Midterm For Theories of Crime

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Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna
Tel. No.: (049) 502-2353

(MIDTERM Exam in Theories of Crime Causation)

Name: Mandanas,GabrielN. Day & Time:Octtober 6, 2020

Instructor: Charlette Rama Score : _____________

Directions:Identification test. Write your answer before each number.

Differential indentification theory 1. This theory describes a person, “according to Daniel Glaser,
who pursues criminal behavior to the extent that he identifies himself with real or imaginary
persons from whose perspective his criminal behavior seems acceptable.
______2. It is a method of socioeconomic analysis that views class relations and social conflict
using a materialist interpretation of historical development and takes a dialectical view of social
3. A reflective and coherent type of mental or generalizing thinking about a phenomenon, or
the results of such imagination.
4. They view society as fundamentally a patriarchy in which men dominate and oppress
5. This theory is a field of sociology that focuses on competition and the dynamics of
conflicting interests between different social groups as the fundamental force underpinning culture
and politics.
6. This guides the readiness of finding facts rather than of reaching goals, and are neutral
concerning alternatives among values
Strain theory 7. This theory assumes that people are law-abiding, but under great pressure they
resort to crime.
8. The basis of this theory explains offender motivation to commit a crime as a purposeful
decision with intent of personal gain in the form of ego-boosting incentives such as money, power,
status or learning.
9. It refers to one of the causes of crime theorized by Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso
in the late1800s, and is based in anthropology , and studies the evolution and physiological
differences between criminals and non-criminals, theorizing that some people are born-criminals.
10. This is defined as the breakdown of social disorder as a result of the loss of standards
of values in a society which develops into a modern, urbanized one, and the intimacy needed to
sustain a common set of norms declines.

II. Choose the correct answer.

A 1. Use of free-will in the commission of Crime.
A. Psychological Positivism B. Strain Theory
B 2. A well-confirmed type of explanation of nature of crime.
A. Rational Theory B. Radical Feminists
A 3. We tend to see what we believe.

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A. Liberal Feminism B. Anomie/Normlessness
A 4. Examines relationship between societal influences and crime
A. Structural Factionalism B. Control Theory
B 5. Focuses of women’s ability to maintain their equality through their actions and choices.
A. Overvalued beliefs B. Conflict Theory
B 6. The community encourages those individuals to redefine themselves in accordance with the
community’s definition.
A. Marxists Feminism B. Social Learning Theory
B 7. When a simple society develops into a modern, urbanized one, the intimacy needed to
sustain a common set of norms declines.
A. Sociological Positivism B. Differential Association
A 8. Assumes that people are law-abiding, but under great pressure they resort to crime.
A. Labelling B. Existing Phenomena
B 9. Analyzes criminality as the result of an internal and unavoidable cause versus that of a
controlled decision.
A. Criminal Behavior B. Theory
A10. View society as fundamentally patriarchy in which men dominate and oppress women.
A. Attitude Problem B. Cesare Lombroso

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III.The Theories of Victimization shows the vulnerability of every individual. List down below the
elements in every number the factors to reduce crime. Three (3) points each.

1 2
Lack of capable Motivated offenders

A person who are not

commiting crime


Suitable Targets

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IV- Answer the following.
1. What is Victimology?
victimology is studying victims of crime and what are the effect of crime in the victims
2. Who is the father of victimology?
Benjamin Mendelson
3. What is victimization?
For me the victimization is the study the effect of crime in the victim physical or mental
4-8. Types of general victimology.
-sexual touching
9. In order to lower the chance and vulnerability that one will become the victim of a crime, the
individual should avoid the “bad” areas of town or cities where crime rates are high. True or
10. Lifestyle theories suggest that victims put themselves in danger by engaging in high-risk
activities. True or False.
11. An increase in guardianship as well as time spent at home decreases the ability and
opportunity to commit crime. True or False.
C 12. It refers to the interactions of victims with those who commit crimes against them.
a. Victim precipitation b. Victim facilitation c. Victim initiation
B 13. This theory application is known ___________ and it concerns situation where a victim’s
negligence or carelessness makes them more susceptible to criminal conduct.
a. Victim precipitation b. victim facilitation c. victim initiation
B 14. These are persons who directly sustained injuries and even the immediate caused of his/her
death as a result of the violence inflicted against them.
a. Secondary Victims b. Primary Victims c. Ordinary Victim
B 15. Routine Activity Theory states that in order for a crime to be committed, three specific
criteria must be involved. Which one should not be included?
a. There must be a motivated offender
b. A suitable target
c. Opportunity is blocked
d. The absence of a capable guardian

A 16. When the nervous breakdown is caused by witnessing an actual death of other person, the
victim is considered as _______.
a. Secondary b. Primary c. Direct
A 17. In homicide case where the victim sustained severe head injury, the latter is considered

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a. Secondary Victims b. Primary Victims c. Ordinary Victim
C 18. This refers to a person who suffers panic shock or attack without himself exposed to the
actual danger or encounter in a catastrophe.
a. Secondary Victims b. Primary Victims c. Ordinary Victim
19-20 Benjamin Mendelson has given six types of victims according to the degree of their
contribution guilt in crime. Mention at least two (2) of them.
-Imaginary victims
-Voluntary victims

Good Luck!!!

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