cost for material and resource
transactions for associated maintenance Work Orders, based on a specified period,
or any specified selection criteria you entered in the Cost View Options region.
When you select the Actual Costs from the list of values, the actual cost information
for your specified criteria is provided. The Cost Manager process runs in the
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background to provide updated, actual cost information at user defined, periodic

intervals, and/or when it is launched from the menu.
- Estimated Costs: A BOM (material parts list) and routing (resources) can be
associated with a Work Order. When you select Estimated Costs, the estimated

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costs of all materials and resources associated with a work order display, enabling
you to budget costs. The Work Order Cost Estimation process runs in the
background to provide updated, estimated cost information at user defined, periodic
intervals, and/or when it is launched from the menu. Estimated and actual costs
might differ because all materials or resources associated with a Work Order might
not actually be used when the Work Order is executed.
- Variance Costs: When you select Variance Cost, the difference between the actual
and estimated costs appear.
- Cost Summary: When you select Cost Summary type, the cost information from all
work orders associated with the current asset appear.
• From the View Cost By drop down list, select how you would like to view your cost
information. Valid values are Period and Cost Category.
- If you selected Cost Category, you can view cost information by defined categories,
such as Maintenance, Contract, or Operations.
Material:All material and material overhead transaction
costs appear
Labor: All employee resource and resource overhead
transaction costs appear.
Equipment: All material resource and resource overhead
transaction costs appear.
• If you selected Period, optionally enter the Period From and Period To. Accounting
Periods are defined within Oracle Inventory.
7. Select the Include Child Assets check box to roll up all costs for the current Asset
Number and its children.
8. Choose Go to view cost element information. Summary totals, of material, labor, and
equipment costs, appear.
9. Save and export your cost information to a spreadsheet by choosing Export.
10. View asset cost information, broken down by specific Work Order, by choosing Work
Order Cost Details.
• Select the Actual Cost link to view the Work Order's actual cost details by Period/Cost
• Choose View Transactions to view the transaction details.

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• Select the Estimated Cost link to view the Work Order's estimated cost details by Period
and Cost Category.
• Select View Estimated Cost Details to view the Work Order's estimated cost details by
Period and Cost Category.
• Select the Work Order Cost Details hypertext link, at the top of the page, to exit..
• Select the Variance Cost link to view the variance between the estimated and actual costs.
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Meter Readings
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Meter Readings
Meters are defined and associated with Asset Numbers to measure an asset or rebuildable
item's usage. Examples include odometers or counters. Meters are used in Preventive
Maintenance Scheduling to schedule and generate Preventive Maintenance Work Orders.
To enter or view meter readings:
You can enter and view Meter Readings for the current Asset Number.
1. Navigate to the Asset Numbers page, and query an Asset Number.
2. Select the Asset Number, and then select Meter Readings from the Select Asset Number
list of values.
3. Choose Go. Meters that are associated with the current Asset Number appear.
4. Enter a Value or Change Reading value for new meter readings, depending on the meter
type. If the meter is an Absolute type, the Value column is enabled. If the meter is a
Change type, the Change column is enabled.
5. Enter any necessary Comments.
6. Enter Reset information.

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• If you enter a Reset Reading value, you are resetting the source meter to this value. For
example, if a motor must be replaced, you can reset the meter reading value of the pump,
associated with the motor.
• Companies can associate a Source Meter to an Asset Number/Meter association. The
Source Meter reading subsequently feeds corresponding meters that are associated with
assets within the Meter Hierarchy.
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• Select the Include Target Reset check box to reset the current asset's target meter to the
source meter's Reset Reading.
• Enter a Reset Comment.
7. Choose Apply to save your work.

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8. Select the Reading History icon to view all meter readings for the selected meter and
current Asset Number. This helps you to make logical decisions when entering and
updating meter readings. For example, you can view the last meter reading, enabling you
to make a logical choice when entering the next meter reading.
9. Select the Disable icon to disable a past meter reading for the current Reading. If meter
readings are entered before resetting the meter, you cannot disable those meter readings.
The most current reading before the meter is reset cannot be disabled, unless the meter
reset reading entry is disabled.
• Preventive Maintenance Scheduling does not use any disabled information. After a meter
reading is disabled, you cannot re-enable it.
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Demo - Navigating Maintenance Super User
1. Navigate to Maintenance Super User.

2. Select Home.
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3. Select Organization, EM1.

4. Explain the Notifications area of the Home page.

5. Select the Assets tab and explain the Simple and Advanced search functionality.

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6. Search for an Asset using the Simple Search. Explain that we can search for both Capital
and Rebuildable Inventory.

7. Select the asset and show the following by selecting the appropriate selection in the drop
down list:

• Asset Details

• Hierarchy

• Configuration History

• Work Requests

• Costs

• Meter Readings

• Quality

• Work Orders

8. Select the Work Requests tab.

9. Select an Asset Number and select Go.

10. Discuss how the Work Requests are associated with the current asset. The students have
already had exercises in creating and updating Work Requests, but remind them that they
can view, create, and update Work Request information.

11. Select the Work Orders tab.

12. Enter and Asset Number and then choose Go.

13. Explain that the results are Work Orders that are associated with the current asset.

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14. Select the Create Work Order (creates an Easy Work Order) button and explain the
following fields:

• Request Number

• Work Order Type

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• Description

• Activity Type

• Activity Cause

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• Activity Soure

• Scheduled Start Date and Times

• Scheduled Duration (hours)

• Owning Department

• Priority

15. Select the Work Plan tab.

16. Enter an Assigned Department and Date Range, then choose Go.

17. Select a work order from the list of Work Orders and explain that Work Order’s details.

18. Navigate back to the Work Plan window and select a Work Order. Select the Manage
Operations button and explain the Operations page.

19. Mention that Stores will be discussed later.

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Work Requests
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Work Requests
A Work Request serves a different function than a Work Order; it is a request for maintenance
on an asset (Capital or Rebuildable Inventory). eAM enables operations and maintenance staff
to report any problems with an asset. A supervisor can approve, request additional information,
or reject a Work Request. A Work Request requires approval before it is generated into a Work
Order. The Work Requests tab lets you query existing, and create new Work Requests for an
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Work Orders
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Work Orders
The Work Orders tab let you query and create Work Orders, view and update Work Order
details, and create relationships among Work Orders. You can query Service and Work
Requests, view the requests' associated Work Orders, and create and assign Work Orders to the
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Work Order Details
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Work Order Details
To view Work Orders, you can use either the Simple or Advanced search modes. You can also
save search criteria to personalize your search.
To obtain a list of work orders:
1. Navigate to the Work Orders tab. The All sub-tab is selected.
2. The Simple Search mode defaults. Select an Asset Type. Valid values are Capital and
Rebuildable Inventory. This field works in conjunction with the Asset Number field.
3. Select an Asset Number to search for its related Work Orders.
4. Select an Asset Group. The current Asset Number's associated Asset Group defaults.
5. Select a specific Work Order.
6. Select Date From and To values to display Work Orders that fall within the specified date
7. Choose Go to display all Work Orders associated with the current search criteria.
8. Select a Work Order number to view its details.

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9. The Operations sub-tab defaults as selected. This sub-tab enables you to view Operations
on the current Work Order, and the operations' dependencies in the View Dependency
region. Operations are scheduled to run in parallel, sequence, or through dependent steps.
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Resource Charging
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Resource Charging
It is important in asset management to capture both estimated and actual time spent on each
operation of a Work Order. When resources are identified on a Work Order, there is a time
estimate of how long it takes to perform the work. In many cases, the extent of the work load is
unknown until the work starts. Resource charging enables you to post actual usage time for
employees, equipment, and miscellaneous materials for specific operations on a Work Order.
To charge resources, select an Operation, and then select Charge Time from the Select
Operation list of values.
• Choose Go.
- Select a Resource Sequence. The Resource, Unit of Measure, and Quantity (reflects
the number charged, normally in hours) default, based on the selected resource
sequence and the resources associated with the Work Order. For information on
Resource Sequence, Resource, and Unit of Measure.
- Select the Work Performed Date to indicate the actual date the work was
- Select the Employee that performed the work.
- Select the Equipment used to perform the work.

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- Select the Charge Department to identify which department is charged for the
employee or equipment usage.
- You can display the list of values if the Employee name or Equipment serial
number fields are populated. The list of values displays all departments that the
person or equipment is assigned to .If you enter a Charge Department manually, the
system validates that the department matches the current operation's assigned
department. If it does not, you will receive an error.
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- Select a Reason code to indicate the reason the resource is used.

- Enter a Reference.
- Choose Update Work Order to save your work and return to the Work Order page.

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Operations are often started but not finished by the assigned crew. A Handover enables a
supervisor to re-assign a task to another supervisor for the continuation of work. This
transaction adds an additional operation line and sequence to the Work Order. When the
operation is handed over, the current operation is automatically completed, and a new
operation is created. To handover work, select an Operation, and then select Handover from the
Select Operation list of values.
• Choose Go.
- Enter a Description for this new handover operation.
- Select a new Assigned Department. You cannot select the same department that the
current operation exists in. Those departments, having all the resources used for the
current operation, are available.
- Update the Start Date and Time for the new operation. The current system date and
time defaults.
- Enter an estimated Duration in hours that the new operation requires.
- Select a Reconciliation Code describing how the operation was completed.

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- Select a Shutdown Type to indicate whether a shutdown is necessary to handover
the operation.
- Choose Add to add file, URL, or text attachments. You can add a Description, such
as "This operation could not complete due to a delay in delivered items". Choose
Apply to display the Handover page.
- Indicate whether to carry over resource usage information by selecting the Select
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check box for the associated resource. Optionally update the Start Date and Time.
The current date and time defaults. Optionally enter the Duration of resource usage
in hours.
- Select the resources you want to handover to another department by selecting the
Select check box next to the desired resources. You can handover all resources by

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choosing Select All.
- Choose Apply to save your work, or cancel to return to the Operations page.
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Operation Dependencies
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Operation Dependencies
Operations are scheduled to run in parallel, sequence, or through dependent steps. For example,
Operation 20 is dependent on Operation 10; Operation 20 cannot be performed until Operation
10 is complete. Operations 30 and 40 run in parallel to each other. Operation 40 is
independent; it can be performed at any time. To add an operation dependency, select an
Operation, and then select Add Dependency from the Select Operation list of values. After the
dependency is added, you can view the dependency within the Operations page.
• Choose Go.
- Select the Dependent Operation.
- Select the Dependency Type.
- Delete existing dependencies by selecting the Delete icon.
- Choose Apply to create the dependency or Cancel to return to the Work Order page.
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Accessing iProcurement
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Accessing iProcurement
To access iProcurement, select an Operation, and then select Search Catalog from the Selection
Operation list of values.
• Choose Go
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Operation Completions
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Operation Completions and Uncompletions
You can Complete and Uncomplete operations. After an operation is complete, you can
perform an Operation Uncompletion. If an operation is dependent upon another operation, you
cannot uncomplete that operation's dependency if the current operation is complete. For
example, operation 20 is dependent on operation 10 completing. You cannot uncomplete
operation 10 after operation 20 is complete. To Complete or Uncomplete an operation, select
an Operation, and then select Complete/Uncomplete from the Select Operation list of values.
1. Choose Go.
• The Actual Start Date and Time defaults; you can optionally update it.
• Enter a Reconciliation Code to describe why you are completing this operation. For
example, Operation Completed or Operation Partially Completed.
• Actual Duration identifies the total elapsed time of the Work Order. It is automatically
calculated as the difference between the operation's Scheduled Start and End Dates.
• Select a Reconciliation Code to describe why you are completing or uncompleting this
• Enter a Reference.

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• Choose Add to attach any necessary files, URLs, or text to the current operation. Each
operation can have an unlimited number of attachments.
• Select a Context Value.
• Enter a segment1.
• The Quality Plans region displays collection plans that are associated with the current
Work Order's Asset Number. When a collection plan is created, it is specified whether
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the collection plan requires completion. Triggers might have been specified to make
specific assets eligible for the collection plan. If results entry is required for the collection
plan, you are prompted to enter Quality results upon completing the Operation.
Optionally select the Enter Quality Results icon. Required Data fields depend on the
Collection Plan's collection element specifications.

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• Choose Add to attach any necessary files, URLs, or text to the current Quality results.
Each results entry can have an unlimited number of attachments. Choose Apply.
• Choose Apply to save the results entry or Cancel to return to the Complete Operation
• Select the View Quality Results icon to view or update existing Quality results already
entered. Select Return to Complete Operation.
• Choose Apply to complete the operation or Cancel to return to the Work Order page.
• Update the operations for the current Work Order. These operations default from the
maintenance route associated with the current Activity, but you can update and add to
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Material Transactions
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Material Transactions
Select the Materials sub-tab to view or add items from the associated Asset Number's items
list. When you enter a Work Order for an Asset Number, the Asset Number's associated
Activity attaches the required material and resources to complete its operations. The Inventory
and Direct Item requirements display. You can update, add, view, and delete material
requirements for a specific Work Order.
1. You can Request New Inventory Items.
• Select an Item.
• Enter a Required Quantity.
• Select a Date Required. The system date and time defaults.
• Select a Supply Type.
• Select whether an Auto Select Material value. If you select Yes, Requisitions-Purchase
Orders are created automatically, for the current Inventory Item, when the Work Order is
• Enter a Description.
• Enter a Comment.

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• Select whether to include this Inventory Item in the MRP Net.
• Choose Apply to add the Inventory Item to the Work Order's material requirements.
2. Choose Request All Materials to deliver all required material from Stores to the Work
Order. A Material Issue Request is generated (Move Order in Inventory) to request the
material to a Work Order. This process is automated upon Work Order release, by
selecting a check box in the Enterprise Asset Management Parameters.
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• Choose Request to allocate the material requirements to the Work Order.

3. Optionally choose Copy From Asset BOM to update the BOM associated with the Asset
Group with any items list changes.
• Select the necessary Material, and then choose Apply.

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4. Choose One Step Material Issue. A one-step material issue is a substitute for the Material
Issue Request and Material Issue Verification activities; a separate request is not created.
• Select the Work Order that you wish to issue material. It must be enabled for material
issue requests. The current Work Order defaults.
• Select the specific Operation to view results on existing One Step Material Issues that
were issued to that operation. Operations existing within the selected Work Order are
• Select a specific Material if your query is to view existing One Step Material Issues.
• Choose Go. All planned material appears in the Select Material(s) region. Planned
material is material that exists in the Work Order's material requirements.
• Within the Select Material(s) region, optionally select unplanned Material (material not
part of the Work Order's material requirements) to issue to the current Work Order.
• Select an Operation to issue the material. The UOM defaults to the current Material's
• Select the Quantity of the material that you are issuing to the Work Order.
• Optionally select a Subinventory to pull the material from in Inventory.
• If you previously selected a Subinventory requiring a Locator, select a Locator.
• If the current material is lot controlled, select a Lot.
• If the current material is serial controlled, select From and To Serial numbers.
• Select a Revision.
• If the material is Rebuildable Inventory, optionally choose the Replaced Rebuild Details
icon to specify the replacement Rebuildable Item information for the current Rebuildable
Item. After selected, you can indicate the following within the Replaced Rebuild Details
- Rebuild Item- defaults as the current Rebuild Item; you can update it.
- Rebuild Serial Number - optionally enter if you know what serial number is coming
out (for serialized rebuilds).
- Rebuild Activity - the activity you want to associate with the created rebuild Work
- Rebuild Work Order - the name of the Work Order created for the replaced
Rebuildable Item

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- If you specify a replaced rebuildable item, a Work Order generates for the replaced
rebuildable item because it is most likely problematic and you can have it repaired.
If a serial number is provided for the replaced Rebuildable Item, it is removed from
the asset's hierarchy and the configuration history is updated. If nothing is specified
within the Replaced Rebuild Details page, the replaced rebuild defaults as the same
rebuild item that you are issuing. A Work Order is created for the replaced rebuild
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• Optionally, select the Details Show-Hide toggle icon. Optionally select a Reason for the
current issue.Select the Date required for the material to the Work Order. Today's date
and time defaults.Optionally enter a Reference.
• Select the Select check box next to the lines you are issuing to the current Work Order.

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• Choose Issue.
5. You can optionally choose Request New Direct Items to add Direct Items to the Work
Order's material requirements. Non-stock direct items can be included in the internal
catalog, but the decision is made to not maintain an inventory balance. These items are
not transactable, not stockable, but you can procure them. Direct items are either non-
stock or description-based. Non-Stock Direct Items can represent items that are not
stocked in inventory, or services that need to be purchased from a supplier. Non-Stock
Direct Items are not stocked in inventory but are defined in the Item Master as an
inventory item, purchasable, and purchase but not stockable. Direct Items are contrived
as "one-off", bought directly from a vendor for a specific Work Order and Operation.
They are delivered directly to the Shop Floor from maintenance Work Order execution.
You can add Planned Direct Items to a Work Order's Bill of Material (BOM) or an
Activity BOM. Planned Direct Items must first be created in the Item Master as Non-
Stockable and Purchasable inventory items. A purchase requisition is optionally
automatically created for these items, when the Work Order is released.
• Select an Operation.
• Select a Direct Item Type.
- Description Based Item: This direct item type is not stored in Oracle Inventory.
- Non Stock Item: This direct item type is stored in Oracle Inventory. Its Master Item
record's Stockable check box is cleared.
• If you selected a Non Stock Item Type, select an Item. This field is disabled if a
Description Based Item Type was previously selected.
• Enter a Description, if you previously selected a Description Based Item Type.
• Enter a UOM. If you previously selected a Non Stock Item Type, this value defaults from
the Master Item.
• Enter a Need By Date. The system date defaults.
• Optionally enter a Purchasing Category.
• Choose Apply.
6. Select Check ATP from the Select Material(s) list of values to check available to promise
information for all selected Material.
• Choose Go.

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7. Select Copy To Asset BOM from the Select Material(s) list of values to copy any
selected Material to the current Asset Number's Asset BOM.
• Choose Go.
8. Select the Update icon to update the current material requirement information.
9. Select the Request More icon to request more of the current material requirement to the
Work Order.
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10. Choose Delete to delete the current material requirement.

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Resource Transactions
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Resource Transactions
Select the Resources sub-tab to view or update the current Work Order's employee and
equipment resource requirements. When you enter a Work Order for an Asset Number, the
Work Order's associated Activity attaches the required material and resources to complete its
1. For Employee Resources, you can optionally choose Charge Time to charge time to the
current resource.
• Select a Resource Sequence. The Resource, Unit of Measure, and Quantity (reflects the
number charged, normally in hours) default, based on the selected resource sequence and
the resources associated with the Work Order. For information on Resource Sequence,
Resource, and Unit of Measure.
• Select a Resource to charge.
• Select a Unit of Measure. The value defaults as the current Resource's Unit of Measure.
• Enter a Quantity.
• Select the Work Performed Date to indicate the actual date the work was performed.
• Select the Employee that performed the work.

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• Select the Equipment used to perform the work.
• Select the Charge Department to identify which department is charged for the employee
or equipment usage. You can display the list of values if the Employee name or
Equipment serial number fields are populated. The list of values displays all departments
that the person or equipment is assigned to. If you enter a Charge Department manually,
the system validates that the department matches the current operation's assigned
department. If it does not, you will receive an error.
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• Select a Reason code to indicate the reason the resource is used.

• Enter a Reference.
• Choose Apply.

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2. For Employee Resources, you can choose the View Assigned Employees icon to view the
specific employee numbers associated with the current resource.
3. Choose the Delete icon to delete the current resource requirement.
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Quality Collection Plans
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Quality Collection Plans
Select the Quality Plans sub-tab to view the current Work Order's Work Order and Operation
specific Quality collection plans. Collection plans appear associated with the current Work
Order's Asset Number. When a collection plan is created, it is specified whether the collection
plan requires completion. Triggers are specified to make specific assets eligible for the
collection plan.
1. Select the Enter Quality Results icon. You can enter quality results for a collection plan
or update a collection plan's quality results multiple times.
• Required Data fields depend on the Collection Plan's collection element specifications.
• Choose Add to attach any necessary files, URLs, or text to the current Quality results.
Each results entry can have an unlimited number of attachments. Choose Apply.
• Choose Apply to save the results entry.
2. Select the View Quality Results icon to view or update existing Quality results already
entered. Select Return to Complete Operation.
3. Choose Update Work Order to update the current Work Order.

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Select the Requests sub-tab to view any Service and or Work Requests associated with the
current Work Order.
• Choose Assign to Work Order to associate the selected requests to the current Work
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Purchasing Information
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Purchasing Information
Select the Purchasing sub-tab to view purchase requisitions, Direct Items, and OSP items for
the current Work Order.
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Work Relationships
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Work Relationships
Select the Work Relationships sub-tab to manage Work Order schedules and view Work Order
details. Work Order Relationships enable you to manage a network of related Work Orders,
enabling you to manage complex projects, such as planned or facility shutdowns. The different
relationships provide separate scheduling rules that are used to manage large projects. A Gantt
chart enables you to manage work by displaying Work Order schedules and a summary of
Work Order details. The Gantt Chart's drag and drop functionality enables you to manage
schedules with ease.
1. Choose Update Work Hierarchy to view and or update the Scheduling Relationship.
• Select Create Child Work Order from the Select Work Order list of values to create a
Parent Child Relationship.
• Select Add Existing Work Orders from the Select Work Order list of values to add
Scheduling children to the current Work Order.
• Choose Apply.
• Choose Shift Dates to shift the scheduling dates.
• Choose Remove to remove the selected Work Order from the hierarchy.

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Chapter 20 - Page 55
2. Choose Update Alternate Cost Hierarchy to view and or update the Cost Relationship.
You can optionally create child work orders, add existing work orders, and view cost
information for the current Cost Relationship.
3. Choose View Costs to view the current Work Order's cost information.
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Viewing Work Orders

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Work Plan
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Work Plans
Crew Supervisors execute work plans generated by a Planner. The Materials tab lets you
manage operations on a Work Order. You can skill search across departments, assign
employees to a Work Order, adjust crew schedules, complete operations, hand work over to
another department, complete a Work Order, request material, and enter quality plan
information, such as inspection data.
Using the simple or advanced search modes, a supervisor can query on existing Work Orders,
assigned to a department or employee, to view, update, or manage operations. Managing
Operations let you search skills, assign employees to Work Orders, hand over work to other
departments, charge resources, and complete or uncomplete an operation. The following tasks
are performed, using the Work Plan tab:
• Work Order viewing
• Resource charging
• Handovers
• Employee assignment to operations
• Operation Completion/Uncompletion

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Managing Operations
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Managing Operations
Managing Operations enables a supervisor to search on skills, assign employees to work
orders, hand over work to other departments, charge resources, and complete or uncomplete an
Planners execute work plans for preventive maintenance work, and for scheduled on going
maintenance. For example, you can create a work plan to schedule oil change on a regular
basis for a truck. Work plans enable you to manage the operations of a work order, as well as:
• assign employees to a work order
• adjust crew schedules
• complete operations
• hand work over to another department
• complete a work order
• Delete operation, resource, employee, equipment
• enter quality plan information
Viewing Work Order Details

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Chapter 20 - Page 59
You can view and update the details of a work plan at any time using the Materials from the
Work Orders.
You can view the following information:
• Details about Work orders – both Capital Assets and Rebuildable Inventory
• Status
• Asset Number
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• Work Order Number

• Description
• Start date and time
• Duration

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• Owning Department
• Status
Additionally, you can view operation information including:
• Assigned Department
• Actual duration
• Completed (yes or no)
• Attachments
Executing Work Plans
You can execute work orders for any scheduled work in your organization.
The Work Orders tab enables you to do the following:
• Manage operations, including:
- Complete operation/Un-complete operation - completing an operation does not
complete the work order, however this can be done via the Work Order or Work
Plan tab.
- Complete work order/Un-complete work order
- Charge Resources – resources, such as people and machines, are charged to the
work order for actual hours worked. Hours for machines is entered if instances have
been defined at the department/resource level. Actual labor rates for an employee is
charged if an actual rate has been defined in the WIP labor rates window . The cost
is charged to the work order based on the resource setup and actual hours charged to
the work order.
- Charge Employees
• Handover work to another department – this creates a second operation sequence on the
maintenance work order routing for the department you specify.
• Add Dependency.
• Delete resources, operation, employee, or equipments.
• Assign Employees.
• Enter Quality Data – you can enter quality information for any plan that is associated
with the current asset. If a completion transaction is being executed, quality data is
required when the plan is mandatory. The information provided triggers an action, such
as Create work request, for an asset.

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Material issue to Work Orders and returns to Inventory are typical store room functions.
The Stores tab provides Material Issue Request and Verification functionality, and is used to
manage a Work Order's material availability. A Work Order's material requirements are
defined on its Maintenance Bill of Material, and are available to the Work Order via the
Material Issue Request and Verification process.
There are two activities involved in delivering material from stores to a Work Order. First, a
Material Issue Request is generated (Move Order in Oracle Inventory) to request the material
to a Work Order. This process is automated upon Work Order release, by selecting a check box
in the Enterprise Asset Management Parameters. The second activity involves Material Issue
Verification (Move Order in Oracle Inventory), and is generated when you access the Stores
tab and select material for a Work Order, based on available, unprocessed move orders. A one-
step material issue is a substitute for these two activities; a request is not created.
You can return material to Inventory from a maintenance Work Order. If excess or defective
material is issued to a Work order, it needs to return.
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Delivering Material from Stores to a Work Order
There are two activities involved in delivering material from stores to a Work Order. First, a
Material Issue Request is generated (Move Order in Oracle Inventory) to request the material
to a Work Order. You may automate this process upon Work Order release by selecting the
Enable Material Issue Requests and Auto Request Material check boxes in the Enterprise Asset
Management Parameters. You may override these settings at the Work Order level. The Auto
Request Material check box is located in the Material Requirements window. The second
activity involves Material Issue Verification (Move Order in Oracle Inventory), and is
generated when you access the Stores tab and select material for a Work Order, based on
available, unprocessed move orders. A one-step material issue is a substitute for these two
activities; a request is not created.
If the Material Issue Request process is not automated, you can perform a manual request
within the Request all Materials page, located on the Work Orders tab.
To perform the required setup steps for the two-step material delivery process:
First, define a Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule within the WIP Parameters window. This
information is used when pick slips are created for the material issue requests, detailing
subinventory and locator information. Next, decide if your organization wants to Allocate

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Chapter 20 - Page 63
Serial Numbers. If the answer is no, the quantity of the material issued is allocated and no
serial numbers are allocated. The picker enters the picked serial numbers and is not partial to
any specific serial numbers. If the answer is yes, serial numbers are allocated during the
material request, and then are not available for any other transaction.
1. Navigate to the Work In Process Parameters window.
2. Select the Other tab.
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3. Select a Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule. This information is used when pick slips are
created for the material issue requests, detailing subinventory and locator information.
4. Save your work.
5. Navigate to the Organization Parameters window.

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6. Select the Revision, Lot, Serial tab.
7. Select an Allocate Serial Numbers value. If you select No, the quantity is allocated, but
individual serial numbers are not. If you select Yes, you can allocate serial numbers when
material requests are created. These serial numbers are not available to any other
transaction. Organizations typically select No, enabling the picker to enter the picked
serial numbers. In most cases, the requestor is not partial to specific serial numbers.
8. Save your work.
To generate a Material Issue Verification:
Assuming that you have set the eAM Parameters to automatically create a Material Issue
Request upon Work Order release, the following procedures execute the Material Issue
Request; they physically allocate material to a Work Order.
1. Navigate to the Stores tab (Maintenance Super User: Stores tab).
2. The system defaults the Simple search mode. Enter at least one of the following fields in
both the Simple and Advanced search modes.
• Enter a Material Request Number to narrow your results to that request.
• Enter a Work Order Number to narrow your results to only requests belonging to one
Work Order.
• Enter a specific Material to narrow your results to only Material Issue Requests requiring
that Material.
• Enter a Subinventory to narrow your results to a specific Subinventory.
• Using the Advanced search mode (Advanced button), optionally enter a material request
Line Number to narrow your results to only specified lines on a request.
• Enter an Operation number to narrow your results to only requests belonging to a specific
operation on a Work Order.
• Select a value from the Add Another list of values, and then choose Add.
- Enter a Locator if a Subinventory was selected and requires a Locator.
- Entered a Created By value. This is the person that created the material request.
3. Choose Go to display Material Issue Request information in the Results region. The
results region is divided between Material with no Lot or Serial Control and Material
with Lot or Serial Control.
4. The Issue Qty value defaults from the material requirements. You can update it.
5. Select a Reason for the Material Issue.

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Chapter 20 - Page 64
6. Enter a Reference.
7. Select the Delete Remaining Allocation check box to delete the remaining, unissued
quantity, if the Issue Qty is lower than the allocated amount within the material
requirements. Otherwise, it will save.
8. For results within the Material with no Lot or Serial Control region, optionally select the
Replace Rebuild Details pencil icon to specify a Serialized Rebuildable to issue to the
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current Work Order. This icon is enabled if the associated Work Order is for Rebuildable
Inventory maintenance. After selected, you can indicate the following within the
Replaced Rebuild Details page:
• Rebuild Item - defaults as the current Rebuild Item; you can update it.
• Rebuild Serial Number - optionally enter if you know what serial number is coming out

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(for serialized rebuilds only).
• Rebuild Activity - the activity you want to associate with the created rebuild Work Order
• Rebuild Work Order - the name of the Work Order created for the replaced Rebuildable
If you specify a replaced rebuildable item, a Work Order generates for the replaced rebuildable
item because it is most likely problematic and you can have it repaired. If a serial number is
provided for the replaced Rebuildable Item, it is removed from the asset's hierarchy and the
configuration history is updated.
If nothing is specified within the Replaced Rebuild Details page, the replaced rebuild defaults
as the same rebuild item that you are issuing. A Work Order is created for the replaced rebuild
9. Select the Delete icon to delete the current material allocation. You might want to use this
feature if you wish to free material and use it within the One-Step process.
10. For results within the Material with Lot or Serial Control region, select the Enter Serial
Numbers pencil icon to specify a specific serial number to issue to the current Work
11. Select the Select check box on the rows that you want to verify (allocate the material to
the current Work Order), then choose Export. The material is now available for the Work
• Note: Ensure that the requested material is available in subinventories that are enabled for
picking. Enabled subinventories might be governed by picking rules.
To perform a one step material issue:
A one-step material issue is a substitute for the Material Issue Request and Material Issue
Verification activities; a separate request is not created. This is performed if the Enable
Material Issue Requests check box is not selected in the eAM Parameters.
1. Navigate to the Stores tab.
2. Select the One Step Material Issue sub-tab.
3. Select the Work Order that you wish to issue material. It must be enabled for material
issue requests.
4. Select the specific Operation to view results on existing One Step Material Issues that
were issued to that operation. Only operations existing within the selected Work Order
are available.

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Chapter 20 - Page 65
5. Select a specific Material if your query is to view existing One Step Material Issues.
6. Choose Go. All planned material appears in the Select Material(s) region. Planned
material is material that exists in the Work Order's material requirements.
7. Within the Select Material(s) region, optionally select unplanned Material (material not
part of the Work Order's material requirements) to issue to the current Work Order.
• Select an Operation to issue the material. The UOM defaults to the current Material's
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8. Select the Quantity of the material that you are issuing to the Work Order.
9. Select a Subinventory to pull the material from in Inventory.
10. If you previously selected a Subinventory requiring a Locator, then select a Locator.

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11. If the current material is lot-controlled, then select a Lot.
12. If the current material is serial-controlled, then select From and To Serial numbers.
13. Select a Revision.
14. If the material is Rebuildable Inventory, optionally choose the Replaced Rebuild Details
icon to specify the replacement Rebuildable Item information for the current Rebuildable
Item. After selected, you can indicate the following within the Replaced Rebuild Details
• Rebuild Item - defaults as the current Rebuild Item; you can update it.
• Rebuild Serial Number - optionally enter if you know what serial number is coming out
(for serialized rebuilds only).
• Rebuild Activity - the activity you want to associate with the created rebuild Work Order
• Rebuild Work Order - the name of the Work Order created for the replaced Rebuildable
If you specify a replaced rebuildable item, a Work Order generates for the replaced
rebuildable item because it is most likely problematic and you can have it repaired. If a
serial number is provided for the replaced Rebuildable Item, it is removed from the
asset's hierarchy and the configuration history is updated.
If nothing is specified within the Replaced Rebuild Details page, the replaced rebuild
defaults as the same rebuild item that you are issuing. A Work Order is created for the
replaced rebuild item.
15. Select the Details Show or Hide toggle icon.
- Select a Reason for the current issue.
- Select the Date required for the material to the Work Order. Today's date and time
- Enter a Reference.
16. Select the Select check box next to the lines you are issuing to the current Work Order.
17. Choose Issue.

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Chapter 21

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Material issue to Work Orders and returns to Inventory are typical store room functions.
The Stores tab provides Material Issue Request and Verification functionality, and is used to
manage a Work Order's material availability. A Work Order's material requirements are
defined on its Maintenance Bill of Material, and are available to the Work Order via the
Material Issue Request and Verification process.
There are two activities involved in delivering material from stores to a Work Order. First, a
Material Issue Request is generated (Move Order in Oracle Inventory) to request the material
to a Work Order. This process is automated upon Work Order release, by selecting a check box
in the Enterprise Asset Management Parameters. The second activity involves Material Issue
Verification (Move Order in Oracle Inventory), and is generated when you access the Stores
tab and select material for a Work Order, based on available, unprocessed move orders. A one-
step material issue is a substitute for these two activities; a request is not created.
You can return material to Inventory from a maintenance Work Order. If excess or defective
material is issued to a Work order, it needs to return.
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Stores Processes
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Delivering Material from Stores to a Work Order
There are two activities involved in delivering material from stores to a Work Order. First, a
Material Issue Request is generated (Move Order in Oracle Inventory) to request the material
to a Work Order. You may automate this process upon Work Order release by selecting the
Enable Material Issue Requests and Auto Request Material check boxes in the Enterprise Asset
Management Parameters. You may override these settings at the Work Order level. The Auto
Request Material check box is located in the Material Requirements window. The second
activity involves Material Issue Verification (Move Order in Oracle Inventory), and is
generated when you access the Stores tab and select material for a Work Order, based on
available, unprocessed move orders. A one-step material issue is a substitute for these two
activities; a request is not created.
If the Material Issue Request process is not automated, you can perform a manual request
within the Request all Materials page, located on the Work Orders tab.
To perform the required setup steps for the two-step material delivery process:
First, define a Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule within the WIP Parameters window. This
information is used when pick slips are created for the material issue requests, detailing
subinventory and locator information. Next, decide if your organization wants to Allocate

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Chapter 21 - Page 8
Serial Numbers. If the answer is no, the quantity of the material issued is allocated and no
serial numbers are allocated. The picker enters the picked serial numbers and is not partial to
any specific serial numbers. If the answer is yes, serial numbers are allocated during the
material request, and then are not available for any other transaction.
1. Navigate to the Work In Process Parameters window.
2. Select the Other tab.
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3. Select a Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule. This information is used when pick slips are
created for the material issue requests, detailing subinventory and locator information.
4. Save your work.
5. Navigate to the Organization Parameters window.

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6. Select the Revision, Lot, Serial tab.
7. Select an Allocate Serial Numbers value. If you select No, the quantity is allocated, but
individual serial numbers are not. If you select Yes, you can allocate serial numbers when
material requests are created. These serial numbers are not available to any other transaction.
Organizations typically select No, enabling the picker to enter the picked serial numbers. In
most cases, the requestor is not partial to specific serial numbers.
8. Save your work.
To generate a Material Issue Verification:
Assuming that you have set the eAM Parameters to automatically create a Material Issue
Request upon Work Order release, the following procedures execute the Material Issue
Request; they physically allocate material to a Work Order.
1. Navigate to the Stores tab (Maintenance Super User > Stores).
2. The system defaults the Simple search mode. Enter at least one of the following fields in
both the Simple and Advanced search modes.
• Enter a Material Request Number to narrow your results to that request.
• Enter a Work Order Number to narrow your results to only requests belonging to one
Work Order.
• Enter a specific Material to narrow your results to only Material Issue Requests requiring
that Material.
• Enter a Subinventory to narrow your results to a specific Subinventory.
• Using the Advanced search mode (Advanced button), optionally enter a material request
Line Number to narrow your results to only specified lines on a request.
• Enter an Operation number to narrow your results to only requests belonging to a specific
operation on a Work Order.
• Select a value from the Add Another list of values, and then choose Add.
- Enter a Locator if a Subinventory was selected and requires a Locator.
- Entered a Created By value. This is the person that created the material request.
3. Choose Go to display Material Issue Request information in the Results region. The
results region is divided between Material with no Lot or Serial Control and Material with Lot
or Serial Control.
4. The Issue Qty value defaults from the material requirements. You can update it.
5. Select a Reason for the Material Issue.

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Chapter 21 - Page 9
6. Enter a Reference.
7. Select the Delete Remaining Allocation check box to delete the remaining, unissued
quantity, if the Issue Qty is lower than the allocated amount within the material requirements.
Otherwise, it will save.
8. For results within the Material with no Lot or Serial Control region, optionally select the
Replace Rebuild Details pencil icon to specify a Serialized Rebuildable to issue to the current
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Work Order. This icon is enabled if the associated Work Order is for Rebuildable Inventory
maintenance. After selected, you can indicate the following within the Replaced Rebuild
Details page:
• Rebuild Item - defaults as the current Rebuild Item; you can update it.
• Rebuild Serial Number - enter if you know what serial number is coming out (for

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serialized rebuilds only).
• Rebuild Activity - the activity you want to associate with the created rebuild Work Order
• Rebuild Work Order - the name of the Work Order created for the replaced Rebuildable
If you specify a replaced rebuildable item, a Work Order generates for the replaced rebuildable
item because it is most likely problematic and you can have it repaired. If a serial number is
provided for the replaced Rebuildable Item, it is removed from the asset's hierarchy and the
configuration history is updated.
If nothing is specified within the Replaced Rebuild Details page, the replaced rebuild defaults
as the same rebuild item that you are issuing. A Work Order is created for the replaced rebuild
9. Select the Delete icon to delete the current material allocation. You might want to use this
feature if you wish to free material and use it within the One-Step process.
10. For results within the Material with Lot or Serial Control region, select the Enter Serial
Numbers pencil icon to specify a specific serial number to issue to the current Work Order.
11. Select the Select check box on the rows that you want to verify (allocate the material to
the current Work Order), then choose Export. The material is now available for the Work
• Note: Ensure that the requested material is available in subinventories that are enabled for
picking. Enabled subinventories might be governed by picking rules.
To perform a one step material issue:
A one-step material issue is a substitute for the Material Issue Request and Material Issue
Verification activities; a separate request is not created. This is performed if the Enable
Material Issue Requests check box is not selected in the eAM Parameters.
1. Navigate to the Stores tab.
2. Select the One Step Material Issue sub-tab.
3. Select the Work Order that you wish to issue material. It must be enabled for material
issue requests.
4. Select the specific Operation to view results on existing One Step Material Issues that
were issued to that operation. Only operations existing within the selected Work Order are
5. Select a specific Material if your query is to view existing One Step Material Issues.

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Chapter 21 - Page 10
6. Choose Go. All planned material appears in the Select Material(s) region. Planned
material is material that exists in the Work Order's material requirements.
7. Within the Select Material(s) region, optionally select unplanned Material (material not
part of the Work Order's material requirements) to issue to the current Work Order.
• Select an Operation to issue the material. The UOM defaults to the current Material's
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8. Select the Quantity of the material that you are issuing to the Work Order.
9. Optionally select a Subinventory to pull the material from in Inventory.
10. If you previously selected a Subinventory requiring a Locator, select a Locator.
11. If the current material is lot controlled, select a Lot.

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12. If the current material is serial controlled, select From and To Serial numbers.
13. Select a Revision.
14. If the material is Rebuildable Inventory, optionally choose the Replaced Rebuild Details
icon to specify the replacement Rebuildable Item information for the current Rebuildable Item.
After selected, you can indicate the following within the Replaced Rebuild Details page:
• Rebuild Item - defaults as the current Rebuild Item; you can update it.
• Rebuild Serial Number - optionally enter if you know what serial number is coming out
(for serialized rebuilds only).
• Rebuild Activity - the activity you want to associate with the created rebuild Work Order
• Rebuild Work Order - the name of the Work Order created for the replaced Rebuildable
If you specify a replaced rebuildable item, a Work Order generates for the replaced rebuildable
item because it is most likely problematic and you can have it repaired. If a serial number is
provided for the replaced Rebuildable Item, it is removed from the asset's hierarchy and the
configuration history is updated.
If nothing is specified within the Replaced Rebuild Details page, the replaced rebuild defaults
as the same rebuild item that you are issuing. A Work Order is created for the replaced rebuild
15. Select the Details Show/Hide toggle icon.
- Select a Reason for the current issue.
- Select the Date required for the material to the Work Order. Today's date and time
- Enter a Reference.
16. Select the Select check box next to the lines you are issuing to the current Work Order.
17. Choose Issue.

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Chapter 21 - Page 11
Practice - Material Issue Request and Verification
Material issue to Work Orders and returns to Inventory are typical store room functions and are
provided by the Stores tab.
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There are two activities involved in delivering material from stores to a Work Order. First, a
material Issue Request is generated to request the material to a Work Order. This process is
automated upon Work Order release, by selecting a check box in the Enterprise Asset

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Management Parameters. The second activity involves Material Issue Verification, and is
generated when you access the Stores tab and select material for a Work Order, based on
available, unprocessed move orders. A one-step material issue is a substitute for these two
activities; a request is not created.

There are two primary methods used to issue material to a Work Order: One Step Issue and Two
Step Issue. The One Step Issue method is used to issue one-off or ad hoc material to a work
order; this does not involve the prior requesting of material and can execute for both planned and
unplanned material. The Two Step Issue method involves two steps. The first step involves the
maintenance planner or user requesting material from stores, and the second step involves the
stores room person delivering the material to the Work Order.

You can return material to Inventory from a maintenance Work Order. If excess or defective
material is issued to a Work order, it needs to return.

In this practice, you will perform a One-Step Material Issue Request.

• Students log into Oracle with User Name mfg and Password welcome; your instructor
might have a different User Name and Password for you to use

• Students use eAM enabled organization, EM1

• Students replace XX with a unique identifier

• The instructor has completed all guided demonstrations

• You have completed all previous practices

Enabling Material Issue Request

1. Verify that the Enable Material Issue Requests check box is selected, within the Enterprise
Asset Management Parameters window.

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Chapter 21 - Page 12
2. Within the WIP Parameters window, select the Other tab. Select Subinventory from the
Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule List of values.

3. (I) Save

4. Within the Work Orders window, select XX WO 1000.

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5. Select (B) Materials.

6. Select (B) Request All Materials (B) View all Material, (B) One Step Issue and view
material details.

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7. Select One Step Material Issue request and verify.

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Solution – Material Issue Request and Verification
Enabling Material Issue Request

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1. Navigate to the Enterprise Asset Management Parameters window. Verify that the Enable
Material Issue Requests check box is selected.

• (N) Setup > Parameters

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2. Navigate to the WIP Parameters window.

• (N) Setup > WIP > WIP Parameters

3. Select the Other tab. Select Subinventory from the Default Pick Slip Grouping Rule List of

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4. (I) Save

Generate a One Step Material Issue Request

Responsibility = Maintenance Super User, Vision Operations

5. Navigate to the Work Orders window.

• (N) Work Orders > Work Orders

6. Enter Asset number XX-1000.

7. Modify the Start Date to 1 Year Back from the current date.

8. Query work order by clicking Go.

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9. Select work order XX WO 1000. The Work Order Detail displays.

10. Select (B) Materials.


12. Select Request Item, Request All, or One Step Issue to view the Material details.

13. Select One Step Issue and verify.

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Practice - Returning Material To Inventory
Unused material can also be returned to Inventory through the ‘Return to Inventory' process.
Storeroom personnel re-bin the materials after inspection.
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In this practice, you will return some of the Material that you issued using the One Step Material

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• Students log into Oracle with User Name mfg and Password welcome; your instructor
might have a different User Name and Password for you to use

• Students use eAM enabled organization, EM1

• Students replace XX with a unique identifier

• The instructor has completed all guided demonstrations

• You have completed all previous practices

Return Material to Inventory

1. Select the Stores tab.

2. Query for Work Order, XX WO 1000.

3. Select the XX ENGINE OIL 10/40 and enter the following information:
− Qty = 5
− Subinv = XX eAM SUB

4. (B) Return to Inventory

5. Notice the Issued Quantity is now changed.

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Solution – Returning Material to Inventory
Return Material to Inventory

Responsibility = Maintenance Super User, Vision Operations

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1. Select the Stores tab.

• (N) Stores > Return Material To Inventory

2. Query for Work Order, XX WO 1000.

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3. Select the XX ENGINE OIL 10/40 and enter the following information:
− Qty = 5
− Subinv = XX eAM SUB

4. (B) Return to Inventory

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Notice the Issued Quantity is now changed.

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eAM Reports and Processes

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Chapter 22

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eAM Reports and Processes

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eAM Reports
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Activity Cause Report
Use the Activity Cause Report to report on reasons for your assets' failures, reported by
Department, or Asset Number. An Activity Cause is a reason for an asset's failure, for
example, Preventive, Normal Wear, Rework, and Breakdown. This information enables you to
understand the dynamics that affect an asset's ability to perform. They establish critical data
that can be used for reporting and analysis of asset failure causes and the frequency of such
conditions. Asset Cause Codes are referenced when setting up an Activity.
Department Actual Cost Report
Use the Department Actual Cost Report to determine the actual costs charged to an Owning
Department for a specified period of time.
Work Order Cost Report
Use the Work Order Cost Report to determine the costs charged to Work Orders for a specified
period of time, and optionally, a Department range.
EAM Weekly Schedule Report
Use the EAM Weekly Schedule Report to display Work Order details, by specific owning
department, within your crew's calendar week's starting dates. This report includes details, such
as Work Order number, status, work description, start date, operation, department, resources,

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eAM Reports and Processes

Chapter 22 - Page 6
instance, priority, duration, estimated completion date, and the distribution of hours on a
weekly basis.
Load Production Equipment Maintenance Downtime
Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) integrates with Process and Discrete Manufacturing,
enabling your maintenance environment to identify Enterprise Asset Management asset
relationships with production equipment. This feature associates an asset or many assets to the
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production equipment located in an Outside Processing organization. After establishing, you

can view the resource usage (maintenance Work Orders, batches, or FPOs) emanating from
production, associated with a maintainable asset. You can also use the Load Production
Equipment Maintenance Downtime process to view or purge your maintenance production
equipment downtime.

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Maintenance Work Order Detail Report
Use the Maintenance Work Order Detail Report to view and analyze all information related to
a maintenance work order. You can create a report that displays user-defined values. For
example, you can view all unreleased work orders for a specified date range, or see material
requirements for work orders in a specified area. You can filter reporting information
according to work orders, start and end dates, assigned department, work statuses, asset area,
and asset. You can display details on the report, including operations, resources, employees,
materials, direct items, work requests, meters, and attachments.
Material Issue Request Pick List Report
Stocked inventory items may be necessary to perform work on maintenance Work Orders. Use
the Material Issue Request Pick List Report to display all reserved stock for maintenance Work
Orders, so that you can easily retrieve the necessary material.
Retrieve Timecard Data from OTL to EAM
Oracle Time and Labor (OTL) is the repository in which time is entered by employees working
in a particular organization. Employees working on Oracle Enterprise Asset Management
(eAM) Work Orders enter their time using OTL Self-Service. Information collected is stored in
OTL Time Store, and is composed of a series of business rules and processes. eAM extracts
information from the Time Store and charges eAM work orders for the time spent by
employees that work on them.
There are multiple steps within the integration flow. First, timecard information is entered for a
specific Work Order, within Oracle Time Store (a piece of Oracle Time and Labor). That
information is then extracted from Oracle Time Store to Oracle Enterprise Asset Management.
This extraction dynamically creates a resource transaction within Oracle Enterprise Asset
Management. Finally, the Cost Manager process is executed. This process charges the resource
transaction. After this process executes, you can view the actual costs for the period that you
charged, within the Work Order.
The Retrieve Timecard Data from OTL to EAM process is the process that extracts timecard
information, entered within OTL for specific Work Orders, from OTL to eAM.
Simulate Transfer Shop Floor Invoice Variance
You can transfer variances between purchase order price and invoice price, back to a
maintenance work order, from your user-defined, adjustment account. This enables you to
value your maintenance costs at the actual costs.

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You can generate the Simulate Transfer Shop Floor Invoice Variance report to display the
details of each invoice variance and a summary total of the variance amount that may transfer.
The report format is similar to the Shop Floor Invoice Variance Report. You can view this
report to determine whether or not you are executing the variance transfer. You should
complete this task before you run the Shop Floor Invoice Variance Report.
Shop Floor Invoice Variance Report
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You can transfer invoice variances from your specific adjustment account to maintenance work
orders. For each invoice variance transfer processed successfully, you can use the Shop Floor
Invoice Variance Report to view the invoice variance transferred into your maintenance work
orders. This report displays the adjustment account and the summary total amount transferred.
It also displays the detail information for each work order, item, purchase order line, and

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invoice included in the transfer.
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Maintenance Super User > Reports and Processes

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